Author Topic: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1  (Read 5207 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2010, 03:53:36 PM »
That's hardly true. If I were to give a simple analogy, it would be similar to those old-school "Choose-your-own-adventure" books. The author of the book knows the outcome, no matter which option the reader takes.

failed analogy, the book writer does not know which option will be chosen nor did he create the person doing the chosing. The author does not know the outcome, because he has to wait for the person to choose, god however, knows the outcome, making choice a veil that the person beleives to exist.

something is wrong with my computer, the quote function wont work and its taking forever for my replies to post. so forgive me if this comes out fugged up.

"One, Lot did that out of cowardice. NOBODY ordered Lot to do so, not his visitors or anyone else.

Two, God didn't ask for any human sacrifice (as far as that silly reference to Jephthah is concerned. In fact, I don't recall the Lord asking him for ANY SACRIFICE, whatsoever).

Three, notwithstanding the debate as to whether the punishment awaiting those who reject the Lord is eternal or not, who exactly says that it's immoral?

It's what I said earlier, without some standard of right or wrong, you have no basis on which to declare something moral vs. immoral. And, neither do these silly Bible critics or "thinking atheists"."

hell is said to be an eternal fire, the pope said so himself recently, he said, "hells fires are real and they are eternal". It is immoral because being punished forever for something that happened once is a gross misconduct, there is no room for recovery, the punishment does not fit the crime a million times over. Also, the crime is petty, not accepting jesus? really, for eternal torture? ya that seems moral to me. But i could rape a baby, kill ten woman, eat three kids then repent and become born again and avoid that fate? ya real moral and rational.I'll have to read up on lot, I have just heard the story being read, and read the story on the internet.

"Listen to what you just said. "The last option would be killing everyone". That means (1) that would be an option, nonetheless and; (2) you've conveniently forgotten the opportunities that Israel had to repent, prior to judgment hitting them.

Again, what happens when Israel (or any other nation) CONTINUES to violate your laws, your covenant, your guidelines that you've established with them, jeopardizing other people's lives, in the process?"

sure there are infinite options if i was all-powerful aren't there? and of the many i can think of killing everyone seems ridiculous especially if you consider god knew the outcome before he created them, how sick is that?

WRT irasel, i would just change there minds, create new rules, move the goalposts, im all powerful am i not? people do that now a days, violate rules, large groups of people do, we don't kill them all, even teh innocent children like god ordered to do. Killing innocent children is terrible no matter what the crimes of the parents. It would be like us hanging sadam husseins daughter alongside him because her father was evil, makes sense, amirite ::)

"IF morality were inborn, you wouldn't have to teach your kids manners. You wouldn't have to teach them ethics or civics."

your going to have to define morality, because manners are not what i consider morals to a point. It is known in psychology that as infants age they gain a sense of right or wrong, this is based on altruism and reciprocity, i know its wrong to punch you in the face for no reason because it hurts, and i wouldn't liked being punched in the face. Thus, random face punching is immoral, however, if you hit me i feel as though i should hit you back, reciprocity at it's finest, works like a charm for almost all moral things. Try one.

"The simple fact is that you MUST do so, else risk having thoroughbred-brats, running amok in your house."

Not sure about that, the environment, school, peers and genetics all play a part in a persons moral fabric. If you have a kid with Borderline personality disorder, ADHD, you are going to have a hard time instilling morals on them, it's the nature vs nuture debate, it's obvious that it is a conglomerate.

"If morality is simply relative, then it's OK if I rob you at gunpoint, as long as I can justify it in my own mind. After all, that "Thou Shalt Not Steal" is so old and outdated by your standards."

didn't say that, strawman, read my example above. I wouldn't rob you at gunpoint because i dont want to be robbed at gunpoint, it would inflict pain on you, decrease my social network, possibly remove me from the group as no one would trust me. This simple explanation trumps your explanation as god as the source of morality. I know this because your god is immoral, he does things that many disagree with, if he was the authority it wouldnt be that way.

"And, should you get married, your wife shouldn't be expected to remain faithful to you in the least. If she wants to screw the poolboy or the mailman, that's fine, per your standards of "movable" morality.""

again,  if she wants a stable income from me, father to her children, a realiable life then why would she do that. Such simple explanations to things you christians seem dumbfounded about. Morality serves an evolutionary purpose, it's obvious I just outlined it three seperate times, i also outlined why killing everyone while knowing everything, and being able to do everything is wrong.

The fact that he had to kill everyone because he was displeased shows me that god is not perfect. He knew the future, yet still carried on then decided he didn't like his work and corrected the MISTAKE. perfection wouldn't make mistakes, so it's either he is sick and likes killing, or is not all powerful and all knowing. I left out the most important option, he doesn't exist, the flood never happened and the bible is fiction.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2010, 05:43:31 PM »
failed analogy, the book writer does not know which option will be chosen nor did he create the person doing the chosing. The author does not know the outcome, because he has to wait for the person to choose, god however, knows the outcome, making choice a veil that the person beleives to exist.

something is wrong with my computer, the quote function wont work and its taking forever for my replies to post. so forgive me if this comes out fugged up.

The analogy wasn't perfect. But it makes the point. Your claim that there's no free will, simple because the created goes against the Creator's wishes makes no sense.

hell is said to be an eternal fire, the pope said so himself recently, he said, "hells fires are real and they are eternal". It is immoral because being punished forever for something that happened once is a gross misconduct, there is no room for recovery, the punishment does not fit the crime a million times over. Also, the crime is petty, not accepting jesus? really, for eternal torture? ya that seems moral to me. But i could rape a baby, kill ten woman, eat three kids then repent and become born again and avoid that fate? ya real moral and rational.I'll have to read up on lot, I have just heard the story being read, and read the story on the internet.

The Pope said so himself....BIG DEAL!! It certainly wouldn't be the first time the Pope (or any other Catholic leader) made a statement which doesn't mesh with Scripture.

As for your rather strange analysis, what exactly makes a crime "petty"? You just claimed that morality is "movable". Therefore, what you just described (rape, killing ten women, eating children) could easily be re-defined as kosher, depending on who's making the rules.

sure there are infinite options if i was all-powerful aren't there? and of the many i can think of killing everyone seems ridiculous especially if you consider god knew the outcome before he created them, how sick is that?

But, you DID NOT leave destroying the Israelites off the table, did you? Again, what happens when you give Israel multiple chances and they continue in their wicked ways?

WRT irasel, i would just change there minds, create new rules, move the goalposts, im all powerful am i not? people do that now a days, violate rules, large groups of people do, we don't kill them all, even teh innocent children like god ordered to do. Killing innocent children is terrible no matter what the crimes of the parents. It would be like us hanging sadam husseins daughter alongside him because her father was evil, makes sense, amirite ::)

If you change their minds, guess what you've just done: Robbed them of their free will. Plus, what's to say that after you "move the goalposts", the Israelites won't continue to disobey you. Remember that the Lord was merciful to them (Moses interceded on their behalf) and they returned His mercy with rebellion.

your going to have to define morality, because manners are not what i consider morals to a point. It is known in psychology that as infants age they gain a sense of right or wrong, this is based on altruism and reciprocity, i know its wrong to punch you in the face for no reason because it hurts, and i wouldn't liked being punched in the face. Thus, random face punching is immoral, however, if you hit me i feel as though i should hit you back, reciprocity at it's finest, works like a charm for almost all moral things. Try one.

Infants don't gain a sense of right and wrong. Their parents TEACH them that sense of right and wrong.

Not sure about that, the environment, school, peers and genetics all play a part in a persons moral fabric. If you have a kid with Borderline personality disorder, ADHD, you are going to have a hard time instilling morals on them, it's the nature vs nuture debate, it's obvious that it is a conglomerate.

Indeed they do. But, ultimately, the parents play the most significant role in the development of their children. In any event, SOMEONE is teaching them right and wrong.

didn't say that, strawman, read my example above. I wouldn't rob you at gunpoint because i dont want to be robbed at gunpoint, it would inflict pain on you, decrease my social network, possibly remove me from the group as no one would trust me. This simple explanation trumps your explanation as god as the source of morality. I know this because your god is immoral, he does things that many disagree with, if he was the authority it wouldnt be that way.

Oh really!! Ask a rapist if he wants to be raped himself. Even robbers don't like having their stuff stolen from them. That however doesn't prevent them from committing their crimes. Even people who cheat on their spouses would trip if they found out their spouses were creeping on them.

So, the idea that people don't do bad things, because they don't want those bad things happening to them doesn't quite wash.

again,  if she wants a stable income from me, father to her children, a realiable life then why would she do that. Such simple explanations to things you christians seem dumbfounded about. Morality serves an evolutionary purpose, it's obvious I just outlined it three seperate times, i also outlined why killing everyone while knowing everything, and being able to do everything is wrong.

For the same reason that anyone else might do such a thing: They're selfish, put themselves above others, and they don't think they'll get caught.

The fact that he had to kill everyone because he was displeased shows me that god is not perfect. He knew the future, yet still carried on then decided he didn't like his work and corrected the MISTAKE. perfection wouldn't make mistakes, so it's either he is sick and likes killing, or is not all powerful and all knowing. I left out the most important option, he doesn't exist, the flood never happened and the bible is fiction.

The fact is that He didn't kill everyone. He offered them grace and an opportunity to repent of their actions. Yes, He knows the future. But, He gives them free will to do what they wish, INCLUDING disobey Him, a concept you don't seem to grasp.

Your claim about the Bible being fiction is almost as laughable as the vidieos you and TA put up, especially since throughout history Bible skeptics have continue to make such claims, only to end up embarassed when historical and archaelogical evidence support Biblical accounts.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2010, 06:18:14 PM »
The analogy wasn't perfect. But it makes the point. Your claim that there's no free will, simple because the created goes against the Creator's wishes makes no sense.

not what i said, read it again, you misunderstand.

Fuck i still cant quote while replying. sorry.

"The Pope said so himself....BIG DEAL!! It certainly wouldn't be the first time the Pope (or any other Catholic leader) made a statement which doesn't mesh with Scripture.

As for your rather strange analysis, what exactly makes a crime "petty"? You just claimed that morality is "movable". Therefore, what you just described (rape, killing ten women, eating children) could easily be re-defined as kosher, depending on who's making the rules."

i believe i stated our sense of right and wrong changes, we have to define morality if we are to continue. It was once right to own slaves, the bible was cool with it, so was god, it is clearly wrong. Why? because i wouldn't like to be a slave and blah blah, just keep using my example and you can pretty much figure out if something is right or wrong.

"But, you DID NOT leave destroying the Israelites off the table, did you? Again, what happens when you give Israel multiple chances and they continue in their wicked ways?"

its an option, of course it is, so is blowing up the universe if im god. I would never kill innocent children.

"If you change their minds, guess what you've just done: Robbed them of their free will. Plus, what's to say that after you "move the goalposts", the Israelites won't continue to disobey you. Remember that the Lord was merciful to them (Moses interceded on their behalf) and they returned His mercy with rebellion."

im not convinced he gave them freewill, how could they have free will if he already knew what they would do? they have the illusion of choice, but its already pre-determined, otherwise god wouldn't know the outcome in advance.

"Infants don't gain a sense of right and wrong. Their parents TEACH them that sense of right and wrong"

this is wrong, science has shown multiple times that as children age they gain a sense of perspective, they gain empathy and act accordingly. Just like they gain object permenance, they gain a sense of "other" and start to reciprocate things and show empathy. parents no doubt help in the process for sure. I geuss the first hominids had no sense of right or wrong until the bible came around right?

"Oh really!! Ask a rapist if he wants to be raped himself. Even robbers don't like having their stuff stolen from them. That however doesn't prevent them from committing their crimes. Even people who cheat on their spouses would trip if they found out their spouses were creeping on them.

So, the idea that people don't do bad things, because they don't want those bad things happening to them doesn't quite wash."

ya it does, works perfectly. Thats why society has deemed it wrong, it would crush our civilization if it were acceptable, of course people will try to break the rules, natural selection is held at bay in our advanced society. we are abit more advanced then hunter gatherers, people dont need each other as much, hence the realms of right and wrong may be shifted.

"The fact is that He didn't kill everyone. He offered them grace and an opportunity to repent of their actions. Yes, He knows the future. But, He gives them free will to do what they wish, INCLUDING disobey Him, a concept you don't seem to grasp.

Your claim about the Bible being fiction is almost as laughable as the vidieos you and TA put up, especially since throughout history Bible skeptics have continue to make such claims, only to end up embarassed when historical and archaelogical evidence support Biblical accounts."

he knew they would disobey then, you dont seem to grasp the concept of knowing the future, or all-knowing. If they suprised him then he can't be considered god. Ya, noahs ark was real, the kodiak bears swam across the atlantic, the canivores didn't eat for the whole trip, noah really was 600 years old ::), there really are talking snakes, people do rise from the dead, dude really lived inside a whale LMAO.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2010, 06:31:46 PM »
not what i said, read it again, you misunderstand.

Fuck i still cant quote while replying. sorry.

Try copying my quote message, replacing my name with yours. That might help.

i believe i stated our sense of right and wrong changes, we have to define morality if we are to continue. It was once right to own slaves, the bible was cool with it, so was god, it is clearly wrong. Why? because i wouldn't like to be a slave and blah blah, just keep using my example and you can pretty much figure out if something is right or wrong.

One, the discussion of Biblical "slavery" was discussed in another thread. So, I won't rehash it here. Nonetheless, I used your examples and they don't work. You can easily justify doing wrong to others without having that wrong done to yourself.

its an option, of course it is, so is blowing up the universe if im god. I would never kill innocent children.

So, what's to be done with them? Either they get assimilated into another culture or they are left to starve and die. Either way, they pay some sort of price for their parents' transgressions.

And, of course, if you're a proponent of modern warfare (i.e. dropping the A-Bomb on Japan), you do so KNOWING that there will be collateral damage.

im not convinced he gave them freewill, how could they have free will if he already knew what they would do? they have the illusion of choice, but its already pre-determined, otherwise god wouldn't know the outcome in advance.

You continue the false premise of free will can only be done, absent of an omniscient being.

this is wrong, science has shown multiple times that as children age they gain a sense of perspective, they gain empathy and act accordingly. Just like they gain object permenance, they gain a sense of "other" and start to reciprocate things and show empathy. parents no doubt help in the process for sure. I geuss the first hominids had no sense of right or wrong until the bible came around right?

Common sense says that children HAVE PARENTS, who teach them what is right and what is wrong. They don't get that on their own. Kids don't raise themselves. They are brought up (for better or worse) by their folks.

ya it does, works perfectly. Thats why society has deemed it wrong, it would crush our civilization if it were acceptable, of course people will try to break the rules, natural selection is held at bay in our advanced society. we are abit more advanced then hunter gatherers, people dont need each other as much, hence the realms of right and wrong may be shifted.

Society answers to a higher power. Case in point, there are plenty of countries that have chattel slavery and commit crimes, similar to the human sacrifices that ancient socieities did. In their "societies", their actions are right. Who are you or anyone else to say that what they're doing is wrong?

he knew they would disobey then, you dont seem to grasp the concept of knowing the future, or all-knowing. If they suprised him then he can't be considered god. Ya, noahs ark was real, the kodiak bears swam across the atlantic, the canivores didn't eat for the whole trip, noah really was 600 years old ::), there really are talking snakes, people do rise from the dead, dude really lived inside a whale LMAO.

Funny!!! I've been doing much the same, regarding the mess you've proposed: Sentient life came from nothing and nowhere, just randomly developed into this critter, that critter, and somehow ended up being man (who, on his own accord, with no guildance whatsoever, determined right and wrong).


  • Getbig III
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2010, 06:53:01 PM »
*LOL*. I'll address the future issue, it seems to be a stumbler. Not to mention, McWay has covered ALL the other points, multiple times.

The future can be altered, eh? For instance, God can look at Necrosis, and say "Necrosis at 10:45p.m. will make a medicated induced, pseudo-logical post, regarding his/her mental condition". Well, God can do two things in this situation.

A. Not interfere with that decision.
B. Change Necrosis mind, therefore altering his/her decision, stripping Necrosis of his/her free will AND ALTERING the future.

However, Necrosis, can ALSO change his/her mind AT 10:44.999999996p.m., thereby altering the future, once again. Difference, being, Necrosis did so by FREE WILL.

First of all just because God CAN know the future, doesn't mean He chooses to do so. He can CHOOSE not to utilize that power, can he not? But, even if God CHOOSES not to restrain from looking into the future, does not mean, God pre-arranged the future. Make sense.



  • Getbig V
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2010, 10:24:31 PM »
*LOL*. I'll address the future issue, it seems to be a stumbler. Not to mention, McWay has covered ALL the other points, multiple times.

The future can be altered, eh? For instance, God can look at Necrosis, and say "Necrosis at 10:45p.m. will make a medicated induced, pseudo-logical post, regarding his/her mental condition". Well, God can do two things in this situation.

A. Not interfere with that decision.
B. Change Necrosis mind, therefore altering his/her decision, stripping Necrosis of his/her free will AND ALTERING the future.

However, Necrosis, can ALSO change his/her mind AT 10:44.999999996p.m., thereby altering the future, once again. Difference, being, Necrosis did so by FREE WILL.

First of all just because God CAN know the future, doesn't mean He chooses to do so. He can CHOOSE not to utilize that power, can he not? But, even if God CHOOSES not to restrain from looking into the future, does not mean, God pre-arranged the future. Make sense.


so what your saying is that god may not know the future, that what i do because of free will is completely new to him? If you know the future that indicates you know the outcome, what will happen, regardless of the choice, the choice is an illusion. Sure he could suspend his power i geuss, i dont know, we are speculating completely. The only way we have free will is if god suspends his power to see the future, this is a branch of theology, the name escapes me now.

My posts are 100% logical, read them again if you are having trouble keeping up. It's one way or the other. He knows the future or does not, or the speculation that he can inhibit himself. If he inhibits himself or does not know the future then him having to kill everyone in the flood, along with other things like miracles indicates a mistake. This admittance indicates that he is not perfect, as perfect beings wouldn't make mistakes, perfection doesn't have the capacity for being imperfect, it's completely illogical in fact.

"Necrosis at 10:45p.m. will make a medicated induced, pseudo-logical post, regarding his/her mental condition". = win, this actually had me laughing ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2010, 10:28:44 PM »
Try copying my quote message, replacing my name with yours. That might help.

Funny!!! I've been doing much the same, regarding the mess you've proposed: Sentient life came from nothing and nowhere, just randomly developed into this critter, that critter, and somehow ended up being man (who, on his own accord, with no guildance whatsoever, determined right and wrong).

i know how to quote, the function isn't working, didn't think of doing that. thanks.

The bottom paragraph is a gross misrepresentation of something, or what i don't know. Who says life came from nothing? that nothing ever existed, that things are random. It's almost like your saying, all this is to complex for me to understand so god did it. Perhaps studying some cosmology would clear things up for you, i have already shown multiple examples of speciation or micro evolution. It's a fact, why do you deny it so vehemently? why not go where the evidence leads us?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2010, 10:42:36 PM »

First of all just because God CAN know the future, doesn't mean He chooses to do so. He can CHOOSE not to utilize that power, can he not? But, even if God CHOOSES not to restrain from looking into the future, does not mean, God pre-arranged the future. Make sense.


OMG, logic fail in full effect. How many unfounded assumptions can one make into something that is unknown?

usually arguments progress on axioms that are self evident. Fucking alpha and omega, beginning and the end, he just doesn't know what happens to get to that end. He lives in eternity, what ever the fuck that means, and does things there like create the universe, wait? how can something act in eternity, thats a temporal term, fuck it lets just go with it, where did he get the universe material? he made it from nothing........gasp. He is benevolent, but he created this spot for you to burn FOREVER because he loves you. He is so powerful that he can stop his own power which is without bound, wait, fuck it lets roll with it. He is all-knowing, unless he chooses not to know, but wait doesn't that mean he doesn't know something, fuck it, for the sake of saving face we won't acknowledge the logical hiccups along the way lets just obsfurcate the argument with strawmen and false accusations, so everything came from nothing then, just randomly, no purpose or nothing, then monkeys fell out of trees and had a human baby.

this is your template. It's hilarious to see the responses you guys think are rational, i don't want there not to be a god, but it doesn't make anysense, perhaps it's not suppose to but to defend some of this shit is too funny.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2010, 08:19:38 AM »
OMG, logic fail in full effect. How many unfounded assumptions can one make into something that is unknown?

usually arguments progress on axioms that are self evident. Fucking alpha and omega, beginning and the end, he just doesn't know what happens to get to that end. He lives in eternity, what ever the fuck that means, and does things there like create the universe, wait? how can something act in eternity, thats a temporal term, fuck it lets just go with it, where did he get the universe material? he made it from nothing........gasp. He is benevolent, but he created this spot for you to burn FOREVER because he loves you. He is so powerful that he can stop his own power which is without bound, wait, fuck it lets roll with it. He is all-knowing, unless he chooses not to know, but wait doesn't that mean he doesn't know something, fuck it, for the sake of saving face we won't acknowledge the logical hiccups along the way lets just obsfurcate the argument with strawmen and false accusations, so everything came from nothing then, just randomly, no purpose or nothing, then monkeys fell out of trees and had a human baby.

this is your template. It's hilarious to see the responses you guys think are rational, i don't want there not to be a god, but it doesn't make anysense, perhaps it's not suppose to but to defend some of this shit is too funny.

Huh? God can't choose?  ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2010, 09:35:10 AM »

Huh? God can't choose?  ::)

read my post, it's not logical. If you claim he is all powerful, how can he negate his powers? wouldn't that make him not all-powerful. Your arguments are a maze of circular logic. To move forward you need to define the attributes of your god, so we can have a meaningful discussion, because you don't see to get the point. Its like asking whats outside the universe, what happened before time, or where does infinite end. They are paradoxes that make no sense. Just like an all powerful being who can sometimes not be all powerful.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2010, 02:31:00 PM »
read my post, it's not logical. If you claim he is all powerful, how can he negate his powers? wouldn't that make him not all-powerful.

*sigh*. I guess I'll entertain this, AGAIN. First of all, I don't claim anything. God does. So, if I could bench 1000lbs, RAW, ANYTIME of the DAY,YEAR,WEEK could I CHOOSE NOT TO bench that same weight at some time? If I did make this decision, would it mean, I'm NOT ALL powerful on the bench press?   :'(

Your arguments are a maze of circular logic.

I'm pretty sure this is a typo! Dismissed!

To move forward you need to define the attributes of your god, so we can have a meaningful discussion.

Work in progress! First, we have to get past 101 Bible class! Hang in there, there is still HOPE!



  • Getbig V
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #36 on: February 28, 2010, 09:37:34 PM »
*sigh*. I guess I'll entertain this, AGAIN. First of all, I don't claim anything. God does. So, if I could bench 1000lbs, RAW, ANYTIME of the DAY,YEAR,WEEK could I CHOOSE NOT TO bench that same weight at some time? If I did make this decision, would it mean, I'm NOT ALL powerful on the bench press?   :'(

I'm pretty sure this is a typo! Dismissed!

Work in progress! First, we have to get past 101 Bible class! Hang in there, there is still HOPE!


1. yes, how can something be all powerful, yet negate the power. It doesn't follow
2. you're, i don't care about grammar, nor spell check unlike some people. If i took the time to proof read i'm sure they would be fine,until then move along.
3. i would never study the bible, why would i? It contains nothing i can't get from daily living, nor any wisdom that hasn't been shit out in other religions, ideologies and philosophies.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #37 on: February 28, 2010, 10:00:56 PM »
1. yes, how can something be all powerful, yet negate the power. It doesn't follow
2. you're, i don't care about grammar, nor spell check unlike some people. If i took the time to proof read i'm sure they would be fine,until then move along.
3. i would never study the bible, why would i? It contains nothing i can't get from daily living, nor any wisdom that hasn't been shit out in other religions, ideologies and philosophies.

*sigh*. You just need a flat out basic logic and reasoning class. What CAN'T God do? Come on "genius". There is an answer! What's with 1,2, 3 b.s.? It's a SIMPLE Simon, answer, you numnut. this is getting aggravating!.

McWay, go ahead and tell em. Please, this guy/gal is worse than all! *LOL*. I think you are doing rec. drugs as well.



  • Getbig V
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #38 on: March 01, 2010, 03:22:59 PM »
*sigh*. You just need a flat out basic logic and reasoning class. What CAN'T God do? Come on "genius". There is an answer! What's with 1,2, 3 b.s.? It's a SIMPLE Simon, answer, you numnut. this is getting aggravating!.

McWay, go ahead and tell em. Please, this guy/gal is worse than all! *LOL*. I think you are doing rec. drugs as well.


1.well what type of answer are you looking for?  a theological one or a answer based on the bible, wrt to both you are wrong,you don't even know the bible.

2.Stella provided to answers, so how is there one? are you getting tired of this beating yet?

3. he can't be omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent all at the same time, besides the other provided examples if he is all loving (benevolent, which the bible claims he is in the bible) then he cannot perform evil acts, or things that are not altruistic, negating his omnipotence, easy enough huh? You want more things your god cannot do? shit, heal an amputee was a good one in my book, but thats to practical and obvious, but the above argument should shit on your notion of what can't god do.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #39 on: March 02, 2010, 02:04:42 PM »
1.well what type of answer are you looking for?  a theological one or a answer based on the bible, wrt to both you are wrong,you don't even know the bible.

2.Stella provided to answers, so how is there one? are you getting tired of this beating yet?

3. he can't be omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent all at the same time, besides the other provided examples if he is all loving (benevolent, which the bible claims he is in the bible) then he cannot perform evil acts, or things that are not altruistic, negating his omnipotence, easy enough huh? You want more things your god cannot do? shit, heal an amputee was a good one in my book, but thats to practical and obvious, but the above argument should shit on your notion of what can't god do.

Refereed to the "What can't God do".



  • Getbig V
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #40 on: March 03, 2010, 02:50:57 PM »

Refereed to the "What can't God do".


aka dodge, dodge, dodge confuse, redirect, annoy.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The BIBLE for BEGINNERS-Part 1
« Reply #41 on: March 05, 2010, 07:51:09 AM »
well thankgod more christians dont read the bible

look what happened to muslims that read the koran!

same god both these people yanno
carpe` vaginum!