Author Topic: Police State - Official Thread  (Read 1019201 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4875 on: May 13, 2020, 01:36:45 AM »

Holy F

Sentenced to death and remained in prison for a combined 100+ years... No amount of money can bring back the years these men lost. The cops who were involved in this injustice will not pay a penny out of their own pockets and of course will not spend the rest of their life in prison, let alone get sentenced to death like these poor men.

Cleveland men reach $18 million settlement after being wrongfully convicted, spending years in prison

Three Cleveland men have reportedly reached an $18 million settlement in a lawsuit against the City of Cleveland and former detectives.

According to a press release from attorneys Friedman and Gilbert, the lawsuit was for police misconduct and wrongful imprisonment. They said it puts an end to a 45-year “nightmare.”

According to the release, Kwame Ajamu, formerly known as Ronnie Bridgeman; Wiley Bridgeman; and, Ricky Jackson were wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for a combined 100-plus years for “a murder they did not commit.”

The men were convicted on the testimony of a witness who was 12 years old in 1975 at the time of the murder. That witness, Edward Vernon, has since recanted, saying he was pressured by police into making the identifications.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4876 on: May 13, 2020, 01:25:21 PM »
Supreme Court Justices Are Considering 13 Petitions Involving the Pernicious Doctrine of Qualified Immunity

Based on an erroneous report of a "domestic assault," police officers came to rescue Melanie Kelsay from the man who supposedly was attacking her at a community swimming pool in Wymore, Nebraska. Then one of them actually assaulted her, lifting the 130-pound woman off the ground in a bear hug and throwing her to the ground, breaking her collarbone and knocking her unconscious, because she disobeyed his command to "get back here."

Last year, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit ruled that the assault did not violate Kelsay's "clearly established" Fourth Amendment rights, meaning she could not sue the sheriff's deputy who had injured her. Kelsay's appeal of that decision is one of 13 cases involving "qualified immunity" that the U.S. Supreme Court will consider for review on Friday, giving the justices ample opportunity to revisit a misbegotten doctrine that shields police officers from liability for egregious misconduct.

Qualified immunity, which the Court invented in 1982, is supposed to protect government officials from the chilling effect of frivolous lawsuits under a federal statute that allows people to seek damages for violations of their constitutional rights. But in practice, the doctrine often means that victims like Kelsay cannot pursue their claims unless they can locate a precedent that closely matches the facts of their case.

In a recent analysis of 252 excessive-force cases decided by federal appeals courts from 2015 through 2019, Reuters found that most of the lawsuits were blocked by qualified immunity. It also found that the share of cases decided in favor of police has risen during the last decade and a half, from 44% in 2005-07 to 57% in 2017-19.

After 2009, when the Supreme Court said judges could grant police qualified immunity without deciding whether their actions were unconstitutional, that shortcut became increasingly common, making it even harder for victims of police abuse to find apposite precedents. As 5th Circuit Judge Don Willett has observed, "important constitutional questions go unanswered precisely because those questions are yet unanswered."

Hard as it may be to believe, those questions include whether police in Idaho violated the Constitution when they wrecked a woman's home with tear gas grenades after she gave them permission to "get inside" so they could arrest her boyfriend (who was not actually there). While musing that getting inside could be construed to include firing toxic, destructive projectiles into the house, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit last year declined to decide whether that would be "reasonable" under the Fourth Amendment.

That ruling, which the Supreme Court also has been asked to review, not only left the plaintiff without recourse; it gave other police officers license to do exactly the same thing, since the 9th Circuit approved qualified immunity without resolving the constitutional issue. So did the 6th Circuit in a 2018 case involving a Nashville officer who sicced a police dog on a burglary suspect who said he had already surrendered and was sitting on the ground with his hands up.

Another petition the justices are mulling this week involves a Georgia sheriff's deputy who received qualified immunity after he shot a 10-year-old boy while trying to kill his dog. Neither the boy nor the dog had done anything to justify the use of lethal force, except that they happened to be in their own yard when the cops chased an unarmed suspect into it.

Further fodder for the Supreme Court's potential reconsideration of qualified immunity: The Fresno cops who allegedly stole cash and property worth more than $225,000 while executing a search warrant. Although the officers should have understood that theft was "morally wrong," the 9th Circuit ruled last year, "they did not have clear notice that it violated the Fourth Amendment."

Qualified immunity, by contrast, definitely gives police clear notice. It tells them they can get away with violating people's rights as long as they find new ways to do it.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4877 on: May 13, 2020, 11:11:24 PM »
Remember the coward? With the cop union's help not only is he reinstated but he will not be disciplined and receive back pay. Unfortunately, it pays to be a coward with a badge (in his own words, he was "terrified with fear").

Metro officer wins case, reinstated after waiting in hallway during 1 October mass shooting

A Metro Police officer who was fired for hesitating and not acting during the 1 October mass shooting has been reinstated.

Steve Grammas, Las Vegas Police Protective Association president, said Officer Cordell Hendrex won his case and will get back to work with Metro once he completes paperwork. He also noted Hendrex will not be disciplined and will receive back pay.

Another coward is reinstated...

Note, this is not the original Coward of Broward, the cop assigned to the school, this was the first supervisor to arrive on the scene.

"Tough guys" when abusing the elderly, the frail, the innocent and the defenseless but cowering in fear when faced with real threat and having to do their job and "serve and protect".

Cop who was fired after Parkland shooting will get his job back

A sheriff’s sergeant who was fired for sitting in his parked car while a gunman slaughtered students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School will get his job back.

An arbitrator has dismissed the case against Brian Miller. According to a statement from the union that represents deputies and sergeants, the arbitrator’s ruling found that the Broward County Sheriff’s Office violated Miller’s due process rights when Sheriff Gregory Tony terminated him.

Miller will receive back pay since his termination in June, 16 months after the school shooting in Parkland. He was paid more than $137,000 a year in 2018.

Miller was the first supervisor on the scene. He arrived in time to hear three or four shots. As a supervisor, he didn’t rush to take command. Instead, a state commission investigating the shooting found that Miller took his time putting on a bulletproof vest and hid behind his car on Holmberg Road, not going on the radio for 10 minutes.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4879 on: May 15, 2020, 12:07:45 PM »
May 15, 2020
Police State Dry Run a Huge Success
By Carol Brown

When the coronavirus landed on our shores, communist China came with it.

We have become part of a mass scale human experiment in government control and it turned out that stripping away our freedom wasn’t all that difficult. Under the guise of concern for our health and well-being, tyrants came out of the woodwork.  Our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our lives are being destroyed as the left solidifies and expands their oppressive powers. We’ve been herded around like cattle, threatened, isolated, confined, silenced, and arrested. You name it, it’s happening.

You tell me if what follows sounds like the United States, or China.

We’ve been told who can work and who can’t, with language that separates us according to who is and who isn’t “essential” as the almighty State supersedes individual rights and the family unit.

We’ve been physically and verbally harassed, threatened, fined, detained, arrested, jailed, and/or placed in forced quarantine. Business licenses have been revoked. Going to work without the permission of the government is now a crime. So is going to the park or a beach. Children playing together is also in defiance of the government. So is placing flags on the graves of veterans. The list of infractions goes on and on and on and on. Examples read like the manifesto of a demented madman. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


A talking drone warns Savannah, GA residents to maintain social distancing  (YouTube screen grab)

Stay home. Do not go out. Do not earn money. Do not pay your bills, feed your family, maintain your credit rating, live your life. Do not make a single move without permission from the State or you will be punished.

Do not dare go to church. They have been shut down, some threatened with permanent closure. Even services that maintained social distancing were not tolerated. (here, here, here, here, here)

Religion cannot thrive in a totalitarian state, as the state must reign supreme.

Meanwhile, as churches are closed, jails are opened -- criminals are released en masse, including child predators, rapists, and murderers. Prisoners, wise to the ruse, are now intentionally infecting themselves so they can be released early. And the left can’t get enough of it. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

In several places, our right to protest has been stripped away as has our right to promote protests. Tech tyrants are involved, shutting down social media for those trying to spread the word about peaceful gatherings. The Bill of Rights has been set on fire and tossed off the top of a skyscraper as a police state rushes in. (here, here, here, here, here, here)

We’ve been subjected to inhumane separations, as the oldest among us are left to suffer alone in nursing homes, senior care facilities, and hospitals where there is often an impenetrable wall of secrecy surrounding patients.

Meanwhile, “contact tracing” has become the next frontier to advance the police state as fascist tech gets in on the act, tracking our every move. The government will hunt you down, find you, and force you and other members of your household to stay in your home, even if there’s no food in the house. The quarantine cycle could leave an entire household locked up for weeks and weeks on end, with no end in sight as we are essentially placed under house arrest. Strategies for how to identify people who’ve met certain criteria have been discussed, including government issued armbands. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

To help the government keep us in line, we’ve been encouraged to snitch on our neighbors and hotlines have been set up for us to do just that. (here, here, here, here, here)

And in keeping with the good for me, but not for thee reality of all oppressive regimes, many prominent leftists have broken their own rules so they could meet their lover, go golfing, take a walk with their family, get a haircut, and so on, all the while pointing their fingers and admonishing us little people to stay inside and do as we’re told. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

For the most part, law enforcement has been willing to follow these tyrannical orders, often with multiple officers arriving on the scene.

As for the American Civil Liberties Union, not only are they missing in action, they’re part of the cabal of tyrants with upside down values, evidenced by the message featured on their home page which states their priorities as follows:

“…protect voting rights, demand that vulnerable people in prisons, jails and immigration detention centers be released, and fight to ensure reproductive health care remains open and accessible to all who need it…”

In other words, voter fraud, prisoner release, illegal invader released, and abortion. (here)

All of this unfolds against the backdrop of an aggressive media campaign to parrot China’s talking points, replete with lavish praise for the communist regime that waged war against the entire world. There’s been a cascade of fools eager to align themselves with WHO and China, including many prominent individuals. The rush to embrace our enemies has resulted in silencing speech, as words such as “Wuhan flu” are deemed “hate speech.” Punishment to be determined. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

And while the lust for power underpins this shocking spectacle, it’s wrapped up in the guise of “safety.” Who could possibly question a doctor in a white coat touting such an idea? No good totalitarian regime would be without its idealized worldview to sell fools down the river.

And so we’ve sailed, as our economy has collapsed, Americans have been controlled, law enforcement has complied, and people are bombarded with fearful messages every hour of every day – messages riddled with distorted information and lies, from bogus models to inflated mortality rates and everything in between, all of which serve to strengthen the left’s case against Trump while corrupt hospital administrators rake in money from cooking the books on cause of death. But perhaps more than that, it’s easier to control people who feel desperate and afraid. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

An exhausted and increasingly impoverished populace does not a healthy nation make. In fact, if you think this is bad, what could await is even more terrifying. As Dennis Praeger wrote in March:

…Economic disasters rarely remain only economic disasters. To give a particularly dramatic example, the Nazis came to power because of economics more than any other single reason…Nazi success at the polls was almost entirely related to the Weimar economy. Communist parties don’t fare well in robust economies, but they’re very tempting when people are in dire economic straits. Only God knows what economic dislocation the shutting down of American and other Western economies will lead to. I am not predicting a Nazi or communist ascendancy, but economic and political disaster may be as likely, or even more likely, than a health disaster.

It is quite apparent by now that even if the most horrific scenario as described above does not unfold, we have already sealed our fate with respect to a disaster of monumental proportions that runs the gamut from increased drug and alcohol addiction, increased domestic violence, suicide, and avoidance of medical care, among other concerns. Tragically, the things that put human beings at risk for many of these dire outcomes are the very things that are being thrust upon us: unemployment and isolation. At the same time, one of the most powerful forces that serves as a protective factor offering comfort and hope has been denied us, as Americans have been barred from attending church.  (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

As for the oft-cited idea that we are at war with an invisible enemy, I would say, no, we are not. When nations go to war, they do so to defend their culture and way of life. Instead, we are destroying ours.

But there is a war being waged. The left is determined to take this nation down and the perfect time arrived to go in for the kill. Maximum suffering, pain, and destruction is on the menu and they’re serving it up every day as they plunge small towns, cities, counties, and states into protracted lockdowns and shifting goalposts.

The scale of human suffering and the long-term effects of this are incalculable. They will not be seasonal, like a virus. They will be long-lasting. And the left cares not a bit.

There is one thing and one thing only they desire: power. And they’re having at it. So far, the police state has been a wild success.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4880 on: May 15, 2020, 06:13:30 PM »
May 15, 2020
Police State Dry Run a Huge Success
By Carol Brown

When the coronavirus landed on our shores, communist China came with it.

We have become part of a mass scale human experiment in government control and it turned out that stripping away our freedom wasn’t all that difficult. Under the guise of concern for our health and well-being, tyrants came out of the woodwork.  Our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our lives are being destroyed as the left solidifies and expands their oppressive powers. We’ve been herded around like cattle, threatened, isolated, confined, silenced, and arrested. You name it, it’s happening.

You tell me if what follows sounds like the United States, or China.

We’ve been told who can work and who can’t, with language that separates us according to who is and who isn’t “essential” as the almighty State supersedes individual rights and the family unit.

We’ve been physically and verbally harassed, threatened, fined, detained, arrested, jailed, and/or placed in forced quarantine. Business licenses have been revoked. Going to work without the permission of the government is now a crime. So is going to the park or a beach. Children playing together is also in defiance of the government. So is placing flags on the graves of veterans. The list of infractions goes on and on and on and on. Examples read like the manifesto of a demented madman. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)


A talking drone warns Savannah, GA residents to maintain social distancing  (YouTube screen grab)

Stay home. Do not go out. Do not earn money. Do not pay your bills, feed your family, maintain your credit rating, live your life. Do not make a single move without permission from the State or you will be punished.

Do not dare go to church. They have been shut down, some threatened with permanent closure. Even services that maintained social distancing were not tolerated. (here, here, here, here, here)

Religion cannot thrive in a totalitarian state, as the state must reign supreme.

Meanwhile, as churches are closed, jails are opened -- criminals are released en masse, including child predators, rapists, and murderers. Prisoners, wise to the ruse, are now intentionally infecting themselves so they can be released early. And the left can’t get enough of it. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

In several places, our right to protest has been stripped away as has our right to promote protests. Tech tyrants are involved, shutting down social media for those trying to spread the word about peaceful gatherings. The Bill of Rights has been set on fire and tossed off the top of a skyscraper as a police state rushes in. (here, here, here, here, here, here)

We’ve been subjected to inhumane separations, as the oldest among us are left to suffer alone in nursing homes, senior care facilities, and hospitals where there is often an impenetrable wall of secrecy surrounding patients.

Meanwhile, “contact tracing” has become the next frontier to advance the police state as fascist tech gets in on the act, tracking our every move. The government will hunt you down, find you, and force you and other members of your household to stay in your home, even if there’s no food in the house. The quarantine cycle could leave an entire household locked up for weeks and weeks on end, with no end in sight as we are essentially placed under house arrest. Strategies for how to identify people who’ve met certain criteria have been discussed, including government issued armbands. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

To help the government keep us in line, we’ve been encouraged to snitch on our neighbors and hotlines have been set up for us to do just that. (here, here, here, here, here)

And in keeping with the good for me, but not for thee reality of all oppressive regimes, many prominent leftists have broken their own rules so they could meet their lover, go golfing, take a walk with their family, get a haircut, and so on, all the while pointing their fingers and admonishing us little people to stay inside and do as we’re told. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

For the most part, law enforcement has been willing to follow these tyrannical orders, often with multiple officers arriving on the scene.

As for the American Civil Liberties Union, not only are they missing in action, they’re part of the cabal of tyrants with upside down values, evidenced by the message featured on their home page which states their priorities as follows:

“…protect voting rights, demand that vulnerable people in prisons, jails and immigration detention centers be released, and fight to ensure reproductive health care remains open and accessible to all who need it…”

In other words, voter fraud, prisoner release, illegal invader released, and abortion. (here)

All of this unfolds against the backdrop of an aggressive media campaign to parrot China’s talking points, replete with lavish praise for the communist regime that waged war against the entire world. There’s been a cascade of fools eager to align themselves with WHO and China, including many prominent individuals. The rush to embrace our enemies has resulted in silencing speech, as words such as “Wuhan flu” are deemed “hate speech.” Punishment to be determined. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

And while the lust for power underpins this shocking spectacle, it’s wrapped up in the guise of “safety.” Who could possibly question a doctor in a white coat touting such an idea? No good totalitarian regime would be without its idealized worldview to sell fools down the river.

And so we’ve sailed, as our economy has collapsed, Americans have been controlled, law enforcement has complied, and people are bombarded with fearful messages every hour of every day – messages riddled with distorted information and lies, from bogus models to inflated mortality rates and everything in between, all of which serve to strengthen the left’s case against Trump while corrupt hospital administrators rake in money from cooking the books on cause of death. But perhaps more than that, it’s easier to control people who feel desperate and afraid. (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

An exhausted and increasingly impoverished populace does not a healthy nation make. In fact, if you think this is bad, what could await is even more terrifying. As Dennis Praeger wrote in March:

…Economic disasters rarely remain only economic disasters. To give a particularly dramatic example, the Nazis came to power because of economics more than any other single reason…Nazi success at the polls was almost entirely related to the Weimar economy. Communist parties don’t fare well in robust economies, but they’re very tempting when people are in dire economic straits. Only God knows what economic dislocation the shutting down of American and other Western economies will lead to. I am not predicting a Nazi or communist ascendancy, but economic and political disaster may be as likely, or even more likely, than a health disaster.

It is quite apparent by now that even if the most horrific scenario as described above does not unfold, we have already sealed our fate with respect to a disaster of monumental proportions that runs the gamut from increased drug and alcohol addiction, increased domestic violence, suicide, and avoidance of medical care, among other concerns. Tragically, the things that put human beings at risk for many of these dire outcomes are the very things that are being thrust upon us: unemployment and isolation. At the same time, one of the most powerful forces that serves as a protective factor offering comfort and hope has been denied us, as Americans have been barred from attending church.  (here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here)

As for the oft-cited idea that we are at war with an invisible enemy, I would say, no, we are not. When nations go to war, they do so to defend their culture and way of life. Instead, we are destroying ours.

But there is a war being waged. The left is determined to take this nation down and the perfect time arrived to go in for the kill. Maximum suffering, pain, and destruction is on the menu and they’re serving it up every day as they plunge small towns, cities, counties, and states into protracted lockdowns and shifting goalposts.

The scale of human suffering and the long-term effects of this are incalculable. They will not be seasonal, like a virus. They will be long-lasting. And the left cares not a bit.

There is one thing and one thing only they desire: power. And they’re having at it. So far, the police state has been a wild success.

Very accurate - This will be used again & again Now it’s Been tested & worked so Well.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4881 on: May 16, 2020, 02:20:50 PM »
Another one of the "finest" people. How many others like him?

Prosecutors review 50 murder convictions of men allegedly framed by cop

Chicago prosecutors are reviewing more than 50 murder convictions of mainly Latino men who may have been framed by one detective decades ago.

The cases were all handled by now-retired Det. Reynaldo Guevara in the 1980s and 90s. The move by the Cook County State Attorney could mean a mass exoneration in one of the biggest police scandals in US history, Buzzfeed News reported.

At least 20 men have been cleared in Guevara-led murder cases, and another 14 are still in prison while their cases have been reopened. More than a dozen others have completed their sentences, but their records could be wiped clean.

Cook County Conviction Integrity Unit officials asked lawyers to provide names and case numbers of people who’ve been convicted of crimes investigated by Guevara, according to a letter sent this week to criminal defense attorneys, advocates for the wrongfully convicted, and public defenders across Chicago.

Guevara allegedly beat people into making false confessions, or intimidated witnesses to make fake statements stating they were at murder scenes when they were not, according to those convicted and their advocates, Buzzfeed reported.

Guevara is also alleged to have told witnesses who to select from police lineups. He hasn’t been charged with a crime.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4882 on: May 16, 2020, 02:33:07 PM »
The use of drug sniffing dogs is questionable, yet they are still used widely and without any hesitation despite the problems with false positives or handlers eliciting desired responses.

Federal Court Says Every Drug Dog In Utah Is Unreliable

For as long as people have been driving, cops have been imagining reasons to pull them over and coerce them into "voluntary" searches. The Supreme Court's Rodriguez decision (sort of) put an end to extended stops -- the ones that start with a perceived violation that's dragged out until a drug dog arrives. Unfortunately, that decision only removed part of the equation. The Supreme Court's Heien decision made it possible for cops to rely entirely on pretext to engage in fishing expeditions by saying cops only had to think they witnessed a traffic violation, rather than actually be accurate about the laws they're tasked with enforcing.

Cops are still trying to bring drug dogs to routine traffic stops. The Rodriguez decision is generally taken to mean cops just need to be quicker about rustling up a K-9 unit. Cops love drug dogs because they allow cops to perform the warrantless searches they want to perform. The drug dog's handler can call literally any movement by the dog an "alert," turning normal dog behavior into "probable cause" for a search. It doesn't help that the dogs are rewarded for every alert and given no positive reinforcement for failing to find anything interesting.

Courts have historically been willing to cut drug dogs as much slack as they cut their law enforcement officer handlers. Subjective interpretations of anything an animal does to please its master is considered close enough to Fourth Amendment compliance to justify warrantless searches. Every so often, a court will question the reliability of the dog or the intent of its handler, but those are anomalies.

This case, via, is an amazing anomaly. Not only did the court choose to hear from experts on drug dog training and handling, it actually went so far as to call into question the reliability of every drug dog in the state.

From the Court order:

The court finds, based on the testimony of Dr. Cablk and the records before it, that Utah POST Training inadequately addresses, and therefore fails to remove the risk of, inadvertent handler bias or cuing. Specifically, Utah POST’s failure to implement double-blind training raises questions as to the independence of its K9s and casts doubt as to whether the K9s are alerting or indicating because they actually detect the odor of narcotics or because they have learned that displaying such action is the best way to please their masters. This doubt is not allayed by Utah POST’s certification process, as the final test that a K9 must pass in order to be certified is not even performed single-blind. As such, the K9’s handler in the exam, who is the same officer who has worked with the K9 for months and has a clear interest in having his K9 be certified, knows exactly how many hides will be present in the exam and can therefore continue to search until the K9 finds them all. Such an examination does not reflect a real-world setting and does not, therefore, indicate that a passing K9 can reliably detect, and communicate his detection of, narcotics in the field.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4883 on: May 16, 2020, 03:31:58 PM »

How can anyone defend this?

Dude was looking for trouble, but the male PO lost control.  Heck, he nearly clocked his partner.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4884 on: May 18, 2020, 01:03:48 AM »
Quite reassuring to know that when you are blackmailed you can go to the cops and instead of receiving help, the cops keep the blackmailing material for their own sick enjoyment and brag about it to their buddies. Of course other cops who either saw the blackmailing material or knew about it didn't report it. So much for the magical "self policing" cops who supposedly report any police misconduct before even the citizens do.
Tragically, despite the pleas for help this young woman made were not taken seriously and she was being bounced from one place to another until she was murdered just a few days after she went to the police.
The University and the cops failed this young woman in the worst possible way.

University of Utah police officer showed off explicit photos of Lauren McCluskey to his co-worker

Lauren McCluskey explained to the officer at the University of Utah that she was being extorted over explicit photos she had taken of herself. Someone — she wasn’t certain who at that moment — had accessed her files and was threatening to release them if she didn’t hand over $1,000.

Scared by the demand, she paid the money and then sent copies of the messages and the pictures to the campus police department as evidence.

When Miguel Deras, one of the officers assigned to her case, received them, he saved the photos on his personal phone. And days before McCluskey was killed by the man who was blackmailing her, Deras showed off at least one of the images to a male co-worker and bragged about getting to look at them whenever he wanted, according to two fellow officers.

The university has only now confirmed that display occurred — a year and a half after McCluskey first brought her concerns to the department — as part of a continued push by The Salt Lake Tribune to obtain public records on how the case was handled. The U. spoke to the officer who was shown the pictures by Deras and verified the action with him. The Tribune also substantiated it with another officer, who overheard Deras talking to that co-worker.

Neither officer reported the incident at the time, and Deras was never disciplined for it.

In fact, the university says it didn’t know about the inappropriate behavior and abuse of evidence until after Deras left the department in September 2019, though it occurred before McCluskey’s murder on Oct. 22, 2018.

Logan police announced an internal affairs investigation into Officer Miguel Deras in reaction to this article.

More information on this tragic case:

Her friends warned dorm staff; she kept calling police. But risks went unrecognized before the slaying of Utah student Lauren McCluskey.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4885 on: May 18, 2020, 01:07:44 PM »
You often see the government and the cops pontificate from a moral pulpit about the ills of human trafficking and prostitution and how the "Johns" are not only committing the crime of getting a handjob but also actively contributing to human trafficking. It appears that from the government's perspective, it's only illegal when "Johns" do it but perfectly legal when the government does it.

Not only that but after the government goons pay for and receive the handjob they arrest the women, some of of whom may be trafficking victims. And since old habits die hard, they "seized" stole money despite many of the cases being dismissed.

ICE Agents Fight Sex Trafficking by Paying Potential Victims for Hand Jobs

Agents with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in Arizona have been "fighting" human trafficking by sending federal immigration agents to coerce suspected victims into paid sex acts. These acts were later used by authorities to justify arresting women who agreed to them, seizing their assets, and telling the press it was these women who were the real predators.

Federal agents had at least 17 sexual encounters with "Asian females" working in massage parlors around Mohave County, Arizona, over a five-month period in 2018, according to new research from the Howard Center for Investigative Journalism at Arizona State University (ASU). Internal ICE documents show these activities had the blessing of agents' supervisors.

When it was all over, the years-long operation yielded three misdemeanor charges stemming from a single sexual encounter which authorities interrupted during a raid.

Absurd and horrifying? Obviously. But also a scenario that is far from an isolated incident.

The Mohave County investigation—dubbed "Operation Asian Touch"—exclusively targeted Asian massage businesses and spas. Police from Bullhead City and Lake Havasu City began the investigation in 2016 after allegedly receiving reports that some employees at these businesses would provide erotic extras along with back and foot rubs.

Local cops decided these businesses were likely human-trafficking fronts after learning that all of the masseuses were Asian women, according to a Homeland Security memo about the investigation. So, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI)—a division of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)—got involved in spring 2018.

Homeland Security Investigations was also a part of the Florida stings, with an undercover agent visiting businesses in Indian River Beach and Orange counties and paying women there for sex acts.

"Our understanding of (Homeland Security) policy is that their investigators are allowed to participate in sex acts while working undercover,"
Dan Doyle, police chief for Lake Havascu City, told Today's News-Herald last December.

"Detectives were informed by HSI that the undercover sexual activity was authorized," Bullhead Police Department spokeswoman Emily Fromelt told Howard Center reporters.

Nothing in Homeland Security rules explicitly ban agents from engaging in sexual activity as part of investigations. Meanwhile, an HSI manual expressly states that "otherwise illegal" activity is sometimes OK for undercover agents. Possible justifications for such activity are broad, including the need to "establish or maintain credibility of a cover identity" or to "obtain information or evidence … not reasonably available without participation in the otherwise illegal activity."

HSI Deputy Special Agent in Charge Lon Weigand said at a press conference that $128,000 in cash and around $30,000 worth of gold coins and jewelry were seized during the operation. According to ASU's report, most of this—$105,120—has not been and will not be returned, despite most of the cases being dismissed.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4886 on: May 18, 2020, 04:06:46 PM »
iPhone spyware lets police log suspects' passcodes when cracking doesn't work

Apple faces a near-constant challenge: keeping its iPhones secure.

The company has spent years and untold millions of dollars squaring off against a small but talented industry that works to figure out ways to help law enforcement break into iPhones. Currently, security experts believe that tools sold to police struggle to crack iPhone passcodes longer than six digits.

But another tool, previously unknown to the public, doesn't have to crack the code that people use to unlock their phones. It just has to log the code as the user types it in.

Software called Hide UI, created by Grayshift, a company that makes iPhone-cracking devices for law enforcement, can track a suspect's passcode when it's entered into a phone, according to two people in law enforcement, who asked not to be named out of fear of violating non-disclosure agreements.

The spyware, a term for software that surreptitiously tracks users, has been available for about a year but this is the first time details of its existence have been reported, in part because of the non-disclosure agreements police departments sign when they buy a device from Grayshift known as GrayKey.

Those NDAs have helped keep Hide UI a secret. Because of the lack of public scrutiny of the feature as well as its covert behavior, defense attorneys, forensic experts and civil liberties advocates are concerned that Hide UI could be used without giving owners the due process of law, such as a warrant.

In order for this feature to work, law enforcement officials must install the covert software and then set up a scenario to put a seized device back into the hands of the suspect, said the people familiar with the system, who did not wish to be identified for fear of violating their NDA with Grayshift and having access to the device revoked.

For example, a law enforcement official could tell the suspect they can call their lawyer or take some phone numbers off the device. Once the suspect has done this, even if they lock their phone again, Hide UI will have stored the passcode in a text file that can be extracted the next time the phone is plugged into the GrayKey device. Law enforcement can then use the passcode to unlock the phone and extract all the data stored on it.

“It’s great technology for our cases, but as a citizen I don’t really like how it’s being used. I feel like sometimes officers will engage in borderline and unethical behavior,” the law enforcement official said.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4887 on: May 20, 2020, 12:00:00 PM »


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4888 on: May 20, 2020, 04:57:10 PM »
Samantha Harer Case: Key Lawsuit Hearing Nears

For the first time in months, a lawsuit filed by the parents of deceased 911 emergency dispatcher Samantha Harer will go before a federal appeals court for a decision that will impact the future of the case. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago will hold a Zoom video hearing at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, May 26.

The lawyers for both sides will each get 15 minutes to make their oral arguments to the federal appeals judges. The Joliet law firm of Mahoney, Silverman and Cross wants the judges to dismiss Channahon, Channahon's Police Chief Shane Casey, Deputy Chief Adam Bogart and Detective Andrew McClellan from the police misconduct and deprivation of civil rights lawsuit filed by Brooklyn, N.Y. attorney Jennifer Bonjean.

On Feb. 13, 2018, Harer was found nude in her bedroom with a single gunshot through her head. Off-duty Crest Hill Police Officer Felipe "Phil" Flores, Harer's estranged boyfriend, called 911 claiming Harer had locked herself in her bedroom during an argument and shot herself.

Gunshot residue tests analyzed by the Illinois State Crime Laboratory in Chicago found no gunshot residue on Harer's hands. The forensic scientist found several traces of gunshot residue on Flores' right hand as well as blood spatter and gunshot residue on Flores' black sweatshirt.

Months later, on Dec. 28, 2018, Channahon's deputy police chief issued a news release indicating that Harer had died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to her head and her death was being ruled a suicide.

Bonjean has repeatedly referred to the Channahon Police Department's 2018 death investigation as "a sham investigation" in her legal briefs.

She argues Bogart, Casey and McClellan are responsible for covering up a homicide because they did not want to tarnish the reputation of another local police department.

In addition to Channahon, the Harers' lawsuit names the Crest Hill Police Department and Flores as co-defendants.

Bonjean said that Channahon police once told Harer's parents that gunshot residue was found on their daughter's hands, while Flores' tests were negative even though the opposite was true.

Channahon "also hid from them very incriminating evidence before the case dismissed," Bonjean said. "They didn't tell them of third party witnesses who heard that there was a struggle."

The Harer family lawyer said it's critical for Channahon's three top police officials to remain a key component of her civil rights lawsuit alleging police misconduct.

"They covered up misconduct of a fellow officer because police departments circle the wagons when it comes to police officer misconduct," Bonjean told Patch last week. "That's essentially the blue code of silence. My clients are entitled to relief because Channahon has just obstructed their effort to learn the truth about Samantha's death."

In March 2019, Flores resigned from Crest Hill in the middle of an internal affairs investigation surrounding Harer's death. Crest Hill Police had put Flores on paid suspension immediately after Harer's death and kept him on paid leave for more than a year, until he abruptly resigned.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4889 on: May 20, 2020, 06:18:07 PM »
I never read this thread and didn't believe we lived in a police state--because we didn't--but that changed during this pandemic.  It is crazy how people rolled over and let governors write laws through proclamations, trampling on civil liberties, putting millions out of work, and bankrupting businesses. 

The courts are starting to get involved and fix this (Oregon, Wisconsin, etc.), so I think this temporary police state will eventually go away. 

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4890 on: May 21, 2020, 04:36:58 AM »
Skip to comments.

Dershowitz says forced coronavirus vaccination could happen: 'Police power of the state is very considerable'
Fox News ^ | 05/20/2020 | Charles Creitz
Posted on 5/21/2020, 12:46:12 AM by Olog-hai

Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz joined “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Wednesday to discuss the constitutionality of forcing members of the public to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, should a vaccine become available.

Host Tucker Carlson began the segment by acknowledging the argument that people “don’t have a right to endanger other people, your right to punch ends at the tip of my nose” before asking Dershowitz whether “the government has a right to endanger” people who may have an adverse reaction to a vaccine by forcing them to take it.

“The Supreme Court has said yes, and if the case came to the Supreme Court today, they would say yes, it would either be 9-0 or 8-1,” Dershowitz responded. “It is not a debatable issue constitutionally. Look, they have a right to draft you and put your life in danger to help the country. The police power of the state is very considerable.”

Dershowitz added that he agrees with the “moral argument” that no one should be subject to vaccine that has not been fully vetted on the chance it could help other people and noted that he wouldn’t want people to submit to a vaccine unless it is proven safe. …

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4895 on: May 26, 2020, 01:47:36 PM »
Minneapolis police now calls the 4 cops "former employees".

Four Minneapolis police officers fired after death of unarmed man George Floyd

Four officers have been fired following the death of an unarmed black man taken into custody in Minneapolis, Mayor Jacob Frey announced on Twitter.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said that four officers are now "former employees" with the department, CBS Minnesota reports. Frey said the firing was the "right call."

The death of the man identified by a family attorney as George Floyd has drawn outrage after video showed an officer kneeling on Floyd's neck as he cried out that he couldn't breathe. Floyd had been arrested outside a deli on suspicion of forgery. He died later at a hospital.

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4896 on: May 26, 2020, 02:32:12 PM »

I had to stop watching the video.  Horrendous.

Minneapolis police now calls the 4 cops "former employees".

Four Minneapolis police officers fired after death of unarmed man George Floyd

Four officers have been fired following the death of an unarmed black man taken into custody in Minneapolis, Mayor Jacob Frey announced on Twitter.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said that four officers are now "former employees" with the department, CBS Minnesota reports. Frey said the firing was the "right call."

The death of the man identified by a family attorney as George Floyd has drawn outrage after video showed an officer kneeling on Floyd's neck as he cried out that he couldn't breathe. Floyd had been arrested outside a deli on suspicion of forgery. He died later at a hospital.


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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4897 on: May 26, 2020, 08:51:42 PM »
Read the full article, it is very interesting.

Inside the NSA’s Secret Tool for Mapping Your Social Network

Edward Snowden revealed the agency’s phone-record tracking program. But thanks to “precomputed contact chaining,” that database was much more powerful than anyone knew.

In the summer of 2013, I spent my days sifting through the most extensive archive of top-secret files that had ever reached the hands of an American journalist. In a spectacular act of transgression against the National Security Agency, where he worked as a contractor, Edward Snowden had transmitted tens of thousands of classified documents to me, the columnist Glenn Greenwald, and the documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras.

One of those documents, the first to be made public in June 2013, revealed that the NSA was tracking billions of telephone calls made by Americans inside the US. The program became notorious, but its full story has not been told.

The first accounts revealed only bare bones. If you placed a call, whether local or international, the NSA stored the number you dialed, as well as the date, time and duration of the call. It was domestic surveillance, plain and simple. When the story broke, the NSA discounted the intrusion on privacy. The agency collected “only metadata,” it said, not the content of telephone calls. Only on rare occasions, it said, did it search the records for links among terrorists.

I stumbled across the first clue later that month. I had become interested in the NSA’s internal conversation about “bulk collection,” the acquisition of high-volume data sets in their entirety. Phone records were one of several kinds. The agency had grown more and more adept, brilliantly creative in fact, at finding and swallowing other people’s information whole. Lately the NSA had begun to see that it consumed too much to digest. Midlevel managers and engineers sounded notes of alarm in briefings prepared for their chains of command. The cover page of one presentation asked “Is It the End of the SIGINT World as We Have Come to Know It?” The authors tried for a jaunty tone but had no sure answer. The surveillance infrastructure was laboring under serious strain.

One name caught my eye on a chart that listed systems at highest risk: Mainway. I knew that one. NSA engineers had built Mainway in urgent haste after September 11, 2001. Vice President Dick Cheney’s office had drafted orders, signed by President George W. Bush, to do something the NSA had never done before. The assignment, forbidden by statute, was to track telephone calls made and received by Americans on American soil. The resulting operation was the lawless precursor of the broader one that I was looking at now.

According to my sources and the documents I worked through in the fall of 2013, Mainway soon became the NSA’s most important tool for mapping social networks—an anchor of what the agency called Large Access Exploitation. “Large” is not an adjective in casual use at Fort Meade. Mainway was built for operations at stupendous scale. Other systems parsed the contents of intercepted communications: voice, video, email and chat text, attachments, pager messages, and so on. Mainway was queen of metadata, foreign and domestic, designed to find patterns that content did not reveal. Beyond that, Mainway was a prototype for still more ambitious plans. Next-generation systems, their planners wrote, could amplify the power of surveillance by moving “from the more traditional analysis of what is collected to the analysis of what to collect.” Patterns gleaned from call records would identify targets in email or location databases, and vice versa. Metadata was the key to the NSA’s plan to “identify, track, store, manipulate and update relationships” across all forms of intercepted content. An integrated map, presented graphically, would eventually allow the NSA to display nearly anyone’s movements and communications on a global scale. In their first mission statement, planners gave the project the unironic name “the Big Awesome Graph.” Inevitably it acquired a breezy acronym, “the BAG.”

Also, don't forget this fucking scumbag lying under oath:

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Re: Police State - Official Thread
« Reply #4899 on: May 28, 2020, 07:29:20 AM »