Author Topic: Schwarzenegger- Power Training counters High Set Training, from Encyclopedia  (Read 21989 times)


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, ''...heavy days ( POWER TRAINING ) ,  makes , you stronger for high volume training ..'' (page 122 )

''including power training in your training also helps to make you stronger for the rest of your training ..''

''to shape and develop the body , it is nessessary to do a lot of the endurance kind of training - plenty of sets and reps; but i also believe that unless you include LOW REP , strength training you will never achieve the hardness and density necessary .....''.

But many of the H.I.T. GUYZ who criticise high volume training , never mention the fact that schwarzenegger, also believies in POWER TRAINING gain mass ...

arnold states '' the bigger your muscles get , the stronger you become and therefore , the harder you are capable of training ...'' (page 68-69 ) SPECIFICITY OF TRAINING .

Schwarzenegger elaborates , '' when a muscle has been strengthened , it is capable of more intense effort, which manifests itself in two ways -

-ability to do more work
-do equal work in less time...

this means a trained muscle is not only stronger , it is faster ..'' (page 72, INTENSITY OF EFFORT )

THUS , Arnold concludes , ''.... by forcing myself to go to the limit every so often I counterbalanced , the lighter weight, higher - rep training that made up the majority of my workouts ....(page 122 ). ''

Schwarzenegger states , '' once you have gained 15 pounds or more of muscle mass , you are then ready .... to train for shape , size and mass ( page 169-170 ).''


But many of the H.I.T. GUYZ who criticize High Volume Training , never mention the fact , that schwarzenegger, RECOMMENDS , insists that  POWER TRAINING is necessary gain mass ... and then , THIS MASS YOU GAIN OVER A PERIOD OF TIME ,makes you ,stronger and faster for the endurance type of high set training or high volume training ....

Master Blaster

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Re: Schwarzenegger- Power Training counters High Set Training, from Encycloped
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2010, 08:03:47 AM »

, ''...heavy days ( POWER TRAINING ) ,  makes , you stronger for high volume training ..'' (page 122 )

''including power training in your training also helps to make you stronger for the rest of your training ..''

''to shape and develop the body , it is nessessary to do a lot of the endurance kind of training - plenty of sets and reps; but i also believe that unless you include LOW REP , strength training you will never achieve the hardness and density necessary .....''.

But many of the H.I.T. GUYZ who criticise high volume training , never mention the fact that schwarzenegger, also believies in POWER TRAINING gain mass ...

arnold states '' the bigger your muscles get , the stronger you become and therefore , the harder you are capable of training ...'' (page 68-69 ) SPECIFICITY OF TRAINING .

Schwarzenegger elaborates , '' when a muscle has been strengthened , it is capable of more intense effort, which manifests itself in two ways -

-ability to do more work
-do equal work in less time...

this means a trained muscle is not only stronger , it is faster ..'' (page 72, INTENSITY OF EFFORT )

THUS , Arnold concludes , ''.... by forcing myself to go to the limit every so often I counterbalanced , the lighter weight, higher - rep training that made up the majority of my workouts ....(page 122 ). ''

Schwarzenegger states , '' once you have gained 15 pounds or more of muscle mass , you are then ready .... to train for shape , size and mass ( page 169-170 ).''


But many of the H.I.T. GUYZ who criticize High Volume Training , never mention the fact , that schwarzenegger, RECOMMENDS , insists that  POWER TRAINING is necessary gain mass ... and then , THIS MASS YOU GAIN OVER A PERIOD OF TIME ,makes you ,stronger and faster for the endurance type of high set training or high volume training ....

Holy shit, call 911!


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, ''...heavy days ( POWER TRAINING ) ,  makes , you stronger for high volume training ..'' (page 122 )

''including power training in your training also helps to make you stronger for the rest of your training ..''

''to shape and develop the body , it is nessessary to do a lot of the endurance kind of training - plenty of sets and reps; but i also believe that unless you include LOW REP , strength training you will never achieve the hardness and density necessary .....''.

But many of the H.I.T. GUYZ who criticise high volume training , never mention the fact that schwarzenegger, also believies in POWER TRAINING gain mass ...

arnold states '' the bigger your muscles get , the stronger you become and therefore , the harder you are capable of training ...'' (page 68-69 ) SPECIFICITY OF TRAINING .

Schwarzenegger elaborates , '' when a muscle has been strengthened , it is capable of more intense effort, which manifests itself in two ways -

-ability to do more work
-do equal work in less time...

this means a trained muscle is not only stronger , it is faster ..'' (page 72, INTENSITY OF EFFORT )

THUS , Arnold concludes , ''.... by forcing myself to go to the limit every so often I counterbalanced , the lighter weight, higher - rep training that made up the majority of my workouts ....(page 122 ). ''

Schwarzenegger states , '' once you have gained 15 pounds or more of muscle mass , you are then ready .... to train for shape , size and mass ( page 169-170 ).''


But many of the H.I.T. GUYZ who criticize High Volume Training , never mention the fact , that schwarzenegger, RECOMMENDS , insists that  POWER TRAINING is necessary gain mass ... and then , THIS MASS YOU GAIN OVER A PERIOD OF TIME ,makes you ,stronger and faster for the endurance type of high set training or high volume training ....

Ask Arnie to define HIT, Then ask him what energy system he thinks HIT falls into.

Master Blaster

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Re: Schwarzenegger- Power Training counters High Set Training, from Encycloped
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2010, 08:13:56 AM »

The kids are in for a whole new kind of christmas this year.


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  • Getbig IV
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low volume = crap

Master Blaster

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low volume = crap

time under tension

Voice of Doom

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Article by a guy who was paid to train, sleep, eat, take pictures, pose, train, eat, sleep, take pictures, pose.....

some of us just try to work out after working all day.

and yes I'm bitter... :'(

Happy Friday!! 8)


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i have always gotten better results from High volume training


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Re: Schwarzenegger- Power Training counters High Set Training, from Encyclopedia
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2010, 12:07:20 PM »
I go heavy on a few exercises and the rest is moderate reps and weight with high volume.


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Re: Schwarzenegger- Power Training counters High Set Training, from Encyclopedia
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2010, 12:09:55 PM »

Varicose aside, that dude has some set of wheels.


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In reference to Tendon Strength and Power Training
Schwarzenegger ,in his  '' Encyclopedia '' , further states:

 ''Heavy training strengthens the attachment of the tendon to the bone ...(PAGE 122 ). ''


Learn how to build great tendon and ligament strength and enhance power and overall.

When properly developed, a tendon has good elasticity and is strong and capable of great power. Tendons essentially cause the bone to move as they transmit tensile load produced by the muscles. A tendon will strengthen concurrently with the muscle usually but if great increases in weight are desired they need to be targeted separately.



( On page 708 )  , Schwarzenegger in his Encyclopedia elaborates ,

 ''...... remember , the stronger you are , the more strain you are able to put on your muscles and tendons ,

but often the muscles gain strength at  a faster rate than the tendons ,

 thus creating an imbalance that can cause problems.

  Further,  Arnold states ,

 ''You must allow yourself to progress at a reasonable rate , and not attempt to train too intensely or with too much weight ...''.

 '' Even when you do power training , you do not necessarily go to your absolute maximum every time.

Training moderately heavy one day and then to your limit the next is more likely to speed up your progress

 than maximum effort every time . ( page 122 ) ''

On page (115 ) , Arnold explains , '' ... you over train a muscle , forcing it to work too hard , too quickly after the preceding excercise session , you will not give it a chance to grow and your progress will slow down . ''



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Reg Park's 5x5 Program
The Original Strength and Size Routine
by the Editors

We're going to take a look at one of the very first 5x5 routines to be published, originally written in 1960 by Reg Park in his manual Strength & Bulk Training for Weight Lifters and Body Builders. The late Reg Park was a three-time Mr. Universe winner and he was one of the first bodybuilders to really push the size envelope by competing at a massive 225 pounds in the 1950s and '60s.

Oh yeah, Park is also the number one bodybuilder that little Arnie from Austria admired, respected, and hoped to someday look like. Upon seeing Park on a magazine cover for the first time, Schwarzenegger has said, "He was so powerful and rugged-looking that I decided right then and there I wanted to be a bodybuilder, another Reg Park."


The Reg Park Way To Serious Size And Strength
by Mike Mahler

Arnold Schwarzenegger often refers to Reg Park as his childhood idol and the greatest inspiration and influence on his own bodybuilding and life successes.

In this article we'll take a closer look at Reg's training philosophy and cover his very popular and highly effective 5x5 program as well. Even if you don't care about getting bigger, if you want to develop a lean and strong physique, Reg is the man to emulate.



  • Getbig IV
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low volume = crap


Arnold Schwarzenegger , in his encyclopedia , mentions something about inducing  ,.. '' sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. ''

( via -HIGH SET TRAINING , not for mass gain primarily , cause ,



Thus once  , your Tendons and Ligaments,and Muscles get Bigger and Stronger, you can train,''High Set Rep'' or Volume Training ....which is essential for the Competitive Professional Bodybuilder , to which the ''Encyclopedia '' ,  is primarily addressed .


 Interesting links , I would like to Share ....

Hypertrophy and Muscle Growth
Author:  Will Scudder


Muscle Growth Part I: Why, And How, Does A Muscle Grow And Get Stronger?
Written by: Casey_Butt

------------------------------------------------------- .au/pdfs/muscle-Hypertrophy.pdf

a useful article found online discussing the 2 different types of hypertrophy...



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« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2010, 09:22:50 PM »

 Terminator 3 the naked truth:

 Arnold Schwarzenegger never figured the road to "I'll be back" would be so tough


July, 2003 by Peter McGough

 FLEX: What were the physical challenges you faced in preparing for your role in T3?


 Actually it was much more difficult than I originally anticipated. I signed the deal to do T3 in November 2001 and, with filming not scheduled to begin until early April [2002],

 I was confident I had sufficient time to get into the sort of shape I wanted -- a physical shape that was compatible to how I looked in T1 and T2.

 But then, in early December, I broke six ribs in a motorcycle accident and couldn't train for three months.


FLEX =  How did the accident occur?

It was a Sunday afternoon and I was riding through Santa Monica on my Harley, when the car in front of me suddenly braked. My front wheel hit the rear fender of the car and I ended up sliding along the road sideways.

 I was taken to the ER at St. John's Hospital, and they told me I had broken six ribs and that I couldn't work out for three months -- until early March.

 In fact, I started training again in late February, which was only six or seven weeks before shooting began.

Even disregarding the accident and being sidelined for all that time, there were two other factors that had already made the challenge of getting into shape for T3 more difficult than T1 and T2.

 First, there was the question of age. I made T1 [released in 1984] when I was 36 and T2 [released in 19911 when I was 43.

Now, at 54, I had to get into the sort of shape that was consistent with, and added authenticity to, the physique I displayed in T1 and T2. That was a challenge in itself.

Another major factor was the heart surgery [heart valve replacement] I underwent in 1997.

Since my heart operation, my doctors told me it would no longer be wise to indulge in all-out workouts using really heavy weights.

 They advised high-rep work, never going beyond failure. So I couldn't train the way I used to.

FLEX = What sort of training program did you formulate for that three-month period?

It was very much along the lines of how I used to train for contests.

 I trained twice a day, six days a week, doing, for the most part, 15 sets a bodypart. Heeding the advice of my heart surgeon, I didn't lift maximum poundages, do forced reps or any other intensity techniques.

 Instead, I did high-rep sets to failure. I took short rests between sets.

It was basically a conditioning and hardening-up program.

Another major move was that I went back to training at World Gym, Marina del Rey, with Franco Columbu and Eddie Giuliani.

 [The former being the 1976 and '81 Mr. Olympia and a close friend of Arnold's for nearly 40 years; the latter being a stalwart of the '70s gang that made Gold's Gym, Venice, the mecca of bodybuilding.]

 For a few years, I had trained mainly at home, but I went back to World to train with Franco and Eddie as further means of motivation to get into the shape I needed in the short time available.

It turned out to be a great experience. Besides Franca and Eddie kicking me toward the shape I wanted to be in, we had some great fun and some great laughs. It rekindled all the old camaraderie we shared from years before -- it was simply a joy.


 FLEX : When it came time for the nude scene, were you in the shape you wanted to be in?

 SCHWARZENEGGER : Oh, yes. When I started training in late February, I was 214 pounds,

and when it came time to shoot the scene, I was 220.

 But I had gained much more than six pounds of muscle. I was harder, more defined, much fuller.

I was the way I wanted to look, and at 220, I was exactly the same weight as I had been for Terminator 2.;col1


looks like arnie was gaining muscle which he lost during his accident ? like casey in colorado ?


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'' The well trained muscle increases it's ability to store more Glycogen .

Supersaturation for Serious Muscle Size

January 1, 2009 by Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson

Pump, Supersaturation and Muscle Recovery

The first important point about lighter, subfailure workouts done with higher reps is that they fill up the muscles, making them look bigger, denser and more detailed. You do a light workout a few days after an all-out heavy workout. You may recognize that as the way a lot of bodybuilders in the presteroid era of the ’50s and early ’60s trained. Those who used the system correctly got huge—no drugs, no supplements.

The reason it works is that you damage the muscles with heavy training at one workout and then at the next session give them subfailure pumping sets for supercompensation and supersaturation of glycogen—in other words, higher-rep flushing sets.

This is not a muscle-building theory. It works, big time! It will pack new size on your frame, just as it did for the bodybuilders of the golden era. Why? One reason is that muscles are more than 70 percent water. What pulls water into muscles to make them big and full? Glycogen from carbs.



Most endurance athletes practice some form of carbo-loading on a daily basis as means to prevent glycogen depletion, aka “the wall” or “bonking”, during longer training bouts.

  However, a more regimented form of carbohydrate loading will help “supersaturate” our muscle cells with glycogen to levels 50-100% greater than baseline, thereby delaying or even eliminating that performance-declining “wall” during events that entail a moderate-to-high intensity for longer than 90 minutes



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CARB NEWS YOU CAN USE. Supersaturate Your Muscle Glycogen Stores in Only 24 Hours!!!

 By Kim Brown, MS, RD, SDTC Sports Nutritionist ...


To maximize performance we will look at two very important energy sources; carbohydrates and fat. See what you should be doing to maximize these sources.

 By: Shannon Clark

After exercise, dietary goals are to provide adequate
fluids, electrolytes, energy, and carbohydrates to replace
muscle glycogen and ensure rapid recovery.
carbohydrate intake of approximately 1.0–1.5 gIkgj1
body weight (0.5–0.7 gIlbj1) during the first 30 min
and again every 2 h for 4–6 h will be adequate to replace
glycogen stores.



Glycogen,   Synthesis After Exercise

    * Approximately 50% more glycogen can be stored if carbohydrates are consumed immediately following strenuous exercise as opposed to waiting 2 hours after exercise

    * Muscle glycogen synthesis is greater within 2 hours proceeding exercise (Friedman 1991) and greatest 45 minute post workout (Ivy JL 1988, Leven hagen DK 2001)

          o Exercise increases the muscle's sensitivity to insulin, predominately, during the 4 to 6 hours after exercise
          o During this time, muscle glycogen synthesis has been shown to be greater with ingestion of simple as compared with complex carbohydrates

          o After which, muscle glycogen can be resynthesized near pre-exercise levels within 24 hours, equivalently with either carbohydrates form

    * After 24 hours, muscle glycogen can increase very gradually, succeeding normal levels over the next few days (Ivy 1991).

    * Super glycogen saturation technique can increase amount of work by 19%

          o Old method involved glycogen depletion through an initial low carbohydrate diet followed by a high carbohydrate diet

          o Newer method suggests glycogen depletion can be obtained by repeated prolonged intense exercise with similar results

          o Repeated muscle glycogen supercompensation is not possible, however performance enhancement is maintained (McInerney 2004)

          o Carbo-loading should not be done more than 3x/year
          o Preadolescent and adolescent individuals should not carbo-load

                + instead just taper training volume and intensity days before an important event



More ever ,  Arnold Schwarzenegger in his ''  Encyclopedia '',  mentions  in regard to ,'' OVER TRAINING AND RECUPERATION ''

''However , Trained muscles recover from fatigue faster than untrained muscles.

 So the better you get at bodybuilding , the faster your recovery rate will be and the more intense your training program can become.. ''
( page - 115 ).


Further Arnold also mentions , '' The well trained muscle increases it's ability to store more Glycogen .. ."
(PAGE -638 )


  • Getbig V
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I still get inspired when I look at Arnie's old photos.

 bbing sucks today.


  • Getbig III
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I still get inspired when I look at Arnie's old photos.

 bbing sucks today.

good ol days


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good ol days
back when muscle was muscle

now adays with all that oil in here, diureticdrug induced conditioning its too much,,, theres too many shortcuts from the simple fact of lifting training etc,,, the sauce is all over has been while be what ev, even the intro of gh, slin because atleast those are produced ineverybody's body, that diuretic sht for condi is too much and ppl with oil in bdyparts, its a joke.

for example
"so n so shoulda won etc..."
a lot of ppl think nasser shoulda beat dy, even with the sub lvl back but he mayhave had bttr in other spots, be that what it may,  i dont know if nasser put  oil but read claims seen pics etc...  dy had muscle, it was evident, real muscle.
thru clip training tapes etc it seems that dy traind better than nasser or at least had more intent and thoght into wrkouts
either way, maybe nasser wasnt allowd to hav the o bc of oil??
maybe same for othrs that ppl claim shot oil???

during ronnie's run, perhaps no one traind more/better  whatever


  • Competitors II
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'' The well trained muscle increases it's ability to store more Glycogen .

Supersaturation for Serious Muscle Size

January 1, 2009 by Steve Holman and Jonathan Lawson

Pump, Supersaturation and Muscle Recovery

The first important point about lighter, subfailure workouts done with higher reps is that they fill up the muscles, making them look bigger, denser and more detailed. You do a light workout a few days after an all-out heavy workout. You may recognize that as the way a lot of bodybuilders in the presteroid era of the ’50s and early ’60s trained. Those who used the system correctly got huge—no drugs, no supplements.

The reason it works is that you damage the muscles with heavy training at one workout and then at the next session give them subfailure pumping sets for supercompensation and supersaturation of glycogen—in other words, higher-rep flushing sets.

This is not a muscle-building theory. It works, big time! It will pack new size on your frame, just as it did for the bodybuilders of the golden era. Why? One reason is that muscles are more than 70 percent water. What pulls water into muscles to make them big and full? Glycogen from carbs.



Most endurance athletes practice some form of carbo-loading on a daily basis as means to prevent glycogen depletion, aka “the wall” or “bonking”, during longer training bouts.

  However, a more regimented form of carbohydrate loading will help “supersaturate” our muscle cells with glycogen to levels 50-100% greater than baseline, thereby delaying or even eliminating that performance-declining “wall” during events that entail a moderate-to-high intensity for longer than 90 minutes



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CARB NEWS YOU CAN USE. Supersaturate Your Muscle Glycogen Stores in Only 24 Hours!!!

 By Kim Brown, MS, RD, SDTC Sports Nutritionist ...


To maximize performance we will look at two very important energy sources; carbohydrates and fat. See what you should be doing to maximize these sources.

 By: Shannon Clark

After exercise, dietary goals are to provide adequate
fluids, electrolytes, energy, and carbohydrates to replace
muscle glycogen and ensure rapid recovery.
carbohydrate intake of approximately 1.0–1.5 gIkgj1
body weight (0.5–0.7 gIlbj1) during the first 30 min
and again every 2 h for 4–6 h will be adequate to replace
glycogen stores.



Glycogen,   Synthesis After Exercise

    * Approximately 50% more glycogen can be stored if carbohydrates are consumed immediately following strenuous exercise as opposed to waiting 2 hours after exercise

    * Muscle glycogen synthesis is greater within 2 hours proceeding exercise (Friedman 1991) and greatest 45 minute post workout (Ivy JL 1988, Leven hagen DK 2001)

          o Exercise increases the muscle's sensitivity to insulin, predominately, during the 4 to 6 hours after exercise
          o During this time, muscle glycogen synthesis has been shown to be greater with ingestion of simple as compared with complex carbohydrates

          o After which, muscle glycogen can be resynthesized near pre-exercise levels within 24 hours, equivalently with either carbohydrates form

    * After 24 hours, muscle glycogen can increase very gradually, succeeding normal levels over the next few days (Ivy 1991).

    * Super glycogen saturation technique can increase amount of work by 19%

          o Old method involved glycogen depletion through an initial low carbohydrate diet followed by a high carbohydrate diet

          o Newer method suggests glycogen depletion can be obtained by repeated prolonged intense exercise with similar results

          o Repeated muscle glycogen supercompensation is not possible, however performance enhancement is maintained (McInerney 2004)

          o Carbo-loading should not be done more than 3x/year
          o Preadolescent and adolescent individuals should not carbo-load

                + instead just taper training volume and intensity days before an important event



More ever ,  Arnold Schwarzenegger in his ''  Encyclopedia '',  mentions  in regard to ,'' OVER TRAINING AND RECUPERATION ''

''However , Trained muscles recover from fatigue faster than untrained muscles.

 So the better you get at bodybuilding , the faster your recovery rate will be and the more intense your training program can become.. ''
( page - 115 ).


Further Arnold also mentions , '' The well trained muscle increases it's ability to store more Glycogen .. ."
(PAGE -638 )

this is gold...

just started flushing recoup wrkouts  :)

wrking great


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Some nice info...


  • Getbig III
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there are several pathways to grow you,, foundation is always heavy progressive training,, but traditionadl pump trainifgng is good for you too,,


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Who is the big tall guy in the pci with arnie? He looks to be 6'6