Author Topic: Is America on her Deathbed?  (Read 24159 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #50 on: November 05, 2010, 10:16:19 PM »
I am only going to chime in a little into this thread. Sadly whites are still looking for every excuse to call someone else racist or hate monger or use any attribute to demonize a person, race, religion or culture. Sadly Martin Luther King was demonized like no other for the sake of trying to get respect for the African American in the racially hostile white run america; Malcolm X was assassinated because whites in particular police and leaders saw him as a man with too much power who could influence too many African Americans; Khalid Muhammed was a FIRE BREATHER holding his tongue for no one and he too was assassinated; Mandela sat in jail for decades and Mahatma Ghandi too was severely punished in his own land...and all of this for what? Because whites felt superior to the people and wanted control over them as well as to steal their resources. In all honesty what we seeing Iraq and Afghanistan today only tells that the motivations by the same people have not changed. And just like Ozmo when these civil rights leaders tried to make whites look at their attitudes, hostilities, crimes, contempt...THEY REFUSED!. And to add insult to injury attempted to demonize the person(s) making them aware of their actions...once again nothing has changed.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #51 on: November 05, 2010, 10:23:27 PM »
“We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us.” --Friedrich Nietzsche


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #52 on: November 05, 2010, 10:26:01 PM »
“We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us.” --Friedrich Nietzsche

So I guess in order for a woman to stop a rapist in the act of raping her, she should speak nicely to him?

"Oh please Mr Rapist would you stop raping me as it will cause me life long issues with relationships and men"...NOT!!!

Ghandi an Martin Luther's PEACEFUL pleas only landed them beaten and bloodied in jail.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #53 on: November 05, 2010, 10:32:33 PM »
I can only talk for myself.  I'm sure there are some that do what you say.  All I can say is that I don't think I'm one of them and I don't want to be judged by my skin color as much as I don't want to judge another by theirs.  Not sure what else I can say.

Understandable, however, it is something you cannot avoid. Due to systemic racism, you ARE judged by your skin colour. Just because you don't immediately feel a negative impact by that judgement doesn't mean it hasn't taken place. When you are a beneficiary, no matter how slight, of a system that is intrinsically racist, no matter how upright you attempt to be, you are still a beneficiary. And if you see nothing wrong with that, then you aren't part of the solution, but part of the problem.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #54 on: November 05, 2010, 10:34:30 PM »
I clearly identified the ideology LC and NOI adhers to that I have a problem with.  I can deal with the tone of voice.  So that's not really a fair quote either.

What is LC?
It was a general statement about the common nature of people, and not directed at you specifically.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #55 on: November 05, 2010, 10:42:17 PM »
I can only talk for myself.  I'm sure there are some that do what you say.  All I can say is that I don't think I'm one of them and I don't want to be judged by my skin color as much as I don't want to judge another by theirs.  Not sure what else I can say.

I should have termed it RULING WHITES so as not to categorize everyone into the same designation. Nonetheless the ruling whites find and use the whites that they have stirred contempt in towards other races, religions, cultures etc to do their dirty work of harassing, threatening even killing in gruesome manners.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #56 on: November 05, 2010, 10:53:05 PM »
bullshit, he was talking about whites.  I'm white.  It's directed at me.  He said it was our nature, thus my nature.

No you're not right Hugo...Here in is the need to read, listen and learn about a person or thing before commenting. If you made it your business of listening to Farrakhan, he talks about RULING WHITES as I just mentioned in my previous post. Every white person is not inherently evil, but the ruling whites are and they use racial, cultural, religious hostilities to further their goals and desires. You have recently seen how a few behind the scene RULING WHITES have stirred up the the religious hate for Islam, for Chinese, for Mexicans etc etc and sadly many whites in particular went berserk with it. Now obviously this was all done to distract the american public from concerning themselves with their faltering economy, but sadly again the americans can not see this....they only see that they must hate that religion or race or culture because the media of america tells them so. When you listen to the speeches of Farrakhan he is always including whites...not blaming all whites, and he always makes it clear that he is talking about ruling whites when he comments on the evils of their doings. It takes more than listening to one clip or a short speech to get this, because he (Farrakhan) knows that those who listen to him on a regular basis or even those who are familiar with him, knows what he means when he says whites without first putting RULING WHITES before it.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #57 on: November 05, 2010, 10:53:49 PM »
Jag and Samson, are you two telling me that there is nobody in the world who you feel has crossed the line to far for you? I mean you guys will listen to everybody no matter what they've said or done?  I thought I was ahead of the game by keeping an open mind and listening to a lot of people I disagree with often.  Hell I've even agreed with Glenn Beck a few times :-X  but to say that there's nobody who's gone to far for you, wow, my hats off to your amazing skills of keeping an open mind.

for real?  nobody has crossed the line for you guys?

Who is saying that? Certainly not I?
I watched Khalid Mohammed LIVE on the Donahue show addressing the mother of Andrew Goodman, and I was deeply ashamed for him. But I understand the healing process, both physical and emotional. When you have a physical injury, there appears a scab at the sight of the wound. It's rough & it's ugly, and it's a necessary part of that wound healing. The same can be said of an emotional wound. While much of the rhetoric can be painful to hear, for many, giving voice to the pain and anger the wound caused is a necessary cathartic phase that must be passed through in order to facilitate healing.

Farrakhan comes from a different time in history, but his wounds are still fresh & raw, and have been allowed to fester for years. Him and many men like him are intimately acquainted with the pain, anger &  humiliation, these injustices have brought into their lives, and in order to heal, they need to give voice to their anger.

I don't make excuses for him or justify his statements, ...I simply understand where some of it is coming from.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #58 on: November 05, 2010, 10:56:27 PM »
bullshit, he was talking about whites.  I'm white.  It's directed at me.  He said it was our nature, thus my nature.

The reference to the common nature of people that I was referring to was the Nietzsche quote: “We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us.” --Friedrich Nietzsche


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #59 on: November 05, 2010, 11:04:44 PM »
If LF would put it that way, I might be much more accepting.  But when he talks about it just being the nature of the white devil who was created in a lab, well... that doesn't quite work out.

Well Hugo you can't hold every word against a person, in some cases they are wrong (whites made in a lab?...Hmmm). For example what was the last movie you saw? How many times was the word Ni**er used in the movie? Notice the vast majority of movie makers who gleefully use this terminology and produce these films are named Weinstein, Goldman, Foxman, Allen, Miller, Silverman etc etc. How come no one ever says anything to them about this language and disrespectful language used toward a people?, yet if Farrakhan says one word not liked despite its use in context he is labeled antisemite, hatemonger, racist, vile....Hmmmmm? You see the discrepancy here?


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #60 on: November 05, 2010, 11:05:28 PM »
No you're not right Hugo...Here in is the need to read, listen and learn about a person or thing before commenting. If you made it your business of listening to Farrakhan, he talks about RULING WHITES as I just mentioned in my previous post. Every white person is not inherently evil, but the ruling whites are and they use racial, cultural, religious hostilities to further their goals and desires. You have recently seen how a few behind the scene RULING WHITES have stirred up the the religious hate for Islam, for Chinese, for Mexicans etc etc and sadly many whites in particular went berserk with it. Now obviously this was all done to distract the american public from concerning themselves with their faltering economy, but sadly again the americans can not see this....they only see that they must hate that religion or race or culture because the media of america tells them so. When you listen to the speeches of Farrakhan he is always including whites...not blaming all whites, and he always makes it clear that he is talking about ruling whites when he comments on the evils of their doings. It takes more than listening to one clip or a short speech to get this, because he (Farrakhan) knows that those who listen to him on a regular basis or even those who are familiar with him, knows what he means when he says whites without first putting RULING WHITES before it.

In some of the clips from regular services at the Maryam mosque, you can often see many White members of the congregation nodding in agreement with Farrakhan's statements.

I know when I went to hear him speak LIVE here in Toronto, I saw many uptight, closed off and skeptical white and Jews who came to hear what he had to say. They started off sitting in their chairs, arms folded, glowering at Farrakhan. Their entire body language showed them to be hostile. By the end of the night, many of these same people were beaming with approval, standing on chairs cheering this man and very happy they came out and actually listened to him.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #61 on: November 05, 2010, 11:10:19 PM »
If LF would put it that way, I might be much more accepting.  But when he talks about it just being the nature of the white devil who was created in a lab, well... that doesn't quite work out.

LOL! That's why we can't hide ourselves away in dark closets like scared little girls.  :D
If you view all the Farrakhan clips I posted, you will see he DOES infact make that specific delineation.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #62 on: November 05, 2010, 11:17:16 PM »
I told you above he says both.  doublespeak.  Even you admitted the quotes I found were offensive.  He honors a guy that did not talk about just the ruling whites.  He honors a guy that invented the notion whites are the devil and were created in a lab?  Can you quote me where he has denounced those words by the guy he thinks is a prophet of god?

He has no reason to denounce his words if he is addressing those ruling whites. Now here are two shockers that are about to be brought to light. Sitting in your congress was Robert Byrd...A GRAND WIZARD IN THE KKK who was known for labeling African Americans Ni**er on a regular basis. Many congresspersons knew of this and heard this...Which congressperson spoke up about it? or denounced it? As a matter of fact they tried to downplay it when it was brought up....double standard?

Farad Muhammed is the person I believe you are talking about (let me know if I am incorrect) Did you realize Farad was a WHITE MAN? Just like Islam today it will accept any person or race so long as they are obedient to Islams laws. How he became involved in Islam is a bit of a mystery to me, but it is him who taught that whites were created in a lab o the Island of Patmos (or something like that) So the contempt you have for Farrakhan is based upon what a white man told him. Here is Farads picture  with a little info

What about Wallace Fard Muhammad, the founder of the Nation of Islam? Born Wallace Dodd Ford (according the notoriously smear-happy FBI... take it with a grain...), his heritage was a mix of Polynesian and white. But this is the guy that taught that whites were a race of devils created by the mad scientist Yakub  on the isle of Patmos, whereas blacks were divine. Looking at a picture of him, it’s hard to believe that anyone thought of him as black, but it was, as they say, a different time.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #63 on: November 05, 2010, 11:23:27 PM »
If LF would put it that way, I might be much more accepting.  But when he talks about it just being the nature of the white devil who was created in a lab, well... that doesn't quite work out.

btw: It IS the nature of the white devil. I think the confusion comes in when people are unclear about who and what is the white devil.

Farrakhan has stated many times, the great battle he fights is not one between blacks & whites.
But rather it is a battle between principalities, a battle against spiritual wickedness in high places.

He describes the mark of the beast in the forehead or right hand, not as a tattooed UPC code or an implanted RFID microchip, but rather the fruits and works that come forth from the minds and hands of people. Are your thoughts, inspirations and creations for good, ...or for nefarious purposes? Does your creative mind produce good fruit for the nourishment and uplift of man, ...or do they exist for the downfall of man. Your works will bear your mark, and they will either bear the mark of righteousness, or the mark of the beast.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #64 on: November 05, 2010, 11:28:36 PM »
I've read plenty on their site over the years that did not whatsoever appear to ONLY be addressing ruling whites.  So are you saying it was only ruling whites that were created in a lab and are evil by nature lol?

Hmmmm?... could be. Maybe some were taken into labs and like in that movie THE BODY SNATCHERS were given EVIL


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #65 on: November 05, 2010, 11:39:40 PM »
I think we're just going to disagree on this stuff.  I listened to the videos and gave my opinion.  Nothing more I can do.  I guess I could occationally talk about blacks being stupid and then occationally post against racism and then when I get called out, point to the times I stood strong against racism... lol....

You listened to the video and gave me your opinion on Farrakhan.
You didn't give me your opinion on his message. You made the messenger more relevant than the message.
I don't care how much I hate Hitler. If the ground started trembling, and Hitler yelled "EARTHQUAKE", I wouldn't be saying "I'm not gonna listen to you, you invaded Poland...", I'm getting my tush under the nearest door jam or out into open ground ASAP. ...but that's just me. I guess you could say 'I'm out of the closet'


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #66 on: November 05, 2010, 11:51:05 PM »
Jag and Samson, are you two telling me that there is nobody in the world who you feel has crossed the line to far for you? I mean you guys will listen to everybody no matter what they've said or done?  I thought I was ahead of the game by keeping an open mind and listening to a lot of people I disagree with often.  Hell I've even agreed with Glenn Beck a few times :-X  but to say that there's nobody who's gone to far for you, wow, my hats off to your amazing skills of keeping an open mind.

for real?  nobody has crossed the line for you guys?

Here's an interesting thought that I would very much like to hear Samson weigh in on.

Considering the fact that Samson once posted a David Dukes clip, and I had no problem watching it, I wonder whether it is not so much a case of us having open minds as it is that we have by virtue of our experience in an environment of deeply entrenched systemic racism have developed thick skins and the ability to dismiss and excise rhetoric disturbing to our psyches? A skill those not so accustomed to calling upon have not been required to develop so highly? Thoughts...


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #67 on: November 05, 2010, 11:57:36 PM »
BS, I delivered what I had to in order to answer your question.  I only needed to watch the videos to determine if others were addressing the same things.  I posted at length on exactly that.  I never made any kind of promise beyond that.  Watching the videos were a must to reply to your post which asked if there were others.  I then gave my opinion of LF after I had delivered on the required reply.  That's exactly how it went down, why the spin?

Ok, now that we're using letters and acronyms, I can see this is getting a little more heated than I'd like.

Sorry if I inadvertently misled you about what I was asking about. This thread has been danced around so long, that I guess the original questions in the 1st post have gotten lost. These were the questions I had wanted answered.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #68 on: November 06, 2010, 12:04:12 AM »
Jag, I'm not pissed at you, I just called BS.  This is the post that I replied to saying I would watch the videos.  I had to watch them to answer this question, otherwise how would I know.  This is the question you asked me and this is the question I did indeed answer.

NO I realize that Hugo. But like I said, what I really wanted answered was the original question posed at the start of the thread.


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #69 on: November 06, 2010, 12:05:37 AM »
Here's an interesting thought that I would very much like to hear Samson weigh in on.

Considering the fact that Samson once posted a David Dukes clip, and I had no problem watching it, I wonder whether it is not so much a case of us having open minds as it is that we have by virtue of our experience in an environment of deeply entrenched systemic racism have developed thick skins and the ability to dismiss and excise rhetoric disturbing to our psyches? A skill those not so accustomed to calling upon have not been required to develop so highly? Thoughts...

You hit the nail right on the head. In many regards I have learned to make myself NOT be bothered by the comments and reactions I have received throughout life and at the same time have learned to open my mind to see why the systemic racism exists. It is clear that racism has been beneficial to the ruling whites (keeping a race subservient produces a "slave" labor to use) and has given many a poor white an excuse to use the African american as a whipping post for their anger or to direct their anger toward "their'' politician's actions and doings at us even though we had nothing to do with it. Ironically while we are having a discussion with Hugo who has exclaimed he is white, despite our histories with whites, we are engaged with no contempt or issue, but he can not do so with the Farrakhan video. That same holding of a issue over ones head is why racism still exists.

What I want to ask Hugo is: Now that he has learned that the opinions of Farrakhan toward whites was something taught to him by a WHITE does that now make him feel toward Farrakhan? And how does that make him feel toward Fard Muhammed for teaching this?



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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #70 on: November 06, 2010, 12:22:51 AM »
You hit the nail right on the head. In many regards I have learned to make myself NOT be bothered by the comments and reactions I have received throughout life and at the same time have learned to open my mind to see why the systemic racism exists. It is clear that racism has been beneficial to the ruling whites (keeping a race subservient produces a "slave" labor to use) and has given many a poor white an excuse to use the African american as a whipping post for their anger or to direct their anger toward "their'' politician's actions and doings at us even though we had nothing to do with it. Ironically while we are having a discussion with Hugo who has exclaimed he is white, despite our histories with whites, we are engaged with no contempt or issue, but he can not do so with the Farrakhan video. That same holding of a issue over ones head is why racism still exists.

Thank you so much for expressing such keen insight with the gentleness and sensitivity this situation calls for.  :-*

What I want to ask Hugo is: Now that he has learned that the opinions of Farrakhan toward whites was something taught to him by a WHITE does that now make him feel toward Farrakhan? And how does that make him feel toward Fard Muhammed for teaching this?

Interesting dichotomy isn't it?

I don't know if Hugo will watch this, or anyone else for that matter, but for those open minded enough to watch this, it might shine a bit of light on the enigma that is Farrakhan. From the May 9th, 2010 Interview shown on TV One

part 1

part 2:

part 3:

part 4:

part 5:

part 6:

part 7:

part 8:

part 9:

part 10:

part 11:


  • Getbig V
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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #71 on: November 06, 2010, 12:23:58 AM »
Ok Samson, fuck you, happy now?...  This is pure BS and you've ignored everything I've said in favor of your own interpretation.  Piss off, I'm done.  Glad I could keep the board positive.

hmmm...   :-\


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #72 on: November 06, 2010, 02:20:27 AM »
fucking dude just basically said I'm part of the problem.  That I'm a contributing part of why racism is alive and well.  If that's the direction he and or you want to take it, I'm out.  I have better shit to do than listen to BS like that.

Hugo, when something is so deeply entrenched into the heart of our society... figuratively, not literally, ...we are ALL participants (both willing and unwilling) to some degree. Farrakhan's call is to those who are open to hearing about their unwilling and unwitting participation. To hear him vilified as anti-semitic or racist because of comments he has made that have been harsh or critical of Jews or whites can at times seem laughable to me, because if these same standards are applied to his rhetoric and critique of Blacks, one would have to conclude he was the KKK's Grand Wizard himself.

All I can advise is that you CALMLY, and thoughtfully consider Samson's actual statement, re-read the sentence, ...substitute your name for another if you have to, and try to see if you can objectively find any wisdom or insight.

ps: Don't go back in the closet. It's dark in there, and there isn't a lot of leg room.
...'sides, OzmO's smelly gym socks are in there, ...and you can't hold your breath that long!  :P


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #73 on: November 06, 2010, 10:25:50 AM »
Ok Samson, fuck you, happy now?...  This is pure BS and you've ignored everything I've said in favor of your own interpretation.  Piss off, I'm done.  Glad I could keep the board positive.

Hugo this over reaction means YOU have not listened to a single thing I have said and have brushed aside all of the explanations I have given to you and even overlooked the Farad Muhammed information showing he was a WHITE MAN who indoctrinated Farrakhan and those following Islam into believing that the WHITE MAN was made in a lab on the island of Patmos and is the DEVIL. Farrakhan did not create this belief, yet you are holding him responsible for its being.

Now isn't this ironic that I a Black man am talking to you a white man and trying to educate YOU on the truth of things in this manner of who started this and even so, you still have a PITBULL grip on "its Farrakhan's fault" for his opinions but you ignore who made that opinion possible. Where is your development through interaction with other people, religions and cultures that makes YOU aware that what is and has been said about a/any particular race, religion or culture IS or is NOT true? Ozmo showed his colors and lack of interaction with people, religions and cultures by refusing to watch any of the videos... so he is telling me he is happy hating whole races/religions/ or someone who he knows NOTHING ABOUT. With him there is nothing to work with...he is set in stone and can not be changed ...sadly. He will go through his life with mis-conceptions, opinionated views and faulty beliefs.

Our discussion here on this topic before this breakdown I believed was going good (unfortunately I became too tired to continue and now back on the board I find this) and I thought matters were being worked out and mis-perceptions cleared up, but obviously not. This is not about the board being or not being positive, because what is positive for one may be NEGATIVE for another. This is about getting the REAL FACTS and TRUTH out and on the table, this is NOT a bash against Hugo or a bash against whites situation, which it seems you are taking it as.

It has been said a million times to NOT talk about race, religion and politics and why, because someone will always misinterpret, over react, misconstrue, and/or make an issue where there is none. Now if you wish to continue with this conversation I have no problem, but I certainly do NOT want you walking away with a BIASED opinion which in all honesty has nothing supporting a reason for its existence.

Just my two cents on the matter


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Re: Is America on her Deathbed?
« Reply #74 on: November 06, 2010, 11:35:48 AM »
 author=Hugo Chavez link=topic=354167.msg5003230#msg5003230 date=1289065868]
::) What a joke, you two are blind.

I left the door open Hugo to continue good conversation but insted you contiuie to attack. I really want you to give me your opinion on how you feel now knowing that a WHITE MAN named Farad Muhammed is the person who indoctrinated the followers of Islam into believing that the white man was/is a creation from a lab on Patmos and that he is the DEVIL.

"The Original Man is a new black Man. He is “the Maker, the
Owner, the Cream of the Planet Earth”—and if he stays in The Class, he will
become a—“God of the Universe.”

If you have whites saying shit like that, you have blacks everywhere screaming that's racist.

Where have you been for the last 400 years? I brought up the issue of Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Mandela, Malcolm X etc etc so that you can see what the ruling whites and even many poor whites have said and did toward these men and the races they represented. Are you saying you are OK with this? Is it or was it wrong in your opinion for these men to have spoken up about the injustices they witnessed and experienced every day? So far as whites saying what you have quoted above.... they do say it and they say it everyday non stop. When I commented in the thread on ancient civilizations and said the researchers refer to the people as primitive, having no knowledge, no math , no wheel etc etc... look at the skin color of the people they are addressing: Egyptians(Africans), Peruvians, Arabs, Southeast Asians etc etc...they are all dark in skin tone. In america which has the most vitriolic and vile of opinions of people worldwide it is impossible for even a single day to go by when you are NOT hearing everyone from white cops to white politicians labeling Hispanics, Blacks, Arabs, Chinese, Caribbean etc etc as subhuman or any of many derogatory terms. And yes all of these races scream about this, but has it stopped it from happening? I brought up the issue of the term Ni**er in movies made by the jew.... has anyone chastised/punished /or even made mention about that to that ultra small MINORITY? Absolutely not... so I guess we are to take it , suck it up and be happy

LOL at the lame arguments here...

1.  I'm supposed to look the other way at clearly racist shit that comes out of NOI because LF has said he's only talking about white men in power ::)  RETARDED RETARDED RETARDED, NO WHITE PERSON WOULD GET AWAY WITH THE SAME BULLSHIT.

Was not Robert Byrd a GRAND WIZARD who sat in congress? and you can believe he was not the only one...and as I said he made it know and yet not a single other congressperson regardless of race or gender, spoke up about it and even squashed it when it became public knowledge.

2.  That it's all ok for LF because the person that taught him these crazy ideas is actually white, even though he doesn't look white, at all.  But it's ok, because it can't be racist if it came from a guy that had some white blood in him.... MORE RETARDED THAN EVER.

Since you don't think Farad is white...what does he look like to you? 

I'm actually the one keeping racism going, not LF with his statements of superiority and evil white devils.... WHHHHHHAAAAATTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!  retarded


where's this David Duke video you two bonded on.  I looked all through Samsons posts and couldn't find shit.  What a waste of time.  My guess is that if it really happened, it must have been zionist related for you two.  

What David Duke video are you talking about? Since when did I and 24K "BOND" on any david duke vidz? The issue was brought up by 24K that she listens to all kinds of people including David Duke if what they say is worth while.

But really, LOL that you thought identifying me as the race problem in America was clearing things up ::).... You knew you were goating with that crap, drop the bs.

Sad that your mis-perception continues. No one identified you as anything and neither were you "goated" along....