Author Topic: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World  (Read 18529 times)


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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #200 on: January 23, 2011, 10:38:45 AM »
I'd be up for burning a Russian flag but I would quickly draw that conclusion that your irrelevancy on the world stage doesn't warrant me giving a shit about your country or wasting any time burning stuff representing it.

Russia and France should lose their spots on the UN security council.

agreed 100%...good post


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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #201 on: January 23, 2011, 10:42:17 AM »
The collapse of Empires is nothing new. They come and go, as any student of history can see. In ancient times, we can read of the decadence of the Roman Empire, which brought about its collapse. In more recent times, the older among us in Great Britain have witnessed the collapse of the British Empire, which included one quarter of the population of the world.

Although that Empire crumbled away from 1945 on, as colony after colony became independent, in reality its real downfall had already begun in 1917. It was in that year that Great Britain went bankrupt as a result of the Great European War that had been started in 1914, largely by the megalomaniac Kaiser and international armament manufacturers. Thus, in 1917 Great Britain had been forced to borrow money from financiers in order to continue the war, making political compromises to do so (1). 1917 and not 1914 marked the real turning-point in world history in other ways too. It was after all in 1917 that the Russian Revolution, financed from New York, took place and within a few weeks the USA had entered the European War. As a result there began what many call ‘the American Century’, nearly a hundred years of US dominance of the world, as Western Europe entered not only into its first suicide pact of 1914-1918, but also its second, from 1939-1945.

However, the collapse of the British Empire since 1945 and at more or less the same time that of other Western European Empires, like the French, the Belgian and the Portuguese, is not the most recent collapse of Empire that we have witnessed. In some ways the collapse of the Soviet Empire, from 1989 onwards, was even more dramatic. Embroiled in a pointless, imperialistic war started in Afghanistan by a senile leader, the Soviet Empire had gone bankrupt and so lost its colonies. Like the collapse of the British and other Western European Empires, the Soviet collapse also echoed the collapse of the decadent Roman Empire, which has always provided an imperial model for Imperialism.

For the bankruptcy of the Soviet Empire, like that of the British and Roman and all other Empires, was not only financial, but also spiritual and therefore moral (for spirituality is the source of morality). Almighty God allows empires because they do more good than harm. However, there always comes a decadent phase, when they begin to do more harm than good. And thus they are allowed to fall. Such was the case of the British Empire, which went from noble, even Evangelical, aims and fell all too often to base commercial greed, in its opium wars in China, its concentration camps in South Africa and in its immoral colonial class in East Africa, India and the Caribbean.

The spiritual bankruptcy of the Soviet Empire became apparent to me in 1976. Then, visiting the Soviet Empire, I saw how nobody believed in Communism. I saw how the country was ruled by cynicism and inertia. Already then the ‘Communists’ clearly did not believe in their own ideology, but were a Mafia simply out to line their pockets, boredly clapping Communist gerontocrats, who themselves did not believe in their system. Little wonder that at that time the writer Solzhenitsyn called for people there to stop living the lie (‘zhit’ ne po lzhi’). He knew that once people started living for the truth, then the whole system would collapse. That is precisely the process that began after 1985. At that time the Party no longer ruled, even in name, the Empire was simply ruled by a Mafia, an Establishment kleptocracy (‘nomenklatura’ in Sovietspeak). Fortunately, since the year 2000, that criminal class has largely been eliminated and some of them now live in exile in London (where they are sheltered by the British government) and Russia has revived.

However, it has become clear that this is not the last collapse of an Empire which we are to witness. For we are now witnessing the collapse of the American Empire. This is the very Empire, whose rise began ninety years ago. It seems that although the American Empire has outlasted the Soviet Empire, it is to last less long than any of the Western European Empires, let alone the Roman Empire. Although it began in 1917, its golden age was to be in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. Then, surely, it did more good than harm and the generosity of its people became legendary and is still warmly appreciated.

However, already in the 1960s and 1970s, its power had peaked and decadence was becoming visible. Thus, it lost the Vietnam War, because, supporting a corrupt and unpopular regime, it lost the moral high ground, even against the Communist enemy. Already in the 1970s, the same Solzhenitsyn warned the Western world of its moral bankruptcy and was disbelieved. Today, the USA, supported to some extent, or at least not actively resisted, by a spineless and venal Western Europe, has started wars against Serbia, Afghanistan and Iraq, and may even want to start a war in Iran. These are all wars which it cannot win and indeed wars which it is already clearly losing. Baghdad, which means ‘God-given’, has indeed become a graveyard for poor and unknowing American soldiers, sent to die by a government for invisible ‘weapons of mass destruction’

Not only does the American Empire, led at best by incompetence, at worst by greed and lies, suffer bankrupting, unwinnable and terrorizing wars, which are begun out of hubris (the illusion of self-satisfied pride). It also has a national debt of several trillions of dollars, which is supported largely, but temporarily, by China’s purchase of US government debt. Now with its illusory debt-financed boom over, the US is plunging into a crisis, as its housing bubble has burst and it faces soaring oil prices. With a dumbed down public education system, at its worst capable of turning out some of the most ill-educated and ill-behaved children in the world (not unlike the system in the UK), with a health system intent on profit and not health, with a non-existent public transport system, with a throwaway culture of unparalleled wastefulness, with an obesity crisis without precedent in human history, with a dollar so weak that American corporations are asking to be paid in euros, there are those who wonder how much longer the American Empire can continue. And this is no time for Western European countries to gloat. Having passively, or actively bought into the illusory ‘American dream’ for so long, they too will have to help pay the cost of the real American nightmare. Western Europe is dragged down by the measure of its own compromises with the ideology of pride, that is imaginary superiority.


Some love to despair and are already preparing for the end of the world. But this is an exaggeration. The American Empire will not collapse overnight; nor will Western Europe be dragged down very suddenly. This process is taking years, not a few days. And the collapse of the American Empire is not necessarily the end of the world, simply the end of a world. It can be positive, not negative. Just like climate change, all this is happening in order for our age to become an opportunity to overcome the excesses of the past, an opportunity to repent, to change of way of life, an opportunity to rebalance the world.

Moreover, there is now emerging an alternative to the end of this Western dream world – and this is in Russia. Although Western right-wingers, who secretly loved the Cold War, at present rant about ‘the revival of the Soviet Empire’ under Vladimir Putin, this is absurd. In Russia there is indeed a revival, but it is a revival of the Russian Empire, not of the Soviet Empire, which is long dead. Indeed, it could be argued that the Soviet Empire died as long ago as 1943, when 25 years after Lenin had ordered the massacre of the Russian Imperial Family, Stalin realized that the war against Germany was winnable only with the support of the Russian Orthodox Church, not only not a Soviet institution, but indeed the direct opposite of a Soviet institution. And that war was indeed won by the Russian, and not Soviet, Empire, for Stalin’s crass military ineptitude would have lost it.

Russia visited the Communist ideology and found it catastrophically lacking. And the Communist materialist ideology, imported into Russia mainly by those who had sadly lost their faith, is only Western materialist liberalism carried to its ultimate extreme. Therefore, as Russia discovered during its Mafia rule by Westernizers in the 1990s, Western liberalism is no alternative to Communism – it is as bankrupt as Communism, because it is only a variation of Communism. It was for this reason that in the year 2000, inside Russia, the Russian Orthodox Church, the bearer of the conscience of all the East Slav peoples, was at last freed to glorify as saints of God the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Communist Yoke, including the Imperial Martyrs. Thus began a new era, which also set Russia on a collision course with the Western world and the intolerance of its anti-Christian political correctness. This is the one-dimensional, secularist ideology of the Western right to be immoral and to justify its immorality.

In this way Russia and all the other East Slav peoples, together called Rus, have returned to their roots, Orthodoxy. We have no other ideology, no other belief. With Communism as dead as Western liberalism, the Russian Orthodox Church, with its 187 bishops, with its sister-Churches around the world in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and in Japan, in Serbia, Poland and Czechoslovakia, increasingly in Bulgaria, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Greece and Cyprus, is now laying the foundation of the new Russia, the new world. And the fact is that this new Russia has a popularity in China, in Iran and in the Middle East, whose conflict only Russian diplomacy can defuse and resolve with a justice and authority that no other nation on earth now possesses.

The Soviet Empire fell, but the Russian Empire is rising in its place. Even the most deluded are beginning to understand that the Soviet Empire was not only the gravest of errors, the most tragic episode of usurpation, the most catastrophic erring from Russia’s historic path and destiny, but also that Russia is now returning to normality and its rightful place on the world stage. It is time for those who have erred in turn, those who have acted against the Russian Church, who have sought the favour of the powers that be, out of weakness of soul, against the principles and integrity of the Orthodox Faith, to return also, whether in parts of the United States, in Paris, in Istanbul, or elsewhere, to their destiny and rightful role.

Over sixty years ago one of the greatest Russian saints, St Seraphim of Vyritsa (1866-1949), prophesied that: ‘A time will come when there will be a spiritual flowering in Russia. Many churches and monasteries will open, even those of other faiths will come to us in ships to be baptized’. I have long thought that the time will come when we in the West will be forbidden to baptize. Here is the prophecy that confirms the thought. It might be well to ask for a Russian passport now…

Priest Andrew Phillips

Written on 15/28 November 2007, as the Kursk Root Icon departs from Felixstowe to Munich, where, in the ROCOR Cathedral, His Holiness Patriarch Alexis II celebrates before Her, together with their Eminences Archbishop Mark and Bishop Agapit.

1) Ever since 1917, the ascendancy and power of international finance has been paramount in Great Britain. This is perhaps especially the case today under the fin de règne Big Brother Scottish Calvinist dictatorship of Blair and Brown. For this is when, with the Labour government financed and organized by Peter Mandelson, Lord Levy, David Abrahams and Jon Mendelsohn, to name but a few, this power is especially apparent. Little wonder that Mr Blair of the ‘Labour Friends of Israel’, has been given the task of ‘Middle East peace envoy’. As one commentator has remarked, this is similar to ‘making Hitler chief rabbi’.

as a Russian, you should know....the collapse of the Russian empire without a shot being fired was monumental....the worst collapse in world history


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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #202 on: January 23, 2011, 10:51:15 AM »
agreed 100%...good post

 Why didn't you agree with that post????

Russia is the largest country in the world, covering more than a ninth of the Earth's land area. Everybody else (China included) is irrelevant from the Russian perspective


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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #203 on: January 23, 2011, 11:09:29 AM »
as a Russian, you should know....the collapse of the Russian empire without a shot being fired was monumental....the worst collapse in world history

As you being an American I will have to explain you - Russia stands as it always stood. What is that without shot fired at you thing I always hear??? Who cares?

 Russia is a great power and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, a member of the G8, G20, the Council of Europe, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and is the leading member of the Commonwealth of Independent States.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #204 on: January 23, 2011, 11:12:37 AM »
As you being an American I will have to explain you - Russia stands as it always stood. What is that without shot fired at you thing I always hear??? Who cares?

 Russia is a great power and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, a member of the G8, G20, the Council of Europe, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and is the leading member of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Russia is the most irrelevant country on earth...only exporting weapons, vodka and prostitutes.....if you want to fuck, drink and kill people, then Russia is a great country ;D


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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #205 on: January 23, 2011, 11:19:16 AM »
Russia is the most irrelevant country on earth...only exporting weapons, vodka and prostitutes.....if you want to fuck, drink and kill people, then Russia is a great country ;D

 We are the civilization, Russian civilization on it's own, ground solid. We don't need to export something, why??? If I have money I will buy something that is made in China but why should I export something to China? We don't care! We are the largest and the greatest country on the planet Earth!

Soul Crusher

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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #206 on: January 23, 2011, 11:21:21 AM »
Russia is the most irrelevant country on earth...only exporting weapons, vodka and prostitutes.....if you want to fuck, drink and kill people, then Russia is a great country ;D

Sounds good to me!   Last count I had about 50 something guns, a shit load of cash, about 100k rounds of ammo,etc.   Send me over, sounds like fun.  

Better than dealing with homeless bums in the Bronx hawking me for $ $ $  every day.   Shit I would trade dealing with angry black bums for hot broke russian chicks any day.   


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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #207 on: January 23, 2011, 11:25:26 AM »
Sounds good to me!   Last count I had about 50 something guns, a shit load of cash, about 100k rounds of ammo,etc.   Send me over, sounds like fun.  

Better than dealing with homeless bums in the Bronx hawking me for $ $ $  every day.   Shit I would trade dealing with angry black bums for hot broke russian chicks any day.   

 There are lots broken Russian chicks? any stories?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #208 on: January 23, 2011, 11:27:10 AM »
Sounds good to me!   Last count I had about 50 something guns, a shit load of cash, about 100k rounds of ammo,etc.   Send me over, sounds like fun.  

Better than dealing with homeless bums in the Bronx hawking me for $ $ $  every day.   Shit I would trade dealing with angry black bums for hot broke russian chicks any day.   

it really has become so difficult for you to hold in your racism.....a used to have some you're just another angry irrational white guy who sees black people everywhere as the cause of your own failures and frustrations.......reall y sad to watch you degenerate into something so pitiful............

Soul Crusher

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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #209 on: January 23, 2011, 11:28:33 AM »
There are lots broken Russian chicks? any stories?

Nah, just imagining myself giving some little Babusshka 50 rounds of 9mm for a blow job as opposed to grabbing my G26 every time i walk to my car from these animals begging me for booze money at 8 pm.    

Soul Crusher

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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #210 on: January 23, 2011, 11:32:22 AM »

it really has become so difficult for you to hold in your racism.....a used to have some you're just another angry irrational white guy who sees black people everywhere as the cause of your own failures and frustrations.......reall y sad to watch you degenerate into something so pitiful............

I have been in my office since 2004.   Only until recently have I been begged for cash by drunk bums etc.   There are dealers on the corner i could easily take out myself, but the Fags/Pussies/Bitches in Blue don't do a damn thing.   

Now, at night, i get hawked for $ $ $, etc.  I'm tired of this and trying to leave.   I have my building for sale and as soon as it sells, i'm out of here.    Sick of dealing with this animals who belong in the Bronx Zoo.



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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #211 on: January 23, 2011, 11:40:53 AM »
Nah, just imagining myself giving some little Babusshka 50 rounds of 9mm for a blow job as opposed to grabbing my G26 every time i walk to my car from these animals begging me for booze money at 8 pm.    

 Babushka is an innocent and kind very old woman. What office do you have?


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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #212 on: January 23, 2011, 11:42:05 AM »

I have been in my office since 2004.   Only until recently have I been begged for cash by drunk bums etc.   There are dealers on the corner i could easily take out myself, but the Fags/Pussies/Bitches in Blue don't do a damn thing.   

Now, at night, i get hawked for $ $ $, etc.  I'm tired of this and trying to leave.   I have my building for sale and as soon as it sells, i'm out of here.    Sick of dealing with this animals who belong in the Bronx Zoo.


would it make you feel better if they were WHITE bums???


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #213 on: January 23, 2011, 11:43:33 AM »
We are the civilization, Russian civilization on it's own, ground solid. We don't need to export something, why??? If I have money I will buy something that is made in China but why should I export something to China? We don't care! We are the largest and the greatest country on the planet Earth!

No country in the world wants the shit Russia makes

Soul Crusher

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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #214 on: January 23, 2011, 11:45:15 AM »
Babushka is an innocent and kind very old woman. What office do you have?

I have my law office/collection agency out of here.

Once construction collapsed, all the Mick's went hme to Ireland and we are left with the shit in Woodlawn.  They are building a homeless shelter across the bridge for 400 homeless peopelandthe local people are scared shit.  

Granted if i have to, I have enough to take out a small army on my own if need be, but I'm dick of even looking at this anymore.  

I'm just tired of this crap.   Were it not for my GF, I would got to Texas or Montana.          


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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #215 on: January 23, 2011, 11:49:38 AM »
No country in the world wants the shit Russia makes

 The shit is made in China! It's China clothes the world! Why Russia???


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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #216 on: January 23, 2011, 11:53:19 AM »
The shit is made in China! It's China clothes the world! Why Russia???

I see no Russian Tv' ders.....nothing......Ru ssia makes weapons and thats it

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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #217 on: January 23, 2011, 11:55:38 AM »
I see no Russian Tv' ders.....nothing......Ru ssia makes weapons and thats it

I get tons of russian ammo for my AK 47, AR15, G 17, G 26, from this site.   Russia is not good yet in the 9mm area.     

Jadeveon Clowney

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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #218 on: January 23, 2011, 11:56:14 AM »
I see no Russian Tv' ders.....nothing......Ru ssia makes weapons and thats it

High quality strippers for a reasonable price too.


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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #219 on: January 23, 2011, 12:01:46 PM »
I see no Russian Tv' ders.....nothing......Ru ssia makes weapons and thats it

 Show me the law where it is written that is Russia is obliged to make Tv's, cars, radios, blenders etc???? There is no such law, ask 333386! It's the prerogative of the small country like Japan or something! Russia is going to land on Mars who the fucking cares for blenders??? :P

Soul Crusher

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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #220 on: January 23, 2011, 12:04:52 PM »
Show me the law where it is written that is Russia obliged to make Tv's, cars, radios, blenders etc???? There is no such law, ask 333386! It's the prerogative of the small country like Japan or something! Russia is going to land Mars who the fucking cares for blenders??? :P

I bought a shit load of Russian Bear 7.62 for my AK and no problems at all.  Can't complain at all.    bought some 9mm  and no probs either.   

The .22 sucked though.    For me, Russian 7.62 is a great buy.       


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #221 on: January 23, 2011, 12:09:05 PM »
Show me the law where it is written that is Russia is obliged to make Tv's, cars, radios, blenders etc???? There is no such law, ask 333386! It's the prerogative of the small country like Japan or something! Russia is going to land on Mars who the fucking c thares for blenders??? :P

HAHA!!!!..Russia can't make a blender and they're going to land on Mars??????????,,,you are so dumb if you believe that!!!!

Jadeveon Clowney

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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #222 on: January 23, 2011, 12:09:30 PM »
Show me the law where it is written that is Russia is obliged to make Tv's, cars, radios, blenders etc???? There is no such law, ask 333386! It's the prerogative of the small country like Japan or something! Russia is going to land on Mars who the fucking cares for blenders??? :P

Good luck getting to the moon first chump.


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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #223 on: January 23, 2011, 12:17:46 PM »
HAHA!!!!..Russia can't make a blender and they're going to land on Mars??????????,,,you are so dumb if you believe that!!!!

 The first probes to impact and land on Mars were the Soviet Union's Mars 2. Will you shoot a bullet through your brains if Russia makes it 1'st?


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Re: The Collapse Of The American Empire And The Rebalancing Of The World
« Reply #224 on: January 23, 2011, 12:20:09 PM »
The first probes to impact and land on Mars were the Soviet Union's Mars 2. Will you shot a bullet through your brains if Russia makes it 1'st?

won't happen..china will get  there before you ....and after us