Author Topic: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread  (Read 67743 times)

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #150 on: June 01, 2011, 11:20:34 AM »
Doug Schoen: Democrats Fear Christie Entering Presidential Race
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
By Jim Meyers and Ashley Martella

Political analyst and Democratic pollster Doug Schoen tells Newsmax that while Mitt Romney is currently the strongest Republican challenger to President Obama, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is the candidate the Democrats fear the most.

Schoen also asserts that Democrats are engaging in “scare tactics” in attacking Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare overhaul proposal while offering no plan of their own, and says Republicans should offer a “less draconian” alternative to the Ryan plan.

Schoen served as an adviser during President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign. He is a Fox News analyst and co-author, along with pollster Scott Rasmussen, of the book “Mad As Hell: How the Tea Party Movement Is Fundamentally Remaking Our Two-Party System.”

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, Schoen was asked which GOP candidate would have the best chance of defeating President Obama in 2012.

Mitt Romney is the Republican who is in the best position to challenge President Barack Obama, says Democratic strategist Doug Schoen. However, Schoen says, Democrats fear Chris Christie more. In this Newsmax.TV video, Schoen also says the poor economy ruins Obamas performance.

“Right now I think it’s Mitt Romney,” Schoen responds.

“He’s got name recognition, he’s got money, and he is a former businessman who has the ability to run on the economy. He does have the liability of having proposed a forerunner of Obamacare.

“But at this point I’d say Mitt Romney would be the toughest candidate for President Obama to beat.”

chris,christieAs for the potential candidate the Democrats fear the most, Schoen opines: “I think Democrats fear someone who’s not in the race, like New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

“The American people are looking for fresh faces and if somebody like Chris Christie got into the race, I think there is a real chance that there could be a boomlet of excitement that could catapult him pretty quickly to the top of the polls.”

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was the top pick for president among Republicans and independents in a CNN poll released last week. Explaining the results, Schoen says: “That’s name recognition and dissatisfaction with the Republican field.

“I said Mitt Romney is the front-runner, but I didn’t say he’s enthusiastically embraced by the Republican base. He isn’t. Rudy Giuliani is remembered well for is work in New York City, fighting terrorism, helping the city recover after 9-11. There is a clear sense that he is somebody who could and should be heard from.

“The problem he has is he is perceived as too much of a centrist for an increasingly conservative Republican primary electorate.”

. . .

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #151 on: June 01, 2011, 11:34:48 AM »
33 can you please kick this off?   And no fat jokes.   :D

Chris Christie is so fat that he needs to take a helicopter to attend his sons baseball game and then needs a limo to drive him the 100 yards from the helicopter to the baseball field

no joke

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #152 on: June 01, 2011, 07:13:40 PM »

he's starting to look like a caricature

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #153 on: June 24, 2011, 11:52:29 AM »
Christie to Caller: 'None of Your Business' Where My Kids Go to School
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Call it another Chris Christie moment.

The confrontational New Jersey governor, appearing on a recent call-in show for a local public television channel, effectively shut down a caller who asked him why he sends his kids to private school.

"You know what? First off, it's none of your business," Christie snapped, after being asked to justify how he can impose cuts on the public school system while keeping his own children out of it.

"Secondly," he continued, "I pay $38,000 a year in property taxes for a public school system ... that my wife and I don't choose to utilize, because we believe we've decided as parents that we believe a religious education should be part of our children's everyday education. So we send our children to parochial school."

The Republican governor is well known for his often-public run-ins with teachers and critics of his administration over his cuts to the education system.

Christie was recently rebuked over those cuts by the New Jersey Supreme Court, which last month ruled that the state must restore $500 million in education funding for low-income districts.

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #154 on: June 27, 2011, 10:56:33 AM »
New Jersey’s Christie Says He’s ‘Not a Fan’ of Gay Marriage
Sunday, 26 Jun 2011

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he is “not a fan” of same-sex marriage and wouldn’t follow neighboring New York’s lead by legalizing it.

Although New Jersey allows gay couples to form civil unions, marriage should be between a man and a woman, Christie said today on NBC’s “Meet the Press” program.

On Friday, New York became the sixth U.S. state to give gay couples the right to wed. Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the measure into law shortly after the New York’s Republican-controlled state Senate approved the measure in a 33-29 vote. New Jersey’s Senate rejected a gay marriage bill backed by then-Gov. Jon Corzine in January 2010.

“In our state, we’re going to continue to pursue civil unions,” said Christie, 48, a first-term Republican. “I am not a fan of same-sex marriage. It’s not something that I support.”

Proponents of New Jersey’s failed gay-marriage bill had said the state’s current civil union law doesn’t guarantee same- sex couples federal protection and equal treatment by insurance providers, hospitals and out-of-state firms that don’t recognize the arrangements.

“I believe marriage should be between one man and one woman,” Christie said. “I wouldn’t sign a bill like the one that was in New York.”

Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts. and Connecticut issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, as does the District of Columbia, according to the Washington-based Human Rights Campaign, which advocates equal rights for gay, bisexual, and transgender people. New York and Maryland recognize such marriages from other jurisdictions.

New York’s new law, enabling same-sex couples to marry in the state, will take effect in 30 days. New York is the nation’s third most-populous state, with 19.4 million residents.

Christie, who has said he won’t seek the Republican presidential nomination for 2012, also demurred when asked whether he’d have any interest in running for vice president.

“The person who picks me as vice president would have to be sedated,” Christie said.

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #155 on: July 21, 2011, 03:19:04 PM »
July 20, 2011 1:20 PM
Chris Christie maintains he's not running in 2012 after meeting with donors
By Lucy Madison

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie met with major GOP donors urging him to run for president on Tuesday night, but he says he remains steadfast that he will not enter the race in 2012.

The Republican has continuously brushed aside talk of a possible bid for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination - but that hasn't stopped some high-profile donors and rank-and-file Republicans from pushing him to enter the race. And a Tuesday meeting with donors led by billionaire venture capitalist and Republican donor Ken Langone fueled yet more talk.

At a statehouse press conference following the meeting, however, Christie said his plans hadn't changed.

"There are some people who believe I should leave this job and go to another one," Christie told reporters. "I said nothing different to [Langone] than I've said to other folks in the past."

"This is not a new acquaintance," Christie continued. "He wanted me to sit down and talk and listen to him. I'm always happy to sit and listen to people who are smarter than me, and I think Ken falls into that category. So I could listen to him but I said nothing different to him today than I've said to all of you and everybody else."

Langone, a co-founder of The Home Depot who backed former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani in his 2008 presidential bid, has in recent years made significant donations to the Republican party nationwide. According to the New Jersey Star-Ledger, he donated $2,000 to Christie's 2008 gubernatorial campaign, and in 2010 contributed $25,000 to the New Jersey State Republican committee.

According to Politico, Christie told those in the meeting that while he would not run in 2012 because of the concerns about his family, a commitment to serving out his term as governor and questions about his ability to win. He reportedly left some room for speculation about openness to a 2016 bid.

Christie reportedly will travel to Iowa -- the key first-in-the-nation voting state -- next week to speak on behalf of Rep. Steve King.

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #156 on: July 24, 2011, 10:31:00 PM »
Christie Stays in National Spotlight With Iowa Visit
Published July 24, 2011
Associated Press

DES MOINES, Iowa -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says he's not running for president, but he's still leaving an imprint on the 2012 Republican campaign as a potential kingmaker -- and distraction.

His visit to Iowa on Monday is evidence of both.

Christie is swooping in to speak at an education conference in Des Moines and headline a political fundraiser for a congressman.

Although Christie has batted away the possibility of a 2012 run at every turn, some of the GOP presidential contenders have sought his advice and support.

"If he feels compelled that he can make a difference, he may endorse a candidate," said Christie's senior political adviser, Mike DuHaime.

Christie is inviting national attention at a time when GOP voters have been slow to embrace the field of announced candidates. His visit comes on the same day when two hopefuls, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty and U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, were scheduled to campaign in the leadoff caucus state ahead of an August straw poll.

"Any time Christie comes out here, he's obviously going to take some air out of the room," said Doug Gross, an influential Iowa Republican who has not committed to a candidate in the 2012 campaign. "He again creates this sense that the current field isn't complete or isn't sufficient."

The attention on Christie may ebb if Texas Gov. Rick Perry enters the race next month.

But efforts to court Christie have continued this summer even though he has said that his four school-age children and further goals in his first term make a White House bid out of the question.

This past week, Christie met with Home Depot co-founder Kenneth Langone, among the influential economic conservatives who want Christie to run.

In May, a meeting with Christie in Princeton, N.J., that was arranged by a group of Iowa GOP business leaders and donors made headlines as a sign of discontent with the GOP field. Iowa activists are accustomed to being courted in their own state.

The group's leader, energy company executive Bruce Rastetter, had been impressed by Christie last fall when the New Jersey governor headlined a fundraiser for Terry Branstad's gubernatorial campaign. Rastetter was Branstad's top fundraiser in 2010.

Christie agreed during the May meeting to attend the education conference organized by Branstad and to stop in at the fundraiser in West Des Moines for U.S. Rep. Steve King.

It makes sense for Christie to stay in the good graces of Iowa Republicans, should he keep the door open for running for president in 2016, as he has.

The King event is in part out of gratitude for the congressman's support for Christie at a congressional hearing two years ago, King adviser Chuck Laudner said.

Christie, then the nominee for New Jersey governor, faced pointed questioning at a U.S. House Judiciary subcommittee hearing in the Democratic-controlled House about no-bid contracts he awarded as U.S. attorney in New Jersey. Christie's star has risen quickly after he defeated a Democratic governor in a Democratic state just a year after Democrat Barack Obama was elected president.

But Christie's national profile has continued to rise, in part for his frank and sometimes confrontational exchanges with media, captured on video and circulated on the internet by his staff.

He has drawn praise from fiscal hawks and loud complaints from public-sector unions for efforts to trim benefits for public employees as part of steep budget cuts in his first two years in office.

Christie is pursuing education measures aimed at abolishing indefinite tenure for teachers and establishing merit-based pay. Branstad said last week he will propose linking teacher pay raises to classroom performance.

Christie's approval has begun to slip in public opinion polls from a healthy rating of roughly half of New Jersey voters a year ago to below 50 percent in recent months, while his disapproval has also inched higher to near 50 percent at the same time.

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #157 on: September 07, 2011, 10:05:21 AM »
Christie rises to number two spot at Republican Governors Association
By: CNN Political Reporter Peter Hamby

Columbia, South Carolina (CNN) – He's not running for president, but Chris Christie is stepping up his political activity on the national stage.

The New Jersey governor, one of the most popular elected officials within the GOP, has been tapped by his peers to serve as Vice Chairman of the Republican Governors Association, CNN has learned.

Christie now becomes one of the top two figures at the RGA, under Chairman Bob McDonnell, the governor of Virginia.

As one of the GOP's most in-demand speakers, Christie is set to travel the country raising money for the organization, helping him boost his profile among donors and activists nationwide as he and McDonnell seek to elect Republican governors during the 2011 and 2012 election cycles.

Meanwhile, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, another leading figure among conservatives thanks to his crusade against public sector unions in Madison earlier this year, has been elevated to the RGA's executive committee, the main decision-making body within the organization.

RGA Executive Director Phil Cox called both governors "effective reform-minded governors" and "strong voices for our party and for our principles."

With the promotions of Christie and Walker, the list of RGA chairmen and executive committee members now reads like a who's-who of possible vice presidential candidates and potential 2016 White House hopefuls.

McDonnell and Christie are both sure bets for vice presidential shortlists in 2012, as is Walker.

Also serving on the RGA executive committee are Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez.

The Democratic Governors quickly criticized the Christie choice.

“The RGA’s decision to name Governor Christie as their Vice Chair shows that they care more about tough-guy rhetoric and YouTube hits than actual results. Let’s look at the facts. Since becoming governor, Christie has made devastating cuts to schools, raised property taxes, killed thousands of jobs with his opposition to the ARC tunnel, and even forced a downgrade of his state’s bond rating," DGA Spokeswoman Elisabeth Smith said in a statement. "His shtick may make for good copy, but it has had dire consequences for the people of New Jersey.”

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #158 on: September 23, 2011, 06:44:24 PM »

Chris Christie Reconsidering 2012 Run, Will Decide in Days
Friday, 23 Sep 2011
By Jim Meyers

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is reconsidering his decision not to enter the 2012 presidential race — and he says he will let top Republican donors know within days about his plans, Newsmax has learned.

During the past few weeks, several leading Republican donors and fundraisers have been urging the popular Republican governor to reconsider his decision not to run and to enter the GOP primary.

These Christie supporters note that significant GOP support has remained on the sidelines of the primary fight. Many leading fundraisers have yet to commit to any current primary contender, including frontrunners Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.

Newsmax has learned that the effort to draft Christie culminated in a hush-hush powwow held in the past week with Christie and several notable Republican billionaires.

A source familiar with the meeting suggested that Christie seemed inclined to enter the race but said he needed more time.

Christie promised to make a final decision "within two weeks," the source said.

Another source involved in GOP fundraising tells Newsmax that that uncommitted fundraisers and donors have been receiving phone calls from top political aides to Christie, seeking their feedback about his possible entry into the race.

Earlier this week Christie hinted at the effort to draft him when he spoke at a special forum that included Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels.

Christie suggested to an audience at New Jersey's Rider University that the current GOP candidates are not answering the public's appetite for real leadership.

"I think what the country is thirsting for, more than anything else right now, is someone of stature and credibility to tell them that and say, 'Here's where I want us to go to deal with this crisis,'" Christie said.

Christie continued: "The fact that nobody yet who's running for president, in my view, has done that effectively is why you continue to hear people ask Daniels if he'll reconsider and ask me if I'll reconsider."

Christie has consistently and categorically stated that he would not run for president in 2012, noting he had significant work still to accomplish in New Jersey.

But New Jersey and New York Republican donors and bundlers who have backed Christie also have been courted in the past several months by Texas Gov. Perry's campaign.

Senior aides to Christie have been quietly urging his supporters not to commit to Perry, indicating Christie was still mulling a bid and would make a final decision after New Jersey's legislative races are completed in November.

But the rapidly changing primary landscape may be changing that timetable.

Perry's quick rise in the polls and indications he may be fading — coupled with nagging questions about Romney's ability to lead the party after backing a Massachusetts healthcare law ominously similar to President Barack Obama's own Obamacare program — may have created a window of opportunity for Christie.

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #159 on: September 24, 2011, 10:29:56 AM »
NJ Gov. Chris Christie still might run for President
by Elias Isquith on September 24, 2011

Just when you think that you’re out, he pulls you back in:

In an about-face, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is considering running for the Republican nomination for president, according to the New York Post and

    “Huge pressure from high-ranking Republicans and fund-raisers” is making Christie consider the possibility, however, a source told the Post. “He’ll decide this week.”

I really do try, in general, to get into the heads of those I disagree with and see things from their perspective. I don’t think I’m great at it—no one is, really—but I do think I’m better at it than many others, especially when it comes to politics.

But for the life of me I cannot figure out why Chris Christie is being regarded as some kind of savior for the GOP.

Well, that’s not entirely true. I understand that he appeals to the significant chunk of the GOP electorate that swoons for a swaggering, tough-talking, bruising white ethnic macho man. Christie speaks to those in the GOP who still see themselves as representatives of hardworking, middle class, no BS America. The party of Archie Bunker. These are the people who were never so happy with Bush as they were in the months following 9/11, when he seemingly was dying for someone—anyone—to give him an excuse to bomb half the world and bitch-slap a high-profle liberal to boot. It’s a very male appeal for an overwhelmingly male party.

But how do we get from “I think Chris Christie is a badass” to “I think Chris Christie has a better chance of winning the 2012 election that Mitt Romney”? He’s unpopular in his own state, which, by the way, he’s been Governor of for about as long as Sarah Palin in Alaska. He has a record of shaky ethics. There’s undoubtedly more than enough video online and elsewhere of him berating one working class woman, usually a teacher, after another to portray him as a mean-spirited, blustering bully. And, well, he’s obese—and let’s not kid ourselves, there’s a reason politics has been called showbiz for ugly people.

A lot of talk has circulated in the wake of Perry’s entering the race to the effect of GOP voters being too radical, too cloistered, to understand that their vision of paradise differs from the general electorate’s. Will Republicans blow it in 2012?, etc. And while I can see how this popped-up with Perry, considering his statements on Social Security and his Bush-y mannerisms, the groundswell around Christie seems to me to stand as even starker evidence that the party’s gone off-the-rails.

It’s as if the Republican powers-that-be can no longer distinguish between what’s best for Roger Ailes and what’s best for their party.

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #160 on: September 24, 2011, 03:42:27 PM »
cause the current crop sucks.  his weight will be awesome, to see if he gets a stomach staple and see him get leaner every month until election

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #161 on: September 24, 2011, 05:16:17 PM »
The Koch brothers are dying to have this guy run

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #162 on: September 24, 2011, 10:08:03 PM »
The Koch brothers are dying to have this guy run

If he runs anywhere, he will likely collapse and die.

Hopefully, the debates involving Christie will be televised.

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #163 on: September 25, 2011, 02:28:40 PM »
Perry: Christie Will Be Formidable Rival in GOP Field
Sunday, 25 Sep 2011
By Newsmax Wires

ORLANDO, Fla. — Texas Gov. Rick Perry says that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie would be a formidable competitor who would strengthen the GOP presidential field aligning against President Barack Obama.

In an Associated Press interview, Perry responded to a Newsmax story published Friday that indicated Christie is strongly considering a presidential bid at the behest of major GOP donors.

"I see anybody that gets in the race that believes in America and is a small government but efficient government individual, I would welcome into the race. It just strengthens the point that the Republican Party's all about getting our country working again. Whoever that is," Perry said of Christie.

"And I'm also a big believer in these governors being freed up to be able to compete against each other. Chris Christie is a great competitor — and I'll be up there, you know, in Jersey, looking for some businesses to move to Texas."

On Friday, Newsmax broke the story that Christie, despite the protestations of some aides, is indicating that he might be inclined to run.

Editor's Note: See "Christie Reconsidering '12 Run, Will Decide Within Days"

Several leading Republican donors and fundraisers have been urging the popular Republican governor to reconsider his decision not to run and to enter the GOP primary, Newsmax reported.

These Christie supporters note that significant GOP support has remained on the sidelines of the primary fight. Many leading fundraisers have yet to commit to any current primary contender, including frontrunners Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.

Newsmax also learned that the effort to draft Christie culminated in a hush-hush powwow held in the past week with Christie and several notable Republican billionaires.

A source familiar with the meeting suggested that Christie seemed inclined to enter the race but said he needed more time.

Perry lost a key test vote in Florida to businessman Herman Cain on Saturday after making a strong effort to win. Perry's second-place finish in the straw poll came just days after he faltered in a debate in Orlando, Fla.

On Sunday, Perry came in second to former Masschusett Gov. Mitt Romney in the Michigan Straw Poll. Romney won the poll of GOP activists Sunday during the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference. He won 51 percent of the 681 votes cast, while Texas Gov. Rick Perry earned 17 percent. Both candidates spoke at the conference Saturday.

Activists at the Florida test vote kept bringing Christie up as a possible contender. Merick Lewin, who owns a marketing company in Davie, Fla., said he believes it's a two-person race — unless Christie runs.

"He's tough. He's strong. He could really shake this up, especially if Rick Perry implodes," Lewin said.

Christie insisted just this Thursday that he does not plan to run for president in 2012. Bill Palatucci, Christie's longtime friend and political adviser, told the AP on Saturday night, "Nothing has changed."

But the more intense discussions of a Christie candidacy are further evidence that Perry's bid could be in trouble.

Perry’s defense of in-state tuition rates for illegal immigrants put him on the wrong side of the GOP's conservative base. His rivals worked to exploit his opposition to a fence along the U.S.-Mexican border and his support of a mandatory vaccine for girls against a sexually transmitted disease.

Cain captured 37.1 percent of the vote at Saturday's Presidency 5 straw poll in Orlando, with Perry coming in second with 15.4 percent. Mitt Romney came in third with14 percent and former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania followed with 10.88 percent.

Previous straw polls have predicted the GOP nominee.

Ronald Reagan won in 1979, George H.W. Bush in 1987 and Kansas Sen. Bob Dole in 1995. The Republican Party of Florida, however, has not organized the test vote in recent years.

After the vote, Perry released a statement congratulating Cain. His spokesman, Mark Miner, acknowledged his debate performance played a role in the straw poll vote, but insisted the campaign would not change strategy.

"He's the commander in chief, not the debater in chief," Miner said.
Cain's speech Saturday energized the attending activists. "Let's send Washington a message: We the people are still in charge of this country. Not we, the bureaucrats. Not we, the government," Cain told the conference.

Santorum said delegates should stand with "someone who can win the election, someone who is a consistent, authentic conservative ... who has proved they can win in states that we have to win."

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #164 on: September 26, 2011, 04:24:04 PM »
New York Post Urges Christie to Run
Monday, 26 Sep 2011
By Jim Meyers

The New York Post on Monday urged New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to enter the presidential race and fill a void in the current slate of GOP candidates.

“Some of the party’s top leaders and most influential figures — clearly troubled by the failure of anyone in the current field to stir broad, enthusiastic support — are pressing Christie, whom they believe can successfully lead the party against an increasingly vulnerable President Obama,” the Post stated in an editorial.

“We agree.”

The Post disclosed that talk of a Christie candidacy has been fueled by Thursday’s disappointing debate performance by Texas Gov. Rick Perry, the presumed front-runner. Republicans now believe they “need someone strong on the ballot,” the Post observed, “and there’s no denying that Chris Christie has long been the hottest ticket in town, a genuine GOP political superstar.”

christie,gop,post,perryChristie has a “freshness” about him that’s lacking in Mitt Romney, according to the Post. The newspaper touted Christie’s success as a prosecutor in fighting his state’s “endemic corruption,” and pointed to his achievements as governor in bringing “fiscal responsibility” to New Jersey, enacting public pension reform despite an “intransigent Democratic legislature.”

“He’s focused and determined, but also flexible, and those are qualities sadly lacking in Washington these days,” the Post declared.

Political analyst Larry Sabato told Newsmax on Sunday that Christie could win the GOP nomination and go on to defeat President Obama in 2012.

The Republican Party is “disappointed with Perry and Romney and has an appetite for a new candidate,” said Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia.

“There’s no question that Christie could potentially win the nomination.”
On Friday, Newsmax broke the story that Christie is indicating he might be inclined to run.

Several leading Republican donors and fundraisers have been urging the governor to reconsider his decision not to run and to enter the GOP primary, Newsmax reported.

These Christie supporters note that significant GOP support has remained on the sidelines of the primary fight. Many leading fundraisers have yet to commit to any current primary contender, including Perry and Romney.

Newsmax also learned that the effort to draft Christie culminated in a recent hush-hush powwow with Christie and several notable Republican billionaires.

Christie promised to make a final decision “within two weeks,” a source familiar with the meeting told Newsmax.

Editor's Note: See "Christie Reconsidering '12 Run, Will Decide Within Days"
The Post editorial concluded: “Whether Christie is ready to make the run is open to question, but it’s crystal clear that if he does jump in he will instantly transform the Republican primary process.

“America right now is hungry for genuine leadership, someone who can take on the problems that have clearly proved too much for Barack Obama to handle.

“Chris Christie may just be the answer.”

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #165 on: September 26, 2011, 04:25:24 PM »
I guess people better start paying attention to Fat Albert.   :)

Sabato: Christie Could Win It All In 2012
Sunday, 25 Sep 2011
By Gary Cohen

The Republican Party needs a new top candidate for president, and a newly stirring Gov. Chris Christie would fill that void, University of Virginia Center for Politics Director Larry Sabato reveals to Newsmax in an exclusive interview.

And beyond filling a void, Sabato says New Jersey’s Republican governor can win the GOP nomination and conceivably go on to defeat President Barack Obama in 2012.

Sabato explains that he thinks the Republican Party is "disappointed with Perry and Romney," and the party "has an appetite for a new candidate." In describing the Christie's ability to go up against the top-tier candidates, Sabato adds, "Christie is in a league with those two."

On Friday, Newsmax broke the story that Christie is indicating that he might be inclined to run — despite the protestations of some aides.

Editor's Note: See "Christie Reconsidering '12 Run, Will Decide Within Days"

Several leading Republican donors and fundraisers have been urging the popular governor to reconsider his decision not to run and to enter the GOP primary, Newsmax reported.

These Christie supporters note that significant GOP support has remained on the sidelines of the primary fight. Many leading fundraisers have yet to commit to any current primary contender, including front-runners Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.

Newsmax also learned that the effort to draft Christie culminated in a hush-hush powwow held in the past week with Christie and several notable Republican billionaires.

A source familiar with the meeting suggested that Christie seemed inclined to enter the race but said he needed more time.
Christie’s dramatic about-face from strict denials of any intent to throw his hat in the presidential ring should come as welcome news to many rank-and-file Republicans, he says. Indeed, Sabato believes that Republicans are not universally pleased with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as a whole "and are disappointed with how Texas Gov. Rick Perry has performed in the debates."

For his part, Perry has been taken to task over healthcare and immigration issues and is viewed by political insiders as having been consistently on the defensive during the debates.

Just weeks ago, Sabato opined there was no chance that Christie would run — because he had not formed an exploratory committee. Sabato now says, "Christie would have a lot of questions to answer if he joins the race — because he has been heard and seen on tape saying he would not run. Christie would have to explain what has changed his mind."

"He has been clear that for him it is family first," Sabato says. "He has shown no prior interest, but what makes him an "attractive candidate" is that "he is a Republican governor in a predominantly Democratic state."

Sabato points out that, given New Jersey's Democratic Party dominance, "Christie knows he faces an uphill battle when he goes for reelection in 2013."

"Christie may be feeling that this may be his best chance to run for president," Sabato says.

Best chance or not, Newsmax asks the pivotal question: If Christie runs, can he win the GOP nod?

“There's no question that Christie could potentially win the nomination,” Sabato says. “It wouldn't be easy, getting in this late and starting from scratch. Rick Perry has just learned that. Romney is well prepared, and even Perry has a couple month start on Christie. But my suspicion is that the money would flow in for Christie. There are many GOP financiers who have held back up until now, being dissatisfied with the entire field. Many have been hoping Christie would decide to enter.”

Once nominated, can Christie take the White House from Obama?

“If the economy is anywhere near as bad as it is now, come November 2012, a respectable GOP nominee would have at minimum a 50-50 chance to defeat President Obama, Sabato opines.

“Christie would be among those considered respectable by any fair definition of the term. He wouldn't even have to win New Jersey to capture the White House. New Jersey isn't on the target list for any Republican nominee.”

Sabato, whose website features a "crystal-ball" look at all the races at the federal and local levels, concludes emphatically, “The Romney and Perry camps would have to be concerned if Christie gets into the picture."

When asked who would look best in terms of a Christie running mate, Sabato says you might want to imagine a Florida influence. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who already has surfaced as a potential vice-presidential candidate despite his insistence that he's not interested, could be the go-to guy for many, Sabato says.

"I keep hearing Rubio's name being raised down the road" as getting into the GOP ticket picture," he says, adding, "It is way too early, and as far as Christie running, I'll believe it when I see it."


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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #166 on: September 27, 2011, 07:48:40 AM »
Someone mentioned the campaign trail gastric bypass surgery....what's funny is that I would bet that is seriously being discussed by his advisors. 

Advisor: "Okay, we get the surgery now and announce his bid for the GOP nomination.  He starts dropping weight immediately, looking better and better at each debate.  By the time he's head to head with Bammers, the pro-Christie sentiment will be at a fever pitch.  I'm telling you right now, a skinny Chris Christie, even with the loose skin and turkey neck, carries 48 states in '12."


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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #167 on: September 27, 2011, 07:56:30 AM »
Chris Christie will die before 2012 if he doesn't lay off the candy bars.     :(

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #168 on: September 27, 2011, 08:06:11 AM »
Someone mentioned the campaign trail gastric bypass surgery....what's funny is that I would bet that is seriously being discussed by his advisors. 

Advisor: "Okay, we get the surgery now and announce his bid for the GOP nomination.  He starts dropping weight immediately, looking better and better at each debate.  By the time he's head to head with Bammers, the pro-Christie sentiment will be at a fever pitch.  I'm telling you right now, a skinny Chris Christie, even with the loose skin and turkey neck, carries 48 states in '12."

Bingo.   I may have been the one that talked about the surgery lol

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #169 on: September 27, 2011, 12:11:31 PM »
Christie's Brother Says He Won't Run
Tuesday, 27 Sep 2011
By Newsmax Wires

Chris Christie’s brother, Todd, and other members of the New Jersey governor’s inner circle insisted today that he won’t run for president, despite speculation that he is considering doing so, according to the New Jersey Star-Ledger.

"I'm sure that he's not going to run," Todd Christie told the Star-Ledger.

"If he's lying to me, I'll be as stunned as I've ever been in my life," said Todd Christie, a well-connected Republican fundraiser.

Chris Christie, president, RepublicanThe Star-Ledger also reported that three Christie confidants expressed surprise at former New Jersey Gov. Tom Kean’s statements Monday that Christie is considering jumping into the race. Those operatives insisted that Christie won’t run, the Star-Ledger reported.

Speculation that Christie might change his mind about running and run has escalated since Newsmax first broke the story on Friday that billionaire donors were pushing him to run, that he was considering the possibility, and that he might announce within days.

Christie would not answer questions this morning, the Star-Ledger reported.

As speculation continues, Christie is adding fuel to the fire, flying to California to deliver a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library at 9 p.m. Eastern today. His speech, titled "Real American Exceptionalism," will show "how the United States' role and significance in the world is defined by who we are at home," a spokeswoman for the governor told the Star-Ledger.


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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #170 on: September 27, 2011, 01:55:38 PM »
I give Christie credit.
He says he won't run and it's because he remembers all the skeletons ( public and private ) that are in his closet and he doesn't want to drag his family through all that.


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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #171 on: September 27, 2011, 07:00:09 PM »
Responded to a question at Reagan library speech indicating he will not run. Said to go to and watch the video of compilation of responses to that question And that is his answer.  Apparently not running.

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #172 on: September 27, 2011, 09:41:49 PM »
Great speech tonight by paisan Christie! 


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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #173 on: September 28, 2011, 06:08:50 AM »
Responded to a question at Reagan library speech indicating he will not run. Said to go to and watch the video of compilation of responses to that question And that is his answer.  Apparently not running.

very smart man.

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Re: The Official Chris Christie Appreciation Thread
« Reply #174 on: September 28, 2011, 08:54:24 AM »
Responded to a question at Reagan library speech indicating he will not run. Said to go to and watch the video of compilation of responses to that question And that is his answer.  Apparently not running.

Bummer.  He would have shaken things up. 

(Perry breathing sigh of relief.)