Author Topic: Geithner: Don't worry about surging oil prices, US recovering economy can handle  (Read 5857 times)

Soul Crusher

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Usa today is far more credible than your whacked out typepad nonsense.  Post a link from wsj bloomberg or somewhere else confirming your aergument or stfu.

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Tell me in your own words why OPEC isnt a market controlling cartel and why Oil Prices are soley a reflection of Basic Supply and Demand.. please.. im waiting

Soul Crusher

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Like I said - read the usa today piece.
It explains all of that. 

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From the Wall Street Journal:
Despite public frustration over high pump prices and flush industry profits, major refining companies are seeking and winning large local tax breaks for their refinery-expansion plans with little political opposition.

tell me why S&D is the reason for the hikes

Soul Crusher

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I never said anything is the sole reason.  Its a combo of factors including suppy and demand, vallue of the dollar, political situations, refinement, cost of delivery etc.

To not grasp that on your part is really ridiculous.

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I just read your article.. it was partly true.. but even if going off of that the, blame was targeted at civil unrest in OPEC countries and the Domestic price is directly related to Refining. As is well known there have been no new oil refineries built in the US since before i was born. I think 1975 or 76 was when the last new refinery was built. Plus we are using more gas than back then. So our refineries work at 100% and when one goes down (fire, malfunction in equipment etc.) the price will go up.. but the actual supply of crude hasnt changed. So in that.. it has nothing to do with offshore drilling as you tried blame obama for.. As i always stated.. the price of oil/barrell is the bullshit.. the price of refined gas is the only thing that should be effected as determined by the limited ability to refine it..

and your article said nothing about supply from offshore drilling

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I never said anything is the sole reason.  Its a combo of factors including suppy and demand, vallue of the dollar, political situations, refinement, cost of delivery etc.

To not grasp that on your part is really ridiculous.

To eliminate the huge factor that refineries play and put blame the supply of crude as the major part is fucking bullshit. We will always get crude.. there is a shit load of it. The price variations for crude is inflated and without competetion. Even when we were offghore drilling (before deep horizon) we had $4.50/gal Gas.

The only justifiable reason for gas hikes is limited refining not supply of crude.. now based on what you know about oil markets, oil production and macro econ.. tell me im wrong

Soul Crusher

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I agree w you about refineries. No argument on that.

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I agree w you about refineries. No argument on that.

so with that common knowledge.. how can you say that drilling for crude here will significantly affect prices when we are drilling all the crude we can...

Personally i think that we buy from opec soley because we can justify hikes. Thats the only way to attribute record prices and record profits..

Soul Crusher

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Bernanke: Lasting rise in oil prices pose a danger
By JEANNINE AVERSA, AP Economics Writer Jeannine Aversa, Ap Economics Writer – 46 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told Congress Tuesday that a prolonged rise in oil prices would pose a danger to the economy. But he said a more likely outcome is a temporary and modest increase in consumer prices — not runaway inflation.

Bernanke, in prepared testimony to the Senate Banking Committee, expressed confidence that economic growth would increase this year. But he warned it won't be strong enough to quickly lower unemployment, now at 9 percent.

He also cited other risks to the economy, including rising prices for oil, gasoline, food and other commodities, and further weakness in home prices. All could prompt Americans to spend less.

The Fed chief said the economy still needs the support of its $600 billion bond-purchase program, downplaying runaway inflation risks that others have raised.

"The most likely outcome is that the recent rise in commodity prices will lead to, at most, a temporary and relatively modest increase in U.S. consumer price inflation," Bernanke said in the first of two appearances this week to deliver the Fed's twice-a-year economic report to Congress.

The bond-purchase program is scheduled to end in June. It is intended to spur more spending and invigorate the economy by lowering rates on loans and boosting prices on stocks.

Republicans in Congress and some Fed officials worry that the program could trigger high inflation and a wave of speculative buying on Wall Street that could lead to new bubbles in the prices of assets like stocks and bonds.

Bernanke once again defended the program. He said it is needed to energize growth and reduce unemployment. He blamed the rise in oil and global commodities prices on strong demand from fast-growing countries such as China, not the Fed's stimulus policy.

Gas prices jumped over the weekend to a new nationwide average of $3.37 a gallon — 26.7 cents a gallon more than a month ago. Food prices in January rose at the fastest since the fall of 2008.

Political upheaval in the Middle East, Bernanke said, has caused oil and gasoline prices to march higher. However, Bernanke said he and a majority of his Fed colleagues continue to believe that the situation won't lead to out of control inflation.

Workers have little power to demand big pay increases because the jobs market is still weak. Many factories and other companies are operating well below full capacity because customer demand is far from booming. Those forces will prevent inflation from taking off, Bernanke said.

However, a prolonged rise in the price of oil or other commodities would represent a "threat" to economic growth and to inflation, Bernanke acknowledged. The Fed is closely monitoring the situation.

The Fed regularly reviews its bond-purchase program. It could buy fewer securities if the economy were to grow more strongly than anticipated or if inflation showed signs of breaking out. Or it could buy more if the economy was in danger of weakening. Most economists believe the Fed will spend the full $600 billion on schedule.

Bernanke says the sharp drops in the nation's unemployment rates over the last two months were encouraging. But he said it will still take "several years" for unemployment to drop back to normal - around 6 percent.

"Until we see a sustained period of stronger job creation, we cannot consider the recovery to be truly established," he said.

If gas prices rise to $3.75 a gallon and stay there for a year, it could mitigate the benefit of the Social Security tax cut, economists said. The economy would still grow, but it wouldn't get a boost from people spending more on goods and services.

If gasoline prices went as high as $5 a gallon, spending cuts by consumers and businesses could push the economy into a recession, analysts say.

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did you post a thread reporting how obama is allowing offshore gulf oil drilling???  or have you not found a way to spin that in a negative light yet..?

Soul Crusher

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He is not allowing anything.  He is in contempt of court with the judge in LA for disobeying a court order.   The damage is already done. 


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Why are you so dumb

Federal regulators have granted Noble Energy (NBL) the first new permit for new offshore drilling activities in the Gulf of Mexico following last April’s tragedy aboard the Deepwater Horizon, which saw 11 workers perish and led to the biggest oil spill in the U.S. history. Not surprisingly, the Offshore Drilling Stocks Index is benefiting from the news, jumping 0.6% today.
Following the spill, the Obama Administration placed a moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf and while that moratorium was lifted in October, no new permits for drilling had been issued, frustrating offshore drilling firms and workers in the Gulf Coast region. Texas-based Noble won a permit to drill 6,500 below the Gulf’s surface. Nearly 40 shallow-water permits have been approved since June, according to the BBC.

The moratorium and subsequent stall on issuing new permits has forced companies such as Diamond Offshore Drilling (DO) to move idled rigs out of the Gulf to other locations where they can be put to use. Shares of Diamond Offshore are up 1% today. Shares of Hornbeck Offshore Service (HOS), the company that led a lawsuit last year that sought to overturn the moratorium, are down 1%.

Small-cap name Hercules Offshore (HERO) is leading the Index with a 6% surge. Transocean (RIG), owner of the Deepwater Horizon rig and the world’s largest provider of offshore drilling services, is lower by half a percent. BP (BP), Europe’s second-largest oil company, operated the Deepwater Horizon rig.

Soul Crusher

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 ::)  ::)

Yeah, too little too late - read your own fucking blurb you hack.   Many of these companies have already closed down operations, gone bankrupt, and have been deraile by this communist regime at 1600 PA Ave. 

Too little too late.  The damage is done.     These permits should have been granted almost a year ago when the lawless madoff you voted for got smaked down in court and has been playing games since. 

Actions have consquences, and the pofs you shill for fucked everyone over by dithering and playing games in the gulf.  Now we all suffer. 


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::)  ::)

Yeah, too little too late - read your own fucking blurb you hack.   Many of these companies have already closed down operations, gone bankrupt, and have been deraile by this communist regime at 1600 PA Ave. 

Too little too late.  The damage is done.     These permits should have been granted almost a year ago when the lawless madoff you voted for got smaked down in court and has been playing games since. 

Actions have consquences, and the pofs you shill for fucked everyone over by dithering and playing games in the gulf.  Now we all suffer. 
Maybe the "JUDGE" (yeah fuckin right) should have acted faster


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One approval after a year and only after being held in contempt. Progress. Let's celebrate that accomplishment! Come on, man. You can't honestly think that's something to write home about.

Soul Crusher

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Maybe the "JUDGE" (yeah fuckin right) should have acted faster

Glad to see your ignorance now extends to the legal process as well.  Damn are you dumb.  I bumped threads from lat June I posted predicting the spike in oil prices as a result of the ObaMadoff scams.  


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Glad to see your ignorance now extends to the legal process as well.  Damn are you dumb.  I bumped threads from lat June I posted predicting the spike in oil prices as a result of the ObaMadoff scams.  


they are a result of obama because you call them call a rainy day a result of obama.

now i just told you why oil prices spike.. its because they can..all this shit you want to beleive plays factors in crude prices is pure bullshit. you still havent been able to tell me why they can have record prices and less usage but record profits.. explain thay dynamic and we will talk..
and do this.. watch your mouth when you address me on here. im tired of your childish ass names calling

Soul Crusher

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they are a result of obama because you call them call a rainy day a result of obama.

now i just told you why oil prices spike.. its because they can..all this shit you want to beleive plays factors in crude prices is pure bullshit. you still havent been able to tell me why they can have record prices and less usage but record profits.. explain thay dynamic and we will talk..
and do this.. watch your mouth when you address me on here. im tired of your childish ass names calling

 ::)  ::)

blah blah blah - I have the threads posted predicing exactly what would occur and why on this.   Where are yours? 

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::)  ::)

blah blah blah - I have the threads posted predicing exactly what would occur and why on this.   Where are yours? 

I posted the links on how gas is priced.. like 5 of them.. i just dont start dumbass threads an post novels on a bodybuilding site.. if you want to click the link..just do that

Soul Crusher

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I posted the links on how gas is priced.. like 5 of them.. i just dont start dumbass threads an post novels on a bodybuilding site.. if you want to click the link..just do that

Yeah - dumbass threads that only happened to come true.


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Wind/Solar is not efficient, it's expensive, and costs more per KW/hr than anything else. Add to the fact that we need to buy rare earths from China to build them and it isn't a real proposition. The rare earth problem is real as China has priced out the market with slave labor. it also takes a company an avg. of 10 years to get a permit to build a mine. They are also highly subsidized and they still suck. It's a pipe dream as far as replacing mass energy production. When solar panels get to 50-75% efficiency than I will believe, but not now. As for coal and "Clean Coal" CO2 sequestering is also a pipe dream and the more "Clean Coal" you make a coal plant, the more efficiency it loses. Nothing is for free.

Short Term would be converting our commercial/civilian transport fleets to natural gas, using more natural gas to power the grid etc. This would work and work well. But it isn't being talked about a lot as it is a common sense solution.

We do not need to totally replace oil, but we need more supply and more energy diversity. Simple as that.

Nuclear power is something that no one wants to talk about but is a much more viable option than anything else at this point, even natural gas, especially when it comes to talking about powering the grid.  It would only take about 300 nuclear power plants to run the entire country yet no one will even consider it because of the hippies.


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Nuclear power is something that no one wants to talk about but is a much more viable option than anything else at this point, even natural gas, especially when it comes to talking about powering the grid.  It would only take about 300 nuclear power plants to run the entire country yet no one will even consider it because of the hippies.

everyone is for nuclear power until  they want to build the plant in your back yard

Soul Crusher

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Oil rises above $100 after surprise US supply drop
AP/YahooNews ^ | 3/1/11 | ALEX KENNEDY

Oil prices rose above $100 a barrel Wednesday in Asia as a report showed U.S. crude and gasoline supplies unexpectedly dropped last week, suggesting demand may be improving.

Benchmark crude for April delivery was up 51 cents at $100.14 a barrel at midday Singapore time in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose $2.66 to settle at $99.63 on Tuesday.

In London, Brent crude for April delivery was up 23 cents to $115.65 a barrel on the ICE Futures exchange.

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