Author Topic: Radical Islam  (Read 105615 times)

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #225 on: May 29, 2015, 11:24:49 AM »
God Bless America.

Iranian artist could draw lengthy prison term for cartoons ridiculing parliament
By  Lisa Daftari
Published May 29, 2015

Atena Farghadani could be facing a long prison sentence for drawing cartoons. (Justice for Iran)

Iran’s thin-skinned mullahs have jailed an artist who drew a cartoon disparaging members of parliament over their decision to restrict birth control for women.

Atena Farghadani, 28, had what Iran considers a trial in Tehran’s Revolutionary Court on May 19 and is now awaiting a verdict. She was charged with “insulting members of parliament through paintings” for drawing  the officials as animals, according to Amnesty International. It is not clear what kind of maximum sentence she could face.

“She’s truly an angel,” a relative of Farghadani told on condition of anonymity. “She just loves people and animals, and besides for all her artistic talent, she is such a strong supporter of human rights.”

“I hope Atena's case is a wake up call for the international community and that they put the human rights on top of the agenda in their dialogue with the Iranian authorities.”

- Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, Iran Human Rights

Farghadani’s family has received threats, which the source said is “just another way of putting pressure on Atena and making sure no one speaks to the media.”

“It’s crazy to think her name spread as a result of a cartoon, because she has done so many wonderful things to help humanity, doing things quietly and not wanting credit,” he said.

Last August, Revolutionary Guards raided Farghadani’s home and blindfolded her, confiscated her personal belongings and imprisoned her, according to Amnesty International.

In November, she was released for a short period of time, but was called back by authorities six weeks later after she was accused of publicly discussing the torture and beatings she allegedly endured by prison guards, including posting a YouTube video describing her brutal treatment, according to the Human Rights Activist News Agency.

Farghadani posted an open letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei to her Facebook page when she was called back to court:

“What you call an “insult to representatives of the parliament by means of cartoons” I consider to be an artistic expression of the home of our nation (parliament), which our nation does not deserve! I, therefore, must pay retribution for defending my beloved defenseless people.”

She has since been held in solitary confinement at Tehran’s Evin prison, where reports indicate she was hospitalized in February after she spent three weeks on hunger strike and suffered a heart attack.

Farghadani’s family visits the prison weekly, the family member said.

“Atena is a prisoner of conscience – she has committed no real crime,” Amnesty International said in a statement. “She is being unfairly punished simply for exercising her right to free speech, association and assembly. We've been calling on Iran's Supreme Leader and Head of the Judiciary to release Atena immediately. If not, we'll continue to fight for her freedom.”

Judge Abolghassem Salavati, the judge handling her case, is notoriously known as the “Iran’s hanging judge” or the “judge of death” for sending handing over numerous death penalty sentences, particularly against journalists, bloggers, artists and political activists in arrests made in and around Iran’s Green Revolution in 2009.

Salavati is also the judge handling American Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian’s case.

Since the beginning of 2015, at least 400 prisoners have been executed in Iran, according to the Iran Human Rights group.

"Unfortunately, it is not surprising for Iran Human Rights that the Iranian authorities put people in jail for expressing their opinion,” said Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam, founder of the Norwegian-based Iran Human Rights.  “I hope Atena's case is a wake up call for the international community and that they put the human rights on top of the agenda in their dialogue with the Iranian authorities.”

Farghadani, like many other cartoonists around the world are being targeted for criticizing or ridiculing public or religious figures.

A new report by the Committee to Project Journalists (CPJ) points to an increase in threats launched against cartoonists in response to their work, an issue highlighted by the Paris attacks on Charile Hebdo four months ago.

Earlier this month, two gunmen were killed before they were able to bust into the American Freedom Defense Initiative’s “Jihad Watch Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest” in Garland, Texas.

Ironically, the regime in Iran hosts its own broadly publicized political cartoon contests with controversial themes including an annual Holocaust cartoon contest and more recently about the Islamic State, while harshly condemning international cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #226 on: June 03, 2015, 05:38:14 PM »
Boston terror suspects plotted to behead police officers, source says
Published June 03, 2015

The man shot and killed Tuesday by Boston police was plotting with another suspect to behead a cop, a law enforcement source told

The dead suspect, 26-year-old Usaama Rahim, was under surveillance by the Joint Terrorism Task Force, which is comprised of state, local and federal law enforcement agents, when he was shot at about 7 a.m. near a CVS in the city's Roslindale neighborhood, when he brandished the blade at police. Later Tuesday, authorities arrested another suspect, David Wright, in connection with the case, police said.

"We believe the intent was to behead a police officer," one official told The Boston Globe. "We knew the plot had to be stopped. They were planning to take action Tuesday."

Rahim, Wright and an unidentified third person met Sunday on a Rhode Island beach to discus plans, the affidavit, which was released Wednesday, said. Wright, who waived his Miranda rights, told the FBI the plans included an attack on a victim in another state, the court papers said. Hours prior to the shooting, Rahim told Wright he had changed plans and was going to "go after" the "boys in blue," the court papers said.

"I'm going on vacation right here in Massachusetts. I'm just going to, ah, go after them, those boys in blue," Rahim said in the phone conversation, according to the affidavit. Authorities believe the word "vacation" stood for violent jihad in their conversations. Wright encouraged him to delete any information on his cell phone or computers, the affidavit said. Wright is accused of conspiring with Rahim to impede the investigation and faces up to five yes in prison if convicted.

The affidavit said one of the officers outside the CVS instructed Rahim to drop his weapon and Rahim responded, "You drop yours."

Boston Police Commissioner William Evans told reporters that Rahim was approached by the officers who wanted to question him on "terrorist-related information" when he moved toward officers with the knife. He purchased an Ontario Spec Plus Marine Raider Bowie fighting knife with a 9.75 inch blade a few days earlier on, an affidavit said.

Evans said the officers didn't have their guns drawn when they approached Rahim. He said police have video showing Rahim "coming at officers" while they are backing away. That account differs from one given by Rahim's brother Ibrahim Rahim, who said in a Facebook posting that his youngest brother was killed while waiting at a bus stop to go to his job.

"He was confronted by three Boston Police officers and subsequently shot in the back three times," he wrote. "He was on his cellphone with my dear father during the confrontation needing a witness."

Surveillance video from the scene was shown to some civil rights advocates.

The president of the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts says a video shows a terror suspect killed in Boston was not shot in the back, as his brother had claimed. Darnell Williams told reporters after viewing the police video that Rahim "was not on a cellphone and was not shot in the back."

But one Boston Muslim leader called the video "inconclusive." Imam Abdullah Farooq says it showed Rahim wasn't shot in the back, but the quality was poor and it wasn't clear whether police had to use deadly force.

"We believe the intent was to behead a police officer. "We knew the plot had to be stopped. They were planning to take action Tuesday."

- Official

Evans said officers repeatedly ordered Rahim to drop the knife but he continued to advance. He said task force members fired their guns, hitting Rahim once in the torso and once in the abdomen. Rahim was taken to Brigham and Women's Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Later, the FBI and local police arrested a man at a home in Everett, Mass., in an action authorities said was related to the Roslindale shooting. Christina Diorio-Sterling, a spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, said Wright was taken into custody from his home in suburban Everett. She said Wright will face federal charges and is expected to appear in U.S. District Court on Wednesday.

WFXT reported that three different Joint Terrorism Task Force teams had been carrying out 24-hour surveillance on at least three different people in the Boston area, though it was unclear how long that had been going on.The plot may have been inspired by the terror group ISIS, who have repeatedly called on followers in the United States to attack law enforcement officials or military installations.

Evans did not comment on the report that Rahim had been radicalized by ISIS, but said, "Obviously, there was enough information there where we thought it was appropriate to question him about his doings ... He was someone we were watching for quite a time."

The officer and the agent involved in the shooting weren't physically injured but were evaluated at a hospital for what Evans described as "stress."

WFXT reported that Rahim worked in loss prevention at several CVS stores in the Boston area. Wright confirmed in an interview that Rahim planned a violent attack in the U.S., according to his affidavit.

However, it was not clear that the store where he was killed was among them. Boston voter registration records seen by the Associated Press list Rahim as a student. Other records indicate that as recently as two years ago he was licensed as a security officer in Miami, but don't specify in what capacity.

The Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center said its security firm hired Rahim as a security guard for a month in mid-2013. Executive director Yusufi Vali said Rahim didn't regularly pray at the center and didn't volunteer there or serve in any leadership positions.

The FBI and Rhode Island State Police also searched a property in Warwick, R.I. in relation to the Roslindale shooting. Police sealed off a street and later cleared the scene. There were no arrests.

A 17-year-old told the Boston Globe that police had asked him about a neighbor in his mid-20s named Nick. The teen told the paper Nick often wears long robes and prays in his front yard.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #227 on: June 04, 2015, 09:24:33 AM »
Pamela Geller: Jihadists are 'Coming for Everybody'
Thursday, 04 Jun 2015
By Sandy Fitzgerald

Anti-jihadist activist Pamela Geller, the original target of two Boston terror suspects, said Thursday that she's now under "24-hour guard," but that such threats will come against "anybody that speaks critically of Islam," and she plans to keep up her fight.

"I am fine, or as well as can be expected," Geller said in a highly-charged interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo on the network's "New Day" program. "They are coming after me for violating the Sharia, violating the blasphemy laws, and they mean to come after everybody that doesn't abide by, voluntarily, the blasphemy laws under the Islamic law."

But such threats aren't surprising, she told Cuomo.

"We see this as going on across Europe, and even in the Middle East and Africa, in Bangladesh," Geller said. "Hundreds of thousands of Muslims have marched for the death penalty for bloggers, that they be put to death."

Geller was the organizer of an anti-jihad event in Garland, Texas, which was targeted by two Islamic State (ISIS)-motivated men who ended up being killed outside the event.

"It's interesting in Muslim countries under Sharia, there is a death penalty, and in the West, you are not assassinated but your character is assassinated if you criticize Islam," Geller argued with Cuomo. "That's where we are right now."

And while the show host asked her if maybe she has gone too far, she argued that the right of freedom of speech should not warrant violent acts.

"Drawing a cartoon, an innocuous cartoon, warrants chopping my head off?" she asked Cuomo. "That's too far? I just don't understand this.

"They are going to come for you, too, Chris. They are coming for everybody. And the media should be standing with me ... the media should have understood that by kowtowing and submitting to Islamic law — that is what you are doing."

She told Cuomo that media outlets, by not running a cartoon that won a contest held at the Garland event and by saying she goes too far, supports terrorism.

"It's the First Amendment," she told him. "What happened to give me liberty or give me death?"

Cuomo argued back with her that she can show the cartoon, but "people have equal right to criticize you by showing the cartoon."

"We see Jesus blasphemed on South Park, and we see Mother Mary immersed in dung, and nobody says anything about that," retorted Geller, telling Cuomo in response to his comment that those activities are criticized as well, that "villages don't get burned."

"We all don't like our religion mocked, the Roman Catholics don't and the Christians don't, and the show, the 'Book of Mormon' is viciously anti-Christian," Geller said. "Nobody is getting killed. I expect civilized behavior. It's the low expectation of soft bigotry. Why don't you expect the same thing of Muslims?"

But by stepping back, Geller said, even if problems are expected for her actions, "you are submitting. They are saying if you draw a stick figure and say it's Muhammad, we will come and kill you, so you say, OK, we won't draw it. CNN won't show it, and the other major networks [won't]."

Cuomo pointed out he showed the cartoons that led to the attacks earlier this year after the attack in France against the controversial "Charlie Hebdo" publication, but reminded Geller that people attending her events could be exposed to violence "because you are dealing with crazy people."

"They are not crazy, they are devout," she retorted. "They want everybody to live their way. The cartoon is the least of it. It seems like you are throwing a stone at something that doesn't help anything."

Cuomo argued that when he talks about jihadists, "I say they are crazy and you say they are devout. I won't say their names. We call them murderers, and we say about terror what it is, it's cowardice."

She accused him of contradicting himself "against the blasphemy laws, against the Sharia, what programs are being instituted."

"I have a problem with the Sharia, and I have a problem with jihad," she told Cuomo. "I don't care if you worship a stone, just don't stone me with it. You are wrong about the Sharia and jihad. I don't care about Hinduism, but the difference between canon law is it pertains only to Christians ... it's why Christians are being slaughtered in Iraq and Syria en masse. What is the difference between Islamic State and al-Shabaab?"
Editor's Note: Should Obama Have More Control Over Guns? Vote Now.
And those terrorist groups, she insisted, "are following literal Islam and following pure Islam," and told Cuomo that "mainstream Muslims should be standing shoulder-to-shoulder in defense of our freedoms."

The current threats, meanwhile, aren't stopping Geller's plans, and she promised Cuomo that she has "a couple big initiatives coming up."

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #228 on: June 05, 2015, 05:52:41 PM »
God bless America. 

Warning graphic: ISIS releases images of Koranic punishment of homosexuals and women
Written by Allen West on January 16, 2015

Gay man being pushed off a tall building.

You have to wonder what President Obama will say about foreign policy and national security next Tuesday in his State of the Union Address (SOTU). Perhaps he won’t say anything about it all — which may just be a good idea.

It’s clearly evident we have not decimated al-Qaida and they’re certainly not on the run — well, except for running to kill us. And what shall be said of ISIS to the full chamber of the legislative branch?

Certainly not this report from The Daily Beast — not exactly a conservative outlet — which says, “ISIS continues to gain substantial ground in Syria, despite nearly 800 airstrikes in the American-led campaign to break its grip there. At least one-third of the country’s territory is now under ISIS influence, with recent gains in rural areas that can serve as a conduit to major cities that the so-called Islamic State hopes to eventually claim as part of its caliphate.

“Meanwhile, the Islamic extremist group doesn’t appear to have suffered any major ground losses since the strikes began. The result is a net ground gain for ISIS, according to information compiled by two groups with on-the-ground sources. In Syria, ISIS “has not any lost any key terrain,” Jennifer Cafarella, a fellow at the Washington, D.C.-based Institute for the Study of War who studies the Syrian conflict, explained to The Daily Beast.”

Now before you get all excited about 800 airstrikes, remember they began in early August, so that means we are looking at 165 days – with the average airstrikes per day coming out to somewhere around 4.8. So much for a vaunted air operation to degrade, defeat and destroy ISIS.

Sadly, we’re not paying attention to this simple battlefield calculus — and I remember the days of Desert Shield/Storm and in Iraq where an air campaign meant hundreds of sorties. That’s how you pummel an enemy.

But clearly that’s not really the objective of our current Commander-in-Chief; it’s just about the facade of doing something with the real intent of doing nothing. If we cannot even bring ourselves to say who the enemy is by simply repeating what the enemy says about themselves — then we are at a loss.

It becomes blindingly obvious that not only are we loathe to define the enemy and its inspiring ideology, we are also reticent in employing our full military might to crush this 7th century cancer that has metastasized in this the 21st century.

Then again, the only force that has been decimated is our own military at the hands of President Obama. All of this I’m quite certain won’t be articulated at the SOTU next week.

More from these animals.

Death Plunge: ISIS throws gay men off buildings under guise of Sharia law
By  Perry Chiaramonte
Published June 05, 2015

ISIS militants publicly executed three unidentified men by throwing them off the roof a building in Mosul as hundreds gathered to watch.The condemned were held by their feet and dropped head first.

The Islamic State has released a series of horrifying photos showing blindfolded men tossed head-first off a building because, ISIS claimed, they were gay.

In photos obtained by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), ISIS militants are shown publicly executing the unidentified men for violating Sharia law.

A crowd of spectators, including children, was gathered below the 100-foot building in Mosul as the men were held by their ankles and then sent plunging to their deaths. The photos were believed to be recent.

The photos were released by ISIS on Wednesday via social media and in a report by the terror group entitled, “Implementation of the Punishment of Those Who Have Committed Acts of Homosexuality” on the jihadist online forum Shumoukh Al-Islam, according to the research group.

Warning: extremely graphic images

The terror group also recently has employed “flirt squads,” in which militants pose as homosexuals in an attempt to lure gay men out into the open for death by public execution.

“ISIS wants the Muslim world to know that it is executing gays because it displays their credentials as enforcers of Sharia law,” Ryan Mauro, a national security analyst for The Clarion Project told “There is widespread anti-homosexual sentiment in the Muslim world because of the belief that Sharia requires the execution of gays. Homosexuals are often not only seen as harming themselves but as dire threats to society as a whole.”

The extremist group’s hatred of gays has been widely known, with reports of public executions coming as early as last December.

In recent months, ISIS has publicly executed men accused of homosexuality in both Iraq and Syria by not only throwing them off tall buildings, but by burning them alive or stoning them to death. The accused are often shot if they happen to survive the brutal methods, according to MEMRI.

“You won't see a significant backlash to ISIS' crimes because there is no gay rights movement in the Muslim world and the gay rights advocates in the West are usually silent when it comes to persecution overseas,” Mauro said. “From ISIS' perspective, they only stand to gain from executing gays and telling the world about it.”

Horrified activists in Syria have said in recent reports that ISIS fighters have taken their intolerance to a new low. Photos on social media show the doomed, blindfolded men being hugged just before they are executed.

"ISIS has never forgiven one person," Abu Mohammed Hussam, of the activist group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently said to in May. “They kill people and then say... God will forgive. They hug the men to show the people who are watching that ISIS is not at fault."

In addition to homosexuality, ISIS considers several so-called offenses punishable by execution including blasphemy and consorting with the enemy. The Islamic State also publicly stoned a woman to death after she was accused of adultery.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #229 on: June 10, 2015, 12:07:29 PM »
U.S. considers whether ISIS wives playing key role in operations
By Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent
Wed June 10, 2015

Washington (CNN)—The U.S. is now looking at the possibility that wives of ISIS figures may play a greater role in operations and communications than previously thought because the terror group believes U.S. intelligence pays less attention to them.

Last month, an Army Delta Force raid in eastern Syria killed Abu Sayyaf, a senior ISIS leader involved in finance and other operations, and also led to the capture of his wife. The raid yielded significant intelligence that U.S. officials said adds to their understanding of ISIS's structure and communications.

Several officials cautioned, however, that all of the intelligence gathered and information gained from the interrogation of the captured wife must be vetted and confirmed.

As CNN has previously reported, a U.S. official said the raid netted terabytes worth of data in external hard drives and hard copy, a higher volume than had originally been anticipated. The U.S. is reviewing it all to determine if it leads to anything that can be acted upon.

The raid also provided details on ISIS's oil business. The official confirmed to CNN that the U.S. now believes about half of ISIS oil revenues are allocated for their military and battlefield operations, as first reported in The New York Times.

The rest is used to pay oil workers and support production facilities that are routinely targeted by coalition airstrikes. The official said the U.S. cannot be certain whether some of the ISIS oil workers are really part of the organization or are intimidated into working for it.

Abu Sayyaf was a key senior ISIS operative in the organization's oil business and kept significant records about those operations.

The first official said that computers, hard drives, cellphones and other material seized have confirmed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who heads ISIS, had been in direct contact with Abu Sayyaf in the past, but the official could not say how the contact or communication occurred.

CNN has learned that over the last several months, the U.S. has had intelligence indicating possible locations for Baghdadi. Because the intelligence was either too late, too vague and incomplete, or unverifiable, the U.S. has not been able to launch airstrikes or special operations raids with the mission of targeting Baghdadi, a senior U.S. official told CNN.

The problem has been the lack of real-time intelligence either from operatives on the ground, from overhead aircraft or from satellites that can verify information to the point a raid can be planned.

U.S. intel: Raid target was ISIS 'CFO' 01:17

Baghdadi, the U.S. believes, now stays in populated areas, knowing that the U.S. will not strike when there is a risk of civilian casualties. The official noted that the ISIS leader is extremely cautious about any possibility his movements can be traced by use of cellphone or electronic monitoring by the U.S.

"He is very smart; he knows we are watching," the official said.

The U.S. still strongly believes Baghdadi is alive, if for no other reason than there was a recent recording of his voice and there is no intelligence indicating he has been injured or died.

Previously, a U.S. official confirmed to CNN that several buildings in Raqqa, Syria, have been identified as potential sites where senior ISIS operatives may have been at various points in time, but the buildings cannot be struck by coalition warplanes because of the ongoing presence of civilians in the immediate vicinity. It is not known if ISIS has ordered civilians into the area in order to keep the area from being struck. Officials have not said if they believe the ISIS leader has ever been at those sites.

Much of the initial intelligence about Abu Sayyaf and his wife came to the U.S. from a woman from the region who escaped from the Sayyafs' last year and told U.S. forces in Iraq what she knew about them.

As CNN has also reported, the U.S. then began monitoring the Sayyafs' home in eastern Syria in March using satellites and electronic eavesdropping to establish a visual and electronic "pattern of life" for the couple before moving with the raid in May.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #230 on: June 26, 2015, 03:39:54 PM »
Day of terror: Islamist attacks around world follow ISIS' Ramadan message
Published June 26, 2015

Terrorists gunned down dozens of tourists on a Tunisian beach, left a severed head atop a fence outside a French factory and blew up a Kuwaiti mosque Friday in a bloody wave of attacks that followed an ISIS leader’s call to make the month of Ramadan a time of "calamity for the infidels."

There was no confirmation that the attacks were a coordinated effort ordered by ISIS, but the suspects who attacked a U.S.-owned gas factory in southeastern France left the terrorist army's flags next to the severed head of their victim, and an ISIS affiliate claimed responsibility for the deadly Kuwait blast.

If the attacks were indeed an answer to ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad al-Adnani's recent call for savagery, it would represent a hideous perversion of Islam's most holy period, which began June 17 and ends July 17.

“While we’re still working to determine whether the attacks were coordinated or directed by ISIL (Islamic State), they bear the hallmarks that have defined ISIL’s violent ideology or those inspired by such hatred. There is no doubt that ISIL poses a continuing threat, and we remain concerned about its ability to direct or inspire attacks beyond Iraq and Syria,” A U.S. official told Fox News Friday.

"The attack was of a terrorist nature since a body was discovered, decapitated and with inscriptions."

- French President Francois Hollande
Jihadists should make Ramadan a time of "calamity for the infidels ... Shi'ites and apostate Muslims," Al-Adnani said in a recent audio message. "Muslims everywhere, we congratulate you over the arrival of the holy month. Be keen to conquer in this holy month and to become exposed to martyrdom."

The attack in France occurred first, Friday morning in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, northwest of the Alpine city of Grenoble. Two suspects dressed as deliverymen crashed a car into an industrial gas plant operated by Allentown, Pa.,-based Air Products & Chemicals, stormed inside and killed at least one person. The head of the victim was left on a fence, with Arabic phrases scrawled on it and ISIS flags nearby, Sky News reported, citing French legal sources.

The unnamed victim was a businessman at a local transportation company and the boss of a man arrested in connection with the attack.   

Nearly simultaneously, a gunman opened fire with an automatic rifle on a beach in Sousse-- a Tunisian coastal town popular with tourists-- killing at least 37 and wounding 36. The Health Ministry said the dead include Tunisians, Brits, Germans and Belgians.

A third attack killed at least 25 and wounded more than 200 in a Shia mosque in Kuwait City, the  Ministry of Interior said. A suicide bomber purportedly from ISIS affiliate Najd Province targeted Shiite worshippers after midday prayers at the Imam Sadiq Mosque in the residential neighborhood of al-Sawabir in Kuwait's capital, Kuwait City. It was the first terrorist attack in Kuwait in more than two decades.

ISIS is comprised of Sunni Muslims, and its members have a long and bloody history with Shia Muslims, as evidenced by Al-Adnani's call. The attack came immediately following Friday prayers. There was no claim of responsibility, but ISIS has claimed responsibility for bombings at two different Shiite mosques in Saudi Arabia in recent weeks.

French officials wasted no time labeling Friday's attack an act of terrorism.

"The attack was of a terrorist nature since a body was discovered, decapitated and with inscriptions," French President Francois Hollande told a news conference in Brussels, where he cut short his attendance at an EU summit to return to France.

Hollande and his Tunisian counterpart Beji Caid Essebsi expressed “solidarity in the face of terrorism,” according to a statement by Hollande’s office, reported.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said at least one man--a 30-year-old extremist known to authorities named Yassin Sahli-- was under arrest following the France attack. The suspect from Lyon was seized by an alert firefighter.

Other people, including the man's wife, were also taken into custody after the attack, A second suspect arrested at his home in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier was reportedly seen driving back and forth past the factory before the attack, the Dauphine Libere newspaper reported. A manhunt is underway for any other suspects involved.

Minister Cazeneuve, speaking from the scene, described the attack as "barbarous" and a "terrible terrorist crime." He said the suspect had been known to foreign intelligence services since 2006, but that police monitoring of him had ceased in 2008. The man did not have a criminal record, the minister added.

French authorities told Fox News that approximately 10 people were injured.

The factory is operated by Air Products & Chemicals, an Allentown, Pa.,-based company that makes industrial gases.

"Our priority at this stage is to take care of our employees, who have been evacuated from the site and all accounted for," the company said in a statement. "Our crisis and emergency response teams have been activated and are working closely with all relevant authorities."

A local official confirmed the nation is on high alert.

"The terrorism threat is at a maximum," Alain Juppe, mayor of Bordeaux, told Fox News.

The United Nations, the U.S and other countries condemned Friday’s attacks. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said those "responsible for such appalling acts of violence must be swiftly brought to justice" and Interpol offered its help to all three nations.

In Washington, Pentagon spokesman Col. Steve Warren said it was too soon to tell whether the three attacks were the work of Islamic State extremists but added "we unequivocally condemn these terrorist attacks.

Terrorism analysts said the attacks could be so-called “lone wolves” answering the call to attack ISIS enemies during the holy period.

“It is very likely that ISIS' supporters acted due to the call for attacks during Ramadan,” said Ryan Mauro, of the New York-based terrorism research institute Clarion Project. “It is appealing to ISIS supporters on a personal level because it gives their attacks some more religious significance.”

"Terrorists could look to the attacks, recent ISIL leadership statements, or other markers—such as last year’s declaration of its so-called caliphate—to spur additional violence,” the U.S. official said. 

France's anti-terrorism prosecutor has opened an investigation into the incident. The country went on high alert after a series of attacks in January that left 20 people dead in and around Paris region, including the Islamic terrorists. In the Jan. 7 attack at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, two radical Muslim brothers, Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, heavily armed and incensed over the publishing of caricatures of Muhammad, stormed the magazine's offices and killed 12, including staffers and a police officer.

Authorities hunted down the Kouachi brothers for three days, until finally cornering them in a Paris printing house and killing them in a shootout. As police searched for the brothers’, a friend and fellow home grown Islamic terrorist Amedy Coulibaly, took at least 15 people hostage at a kosher supermarket in Paris. After a long standoff,  police stormed the market, killing him. Four hostages were also killed in the incident.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar when Muslims celebrate the Koran. They also often fast-- primarily from eating and drinking-- from sunrise to sunset every day of the month to teach empathy for those who have less. Fasting and reading the Koran during Ramadan should encourage charity, kindness and social justice, especially to the needy and poor.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #231 on: June 30, 2015, 01:13:51 PM »
Bulletin Warns of Heightened Threat of ISIS Attack on July 4th
Jun 29, 2015

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued a joint bulletin alerting authorities to the “heightened threat of attack by ISIL and its supporters” ahead of the Fourth of July holiday and this summer in general.

The bulletin, issued Friday, is titled “Holiday Celebrations Remain Attractive Target” and was sent to 18,000 law enforcement agencies around the country.

The document warns that that Independence Day celebrations and any activity which appears to defame the prophet Mohammed will “likely result in threats or plans to conduct violent extremist acts.”

ISIS Threat at Home: FBI Warns US Military About Social Media Vulnerabilities
FBI, DHS and National Counterterrorism Center officials "remain concerned about the difficulty in detecting violent extremists—especially lone offenders given the individualized nature of radicalization to violence,” the document states.

Syrian based ISIS members have been pressing through social media for adherents to carry out attacks wherever they are. The bulletin warns that attacks by “U.S. based ISIL supporters could happen with little to no warning.”

The document also cautions the U.S. government and military personnel to be mindful of their social media presence and any personal postings which could “attract violent extremists’ attention."

The bulletin comes after an attack by an ISIS supporter on a resort last Friday in Tunisia left 38 dead, many of them European tourists.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #232 on: July 01, 2015, 11:22:43 AM »


by MICHAEL LUCCHESE30 Jun 20154633

The jihadist terror group Islamic State responded to the Supreme Court’s recent decision on gay marriage by killing accused gay men by pushing them off a roof.

Released on the same day as the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision legalizing homosexual marriage across all 50 states, the video shows ISIS militants pushing several men off a high roof to their deaths.

The official Twitter account of human rights watchdog group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, using the “Love Wins” hashtag, tweeted that four gay men were pushed to their deaths to “celebrate” the ruling.

The tweet also included photos of the execution, including one particularly graphic photo. Reader discretion is advised.

Some reports said that during the execution, ISIS supporters ironically used the “Love Wins” hashtag to mock gay rights advocates in the United States.

ISIS reportedly uses “flirting squads” to entrap gay men and then executes those it discovers.

This is not the first time ISIS has killed men suspected of being gay in such a way. Back in January, ISIS went on an execution spree, crucifying 17 men, stoning several young women, and flinging allegedly gay men to their deaths from high roofs.

During the January spree, ISIS tweeted pictures of the men falling to their deaths, and the large crowds watching from below.

Earlier this month, ISIS executed another allegedly gay man after dangling him by his feet from a great height for a period of time.

“ISIS has never forgiven one person. They kill people and then say… God will forgive. They hug the men to show the people who are watching that ISIS is not at fault,” anti-ISIS activist Abu Mohammed Hussam said in reaction to earlier executions of homosexuals.

ISIS has laws which require execution or other violent punishments for offenses many in the United States would see as either minor or simply private choices. Adultery, homosexuality, even cigarette smoking are considered major crimes by ISIS.

“Every smoker should be aware that with every cigarette he smokes in a state of trance and vanity is disobeying God,” the so-called Islamic State Preaching Office said.

ISIS scholars argue that harsh punishments such as the ones they have been enforcing are a necessary deterrent to what they characterize as sinful behavior.

“In reality, Jihad is a heavy responsibility and requires toughness,” one ISIS-affiliated radical cleric said.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #233 on: July 01, 2015, 02:10:02 PM »
74 children executed by ISIS for 'crimes' that include refusal to fast, report says
By Malia Zimmerman
Published July 01, 2015

The terrorist group executes men, women and children it finds guilty of offenses against Islam. (Reuters)

The blood-soaked executioners of ISIS have spared neither women nor children since the jihadist army established its caliphate a year ago, putting an estimated 74 kids and even more women to death for such offenses as practicing “magic” and refusing to fast during Ramadan.

A total of 3,027 people have been executed by ISIS since it declared itself a state under strict Islamic law in Syria and Iraq last June, according to a new report by the UK-based group, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

"Many of the charges against those executed are recorded as blasphemy and spying, but others include sorcery, sodomy, practicing as a Shia Muslim," the report states.

"Many of the charges against those executed are recorded as blasphemy and spying, but others include sorcery, sodomy, practicing as a Shia Muslim."

- New report on ISIS brutality
Just this week, two children whose ages were not known were crucified in the Mayadin, Deir Ezzor province in eastern Syria after ISIS accused them of not properly fasting during Ramadan. The children’s bodies, put on public display on crossbars, each bore a sign explaining their violation during the holy month for Muslims that runs June 17 to July 17. With each execution justified by ISIS' medieval interpretation of the Koran, the group is attempting to portray itself as the true practitioners of Islam, say experts.

“Underlying all these executions is the apocalypse ideology of the final battle between the believers and the unbelievers,” said Jasmine Opperman, the director of Southern Africa Operations at the Terrorism, Research & Analysis Consortium. “ISIS is using executions to show its followers -- and would-be followers -- that the group is the only true representative of believers, not only in word, but action, which is why executions are featured so prominently.”

Other children died fighting for their lives.

“The violent Islamist group appears to demonstrate a particular interest in children, releasing videos of children fighting in cages and undertaking military training,” the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights group said. “The report also details moves undertaken by the group to entice children to join, which include setting up offices called "cubs of the caliphate" that recruit children to fight for ISIS.”

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child released a report in February, documenting the many horrors ISIS has imposed on children who are Kurdish, Yazidi, Christian and even Muslim. Children – even those who are mentally challenged – are being tortured, crucified, buried alive, used as suicide bombers and sold as sex slaves, the report said.

“ISIS is hoping to spur current supporters around the world who are dormant, of which there are millions, into joining their caliphate by advertising acts like these, of which there are millions,” said Ryan Mauro, national security analyst for the Clarion Project, a nonprofit organization that educates the public about the threat of Islamic extremism. “They know that they can greatly increase their numbers by appealing to current radicals rather than the broader masses.”

Women are not spared the cruel brutality of ISIS, either.

The Syrian Observatory found that the terror group carried out more executions this week, murdering two married couples by beheading them publicly with a sword for “sorcery.”

“The Islamic State group executed two women by beheading them in Deir Ezzor province, and this is the first time the Observatory has documented women being killed by the group in this manner,” Rami Abdel Rahman, of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, told the Daily Mail.

Other citizens suspected of practicing black magic or sorcery also have been killed, the organization reports, including a magician beheaded in recent weeks in the Iraqi province of Salahuddin.

“The practicing of anything that is not approved by Islamic State under their very strict interpretation of Islam is ‘Haram’ or forbidden,” said Veryan Khan, editorial director for the Florida-based Terrorism, Research & Analysis Consortium. “If the Islamic State thinks that sorcery is real, then black magic would be a threat to them and seen as a danger.”

ISIS stepped up its killing spree this week as it celebrated both Ramadan and its one-year anniversary as a caliphate in Iraq and Syria with three straight days of ruthless public punishments and executions. On June 30, 11 workers from al-Miadin endured live crucifixion and were forced to wear signs saying "70 lashes and to be crucified for 1 day for breaking the fast in Ramadan."

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the most recent killing spree is less than a week, after ISIS released a video of 15 men executed in three terrible ways: Drowned in cages, having their head blown off with explosives and burning them alive in a car hit with a rocket launcher.

Last Friday, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the death of 38 people in Tunisia who were gunned down, and another 27 people who died after a bomb rocked a Shia mosque in Kuwait.

“Islamic State executions are not merely retribution by the state for behavior seen as illegal,” said Khan, noting executions by the Islamic State include everything from burning alive victims, firing squads, beatings and beheadings, to drowning, explosions, and throwing people off of buildings. “The Islamic State uses executions to intimidate and dominate the local population, for diplomatic communiqués to world leaders, for recruitment purposes and to demonstrate the organization is in complete control.”

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #234 on: August 17, 2015, 01:48:06 PM »
Islamic State leader reportedly raped American hostage
Published August 15, 2015
Associated Press

WASHINGTON –  American hostage Kayla Mueller was repeatedly forced to have sex with Abu Bakr Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State group, U.S. intelligence officials told her family in June.

"They told us that he married her, and we all understand what that means," Carl Mueller, Kayla's father, told The Associated Press on Friday, which would have been his daughter's 27th birthday. Her death was reported in February.

Her mother, Marsha Mueller, added, "Kayla did not marry this man. He took her to his room and he abused her and she came back crying."

The news is but the latest in a litany of horrors perpetrated by the Islamic State group, which has beheaded, burned and crucified male captives while passing around women as sex slaves.

Mueller was held for a time by Islamic State financier Abu Sayyaf and his wife, known as Umm Sayyaf. Al-Baghdadi took Mueller as a "wife," repeatedly raping her when he visited, according to a Yazidi teenager who was held with Mueller and escaped in October 2014.

The 14-year-old made her way to Iraqi Kurdistan, where she talked to U.S. commandos in November 2014. Intelligence agencies corroborated her account and American officials passed it on to her parents in June.

"Kayla did not marry this man. He took her to his room and he abused her and she came back crying"

- Marsha Mueller, Kayla's mom
Umm Sayyaf confirmed that al-Baghdadi had "owned" Kayla during Umm Sayyaf's lengthy American interrogation in Iraq, the Muellers said they were told by American officials.

A U.S. official confirmed their account, first reported by London's Independent newspaper. The official was not authorized to be quoted by name and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Abu Sayyaf was killed in a Delta Force raid of his Syrian compound in June, which resulted in a treasure trove of intelligence about the Islamic State group.

Umm Sayyaf has been turned over to the Iraqi Kurds for trial. The Muellers have been told that justice will be served in her case, said a family spokeswoman, Emily Lenzner.

Mueller was held with three other women, all Yazidis, the Muellers were told. All were sexually abused. When al-Baghdadi visited, he would take Mueller to his room, the witness told American officials. She would tell her fellow captives — sometimes tearfully — what had happened.

"Kayla tried to protect these young girls," her mother said. "She was like a mother figure to them."

When the teenaged Yazidi girl escaped with her sister, she asked Mueller to accompany her, the parents were told, but Kayla refused, worrying that her obvious Western appearance would lead to their capture.

By the time the Yadizi escapee reported the situation to Delta Force commandos in Iraq, Kayla had been moved, her parents were told.

U.S. intelligence officials found information on Sayyaf's computer indicating that Mueller, who spoke some Arabic, had been searching for information about fertility to help Umm Sayyaf, who was trying to get pregnant, according to two U.S. officials who refused to be quoted because the information is classified.

Mueller, from Prescott, Arizona, was taken hostage with her boyfriend, Omar Alkhani, in August 2013 after leaving a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Aleppo, Syria, where he had been hired to fix the Internet service for the hospital.

Mueller had begged him to let her tag along because she wanted to do relief work in the war-ravaged country.

Alkhani was released after two months, having been beaten.

The Islamic State group claimed Mueller was killed in a Jordanian air strike near Raqqah, the group's self-declared capital in Syria. U.S. officials confirmed the death but not the circumstances.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #235 on: September 01, 2015, 10:10:15 AM »

Dick Cheney warns of potential 9/11 with 'much deadlier weapons'
By Jeremy Diamond, CNN
Mon August 31, 2015

Washington (CNN) Former Vice President Dick Cheney believes there could be "another 9/11 style attack with much deadlier weapons" in the future and said ISIS is "extraordinarily dangerous" to U.S. homeland security.

More than a decade after helping to lead the U.S. into war in Iraq, Cheney blamed President Barack Obama for the spread of ISIS and said in an interview with CNN that he is worried terrorists could use "chemicals or biological agents or nuclear weapons."

"Remember, the weapon they used on 9/11, airline tickets and box cutters. That's -- was a difficult, terrible day for us, 3,000 casualties. It'll be a lot worse if they find deadlier weapons," Cheney told CNN's Jamie Gangel.

Cheney insisted that Iraq "was in good shape" when he and President George W. Bush left office in 2009 thanks to the surge and said Obama's administration "failed to follow through."

"They withdrew as quickly as possible and left no stay-behind force there. They created a vacuum. And the vacuum was filled by ISIS," Cheney said.

Cheney pointed to ISIS's ability to recruit people living in the United States to go fight in Syria and Iraq and the danger that those recruits to return to the U.S. particularly concern him.

"I think ISIS is very dangerous indeed," Cheney said. "Especially if you think about the prospects of nuclear weapons being developed in the Middle East.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #236 on: September 23, 2015, 01:32:59 PM »
Politics over national security. 

Saudi Held at Guantánamo Is Repatriated, Reducing Number of Detainees to 114
SEPT. 22, 2015

Abdul Rahman Shalabi
Credit Department of Defense 

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon announced on Tuesday that it had repatriated a Guantánamo Bay detainee who intelligence analysts had concluded was probably once a bodyguard for Osama bin Laden. The United States held the man as a wartime prisoner for more than 13 years, government files show.

The former detainee, Abdul Rahman Shalabi, 39, is from Saudi Arabia, and he was one of 32 Middle Eastern men who were captured by the Pakistani military along the Afghanistan border in December 2001 and turned over to the United States. He was among the first batch of detainees taken to the prison when it opened at the American naval station in Cuba on Jan. 11, 2002.

Mr. Shalabi’s departure reduced the remaining detainee population at the prison to 114 men, of whom 52 are recommended for transfer if security conditions can be met in the receiving country. President Obama still wants to close the prison before he leaves office in 16 months.

Detainees talk through layers of fences in an outdoor recreation area of Camp Vi at Joint Task Force Guantánamo in 2014. A Moroccan national, imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay for more than 13 years without trial, was repatriated.

A leaked military dossier, citing statements other detainees made to interrogators, said Al Qaeda might have considered Mr. Shalabi for participation in a suicide attack 15 years ago. He denied involvement with Al Qaeda and said he was a religious teacher.

Although a six-agency task force decided in 2009 that Mr. Shalabi was too dangerous to release, a parolelike panel called the Periodic Review Board, consisting of representatives from the same six agencies, decided in June that he could now be safely repatriated to Saudi Arabia.

In a statement explaining its reasoning, the board said Mr. Shalabi had “terrorist-related activities and connections” in the past, but said it was confident that the Saudi government’s rehabilitation program and its ability to monitor former detainees would mitigate the risks. The board also cited the fact that Mr. Shalabi’s nephew, who was repatriated from Guantánamo in President George W. Bush’s second term and went through the Saudi rehabilitation program, has apparently lived quietly ever since.

“The board also considered the detainee’s well-established family, their willingness and ability to support him upon his return, and their prior success in assisting with the rehabilitation and reintegration of a former Guantánamo detainee,” the review panel said.

Mr. Shalabi appeared before the board at a hearing in April. He asked that his statements not be made public. But a lawyer helping to represent him, Julia Tarver-Mason Wood, told the board that he just wanted “to settle down, get married and have a family of his own, and put the past behind him.”

The Obama administration’s efforts to close the prison have come in fits and starts, in part because of transfer restrictions imposed by Congress. They require the secretary of defense to tell Congress that he is personally satisfied that the risks of transferring any particular prisoner have been substantially mitigated.

The secretary of defense, Ashton B. Carter, who took office in February, was initially slow to sign off on proposed transfers, leading to a cabinet-level meeting in July at which the National Security Council asked him to make decisions more quickly, according to officials familiar with the deliberations. Mr. Carter permitted the repatriation of a Moroccan detainee last week.

Most of the remaining detainees on the transfer list are from Yemen, which is in chaos, and the United States is trying to find more stable countries to resettle them. For the 62 detainees not on the transfer list, Mr. Obama’s plan to close Guantánamo calls for moving them to a different prison, on American soil. But a statute currently bans relocating the wartime prison inside the United States.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #237 on: October 06, 2015, 04:06:50 PM »
The JV Team strikes again.   :-\

Report: ISIS Tortures, Crucifies Christian Boy, Rape Women in Syria

Image: Report: ISIS Tortures, Crucifies Christian Boy, Rape Women in Syria  (Andrabi/Hindustan Times via Getty Images) 
By Greg Richter   
Tuesday, 06 Oct 2015

Islamic State (ISIS) militants cut off the fingertips of a 12-year-old boy while his Christian pastor father watched and was told the torture would stop if the father renounced Christianity and returned to Islam, according to a report by the website Christian Aid Mission.

The father refused, and both father and son, along with two aides in their 20s were beheaded and crucified. The incident reportedly occurred a month ago in an undisclosed village near Aleppo.

The group was part of a group of aid workers who decided to stay in the region to proclaim the gospel even after being warned to leave by the minister who trained them.

"I asked them to leave, but I gave them the freedom to choose," the ministry director, who was not named, told the website. "As their leader, I should have insisted that they leave."

The Christian workers were captured on August 7, according to their family members, who fled as the militants approached the village.

On August 28, the 41-year-old father and the two aides were asked if they had converted to Christianity from Islam. When they said they had, they were offered the chance to convert back to Islam, but refused.

They were then brutalized, beheaded along with the boy and hung on crosses for two days.

Eight other members of the same ministry team were also captured on August 28 in a nearby village. When they refused to renounce their faith, they too were brutalized and killed. The two women, aged 29 and 33 were raped as a crowd looked on.

The women reportedly prayed during their ordeal, which caused the militants to beat them harder. All eight of the workers knelt and prayed as they were beheaded, the website reported.


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #238 on: October 06, 2015, 05:53:56 PM »
Islam I believe has some thing about lying to infidels and how it's okay. How do these Christians not think the same way? I'd say yes and save mine and my families lives.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #239 on: October 07, 2015, 09:48:56 AM »
Smugglers Tried to Sell Nuclear Material to ISIS: AP Investigation

CHISINAU, Moldova — In the backwaters of Eastern Europe, authorities working with the FBI have interrupted four attempts in the past five years by gangs with suspected Russian connections that sought to sell radioactive material to Middle Eastern extremists, The Associated Press has learned.

The latest known case came in February this year, when a smuggler offered a huge cache of deadly cesium — enough to contaminate several city blocks — and specifically sought a buyer from ISIS.

An FBI official confirmed to NBC News that U.S. agents were involved in the most recent sting operation in Moldova. However, the official emphasized that there was no known ISIS connection. An undercover informant, working with Moldovan police, claimed that he was an ISIS representative.

"But that was totally made up," the official said.

Criminal organizations, some with ties to the Russian KGB's successor agency, are driving a thriving black market in nuclear materials in the tiny and impoverished Eastern European country of Moldova, investigators say. The successful busts, however, were undercut by striking shortcomings: Kingpins got away, and those arrested evaded long prison sentences, sometimes quickly returning to nuclear smuggling, AP found.

Moldovan police and judicial authorities shared investigative case files with the AP in an effort to spotlight how dangerous the nuclear black market has become. They say the breakdown in cooperation between Russia and the West means that it has become much harder to know whether smugglers are finding ways to move parts of Russia's vast store of radioactive materials — an unknown quantity of which has leached into the black market.

"We can expect more of these cases," said Constantin Malic, a Moldovan police officer who investigated all four cases. "As long as the smugglers think they can make big money without getting caught, they will keep doing it."

In wiretaps, videotaped arrests, photographs of bomb-grade material, documents and interviews, AP found a troubling vulnerability in the anti-smuggling strategy. From the first known Moldovan case in 2010 to the most recent one in February, a pattern has emerged: Authorities pounce on suspects in the early stages of a deal, giving the ringleaders a chance to escape with their nuclear contraband — an indication that the threat from the nuclear black market in the Balkans is far from under control.

Moldovan investigators can't be sure that the suspects who fled didn't hold on to the bulk of the nuclear materials. Nor do they know whether the groups, which are pursuing buyers who are enemies of the West, may have succeeded in selling deadly nuclear material to extremists at a time when ISIS has made clear its ambition to use weapons of mass destruction.

The cases involve secret meetings in a high-end nightclub; blueprints for dirty bombs; and a nerve-shattered undercover investigator who slammed vodka shots before heading into meetings with smugglers. Informants and a police officer posing as a connected gangster — complete with a Mercedes Benz provided by the FBI — penetrated the smuggling gangs. The police used a combination of old-fashioned undercover tactics and high-tech gear, from radiation detectors to clothing threaded with recording devices.

The Moldovan operations were built on a partnership between the FBI and a small team of Moldovan investigators — including Malic, who over five years went from near total ignorance of the frightening black market in his backyard to wrapping up four sting operations.

"In the age of [ISIS], it's especially terrifying to have real smugglers of nuclear bomb material apparently making connections with real buyers," says Matthew Bunn, a Harvard professor who led a secret study for the Clinton administration on the security of Russia's nuclear arsenal.

The Moldovan investigators were well aware of the lethal consequences of just one slip-up. Posing as a representative's buyer, Malic was so terrified before meetings that he gulped shots of vodka to steel his nerves. Other cases contained elements of farce: In the cesium deal, an informant held a high-stakes meeting with a seller at an elite dance club filled with young people nibbling on sushi.

In the case of the cesium, investigators said the one vial they ultimately recovered was a less radioactive form of cesium than the smugglers originally had advertised, and not suitable for making a dirty bomb.

The most serious case began in the spring of 2011, with the investigation of a group led by a shadowy Russian named Alexandr Agheenco, "the colonel" to his cohorts, whom Moldovan authorities believe to be an officer with the Russian FSB, previously known as the KGB. A middle man working for the colonel was recorded arranging the sale of bomb-grade uranium, U-235, and blueprints for a dirty bomb to a man from Sudan, according to several officials. The blueprints were discovered in a raid of the middleman's home, according to police and court documents.

Wiretapped conversations repeatedly exposed plots that targeted the United States, the Moldovan officials said. At one point the middleman told an informant posing as a buyer that it was essential that the smuggled uranium go to Arabs.

"He said to the informant on a wire: 'I really want an Islamic buyer because they will bomb the Americans,'" said Malic, the investigator.

As in the other cases, investigators arrested mostly mid-level players after an early exchange of cash and samples of radioactive goods.

The ringleader, the colonel, got away. Police cannot determine whether he had more nuclear material. His partner, who wanted to "annihilate America," is out of prison.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #240 on: October 09, 2015, 02:33:44 PM »
ISIS Overtakes Al Qaeda as Leader of Violent Extremist Movement
Oct 08, 2015 // 7:45pm   

As seen on On the Record with Greta Van Susteren 

ISIS has overtaken Al Qaeda as the leader of the global violent extremist movement and has access to a large pool of potential recruits in Western countries, according to U.S. national counter-terrorism center chief Nick Rasmussen.

Catherine Herridge reported on "On The Record" that ISIS has surpassed Al Qaeda because it has been able to seize territory in Syria and Iraq and hold it.

Herridge said that ISIS is telling potential recruits to come to the Middle East and join the caliphate, or stay in their home country and target military members or law enforcement officers.

She added that Rasmussen also testified at a hearing Thursday that the threat of radical Islamic terror is more diverse, more widespread and involves more individuals globally than they've seen at any time in the past 14 years.

Watch more above.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #241 on: October 22, 2015, 06:05:12 PM »
ISIS graduates its first class of junior jihadists in shocking photos
Published October 22, 2015

New photos released by the Islamic State this week has underlined a scary fact: that the terrorist group is churning out scores of junior jihadists thanks to intensive training camps.

The images uncovered by Vocative reportedly show the extremist group’s first graduating class of soldiers at its Afghanistan training camp, highlighting that the group’s ambitions extend far beyond the Middle East and have moved into the increasingly unstable country.

About 24 armed men were photographed doing various drills and exercises, including those with what appears to be anti-aircraft machineguns.

In January, Islamic State stated that it intended to expand its reach into Afghanistan and has since made its presence felt. In April it claimed responsibility for a suicide attack that killed at least 35 people in Jalalabad, the capital of eastern Nangarhar province.

While nowhere near as powerful as the Taliban, Islamic State’s push into the region is concerning for US and NATO forces.

There are fears it may also spark brutal competition with the Taliban, further destabilizing the region and complicating efforts to end a 14-year war, which has now become America’s longest conflict.

US President Barack Obama promised to end America’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but announced last week that he would delay the US pullout from Afghanistan. He originally planned to withdraw all but a small US force before leaving office in January 2017, but will instead keep the current force of 9,800 through most of 2016.

His decision follows the brief takeover of the strategic northern city of Kunduz by the Taliban last month, which underscored concerns about the capabilities of Afghanistan’s security forces.

Interior Ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqqi told AP that Afghanistan was facing “security problems” in at least nine districts, without elaborating.

This week a A US F-16 was struck by enemy fire in eastern Afghanistan in a rare instance of an advanced fighter jet coming under a Taliban-claimed attack.

The attack took place in the Sayid Karam district of eastern Paktia province, much of which is under control of the Taliban.

The multi-million dollar jet sustained significant damage, forcing it to jettison its fuel tanks and munitions before returning to base, officials told AFP.

The Taliban have shot down several military helicopters using small-arms fire, but never an F-16 — an advanced jet capable of supersonic speeds and reaching heights of 50,000 feet, which have been deployed in Afghanistan since the beginning of the US-led military in 2001.

The Afghan government is also facing opposition in the remote northwestern regions of the country, and is turning to a notorious former war lord to help it regain the territory.

Warlords such as First Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum are assuming a larger role in the battle against the Taliban as troops have struggled to take on the insurgents without the aid of U.S. and NATO combat troops.

Dostum has no formal position in the military, but has a “bodyguard” of 640 men.

Dostum’s spokesman, Sultan Faizy, said he would assess the situation in Ghormach district, in the Faryab province, and submit recommendations to President Ashraf Ghani and the National Security Council. He will then implement their decision, only leading men into battle with their permission, the spokesman said.

Dostum, a prominent mujahedeen commander who fought the Soviets in the 1980s and took part in the civil war that erupted after their withdrawal, is expected to lead a combined force of army, police and his own militiamen. Government reinforcements are already being dispatched to Faryab.

If he gets the green light from Ghani and the NSC, it will be Dostum’s second time this year leading men into Faryab to take on the Taliban.

In August he donned full military uniform and joined troops in pushing the Taliban out of districts around the provincial capital Maymana.

Acting Defence Minister Masoom Stankzai has denied the government is falling back on private militias. In an interview with The Associated Press on Monday, he said Dostum and others are able to mobilize armed men they had previously been associated with, but did not have private armies.

“It is a kind of perception that they have their own army. They say that if the government wants them to mobilize people and bring them in to really strengthen the security forces, they will help and mobilize and not do anything without proper military planning,” Stanekzai said.

“We don’t want to create a parallel system in the country, that is dangerous and that is not in the interests of the country.”

Afghan troops were meanwhile battling the Taliban in three districts in the southern Helmand province, on the other side of the country, Sediqqi said.

Officials said the insurgents had fought their way to within 10km of the provincial capital, Lashkar Gah.

Mohammad Hashim Alokozai, a politician from Helmand province, said the Taliban had launched attacks on the outskirts of Lashkar Gah and seized the Babaji area north of the city.

“A heavy battle is going on around the city,” Alokozai said. He said the local Helmand government was downplaying the severity of the attack, which he said had killed or wounded dozens of security forces.

“I warn the government, if the Taliban overrun Lashkar Gah it will not be as easy to take it back as it was in Kunduz,” he said.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #242 on: November 09, 2015, 09:41:49 AM »
The JV Team strikes again.   :-\

Russian plane crash: ISIS chatter supports bomb theory, officials say
By Barbara Starr and Holly Yan, CNN
November 9, 2015 | Video Source: CNN

(CNN)ISIS' affiliate in Egypt says it brought down Metrojet Flight 9268. And U.S. officials are more confident that terrorists bombed the Russian plane.

Yet key questions remain: If terrorists did plant a bomb, how did they do it? And what could prevent that from happening again?

Here's the latest on what we know about the disaster that killed 224 people:

Several senior U.S. intelligence, military and national security officials have told CNN about the growing confidence that the plane was bombed by terrorists.

One official said it was "99.9% certain." Another said it was "likely."

The plane was headed from the Egyptian resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg, Russia, on October 31. But not long after takeoff, it disintegrated midair and crashed in the Sinai Peninsula.

Egyptian officials, who are leading the main crash investigation, haven't expressed as much confidence in the bomb theory.

"All the scenarios" are still on the table, said Ayman al-Muqaddam, the head of the investigation.

"We don't know what happened exactly," he said.

The Egyptians aren't the only ones involved. Experts from Russia, France, Germany and Ireland -- countries that are connected in various ways to the Airbus A321-200 that crashed -- are also investigating.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed to reporters Monday that the UK had provided Russia with data on the downing of the jet.

Meanwhile, talks between U.S., Russian and Egyptian officials about the potential scope of American assistance in the investigation are ongoing. U.S. law enforcement officials told CNN that the FBI is already offering limited support but has no plans at present to send a team to the region.

Russian state news agency RIA Novosti reported Monday that Russian experts may receive the first forensic analysis data potentially revealing traces of explosive substances on the wreckage as early as Thursday. But more definitive conclusions could take longer, according to the report.

At least some of the intelligence intercepts being used to assess what happened to the jetliner came from Israeli intelligence, according to a U.S. official briefed on the intelligence as well as a diplomatic source.

What we know, don't know

The communications were captured by Israeli intelligence focused on the Sinai and passed along to the United States and Britain, the sources said.

Israeli officials would not comment on the claims.

Muqaddam said Egypt had not been provided any information or evidence tied to reports suggesting that a bomb took down the flight, and he urged the sources of the reports to pass along related evidence to Egyptian investigators.

The belief that a bomb was most likely to blame centers, to a large extent, on British and U.S. intercepts of communications after the crash from the Islamic militant group ISIS' affiliate in Sinai to ISIS operatives in Syria, officials said.

DHS chief seeks to reassure American fliers after crash

The Sinai affiliate has publicly claimed responsibility for downing the plane, but so far hasn't explained how it was done. That's prompted questions about the claim among some observers, considering ISIS' tendency to often publicize its acts for propaganda value.

The ISIS messages monitored by British and American intelligence agencies are separate from the group's public claims, a U.S. official has said.

The two Western countries have been analyzing the specific language in the chatter to determine to what extent the operatives were talking about the type of bomb and detonator used, and whether that language was a true representation of what happened, one official told CNN.

Several officials said it's the specificity of the chatter that has contributed to the U.S. and British view that a bomb was most likely used.

European investigators who analyzed the plane's cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder say the crash was not an accident, CNN affiliate France 2 reported.

The investigators said the cockpit voice recorder indicates an explosion, and the flight data recorder shows the blast was not accidental, the affiliate said.

But Muqaddam, the head of the investigation, did not echo those details.

He confirmed a noise was heard in the final second of the cockpit recording as the aircraft was on autopilot and ascending. But he offered no description of the sound, saying a specialized analysis would be carried out to identify it.

The crash might have been caused by a lithium battery or a mechanical issue, Muqaddam said.

He also said that bad weather has hampered the investigation.

The remains of more than 100 victims have been identified through DNA testing, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets said, according to the state-run RIA Novosti news agency.

The vast majority of the passengers were Russian. The others were of Ukrainian, Belarusian or unconfirmed citizenship.

Russian media said the disaster created many orphans, as many parents left their children with relatives as they went on vacation to Sharm el-Sheikh.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #244 on: November 10, 2015, 05:56:35 PM »
So when is Russia going to drop the hammer?  Also, it's a bit scary how IS isn't saying how they did it. It means they don't want us to find out their secrets, and how they'll do it again. At least, that how I take it.


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #245 on: November 10, 2015, 09:42:42 PM »
Islamic State leader reportedly raped American hostage
Published August 15, 2015
Associated Press

WASHINGTON –  American hostage Kayla Mueller was repeatedly forced to have sex with Abu Bakr Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State group, U.S. intelligence officials told her family in June.

"They told us that he married her, and we all understand what that means," Carl Mueller, Kayla's father, told The Associated Press on Friday, which would have been his daughter's 27th birthday. Her death was reported in February.

Her mother, Marsha Mueller, added, "Kayla did not marry this man. He took her to his room and he abused her and she came back crying."

The news is but the latest in a litany of horrors perpetrated by the Islamic State group, which has beheaded, burned and crucified male captives while passing around women as sex slaves.

Mueller was held for a time by Islamic State financier Abu Sayyaf and his wife, known as Umm Sayyaf. Al-Baghdadi took Mueller as a "wife," repeatedly raping her when he visited, according to a Yazidi teenager who was held with Mueller and escaped in October 2014.

The 14-year-old made her way to Iraqi Kurdistan, where she talked to U.S. commandos in November 2014. Intelligence agencies corroborated her account and American officials passed it on to her parents in June.

"Kayla did not marry this man. He took her to his room and he abused her and she came back crying"

- Marsha Mueller, Kayla's mom
Umm Sayyaf confirmed that al-Baghdadi had "owned" Kayla during Umm Sayyaf's lengthy American interrogation in Iraq, the Muellers said they were told by American officials.

A U.S. official confirmed their account, first reported by London's Independent newspaper. The official was not authorized to be quoted by name and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Abu Sayyaf was killed in a Delta Force raid of his Syrian compound in June, which resulted in a treasure trove of intelligence about the Islamic State group.

Umm Sayyaf has been turned over to the Iraqi Kurds for trial. The Muellers have been told that justice will be served in her case, said a family spokeswoman, Emily Lenzner.

Mueller was held with three other women, all Yazidis, the Muellers were told. All were sexually abused. When al-Baghdadi visited, he would take Mueller to his room, the witness told American officials. She would tell her fellow captives — sometimes tearfully — what had happened.

"Kayla tried to protect these young girls," her mother said. "She was like a mother figure to them."

When the teenaged Yazidi girl escaped with her sister, she asked Mueller to accompany her, the parents were told, but Kayla refused, worrying that her obvious Western appearance would lead to their capture.

By the time the Yadizi escapee reported the situation to Delta Force commandos in Iraq, Kayla had been moved, her parents were told.

U.S. intelligence officials found information on Sayyaf's computer indicating that Mueller, who spoke some Arabic, had been searching for information about fertility to help Umm Sayyaf, who was trying to get pregnant, according to two U.S. officials who refused to be quoted because the information is classified.

Mueller, from Prescott, Arizona, was taken hostage with her boyfriend, Omar Alkhani, in August 2013 after leaving a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Aleppo, Syria, where he had been hired to fix the Internet service for the hospital.

Mueller had begged him to let her tag along because she wanted to do relief work in the war-ravaged country.

Alkhani was released after two months, having been beaten.

The Islamic State group claimed Mueller was killed in a Jordanian air strike near Raqqah, the group's self-declared capital in Syria. U.S. officials confirmed the death but not the circumstances.

Bullshit.  They were married.

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #246 on: November 16, 2015, 09:34:14 AM »
Clinton and the other Democratic presidential candidates in debate decline to use term 'radical Islam'
Published November 15, 2015

Hillary Clinton and the other Democratic presidential candidates are being criticized for declining to use the words “radical Islam” during Saturday night’s debate, following the deadly terror attacks in Paris.

Clinton, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley declined to use the words after being asked during the CBS debate whether they would agree with GOP presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio saying, “We are at war with radical Islam.”

The front-running Clinton said using the term “radical Islam” would be “painting with too broad a brush.”

She also said the term was “not particularly helpful.”

“I don’t think we’re at war with Islam,” continued Clinton, a former secretary of state. “I don’t think we’re at war with all Muslims. I think we’re at war with jihadists.”

However, Clinton said the world is indeed at war with “violent extremists” and those who use religion for “power” and “oppression.”

Rubio said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" that not saying "Islamic State" would "be like saying we weren't at war with Nazis, because we were afraid to offend some Germans who may have been members of the Nazi Party but weren't violent themselves."

"I don't understand it," the Florida lawmaker continued. "We are at war with radical Islam."

The White House on Sunday also made clear that the United States is a war with the Islamic State.

"We've been at war with ISIL for some time," White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes told NBC. "Over more than a year now we've conducted thousands of air-strikes."

GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on Saturday night tweeted: “You’re all grown up now. You can do it. Three words. Ten syllables. Say it with me: ‘Radical Islamic terrorism.”

The Islamic State has taken credit for the three coordinated attacks in and around Paris that killed 129 people and wounded more than 350.

French President Francois Hollande called the attacks “an act of war” by the terror group.

During the debate at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, Sanders said he didn’t think the term “is what's important.”

He argued the real issue is groups such as ISIS and Al Qaeda, and their mistreatment of women and children, have become “a danger to modern society” and that “American leadership can and must come together to destroy them.”

O’Malley, like Clinton and Sanders, also took special consideration not to offend the entire Muslim community.

“I believe calling it what it is … radical jihadis,” he said. “Let's not fall into the trap of thinking that all of our Muslim-American neighbors in this country are somehow our enemies here. They are our first line of defense. … We need our Muslim-American neighbors to stand up and to be a part of this.”

GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush tweeted on Saturday: “Yes, we are at war with radical Islamic terrorism.”

During the debate, Clinton also was asked about a December 2014 speech in which she said it’s important to show “respect even for one's enemy” and to try to “empathize with their perspective and point of view.”

Clinton responded: “It is important to try to understand your adversary in order to figure out how they are thinking, what they will be doing, how they will react.”

Clinton campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri told Yahoo News after the debate that she didn’t think Clinton was getting a lot of criticism for remarks.

“I think she was really clear that we don’t need to go to war,” Palmieri said. “We don’t need to go to war with Islam. We’re going to war with extremists.”

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #247 on: November 23, 2015, 05:30:40 PM »
Report: Syrian Christians Cry ‘Jesus!’ Before ISIS Mass Beheading
Displaced Christians in Mosul APAP
by MARY CHASTAIN5 Oct 2015

The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) executed 12 Christians, including a 12-year-old boy, after they refused to abandon their faith and convert to Islam. The murders occurred on August 28 outside of Aleppo.

“In front of the team leader and relatives in the crowd, the Islamic extremists cut off the fingertips of the boy and severely beat him, telling his father they would stop the torture only if he, the father, returned to Islam,” revealed Christian Aid Mission. “When the team leader refused, relatives said, the ISIS militants also tortured and beat him and the two other ministry workers. The three men and the boy then met their deaths in crucifixion.”

The boy’s father was a “ministry team leader who planted nine churches.” One woman allegedly yelled “Jesus!” right before the terrorists beheaded her. Militants took eight aid workers, two of them females, to another village. They proceeded to rape the two females before they executed them.

“Villagers said some were praying in the name of Jesus, others said some were praying the Lord’s Prayer, and others said some of them lifted their heads to commend their spirits to Jesus,” described one source. “One of the women looked up and seemed to be almost smiling as she said, ‘Jesus!'”

The barbaric radical Islamic group has executed more than 11,000 people in “Iraq and Syria since its establishment of a self-proclaimed caliphate in June 2014.” ISIS captured Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, in that month. For over 2,000 years, Christians and Muslims lived peacefully with each other. But when ISIS invaded, the Christians were told to either leave, convert, or pay a subjugation tax. They kidnapped the majority of the females to sell on their sex slave market while they slaughtered the males in front of their families.

“It is like going back 1,000 years seeing the barbarity that Christians are having to live under. I think we are dealing with a group which makes Nazism pale in comparison and I think they have lost all respect for human life,” explained Patrick Sookhdeo, founder of Barnabas Fund. “Crucifying these people is sending a message and they are using forms of killing which they believe have been sanctioned by Sharia law. For them what they are doing is perfectly normal and they don’t see a problem with it. It is that religious justification which is so appalling.”

In July 2014, Andrew White, the vicar of the only Anglican church in Iraq, told BBC Radio 4 that Christianity is coming to an end in the Middle Eastern country.

“Things are so desperate, our people are disappearing,” he said. “We have had people massacred, their heads chopped off. The Christians are in grave danger. There are literally Christians living in the desert and on the street. They have nowhere to go.”

“Are we seeing the end of Christianity?” he continued. “We are committed come what may, we will keep going to the end, but it looks as though the end could be very near.”

Christians have spoken out about the treatment they endured from ISIS. They said ISIS destroyed churches and statues of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, and raised the black flag in Mary’s place. Terrorists robbed the Christians at checkpoints, taking the earrings women were wearing.

“There is not a single Christian family left in Mosul,” said Bashar Nasih Behnam, who left with his two children. “The last one was a disabled Christian woman. She stayed because she could not get out. They came to her and said you have to get out and if you don’t we will cut off your head with a sword. That was the last family.”

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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #248 on: November 24, 2015, 09:31:19 AM »
The president will have an awful legacy when it comes to Radical Islam. 

Former head of Defense Intelligence Agency responds to claims over ISIS intelligence
Published November 23, 2015

The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency said the White House can’t say it was not made aware of the growing threat ISIS posed in the region in an exclusive interview Monday with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly on “The Kelly File.”

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said what President Obama has received from the national intelligence system on ISIS is “very accurate,” but may not have met a “narrative” out of the White House.

“It is a cancer inside of the Islamic religion, and the White House and the President have not wanted to say that,” he said.

Flynn told Kelly after he stood over the body of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Al Qaeda leader in Iraq who was killed in an airstrike in 2006; he knew the problem of radical militants in the country was not yet over.

“We felt good about it, but we knew the problem wasn’t going to end with his death,” Flynn said. “It hasn’t gotten any better. It has doubled or tripled in size of the scope of the problem.”

“Where the intelligence starts and stops is at the White House,” he told Kelly. “The president sets the priorities.”


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Re: Radical Islam
« Reply #249 on: November 26, 2015, 06:57:12 AM »
You know what? I'm as pro everything as anybody else but... as a father... having to sit here and inform myself on how to spot a potential suicide bomber... on Thanksgiving Day.


You've won my disrespect every day of the week.