By the way, I'm thinking bout really paying attention to my "diet" and see if it can make a better difference. I need to establish macro nutrient minimums first and from there I can formulate this new "diet". As of now, I'm thinking that the bare minimum per macro would be something like this:
1. Protein: 1 gram per pound of bodyweight
2. Carbs: 100 grams minimum.
3. Fats: 50 grams minimum.
If I follow those guidelines, then that would be a minimum of about 1000 cals daily. I can do this, as I was able to make it on 500-700 cals for weeks and weeks. I gotta think about this more deeply, but if anyone has any suggestions I'm willing to take a listen. I'm not so goddamn stubborn about "diet" as I am about training, so I will be more open to suggestion. I'm also familiar with the idea that uses bodyweight as an indicator of calorie intake, and it looked something like this:
1. For maximum fatloss consume bodyweight*10 for daily cal intake.
2. For simultaneously losing fat and gaining muscle consume bodyweight*12
3. For only gaining muscle consume bodyweight*15
And lastly, since I train on a 3-way split as follows: Bis/Tris/Traps alternate with Legs I can also follow a 3 day "cycle diet" as follows: lo-cals on Bi and Tri day, and high cals on Trap/Leg day. The high cals on Trap/Leg day would fuel me up for the Bi and Tri days, as they are MUCH, MUCH MORE IMPORTANT for me than the Trap/Leg day. Let's see if I can actually keep up this Leg training lol In fact, tomorrow will be Leg day.