Author Topic: Do you take people seriously when they talk about the Anti-Christ, the 2nd...  (Read 13093 times)


  • Getbig IV
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There was a great article about how atheists are treated in America in the WaPo yesterday.



  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Coming or any of the other religious claptrap?

Generally speaking, in my experience, people who sincerely believe these things have views that are so skewed on other issues that reasonable debate is an impossibility.

What do you think?

Your definition of "reasonable" leaves a lot to be desired.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
There was a great article about how atheists are treated in America in the WaPo yesterday.

What a bunch of silliness that was.

Atheists are still crying the same crocodile tears, as usual.

Long after blacks and Jews have made great strides, and even as homosexuals gain respect, acceptance and new rights, there is still a group that lots of Americans just don’t like much: atheists. Those who don’t believe in God are widely considered to be immoral, wicked and angry.

As far as the angry part goes, ever had a few chats with Deicide?  ;D

They can’t join the Boy Scouts.

DUH!!! It's a religious organization. They tend to want their members to, at least nominally, believe in God.

Atheist soldiers are rated potentially deficient when they do not score as sufficiently “spiritual” in military psychological evaluations.

People who obsessed over something that they don't believe to exist....I wonder why a military shrink would think they're a bit cracked  ::)

Surveys find that most Americans refuse or are reluctant to marry or vote for nontheists

Yep, nothing says "hubby material" better than making light of something that your girlfriend holds dear to her.

In other words, nonbelievers are one minority still commonly denied in practical terms the right to assume office despite the constitutional ban on religious tests.

Nobody is denying them the right to be in office. Of course, the thing with elected office is that people actually HAVE TO LIKE YOU to vote for you. Too many high-profile atheists belittle people of faith, call them and their children names, and work tirelessly to keep them from expressing THEIR constitutional rights, in terms of religious expression. Then, they acted shocked and dumbfounded that nobody wants to vote for their silly behinds.

Nothing in the constitution mandates the VOTERS to pick someone they don't like, especially when that someone besmirches their particular beliefs or faith. In other words, we have the right not to elect JERKS.

And, then there's the citing of Denmark as the happiest of nations. And, they're the least religious. BIG DEAL!! So was the former Soviet Union. Ask their folks how happy they were.

Here's a good one:

A growing body of social science research reveals that atheists, and non-religious people in general, are far from the unsavory beings many assume them to be. On basic questions of morality and human decency — issues such as governmental use of torture, the death penalty, punitive hitting of children, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, environmental degradation or human rights — the irreligious tend to be more ethical than their religious peers, particularly compared with those who describe themselves as very religious.

Do the words Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler ring a bell? There's a reason that atheists want to distance themselves from these two cats. Their body counts makes the Crusades and Jihads look like kindegarten spats.

BTW, who started Planned Parenthood, for the EXPRESSED PURPOSE of killing off the "undesirables" (i.e. black people)? Margaret Sangor, an atheist.

Nobody cares about how atheists score on "basic questions of morality and human decency" in surveys or tests or questionnaires. It's where they score during crunch time. For some reason, I missed all those food banks, humanitarian shelters, missions, hospitals and clinics runs by these "more ethical" nonbelievers. Where are the atheist scouts walking old ladies across the street? Or handing out food baskets on Thanksgiving, for the hungry and less fortunate? And if the mean old Boy/Girl Scouts won't let them in, what's to stop all these brilliant folk from forming their own groups?

In the end, this is but another whinefest from a supposedly brilliant atheist who is as clueless as the desert is hot. You would think that people who purport to be so self-reliant and smart would refrain from such sheepish bleating and excuse making. But, alas, that just ain't the case.


  • Time Out
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What a bunch of silliness that was.

Atheists are still crying the same crocidile tears, as usual.

Nobody is denying them the right to be in office. Of course, the thing with elected office is that people actually HAVE TO LIKE YOU to vote for you. Too many high-profile atheists belittle people of faith, call them and their children names, and work tirelessly to keep them from expressing THEIR constitutional rights, in terms of religious expression. Then, they acted shocked and dumbfounded that nobody wants to vote for their silly behinds.

And, then there's the citing of Denmark as the happiest of nations. And, they're the least religious. BIG DEAL!! So was the former Soviet Union. Ask their folks how happy they were.

Here's a good one:

A growing body of social science research reveals that atheists, and non-religious people in general, are far from the unsavory beings many assume them to be. On basic questions of morality and human decency — issues such as governmental use of torture, the death penalty, punitive hitting of children, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, environmental degradation or human rights — the irreligious tend to be more ethical than their religious peers, particularly compared with those who describe themselves as very religious.

Do the words Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler ring a bell? There's a reason that atheists want to distance themselves from these two cats. Their body counts makes the Crusades and Jihads look like kindegarten spats.

BTW, who started Planned Parenthood, for the EXPRESSED PURPOSE of killing off the "undesirables" (i.e. black people)? Margaret Sangor, an atheist.

Nobody cares about how atheists score on "basic questions of morality and human decency" in surveys or tests or questionnaires. It's where they score during crunch time. For some reason, I missed all those food banks, humanitarian shelters, missions, hospitals and clinics runs by these "more ethical" nonbelievers. Where are the atheist scouts walking old ladies across the street? Or handing out food baskets on Thanksgiving, for the hungry and less fortunate? And if the mean old Boy/Girl Scouts won't let them in, what's to stop all these brilliant folk from forming their own groups?

In the end, this is but another whinefest from a supposedly brilliant atheist who is as clueless as the desert is hot. You would think that people who purport to be so self-reliant and smart would refrain from such sheepish bleating and excuse making. But, alas, that just ain't the case.

Atheists aren't going to get elected to anything big in my lifetime. It's because of small people like you who are so scared of death that you'll grab onto any false certainty that can be given. And after you've done that, any logic becomes a threat to you.

You got balls or you don't.


  • Getbig V
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  • Silence you furry fool!

Nobody is denying them the right to be in office.

There are still State constitutions that impose certain religious requirements even though this has been deemed unconstitutional.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Atheists aren't going to get elected to anything big in my lifetime. It's because of small people like you who are so scared of death that you'll grab onto any false certainty that can be given. And after you've done that, any logic becomes a threat to you.

You got balls or you don't.

Apparently you missed my edited post.

Atheists aren't going to be elected, because the most high-profile ones happen to be obnoxious condescening goofs, like you.

As stated in my recent update, we aren't constitutionally mandated to vote for JERKS, regardless of their beliefs (or lack thereof).

Try getting a clue, quit twisting your undies in knots over something you claim doesn't exist, and try some of that alleged "more ethical" stuff; and I'm pretty sure business will pick up.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
There are still State constitutions that impose certain religious requirements even though this has been deemed unconstitutional.

I'm aware of that. But, my point remains that, at the end of the day, the would-be atheist politician has to be VOTED INTO OFFICE by the electorate.

And, last time I checked, insulting the electorate ain't a smart campaign strategy. You would think that atheists, who keep bragging about how SMART they are, would learn not to keep doing something this STUPID.

And, speaking of morals, if my memory serves me correctly, at least TWO well-known atheist GBers here have condoned atheists, lying about being Christians to get in office. They claim such is the case with our current president.


  • Time Out
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Apparently you missed my edited post.

Atheists aren't going to be elected, because the most high-profile ones happen to be obnoxious condescening goofs, like you.

As stated in my recent update, we aren't constitutionally mandated to vote for JERKS.

Try getting a clue, quit twisting your undies in knots, over something you claim doesn't exist, and try some of that alleged "more ethical" stuff; and I'm pretty sure business will pick up.
What 'business' do you speak of? Pandering to any double digit IQ robot that shares my beliefs?

You are truly a pathetic human being. You kill progress before it can even start.

Maybe it's time you get back to your fairy tales.

I can only hope that you haven't reproduced and indoctrinated your fears for another generation. You already sucked bad enough during yours.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
What 'business' do you speak of? Pandering to any double digit IQ robot that shares my beliefs?

Maybe, just maybe, you can get one your poor wittle atheist politicians into an office or two, if his attitude is absolutely NOTHING like yours (i.e. he doesn't pitch fits about a supposedly nonexistent God; nor does He belittle those who are of faith, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY MAKE UP THE LION'S SHARE OF THE ELECTORATE).

You are truly a pathetic human being. You kill progress before it can even start.

What progress would that be, Einstein? In fact, I asked this a while back, after someone posted similar gibberish from Bill Maher. What is this wonderful utopia you and your godless (and clueless) ilk want to achieve and why despite all your BRILLANCE  ::) can't you get it done, as long as pepole believe in God?

I can only hope that you haven't reproduced and indoctrinated your fears for another generation. You already sucked bad enough during yours.

Coming from a neurotic blowhard like you, that has all the sting of damp tissue. And, you're WAY TOO LATE on the reproducing thing, as my kids have more sense than you and the youngest of the bunch just learned how to walk.


  • Time Out
  • Getbig V
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How many scientific advances were once deemed evil by the church?

Copernicus couldn't even publish a book claiming that the sun was the center of the universe until just before his death, or the precious minds of your great church would have tortured him to death for it.

Newton, as well, received no favor from the great church that couldn't even let the theory of gravity go unpunished.

How many kids today are in poorer health due to their fanatical and idiot parents, siding with their imagined god over the well-being of their own offspring?

Do I need to keep going on this?

And your children will never meet their full potential as humans on earth if their minds are poisoned by your pseudo-thought.

You should take the time to check the foundation of your thought. Instead, however, you go off on wild tangents based on false certainties, while at the same time continually telling everyone else how stupid and delusional they are. 


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
How many scientific advances were once deemed evil by the church?

Big deal!! They were done by other people of faith, Protestants, if you will. What does that have to do with the price of coffee?

Copernicus couldn't even publish a book claiming that the sun was the center of the universe until just before his death, or the precious minds of your great church would have tortured him to death for it.

Newton, as well, received no favor from the great church that couldn't even let the theory of gravity go unpunished.

I'm not Catholic, number one. So, it ain't my great church. Number two, as mentioned earlier, it was under the Reformation that a significant of scientific progress began to take hold, ALSO DONE BY Christians (specifically when learning what the Bible actually said and what the Catholic church CLAIMED it said didn't quite match).

How many kids today are in poorer health due to their fanatical and idiot parents, siding with their imagined god over the well-being of their own offspring?

Nowhere in Scripture does instruct parents NOT to seek medical help. Heck, one of the authors of the Gospels was a physician (Luke). Furthermore, lest you forget, O crackpot one, look at the hospitals and humanitarian centers THAT ARE RUN BY CHURCHES or CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS.

Then, there's my personal favorite, Dr. Ben Carson (whom Cuba Gooding Jr. portrayed in "Gifted Hands"). He runs John Hopkins Institute of Neurosurgery and is the first to successfully separate twins conjoined at the head.

Do I need to keep going on this?

If you wish to continue making a certified monkey's behind of yourself, I will not impede your quest.

And your children will never meet their full potential as humans on earth if their minds are poisoned by your pseudo-thought.

See the aforementioned Dr. Ben Carson, who came from the ghetto, raised by a mom who could barely read herself.

Gee, with such drivel like this, you actually wonder why people won't elect an atheist with the same mentality as yours.  ::) Maybe, you guys ain't as smart as you advertise yourselves to be.

You should take the time to check the foundation of your thought. Instead, however, you go off on wild tangents based on false certainties, while at the same time continually telling everyone else how stupid and delusional they are.  

I'm not telling everyone else how stupid and delusional they are. I'm telling YOU (and those blubbering buffoons) who wrote that post artice how stupid and delusional you sound, making such ridiculous statements, harboring such attitudes towards those who believe in God, only to feign shock when (GASP!!) they don't like you.


  • Getbig V
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Maybe, just maybe, you can get one your poor wittle atheist politicians into an office or two, if his attitude is absolutely NOTHING like yours (i.e. he doesn't pitch fits about a supposedly nonexistent God; nor does He belittle those who are of faith, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY MAKE UP THE LION'S SHARE OF THE ELECTORATE).

What progress would that be, Einstein? In fact, I asked this a while back, after someone posted similar gibberish from Bill Maher. What is this wonderful utopia you and your godless (and clueless) ilk want to achieve and why despite all your BRILLANCE  ::) can't you get it done, as long as pepole believe in God?

Coming from a neurotic blowhard like you, that has all the sting of damp tissue. And, you're WAY TOO LATE on the reproducing thing, as my kids have more sense than you and the youngest of the bunch just learned how to walk.

Children do not learn how to walk.
I hate the State.


  • Time Out
  • Getbig V
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Nuff said.


  • Time Out
  • Getbig V
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Big deal!! They were done by other people of faith, Protestants, if you will. What does that have to do with the price of coffee?

I'm not Catholic, number one. So, it ain't my great church. Number two, as mentioned earlier, it was under the Reformation that a significant of scientific progress began to take hold, ALSO DONE BY Christians (specifically when learning what the Bible actually said and what the Catholic church CLAIMED it said didn't quite match).

Nowhere in Scripture does instruct parents NOT to seek medical help. Heck, one of the authors of the Gospels was a physician (Luke). Furthermore, lest you forget, O crackpot one, look at the hospitals and humanitarian centers THAT ARE RUN BY CHURCHES or CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS.

Then, there's my personal favorite, Dr. Ben Carson (whom Cuba Gooding Jr. portrayed in "Gifted Hands"). He runs John Hopkins Institute of Neurosurgery and is the first to successfully separate twins conjoined at the head.

If you wish to continue making a certified monkey's behind of yourself, I will not impede your quest.

See the aforementioned Dr. Ben Carson, who came from the ghetto, raised by a mom who could barely read herself.

Gee, with such drivel like this, you actually wonder why people won't elect an atheist with the same mentality as yours.  ::) Maybe, you guys ain't as smart as you advertise yourselves to be.

I'm not telling everyone else how stupid and delusional they are. I'm telling YOU (and those blubbering buffoons) who wrote that post artice how stupid and delusional you sound, making such ridiculous statements, harboring such attitudes towards those who believe in God, only to feign shock when (GASP!!) they don't like you.
Do you believe in evolution?


  • Time Out
  • Getbig V
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Big deal!! They were done by other people of faith, Protestants, if you will. What does that have to do with the price of coffee?

I'm not Catholic, number one. So, it ain't my great church. Number two, as mentioned earlier, it was under the Reformation that a significant of scientific progress began to take hold, ALSO DONE BY Christians (specifically when learning what the Bible actually said and what the Catholic church CLAIMED it said didn't quite match).

Nowhere in Scripture does instruct parents NOT to seek medical help. Heck, one of the authors of the Gospels was a physician (Luke). Furthermore, lest you forget, O crackpot one, look at the hospitals and humanitarian centers THAT ARE RUN BY CHURCHES or CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS.

Then, there's my personal favorite, Dr. Ben Carson (whom Cuba Gooding Jr. portrayed in "Gifted Hands"). He runs John Hopkins Institute of Neurosurgery and is the first to successfully separate twins conjoined at the head.

If you wish to continue making a certified monkey's behind of yourself, I will not impede your quest.

See the aforementioned Dr. Ben Carson, who came from the ghetto, raised by a mom who could barely read herself.

Gee, with such drivel like this, you actually wonder why people won't elect an atheist with the same mentality as yours.  ::) Maybe, you guys ain't as smart as you advertise yourselves to be.

I'm not telling everyone else how stupid and delusional they are. I'm telling YOU (and those blubbering buffoons) who wrote that post artice how stupid and delusional you sound, making such ridiculous statements, harboring such attitudes towards those who believe in God, only to feign shock when (GASP!!) they don't like you.
Why did god tell George W Bush to invade Iraq?

Didn't god know there were no WMD?

Why did I get to live through the Afghan war when so many other 'Christian' soldiers got killed? Does god hate those who worship him?

Why did god have the church be so against progress? Didn't god know about gravity?

Oh wait, I guess it's just part of his big mysterious plan.


  • Time Out
  • Getbig V
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Big deal!! They were done by other people of faith, Protestants, if you will. What does that have to do with the price of coffee?

I'm not Catholic, number one. So, it ain't my great church. Number two, as mentioned earlier, it was under the Reformation that a significant of scientific progress began to take hold, ALSO DONE BY Christians (specifically when learning what the Bible actually said and what the Catholic church CLAIMED it said didn't quite match).

Nowhere in Scripture does instruct parents NOT to seek medical help. Heck, one of the authors of the Gospels was a physician (Luke). Furthermore, lest you forget, O crackpot one, look at the hospitals and humanitarian centers THAT ARE RUN BY CHURCHES or CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATIONS.

Then, there's my personal favorite, Dr. Ben Carson (whom Cuba Gooding Jr. portrayed in "Gifted Hands"). He runs John Hopkins Institute of Neurosurgery and is the first to successfully separate twins conjoined at the head.

If you wish to continue making a certified monkey's behind of yourself, I will not impede your quest.

See the aforementioned Dr. Ben Carson, who came from the ghetto, raised by a mom who could barely read herself.

Gee, with such drivel like this, you actually wonder why people won't elect an atheist with the same mentality as yours.  ::) Maybe, you guys ain't as smart as you advertise yourselves to be.

I'm not telling everyone else how stupid and delusional they are. I'm telling YOU (and those blubbering buffoons) who wrote that post artice how stupid and delusional you sound, making such ridiculous statements, harboring such attitudes towards those who believe in God, only to feign shock when (GASP!!) they don't like you.
Do you believe in the ark?

If so, how big was it? Two of literally billions of species all on a boat. Good story, I'm believing that shit.

Do you ever stop and realize how ridiculous you are?


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Do you believe in the ark?

If so, how big was it? Two of literally billions of species all on a boat. Good story, I'm believing that shit.

Do you ever stop and realize how ridiculous you are?

Looking in that mirror again, I see. If you want the dimensions of the Ark, grab a Bible and see for yourself (Here's a hint: a cubit is about 1.5 ft). While you're there, you'll notice that nowhere does it state that two of every species was on it.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Why did god tell George W Bush to invade Iraq?

Didn't god know there were no WMD?

Why did I get to live through the Afghan war when so many other 'Christian' soldiers got killed? Does god hate those who worship him?

Why did god have the church be so against progress? Didn't god know about gravity?

Oh wait, I guess it's just part of his big mysterious plan.

Maybe, if you invest in some sense, you won't sound as cracked in the skull. Wars are fought and unfortunately people die (even Christians).

Despite pointing out the various advances in science and medicine put forth BY CHRISTIANS, you continue your knuckleheaded tirade about the church being against progress. Did you forget about the schools formed by Christian churches, the hospitals, orphanages, humanitarian missions, etc?

Of course you did. You're fully engaged in your mindless blubberfest.

Gravity? PLEASE!!! I guess you forgot about this little statement by Sir Isaac Newton, the man credited with discovery of the concept of gravity:

The most beautiful system of the Sun, Planets and Comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent being. All variety of created objects which represent order and Life in the Universe could happen only by the willful reasoning of its original Creator, whom I call the Lord God."

Not to mention.....

"Atheism is so senseless & odious to mankind that it never had many professors." answer your question about evolution. My answer (similar to that of Sir Isaac Newton and Dr. Ben Carson) is an emphatic NO!!!


  • Time Out
  • Getbig V
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  • Never question my instincts.
Maybe, if you invest in some sense, you won't sound as cracked in the skull. Wars are fought and unfortunately people die (even Christians).

Despite pointing out the various advances in science and medicine put forth BY CHRISTIANS, you continue your knuckleheaded tirade about the church being against progress. Did you forget about the schools formed by Christian churches, the hospitals, orphanages, humanitarian missions, etc?

Of course you did. You're fully engaged in your mindless blubberfest.

Gravity? PLEASE!!! I guess you forgot about this little statement by Sir Isaac Newton, the man credited with discovery of the concept of gravity:

The most beautiful system of the Sun, Planets and Comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent being. All variety of created objects which represent order and Life in the Universe could happen only by the willful reasoning of its original Creator, whom I call the Lord God."

Not to mention.....

"Atheism is so senseless & odious to mankind that it never had many professors." answer your question about evolution. My answer (similar to that of Sir Isaac Newton and Dr. Ben Carson) is an emphatic NO!!!

Are you mad at me? :'(

Man of Steel

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  • Isaiah40:28-31 ✝ Romans10:9 ✝ 1Peter3:15
Let's have a reasonable debate about it.


AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!   Quote of the day!