Author Topic: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.  (Read 8602 times)

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #50 on: August 08, 2011, 07:33:29 AM »


Thom Hartmann here – on the news…

You need to know this.  The right-wingers are gloating.  After the Republican-written debt-limit deal passed the House of Representatives yesterday with half of the Democratic caucus giving in  – Republicans are soaking in their victory.  The deal still has one final hurdle in the Senate with a vote set for noon today – but in an interview with CBS News – Speaker of the House John Boehner bragged that he got 98% of what he wanted in the debt-limit deal.  And Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told Fox so-called News that since the hostage taking worked – they’d be trying it again soon.  McConnell said about the debate, “It set the template for the future… we’ll be doing it all over [again].”  So here we had a clean debt-limit hike offered by Republicans a few weeks back and shot down by the President – and then a debt-limit hike that included 15% revenue raisers shot down by the President – so one has to wonder if this REALLY was the best deal Democrats could have gotten?  Not only that – Vice President Joe Biden admitted yesterday that the President was willing to use the 14th Amendment to raise the debt-limit himself if all else failed.  If that’s true – then why did Democrats have to eat the “Satan sandwich” and pass this deal that will kneecap our crippled economy, thus giving Republicans a huge election issue heading into 2012?

Too easy Drill Sergeant.. too easy

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #51 on: August 08, 2011, 07:34:55 AM »
Too easy what?  I did not like the bill as it did not cut enough. 


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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #52 on: August 08, 2011, 07:35:47 AM »

Boehner’s 98% win on debt deal masks only 33% who approve of his GOP approach
Monday, August 8, 2011
By John Michael Spinelli
Columbus Government Examiner

John Michael Spinelli is a communication professional and former credentialed Ohio statehouse journalist. His professional background in economic…

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Downgrade verdict: Stop the blame game, balance the budget
Monday, August 8, 2011
It took Washington’s professional politicians about two seconds to begin issuing accusatory statements in response to SP’s downgrade of the U.S. credit rating. Predictably, those statements sought to shift the blame to somebody else. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blamed Republicans for refusing to consider tax hikes as part of the debt-ceiling deal. House Speaker John Boehner condemned Democrats for demanding a debt-ceiling hike with no spending cuts or entitlement reforms. Whatever else we might say about them, our political leaders certainly know how to point fingers at each other.

But playing the blame game won’t fix the economy. And the economy cannot be fixed without addressing Washington’s spending addiction. As Sen. Jim DeMint, R-SC, notes, tax revenues flowing into the U.S. Treasury since 2003 – the year of the biggest Bush tax cuts – have increased 20 percent, but government spending has skyrocketed 60 percent during the same period. That is the main reason why the U.S. government now has a national debt approaching $14.5 trillion, an amount equal to the value of the nation’s entire economy.

The debt-ceiling deal signed into law Tuesday by the president was historic in the sense that, if it is carried out as promised, it will result in the first year-to-year reduction in discretionary spending since 1953. But the SP downgrade points to two undeniable facts about the deal: There is immense doubt that it will live up to its terms, and even if it does, it won’t cut spending nearly enough. As SP said in its downgrade statement:

“We view the act’s measures as a step toward fiscal consolidation. However, this is within the framework of a legislative mechanism that leaves open the details of what is finally agreed to until the end of 2011, and Congress and the administration could modify any agreement in the future.” Even under the best of circumstances, according to SP, “the plan envisions only minor policy changes on Medicare and little change in other entitlements, the containment of which we and most other independent observers regard as key to long-term fiscal sustainability.”

Our fiscal plight is the clear result, not of Americans paying too little of their hard-earned income in taxes to the government, but of government spending trillions more dollars than it receives. The solution is equally obvious: Stop spending more than the government receives in tax revenues. The debt-ceiling deal established a congressional super committee tasked with finding $1.2 trillion in additional spending cuts. Why stop there? It’s past time for our leaders to stop blaming each other and get on with the job of balancing the nation’s budget.

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Too easy Drill Sergeant..its just too easy

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #53 on: August 08, 2011, 07:37:34 AM »
Too easy what?  Bro - you really should be ashamed of yourself for being this criminally ignorant and stupid. 

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #54 on: August 08, 2011, 07:41:33 AM »
Boehner's 98% win on debt deal masks only 33% who approve of his GOP approach

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John Michael Spinelli, Columbus Government Examiner
August 8, 2011 - Like this? Subscribe to get instant updates.
COLUMBUS, Ohio (CGE) - When Ohio Congressman John Boehner smiled wryly for the camera and said he was pretty happy that he got 98 percent of what he asked for from the recent debt deal agreement with congressional Democrats, he may have thought that a solid victory for him and his party. And to him and his GOP colleagues it may be, for the present.
But while Boehner and his bargaining buddy, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, may feel satisfied that they once again snookered the loyal opposition and its leader in the White HOuse into capitulating on spending cuts versus raising revenue, it appears post-deal polling shows Boehner and McConnell, and their tea party cohorts, fared far worse than the President and Democrats.
Many GOP and tea party inspired Senators and House Members didn't like the deal because it was a deal, while many Democrats and liberals didn't like the deal because it was a one-sided deal with no revenues versus all spending cuts.
According to a CNN Poll, approval/disapproval of the Debt Ceiling deal, by party broke this way [for/against]:
Democrats: 63/32
Independents: 35/62
Republicans: 35/58
A Gallup poll, dissecting the electorate according to ideology, found liberals (51 percent) twice as likely to express support for the deal than conservatives (25 percent).
A CBS/NYT poll confirmed similar findings: Democrats were far more inclined (49/44 support) to approve of the deal than Republicans (42/52).
One advantage Republicans had over Democrats was their belief that defaulting was a relatively painless decision, that some even thought would have no consequences to it. According to a July poll conducted by CNN/ORC, a majority of conservatives (53 percent) felt that a default on the debt would either cause "minor problems" or "no problems at all."
This stark reality was contrasted by 77 percent of liberals and 70 percent of moderates who believed that a default would either generate a "crisis" or at a minimum create "major problems."
Although the real shake out of what happened last week will take a while to reveal itself, what the White House and Democrats can take away from the complicated and befuddling theater that surrounded the debate fiasco is that the GOP's brand name suffered a big blow. Steve Singiser, a polling expert, noted Sunday that a CBS/NYT poll found that 47 percent of voters were "more inclined to trust the president on the economy, as opposed to just 33 percent who favored the Republican approach."
That 14-point gap, he wrote, is quite a bit wider than what was seen before this whole process kicked off. "What's more, even as the president's job approval has hit the skids a bit, public esteem for the GOP Congress as fallen at an even more sharp rate."
"The sole element of Democratic 'victory' here may prove to be that, with everyone watching, the Republican agenda was laid bare for the nation to see," wrote Singiser at Daily Kos, a progressive website. "And the nation does not appear to be pleased with what they saw."

Continue reading on Boehner's 98% win on debt deal masks only 33% who approve of his GOP approach - Columbus Government |

HAHAHAHA Blame Obama.. for something the House speaker wanted.. Man... Too easy drill Sergeant..its just too god damn easy sir

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #55 on: August 08, 2011, 07:43:09 AM »
Have you ever taken a civics class in your life?

Yes or no? 

I find it hard to believe that someone who went to school can be as uninformed and ignorant as you are. 


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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #56 on: August 08, 2011, 07:50:34 AM »
Have you ever taken a civics class in your life?

Yes or no? 

I find it hard to believe that someone who went to school can be as uninformed and ignorant as you are. 


Im informed that this deal is what The Republican speaker of the house wanted... dont get mad at me cha cha.. This one is on your team

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #57 on: August 08, 2011, 07:52:42 AM »
Im informed that this deal is what The Republican speaker of the house wanted... dont get mad at me cha cha.. This one is on your team

No, the house of reps passed the ryan budget as well as cut cap and balance that Obama issued a VETO THREAT on. 

CUP CAP AND BALANCE would have retained our triple A rating.   

Again - I find it hard to believe that someone who went to school can be as uninformed as you are.   

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #58 on: August 08, 2011, 07:54:54 AM »

No, the house of reps passed the ryan budget as well as cut cap and balance that Obama issued a VETO THREAT on. 

CUP CAP AND BALANCE would have retained our triple A rating.   

Again - I find it hard to believe that someone who went to school can be as uninformed as you are.   

hahaha you are a fucking retard.. this deal is so republican its not funny.. only cuts cuts cuts.. with no revs.. hahahah  "but this deal is commie obamas".hahahah what a fucking idiot you are.. im done wid dis guy

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #59 on: August 08, 2011, 08:00:38 AM »
hahaha you are a fucking retard.. this deal is so republican its not funny.. only cuts cuts cuts.. with no revs.. hahahah  "but this deal is commie obamas".hahahah what a fucking idiot you are.. im done wid dis guy

Again - I know that you are ignorant and mentally deformed, but lets do this again so you get a freaking clue:

The House of Reps passed CUT CAP AND BALANCE. 

Reid refused to take it up.   Obama threatened to veto it. 

After that, Obama refused to put any plan up of his own and then rejected a joint Boehner Reid bill that had 800 billion in new revenues.   


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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #60 on: August 09, 2011, 11:42:03 AM »
Rick Santelli: If Not For Tea Party, U.S. Would Be Rated BBB
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"You know what leadership means? It means that it doesn't really matter what S&P says. We all know deep inside that no country is the same as it was 5 years ago. And the market seems to be okay with it. And as for stocks going down we were already Ralph Cramden (of Honeymooners) on thin ice. Now an infant jumped on our shoulders. It’s just even more weight.

"In the end, in the end we need to address problems we know exist. A Treasury Secretary or a President should be out here not fighting S&P, not grabbing the other coach and slapping him around, taking the umpire behind the barn. He should be getting the team psyched to overcome.

"See I remember I had a professor in college. I wrote a great paper. Could never please this guy. But it made me better. Okay? We’re better than this. Don’t get caught up in the minutia. All this BS. We’re better than this. We need to prove it. We’re off the track. Whether we're better than some other country or not, the real issue is we're on the wrong path.

"Blame the Tea Party? Geez, no wonder Kerry did so well in an election. If it wasn't for the Tea Party, they would have passed the debt ceiling thumbs up, we would have been rated BBB."

(source: The Right Scoop)


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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #61 on: August 09, 2011, 04:44:12 PM »
hahaha you are a fucking retard.. this deal is so republican its not funny.. only cuts cuts cuts.. with no revs.. hahahah  "but this deal is commie obamas".hahahah what a fucking idiot you are.. im done wid dis guy

I'm sure Boehner's on a political brag fest, but I wouldn't count this as a win for Repubs - yet.  Remember, there may very well be increased revenue depending on what happens with the joint committee and the cuts actually have to be triggered - they're not just automatic cuts.

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #62 on: August 11, 2011, 05:59:21 PM »

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August 11, 2011
Obama's Undignified Transparency

By Jeannie DeAngelis
If the American people were doubtful about the manipulative nature of Barack Obama, his undignified behavior at the "dignified transfer" of the remains of 30 American troops killed by Taliban insurgents in the worst single loss of life in 10 years of the Afghan war should extinguish any remaining doubt.  It's confirmed -- Barack Obama is willing to disrespect the families of dead war heroes if doing so assists in his desperate bid for reelection.

After the tragedy in the "forested peaks" of Wardak Province, 60 miles southwest of Kabul, Pentagon officials had said that because 19 families of the deceased 30 soldiers objected to media coverage of the remains coming off a plane at Dover Air Force Base, no images would be taken. The Pentagon was so emphatic about the sensitive nature of the event, they even "rejected media requests to take photos that showed officials at the ceremony but did not depict caskets."

Doug Wilson, head of public affairs at the Pentagon, said that not even the photographers who generally accompany the Defense Secretary and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were permitted to attend.  The Pentagon was committed to fully respecting the wishes of the fallen soldiers' families; they deferred to the bereaved and refrained from chronicling the event with official photos of the solemn occasion.

Ordinarily, if 11 out of 30 families didn't mind having the flag-draped caskets photographed, they could be, after which they'd be "ushered away" before the remains of any troops whose families were too devastated to want to be a public spectacle were unloaded from the plane.

The difference in this case was that when the nearly three dozen soldiers, 21 of whom were DevGru SEAL members, arrived from overseas, prior to being formally identified by Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations, "any given case could contain the remains of troops whose families did not want coverage."  So taking pictures was strictly prohibited.

What the Pentagon didn't anticipate was the President's falling poll numbers putting him in dire need of a good saluting-dead-soldiers photo op.

Unbeknownst to those caught up in that heartrending moment, a White House photographer accompanied the President to the ceremony -- incognito. By that night, "an official White House photo of a saluting Obama was distributed to news media and published widely. It also was posted on the White House website as the 'Photo of the Day."

Don Wilson said he "did not know the White House photographer was present and had no idea a photo of the event was being released until it became public."

The snapshot portrayed "Obama and other officials in silhouette and did not depict [the] caskets." In an attempt to give Barack Obama the stature he lacks as a leader, the photo was shot against a gray sky, under the wing of an aircraft, outlining a saluting President from behind, standing ramrod straight, two heads above four other men whose hands were over their hearts.

The issue here is not whether Obama was saluting or not; it's that the President's unrelenting quest for attention was the sole reason that the crushed parents, brokenhearted wives, and confused children whose loved ones' bodies were rolled off a cargo plane into a concrete hanger were denied the simple request for a private moment of grief. 

After the Navy SEALS successfully carried out Operation Neptune Spear and sent Osama bin Laden on a one-way journey to 72 Virginsville, the soldiers were uneasy about confidentiality and the details that were slowly leaked.  The concern was how exposing the identities of the covert team could potentially impact the safety of the SEALs' families. 

Now, upon the deaths of 21 of those Seal Team Six members, the President's narcissistic self-absorption has usurped honoring the express wishes of men lying silent within metal tombs who asked nothing from the country they died defending except that above all, family comes first.

Ironically, in March 2009, the Obama administration chose to reverse an 18-year-old moratorium, renewed by George W. Bush, that banned photographing the caskets of US soldiers returning home from war.   The newly-enacted Pentagon policy specified that, upon notification of a loved one's death, the "primary next of kin" has the right to make the "family decision regarding media access to dignified transfers at Dover."

By toting along a photojournalist to an event that banned photographs, Barack Obama, the man who approved the "primary next of kin" policy, decided once again to exempt himself from a rule he made for others. The President chose to disregard the wishes of 19 military families and violated a stipulation that was included with his authorization. 

When asked about the picture, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said that it was "carefully taken so that it did not show the cases containing remains." Which really means: We knew the families were against media coverage but the President made an executive decision to secretly attempt a tactful photo op.

Carney should have stopped there, but he kept on explaining - "In this case, the White House released the photo, in the interests of transparency, so that the American people could have as much insight as possible into this historic and sobering event." The President is so wary that he didn't even invite the press to his transparency award ceremony. The most opaque, non-transparent presidency in the history of the nation decided to be transparent on the one occasion when total discretion was of the essence.

If President Barack Obama wants to be transparent, maybe instead of invading the homecoming of dead war heroes with a hidden camera he could start with a more benign effort like releasing his college transcripts and following his own rules.

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #63 on: August 12, 2011, 07:19:03 AM »
Judge Napolitano: Does Obama Wait For Congress To Be On Vacation To Break The Law?
videoby Frances Martel | 8:26 pm, August 10th, 2011

Judge Andrew Napolitano sees something suspicious in the timing of President Obama’s major executive announcements: they seem to happen whenever Congress isn’t in session. On last night’s Freedom Watch, the Judge and editor Nick Gillespie debated the relative constitutionality of President Obama’s proposed No Child Left Behind overhaul and agreed– it’s about as constitutional as our “kinetic activities” in Libya, and also announced when Congress is on vacation.

Judge Napolitano seemed a bit perplexed at how the President’s voucher proposal without Congressional approval would meet the requirements of the Constitution, asking how the President would be able to get away with it. Gillespie retorted that he would likely in “the same way he got away with not consulting Congress about bombing Libya.” Comparing President Obama to President Bush, Gillespie noted that he was “following suit in a lot of ways” with the Bush doctrine of “excessive use of executive power and just trampling the Constitution.” He added that, in this specific case, it was worth noting that “No Child Left Behind is a terrible law in virtually every way,” so a reform may be helpful but, as Judge Napolitano added, the real problem was the federal government involving itself in K-12 education at all.

Then the Judge proceeded to continue to link Libya to the No Child Left Behind proposal. “He announced this today,” he noted, “Where’s the Congress? On vacation? When he bomed Libya, where was the Congress? On vacation. Is this a new pattern?” Gillespie wasn’t as quick to blame this on the President, instead accusing Coungress of “not holding to their constitutional obligations” by making the President stay accountable to them. “Maybe the problem is that Congress is taking too many vacations,” he added, though on a serious note warning that the growth of executive power was, according to him, facilitating America’s “rapidly becoming a banana republic.”

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #64 on: September 23, 2011, 07:21:31 AM »
Rick Santelli To Obama: "We Need to Create Jobs"

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"Listen, the President of the most powerful country ever to occupy the planet needs to do things quickly. We need to get rid of things like Sarbanes-Oxley, Dodd-Frank. We need to create jobs. And there are many ways to do it. Just these aren't ways that are palatable to the ideology to the President's base. And that is what needs to be talked about," Rick Santelli said on CNBC.

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #65 on: October 01, 2011, 08:25:57 AM »

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #68 on: October 05, 2011, 08:55:56 AM »


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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #69 on: October 05, 2011, 09:00:25 AM »
So, what all did you do today?


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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #70 on: October 05, 2011, 09:04:12 AM »


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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #71 on: October 05, 2011, 09:05:27 AM »
I can't figure out whether to hate you or pity you, but I'm glad I don't have to be you.

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #72 on: October 05, 2011, 09:06:15 AM »
I can't figure out whether to hate you or pity you, but I'm glad I don't have to be you.

You voted for this shit show - take ownership of your disastrous mistake. 


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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #73 on: October 05, 2011, 09:07:44 AM »
You voted for this shit show - take ownership of your disastrous mistake. 
When's the last time you worked?

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Re: Racist Italian Dago Wop Goombahs attack Obama's failed Presidency.
« Reply #74 on: October 05, 2011, 09:09:27 AM »
When's the last time you worked?

As we speak.  Lawyer client just gave me a 25k judgment to collect on for a deadbeat.   Sending out papers to the Sheriff for execution.