It's not the same. Oh by the way.....Meltdown.
Geez dude, we get it, he banged your mom and never called her again, it's old news, relax.
Nice 1980's humor. Still not funny.
stop whining and if you don't think it's funny than take it up with Chaos
Is Getbig like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? It's almost like I'm talking to an inbred family.
3 fried eggs and steaklarge protein shake4 chicken thighs
Do you take a multi-vit, or minerals or anything?I think we're similar ages, and it looks like we have vaguely similar diets at the moment, but I'm getting a bit 'creaky' in the morning LOL. I don't normally bother with pills, but was just wondering...Cheers
5 whole eggs1 tub cottage cheese w pickles4 keto pb cups10oz strip steak w green peppers1 cup cashews w/ iced coffee3 cups sugar free jello
Curious about cottage cheese with pickles. Tell me more....
You should of found out all you needed to know with your last boyfriend.
Sounds like your jonesing for the brown pickle again.
anti depressants Diazepam and Tramadol....not sure if it helps with my joints but at least Im sane at the moment
handful of pistachios
very hard to snack on those without eating the whole bag!
5 eggs fried12 oz roasted turkey3 vegetable and beef stuffed peppers3 oz ghost pepper cheesehandful of pistachios