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Soul Crusher

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #100 on: June 11, 2012, 01:46:39 PM »

Word is that this is the leaker.    Go fucking figure - another inept, incompetent, obama bundler placed into a position he has no business being in. 

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #101 on: June 11, 2012, 06:57:03 PM »
Pat Caddell Names National Security Advisor Tom Donilon As Source For Top Security Leaks (Video)
Gateway Pundit ^ | June 11,2012 | Jim Hoft
Posted on June 11, 2012 9:43:49 PM EDT by Hojczyk

Democratic activist Pat Caddell told Sean Hannity tonight that he definitively knows former political hack and current National Security Advisor Tom Donilon was the source of the White House security leaks.

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #102 on: June 12, 2012, 04:10:06 AM »
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Re-Election Trumps Security In Obama Leaks Scandal
IBD Editorials ^ | June 11, 2012 | Editor
Posted on June 11, 2012 9:24:48 PM EDT by Kaslin

National Security: It wasn't the usual kind of leaks the New York Times received from numerous Obama officials. To make the president look tough on defense, they actually made America less secure.

What are the motives for illegally revealing national secrets?

Communist spy Alger Hiss, perfectly situated as a high-ranking U.S. diplomat, wanted the Soviet Union to win the Cold War.

For CIA analyst Aldrich Ames, who compromised an array of vital agency assets, the motive was mostly money.

FBI agent Robert Hanssen, who did even more damage than Ames, had psychological issues.

At the root of the new Obama leaks scandal is something that might just be worse than the motives behind these other cases, because it directly involves a presidential election.

Dozens of administration officials were apparently sources for Times writer David Sanger, who reported that President Obama has been secretly ordering cyberattacks against the computers of Islamofascist Iran's nuclear facilities.

Multiple sources within the administration also leaked to the Times word that the president personally oversees "a top-secret 'nominations' process to designate terrorists for kill or capture," as the paper described it.

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Re: Senate Democrats blast Obama Admn for security leaks.
« Reply #104 on: June 12, 2012, 12:25:51 PM »
From Peter King

To view my Fox News appearance on the White House leaks click here:

I also wrote an op-ed in the Daily News on the issue:

To watch my CNN interview on drone attacks click here:

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they cry about a war on everything.  of course this is bigger than watergate.  oh brother.  they should shove a tampon up their ass.

Seriously, wake up as Clint eastwood.  Light a cigar at the podium and use a little profanity.  Stop playing the victim card, stop bitching, start delivering solutions!!!

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they cry about a war on everything.  of course this is bigger than watergate.  oh brother.  they should shove a tampon up their ass.

Seriously, wake up as Clint eastwood.  Light a cigar at the podium and use a little profanity.  Stop playing the victim card, stop bitching, start delivering solutions!!!

Solutions?   How about you don't appoint a political HACK as National Security Advisor who Gates warned Obama would be a "DISASTER" ? ? ? ? ?   

So again - more obama incompetence and corruption is going to lead to deaths of people just like F&F. 

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Dems block McCain resolution on special counsel for leaks
 The Hill ^ | 6/12/12 | Daniel Strauss

Senate Democrats blocked a resolution introduced by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) calling for Attorney General Eric Holder to introduce an outside special counsel to investigate a number of recent military and intelligence leaks.

McCain introduced a resolution Tuesday expressing the Senate's support for Holder to appoint a special prosecutor. But Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) objected after McCain asked for unanimous consent that the Senate proceed to consideration of his resolution.

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25 posts in less than 1.5 pages with every single article written about it?  Maybe the pharmaceutical companies will come up with a new med for Excessive Compulsive Posting Disorder.

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25 posts in less than 1.5 pages with every single article written about it?  Maybe the pharmaceutical companies will come up with a new med for Excessive Compulsive Posting Disorder.

This latest scandal is breaking hard with details pouring out to the point barry can't contain the damage.   

Holder, Donnilon, and many others in the WH are going to be fired or go sent packing for this. 

Again - our allies are steaming mad, operators in the field are going to die, people who helped us are going to get killed, etc.

But its cool - obamadashian living large.   

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Gates in 2010: Donilon Would Be a “disaster” as National Security Adviser; Jones: Donilon Has “No Credibility With the Military”

A defense source tells ABC News that Secretary of Defense Robert Gates no longer feels that Tom Donilon would be a “disaster” as National Security Adviser, as Gates is quoted telling National Security Adviser Gen. Jim Jones (ret.) in Bob Woodward’s “Obama’s Wars.”
“They had some issues during the Af/Pak review, which everyone knows got contentious at times,” the defense source says. “But since then, they have addressed and overcome those issues and now enjoy a good working relationship.”
Throughout the Af/Pak review in 2009, Donilon, a former vice president for embattled mortgage giant Fannie Mae, had heated disagreements with Gates. In Jan. 2010, Gates praised Jones to The Washington Post’s David Ignatius, calling him “the glue that holds the team together.”
Reports Woodward: “Gates did this in part, he told an aide, because he did not think Donilon would work out as Jones’s successor. Gates felt that Donilon did not understand the military or treat its senior leadership with sufficient respect. The secretary later told Jones that Donilon would be a ‘disaster’ as Obama’s national security adviser.”
The book also describes a scene where Jones called Donilon into his office.
Jones, clearly thinking of his retirement, is described as thinking Donilon was “indispensible,” with "substantive and organizational skills.”
But he also resented the close relationship his deputy had with chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, senior adviser David Axelrod and others. The main “pipeline continued to be Emanuel-Donilon, who were like two tuning forls – when one vibrated, so did the other.”
Jones offered Donilon a “performance evaluation,” in which he outlined three mistakes.
Recounts Woodward: “First, he had never gone to Afghanistan or Iraq, or really left the office for a serious field trip. As a result, he said, you have no direct understanding of these places. ‘You have no credibility with the military.’ You should go overseas. The White House, Situation Room, interagency byplay, as important as they are, are not everything.”
(Since then, Donilon has been to Afghanistan with President Obama.)
“Second, Jones continued, you frequently pop off with absolute declarations about places you've never been, leaders you've never met, or colleagues you work with. Gates had mentioned this to Jones, saying that Donilon's sound-offs and strong spur-of-the-moment opinions, especially about one general, had offended him so much at an Oval Office meeting that he nearly walked out.”
“Third, he said, you have too little feel for the people who work day and night on the NSC staff, their salaries, their maternity leaves, their promotions, their family troubles, all the things a manager of people has to be turned into. ‘Everything is about personal relations,’ Jones said."
A senior National Security official who has worked closely with Jones and Donilon says the anecdote in the Woodward book “doesn’t strike me as illustrative of the relationship that Tom and Jim have. We have had a very effective interagency process.”
Donilon chaired 183 “Deputies” committee meetings – among the deputy Cabinet Secretaries – and 114 this year, the official said.  And those were all “well coordinated interagency meetings.”
“This has been a good relationship,” the official said. “That Gen. Jones is handing off to Tom is indicative that they have had a good working relationship.”
As for the specific concerns Jones raises with Donilon in the book, the source would not discuss them.
When it was pointed out that the White House seemed to embrace the Woodward book, seizing on its portrayal of the president as a “decisive leader,” the source said, “it is true the book shows the president as a decisive leader, but we didn’t embrace the book, we chose not to engage in a back and forth about it, and I’m continuing that position over this alleged incident which I believe is not illustrative of the Jones-Donilon relationship.”
-Jake Tapper

________________________ _______________________

Pat Cadell said he has proof or 100% can guaranty that Donilon is the leaker of all the data. 

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What the Leakers Have Wrought
By Richard Cohen m

Pity the poor Obama administration leakers. They impart their much-cherished secrets to make their man look good and then, at the first chirp of criticism, are ordered to confess their (possible) crimes by the very same president they were seeking to please. In this, they are a bit like the male praying mantis. He does as asked and then the female bites his head off.
What is remarkable about the recent leaks is the coincidence -- it can only be that -- that they all made the president look good, heroic, decisive, strong, and even a touch cruel -- born, as the birthers long suspected, not in Hawaii but possibly on the lost planet Krypton. The leak that displayed all these Obamian attributes was the one that said the president personally approves the assassinations of terrorists abroad. He gives his OK and the bad guys are dispatched via missiles from drones.

The New York Times, which broke this particular story, said it had interviewed "three dozen of his (Obama's) current and former advisers," which suggests the sort of mass law-breaking not seen since Richard Nixon took out after commies, liberals, conservationists, anti-war protesters, Jews and, of course, leakers. The two U.S. attorneys assigned to finding the leakers may have to use the facilities at Guantanamo, which, as luck would have it, are somehow still open. Of course, the chances of a successful prosecution are slim, leak cases being hard to prove. Journalists, unlike the mob, still adhere to the Mafia code of silence, omertà. We are, at heart, traditionalists.

All administrations leak what they want when they want. Occasionally, some killjoy screams something about national security, but the republic somehow survives and the secret is usually only a secret to the American people, not to the enemy. This is undoubtedly the case with the recent disclosure regarding the use of a computer worm to wreak havoc with the Iranian nuclear program. The Iranians were onto it.
The leak that troubles me concerns the killing of suspected or actual terrorists. The triumphalist tone of the leaks -- the Tarzan-like chest-beating of various leakers -- not only is in poor taste but shreds a long-standing convention that, in these matters, the president has deniability. The president of the United States is not The Godfather.
Of course, we have always known that the president, as commander in chief and all of that, is where the proverbial buck stops. But for the longest time, a polite fiction was maintained that distanced the president from what, after all, is murder, and it helped somewhat in protecting him. Deniability is always a fiction, but it provides some space between the president and his orders, and does not plaster the presidential face on an act of extreme -- and possibly illegal -- violence. Presidents need protection from retaliation -- not just in office, but for the rest of their lives. After all, the poor man's drone is the suicide bomber.
The present and former government officials who leaked to the Times as well as to Newsweek's Daniel Klaidman are forgiven if they thought they were doing the boss' bidding. After all, the president was serenely mum when the stories first hit. The White House did not react until some pesky Republicans, the reliably outraged John McCain, in particular, yelled bloody murder. The leakers had to have noted that a torrent of leaks followed the killing of Osama bin Laden, with Obama characterized as just this side of personally dispatching the man with a butter knife. The Times' David Sanger reports that the bragging got to the point that then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told national security adviser Tom Donilon to "shut the f--- up." Pakistan, it turns out, did not want its nose rubbed in its failure to notice bin Laden living in Abbottabad -- or, for that matter, the SEALs coming to get him.
Killing is a serious matter. The death of an American citizen (Anwar al-Awlaki) is deeply troubling (the government asked the government if it was legal, and the government said it was). For this as well as other assassinations, there could be blowback.
Assassination by drone has its charms -- it has severely degraded al-Qaeda -- and war, after all, is war. But I wonder if those presidents who knew war -– a Truman, an Eisenhower, a Kennedy -- would themselves boast about killing or let others do it for them. The leakers set out to blow a mighty trumpet for Obama. It came out, however, like a shrill pennywhistle.

Copyright 2012, Washington Post Writers Group

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National Security adviser Tom Donilon the White House leaker in chief?
 FoxNews ^ | 6-11-12 | Staff

Posted on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 7:53:57 PM by Anti-Bubba182

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," June 11, 2012. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

"..PAT CADDELL, FORMER DEMOCRATIC POLLSTER: I'll make news -- the culprit is clear. It's Tom Donilon, the National Security adviser.

Tom Donilon is a political hack. He was a political operative. He was the delegate counter for Carter and then Mondale. And he is now running around -- he was also the guy working with Jim Johnson, corrupting Fannie Mae. And somehow, he is National Security adviser and he is known in Washington as the leaker in chief..."

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Due to the Obama admn leaking like a sieve the doctor who helped us w OBL is sitting in jail for 30 years. 


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Leaks Could Sink Obama White House
Buzz feed ^ | 12 Jun 2012 | Michael Hastings
Posted on June 12, 2012 8:43:50 PM EDT by mandaladon

By opening an investigation into the leaks of classified information, the Obama White House appears to be entering the kind of perilous Fill-In-The-Blank-Gate terrain that has eventually engulfed most administrations in the modern era.

The pattern: an initial investigation launched to relieve mounting political pressure snowballs into a much larger scandal, leaving a trail of broken careers in its wake.

And the beginnings of that pattern are in place: Attorney General Eric Holder Friday appointed two federal prosecutors to oversee multiple FBI investigations into leaks involving stories in recently published books and articles in the New York Times, AP, and Newsweek. The move deflected, but didn't end, a rising, bipartisan tide of Congressional criticism of the leaks. Republican senators Tuesday called for a vote in Congress to recommend that an independent counsel look into national security secrets that have appeared in the media.

“It’s going to be trouble, “ says Steve Clemons, an influential policy analyst who has close ties to the administration. “It’s going to be like the search for who leaked Valerie Plame’s name. If the truth does come out, I suspect it will be a major player. Of course the White House is very nervous.”

Those major players are some of the most powerful figures in Obama’s Washington.

The scandal has the potential to drag in a cadre of senior administration officials, both former and current, who have extensive contacts with the press.

The short list could include Leon Panetta, Ben Rhodes, Tom Donilon, Gen. David Petraeus, John Brennan, Jim Jones, and General Doug Lute, among other heavy hitters.

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Impeach and Imprison.

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"Securitygate" — the Administration's Release of Covert Details of the War on Terror.. m ^ | 18JUN12 | Victor Davis Hanson

is Far More Serious than either Watergate or Iran-Contra

In the Watergate scandal, no one died, at least that we know of. Richard Nixon tried systematically to subvert institutions. Yet most of his unconstitutional efforts were domestic in nature - and an adversarial press soon went to war against his abuses and won, as Congress held impeachment hearings.

As far as national security went, Nixon's crimes were in part culpable for destroying the political consensus that he had won in 1972, at a critical time when the Vietnam War to save the south was all but over, and had been acknowledged as such at the Paris Peace Talks. But Watergate and the destruction of Nixon's foreign policy spurred congressional cutbacks of aid to South Vietnam and eroded all support for the administration's promised efforts to ensure that North Vietnam kept to its treaty obligations.

Iran-Contra was as serious because there was a veritable war inside the Reagan administration over helping insurgents with covert cash that had in part been obtained by, despite denials, selling arms to enemy Iran to free hostages - all against U.S. laws and therefore off the radar. The Reagan administration was left looking weak, hypocritical, incompetent, and amoral - and never quite recovered. Yet even here the media soon covered the story in detail, and their disclosures led to several resignations and full congressional hearings.

Quite Different

What I call "Securitygate" - the release of the most intricate details about the cyber war against Iran, the revelations about a Yemeni double-agent, disclosures about covert operations in and against Pakistan, intimate details about the Osama bin Laden raid and the trove of information taken from his compound, and the Predator drone assassination list and the president's methodology in selecting targets - is far more serious than either prior scandal. David Sanger and others claim that all this was sort of in the public domain anyway; well, "sort of" covers a lot of ground. We sort of knew about the cyber war against Iran, but not to the detail that Sanger provides and not through the direct agency of the Obama administration itself.

Here is the crux of the scandal: Obama is formulating a new policy of avoiding overt unpopular engagements, while waging an unprecedented covert war across the world. He's afraid that the American people do not fully appreciate these once-secret efforts and might in 2012 look only at his mishaps in Afghanistan or his public confusion over Islamic terror. Ergo, feed information to a Sanger or Ignatius so that they can skillfully inform us, albeit with a bit of dramatic "shock" and "surprise," just how tough, brutal, and deadly Barack Obama really is.

Yet these disclosures will endanger our national security, especially in the case of a soon-to-be-nuclear Iran. They will probably get people killed or tortured, and they will weaken America's ability for years to work covertly with allies. Our state-to-state relations will be altered, and perhaps even the techniques and technology of our cyber and special operations wars dispersed into the wrong hands. There is nothing in the recent "exclusive" writings of David Sanger or David Ignatius that was necessary for the American people to know at this stage, unless one thinks that we had a right to the full story of the Doolittle Raid in 1942, or that Americans by July 1944 needed an insider account of the date and planning of D-Day, or that we should have been apprised about what was really going on in New Mexico in 1944.

Here is why Securitygate is a national outrage and goes to the heart of a free and civil society.

National Security

Iran probably knew of U.S. covert involvement against its nuclear facilities, but now it knows that that the entire world also knows. There is no more plausible deniability on our part. The information about the nature of the cyber war is so detailed, the partnership with the Israelis rendered so complex, and the disclosures about technology and technique so explicit, that the Iranians will not only better defend themselves, but use these details to encourage and support even more terror against the United States. How ironic that Obama once called Guantanamo al-Qaeda's "chief recruiting tool" only to keep it open, and instead give them a real recruiting tool in the disclosure of the inner workings of the war on terror.

Pakistan is a veritable enemy and Iran an explicit one. But now both will recite endlessly David Sanger's catalog of our efforts to subvert them, and claim any new anti-American efforts on their part were simply justified tit-for-tat. Why would the Gulf states help us, when they come off as brutal supporters of the old doomed dictatorships? Europe and our allies no doubt knew all about predators and the cyber war, but their publics did not. Expect even more anti-Americanism, as our enemies decry targeted assassinations and efforts at subverting governments.

George W. Bush turned off the world by waterboarding three known and confessed terrorists - with help from the American Left who publicized that fact hourly for eight years. Barack Obama, we now read, has not only personally selected several hundred suspected terrorists for airborne execution, but alternates between reading their terrorist biographies and theology as he picks who lives and who dies. I am sure Catholic theologians appreciate the fact that St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine bulked up the American president's fortitude when he chose to press the kill button over Waziristan. Crude presidents watch Patton or wear flight suits under "Mission Accomplished" banners; sophisticated metrosexual wartime Presidents read theology. I am surprised only that we did not hear from leaks that Obama had read these didactic texts in the original Latin.

Is the world to be outraged that Russia sends war material to Syria or Iran arms to Hezbollah - when it matter-of-factly now reads that almost all communications inside Pakistan are intercepted? Do we need to know that the U.S. warped medical vaccination programs to gain information about bin Laden - right out of a scene from the film Man on Fire? I bet the Gates Foundation and other American philanthropic organizations will appreciate the doubt that will now be cast on their own vaccination efforts. In the world war of ideas, we accuse Iran of wanting to wipe out Israel and they now will accuse us of resorting even to manipulating vaccination programs for the sick and poor for our own national security. Do we really need to know - or rather does the world need to know - that we sabotaged video cameras in Pakistan? Wait - I err in the use of the past tense: we are still sabotaging video and photographic equipment in Pakistan.

We live in dangerous times, with a war in Afghanistan, a soon-to-be-nuclear Iran, a duplicitous nuclear Pakistan, an estranged nuclear ally Israel, an Arab Spring gone haywire, a failed reset with Russia, and almost all of the above conniving over Syria. The work of National Security Advisor Tom Donilon, New York Times reporter David Sanger, and all their assorted subordinate reporters and Obama administration officials may well help to set off a conflagration unlike any in our time.

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U.S., Israel developed computer virus to slow Iranian nuclear efforts, officials say
 WaPo ^ | 6/19/12 | Ellen Nakashima, Greg Miller and Julie Tate,

Posted on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 3:43:18 PM by Nachum

The United States and Israel jointly developed a sophisticated computer virus nicknamed Flame that collected critical intelligence in preparation for cyber-sabotage attacks aimed at slowing Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear weapon, according to Western officials with knowledge of the effort.

The massive piece of malware was designed to secretly map Iran’s computer networks and monitor the computers of Iranian officials, sending back a steady stream of intelligence used to enable an ongoing cyberwarfare campaign, according to the officials.

The effort, involving the National Security Agency, the CIA and Israel’s military, has included the use of destructive software such as the so-called Stuxnet virus to cause malfunctions in Iran’s nuclear enrichment equipment.

The emerging details about Flame provide new clues about what is believed to be the first sustained campaign of cyber-sabotage against an adversary of the United States.

“This is about preparing the battlefield for another type of covert action,” said one former high-ranking U.S. intelligence official, who added that Flame and Stuxnet were elements of a broader assault that continues today. “Cyber collection against the Iranian program is way further down the road than this.”

Flame came to light last month after Iran detected a series of cyberattacks on its oil industry. The disruption was directed by Israel in a unilateral operation that apparently caught its U.S. partners offguard, according to several U.S. and Western officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

There had been speculation that the United States had a role in developing Flame, but the collaboration on the virus between Washington and Israel has not been previously confirmed. Commercial security researchers last week reported that Flame contained some of the same code as Stuxnet. Experts described the overlap as DNA-like evidence that the two sets of malware were parallel projects run by the same entity.

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U.S., Israel developed computer virus to slow Iranian nuclear efforts, officials say
 WaPo ^ | 6/19/12 | Ellen Nakashima, Greg Miller and Julie Tate,

Posted on Tuesday, June 19, 2012 3:43:18 PM by Nachum

The United States and Israel jointly developed a sophisticated computer virus nicknamed Flame that collected critical intelligence in preparation for cyber-sabotage attacks aimed at slowing Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear weapon, according to Western officials with knowledge of the effort.

The massive piece of malware was designed to secretly map Iran’s computer networks and monitor the computers of Iranian officials, sending back a steady stream of intelligence used to enable an ongoing cyberwarfare campaign, according to the officials.

The effort, involving the National Security Agency, the CIA and Israel’s military, has included the use of destructive software such as the so-called Stuxnet virus to cause malfunctions in Iran’s nuclear enrichment equipment.

The emerging details about Flame provide new clues about what is believed to be the first sustained campaign of cyber-sabotage against an adversary of the United States.

“This is about preparing the battlefield for another type of covert action,” said one former high-ranking U.S. intelligence official, who added that Flame and Stuxnet were elements of a broader assault that continues today. “Cyber collection against the Iranian program is way further down the road than this.”

Flame came to light last month after Iran detected a series of cyberattacks on its oil industry. The disruption was directed by Israel in a unilateral operation that apparently caught its U.S. partners offguard, according to several U.S. and Western officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

There had been speculation that the United States had a role in developing Flame, but the collaboration on the virus between Washington and Israel has not been previously confirmed. Commercial security researchers last week reported that Flame contained some of the same code as Stuxnet. Experts described the overlap as DNA-like evidence that the two sets of malware were parallel projects run by the same entity.

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Nice.  Surprised this wasn't leaked too.

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White House Warned Not To Delete “Leak” Emails
 buzz feed ^ | 6/25/12 | Michael Hastings BuzzFeed Staff

Posted on Monday, June 25, 2012 1:25:52 PM by Nachum

As the leak investigation into the unauthorized disclosures of classified information enters into its third week, White House staffers have been warned not to delete any emails or destroy other information that could be pertinent to investigators, according to officials familiar with the matter.

The warning email was sent internally in an office-wide message from administration lawyers last week, according to two U.S. officials, the latest indication that the two FBI investigations into the alleged disclosure of classified information is aimed, at least in part, at the White House.

The email included senior members of the White House staff as well, according to the officials.

A White House spokesperson declined to comment, directing BuzzFeed to President Obama’s strong denial at a press conference in early June that the administration had authorized national security leaks.

“The notion that my White House would purposely release classified national security information is offensive,” Obama said at the time, adding that “the writers of these articles have all stated unequivocally that they didn't come from this White House.”

(Although it’s unclear what writers the president is referring to, the last statement appears to be at odds with what journalist David Sanger wrote in his own book, Confront and Conceal. Sanger attributes much of the information in his book to “almost every senior member of the president’s national security team.”)

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LOL... didn't the bush white house delete about 4 million emails... "all the backup servers were accidentally overwritten too".

Losing all the important emails before and after 911.  And you water-carriers were okay with it.

JUST FUCCKING WAIT - Obama will accidentally delete all the F&F emails... and shrug it off with a grin.  And you dipshits will suddenly care.

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[Update] Breaking: GOP senators issue letter alleging Tom Donilon is the leaker of classified secrets

By Bronwyn's Harbor

 on June 26, 2012 at 10:35 AM in Current Affairs

UPDATE below the fold … it’s a new directive from James Clapper, head intelligence honcho. “Clapper’s order applies to 16 intelligence agencies, including the CIA, FBI, National Security Agency and Defense Intelligence Agency. …”

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Treason, anybody? Fox News reports that, within an hour, Senate Republicans will hold a press conference announcing their letter to AG Eric Holder that reveals their belief that National Security Advisor Tom Donilon (and other White House staff) are actively leaking highly classified information to journalists — all as a desperate attempt to make Obama appear stronger on foreign policy than he really is.
See also: Fox News’s story, “GOP senators press Holder for special prosecutor into potential national security leaks“:

GOP senators are putting the pressure on Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a special counsel to investigate whether the White House is responsible for national security leaks.
“The numerous national security leaks reportedly originating out of the executive branch in recent months have been stunning,” according to a copy of the letter to Holder, signed by more than 30 GOP senators and obtained by Fox News. “If there were ever a case requiring an outside special counsel with bipartisan acceptance and widespread public trust, this is it.”
Among the concerns about the leaks are recent news reports regarding the United State’s drone attacks in the Middle East. …

(Read more.)
This literally makes me feel sick. It’s high time that the Republicans on Capitol Hill pushed hard to stop the dangerous leaks.

It is hard to comprehend that Obama and Axelrod would stoop this low. But they’re seeing the bad poll numbers. They realize that ROMNEY is on a roll and has high poll numbers. They foresee that Obama could be defeated in November.

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

UPDATE: Polygraphs for leakers, and more (from The Hill

Officials at the CIA, FBI and other intelligence agencies will be given expanded polygraph tests. …
James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, on Monday announced a series of steps intended to stop the leaks after a furious backlash from Congress over news reports that revealed closely guarded secrets.
The most significant measure is the addition of a new question to the polygraph tests that are used by intelligence agencies. Officials will be asked during the lie-detector tests whether they have disclosed classified information to members of the media, according to Shawn Turner, a spokesman for Clapper.
President Obama’s spy chief is also ordering a review of how the intelligence agencies report contact with members of the media, and will consider changes if he finds the policies inconsistent or insufficient.
The second directive in Monday’s announcement was a request for the Intelligence Community Inspector General to lead investigations of leaks when the Department of Justice declines to do so.
Clapper’s order applies to 16 intelligence agencies, including the CIA, FBI, National Security Agency and Defense Intelligence Agency. He said in a statement that the new measures were the “right thing to do” and “in the interest of our national security.”
The article at The Hill also gets into the demands by members of Congress — including Democrats like Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.). However, every Democrat is against requiring AG Holder to drop the two U.S. Attorneys and instead appoint independent counsel. Gee, why are the Democrats opposed to independent counsel?

Congress is demanding investigations into a spike in security leaks, and vowing to write new laws following recent revelations about a U.S. cyberattack on Iran, a double-agent infiltrating al Qaeda in Yemen and a terrorist “kill list.”
Attorney General Eric Holder appointed two U.S. attorneys to probe the cyberattack and Yemen leaks, but Republicans have called for a special counsel, fearing the DOJ investigation might not be independent.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) alleged the leaks were a deliberate effort to aid President Obama’s reelection bid, and has introduced a non-binding Senate resolution calling for a special counsel. That measure has 28 Republican co-sponsors. [...]
The outrage over the leaks has been coming from members of Obama’s own party. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said the leaks were the worst she’d seen … but has rejected GOP calls for a special counsel, arguing the DOJ probe will be sufficient. [SAY WHAT?] Other Democrats have taken a similar position.
Feinstein is working with the heads of the Senate and House Intelligence committees on legislation aimed at cracking down on the release of classified information. She’s looking at provisions that would create more forceful leak investigations, add resources for the government to identify leakers and require the timely disclosure of authorized disclosures.
There’s much more in the article, including the importance of using the correct wording in the polygraph question. There are also quotes from civil liberty groups concerned the loss of the public’s right to know:

Amy Bennett, assistant director at, said that Monday’s announcement showed that the administration already has the tools it needs to investigate leaks.
“We’re really concerned that in Congress’s zeal to crack down on leakers, it’s going to hastily pass legislation that really undercuts people’s right to know what their government is doing,” Bennett said.
Um, okay. I am more worried about the undercover intelligence operatives that the U.S. has around the world, and the fate of the foreign informants they have cultivated — like the Pakistani doctor now serving a 33-year sentence.

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GOP senators press Holder for special prosecutor into potential national security leaks

Published June 26, 2012


GOP senators are putting the pressure on Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a special counsel to investigate whether the White House is responsible for national security leaks.

“The numerous national security leaks reportedly originating out of the executive branch in recent months have been stunning,” according to a copy of the letter to Holder, signed by more than 30 GOP senators and obtained by Fox News. “If there were ever a case requiring an outside special counsel with bipartisan acceptance and widespread public trust, this is it.”

Among the concerns about the leaks are recent news reports regarding the United State’s drone attacks in the Middle East.

Their letter points out the recent New York Times story about the drone program and its list of human targets states the reporting involved interviews with "three dozen of [President Obama's] current and former advisers."

It suggests that Thomas Donilon, the national security adviser, is a likely source in The Times reporting, considering he is “the commenter of record on events."

The letter to Holder comes the same week the GOP-led House is expected to vote on whether to hold him in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with subpoena requests to provide more documents regarding the Justice Department’s failed Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation.

The letter also states Holder’s decision to appoint two U.S. attorneys to investigate the apparent national security leaks doesn’t go far enough.

“You have an important role as a member of the president's national security team, and no administration should be expected to investigate itself impartially on such a grave and sensitive matter in the midst of an election,” states the letter signed by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

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Feinstein: White House Leaked Some Classified Info
Tuesday, 24 Jul 2012

The Democratic leader of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Monday that the White House appears to be responsible for some leaks of classified information.

"I think the White House has to understand that some of this is coming from their ranks," Sen. Dianne Feinstein told a World Affairs Council forum.

The California lawmaker said she was certain that President Barack Obama, who receives a daily intelligence briefing, isn't disclosing secret information, but she was uncertain about others at the White House. "I don't believe for a moment that he goes out and talks about it," she said.

Republicans have criticized the disclosures, arguing that members of the Obama administration were intentionally leaking classified material to enhance the president's reputation in an election year. Attorney General Eric Holder has appointed two attorneys to lead the investigation into who leaked information about U.S. involvement in cyberattacks on Iran and about an al-Qaida plot to place an explosive device aboard a U.S.-bound airliner.

That hasn't satisfied some Republicans who have pressed for a special prosecutor.

Last Thursday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified in closed session before the House Armed Services Committee on the leaks. The committee's chairman, Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., told reporters afterward that he did not believe the Pentagon was responsible for recent national security leaks.

"I feel pretty secure they were not" from the Pentagon, McKeon said after the three-hour hearing.

Separately, the Pentagon announced that it was taking new steps to try to clamp down on leaks of classified information, saying unauthorized disclosures undermine national security and in some cases rise to the level of criminal acts.

Pentagon press secretary George Little said Panetta has ordered him to join the Pentagon's top intelligence official in monitoring all "major, national level" news media reports for unauthorized disclosures of secrets.

Panetta also reiterated guidance issued by his predecessor, Robert Gates, that the Pentagon's public affairs office should be the only source of defense information provided to the news media in Washington.

Feinstein said her committee would meet Tuesday to craft legislation that would address the leaks of classified information, including additional authorities and rules to stop the leaks.

Her comments came as U.S. officials said the number of people with access to some of the nation's most carefully guarded secrets topped 4.86 million in 2011.

That's up from 4.7 million people granted security clearances the year before, likely reflecting new hires approved by Congress as part of expanded clandestine operations in the Obama administration.

The latest intelligence report to Congress also corrects previous figures, to reflect new guidance that everyone with access to such information be counted — even if they never used the data or no longer hold a job that requires the clearance.

Clearance levels range from confidential to secret to top secret. Top secret clearances in 2011 numbered 1.4 million, down slightly from 1.43 million the year before.

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Bushs' fault 

Feinstein: White House Leaked Some Classified Info
Tuesday, 24 Jul 2012

The Democratic leader of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Monday that the White House appears to be responsible for some leaks of classified information.

"I think the White House has to understand that some of this is coming from their ranks," Sen. Dianne Feinstein told a World Affairs Council forum.

The California lawmaker said she was certain that President Barack Obama, who receives a daily intelligence briefing, isn't disclosing secret information, but she was uncertain about others at the White House. "I don't believe for a moment that he goes out and talks about it," she said.

Republicans have criticized the disclosures, arguing that members of the Obama administration were intentionally leaking classified material to enhance the president's reputation in an election year. Attorney General Eric Holder has appointed two attorneys to lead the investigation into who leaked information about U.S. involvement in cyberattacks on Iran and about an al-Qaida plot to place an explosive device aboard a U.S.-bound airliner.

That hasn't satisfied some Republicans who have pressed for a special prosecutor.

Last Thursday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified in closed session before the House Armed Services Committee on the leaks. The committee's chairman, Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., told reporters afterward that he did not believe the Pentagon was responsible for recent national security leaks.

"I feel pretty secure they were not" from the Pentagon, McKeon said after the three-hour hearing.

Separately, the Pentagon announced that it was taking new steps to try to clamp down on leaks of classified information, saying unauthorized disclosures undermine national security and in some cases rise to the level of criminal acts.

Pentagon press secretary George Little said Panetta has ordered him to join the Pentagon's top intelligence official in monitoring all "major, national level" news media reports for unauthorized disclosures of secrets.

Panetta also reiterated guidance issued by his predecessor, Robert Gates, that the Pentagon's public affairs office should be the only source of defense information provided to the news media in Washington.

Feinstein said her committee would meet Tuesday to craft legislation that would address the leaks of classified information, including additional authorities and rules to stop the leaks.

Her comments came as U.S. officials said the number of people with access to some of the nation's most carefully guarded secrets topped 4.86 million in 2011.

That's up from 4.7 million people granted security clearances the year before, likely reflecting new hires approved by Congress as part of expanded clandestine operations in the Obama administration.

The latest intelligence report to Congress also corrects previous figures, to reflect new guidance that everyone with access to such information be counted — even if they never used the data or no longer hold a job that requires the clearance.

Clearance levels range from confidential to secret to top secret. Top secret clearances in 2011 numbered 1.4 million, down slightly from 1.43 million the year before.

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