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Soul Crusher

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #200 on: June 21, 2012, 08:38:36 AM »
Editorial: End the secrets on Fast and Furious
By The Denver Post The Denver Post

President Obama's declaration of executive privilege in the Fast and Furious scandal may have been envisioned as a checkmate move in an escalating confrontation, but instead it had the opposite effect.

A U.S. House oversight committee voted Wednesday to hold U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for failing to provide relevant documents about a scandalous government gun-smuggling investigation.

The dispute didn't have to get to that point.

The administration has been inexcusably holding out on fully disclosing who knew what and how high that knowledge went up the food chain.

Congressional investigators — admittedly Republicans going after a Democratic administration in an election year — suspect the Department of Justice is sandbagging when it comes to releasing pertinent documents about the investigation. There is good reason for that belief, which we will address.

The so-called Fast and Furious investigation was a 15-month operation in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives engaged in a dangerous strategy of allowing the bad guys, thought to be buying guns on behalf of Mexican drug lords, "walk" with what ended up totaling about 2,000 guns. The idea was to track the weapons back to bigger fish — the drug kingpins.

U.S. Border Patrol officer Brian Terry was killed in 2010 by a Mexican drug cartel armed with weapons from the failed investigation. The guns have shown up at the scenes of other crimes as well.

Fast and Furious was a disaster, and one that must be fully explored. Yes, there has been friction on this count, with Democrats saying the GOP cannot be satisfied, and Republicans saying Holder's offer to brief lawmakers on information in documents the committee wants is inadequate.

The GOP is right. Holder ought to disclose the documents. Also, the use of executive privilege is questionable, based on what has been disclosed thus far. The privilege pertains to the president, and the White House is not supposed to have been involved in the operation.

Furthermore, though the DOJ says it has given thousands of pages of documents to Congress, there are far more it hasn't provided.

The administration can avoid a full House vote on the contempt charge by turning over the requested documents, and it should. The gamesmanship must end.
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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #202 on: June 21, 2012, 05:42:02 PM »

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June 21, 2012
Fast and Furious Falling Apart

By Russ Vaughn
When BATF agents first blew the whistle on what is now known as Operation Fast and Furious, the rationale offered by DoJ for such an evidently foolish operation was that it was designed to allow BATF to track and prosecute the leaders of the Mexican drug cartels.  As more information surfaced from the Mexican government and the BATF's Mexican bureau chief specifying that none of them knew anything of this operation, many of us who were paying a bit closer attention to the case immediately smelled the first foul scent of corruption.

The fatal flaw in DoJ's explanation was this: if the Mexican authorities had not been brought into the operation, nor even the BATF's own agents authorized to operate in Mexico, then the proffered DoJ justification made utterly no sense, for the simple reason that once those walked guns hit the south side of that border, there was absolutely no process in place to track them to their supposed targets.  Therefore, DoJ was patently  misrepresenting its motive.  Why?

For those who keep a constant wary eye on the left's never-ending war on our 2nd-Amendment right to keep and bear arms, the increasingly fishy smell emanating from Washington led to connecting the dots back to the year-earlier revelations in the liberal media that weapons being used in Mexican crimes were traceable back to American sources more than 90% of the time.  That false meme had spread quickly through the major liberal media, along with calls for stricter gun control laws in this country by...guess who!  How about our president, our secretary of state, our attorney general, and other notable Democrats, for starters?

Here we had an operation mounted by the executive branch of the United States, an operation which had as its stated goal -- after being outed, that is -- the targeting of Mexican drug lords on sovereign Mexican soil.  Yet this was done without the knowledge of anyone in the Mexican government.  Quite clearly, a secret and subversive operation had been conceived and implemented against our sister nation to the south -- subversive because, again, quite clearly, the American government was subverting the sovereign authority of Mexico without that nation's knowledge.  If the goal was, as stated later by DoJ, to track guns into Mexico to the purchasing sources in the cartels, then was there not some diplomatic requirement to notify  the Mexican government that we were arming their most violent criminal elements?  And what was the need for keeping our own BATF agents in Mexico -- the only American agents with Mexican presence to conduct such surveillance and tracking operations on Mexican soil -- equally in the dark?

It doesn't require much in the way of deductive powers to conclude that the fish-wrap smell seeping out of Washington probably had to do with Eric Holder's Department of Justice being used to tightly wrap something rotting from the head down.  And what could that be?  Early proponents of the theory suggesting that if the DoJ's rationale smelled fishy, then perhaps the true reason for F&F was to create justification for more gun control legislation here in this country were looked at as crackpot conspiracists.  Even now, most of those Republican members of Congress pursuing this scandal refuse to cite the true purpose of F&F, still referring to it as a bungled federal program.  There are exceptions: Florida congressman John Mica speaking on one of the Sunday talk shows this weekend, made clear his opinion that F&F was a sinister and cynical attempt by the Obama administration to undermine the 2nd Amendment.  I watched him say it, but Google has no link.  Imagine that.

For those who haven't really followed the Fast and Furious scandal, here's a five-step summary of how the operation was supposed to work:

Allow guns to flow freely to criminal elements in Mexico, where they are naturally used in the extremely violent and deadly criminal activities of the drug cartels.
When sufficient guns of American origin have been used in such criminal activities, enlist the willing services of the liberal media to announce the discovery thereof to the world.
Enlist multiple prominent Democrats to untruthfully proclaim that 90% of the guns used in Mexican crimes originate in the U.S.
Use steps one through three to substantiate the liberal fallacy that private gun ownership leads to increased gun violence by gun owners.
With the compliance of a thoroughly duped American public, enact increasingly restrictive gun ownership policies through federal agencies, bypassing Congress and the Supreme Court.
When looked at this way, doesn't Obama's statement to a group of gun control advocates in March 2011 that he was taking steps to further gun control restrictions, but "under the radar," now seem less cryptic than it did at the time?  For those who still don't believe Fast & Furious was an end-run on the 2nd Amendment by a liberal, gun-averse administration, here are five questions to consider:

Could the possibility that this plan was concocted at the very top of the administration, putting it on par with Watergate, explain Eric Holder's entrenched refusal to release the tens of thousands of documents being sought by congressional investigators?
Is the liberal media's refusal to investigate this scandal due to the fact that they suspect that the acts of this administration may rise to criminal and impeachable offenses?
Has the reluctance of the Republican leadership to more aggressively support the House investigation been attributable to the same possibility -- that full exposure could lead straight to the Oval Office and the politically unsavory possibility of impeachment of the nation's first black president?
Does anyone really think an ambitious politician like Holder would risk career-ending contempt of Congress charges to protect some incredibly stupid subordinates who supposedly, all by themselves, planned and implemented such a boondoggle?
In an administration known for its quickness in throwing friends and associates under the bus in matters of self-preservation, is it not remarkable that rather than being so dispatched by Holder, many of the key players in F&F have been promoted despite denials by their bureau?
If all this sounds like a bit too much to swallow, consider the political origins of the key players in the current administration.  All are products of the Chicago political machine, a thoroughly Democrat movement particularly hostile to the concept of citizen gun ownership as demonstrated by the some of the nation's most restrictive gun ownership laws being in place there.  And to prove the folly of those laws and the liberal fallacy that disarming the citizenry reduces crime, here's a quite recent headline from that bastion of conservative thought and opinion, Huffington Post: "Chicago Homicide Rate Worse Than Kabul, Up To 200 Police Assigned To High-Profile Wedding (Video)."

We are quick to blame the  policies and activities of the Mexican drug cartels for their nation's murder rate being among the highest in the world.  Is it not then fair to apply the same blame to those who control a city with some of the most restrictive gun ownership laws in America, which are yielding gun-death fatality stats almost double the total casualty rate for American troops in the Afghan war zone?  It is the total and vise-like hold the Democrat machine has on Chicago that has made this city the riskiest place in America for law-abiding citizens, turning them into helpless, unarmed sheep at the mercy of roving, well-armed, predatory wolves.

Doesn't Chicago sound a lot like Mexico to you?

Never lose sight of the real reason why liberals want to confiscate your guns.  Liberals assert that government is the protector of all our freedoms, and therefore we need not be concerned with protecting ourselves and our loved ones.  The folly of that assertion can be refuted with one word: Chicago.  But the true reason for wanting an unarmed public is because such a citizenry is powerless in the face of armed government and therefore compliant.  Liberals and Democrats know full well that the key to unrestrained governing is to first disarm the citizenry.

Page Printed from: at June 21, 2012 - 07:41:11 PM CDT

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #203 on: June 21, 2012, 06:04:11 PM »
Terry family on Hannity .    heartbreaking. 

fuck you obama you disgusting wretch. 

Fuck you holder you thug and ghetto savage traitor. 

fuck you napolitano you dyke lezbo bitch.

fuck you Hillary you Nasty bi sexual piece of shit. 

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #205 on: June 22, 2012, 05:44:39 AM »
Fast and Furious front and center
Victim becoming a footnote

By Michael Graham  |   Friday, June 22, 2012  |  |  Op-Ed

The two most important words in the current Obama administration scandal aren’t “Fast” or “Furious.” They are “Brian Terry.”
In December 2010, Brian Terry — a former Marine and police officer turned Border Patrol agent — was working in Arizona, 11 miles from the Mexican border. He was killed in a gunfight with Mexican drug runners, and two of the AK-47s found at the scene were linked to a then-unknown program of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms called “Operation Fast and Furious.”
The name is perfect, because the president wants you furious — and fast.
He wants you focused on those mean ol’ House Republicans who, according to Department of Justice consultant Robert Raben, are just “doing the bidding of the National Rifle Association.” Obama wants you debating Bush-era gun programs vs. his own, the limits of presidential privilege — anything except the fact that yesterday brought us the highest four-week average of initial jobless claims for the year.
For Team Obama, this story is all about politics.
But for the family of Brian Terry, it’s the story of their son — murdered with guns given to killers by his own government. Yet many mainstream news consumers never heard of it until this week. According to Media Research Center, the first time NBC mentioned the story was last week.
For the Terry family, it has been a year and a half of lies, obfuscation and stonewalling. They just want to know what happened to their son — the kind of son who, before he died on Dec. 14, had already bought and mailed them Christmas gifts.
His brother-in-law tells the rest:
“We buried him not far from the house that he was raised in just prior to Christmas day. The gifts that Brian had picked out with such thought and care began to arrive in the mail that same week. With each delivery, we felt the indescribable pain of Brian’s death.”
Are Democrats like Raben right? Is finding the person responsible for arming Terry’s killers with government-issue guns really merely doing “the bidding of the NRA?” Why the hell isn’t it the “bidding” of the entire Justice Department? Of the whole White House? Instead, Democrats like our own Reps. Stephen Lynch and John Tierney have consistently voted against having Attorney General Eric Holder provide documents that could end this family’s pain. Ranking House Oversight Committee member Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) famously pledged, “I will not rest” until justice is done for the Terry family.
But what did he and every other Democrat on the committee do this week?
They sided with Holder and voted against holding him in contempt.
Tierney demeaned the effort to get the documents as “partisan political theater.” Lynch went even further, offering an amendment calling for a review of the costs of the investigation and complaining that it had dragged on.
“I want to balance out the benefits of this investigation with costs being accrued,” Lynch complained.
“I would remind the member we’re talking about the death of an American border patrol agent,” replied Rep. James Lankford (R-Okla.).
“Brian Terry’s family deserves every penny we have spent,” added Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.).
I agree. Lynch does not.
Michael Graham hosts an afternoon drive time talk show on 96.9 WTKK.

Article URL:

Obama / Holder / Napolitano are ghetto thugs and traitors. 

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #206 on: June 22, 2012, 05:52:36 AM »
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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #207 on: June 22, 2012, 05:54:27 AM »
Issa's just taking his sweet time on this shit.

CLinton was busted and impeached in under 11 months, right?

issa is just kicking the can down the street taking his sweet time on F&F.

Bump - didnt I tell you how this would unfold? 

yes or no? 


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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #208 on: June 22, 2012, 06:09:33 AM »
Issa's just taking his sweet time on this shit.

CLinton was busted and impeached in under 11 months, right?

issa is just kicking the can down the street taking his sweet time on F&F.

Now the Democrats want MORE TIME. Defending Holder and Obama.

So much for Republicans being the "do nothing" party.

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #209 on: June 22, 2012, 06:26:55 AM »
Murdered border agent Brian Terry's parents accuse Obama officials of 'hiding something'

Published June 22, 2012


The parents of murdered border agent Brian Terry  told Fox News' Sean Hannity on Thursday that they think Attorney General Eric Holder and other Justice Department officials are "hiding something" in their response to the botched anti-gunrunning operation Fast and Furious.
The operation let illicit guns "walk" in the hope of tracking them to bigger traffickers, but many of the guns just disappeared into Mexico. Two of those guns were later found at the crime scene where Terry was killed in December 2010 just north of the border.
A House panel voted Wednesday along party lines to recommend holding Holder in contempt of Congress for not handing over a trove of documents related to Fast and Furious, and GOP leaders are considering a full House vote. President Obama has asserted executive privilege in keeping many of the documents out of public view.
Holder has not yet been formally held in contempt of Congress. The full House would still need to approve the resolution in order for that to happen --Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., suggested the vote can be avoided if the attorney general turns over more emails and memos about the Fast and Furious sting.
Holder has testified he only found out about Fast and Furious after Terry's death, and he condemned the tactics. But GOP lawmakers have suggested top officials at the Justice Department knew more about the operation than they have said.
Terry's parents, Kent and Josephine Terry, said they are upset that the Obama administration may be preventing them from getting the full story about how their son died.
"They're lying. ... They're passing the buck," Kent Terry told Hannity. "I just know that they're hiding something big. Something happened out there."
The interview comes a day after the Terry's released a statement expressing disappointment with the Obama's administration's latest actions.
"Attorney General Eric Holder's refusal to fully disclose the documents associated with Operation Fast and Furious and President Obama's assertion of executive privilege serves to compound this tragedy. It denies the Terry family and the American people the truth," they said.
President Obama's decision to assert executive privilege over Operation Fast and Furious documents not only failed to delay contempt proceedings against Attorney General Eric Holder -- it raised a whole new line of constitutional questions and challenges about the power of the presidency.
The immediate question was whether the documents contained information so damaging that the president was willing to risk the bad PR by moving to lock them down. GOP lawmakers also questioned whether Obama's assertion was legitimate, later voting in committee that it was not appropriate in this case. And Republicans repeatedly suggested that the White House had tipped its hand, and acknowledged being involved in Fast and Furious discussions by asserting privilege over the documents in question.
The Department of Justice has adamantly defended its response. Holder said Issa, the committee chairman who has led the charge in the House for answers about Fast and Furious, rejected what he thought was "an extraordinary offer."
Wednesday's developments follow a flurry of activity Tuesday, as Holder tried to negotiate a way to avert the contempt proceedings. Issa had earlier indicated a willingness to postpone the vote after Holder indicated a willingness to make compromises and supply some documents in response to House Republicans' subpoena.
Issa had demanded to see a trove of documents on the controversial Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operation. He also wants to know who prepared a now-retracted letter from Feb. 4, 2011, in which the department claimed the U.S. did not knowingly help smuggle guns to Mexico, including those found where Terry was killed.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #210 on: June 22, 2012, 06:32:51 AM »

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #211 on: June 22, 2012, 06:34:16 AM »

STFU you troll.   If you lost a family memeberr due to one of obamas scams and he kept covering it up you would be pissed off too. 


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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #212 on: June 22, 2012, 06:38:03 AM »
just listen to the real attorney,and learn something  :D

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #213 on: June 25, 2012, 09:15:20 AM »

Good video.   

Obama and Holder should both rot in hell for what they are doing. 

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #214 on: June 26, 2012, 01:32:11 PM »

Cool CBS set up its own Fast n Furious site

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #215 on: June 26, 2012, 02:27:21 PM »
Mexico's Obama Rifles
 Town Hall ^ | June 25, 2012 | reasonmclucus

Posted on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 4:53:35 PM by kathsua

Historian Tim Stanley in the "London Telegraph" suggests "The Fast and Furious scandal is turning into President Obama's Watergate". Stanley reminds everybody that President Richard Nixon was hurt by the ill advised cover up of the operation rather than by the second rate burglary itself.

A better comparison to a past scandal might be what is called the "Iran Contra" scandal. Both Iran Contra and Fast and Furious involved the United States helping groups in Latin American countries obtain weapons without the approval of the government of that country. In both cases drug money was used to purchase the weapons. The United States helped the Nicaraguan Contras obtain weapons to help the group overthrow what the Reagan Administration considered to be a communist government.

So far there is no evidence the United States wants the Mexican drug cartels it helped obtain weapons to overthrow the Mexican government. However, in the past U.S. policy was to restrict the ability of rebel groups from obtaining assistance if the U.S. supported a Latin America government and to allow or even encourage rebel groups to obtain assistance if the U.S. opposed that government. The 2,020 weapons purchased during Fast and Furious would have been enough to equip four battalions of troops.

The drug cartels continue to pose a major threat to the Mexican government. Obama's rifles continue to kill people.

Fast and Furious was conducted more like an operation to provide weapons to insurgents in another country than an operation to catch criminals. If the Obama administration had wanted to catch criminals it would have tried to keep the weapons under surveillance such as by implanting tracking devices and would have coordinated the operation with the Mexican government like the Bush administration had done in Operation Wide Receiver.

The U.S. Congress is currently investigating Fast and Furious. An international investigation by the Organization of American States or United Nations is needed because the operation involved the U.S. illegally aiding a criminal element in another country. Did the U.S. have an ulterior motive in helping the group? Were any of the U.S. officials involved taking money from the drug cartels obtaining the weapons? Did any U.S. official take an action that should be prosecuted before the World Court?

Watergate happened as I was beginning graduate school. I thought about doing a Master's Thesis on the subject until my adviser convinced me it wasn't practical to do a history thesis about an event that was still happening. One thing I remember from my research was that there was virtually no change in public opinion polls regarding how deeply people thought Nixon was involved in Watergate from early 1973 to early 1974 with most believing he was involved in some way. However, there was a change in how serious people thought Nixon's actions were.

Nixon's decision to invoke executive privilege to keep his White House tapes secret insured that some conversations would be interpreted as indicating involvement in Watergate. For example, a conversation with John Dean was interpreted as indicating Nixon's approval of Watergate even though the conversation didn't specifically refer to any such operation.

President Barack Obama's claim of executive privilege in the Fast and Furious operation strongly implies that he was directly involved in it. Obama is committing a major blunder if he is trying to protect Attorney General Eric Holder. If Holder has any loyalty to Obama, he should be willing to figuratively "fall on his sword" for his boss. Holder should have already taken personal responsibility for the misguided operation and resigned because as Attorney General he is responsible for what happens in his department. At the very least Fast and Furious indicates Holder failed to adequately supervise the department.

The timing of Obama's announcement of amnesty for children who grew up in the United States after being brought here illegally is suspicious. Obama's amnesty could be an attempt to distract people from the fact Obama's rifles continue to kill Mexican citizens. The decision could be an admission of guilt by Obama who wants to prevent children raised in the United States from being killed by Obama's rifles.

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #216 on: June 27, 2012, 06:05:44 AM »
A primer on the "Fast and Furious" scandal ^ | 26 June, 2012 | Sharyl Attkisson

What is "gunwalking"?

"Gunwalking" is law enforcement vernacular for the concept of allowing criminal suspects to "walk" off with guns, without police interdicting or tracking them. It's widely considered taboo, since "walked" guns may be used in violent crimes, including murders.

What is "Project Gunrunner"?

"Project Gunrunner" is a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) national initiative under the Justice Department started in 2006 aimed at reducing US-Mexico cross-border drug and gun trafficking and violence.

What is "Fast and Furious"?

"Fast and Furious" is the name ATF assigned to a group of Phoenix, Arizona-area gun trafficking cases under Project Gunrunner that began in fall of 2009. It's the largest of several known operations in which ATF employed gunwalking, involving more than 2,000 weapons, including hundreds of AK-47 type semi-automatic rifles and .50 caliber rifles. According to sources who worked directly on the case, the vast majority of guns were not tracked and Mexico's government was not fully informed of the case. The ATF Special Agent in Charge of the operation was Bill Newell.

Complete coverage of the "Fast and Furious" scandal from CBS News

What is "Wide Receiver"?

"Wide Receiver" is the name ATF assigned to a group of gun trafficking cases investigated out of the Tucson, Arizona office beginning in 2006. Like Fast and Furious, it was supervised by ATF Special Agent in Charge Bill Newell. Sources indicate it involved about 275 "walked" guns. According to sources who worked directly on the case, the vast majority of guns were not tracked and Mexico's government was not fully informed of the case. Apparently worried that the gunwalking tactics could be viewed as inappropriate, federal prosecutors in Arizona abandoned the case. Then, in fall of 2009, Justice Department officials decided to go ahead and prosecute the case.

How did Fast and Furious start?

A number of Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) gun dealers in the Phoenix area routinely contacted ATF when they noticed suspicious customers attempting purchases; for example, someone ordering large numbers of AK-47 variant rifles and other so-called "weapons of choice" used by the Mexican drug cartels, and paying with large sums of cash brought in a paper bag. But starting in fall 2009, instead of stopping the transactions or questioning the customers, ATF often encouraged select gun dealers to go ahead and complete suspicious sales. ATF further asked the gun dealers to continue to cooperate by selling to the suspicious customers repeatedly, and providing ATF with names and weapons' serial numbers. Several gun dealers expressed concerns to ATF: they worried if they cooperated in selling guns to suspected criminals, they would later be unfairly blamed or even prosecuted, and that some of the weapons might be used one day to murder federal agents.

What was the motivation for ATF to employ such a controversial tactic?

Many US-sold guns were being trafficked to Mexico and used in drug cartel violence. Though the exact percentage and number is the subject of debate, ATF was tasked with trying to stop the flow of guns. A year after Fast and Furious began, ATF remained under pressure from a Nov. 2010 Inspector General review (PDF) of Project Gunrunner that criticized ATF's focus on low level gun dealers and straw purchasers "rather than on higher-level traffickers, smugglers, and the ultimate recipients of the trafficked guns."

ATF officials who supported "gunwalking" say they thought that by seeing where the guns later "ended up" in Mexico would help them take down a cartel big fish.

Who thought up the idea to use gunwalking to try to counter gun trafficking to Mexican drug cartels?

Nobody has publicly acknowledged being the architect of the plan and available documents shed no light on the answer. Justice Department officials have maintained it was a scandal brainstormed at the ATF Phoenix level. The same ATF Special Agent in Charge, Bill Newell, supervised the Bush era Wide Receiver gunwalking operation and some of the later gunwalking cases, including Fast and Furious.

How did Fast and Furious come to light and who was Brian Terry?

Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was gunned down on Dec. 14, 2010 in Arizona just north of the Mexican border, allegedly by illegal aliens armed with at least two AK-47 variant rifles trafficked by Fast and Furious suspects who had not been arrested by ATF. The public was not told about the link between Terry's murder and Fast and Furious, nor was the gunwalking revealed. But ATF insiders began sharing their concerns anonymously online, including to the forum Gun rights advocates including David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh wrote extensively on the controversy and rumors surrounding Terry's death, and the allegation that ATF was attempting to "bump up its case numbers" by letting large numbers of guns "walk" into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. Several ATF agents became whistleblowers and contacted Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), who began investigating the controversy in Jan. 2011. CBS News spoke to a half dozen ATF sources and reported the story on Feb. 22, 2010.

On March 3, 2010, the first ATF whistleblower, John Dodson, spoke publicly to CBS News.

Who was Jaime Zapata?

Jaime Zapata was an Immigration and Customs Special Agent under the Department of Homeland Security who was ambushed and murdered on assignment on a desolate road in Mexico on Feb. 15, 2011, two months after Brian Terry was murdered. Two weapons used in Zapata's murder were linked to suspects who had been under ATF surveillance for at least six months before Zapata's murder, but were not arrested.

What are Operations "Castaway," "Too Hot to Handle," and the Hernandez case?

Operations Castaway and Too Hot to Handle are among a dozen or so other cases ATF operated that allegedly employed gunwalking in recent years including Florida, New Mexico, Texas and Arizona. In the Hernandez case, started under the Bush Administration in 2007, documents show ATF agents watched several suspects and weapons cross the border in coordination with Mexican officials who then failed to stop the suspects, so they were lost.

What's the controversy over the Justice Department's Feb. 4, 2010 letter to Sen. Grassley?

In its earliest response to Sen. Grassley's questions about the gunwalking operation, the Justice Department sent a letter that contained inaccurate information. The letter, signed by Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich, stated that ATF never "knowingly allowed the sale of assault weapons to a straw purchaser who then transported them into Mexico." Ten months later, the Justice Department withdrew the letter acknowledging that it contained inaccuracies. In April 2012, Weich announced his intention to resign from the Justice Department to become dean of the University of Baltimore Law School. Documents subpoenaed by the House Oversight Committee, but not turned over, include Justice Department communications after the Feb. 4, 2010 letter leading up to the Dec. 2010 retraction of the inaccurate letter. Republicans in Congress want to see who-knew-when that the Feb. 4 assertion denying gunwalking was false, and why it took ten months for the administration's retraction.

What law enforcement agencies were involved in "Fast and Furious"?

Records show that in addition to ATF; Immigration and Customs (ICE) under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Arizona US Attorney's office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) played roles in Fast and Furious.

Who is the highest-ranking official who has admitted knowing about gunwalking?

The head of the Justice Department's criminal division, Lanny Breuer, is the highest-ranking official who admits knowing that ATF had used the tactic of gunwalking early on. Breuer's deputy wrote him in April 2010 that in Wide Receiver, a case started under the Bush Administration. "ATF let a bunch of guns walk," and said it could be "embarrassing" to ATF. When those documents were made public on Oct. 31, 2011, Breuer issued a statement saying he didn't alert others in Justice Department leadership about the gunwalking, that he "regrets" not having done so, and that he likewise regretted not alerting leaders about the similarities between Wide Receiver, started in 2006, and Fast and Furious, started in 2009, at a time when the Justice Department's public position was that no gunwalking had ever occurred. Documents show two other justice officials mulled over gunwalking in Wide Receiver on Oct. 18, 2010 as they discussed the pros and cons of prosecuting the case. "It's a tricky case given the number of guns that have walked but is a significant set of prosecutions," wrote Jason Weinstein, Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division. Deputy Chief of the National Gang Unit James Trusty replied "I'm not sure how much grief we get for 'guns walking.' It may be more like, "Finally they're going after the people who sent guns down there."

What have Bush Administration officials said about Wide Receiver under their watch?

Former Bush Administration Attorney General Alberto Gonzales (Attorney General from Feb. 2005- Sept. 2007) has denied repeated interview and information requests made by CBS News. In a 2006 memo to the US Attorney's office, an ATF attorney outlined a gunwalking proposal from his agency and stated that he had "moral objections" to the idea. In an interview with CBS News, the US Attorney at the time, Paul Charlton, said he had no memory of the memo but that "I don't believe I would or ever did approve letting guns walk." However, we know the gunwalking operation proceeded anyway. (In a strange twist, Charlton is the lawyer for Brian Terry's family, but after questions about Wide Receiver, handed the lead role in the case to a partner ). Gonzales' successor, Michael Mukasey (Attorney General from Nov. 2007-Jan. 2009) has provided no public comment. At a Senate Judiciary hearing on June 12, 2012 Holder claimed Mukasey "was briefed" on gunwalking tactics in Wide Receiver "and did nothing to stop them - nothing." When Sen. Grassley asked Holder's office to provide any evidence to back the claim, Holder retracted it saying the statement was "inadvertent."

What's the controversy over wiretap applications?

Several detailed wiretap applications were approved by the Justice Department's Breuer for Fast and Furious in 2010. Republicans who were provided the applications by a source contend the documents disclose that gunwalking tactics were being used and, therefore, the Justice Department was well aware of gunwalking despite the agency's subsequent denials. The Justice Department disputes that, and says approving the wiretap applications doesn't mean Breuer actually read the applications or was aware of the tactics of letting guns walk. The wiretap applications are technically under court seal, and so neither side has released them to the public.

What is Attorney General Holder's position on what-he-knew-when?

Holder has consistently denied knowing anything about gunwalking within his agency when it was occurring. ATF is a division of Holder's Justice Department. He asked the Justice Department Inspector General to investigate in late February 2010. That investigation is ongoing. Holder has answered Congressional questions on Fast and Furious at nine hearings. On May 3, 2011 he told a Judiciary Committee hearing, "I'm not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks." Yet documents show that at least ten months before the hearing, frequent memos discussing Fast and Furious were addressed to Holder. There were memos dating as far back as July 2010 to Holder from Breuer and the head of the National Drug Intelligence Center. However, the Justice Department says Holder didn't read the memos, and that any mention of Fast and Furious did not discuss the controversial gunwalking tactics. The Justice Department also said that Holder misunderstood the question at the May 3, 2011 hearing and that, while he heard of Fast and Furious much earlier than he'd stated, he meant to say that he hadn't heard specifically about any gunwalking.

What is the White House position on who-knew-what-when?

President Obama has consistently said he knew nothing of any gunwalking while it was occurring. When asked about the gunwalking allegations by a reporter from Univision on March 22, 2011, President Obama stated that "a serious mistake may have been made." He also stated that there would be an investigation and whoever was found to be responsible would be held accountable. Documents and testimony since that time indicate then-National Security staffer at the White House named Kevin O'Reilly repeatedly communicated by email and telephone with ATF Special Agent in Charge of Fast and Furious, Bill Newell, about the case while it was underway. O'Reilly indicated in one email that he wanted to share information about the case with other National Security staffers, but stated that it would go no further than that. White House officials have said there is no evidence that Newell and O'Reilly ever discussed the controversial tactic of gunwalking and, on those grounds, have blocked the attempts of Congressional Republicans to interview O'Reilly, who has since been sent on assignment to Iraq for the State Department. In documents turned over by the White House to date, there is no evidence the President or others at the White House had knowledge of gunwalking.

What is "Grenadewalker"?

"Grenadewalker" refers to another controversial ATF case out of Phoenix. In it, Jean Baptiste Kingery allegedly smuggled parts for as many as 2,000 grenades from the US to Mexico for killer drug cartels, sometimes under the direct watch of US law enforcement. Sources say Kingery could have been prosecuted twice in the US for violating export control laws but that each time, prosecutors in Arizona refused to make a case. In one instance, Kingery had allegedly gotten caught leaving the US with 114 disassembled grenades in a tire, but the ATF agent on the case says he was ordered by the US Attorney's office to let Kingery go because the grenade parts were "novelty items" and the case "lacked jury appeal." A year and a half after Kingery was first let go, Mexican authorities raided Kingery's stash house and factory and found materials for 1,000 grenades. Kingery allegedly admitted teaching cartels how to make grenades as well as helping cartel members convert semi-automatic rifles to fully-automatic.

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #217 on: June 27, 2012, 06:12:58 AM »

Cool CBS set up its own Fast n Furious site

are they out of the liberal media doghouse now?  can they be trusted?

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #218 on: June 27, 2012, 06:16:35 AM »

are they out of the liberal media doghouse now?  can they be trusted?

They have one crack reporter over there who deserves a pulitzer prize since she broke this story first w agent dobbins. 

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #219 on: June 27, 2012, 06:30:12 AM »
They have one crack reporter over there who deserves a pulitzer prize since she broke this story first w agent dobbins. 

i dont think that crack reporter built this page on the CBS site.   just the 1, or 2 now?  or dozens of CBS employees crossing over now?

tough to use them as a reliable source, then call them part of the evil lib media empire next.  at some point, to use them as a source, you have to assign some credibilitiy to this MSN news organization.  Or you dont, in which case fck what they have to say aboutF&F, it's probably all lies.

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #220 on: June 27, 2012, 06:35:25 AM »
i dont think that crack reporter built this page on the CBS site.   just the 1, or 2 now?  or dozens of CBS employees crossing over now?

tough to use them as a reliable source, then call them part of the evil lib media empire next.  at some point, to use them as a source, you have to assign some credibilitiy to this MSN news organization.  Or you dont, in which case fck what they have to say aboutF&F, it's probably all lies.

She has gained CBS a lot of cred on this story since they have allowed her to stay on it like crazy.   

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #221 on: June 27, 2012, 06:37:14 AM »
She has gained CBS a lot of cred on this story since they have allowed her to stay on it like crazy.   

do we trust them on 2012 election coverage?

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #222 on: June 27, 2012, 06:40:17 AM »
do we trust them on 2012 election coverage?

she is an investigative journalist in the field, not part of the election coverage you crackpot. 


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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #223 on: June 27, 2012, 06:51:36 AM »
She has gained CBS a lot of cred on this story since they have allowed her to stay on it like crazy.   

So if they report something negative towards Obama they are cool but if its positive they are the evil liberal media? For a lawyer you have a very simple way of thinking

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Re: Fast n Furious & Obama Drug Money Laundering Thread
« Reply #224 on: June 27, 2012, 07:46:27 AM »