Author Topic: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud  (Read 45304 times)

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2012, 04:37:39 PM »
Well that makes it more than yours as well. Even the 2-for-1 special with your sister thrown in rings up under $20.00. Tell that bitch to shave, by the way. Felt like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom down there.  
It's cute how butt-hurt you are over this woman. Looks like someone has a crush on this chick. You've been throwing a tizzy over her all day.

LOL - you're the one having the tizzy but good job trying to project it onto me

This entire topic is a joke

since when did you give a shit about contraception until the current crop of Repubs told you to be upset about it

why don't you call your mother and find out her opinion on the subject

my guess is that she get's her contraception from her health insurance plan just like almost every other woman in the country


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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2012, 04:38:15 PM »
What a shock! It was all a BIG PRODUCTION! The Democrat’s token abused college coed is actually a 30 year-old hardcore women’s rights activist.

Sandra Fluke is also the past president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice.


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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2012, 04:40:27 PM »
She is a fraud since she enrolled in the school for the sole purpose of challenging the bc policy.   

she is a liar since bc does not cost 1000 a year or more. 

still haven't shown any proof of that claim, not that things like that have ever mattered to you


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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2012, 04:44:44 PM »
What a shock! It was all a BIG PRODUCTION! The Democrat’s token abused college coed is actually a 30 year-old hardcore women’s rights activist.

Sandra Fluke is also the past president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice.



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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #30 on: March 02, 2012, 05:05:02 PM »
What a shock! It was all a BIG PRODUCTION! The Democrat’s token abused college coed is actually a 30 year-old hardcore women’s rights activist.

Sandra Fluke is also the past president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice.


how was it a big production,tell us

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2012, 05:05:31 PM »
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Sandra Fluke Does Not Speak for Me
The College Conservatie ^ | March 2, 2012 | Angela Morabito
Posted on March 2, 2012 3:23:21 PM EST by GSWarrior

I’m a proud Georgetown woman upset about another Georgetown woman who may have no pride at all. How else do you explain - Ms. Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown Law student, now famous for testimony she never gave – jumping up to talk about her sex life (with the Senate Minority Leader and with the liberal media) and ask for the cost of her sex life to be subsidized by other students at a Jesuit School?

Sandra Fluke was declined the privilege (a privilege, not a right) of testifying in front of a Senate Committee on the proposed contraceptive mandate. Her name was submitted too late to be admitted to testify. She’s not a lawyer. She’s not a member of the clergy – crucial for a hearing on religious freedom, wouldn’t you say? That’s what Representative Issa said. Her one claim to fame in the reproductive health care debate is…drumroll, please…being a student club leader! You go, Sandra! Hang those posters girl. Wear out those Sharpies.

Me? I love me some extracurricular involvement. The difference between Sandra and me is that I don’t think it qualifies me to speak in front of Congress. ”The Chair calls to the stand the captains of the intramural ultimate frisbee team!”

Having been told by Congress to more or less shut up and go home, Sandra found a sympathetic ear in Nancy Pelosi. She is not going to find one on the Georgetown Campus. She is wildly out of step.

Senate Democrats needed a show pony for this circus – and they knew they could find a liberal woman on a college campus who would willingly trot around the ring. That’s why Nancy & Pals created a photo op with all the props – the microphones, the podium, an air of pretense, and the all-important liberal media – for Sandra to tell her “story.” And it is just that – a story, told on a stage.

But Nancy Pelosi and the Liberal Media should know that they can no longer rely on college campuses as an endless source of liberal support. My colleagues and I at TheCollegeConservative are creating a new wave on campuses across the country. Every day we make it a little safer to be conservative – out in public – without fear of bad grades as a result of our views. Sandra should know we have no fear in calling out a classmate for thoughtless liberal ideology.

Sandra Fluke doesn’t speak for me. Or for Georgetown.

She doesn’t speak for those of us who worked hard to be able to choose to come to a great institution with a great tradition of faith and scholarship. She certainly can’t speak for the Jesuits who dedicated their lives to God and Education with a long established set of rules. There are only ten of them, and Ms. Fluke would do well to give them a quick read.

If she wants a more liberal sex life, she can go to Syracuse. (Syracuse, I must apologize – but we are in March and basketball matters – sorry you got caught up in this.) Sandra doesn’t even speak for all skanks! She only speaks for the skanks who don’t want to take responsibility for their choices. That’s a tiny group of people. Hey Sandra! How about next Saturday night, you come hang out with me and my gay boyfriends! Your hair will look fabulous and you’ll get to see great musical theatre! Oh, and odds of you getting pregnant? Zero percent.

Even the oh-so-left HuffPo called Sandra out on her media sluttery: ”Fluke got the stage all to herself and was hailed as a hero by the crowd and Democratic lawmakers on the panel, all of whom rushed to appear on camera with her at the end. “Excuse me. I’d love to get a picture with our star,” Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) said as she pushed her way through the packed room to Fluke.” Star of what? Star of the bedroom sex tape? When did Georgetown Law start admitting Kardashians?

Sandra, we might be on the same campus, but we are not on the same planet. Sandra told some sob stories about how contraception isn’t covered by the Jesuit institution we attend. (Maybe they don’t cover it because, you know, they’re a Jesuit institution. Religious freedom? Anyone? Bueller?)

A student group called Plan A H*yas for Choice staged a demonstration against the university health plan last year, duct taping their mouths and chaining themselves to the statue of Georgetown’s founder on the university’s front lawn. Then, a funny thing happened – nothing. We left them there. Now Sandra has chained herself to the sinking ship of Pelosi Liberalism. She will always be remembered as a Welfare Condom Queen. Let’s talk priorities here. It costs over $23,000 for a year at Georgetown Law. Sandra, are you telling us that you can afford that but cannot afford your own contraception? Really? Math was never my strong suit, but something about Sandra’s accounting just doesn’t seem right.

No one forced Sandra to come to Georgetown. And now that she has, Sandra does not have to depend on the university health plan. She could walk down the street to CVS and get some contraception herself. Or, go to an off-campus, non-university doctor and pay for it out of pocket. (Or, you know…maybe not have so much sex that it puts her in financial peril?)

Funny how the same side that cries “Get your rosaries off my ovaries” is the same side saying, “on second thought…please pay for me to have all the sex I want!” The people who espouse “pro-choice” “values” are the same people who say religious institutions have no right to choose.

Imagine if someone else had asked the government to cover a different activity. Let’s say I want to go rock climbing. It’s my body and my choice and I want to climb all the cliffs I can! Imagine if I went to the government and asked it to pay for helmets and ropes and band-aids I’ll need to safely climb rocks every day of my life. What would everyone say? “It’s your choice to do that- no one’s forcing you to scale cliffs. So, either quit it or pay for it yourself!”

This is the reaction we should have had to Sandra Fluke.

Sandra, I hope you take to heart our school’s motto of “Cura Personalis” – care of the whole person. You are so much more than your reproductive organs. Please, have some self-respect and take responsibility for your choices instead of having to beg the government for help. The government should not be able to force a religious institution – like the one we attend – to pay for the things they don’t believe in. That is pretty clear in the first amendment. But since you missed the ten commandments I can’t expect you to read the Bill of Rights either.

I believe in Georgetown. I love this school. And I know that we are so, so much better than what Sandra Fluke would make us out to be.

Hoya Saxa.


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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #32 on: March 02, 2012, 05:11:54 PM »
The Democrat’s token abused college coed is actually a 30 year-old hardcore women’s rights activist.

did she say she wasn't

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #33 on: March 02, 2012, 05:14:48 PM »
The Democrat’s token abused college coed is actually a 30 year-old hardcore women’s rights activist.

did she say she wasn't

I hope the hundreds of guys she banged come forward

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #34 on: March 02, 2012, 05:16:32 PM »
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Sandra Fluke Does Not Speak for Me
The College Conservatie ^ | March 2, 2012 | Angela Morabito
Posted on March 2, 2012 3:23:21 PM EST by GSWarrior

I’m a proud Georgetown woman upset about another Georgetown woman who may have no pride at all. How else do you explain - Ms. Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown Law student, now famous for testimony she never gave – jumping up to talk about her sex life (with the Senate Minority Leader and with the liberal media) and ask for the cost of her sex life to be subsidized by other students at a Jesuit School?

Sandra Fluke was declined the privilege (a privilege, not a right) of testifying in front of a Senate Committee on the proposed contraceptive mandate. Her name was submitted too late to be admitted to testify. She’s not a lawyer. She’s not a member of the clergy – crucial for a hearing on religious freedom, wouldn’t you say? That’s what Representative Issa said. Her one claim to fame in the reproductive health care debate is…drumroll, please…being a student club leader! You go, Sandra! Hang those posters girl. Wear out those Sharpies.

Me? I love me some extracurricular involvement. The difference between Sandra and me is that I don’t think it qualifies me to speak in front of Congress. ”The Chair calls to the stand the captains of the intramural ultimate frisbee team!”

Having been told by Congress to more or less shut up and go home, Sandra found a sympathetic ear in Nancy Pelosi. She is not going to find one on the Georgetown Campus. She is wildly out of step.

Senate Democrats needed a show pony for this circus – and they knew they could find a liberal woman on a college campus who would willingly trot around the ring. That’s why Nancy & Pals created a photo op with all the props – the microphones, the podium, an air of pretense, and the all-important liberal media – for Sandra to tell her “story.” And it is just that – a story, told on a stage.

But Nancy Pelosi and the Liberal Media should know that they can no longer rely on college campuses as an endless source of liberal support. My colleagues and I at TheCollegeConservative are creating a new wave on campuses across the country. Every day we make it a little safer to be conservative – out in public – without fear of bad grades as a result of our views. Sandra should know we have no fear in calling out a classmate for thoughtless liberal ideology.

Sandra Fluke doesn’t speak for me. Or for Georgetown.

She doesn’t speak for those of us who worked hard to be able to choose to come to a great institution with a great tradition of faith and scholarship. She certainly can’t speak for the Jesuits who dedicated their lives to God and Education with a long established set of rules. There are only ten of them, and Ms. Fluke would do well to give them a quick read.

If she wants a more liberal sex life, she can go to Syracuse. (Syracuse, I must apologize – but we are in March and basketball matters – sorry you got caught up in this.) Sandra doesn’t even speak for all skanks! She only speaks for the skanks who don’t want to take responsibility for their choices. That’s a tiny group of people. Hey Sandra! How about next Saturday night, you come hang out with me and my gay boyfriends! Your hair will look fabulous and you’ll get to see great musical theatre! Oh, and odds of you getting pregnant? Zero percent.

Even the oh-so-left HuffPo called Sandra out on her media sluttery: ”Fluke got the stage all to herself and was hailed as a hero by the crowd and Democratic lawmakers on the panel, all of whom rushed to appear on camera with her at the end. “Excuse me. I’d love to get a picture with our star,” Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) said as she pushed her way through the packed room to Fluke.” Star of what? Star of the bedroom sex tape? When did Georgetown Law start admitting Kardashians?

Sandra, we might be on the same campus, but we are not on the same planet. Sandra told some sob stories about how contraception isn’t covered by the Jesuit institution we attend. (Maybe they don’t cover it because, you know, they’re a Jesuit institution. Religious freedom? Anyone? Bueller?)

A student group called Plan A H*yas for Choice staged a demonstration against the university health plan last year, duct taping their mouths and chaining themselves to the statue of Georgetown’s founder on the university’s front lawn. Then, a funny thing happened – nothing. We left them there. Now Sandra has chained herself to the sinking ship of Pelosi Liberalism. She will always be remembered as a Welfare Condom Queen. Let’s talk priorities here. It costs over $23,000 for a year at Georgetown Law. Sandra, are you telling us that you can afford that but cannot afford your own contraception? Really? Math was never my strong suit, but something about Sandra’s accounting just doesn’t seem right.

No one forced Sandra to come to Georgetown. And now that she has, Sandra does not have to depend on the university health plan. She could walk down the street to CVS and get some contraception herself. Or, go to an off-campus, non-university doctor and pay for it out of pocket. (Or, you know…maybe not have so much sex that it puts her in financial peril?)

Funny how the same side that cries “Get your rosaries off my ovaries” is the same side saying, “on second thought…please pay for me to have all the sex I want!” The people who espouse “pro-choice” “values” are the same people who say religious institutions have no right to choose.

Imagine if someone else had asked the government to cover a different activity. Let’s say I want to go rock climbing. It’s my body and my choice and I want to climb all the cliffs I can! Imagine if I went to the government and asked it to pay for helmets and ropes and band-aids I’ll need to safely climb rocks every day of my life. What would everyone say? “It’s your choice to do that- no one’s forcing you to scale cliffs. So, either quit it or pay for it yourself!”

This is the reaction we should have had to Sandra Fluke.

Sandra, I hope you take to heart our school’s motto of “Cura Personalis” – care of the whole person. You are so much more than your reproductive organs. Please, have some self-respect and take responsibility for your choices instead of having to beg the government for help. The government should not be able to force a religious institution – like the one we attend – to pay for the things they don’t believe in. That is pretty clear in the first amendment. But since you missed the ten commandments I can’t expect you to read the Bill of Rights either.

I believe in Georgetown. I love this school. And I know that we are so, so much better than what Sandra Fluke would make us out to be.

Hoya Saxa.

This woman doesn't speak for Georgetown either

333 - will you be attacking the president of Georgetown next since he basically called people such as yourself "misogynistic, vitriolic, and a misrepresentation of the position of our student"

March 2, 2012
Dear Members of the Georgetown Community:

There is a legitimate question of public policy before our nation today.  In the effort to address the problem of the nearly fifty million Americans who lack health insurance, our lawmakers enacted legislation that seeks to increase access to health care. In recent weeks, a question regarding the breadth of services that will be covered has focused significant public attention on the issue of contraceptive coverage.  Many, including the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, have offered important perspectives on this issue.

In recent days, a law student of Georgetown, Sandra Fluke, offered her testimony regarding the proposed regulations by the Department of Health and Human Services before a group of members of Congress.  She was respectful, sincere, and spoke with conviction.  She provided a model of civil discourse.  This expression of conscience was in the tradition of the deepest values we share as a people. One need not agree with her substantive position to support her right to respectful free expression.  And yet, some of those who disagreed with her position – including Rush Limbaugh and commentators throughout the blogosphere and in various other media channels – responded with behavior that can only be described as misogynistic, vitriolic, and a misrepresentation of the position of our student.

In our vibrant and diverse society, there always are important differences that need to be debated, with strong and legitimate beliefs held on all sides of challenging issues. The greatest contribution of the American project is the recognition that together, we can rely on civil discourse to engage the tensions that characterize these difficult issues, and work towards resolutions that balance deeply held and different perspectives.  We have learned through painful experience that we must respect one another and we acknowledge that the best way to confront our differences is through constructive public debate.  At times, the exercise of one person’s freedom may conflict with another’s.  As Americans, we accept that the only answer to our differences is further engagement.

In an earlier time, St. Augustine captured the sense of what is required in civil discourse: "Let us, on both sides, lay aside all arrogance.  Let us not, on either side, claim that we have already discovered the truth.  Let us seek it together as something which is known to neither of us.  For then only may we seek it, lovingly and tranquilly, if there be no bold presumption that it is already discovered and possessed."

If we, instead, allow coarseness, anger – even hatred – to stand for civil discourse in America, we violate the sacred trust that has been handed down through the generations beginning with our Founders.  The values that hold us together as a people require nothing less than eternal vigilance.  This is our moment to stand for the values of civility in our engagement with one another.


John J. DeGioia
Georgetown University

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #35 on: March 02, 2012, 05:18:13 PM »

I hope the hundreds of guys she banged come forward

I'm guessing Limbaugh just hates women because in spite of all his money he can't get laid without having to pay for it

You're the same as him only without the money


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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #36 on: March 02, 2012, 05:18:50 PM »
The Democrat’s token abused college coed is actually a 30 year-old hardcore women’s rights activist.

did she say she wasn't

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #37 on: March 02, 2012, 05:21:43 PM »
Wwwwwaaaahhhhhhhh.   I go to a top law school and can't afford rubbers or ask the hundreds of guys I bang to bring rubbers.    Wwwwaaahhhhhh. 

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #38 on: March 02, 2012, 05:25:10 PM »
Wwwwwaaaahhhhhhhh.   I go to a top law school and can't afford rubbers or ask the hundreds of guys I bang to bring rubbers.    Wwwwaaahhhhhh. 

and you're so fucking stupid you think she went to law school for three years and no doubt paid at least couple hundred thousan dollars in tuition/room/board(or got loans) all for the "sole purpose" of making an issue about contraception

I swear to god man we can watch you getting dumber by the day


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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #39 on: March 02, 2012, 05:26:09 PM »
where's your information where she was hiding she was a hardcore women’s rights activist.

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #40 on: March 02, 2012, 05:29:24 PM »
where's your information where she was hiding she was a hardcore women’s rights activist.

She portrayed herself as some poor sex-addicted student trying to leech off everyone else.    The truth is that she is a plant by piglosi and slumbama to advance the increasingly unpopular MengleCare


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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #41 on: March 02, 2012, 05:33:56 PM »
where's your information where she was hiding she was a hardcore women’s rights activist.

answer this question

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2012, 05:36:13 PM »
She portrayed herself as some poor sex-addicted student trying to leech off everyone else.    The truth is that she is a plant by piglosi and slumbama to advance the increasingly unpopular MengleCare

are you FUCKING JOKING man

are you really this stupid?


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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2012, 05:40:24 PM »
are you FUCKING JOKING man

are you really this stupid?


what part is wrong? 


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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2012, 05:42:24 PM »
where's your information where she was hiding she was a hardcore women’s rights activist.

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2012, 05:43:31 PM »
what part is wrong? 

if you don't know then you're too stupid to understand so I'm not going to bother to explain it

btw - I assume you agree that you portray yourself as very insecure person who hates women

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #46 on: March 02, 2012, 05:53:53 PM »
if you don't know then you're too stupid to understand so I'm not going to bother to explain it

btw - I assume you agree that you portray yourself as very insecure person who hates women

Just the communist leftists parasites and gold diggers like the Fluke.

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #47 on: March 02, 2012, 06:04:42 PM »
Stunner. Georgetown “Coed” Sandra Fluke Is a 30 Year-Old Women’s Rights Activist ^ | March 2, 2012 | Jim Hoft

Posted on Friday, March 02, 2012

What a shock! It was all a BIG PRODUCTION! The Democrat’s token abused college coed is actually a 30 year-old hardcore women’s rights activist.

Sandra Fluke is also the past president of Law Students for Reproductive Justice.


Jammie Wearing Fool reported:

"I put that in quotes because in the beginning she was described as a Georgetown law student. It was then revealed that prior to attending Georgetown she was an active women’s right advocate. In one of her first interviews she is quoted as talking about how she reviewed Georgetown’s insurance policy prior to committing to attend, and seeing that it didn’t cover contraceptive services, she decided to attend with the express purpose of battling this policy. During this time, she was described as a 23-year-old coed. Magically, at the same time Congress is debating the forced coverage of contraception, she appears and is even brought to Capitol Hill to testify. This morning, in an interview with Matt Lauer on the Today show, it was revealed that she is 30 years old, NOT the 23 that had been reported all along.

In other words, folks, you are being played. She has been an activist all along and the Dems were just waiting for the appropriate time to play her."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Makes no difference.  You don't go and call a woman a slut under any circumstances. 

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2012, 06:10:42 PM »
True - she wants to be paid for sex.  Should call her a prostitute

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Re: Sandra Fluke: Liar/Slut/Whore/Communist/Leftist/Leech/Fake/Fraud
« Reply #49 on: March 02, 2012, 06:14:15 PM »
Just the communist leftists parasites and gold diggers like the Fluke.

it's pretty funny that you think Fluke is a gold digger considering when she graduates from law school she'll probably be inundated with job offers that you could never dream of getting

I'd speculate that's why you hate her so much but then you're so literally filled with hatred for so many things that there is clearly a larger problem going on