Author Topic: Great News for Americans, and Republicans in particular  (Read 1424 times)


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Great News for Americans, and Republicans in particular
« on: May 14, 2012, 10:39:24 PM »
originally posted April 29, 2012  reposted at the request of Straw Man

Great news for Americans, ...and Republicans in particular...

I hope you've got your sneakers on and laced up... 'cause GOLD is poised to run.

The poop is really hitting the fan now. We've seen mass resignations, arrests, and suicides in the banking world. As more and more people wake up to the criminality of paper derivatives, and fractional reserve banking, more and more people will be clueing-in to what is real (GOLD), and what is merely smoke & mirrors (fiat currency).

When members of entire families choose to commit suicide rather than face justice, you know there's some really, really dirty laundry about to be publicly aired.

The arrest two weeks ago of Dr. Michael Herzog, by German authorities, has revealed yet another detailed hornet's nest of fraud and criminal activities. Rumour has it, he is singing like a canary.

Whether any of this hits the mainstream media remains to be seen.

The recent senate passage of CISPA along with a legion of complicit press-titutes (as Gerald Celente so lovingly refers to them) may simply serve to keep Americans in the dark, however Obama (believe it or not) has threatened to veto CISPA, so we will see.

Why is this good news for Americans, and Republicans in particular, ...well as I stated previously, Dr. Herzog is singing like a canary. He is spilling his guts like a stuck pig. He's naming names, dates, and places. Police raids on his homes and offices, as well as those of several of his criminal associates have produced reams of records.

As the noose tightens, this is creating major implications for all of the crooked political, banking, and US Government parties that have assisted him. Herzog is in deep, deep, poop, ...and his associates will all follow in his footsteps due to the reams of notes, transaction receipts, pay orders with instruction sets, and transcripts of Herzog and his associates' illicit acts.

You might be asking how is this a great news for Americans and Republicans in particular? Well I'm getting to that. Be patient. News this juicy & delectable cannot be served up in a hasty fashion... it's like sex, ...good sex. You have to pace yourself, while savouring each moment along the way...

We all know who the elite's choice for the Repulican candidate is... Mitt Romney. And no doubt, Obama would prefer to go up against Romney rather than Ron Paul in November, ...however, Mitt Romney may just come crashing down.

Why you ask?

Well there is an international hedge fund wherein Herzog tried to use a namesake as a front, hired some high priced legal muscle and used the well known fund to shield himself and his fraudulent activities for the beneficial interest of Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush. Y'all remember Jeb don't you? ...the man whose idiot brother killed any chances he ever had of becoming president? Ya, that's the shrub.

In addition, Bush, Ackermann, Dewhurst, Romney plus hundreds of people in the world financial markets, at the highest levels, in the agencies, past Presidents and elected leaders of numerous countries, American Congressmen and Senators are all named.  Yes, it has been a treasure trove of names, places and events, including orders for physical violence up to and including termination for those that did not cooperate in the methods of the Cabal. :o

As if all of the above wasn’t enough, selective high level members of the House of Lords were informed 48 hours ago that Josef Ackermann has been taken in for questioning on numerous issues instigated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and that large scale operations are now planned with cross border cooperation, as the Cabal’s International Network gets publicly unraveled.  Greenspan is now the subject of ever more allegations and inquiries.  Tony Blair's Vatican accounts and his JP Morgan bagman role is now being assessed, as is his history of receiving Bush related funds.  The net is now closing in on many of them.

Ackermann was sidestepped for a key Bilderberg role.  Now serious criminal investigations will intensify the focus on both he and Deutsche Bank.  The Berlin Federal Prosecutors Office is focused on the trail of crime linked to Herzog and the immense scale of US Political Racketeering and CIA collusion which is emerging.

In other significant news, it has been learned that Sarkozy needs to assist in the release of the Global Settlements to save his Presidency. Merkel needs it to save the Euro and EU model. If the EU goes, not only will Germany's industrial base collapse, so too will the US Dollar.

This International cabal's web of criminal conspiracy continues to unravel right before their very eyes. Germany's arrest of Herzog and his associates is a major first step as it will lead investigators to the central, prominent cabal members in Europe and America. Herzog is just one of the first few. There will be further names to follow, and I will post them here in the coming weeks. If Romney comes crashing down, ...who does that leave as the Republican candidate... Ron Paul that's who?

And soon we shall see the end of the Fed, and the return of true price discovery in GOLD.

There, wasn't that worth the wait? :D

If this news affected you like it did me, can go smoke a cigarette now.


  • Guest
mods can DELETE
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2012, 11:24:28 AM »
the SAME thread has already been posted

and is still here .. no need to repost when a "bump" works