Author Topic: Kranks Log  (Read 179092 times)


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #200 on: January 15, 2013, 09:03:00 PM »


EMOM (every minute on the minute) - Pullups.  Start with 5 Reps and add 1 each minute.  When you cant beat your last set, start working down the count with EMOM subtracting 1 rep

Maxed out at 11


- Bench (clean bar) w/ 100lb tension bands - 10 sets of 5

- 5 x 5 feet supported ring rows


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #201 on: January 15, 2013, 09:06:02 PM »


Deadlift 315 x 3 - 5 mins : every 30 sec do 3 reps

Bench 185 x 3 - 5 mins : every 30 sec do 3 reps


100 UB (unbroken) jump rope - if you trip or stop, you start over
25 Push ups
75 UB jump rope
25 Push up
50 UB jump rope
25 Push up

Time = 3:45

500m moderate paced row = 1:50


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #202 on: January 15, 2013, 09:11:24 PM »


Squat 10x2 box Squat 225#

I found a bunch of warm up routines for myself.  I will post what I do in a little bit.  I want to gather all the pics for them.  Since doing them the last few days, I have been feeling better with my knees.  I also have been more diligent with icing my knees after my workouts and/or at night.  Seems to be helping.  Got a text back from friend who knows a pain doc.  If I can get him a couple of patients he will do my knees for no charge.

GHR - 5x5 

I found a youtube clip of how you are technically supposed to do these.  I have been doing them with my knees nearly on top of the pad.  For the last few weeks I have been feeling like my hamstrings have been strained.  This way I have been watching has the thighs moreso on the pads.  I will try them next week


40m Each

Straight Lunge
Broad Jumps
Reverse Lunge
Side Squat (I actually was doing side lunge.....dumbass)
High Skip with olympic bar
Spidermans  ((these are BRUTAL when your arms are dead))


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #203 on: January 15, 2013, 09:15:14 PM »


Find 5rm for bench - 265.

Due to my wrist not feeling great, and the feeling like i did strain my pec from a couple of weeks ago I did not push these very hard.  I do feel like I have 285 for a good set of 5 reps.

Snatch - EMOM 3 reps.  I used 95lbs.  

I then switched to only 65lbs to get the squat incorporated into the movement.  This is going to take some time.


5 Rounds. 30sec work/15 sec rest

Rope Face pull ((just like with BBing for read delt))
Standing DB shoulder press (using 35lbs)


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #204 on: January 15, 2013, 09:20:12 PM »


8 Mins AMRAP

Ground to Overhead - 20reps w/ 45# plate
Knees to elbows - 20 reps

Completed : 5 Rounds

No joke, the overhead pressing of a bumper plate is a pain in the ass!!!

8 Mins AMRAP

Front Squat - 10 reps w/ 95#
Pullups - 10 reps

Completed - 6 1/2 rounds

At this point my legs are feeling it.  Not a lot, but I know more is coming

15 Mins - EMOM Squat w/ KB  (53#)
- Start with 5 reps and with every minute add 1rep (5, 6, 7, etc).  Lats set you will be doing 20 reps.  TOTAL thats 200 squats

I used a knee wrap for this on the left knee.  Needed some extra stabilization.  Also, when I got done I felt like my legs were going to cramp up.  I was breathing HARD after this.  I think I may just sleep quite well tonight!!!!


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #205 on: January 16, 2013, 05:17:42 AM »


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #206 on: January 26, 2013, 09:41:56 PM »

BB / Strength

10 x 5 Power Snatch 65#
At first glance, you think this would be easy.  But doing it right and keeping bar above head is brutal

10 x 3 Heaving Snatch 95#

Had to cut this short due to a lame shit meeting.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #207 on: January 26, 2013, 09:45:53 PM »

BB / Strength

3 x 5 w/ 70% of 5RM (see 1/8)


5 Mins / AMRAP, then rest 2 mins repeat, rest 2 mins repeat

10 x 56# KB High Pulls
50 UB Jump Rope

Attempt #1 - 4 1/2
Attempt #2 - 4 1/2
Attempt #3 - 4 1/2

I do not start another exercise or another round if I have less than 10 secs left.

8 Mins AMRAP

10 Good Mornings 95#
10 Pushups
5 Box Jumps 24"
10 Bodyweight Rows

Total Rounds : 5


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #208 on: January 26, 2013, 09:48:45 PM »

BB / Strength

10 x 2 Box Squats 225#
still being conservative with knees

Deadlift 2x3 315, 2x3 365, 1x3 405
This is one of the few times I have done deads after squatting.  I usually hate it and my low back goes to shit, but these actually didn't bother me

GHR 5x5 BW


2 x 25 30" Box Jump
Did as a 'you go, I go' type of tempo with friend who owns the gym


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #209 on: January 26, 2013, 09:51:48 PM »

BB / Strength

10 Mins to find 5RM for floor bench press = 275#
I have seen powerlifters do this on occasion.  It is NOT as easy as you think

Clean and Press 5x5 145#
The floor press was brutal on my shoulder and the wrist.  Took it easy on these

Ring Push ups 5x10


'Cindy - Lite'
5 Pull ups
10 Pushups
15 Squats to medicine ball (i.e. when the crease of your hips is lower than the crease in your knees)

12 Min AMRAP = 14 2/3


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #210 on: January 26, 2013, 09:56:11 PM »

BB / Strength

Box Squat 3x5 90% 5RM

Overhead Squat 5x5 95#
I found that I really could stabilize the bar better when using wrist wraps.  The bar actually felt locked in.  The 95# was easier than I thought it would be


5 x 40m Burpee Broad Jumps

5 Box Jumps (24")
10 OH Lunges/leg (holding 25lb plate)
15 Thrusters (95#)
20 Knee-to-elbow crunches

12 Min AMRAP = 3 1/2

Shoulders, specifically the left one felt real weird after getting done


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #211 on: January 26, 2013, 10:02:07 PM »

BB / Strength

Bench Press 3 x 5 90% 5RM (235#)

Clean & Jerk 8 x 3 80% of 1RM (155#)
My max from a month or ago was 205#, so I was supped to go heavier but my shoulders just are so damn sore.  Plus I am workign on getting my hip drive into the movement.

3 x 10 Ring Dips BW


20 Pushups
15 Thrusters (start with 55lbs, every round add 5lb to each side.  Last round you will have 95# on bar)
10 Burpees

5 Rounds for time = 13:34

I had another fucking Doctor meeting.  So, I left after my gymnastic movement.  I came back for my conditioning.  This one KICKED my ass.  I was sucking wind for about 15 mins afterwords.  I challenge ANYONE to do that and say this shit is easy.  The shoulders are officially sore, and not in a good way.  I jacked my neck up yesterday doing god-knows-what.  So, today it was a little challenging trying to do some of these things.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #212 on: January 26, 2013, 10:08:04 PM »

BB / Strength

Dynamic Bench (LIGHT)  10x2 135#
Had to take it easy for this one today.  Shoulder is NOT fucking good.  Not sure if the neck/trap shit is making the shoulder hurt or its two different things.  With this one, eccentric must me 2 - 3 legit seconds.  Pause at chest.  Then explode up.  Rest 15 - 20 seconds between sets.

Box Jump (30" + 45# bumper plate) 10 x 2
Rest 15 - 20 seconds between sets.

Power Clean 5 x 5 : 135, 155, 175, 175, 175
Worked on bringing elbows higher during this.  I also did not rotate hands backward to prevent further aggrivation of wrist.


5 Pullups
10 Ring Dips
15 Ring Rows
20 Good Mornings (65#)

5 Rounds for time : 13:31

The beast of this conditioning was (if you can believe it) the ring rows.  The back got a huge pump out of this. 


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #213 on: January 26, 2013, 10:13:14 PM »

BB / Strength

Dynamic Squats 10 x 3 @ 225#
Really warmed up, and was going to work heavier but after a few sets I came back down to 225#.  Then the 225# felt VERY light and worked on speed off of box

Dynamic Deadlifts 10 x 3 @ 315#
Main thing here is that I brought the bar down to complete stop and then went.  Kind of like the difference between a kipping pullup and a deadhang one

GHR 5 x 5


30 Lunges (per leg)
30 Side stepping squats (i.e. side step, then squat.  NOT a side lunge)
30 Skip Lunges
30 Reverse Lunges

10 Min AMRAP = 2!!!!!
This was truly a retarded conditioning.  The squatting + deadlifts do NOT lend themselves to being able to do lunges and the sort.  Well, the knees took a beating today.  I am done icing and am going to bed.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #214 on: January 27, 2013, 10:44:25 AM »
guy at my job execise for him is mountain/trail biking intense he goes to crazy mountains/trails like arizona ,,well he did a workout intro your type of training and he was fried ,,told him to stick to it and get in shape and good for his biking,,,how are you feeling joint wise and hand issue ok,,


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #215 on: January 27, 2013, 05:26:30 PM »
guy at my job execise for him is mountain/trail biking intense he goes to crazy mountains/trails like arizona ,,well he did a workout intro your type of training and he was fried ,,told him to stick to it and get in shape and good for his biking,,,how are you feeling joint wise and hand issue ok,,

Hand is going ok.  Left shoulder is ok.  When I say ok, I am saying there is some pain and I will have to take it easy for a while.  I actually haven't taken my HRT shot in about a month.  I got pissed at my doctors office when they said my levels were 1500.  WTF????  I tried to explain (calmly at first) that they drew blood about 30hrs post shot.  Ummm.  Doesn't take an endocrinologist to realize they fucked up.  When I got real shitty with them (trust me, VERY warranted) and demanded a call from the Doctor, I got a nice discharge letter from their office.  So, FUCK THEM.  I am telling all my patients who I have referred to them to go somewhere else.  They have received slightly similar shitty customer service.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #216 on: January 27, 2013, 05:34:41 PM »
Hand is going ok.  Left shoulder is ok.  When I say ok, I am saying there is some pain and I will have to take it easy for a while.  I actually haven't taken my HRT shot in about a month.  I got pissed at my doctors office when they said my levels were 1500.  WTF????  I tried to explain (calmly at first) that they drew blood about 30hrs post shot.  Ummm.  Doesn't take an endocrinologist to realize they fucked up.  When I got real shitty with them (trust me, VERY warranted) and demanded a call from the Doctor, I got a nice discharge letter from their office.  So, FUCK THEM.  I am telling all my patients who I have referred to them to go somewhere else.  They have received slightly similar shitty customer service.
8)....good 4 u,,,,cool your feeling better,,,


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #217 on: January 27, 2013, 07:58:53 PM »
8)....good 4 u,,,,cool your feeling better,,,

Yeah, I sat with my business partner in this douchebag's office and we talked about doing some cross marketing.  So, I asked how much an exam would be so I could transfer my script to him (HUGE fucking mistake).  He mentioned about $100 (so much for professional courtesy).  No problem.  It was less than the $300 or so I paid my original Dr.

I downloaded the intake forms.  I used a PDF editor to put all my info in (so my info would be VERY legible...this is relevant later) and then emailed it back and got a confirmation from the office manager that she got it.  Here's how my first day went:

1) They gave me intake forms.  When I mentioned I emailed them, they said they don't have them  (wow).  After about 10 mins they found them.

2) I asked REPEATEDLY if I would be able to continue with the way my script was being handled.  I would get the test cyp in the mail and I would inject myself.  They like to have someone come in every 9 - 10 days and get injected (hmmm...extra money for office visit anyone?).  I asked the front and they said talk to the nurse.  I talked to the nurse and she said talk to the doctor.  Again, I stressed that I didn't want to go through with the exam and incur a bill if I couldn't do it the way I had been doing it.

3) I am talking to the doctor and his cell phone goes off with a text message (I know the sound).  This mother fucker takes his cell phone out and starts replying.  I am starting at him in amazement.  I bluntly say to him "Would you like me to step outside so you can take care of this?"  He declines and we go back to talking about...NOTHING. He says there shouldn't be a problem with doing the shots on my own after I describe just how regimented I am.  My shots are at the exact same time (give or take 15 mins) every sunday night.  He goes on and on about how I have to have a PSA and EKG done every three mos.  Thats how its supposed to be done (can you say more and more money for him?)

4) I talk to the nurse who is doing my blood test about the test levels and she is shitty with me.  She gives me a paper script they print out and I ask if she can call it in to the place when I order from .  She gets REAL shitty with me and starts talking down to me about how the drug is a class III drug and I have to hand this to the pharmacist.  I snip back at her that I have been getting my shit for the last year or so from a place out of madison and does she expect me to drive up there as I have never had to drive up there before.  I also ask how places like walgreens fills prescriptions when you are on vacation if you dont have the script with you and you need something.  She shuts up.

5) I walk to the front desk and they tell me it will be $475!!!!  WTF.  I melt down.  I don't yell, but i lean forward and in a calm, even tone that I have had enough.  I tell them it was discussed what my charge will be.  I tel them I have an office and that I have never treated a patient like I was treated that day.  After some back and forth with a phone call to the one office manager who was in on the initial meeting she comes back and says the whole thing will be $130.  UNFUCKING REAL

6) October I get a 'past due' phone call from the office.  I NEVER got my bill from them.  After some back and forth, I come to find that they never put my address in right!!!  HOLY FUCK!!!  The woman who put it in turned a "7" into a "1".  They don't look the same and they aren't even close on the keyboard.

Well, thats just the first visit.  I could tell you all about my EKG and subsequent need for an echocardiogram and ultrasound, but it would only serve to piss me off.  I got a letter from that office with a bill for $896.  FUCK THEM.  Take me to collections...I could really give a shit.  I am writing a letter and will put it on my credit bureau that I had a trade of service with them.

Fuck you Regency Medical Center in Barrington, IL.  Eat shit Dr. Aziz!!!!!!


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #218 on: January 28, 2013, 05:37:21 AM »
Hope you got your neck sorted Krank.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #219 on: January 28, 2013, 05:44:57 AM »
krank u look great,and are strong,virile,pretty much healthy at 43 other than wrist/hand issues ,,is it really worth the aggravation for the hrt right now,you were a great natural bber and i'm sure holding enough size at ur age to maintain cruise no?i like you as a poster and such so i'm not trying to pry into your life/regimine...


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #220 on: February 08, 2013, 04:54:30 PM »
Updates krank! How's your wrist and knees? How is training?


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #221 on: February 14, 2013, 05:40:14 AM »
Yeah, the log has been lacking as of late.  Mucho shit going on with family.  Since last week wednesday I have had a couple of workouts interrupted by phone calls regarding my mom.  Not going into it, and I am not the douche I used to be where I would shut my phone off no matter what.  Anyway, I am working on some programming for myself that will have me pseudo prepared for the Reebok Games this summer.  I am not going to actually compete, but I will prep as if I am and see how I do compared to other Masters competitors.

I still have a little wrist bullshit going on.  I am going for knee consult next week (maybe a shot...who knows), and I am still dealing with the left shoulder.  Fuck me.  So, this is how my programming is going to be laid out...


BB Gymnastic (Olympic Lift)


Met/Con (bodyweight)
Plus : box jumps/Double Unders/Dynamic days (10x2-3 explosive stuff at 50% of max)

BB Gymnastic (Olympic Lift)


BB Gymnastic (Olympic Lift)

I will be doing something that is based more off of a "feel" for that day.  Most periodization is based off a 1RM and then you have to do that percentage on that day regardless of what you feel like.  So, I found something that is set up like this:

Clean and Jerk:  5RM - 90% 3x5  (This means work up to a good 5RM then do 3 sets of 5 reps with 90% of that)

I am going to finalize my thing this week and then start next week.


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #222 on: February 18, 2013, 01:18:45 PM »
Week #1
Same weight to be used for all Olympic lift sets.  Weights are by ‘feel’.  For the exercises listed as : 5 x 2 (1+1) that means you do one of each for “1 rep”

Week #1
Olympic lift
Snatch : 5 x 2
Snatch Pull : 4 x 3

Front Squat : 3 x 6
Hyperextension : 4 x 8

(non-leg intensive)

Push Press : 5 x 5
Box Pause Front Squat : 5 x 3
Strict Ring C2B Pullups : 5 x 5


Rest / Recovery
(Here is where we work on Double unders, rowing, etc)
(Bodyweight) ---

Olympic lift
Power Snatch : 5 x 2
Power Clean & Power Jerk : 5 x 2(1+1)

Overhead Squat : 3 x 3
Reverse Hyperextension : 4 x 15

(non-leg intensive)

10X2 Banded Deadlifts @ 50% Bar Weight + 20% Band Tension
5X5 Seated DB Shoulder Press
Good Morning : 4 x 10


Olympic lift
Clean & Jerk : 5 x 2+1
Clean Pull : 3 x 3

Back Squat : 10 x 2
GHR : 5 x 5

(non-leg intensive)


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #223 on: February 18, 2013, 01:22:56 PM »

Olympic Lift:
Snatch - 5 x 2 (did 2 sets with 85, then remaining 3 sets with 95.  Really focusing on the hip drive)
Snatch Pull - 4 x 3 (all four sets with 95, again, focusing on pulling up with shoulders/traps, and the hip drive)

Front Squat : 3 x 6 (95, 115, 155) - I use the hand grip I would with a clean.  These actually didn't feel bad
Hyperextension : 4 x 8 (used 20lb medicine ball, felt easy...will use a bar across back next time)



Ring Dips

Finished in 9:26.  Not because of strength, but the shoulder and wrist still are not quite 100%. Fuck me!


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Re: Kranks Log
« Reply #224 on: February 19, 2013, 07:04:00 PM »


Push Press - 5x5 : 115, 135, 135, 155, 155 - Was worried about the shoulder.  I think I will be able to do 20 - 30lbs more next time

Front Squat to box (with pause) - 5 x 3 : 135, 135, 155, 175, 185 - Surprisingly these felt good.  Front squats were never my thing, but since starting the training like this I think I am getting better.  Felt like the weight was over my heels.

Ring Pullups (strict) - 5 x 5 : BW, BW, BW, +20#db, +20#db


3 Rounds for time:

30 Lunges (per leg)
30 Side-step squats (per direction)
30 Reverse lunge (per leg)

21:04  - THIS SUCKED!!!!!!  If I didn't finish in under 24 mins I was going to have to row 2K meters.  Heart rate didn't slow down for about 10 mins.