Author Topic: Educational Videos and Articles about Islam  (Read 235382 times)


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Re: Exposing so called 'ex muslims'
« Reply #100 on: October 08, 2012, 11:33:16 AM »


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Re: Exposing so called 'ex muslims'
« Reply #101 on: October 08, 2012, 11:49:10 AM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #102 on: October 08, 2012, 05:49:43 PM »
When Muslims stop preaching hatred towards non muslims, when they stop advocating and sponsoring terrorism, when they stop oppressing women, when they stop mutilating the genitals of young girls, when they stop arrogantly and defiantly believing they are right and everyone else is wrong and when they stop killing and threatening others because they feel offended, other people or groups might, just might begin to listen, until then Muslims will always be seen as barbaric, goat herding, semi literate towel heads who live in the dark ages and worship a Pedo!

Not a flame E-Kul, just a clarification of what I seem to be hearing from you...

Is it your position that you would be ready to learn about Islam, ...when perverse extremists masquerading as Muslims stop killing and threatening others? Is that your position?

You do realize that's like saying you hate Christians and would never listen to them because those darned Westboro Baptist Church guys keep picketing the funerals of American servicemen, and until those Westboro Baptists church guys stop cheering American deaths, those Christians can take a flying leap.

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #103 on: October 08, 2012, 06:03:59 PM »
Not a flame E-Kul, just a clarification of what I seem to be hearing from you...

Is it your position that you would be ready to learn about Islam, ...when perverse extremists masquerading as Muslims stop killing and threatening others? Is that your position?

You do realize that's like saying you hate Christians and would never listen to them because those darned Westboro Baptist Church guys keep picketing the funerals of American servicemen, and until those Westboro Baptists church guys stop cheering American deaths, those Christians can take a flying leap.
It is a lie that extremists masquerading as Muslims are the problem.  Their are no moderate Muslims, here in Australia, when they protested, the so called moderates came out in droves holding up signs to behead people.  WTF is that?, their was a woman who gave the sign to Behead others to her 4 year old Son to hold up,  if that's the attitude of the moderates, well God help us all.  Anyway, it's the whole perverse religion fuelled by the HATE FILLED KORAN.  They are programmed to behave in an anti social and violent way that leads them to be unable to integrate into any Western secular society.  Muslims are closed minded and arrogant as a result of their religious beliefs.  Until Muslims wake up and see they are the reason they are vilified and disliked, they will continue to be treated like the barbarians they are.  Muslims must change their ways and behaviours, otherwise they will continue to draw negativity towards them, they remind me of a naughty child who refuses to take responsibility for their own behaviour, until the child accepts responsibility, the parent will continue to discipline and punish them.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #104 on: October 08, 2012, 06:30:34 PM »

To the politics lovers I betrayed 'western civilization' because I talk about the atrocities and hypocrisy committed by western governments.

LOL, Get used to that. They've been calling me Anti-American since 2003 at least.

I will post some threads explaining our beliefs. I did not come to 'convert people' but I joined here for bodybuilding. I only began responding when I saw islamophobia, hatred, lies, and misinformation.

I know the feeling. The Anti-Muslim sentiment that has swept western countries reminds me of the Anti-Jewish sentiment that swept through Europe under the Nazis. It's all too familiar, ...and the truly disgusting part is... it's the very same puppet masters pulling the strings this go around. The last time it was the Ashkenazi, ...this time they're targeting Muslims.

The Qur'an is quite explicit about this. That we are only to be messengers, it is God that guides people and people's hearts that want to be guided. God responds to Muhammad (pbuh) in the qur'an you are not a manager over people but only a messenger and do not grieve for those that do not accept the message even if they humiliate you or denounce you etc...

Sounds quite similar to network marketing's SW4 Rule:

SOME WILL be interested
SOME WON'T be interested
SOMEONE'S WAITING to hear all about what you have to offer.

The core belief in Islam is our belief that God is absolute, unique and one, that we do not worship anything in the creation and only our creator. Which is known as Tawheed. I may begin with that if you find that interesting.

Funny you mention that. In 2007 I was dragged into a debate with my best friend's brother. We were sitting in a hotel room, and he was going on and on about sport hunting (not for food mind you, ...simply for the love of hunting an animal and killing it) I was obviously disgusted by that idea, and couldn't manage to call up a poker face when I needed it. As I tried to discretely excuse myself from the conversation, he got offended that I was not very enthusiastic about the idea of hunting down an animal and killing it just for fun. When I (out of respect for my best friend) further tried to disengage him by simply saying "Let's just agree to disagree" He grew enraged, and incensed, and started screaming Bible verses at me, accusing me of worshipping the creation instead of the creator. I couldn't believe this guy was actually using the Bible to justify the taking of life. I remember thinking what next? Using the bible to justify rape, murder, plunder, pillage, incest, adultery & fornication too? 'Cause it's all in there as well.  ::)


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #105 on: October 08, 2012, 06:33:03 PM »
You keep talking about the "HATE FILLED KORAN" but you have not even read the qur'an.

You keep copy pasting from islamophobe blogs and sites, you are spoon fed what to believe and say and think you are thinking.

For instance you copy pasted the 'kill them wherever you find them' and 'behead the unbelievers', and i am paraphrasing, yet you have not read what comes before or after. It refers to battles, it refers to armies of disbelievers attacking Muslims. Beheading oOoOoOh, guess what, guns, predator drones, f16s didn't exist, swords did and beheading and smiting fingers was what you would do with a sword.

You can't seem to get out of this loop of them evil mozlems. This thread proves you wrong as all these people including myself have embraced Islam. What's stopping you from reading the qur'an with no preconceived and premade notions.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #106 on: October 08, 2012, 06:40:59 PM »
Funny you mention that. In 2007 I was dragged into a debate with my best friend's brother. We were sitting in a hotel room, and he was going on and on about sport hunting (not for food mind you, ...simply for the love of hunting an animal and killing it) I was obviously disgusted by that idea, and couldn't manage to call up a poker face when I needed it. As I tried to discretely excuse myself from the conversation, he got offended that I was not very enthusiastic about the idea of hunting down an animal and killing it just for fun. When I (out of respect for my best friend) further tried to disengage him by simply saying "Let's just agree to disagree" He grew enraged, and incensed, and started screaming Bible verses at me, accusing me of worshipping the creation instead of the creator. I couldn't believe this guy was actually using the Bible to justify the taking of life. I remember thinking what next? Using the bible to justify rape, murder, plunder, pillage, incest, adultery & fornication too? 'Cause it's all in there as well.  ::)

Well Islam does not allow killing animals for fun. In fact before any animal right's organizations, islam had rules about animal's rights. Animals and only certain animals can be slaughtered and in a specific manner that is least harmful to it, without even allowing the animal to see the knife, that's behind the whole 'halal' slaughter of meat for eating. From a hygene perspective, from a respect perspective and treatment of the animal, etc... Not allowing cruelty. The prophet (pbuh) even forbade animals to be overburden, like overloading a camel, let alone torturing or hunting for fun.

The prophet (pbuh) forbade any kind of target practice of living moving things even.

When I mention we only worship the creator, it means God only, not the creation (eg: human, animals, objects, trees, idols, etc...). That's what I meant by that.

You can read more here:


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #107 on: October 08, 2012, 06:47:43 PM »
It is a lie that extremists masquerading as Muslims are the problem.  Their are no moderate Muslims, here in Australia, when they protested, the so called moderates came out in droves holding up signs to behead people.  WTF is that?, their was a woman who gave the sign to Behead others to her 4 year old Son to hold up,  if that's the attitude of the moderates, well God help us all.

So if they were filled with hatred and calling for beheadings, ...what makes you refer to them as moderates? Is that what the newscaster labelled them?

Anyway, it's the whole perverse religion fuelled by the HATE FILLED KORAN. 

And you draw this conclusion as a result of having studied the Qur'an?

They are programmed to behave in an anti social and violent way that leads them to be unable to integrate into any Western secular society.  Muslims are closed minded and arrogant as a result of their religious beliefs.

Really? I have found the exact opposite. I have found Muslims to be very open minded. I think sometimes we confuse closed mindedness with assurance. I have found muslims to be very assured in their beliefs, but always willing to listen. They're not always willing to believe, but will open mindedly examine.

Can i ask how much personal daily interaction you have with Muslims?

Until Muslims wake up and see they are the reason they are vilified and disliked, they will continue to be treated like the barbarians they are.  Muslims must change their ways and behaviours, otherwise they will continue to draw negativity towards them, they remind me of a naughty child who refuses to take responsibility for their own behaviour, until the child accepts responsibility, the parent will continue to discipline and punish them.

I could make a few appropriate noun substitutions to the above, ...but why bother? I'm sure you know where I would take it anyway.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #108 on: October 08, 2012, 07:18:26 PM »

Go and tell her that Islam oppresses women lol.

You brought up a good point 24kt, I doubt any of these guys ever met a muslim except through FOX & CNN LOL

I know for a fact they did not read a qu'ran just by the way they copy paste typical verses from the qur'an out of context from the usual islamophobe blogs and websites. And they outright say they don't want to, so kind of hard to argue with such means :)


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #109 on: October 08, 2012, 07:28:36 PM »

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #110 on: October 08, 2012, 08:03:12 PM »
I've worked with several Muslims, they all despised the religion and reluctantly pretended to care because of their families.  They all seemed doomed to living someone else's life.  I felt really sorry for them, when i asked them, why didn't they just leave the religion, they said they couldn't and that I wouldn't understand.  What a fucked way to raise your children.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #111 on: October 08, 2012, 09:50:47 PM »
^You must be a good friend of Ergun Canner :) You are a very credible individual have a good night mate. Oh and maybe some day you will read the qur'an. It may be a similar case of what happened with my parents, how they in their ignorance had a bad taste for muslims because of a single experience of witnessing some muslims and a standing by hijabi causing us stress while travelling and my parents hated arabs/muslims. Then hah... we learned about Islam and my mother today wears hijab.

You never know, maybe God is testing you and driving you to actually find out about this religion but you persistently keep re-enforcing your ignorance by going in circles repeating the same damnations from islamophobe blogs and websites, not really thinking for yourself except what you are being politically spoon fed.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #112 on: October 08, 2012, 09:53:47 PM »
I've worked with several Muslims, they all despised the religion and reluctantly pretended to care because of their families.  They all seemed doomed to living someone else's life.  I felt really sorry for them, when i asked them, why didn't they just leave the religion, they said they couldn't and that I wouldn't understand.  What a fucked way to raise your children.

Interesting.... so if what I'm hearing is accurate, you've worked with several people who "disguised" themselves as Muslims, but who admittedly despised the religion... yet you refer to them as Muslim? hmmm...

If I told you that I was a man, who secretly hated my manhood, thought all men were idiots, and desperately longed to be a woman, and would wear pretty lacy things, and female clothing when my family wasn't around....

Would that make me:
  • A) Delusional,
  • B) A transvestite,
  • C) A Liar,
  • D) Someone telling you what I secretly suspect you may want to hear,
  • E) Possibly a combination of A,C, & D,

Simply saying I'm a man, doesn't make me one physically. I could wish to identify as a man, ...but it still wouldn't make me one

I would think that someone telling me that they despised a certain religion and only pretended to like it would automatically be a very large clue to me that perhaps they sh/could not be considered a believer of that faith, me, they would most definitely be considered a non-believer, ...but that's just me.

Just for the record, just so we're clear, I didn't mean have you ever discussed Islam with Muslims, I meant how much personal interaction daily interaction do you have with Muslims, ...not non-muslims. Not referring to discussions about the religion itself, but rather having the opportunity to simply observe them in their day to day lives, witness the character they display (or lack thereof) as the case may be, up close & personal?

BTW: My sympathies for your co-workers. Their plight reminds me of many people who label themselves with a religious label, simply because it is what their parents told them they were, yet they have no indepth knowlege of the religion or even any respect for it themselves.

They will often look at individual fools & hypocrites, and believe such representation is indicative of what the faith or religion is all about, yet do not realize that as long as they do not believe in a particular religion, they are part of the problem that contributes to the misrepresentation of the religion, as long as they continue to apply that inaccurate label to themselves, ...and as long as those without access to a true representative or ambassador continue to see & accept such distortions & misrepresentations as representative.


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Re: Exposing so called 'ex muslims'
« Reply #113 on: October 08, 2012, 09:58:30 PM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #114 on: October 08, 2012, 10:13:05 PM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #115 on: October 09, 2012, 03:18:18 AM »
Couple of quick questions.

1. What's the proper way to kill your daugther after she gets raped and brings shame to your family? Is stoning her okay?

2. Is there a limit to how many women I can throw acid into the faces of if they shame me?

Thanks, buddy. I'm thinking of converting soon.



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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #116 on: October 09, 2012, 04:23:48 AM »
I haven't studied it enough to definitively state that is what the religion prescribes. I can only say, my understanding is that these attrocities are the doctrines of extremists... the kind the USA and it's military industrial complex have been radicalizing, funding, and getting into bed with.

I wasn't the one saying Islam was so beautiful, she was. She was trying to describe for me the beauty she had found in her boyfriend's religion.

I wonder if you will see the irony of the 2 previous statements that I have quoted with appropriate substitutions where warranted. All I can say is, I am grateful to be aware that not ALL Americans or American servicemen are as brain-dead as your leaders believe, ... otherwise I'd think you were all a nation full of Sarah Palins and idiots like those Westboro Baptist church guys.

I have many Muslim friends, none of whom are anything at all like the radicals depicted in Western media. With the exception of one particular doctor in Mumbai, all the Muslim men I have ever encountered have held themselves to a level of dignity and personal accountability that demonstrated true respect for humanity in general, and women in particular.

I don't know about Islam, ...but I do recognize the hypocrisy that is so prevalent in those professing certain faiths, ...and I know bullshit & hate propaganda when I hear it.  It only makes me want to discover more about Islam, to use my God given critical thinking skills to discern between truth and lies.

I encourage you all to do the same.

Thank You Ahmed for this refreshing and thought provoking thread.
(ps: Next time, could you be a bit more sparing on the examples. ;) )  

With that, I'm off to prepare for my noon Webcast.

I'm not American and yes their government does have massive faults but at least they allow a far higher degree of personal freedoms as opposed to an Islamic state.

No nation is perfect, but some are worse than others.

Religious fundamentalism of Christians is annoying but still somewhat tolerable as they're not generally killing people or setting up bombs, on the other hand their are a LOT of extremist Moslems whose terrorist actions and violent protests have caused much of the non-Islamic world to despise them.

I've said before I'm against military intervention in the Middle East and that should just be left alone to do whatever they want.
The same military forces can then be used to keep the Moslems out of the West to ensure they said in their Islamic utopia's and aren't corrupted by our evil systems.

Western governments should in fact formulate alliances and programmes with their Islamic governments to help protect the Moslem citizens from the vile evils of the West and prohibit them from being contaminated by our secular culture.... ;D


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #117 on: October 09, 2012, 07:38:46 AM »
I'm not American

Oh dear... I'm sooo sorry for the inadvertent insult  ;)

and yes their government does have massive faults but at least they allow a far higher degree of personal freedoms as opposed to an Islamic state.

Thanks to exceptional PR over the years, that is the natural assumption, but given the steady erosion of freedoms there, one really has to sit down and take a tally to determine if that is really the case.

No nation is perfect, but some are worse than others.

True. ...and when a nation starts to believe it's own manufactured PR, it's really in trouble.

Religious fundamentalism of Christians is annoying but still somewhat tolerable as they're not generally killing people or setting up bombs,

Excuse me, ahem, ...have you forgotten about the IRA. As I recall those Christians did a pretty good job of setting up bombs and killing people all over the UK and Ireland for years. C'mon Dude, you're time zone is 5 hrs ahead of EDT. Don't tell you've so quickly forgotten about the IRA

on the other hand their are a LOT of extremist Moslems whose terrorist actions and violent protests have caused much of the non-Islamic world to despise them.

Are there really? Or is there alot of very negative press that skews & filters the representations we get to see. It's been my observation that the only time we ever see mass protests in the west, it is due to some deliberate provocation by attacking something they find sacred.  Westerners don't understand it because with very few exceptions, westerners don't find very much of anything sacred.

I've said before I'm against military intervention in the Middle East and that should just be left alone to do whatever they want.
The same military forces can then be used to keep the Moslems out of the West to ensure they said in their Islamic utopia's and aren't corrupted by our evil systems.

Western governments should in fact formulate alliances and programmes with their Islamic governments to help protect the Moslem citizens from the vile evils of the West and prohibit them from being contaminated by our secular culture....


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #118 on: October 09, 2012, 08:14:35 AM »
Couple of quick questions.

1. What's the proper way to kill your daugther after she gets raped and brings shame to your family? Is stoning her okay?

2. Is there a limit to how many women I can throw acid into the faces of if they shame me?

Thanks, buddy. I'm thinking of converting soon.

Sorry but you are asking the wrong person in the wrong thread. This is a thread about Islam and Muslims who accepted to follow Islam.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #119 on: October 09, 2012, 10:15:29 AM »
Oh dear... I'm sooo sorry for the inadvertent insult  ;)

Thanks to exceptional PR over the years, that is the natural assumption, but given the steady erosion of freedoms there, one really has to sit down and take a tally to determine if that is really the case.

True. ...and when a nation starts to believe it's own manufactured PR, it's really in trouble.

Excuse me, ahem, ...have you forgotten about the IRA. As I recall those Christians did a pretty good job of setting up bombs and killing people all over the UK and Ireland for years. C'mon Dude, you're time zone is 5 hrs ahead of EDT. Don't tell you've so quickly forgotten about the IRA

Are there really? Or is there alot of very negative press that skews & filters the representations we get to see. It's been my observation that the only time we ever see mass protests in the west, it is due to some deliberate provocation by attacking something they find sacred.  Westerners don't understand it because with very few exceptions, westerners don't find very much of anything sacred.

I'm not British...or Irish  ;D

Anyway, the terrorism conducted by the IRA was more of a political one to force Northern Ireland to be part of the Republic of Ireland.

The Protestants support British rule while the Catholics don't.
It has also more to with the fact that many of the Protestants are descendants of England and Scotland.
It's more political and had no world-wide attacks that caused global problems.

The IRA were also sometimes at least half-decent enough to phone first and warn that a bomb was going to go off so the people could evacuate.....I don't think Al-Qaeda have ever done that  ;D

There is a tendency these days for massive political correctness but the fact is that most terrorist bombings and killings are committed by Moslems such as the recent attacks on Christians and churches in Nigeria.

If there was no 911 then I don't think the US would have attacked Middle Eastern countries.
The motivation for the terrorist attacks on 911 is probably due to American support of Israel as well as bases in Saudi Arabia and other absolute monarchies who are propped up by the West.
I believe they support Israel as it is a counter-weight in the region and helps maintain a balance of power that is also in the US interests so I can understand their reasoning.

Also as much as I despise the absolute monarchies, the bases are there to prop up those regimes in order to ensure a guaranteed oil supply. It does make sense even though I disagree with the concept.

But attacking the West via terrorism doesn't help the problem and neither does Moslem actions of pushing their religions in our faces and praying in the streets and making a big show of it etc. It only causes further resentment towards them.
In my opinion, their culture is generally incompatible with Western values and beliefs.

And yes there has been an erosion of freedoms in the West and there are a lot of problems which need sorting out, but compared to an Islamic state, there is still quite a lot of personal freedom such as freedom of association, speech, sexuality, religion etc.

However even these freedoms are not necessarily perfect either but still generally a lot better than in an Islamic or a non-secular state.


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Re: Exposing so called 'ex muslims'
« Reply #120 on: October 09, 2012, 10:17:52 AM »
I know of several ex-Moslems myself who are Pakistani and who prefer to live a normal life and are much happier now.

They are however quite well educated.


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Re: Exposing so called 'ex muslims'
« Reply #121 on: October 09, 2012, 10:47:48 AM »
Normal life? Alcohol, clubbing?  ::)

What us muslims are not normal for worshipping God, abstaining from alcohol, dressing modestly, amongst other things.

What is normal to you, may not be normal to others.


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Re: Exposing so called 'ex muslims'
« Reply #122 on: October 09, 2012, 10:50:12 AM »
Normal life? Alcohol, clubbing?  ::)

What us muslims are not normal for worshipping God, abstaining from alcohol, dressing modestly, amongst other things.

What is normal to you, may not be normal to others.

Like blowing up infidels for instance?


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Re: Exposing so called 'ex muslims'
« Reply #123 on: October 09, 2012, 10:55:21 AM »

Yes, or brutally lashing people for drinking wine, stoning women in pits for partaking in a fundamental human right, or cutting off the hands of candy thiefs.

Yeah - I don't do any of that stuff. How odd I must appear to those with a semtex waistcoat full of ball bearings wired to a backup phone detonator so their handler can murder them if they chicken out.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #124 on: October 09, 2012, 11:29:06 AM »
I'm not British...or Irish  ;D

Anyway, the terrorism conducted by the IRA was more of a political one to force Northern Ireland to be part of the Republic of Ireland.

So what you're saying is that it's OK to commit terrorism, long as it's motives are purely political, not religious? Is that what you're saying?

The Protestants support British rule while the Catholics don't.

Sounds like lines were drawn along religious lines to me

It has also more to with the fact that many of the Protestants are descendants of England and Scotland.
It's more political and had no world-wide attacks that caused global problems.

Uh... I beg to differ. There were attacks all over the place, but since alot of funds and lobbyists and a lot of dirty hands were in America, we didn't see much coverage in MSM in North America.

The IRA were also sometimes at least half-decent enough to phone first and warn that a bomb was going to go off so the people could evacuate.....I don't think Al-Qaeda have ever done that  ;D

You mean as opposed to today's new breed of terrorist & terrorist supporters who will only warn their well connected mayoral friends that perhaps they shouldn't fly that day?

There is a tendency these days for massive political correctness but the fact is that most terrorist bombings and killings are committed by Moslems such as the recent attacks on Christians and churches in Nigeria.

I believe that bombings & killings that are credited to muslims receive a whole heckuvalot of air time, but that most terrorist bombings and killings have been committed by governments either overtly or covertly, ...but since these actions have not be given the 'terrorism' label, have not been recognized as such by a dumbed down & drugged up body of people who have been rendered incapable of critical thought.

If there was no 911 then I don't think the US would have attacked Middle Eastern countries.

Of course they wouldn't have. That's exactly why 911 occured in the first place... in order to provide the diplomatic cover America needed to justify further incursion into the ME. It was the justification for the ushering in of the Patriot Act (written prior to 911) to clamp down on Americans, and the start of the takedown of the Republic. dismantling American rights piece by piece, ...with the support of a populace gripped by fear.

The motivation for the terrorist attacks on 911 is probably due to American support of Israel as well as bases in Saudi Arabia and other absolute monarchies who are propped up by the West.
I believe they support Israel as it is a counter-weight in the region and helps maintain a balance of power that is also in the US interests so I can understand their reasoning.

The motivation for the terrorist attacks on 911 was to position American to make war, with the support of her citizens. A citizenry in shock, after the mass triggering of the reptilian response in their pysches, which shut down their ability to think clearly. Goebbels would have been proud. Finally people started rallying behind the illegitimate pResident, ...the one who was pelted with eggs during his inauguration ceremony.

On September 10th, he was the village idiot from Texas.
On September 12th, he was The Commander in Chief.

so as much as I despise the absolute monarchies, the bases are there to prop up those regimes in order to ensure a guaranteed oil supply. It does make sense even though I disagree with the concept.

The bases are there to offer supposed protection from enemies who have previously been armed to the teeth by the very same people coming with offers of protection now.

But attacking the West via terrorism doesn't help the problem and neither does Moslem actions of pushing their religions in our faces and praying in the streets and making a big show of it etc. It only causes further resentment towards them.

When did Muslims attack the west?

In my opinion, their culture is generally incompatible with Western values and beliefs.

And what are these western values & beliefs that you believe are so incompatible with their culture?

And yes there has been an erosion of freedoms in the West and there are a lot of problems which need sorting out, but compared to an Islamic state, there is still quite a lot of personal freedom such as freedom of association, speech, sexuality, religion etc.

However even these freedoms are not necessarily perfect either but still generally a lot better than in an Islamic or a non-secular state.

ps: My apologies Ahmed. It looks like somehow this thread has veered off topic.  