Author Topic: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups  (Read 13626 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #50 on: May 13, 2013, 11:16:50 AM »
wait wait wait... do you know what the definition of a lie is...?

im extremely confused right now.. im looking for something that says "obama said this but did that..."

thats not what that link is dude what the fuck

In Obama's case - past performance is a perfect indicator of future results. 

There is nothing left to do but laugh at this clown you voted for TWICE

No one will be fired, no one will be reprimanded, nothing will happen other than a new scandal of obama's emerging and this one being forgotten about since the next one will be worse than the last. 

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #51 on: May 13, 2013, 11:42:30 AM »

The IRS: An Outlaw Tax Collector
 National Review ^ | 05/13/2013 | The Editors

On March 22, 2012, IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman testified under oath before the House Oversight Committee, which was inquiring as to whether the agency was targeting tea-party groups and other conservative organizations filing for tax-exempt status. He firmly and repeatedly denied that any such thing was happening. “There’s absolutely no targeting,” he said. A little over a year later, the IRS confirmed that it was in fact improperly targeting not only tea-party groups but also Jewish religious nonprofits and organizations inspired by Glenn Beck’s 9/12 Project.

Lori Lerner, the IRS official in charge of tax-exempt organizations, told reporters on Friday that her superiors had been unaware of the actions, which she blamed on a handful of low-level employees in a Cincinnati office. But the next day, the Associated Press confirmed that well before Shulman’s substantially untrue testimony before Congress, the IRS had convened a meeting with its chief lawyer to discuss the very thing the commissioner said was not happening. In early 2012, the IRS adopted a new variation on the policy, flagging the applications from, among others, organizations “educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights,” according to an internal report.

The IRS’s explanation was perfectly Washingtonian: “Mistakes were made.” But the agency’s actions do not appear to be mere mistakes; they give every indication of being misconduct with malice aforethought, a campaign of intimidation conducted by political partisans misusing government power and government resources. If so, those actions are not only unethical but criminal.

The organizations that were improperly targeted were subject to inquisitorial questioning in violation of IRS policies and practices. The IRS improperly demanded that conservative groups disclose lists of donors — 501(c)(4) donors can remain anonymous under the law — as well as political literature, contacts with political figures and activists, even activities of friends and family members not related to the organizations in question. Jewish groups were quizzed about their theological beliefs and their opinions on Israel.

There are at least three separate categories of wrongdoing here. The first is the targeting of groups that were believed to be critical of the Obama administration or the federal government in general. The second is the demanding of information that was irrelevant to the tax-status questions at hand, which would have been wrong even if the practice had been applied evenhandedly across the political spectrum. The third is the misleading of Congress and the public about these practices.

The IRS is one of the most powerful agencies in the federal government, with fearsome powers that the Department of Homeland Security can only dream of having. (Does DHS subject Americans to mandatory annual questioning about their personal lives, family arrangements, finances, business practices, travel, etc.?) It has a history of being used as a tool of political retaliation, not only by the Nixon administration but at least as far back as Franklin D. Roosevelt. An agency with that kind of power, with access to sensitive information on every individual, business, church, charity, and school in the country, must conduct itself according to the very highest standards. The IRS does not.

This episode is not the only reason we have had to question the rectitude of the IRS’s conduct in recent years. Somehow, Mitt Romney’s tax returns managed to be leaked, as did documents from American Crossroads, the organization associated with Republican strategist Karl Rove. The misuse of confidential IRS documents is a crime, and a serious one.

To target individuals and organizations because of their political and religious beliefs is a serious offense to our constitutional order. To use federal employees, offices, and records to do so is the misappropriation of government funds and other resources.

The IRS is a bureau of the Treasury Department, which means that Treasury Secretary Jack Lew bears some responsibility here, though the bulk of the misdeeds seem to have been done before his tenure. Rather than disclosing these actions voluntarily, the IRS has attempted to hide them and to obscure the culpability of its employees. Lois Lerner told National Review on Friday that no disciplinary action had been taken against any employee, and then retracted that statement, saying that she would not discuss the subject. But disciplinary action — at least — is clearly called for. The IRS’s failure to be fully forthcoming on this issue, and the lack of satisfactory steps toward reform and transparency, must weigh substantially upon our evaluation of Lew’s leadership.

This is a matter for congressional investigation, which will be forthcoming, but also for criminal investigation, which to our knowledge is not yet under way. President Obama and his Treasury secretary owe the country a full and honest explanation of how this was allowed to happen. But if Benghazi has shown anything, it is that this administration cannot be counted upon for such assessments. It therefore falls to the relevant oversight committees in the House and the Senate to flush out the truth of this matter, and to recommend legislative reforms to bring this outlaw agency to heel.

________________________ _______________

and not a damn thing was done to fire these people or end the practice.


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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #52 on: May 13, 2013, 12:11:24 PM »
and the old "they started it" argument shows itself once again!  i honestly don't know how an adult could post somehting like this and stand behind it.  once again you've devolved into arguing like a 16 year old girl who's mad at her boyfriend.  i'm way too old for this shit.

Tell me about it.  It's a way to avoid actually dealing with the issue. 

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #53 on: May 13, 2013, 12:18:52 PM »

In Obama's case - past performance is a perfect indicator of future results. 

There is nothing left to do but laugh at this clown you voted for TWICE

No one will be fired, no one will be reprimanded, nothing will happen other than a new scandal of obama's emerging and this one being forgotten about since the next one will be worse than the last. 

ok.. since you want to go there...i can laugh at all of your LANDSLIDE COMING.. but i guess you were right about a LANDSLIDE...just the wrong side

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #54 on: May 13, 2013, 12:22:33 PM »

In Obama's case - past performance is a perfect indicator of future results. 

There is nothing left to do but laugh at this clown you voted for TWICE

No one will be fired, no one will be reprimanded, nothing will happen other than a new scandal of obama's emerging and this one being forgotten about since the next one will be worse than the last. 

Dude.. seriously...thats awful. Your Predictions on what someone else would do cant justify you calling them a liar.. like you dont understand the term liar...thats just gross.. dude your training as a lawyer should make you better than this.. cmon dude this drives me nuts that you dont see this.. And it alarms me that youre an adult with this thought process and arent afraid to tout it all over the place...Youre annextremely irrational thinker

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #56 on: May 13, 2013, 04:54:19 PM »
and the old "they started it" argument shows itself once again!  i honestly don't know how an adult could post somehting like this and stand behind it.  once again you've devolved into arguing like a 16 year old girl who's mad at her boyfriend.  i'm way too old for this shit.

Shit, that's been the standard tactic since Day #1...Bush did it!

And the really funny thing is, most people here didn't even support Bush.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #57 on: May 13, 2013, 06:21:23 PM »

IRS Commissioner Learned Of Tea Party Targeting In May 2012


WASHINGTON — Acting Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Steven T. Miller repeatedly failed to tell Congress that tea party groups were being inappropriately targeted, even after he had been briefed on the matter.

The IRS said Monday that Miller was first informed on May, 3, 2012, that applications for tax-exempt status by tea party groups were inappropriately singled out for extra, sometimes burdensome scrutiny.

At least twice after the briefing, Miller wrote letters to members of Congress to explain the process of reviewing applications for tax-exempt status without revealing that tea party groups had been targeted. On July 25, 2012, Miller testified before the House Ways and Means oversight subcommittee but again was not forthcoming on the issue – despite being asked about it.

At the hearing, Rep. Kenny Marchant, R-Texas, told Miller that some politically active tax-exempt groups in his district had complained about being harassed. Marchant did not explicitly ask if tea party groups were being targeted. But he did ask how applications were handled.

Miller responded, "We did group those organizations together to ensure consistency, to ensure quality. We continue to work those cases," according to a transcript on the committee's website.

He added, "It is my hope that some of the noise that we heard earlier this year has abated as we continue to work through these cases."

Earlier, Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La., had raised concerns with the IRS about complaints that tea party groups were being harassed. Boustany specifically mentioned tea party groups in his inquiry.

But in a June 15, 2012, letter to Boustany, Miller gave a generic response. He said that when the IRS saw an increase in applications from groups that were involved in political activity, the agency "took steps to coordinate the handling of the case to ensure consistency."

He added that agents worked with tax law experts "to develop approaches and materials that could be helpful to the agents working the cases."

Miller did not mention that in 2011, those materials included a list of words to watch for, such as "tea party" and "patriot." He also didn't disclose that in January 2012, the criteria for additional screening was updated to include references to the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

"They repeatedly failed to disclose and be truthful about what they were doing," said Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.

Camp's committee is holding a hearing on the issue Friday and Miller is scheduled to testify.

"We are going to need to find out how much he knew," Camp said of Miller.

The Senate Finance Committee announced Monday that it will join a growing list of congressional committees investigating the matter.

The IRS apologized Friday for what it acknowledged was "inappropriate" targeting of conservative political groups during the 2012 election to see whether they were violating their tax-exempt status. In some cases, the IRS acknowledged, agents inappropriately asked for lists of donors.

The agency blamed low-level employees in a Cincinnati office, saying no high-level officials were aware.

When members of Congress repeatedly raised concerns with the IRS about complaints that tea party groups were being harassed last year, a deputy IRS commissioner took the lead in assuring lawmakers that the additional scrutiny was a legitimate part of the screening process.

That deputy commissioner was Miller, who is now the acting head of the agency.

Camp and other members of the Ways and Means Committee sent at least four inquiries to the IRS, starting in June 2011. Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, sent three inquiries. And Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House oversight committee, sent at least one.

None of the responses they received from the IRS acknowledged that conservative groups had ever been targeted, including a response to Hatch dated Sept. 11, 2012 – four months after Miller had been briefed.

In several letters to members of Congress, Miller went into painstaking detail about how applications for tax-exempt status were screened. But he never mentioned that conservative groups were being targeted, even though people working under him knew as early as June 2011 that tea party groups were being targeted, according to an upcoming report by the agency's inspector general.

"It is almost inconceivable to imagine that top officials at the IRS knew conservative groups were being targeted but chose to willfully mislead the committee's investigation into this practice," Camp said. "This revelation goes against the very principles of free speech and liberty upon which this country was founded, and the blatant disregard for which the agency has treated Congress and the American taxpayer raises serious concerns about leadership at the IRS."

The IRS issued a statement Monday saying that Miller had been briefed on May 3, 2012 "that some specific applications were improperly identified by name and sent to the (exempt organizations) centralized processing unit for further review." That was the unit in Cincinnati that handled the tea party applications.

Miller became acting commissioner in November, after Commissioner Douglas Shulman completed his five-year term. Shulman had been appointed by President George W. Bush.

On June 29, 2011, Lois G. Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt organizations, learned at a meeting that groups were being targeted, according to a draft of the report by the Treasury inspector general for tax administration.

At the meeting, Lerner was told that groups with "Tea Party," `'Patriot" or "9/12 Project" in their names were being flagged for additional and often burdensome scrutiny, the report says. Lerner instructed agents to change the criteria for flagging groups "immediately."

However, when Lerner responded to inquiries from the House oversight committee, she didn't mention the fact that tea party groups had ever been targeted. Her responses included 45-page letters in May 2012 to Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who chairs the committee, and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who chairs a subcommittee.

Lerner also met twice with staff from the House Ways and Means oversight subcommittee to discuss the issue, in March and in May 2012, according to a timeline constructed by committee staff. She didn't mention at either meeting that conservative groups had been targeted, according to the timeline.

"Knowing what we know now, the IRS was at best being far from forth coming, or at worst, being deliberately dishonest with Congress," Hatch said Monday.

On Monday, President Barack Obama said he first learned about the issue from news reports on Friday. White House spokesman Jay Carney said the White House counsel's office was alerted the week of April 22 that the inspector general was finishing a report concerning the IRS office in Cincinnati. But, he said, the counsel's office did not get the report and the president did not learn the focus until Friday.

"If, in fact, IRS personnel engaged in the kind of practices that had been reported on and were intentionally targeting conservative groups, then that's outrageous and there's no place for it," Obama said Monday at a press conference. "And they have to be held fully accountable, because the IRS as an independent agency requires absolute integrity, and people have to have confidence that they're applying it in a non-partisan way, applying the laws in a non-partisan way."


Associated Press reporters Jim Abrams and Henry C. Jackson contributed to this report.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #58 on: May 13, 2013, 06:36:54 PM »
IRS officials in Washington were involved in targeting of conservative groups
By Juliet Eilperin and Zachary A. Goldfarb, Updated: Monday, May 13, 8:09 PM
Internal Revenue Service officials in Washington and at least two other offices were involved in the targeting of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, making clear that the effort reached well beyond the branch in Cincinnati that was initially blamed, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post.

IRS officials at the agency’s Washington headquarters sent queries to conservative groups asking about their donors and other aspects of their operations, while officials in the El Monte and Laguna Niguel offices in California sent similar questionnaires to tea party-affiliated groups.

IRS employees in Cincinnati also told conservatives seeking the status of “social welfare” groups that a task force in Washington was overseeing their applications, according to interviews with the activists.

Lois G. Lerner, who oversees tax-exempt groups for the IRS, told reporters on Friday that the “absolutely inappropriate” actions were undertaken by “front-line people” working in Cincinnati to target groups with “tea party,” “patriot” or “9/12” in their names.

In one instance, however, Ron Bell, an IRS employee, informed an attorney representing a conservative group focused on voter fraud that the application was under review in Washington. On several other occasions, IRS officials in Washington and California sent conservative groups detailed questionnaires about their voter outreach and other activities, according to the documents.

“For the IRS to say it was some low-level group in Cincinnati is simply false,” said Cleta Mitchell, a partner in the law firm Foley & Lardner LLP who sought to communicate with IRS headquarters about the delay in granting tax-exempt status to True the Vote.

Moreover, details of the IRS’s efforts to target conservative groups reached the highest levels of the agency in May 2012, far earlier than has been disclosed, according to Republican congressional aides briefed by the IRS and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) on the details of their reviews.

Then commissioner, Douglas Shulman, a George W. Bush appointee who stepped down in November, received a briefing from the TIGTA about what was happening in the Cincinnati office in May 2012, the aides said. His deputy and the agency’s current acting commissioner, Steven T. Miller, also learned about the matter that month, the aides said.

The officials did not share details with Republican lawmakers who had been demanding to know whether the IRS was targeting conservative groups, Republicans said.

“I wrote to the IRS three times last year after hearing concerns that conservative groups were being targeted,” Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah), the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, said in a statement Monday. “In response to the first letter I sent with some of my colleagues, Steven Miller, the current Acting IRS Commissioner, responded that these groups weren’t being targeted.”

“Knowing what we know now,” he added, “the IRS was at best being far from forth coming, or at worst, being deliberately dishonest with Congress.”

As new details emerged Monday, Democrats and Republicans alike decried the agency’s actions as an unacceptable abuse of power.

In a news conference on Monday, Obama said he learned of it in media reports on Friday and has “no patience with it.”

“If in fact IRS personnel engaged in the kind of practices that have been reported on, and were intentionally targeting conservative groups, then that’s outrageous,” Obama said. “And there’s no place for it. And they have to be held fully accountable.”

White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters Monday that the White House counsel’s office learned of an upcoming IRS inspector’s general report on April 22 as part of a routine notification, but had not received access to the report.

On Capitol Hill, two Senate panels — the Finance Committee and the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations — announced Monday that they will investigate. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the Ways and Means Committee have been looking into IRS attempts to single out organizations on the right for heightened scrutiny. Ways and Means has called IRS officials to testify Friday.

“These actions by the IRS are an outrageous abuse of power and a breach of the public’s trust,” said Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.). “The IRS will now be the ones put under additional scrutiny.”

Separately, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) introduced companion bills Monday that would require the IRS to fire any employee found “willfully” violating “the constitutional rights of a taxpayer,” according to statements by both lawmakers. The bills also would make them criminally liable for their actions.

Even as Obama vowed that his administration “will make sure that we find out exactly what happened on this,” however, the IRS offered no new information on how it selected which groups to single out for scrutiny.

The White House is legally prohibited from contacting the IRS about a tax matter, under a prohibition adopted after the Watergate scandal. And although it can contact the Treasury Department about tax issues, neither Treasury nor the IRS can disclose specific taxpayer information. The IRS can release information only about a petition for tax-exempt status once it has been approved.

Obama is not in a position to remove Lerner, a career official who can be terminated for cause only under normal civil service proceedings. The IRS has two political appointees: the commissioner, who serves a five-year term, and the chief counsel.

As the IRS came under broader political attack Monday, more details surfaced on how the tax-exempt organizations division struggled to determine which nonprofits should receive “social welfare” status after the 2010 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling. That decision, which allowed corporations and unions to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money on elections, opened the door for groups to accept undisclosed contributions as long as their “primary purpose” was not politics.

In a Jan. 9, 2012, letter to the Richmond Tea Party, IRS specialist Stephen Seok asked questions including “the names of the donors, contributors and grantors,” as well as the size of the contributions and grants, and when they were given.

Richmond Tea Party President Larry Nordvig, whose group applied for tax-exempt status in December 2009 and received it in July 2012, said the extended inquiry had “a very chilling effect” on how much money the group could raise because its donors preferred anonymity.

The Wetumpka Tea Party of Alabama experienced a two-year delay after submitting its initial application.

Becky Gerritson, a 44-year-old stay-at-home mother and the group’s president, said the IRS sent a questionnaire asking for the names of all volunteers, donor identification and contribution amounts, the names of any legislators its members had communicated with directly or indirectly, and the contents of all speeches its members had made, among a long list of other details.

“I was outraged,” Gerritson said. “Being an election year, I felt like it was intimidation.”

The group did not provide the information. Approval came only after the group sought help from the American Center for Law and Justice, which threatened a lawsuit against the IRS, Gerritson said.

Although some of the groups were explicitly labeled “tea party” or “patriot,” others that came under intense scrutiny were focused on challenging the Affordable Care Act — known by many as Obamacare — or the integrity of federal elections.

In a June 3, 2011, letter to the IRS, Mitchell questioned the agency’s motivations for delaying recognition of one of her clients who had filed nearly two years earlier, writing, “Is the [group’s] opposition to Obamacare and the takeover of America’s healthcare system by the government the reason that this application has been held up and not approved?”

Catherine Engelbrecht, president of the Houston-based True the Vote, first filed for tax-exempt status in July 2010. At one point, Engelbrecht — who is still awaiting a determination from the IRS regarding her voting rights organization and a separate tea party group, King Street Patriots — said an IRS employee informed her: “I’m just doing what Washington is telling me to do. I’m just asking what they want me to ask.”

The IRS did not respond to requests for comment Monday.

Josh Hicks and Julie Tate contributed to this report.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #59 on: May 13, 2013, 06:43:55 PM »
Koch Industries Lawyer to White House: How Did You Get Our Tax Information?

1:31 PM, Sep 20, 2010• By JOHN MCCORMACK

Lately, the White House and its allies have been drawing attention to the political activities of libertarian billionaires Charles and David Koch. In an August 9 speech, President Obama singled out Americans for Prosperity, a free-market political group founded by David Koch in 2004. In the wake of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, Obama said:

Right now all around this country there are groups with harmless-sounding names like Americans for Prosperity, who are running millions of dollars of ads against Democratic candidates all across the country.  And they don't have to say who exactly the Americans for Prosperity are.  You don't know if it’s a foreign-controlled corporation.  You don't know if it’s a big oil company, or a big bank.  You don't know if it’s a insurance company that wants to see some of the provisions in health reform repealed because it’s good for their bottom line, even if it’s not good for the American people.
"Using a great deal" of research by the left-wing Center for American Progress, the New Yorker's Jane Mayer reported in the magazine's August 30 issue that the Kochs are "waging a war against Obama." Reason's Nick Gillespie argued that Mayer's report was nothing more than "sly innuendo and revelations as lame as they are breathless," but that hasn't stopped top Democrats from blasting the Kochs for funding the Democrats' political opposition.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #60 on: May 13, 2013, 06:50:32 PM »
There was a scandal exactly like this with Clinton in the 90's.  anybody remember that?  Can't find the details on it now but I remember the same issue coming up with the story of Pres. Clinton going after opponents with the IRS.

You would think Hillary would have said, "Obama, don't do that shit, it made us look bad when we tried to do it" but I guess not lol...

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #61 on: May 14, 2013, 02:52:57 AM »
Will The IRS Abuse Its ObamaCare Enforcement Powers Too?
Investor's Business Daily ^ | May 11, 2013 | IBD EDITORIALS
Posted on May 13, 2013 9:08:48 PM EDT by raptor22

Tax Abuse: As nonconservative groups complain of politically motivated targeting by the IRS, we're reminded it's the IRS that's going to be enforcing one of the greatest expansions of government power in our history.

In recent days we've come to know what is meant by the adage that the power to tax is the power to destroy. Our country was born in revolt against taxation used by a tyrant to control and stifle liberty, and this is not the first president to abuse this power.

Back in May 2009, Professor Glenn Reynolds, better known to his followers as Instapundit, wrote an Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal recounting how President Obama, who had been refused an honorary doctorate by Arizona State University, remarked: "President (Michael) Crowe and the Board of Regents will soon learn all about being audited by the IRS."

It wasn't that funny then, and it's definitely not funny now that conservative groups have been a target of IRS harassment and intimidation.

The Washington Post reports that of 298 groups selected for special scrutiny, according to a congressional aide it talked to, 72 had "tea party" in their title, 13 had "patriot" and 11 had "9/12."

According to documents obtained by the Post, IRS exempt organizations division chief Lois G. Lerner, who has "apologized" for the agency's actions, objected in a meeting held June 29, 2011, with IRS staffers in which they described giving special attention to instances where "statements in the case file criticize how the country is being run."

Yet only six months later, on Jan. 15, 2012, the agency decided to look at "political-action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform movement," according to the appendix in an Inspector General's report.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #62 on: May 14, 2013, 03:18:00 AM »
NBC's Todd: Where Are Obama And The Democrats On 'Outrageous' IRS Story?
Independent Journal ^ | May 13, 2013 | Michael Miller
Posted on May 14, 2013 4:59:37 AM EDT by Colofornian

As the IRS controversy over targeting The Tea Party grew even more troublesome over the weekend, Barack Obama and the Democrats were nowhere to be found. No statements. No Comments. No condemnation.

Fox News is reporting that the IRS may have been casting an even wider net, saying agents could have unfairly targeted groups that touted better government economic policy and debt pay-down. Also among the targeted: Groups that tried to educate about the Constitution or government policy critics, Fox News said.

Unlike the Benghazi scandal, which the mainstream media virtually ignored for eight months, the IRS controversy already has a few liberal commentators riled up. One of them is NBC’s Chuck Todd:

“I have to say though, Tom (Brokaw), that he (Obama) had a chance Friday afternoon … he had a healthcare event about 3:30 or 4:00 in the afternoon. He had an opportunity to say something. I think they let Jay Carney’s words speak; I thought they were very weak; it didn’t seem like they had a sense of urgency about it – a real sense of outrage.”

“And then look at the reaction of the entire Democratic Party … Why aren’t there more Democrats jumping on this? This is outrageous – no matter what political party you are …”

“Maybe they were distracted by Benghazi; maybe they made the decision they didn’t want it to be about healthcare. I raised this question – where was the outrage? And the only pushback was, ‘Well, Jay Carney spoke about this at the press briefing, he was pretty strong.’ It didn’t sound very strong to me.”

“I think this story has more legs – politically in 2014 – than Benghazi.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #63 on: May 14, 2013, 03:28:36 AM »

The IRS is a weapon, a massive entity and a political tool.

Always has been, and as long as it exists, ...always will be.... regardless of whatever administration is in office.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #65 on: May 14, 2013, 04:43:10 AM »
The IRS Targeting Scandal Could Disrupt Obamacare

Josh Boak and Eric Planin, The Fiscal Times|57 minutes ago|270|3

The Internal Revenue Service’s scandalous targeting of Tea Party-themed and other conservative groups could severely damage President Obama – but it’s not necessarily because anyone close to the White House sanctioned the allegedly independent actions by the tax collection agency.
In fact, the president was quick on Monday to condemn the actions exposed in an inspector general's report being released later this week.
The real fallout could be that it will impede Obamacare, which passed in 2010 under the official title of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
The IRS will largely administer this attempt at providing near-universal health insurance. It is responsible for overseeing the tax credits and tax increases in the law, and—most critically—ensuring that businesses and individuals comply with the individual mandate and other major provisions.
Prominent Republicans are already connecting the unpopular insurance program to the questions swirling around the IRS targeting of non-profits that grew out of the Tea Party movement.
For them, the scandal is just what the doctor ordered, a chance to attack the IRS--a perennial punching bag--as politically tainted while linking the scandal back to a massive implementation challenge confronting the administration. The House plans a symbolic vote this week to repeal Obamacare, the 37th time it has done so.
Former House Speaker and GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich declared Monday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," "How can you put Obamacare under the Internal Revenue Service?
 “Why would you trust the bureaucracy with your health if you can’t trust the bureaucracy with your politics?" he said. "There are bureaucrats in the IRS who are capable of ruining your life while lying about it.”
"Americans should remember that this same corrupt IRS will be in charge of enforcing Obamacare," Sarah Palin wrote on her Facebook page Friday.  "Forgive me for not trusting these big government promises any more than I trust the White House’s latest Benghazi spin or the IRS’ fairness."
Ahead of a House Ways and Means Committee hearing this Friday about the IRS scandal, Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn., said the IRS has no business monitoring anyone's health insurance information. "I will not rest until the full scope of the IRS’ corruption is uncovered, the guilty parties are held accountable, and actions are taken to ensure this never happens again," Black, a member of the committee, told Newsmax.
The IRS has undermined its own credibility on the issue. It initially claimed before a congressional committee that conservative groups were not under a special microscope. The agency then apologized last week for targeting that supposedly occurred out of a Cincinnati field office. But a new report by the Washington Post on Monday says that IRS officials in Washington and California also queried conservative groups, who were told at the time that a Washington-based task force was overseeing their applications.
But long before the current uproar over the IRS scrutiny of these politically motivated groups seeking non-profit status, Republicans were challenging budget and staffing levels at the IRS and demanding to know how much the agency intended to spend to implement Obama’s health care reform law.
The agency has been saddled with an expanding workload and relatively flat funding levels for years that have left the IRS unable to adequately perform its primary duties – collecting taxes, overseeing audits, and providing the public with reasonable service.
As a result, the agency has struggled to collect the hundreds of billions of dollars a year that the government is owed but not paid, Nina E. Olson, the national taxpayer advocate, said in her annual report to Congress last year.
Last June, a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report estimated that the IRS would spend $881 million of taxpayers’ money to implement the first four years of Obamacare, including about $500 million that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) diverted to the agency.
The Administration has requested $440 million as part of its 2014 budget proposal to help the IRS prepare for implementing the health care law. And the IRS has estimated that it would need to assign a total of 2,195 employees to deal with health care reform by the end of this year.
Some Republicans believe that the IRS and administration are intentionally low-balling the actual cost and manpower needs. In March, Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La., the chairman of the House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee, called on the acting IRS commissioner Steven T. Miller to provide a detailed accounting on the costs of administering Obamacare.
Now with House Republican leaders furious about how the IRS treated conservative groups—despite their past denials— several analysts say it is possible the controversy could be used as another excuse to cut agency funding and manpower to further thwart implementing Obamacare.
“When people look at funding the IRS they’re going to take into account everything that’s out there,” said Floyd Williams, a former legislative affairs director for the IRS who is now with a private Washington public policy strategies firm. “It’s no secret some in Congress have been trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, let alone limit IRS funding for enforcement . . . . [The] IRS has already suffered the past three years with a status quo budget, which basically is a reduction, especially if you look at people who retired and haven’t been able to be replaced. Now, you have sequestration coming up. All of that added together spells trouble for the IRS and tax law enforcement.”
Paul Van de Water, a health care policy expert with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, cautioned that “it’s hard to tell at this point”  what -- if any -- effect the flap over the IRS’s dealing with conservative groups will have on funding for Affordable Care Act enforcement.
“It seems to me that Republicans haven’t lacked for reasons not to provide enough funding for the IRS in the past, so it’s not as if they need a new reason to do so, but who knows? When you get into the realm of politics, all sorts of strange things can happen.”
Under the legislation, the IRS will provide insurance premium tax credits to help low and moderate income people purchase health coverage. It also will impose penalties on employers that fail to provide insurance and individuals who decline to purchase the coverage made available to them.
But even without Obamacare, this week’s scandal does have some legs of its own.
The investigative journalism non-profit ProPublica reported Monday that it had received at the end of last year from the IRS Cincinnati office the confidential and pending applications for tax exemption from nine conservative groups.
While many organizations bearing the Tea Party name are small players, the applications provided in response to a Freedom of Information Act request included forms submitted by the Karl Rove-linked Crossroads GPS and Americans for Responsible Leadership, an Arizona-based group that supported Republican presidential candidate with more than $5.2 million in expenditures.
More from The Fiscal Times:
Diamonds: A Better Safe Haven Than Gold?
Detroit Needs a Miracle As It Sinks Deeper in Debt
Has Obama Taken a Page Out of Nixon’s Playbook?
This story was originally published by  The Fiscal Times.

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #66 on: May 14, 2013, 05:48:47 AM »
wait wait wait... do you know what the definition of a lie is...?

I looked up the word in the dictionary and all it showed was this:

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #67 on: May 14, 2013, 10:12:06 AM »
Posted on May 14, 2013, 11:40:00 AM EDT by Perdogg

The progressive-leaning investigative journalism group ProPublica says the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) office that targeted and harassed conservative tax-exempt groups during the 2012 election cycle gave the progressive group nine confidential applications of conservative groups whose tax-exempt status was pending.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #68 on: May 14, 2013, 12:00:58 PM »
Uh oh. 

Cleta Mitchell to Newsmax: IRS Scandal Reaches to White House
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
By Melanie Batley and Kathleen Walter

Cleta Mitchell, one of Washington's most respected elections attorneys, told Newsmax she has tangible proof that high-ranking IRS officials in Washington were fully aware of the agency's campaign to target conservative groups for heightened scrutiny, despite their denials.

And she thinks the president knew about the practice too. If proven, she said, it could be an impeachable offense.

Mitchell, in an interview with Newsmax TV on Tuesday, said she was told by a Cincinnati IRS agent that applications by two of her conservative clients were being processed by — and would ultimately be approved or denied — in Washington.

She said she also is aware of nearly 100 other conservative groups that were being targeted by Washington.

Editor's Note: Video Exposes Dangers of Obamacare Law

"There were nearly 100 groups across the country that got the very egregious set of letters from the IRS that were almost identical and they came from offices all over the country so I know of at least 85 to 90, maybe more, organizations," said Mitchell, who represents six groups which say they have been targeted, including the King Street Patriots and True the Vote.

"If they had the name "tea party" or they had the word "patriots" or if their mission was smaller government or study the Constitution, believe it or not, that would cause the IRS to say, 'Oh we better investigate these groups.'"

She added she had two clients whose group's purpose was to lobby against Obamacare, both of which received extra IRS scrutiny. And of the clients who have gone public with their claims, they received "incredible scrutiny, voluminous requests for information, documents, almost like having been audited before they even are an exempt organization."

In the case of one such client, she and her family subsequently became targets for audits to their personal and business tax returns, and were even visited by three different government agencies. She also knows of other groups who had surprise visits from the FBI after they applied for IRS status.

Mitchell said she doesn't believe that the president or the White House was uninvolved in the IRS activities, as the administration has claimed.

"I've thought for some time that this is politically motivated and that's the reason it was happening. And, as I said, I've been doing this for more than 20 years and I've never seen anything like this until 2009, 2010. And the only thing that changed was we had a different administration," she said.

"We know that the White House used the Department of Health and Human Services to try to silence critics about Obamacare. So if we know that they used HHS, why wouldn't they also use the IRS or other federal agencies to try to silence political critics?"

Mitchell credits Congress for investigating the matter but says they have had limited effectiveness because she believes the IRS has lied even to lawmakers during hearings last year.

"They've been very helpful but the fact is the IRS has lied and covered up, even to the members of Congress," she said. "The problem is they've had hearings — the IRS commissioner basically lied to the Congress last year when he appeared before Congress and they asked him about this targeting conservative groups and he said it wasn't true. Well, no, we find out yes, it was true."

She added, "They may try to say it was low-level people. It was not low-level people. They weren't in Cincinnati. It was being directed out of Washington, and I have them on record saying that."

Editor's Note: Video Exposes Dangers of Obamacare Law

Mitchell said the IRS practices are in violation of federal law.

She said it's "a criminal offense to misuse information submitted by a taxpayer or an entity, anybody who submits anything to the IRS. The IRS agents are limited in what they can do with it, the scope of what they can say and do with it. So, clearly, the federal law has been broken."

Asked whether it would be an impeachable offence if it emerged that the president or his officials were behind the IRS's practices, Mitchell said, "Well, it certainly was for Richard Nixon 40 years ago this week."

She added, "Isn't that ironic? The House of Representatives passed articles of impeachment against President Richard Nixon 40 years ago this week on May 18, and one of those was misuse of the IRS to go after political enemies."


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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #69 on: May 14, 2013, 12:04:19 PM »
Shoe Horn as u see fit. 3 can highlight the ones that fit the best...apparently we can use douchbag commie as a charge.

Article 1
RESOLVED, That Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanours, and that the following articles of impeachment to be exhibited to the Senate:



In his conduct of the office of President of the United States, Richard M. Nixon, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his consitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, in that:

On June 17, 1972, and prior thereto, agents of the Committee for the Re-election of the President committed unlawful entry of the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, District of Columbia, for the purpose of securing political intelligence. Subsequent thereto, Richard M. Nixon, using the powers of his high office, engaged personally and through his close subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or plan designed to delay, impede, and obstruct the investigation of such illegal entry; to cover up, conceal and protect those responsible; and to conceal the existence and scope of other unlawful covert activities.

The means used to implement this course of conduct or plan included one or more of the following:

1.making false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;

2.withholding relevant and material evidence or information from lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States;

3.approving, condoning, acquiescing in, and counselling witnesses with respect to the giving of false or misleading statements to lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States and false or misleading testimony in duly instituted judicial and congressional proceedings;

4.interfering or endeavouring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force, and Congressional Committees;

5.approving, condoning, and acquiescing in, the surreptitious payment of substantial sums of money for the purpose of obtaining the silence or influencing the testimony of witnesses, potential witnesses or individuals who participated in such unlawful entry and other illegal activities;

6.endeavouring to misuse the Central Intelligence Agency, an agency of the United States;

7.disseminating information received from officers of the Department of Justice of the United States to subjects of investigations conducted by lawfully authorized investigative officers and employees of the United States, for the purpose of aiding and assisting such subjects in their attempts to avoid criminal liability;

8.making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of personnel of the executive branch of the United States and personnel of the Committee for the Re-election of the President, and that there was no involvement of such personnel in such misconduct: or

9.endeavouring to cause prospective defendants, and individuals duly tried and convicted, to expect favoured treatment and consideration in return for their silence or false testimony, or rewarding individuals for their silence or false testimony.
In all of this, Richard M. Nixon has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as President and subversive of constitutional government, to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.

Wherefore Richard M. Nixon, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office.


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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #70 on: May 14, 2013, 12:05:56 PM »
Chicago Marxist street criminals.


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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #71 on: May 14, 2013, 12:11:19 PM »
NBC's Todd: Where Are Obama And The Democrats On 'Outrageous' IRS Story?
Independent Journal ^ | May 13, 2013 | Michael Miller
Posted on May 14, 2013 4:59:37 AM EDT by Colofornian

As the IRS controversy over targeting The Tea Party grew even more troublesome over the weekend, Barack Obama and the Democrats were nowhere to be found. No statements. No Comments. No condemnation.

Fox News is reporting that the IRS may have been casting an even wider net, saying agents could have unfairly targeted groups that touted better government economic policy and debt pay-down. Also among the targeted: Groups that tried to educate about the Constitution or government policy critics, Fox News said.

Unlike the Benghazi scandal, which the mainstream media virtually ignored for eight months, the IRS controversy already has a few liberal commentators riled up. One of them is NBC’s Chuck Todd:

“I have to say though, Tom (Brokaw), that he (Obama) had a chance Friday afternoon … he had a healthcare event about 3:30 or 4:00 in the afternoon. He had an opportunity to say something. I think they let Jay Carney’s words speak; I thought they were very weak; it didn’t seem like they had a sense of urgency about it – a real sense of outrage.”

“And then look at the reaction of the entire Democratic Party … Why aren’t there more Democrats jumping on this? This is outrageous – no matter what political party you are …”

“Maybe they were distracted by Benghazi; maybe they made the decision they didn’t want it to be about healthcare. I raised this question – where was the outrage? And the only pushback was, ‘Well, Jay Carney spoke about this at the press briefing, he was pretty strong.’ It didn’t sound very strong to me.”

“I think this story has more legs – politically in 2014 – than Benghazi.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Oh shit u lost chuck!

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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #72 on: May 14, 2013, 12:37:21 PM »
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Carney: White House notified of IRS targeting ‘several weeks ago;’ Obama: I found out Friday ^ | 5-14-2013 | Sarah Hofmann
Posted on May 14, 2013, 2:31:49 PM EDT by servo1969

Full Title - "Carney: White House notified of IRS targeting tea party ‘several weeks ago;’ Obama: I found out Friday [VIDEO]"

White House press secretary Jay Carney said in a press conference Tuesday that the White House was notified about the IRS targeting tea party groups “several weeks ago.” This comes a day after President Obama said he found out about it from news reports on Friday of last week.

During a press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday, President Obama was asked about the IRS scandal. He responded, ”I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this. I think it was on Friday.”

However, Carney said Tuesday that first a report had to be compiled by the IRS’s inspector general and then when it was completed, it was passed on to the administration.

“A notification is appropriate and routine and that is what happened and that happened several weeks ago,” Carney said.

Carney said the White House will not make a formal statement until a complete IG report is released.

Carney said later in the press conference that although the White House was notified “weeks ago” about the IRS investigaton, neither he nor the president were notified individually.


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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #73 on: May 14, 2013, 12:43:57 PM »
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Carney: White House notified of IRS targeting ‘several weeks ago;’ Obama: I found out Friday ^ | 5-14-2013 | Sarah Hofmann
Posted on May 14, 2013, 2:31:49 PM EDT by servo1969

Full Title - "Carney: White House notified of IRS targeting tea party ‘several weeks ago;’ Obama: I found out Friday [VIDEO]"

White House press secretary Jay Carney said in a press conference Tuesday that the White House was notified about the IRS targeting tea party groups “several weeks ago.” This comes a day after President Obama said he found out about it from news reports on Friday of last week.

During a press conference with British Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday, President Obama was asked about the IRS scandal. He responded, ”I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this. I think it was on Friday.”

However, Carney said Tuesday that first a report had to be compiled by the IRS’s inspector general and then when it was completed, it was passed on to the administration.

“A notification is appropriate and routine and that is what happened and that happened several weeks ago,” Carney said.

Carney said the White House will not make a formal statement until a complete IG report is released.

Carney said later in the press conference that although the White House was notified “weeks ago” about the IRS investigaton, neither he nor the president were notified individually.


I'm almost at a loss for words.  Big lies.  Little fibs.  Misdirection.  There is a stench emanating from this administration. 

I'm on the verge of calling this administration corrupt. 


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Re: IRS apologizes for targeting Conservative Groups
« Reply #74 on: May 14, 2013, 12:48:45 PM »

In Obama's case - past performance is a perfect indicator of future results. 

There is nothing left to do but laugh at this clown you voted for TWICE

No one will be fired, no one will be reprimanded, nothing will happen other than a new scandal of obama's emerging and this one being forgotten about since the next one will be worse than the last. 

Except they fucked with the AP...that makes it all different.