To give back to my community I want to advertise GetBig. I'm not quitting molestation any time soon, so this will have to do. Any suggestions for what to put on a shirt?
Ideas so far:
- Permabulker... of peace
- I don't take kindly to disrespect
- 6 grams is where the magic happens
- Cupcakin' and lollipoppin'
- Wider than Heath
- I service the ice machine at the Mirage
- bodyfat at 0%, as measured by Jim Quinn
- ...?
Don't forget:1. Girls and Sons...
2. Cswoliosis
3. Shut Down!
4. I am
5. Wow! I didn't think it would be possible for Bhad Bhabie to bring a tear to the eye of this grizzled old warrior, but she did! Her latest masterpiece is a powerful condemnation of contemporary society, engendered by the decline of socially conservative values. With a fusion of sophisticated lyrics and striking imagery, she forces us to observe the disintegration of the once-revered patriarchal household, where traditional patterns of female subservience have been rendered obsolete, and parenting roles have been subordinated to a propaganda system which utilises the media in order to pacify families through mindless consumerism and the veneration of celebrity culture. Note how the parents initially recoil in horror at the sight of their fifteen-year-old daughter being portrayed as a juvenile delinquent on the television screen. As the scene progresses she explicitly reveals how conservative morality is eroded by the insidious effects of mass media. The children now seek to emulate the behaviour they see on television, and the parents stupefy themselves with alcohol and drugs in an attempt to alleviate the pain of living life as impoverished slaves of the welfare system.
When Bhad Bhabie is questioned by the milkman on the whereabouts of her mother she quite brilliantly responds with 'Bitch, I am my own mommy, the fuck?' Indeed she is. And this is undoubtedly the result of legalised abortions and ineffective social programmes resulting in an alarming rise of premarital sex. Teenagers these days are exposed to a sexualised music industry, and remain free to engage in risky behaviours while parents struggle to maintain any control over their children's sex lives - leading to generations of young mothers bringing up their babies in households without role models. It truly is tragic when she questions the quality of the milkman's products, declaring: 'with yo ugly-ass milk trying to poison me and shit. I don't know where the fuck you got that milk from; definitely ain't out no fucking cow'. Here the loss of childhood innocence is laid bare, and it's heartbreaking to watch. What kind of world are we living in when our children can look upon an inoffensive bottle of milk and automatically assume it to be a giant bottle of jizz? The saddest part of all is that she's probably correct.