Author Topic: Iraq, Christians forced to convert to Islam, then beheaded, including Children  (Read 36092 times)


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  • Getbig V
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  • Mr.Taiwan
How the Iraqi soldiers fight against ISIS ???


  • Getbig V
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Why the fuck ard people comparing the crusades to modern times?!

Newsflash, its not 800 anymore,  its 2014. Things christians did thousands of years ago DOEZ NOT excuse what muslims are doing in the modern age.

Thats ridiculous at best and stupid apologist nonsense at worst. Its not the same world as it was in 800.

If anything, it shows how fucked up and backwards they are...
 Considering theyre actions are being measured against the fckin crusades.

I think the whole point is to show that any religion, taken to its extremes, can lead to horrible acts committed in the name of some god.  It's not exclusive to Islam


  • Competitors II
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  • getbig Zen Master
Islam is a Cancer which is a Global problem. Itīs spreading...


  • Getbig V
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I think the whole point is to show that any religion, taken to its extremes, can lead to horrible acts committed in the name of some god.  It's not exclusive to Islam
Yes, but thats not an excuse... as I said its a different world today its not the dark ages.

Middle eastern Islam belongs in the dark ages but theyre operating in the modern world, and its inexcusable.

Horrible atrocities committed in the name of religion thousands of years ago does not make it acceptable today. Imo it makes it 100x worse. It shows how these fucks have done nothing but stagnate or regress for thousands of years.

Thats akin to someone owning a slave and saying 'well my great great great grandpappy owned slaves, I dont see the big deal'


  • Getbig V
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I think the whole point is to show that any religion, taken to its extremes, can lead to horrible acts committed in the name of some god.  It's not exclusive to Islam

Well to an extent, yes, but Islam is far more diseased and harmful, despite my being totally against any religion.


  • Getbig V
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Well to an extent, yes, but Islam is far more diseased and harmful, despite my being totally against any religion.


  • Getbig III
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  • Getbig V
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I can't even imagine the fate of these poor women.
Rape, sodomy, stoning, beheading.

Not necessarily in that order. Some possibly simultaneously.

Teutonic Knight

  • Getbig V
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New military coalition:US + Kurds (Peshmerges) & Iran  :D
-US Air Force in action already  :)
-Persian attacking helicopters a heading into Iraq  :D
-British & French getting in business too,  ;)


  • Getbig V
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  • Hello Hunior
Fyi were not talking about moderate islamists here... were talking about middle eastern islamic fundamentalists.

Moderate muslims living across the world may not be into the extremist aspect, but youll be hard pressed to find one who speaks out against the atrocities committed in the name of their religion by their middle eastern brethren.

I live in an area with about 30% Muslim population, most of the rest are Buddhists.

It's a guesstimate. You can't tell who all of the Muslims are as some don't dress Muslim. Some women for instance don't wear a headscarf. There's a lot more Mosques than Buddhist Temples though.

I go cycling & running and pass and say hello to many Muslims on a daily basis. I look different, there's no Westerners on these canal paths or country roads. I am a novelty. People will see me for the first time and shout something to practice their English - even if it is a "good morning" at 5pm. I like to stick to running/cycling in the Muslim areas as much as possible 'cause they don't have dogs and there's no stray dogs around the streets/canals that are 90%+ Muslim.

The choice to be a Muslim is down to what you are brought up with and it seems here, they are well integrated. The local market that sets up 3 nights a week is half Muslim as far as I can tell. The headscarved women selling food are friendly and smile and aren't bowing their heads when a male customer comes along. There's even a stall selling Ya Dong (a herbal whisky thingy) and that's right next to a Muslims stall and there's no issue with it. You can go to 7-11 and grab a 6 pack and Muslim staff will serve you - no issue.

Then there's just this one street where there's a Sunni Muslim school. Take a walk down there and every fucker will stare you down - and I mean stare you down. Women are in full on Burkhas. The school has mental security. On walks with my kids, we used to go down this street but we no longer do because it's fucking creepy. Instead - we cut through the Mosque (not Sunni), where the old guys are usually sitting on the steps and will wave and say hi.

You never see the Sunnis at the market, you never see them walking around - it's just around the school at closing time. Those people though - I have no doubt at all that if shit went sideways, they'd be cutting heads off. Whatever it is they teach in that bomb proof school sure isn't about love & harmony.

So I don't think it's all Muslims that are bad. I do think that a lot of them, like the Sunnis by me, are obviously getting their brains well washed from an early age. I don't hold out much hope for such people. I don't buy that these people are "reacting" to being downtrodden by anyone - I think they are just doing what they've been taught is their duty since they were kids.


  • Getbig V
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Forceable conversions have absolutely nothing to do with authentic Islam. Islam teaches that there is to be no compulsion in religion. Any so called Muslim who forces someone to accept the religion is acting out their own ideology. Also, I have studied the history of from both Islam and Christianity. There is no comparison in that the bloodshed at the hands of those who were Christian far exceeds that of Islam.

Buddy that old line is not working anymore.

Your prophet is a pedophile btw.


  • Getbig V
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All you "defenders of islam" are rotten filth and stoopid as fuck.

Funny how so many  ragheads are joining up from FIRST WORLD COUNTRIES and FLYING over their, posting pics of their victims on facebook, travelling with their FUCKING KIDS while they commit these attrocities, and taking snap shots of their WESTERN EDUCATED KIDS with DECAPITATED HEADS  in their hands. 


Super Natural

  • Getbig IV
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Yes, I asked a feminist at my old work about it and she told me we just dont understand their culture and thay the women arent oppressed, tjey CHOOSE to live like that because the men protect them and treat them like princesses, so therefore they let the men dote on tjem hand and foot by driving them around,  working to support them, and taking care of their everu need so that they can stay home all day and raise their kids or take care of the house.

I couldnt even make this shit up. So when I asked her about why she feels so strongly against women in America doing the same thing, staying home,  raising kids, having a man provide for her, she flipped out and called it oppression of women and how much of a pig men are for expecting their wives to have to stay home all day and raise kids and cook and clean..

Fucking bitches make no sense, apologize on one hand for Islams barbaric oppression and then turn around and tear down western women for the same lifestyle she praised others for wanting.

Dumb bitches.

Yeah I fucking can't stand feminists  >:( this vocal minority of angry, vengeful women...most of whom we probably wouldn't even want to date anyway.

Off topic: but Doesn't help that the media and other negative influences in today's society want
to brand you as a bad--or even dangerous--person simply because you're male nowadays.  Thankfully the truth is they are the miniroty of women...The VAST majority of women worldwide still want men to be MEN though.  They're proud to be women, and they want a real man to take charge. They want be a MAN. A pox on those who would lead us to believe that real women don't want real men anymore. We just need to stand up and reclaim our birthright as MEN. Fuck the consumer driven media and these feminist bitches.


  • Getbig V
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Yeah I fucking can't stand feminists  >:( this vocal minority of angry, vengeful women...most of whom we probably wouldn't even want to date anyway.

Off topic: but Doesn't help that the media and other negative influences in today's society want
to brand you as a bad--or even dangerous--person simply because you're male nowadays.  Thankfully the truth is they are the miniroty of women...The VAST majority of women worldwide still want men to be MEN though.  They're proud to be women, and they want a real man to take charge. They want be a MAN. A pox on those who would lead us to believe that real women don't want real men anymore. We just need to stand up and reclaim our birthright as MEN. Fuck the consumer driven media and these feminist bitches.

FUCK YES, and most of this is media created hype anyway.  Creating false images for women AND men to follow.  So only the TWISTED or gullible fall for it anyway.


  • Getbig V
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  • One Hundred Percent
Only the Caucasian spirit, high moral and determination that turned into western civilization can save the world now. While the future of USA and Northern Europe isn't looking bright I think more and more people are starting to appreciate what's at stake.

All that's needed is a little boost of Caucasian moral.

Var City

  • Getbig IV
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Islam is a Cancer which is a Global problem. Itīs spreading...

Here's my opinion, and true Adonis suck a FAT dick in advance ( ::) bitch boy:

With the events in Holland this past weekend as one of many precedents, and our first world universal PC overly inclusion loving policies as an underlining sentiment, we all realize countries like France and Italy are set to be the MAJORITY of population Muslim in just under 30 years, right?

Now do you REALLY want the UK to open their borders to those fleeing from isis / isil? No. Because France has done that this week and they are now speeding their rate towards majority Muslim state.

UK and US will be safe down the line but my true prayers go out for a lot of Europe I'm 25-30 years

This is just the beginning. You all have no clue of what is about to go down and it sickens me; it's vile in how barbaric these people are; their fanaticism has no bounds. And this is the preview


  • Getbig V
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New military coalition:US + Kurds (Peshmerges) & Iran  :D
-US Air Force in action already  :)
-Persian attacking helicopters a heading into Iraq  :D
-British & French getting in business too,  ;)

It is estimated that over 1000 of their fighters have come from Europe...happy days having all these fellas free to travel in out of all of the EU and even visit the US anytime for up to 90 days without a VISA.

Mr. MB

  • Getbig III
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And our illustrious leader called ISIS "junior varsity terrorists" only a few months back when they could have been stopped with a few drones.
Today Hillary Cankles said she "warned" the Administration. The White House in effect just called her a liar and said she was "on board".

Who did we elect to run this show? Sure hope the average beer swilling Dorito cruncher out there wakes up and votes with their heads and not their hearts this time.

Teutonic Knight

  • Getbig V
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It is estimated that over 1000 of their fighters have come from Europe...happy days having all these fellas free to travel in out of all of the EU and even visit the US anytime for up to 90 days without a VISA.

+ 100 from Australia  >:(


  • Getbig V
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+ 100 from Australia  >:(

Nice young Aussie boy of Arab descent.  Probably housed fed and educated by the average white Aussie taxpayer...



  • Competitors II
  • Getbig V
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  • getbig Zen Master
Nice young Aussie boy of Arab descent.  Probably housed fed and educated by the average white Aussie taxpayer...


  • Guest
Are you shocked by the amount of Islamist apologists in the United States and the world over?  I am.

Its a large number of liberals and strange conspiracy theorist "independents" and moron Rand Paulesque "Libertarians" who think the world should just leave militant Islamists alone because they are a victim.

Pretty sick stuff.

its not about politics and what side your on at all, num nuns.  its about what is happening. its undeniable, what has been done, the whole world sees it, maybe except you and some hillbillies in alabama.

wake the fuck up.


  • Getbig V
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True Adonis, would you agree this EVIL race should be completely exterminated for the sake of mankind?


  • Getbig V
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Happy AUSSIE family in middle east raping women and children..



  • Getbig V
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If these 2 men are still alive, nothing of this shit would be happening in Iraq and Libya.
There would be peace in both countries and hundreds of thousands of people would still be alive.

Yes, and who killed them?