Author Topic: Back twice a week?  (Read 14447 times)


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 1397
Re: Back twice a week?
« Reply #50 on: January 28, 2015, 02:45:02 PM »
if you didnt have those purple stars, i would tell you to fuck off J/k

Im a novice in training back, what would a typical back workout look like?

Back day 1 for me is
Deads pyramid up to 495 for 6
BB row pyramid up to 245 for 6
Chainsaws with 120 for 10 (4 sets)
Seated cable rows heavy for 8 4 (sets)

but that doesnt address Lat width...and when i tried to get to some pull downs and pull ups... i had nothing left

Damn.  Decent pulls there.  I'm surprised you're not a little stronger on BB rows but, then again, it depends on how you perform them.  With just a modicum of "assistance," I worked up to 275 for 6 Pendlay style, and I'm all but certain that, at that point, I could not have pulled 500 more than a rep or maybe two.  (OTOH, I hadn't any deadlifting for quite awhile beforehand.)

Anyway, I digress ...

For lat width, yeah, you might go for a thickness day and width day every week.  Width is ALL about the lats and rear-delts ... and while close-grip pulldowns or chins and a quality pullover machine can really NUKE the lats if used properly, that elusive lat width ... hmm. 

There are many ways to go about that, I reckon.  Thrice-weekly, low-volume, high-intensity (or perhaps close to, but just shy of, to-failure training?)? 

One thing I always stand by is the relationship between strength and size.  Some people dispute that, but I've yet to see a logical argument to the effect that a much stronger lifter is a potentially more muscular lifter.