Author Topic: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!  (Read 15662 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2015, 10:58:17 PM »
LOL. Shocking that soleus into some nice confusion-filled gains
wonder if the dude in the middle is priming Platz' balloon know with his thumb while Priest is massaging his toes?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2015, 11:19:13 PM »
Dumbest shit ever.  I was blown away when I heard an interview with Arnold and he was getting behind this.

Of course, if you're used to doing 8-12 reps, then do 40'll have more lactic acid build up and feel more of a shit.  This doesn't mean you're benefiting more from it though, but targeting slower twitch fibers.

Conspiracies uncovered right here.  More bro science with zero research.

Same goes for juicers who are "high rep volume" guys...aka guys who want to prolong their career and realize they can build a ton of muscle on the right drugs with baby weight.

Muscle confusion....that's the ticket...haaha ::)

So, you know this sport better than Arnold? Then you must have something to show us, like cabin full of trophy's? How many contest you have won? What? You hardly even go to gym, you have 15" biceps and you have never win anything, and still you know that Arnold is wrong? So where this god like wisdom comes? You read it from the internet, where some other potato-head have write about it.

What it means that you have  shock the muscle? You don't even know. It simply means that you shouldn't do same exercises year after year, same sets, same reps over and over again. Why? Because human body can get used to anything you make it to do. This is common knowledge and it comes from far before Arnolds era. It is a fact which has proven by people doing manual labor, and what it has proven is this: if your training is always same, your body take it as a work, and stop growing when it has accustomed to the stress it's get of it.

And to get the muscles continue growing, you must shock them by adding variations in your training. 40 reps is only poor example, you can do anything you like which is clearly different to your basic training. Only thing is that you have to be smart to do it. What it means is  that if you have been doing 12 reps of bicep curls, double the weight and do six. If you do straight sets, do drop sets, supersets, use variations of exercises. If you are used to do squats first, just do leg extensions & leg presses as a superset, and after that your squats. Use your imagination, don't just read what Arnold have said 40 years ago  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2015, 11:21:12 PM »
You ever look at old iron warriors and just want to say...give the fuck up already.
Like the 60 year old putting on his mantees to win that trophy for his grandson.  Flexing like he's 14, skin is hanging like he's 80, nuts haven't worked since high school, oiled up like he's going to turn a trick in the Gold's bathroom in Venice for uncle Joe W.

Ropo: This was a current interview with Arnold.  Plus, he didn't win x amount of Olympias due to superior knowledge.  And why would I ever do a contest?  Never had an interest in it, just getting my arms to 14".  I figure in another 4 years...I'll get that goal.

You are incorrect on muscle growth though.  You don't need to vary your workout as much as you'd think, especially if drugs were involved.  It's genetics, drugs, diet.  You could do the same routine for a few years, increase the poundage, increase diet regiment, and you would grow.  Superset here, drop set there...doesn't do much.
Same with starting out with leg press vs extensions...makes no difference...literally none.  My best gains were made doing the exact same routine for years.  Minimal came out of "switching it up".  I switch thing just to do something different, but know it doesn't benefit me.


  • Getbig III
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2015, 01:39:23 AM »
agree about the ultra high rep approach, thinking they're shocking the muscle into growth because of the pump from high reps but not getting any real growth out of it. just enhanced blood flow but not much hypertrophy.

but there is something to be said for giving a new stimulus for muscles to re-ignite growth. only so far you can take progressive overload when it comes to poundage, muscles adapt strength plateaus and your stuck.
new stimulus could mean more tension from volume and frequency, intentionally overtraining a weak muscle with enough food and gear.
doing heavier weight in the form of partial reps, hitting each 1/4 or 1/3 of the motion with more weight you could normally with a full rom rep i.e. biceps
curls in the low-mid range you'll be able to use a lot more weight than a conventional rep so that range is now subjected to more poundage.
likewise preachers in the top 1/4 contraction range.
drag curls in the mid-range. biceps taxed in all ranges of movement where they may have just failed in one or two ranges before when doing full rom reps.
also the t/a point of a rep is underestimated - explosive t/a produces a lot of muscle tension

could then revert to full rom reps after, increase/decrease frequency. give muscle group a rest before for a few weeks to catch up and grow before overtraining it again for a short period etc

not shocking the muscle (silly phrase!) but giving it a new stimulus to grow.

most training programs are all hype, goal is to induce hypertrophy at the end of the day. when you're stuck, just need a new way to induce it, no fancy programs! just a new challenge


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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2015, 05:53:50 AM »
I'm bewildered by the absence of Mr Vince Basile in this thread.


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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2015, 06:12:45 AM »
"What's happening?  Last week I did chest with triceps, now chest with biceps...holy shit!!!  My body is freaking out and GROWING like a fucking weed!"
-Dick Hurtz

"I used to do 10 reps for chest, now I mix it up and do 15 reps, then throw in seated calves for a super set.  I never experienced such gains!!"
-Buster Hymen

"The stationary bike on level 2, is usually my bread and butter for burning fat.  Instead, this month I did the stairmaster on level 17 for 2x the time and burned more fat.  WTF is happening?  This program is CRAZY!!"
-Mike Hunt

"I'm going for size when I train, so I was skeptical of the muscle confusion system.  I'm a straight up 8-12 rep guy, so when the muscle confusion plan had me do 100 reps of EVERYTHING with 10 seconds of rest between ALL sets...I was fooking drained and thought I'd puke.  Well...I was so sore for a week...I KNEW it was working."
-Snake Oil Fan

;D ;D
tank u jesus


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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2015, 11:30:35 AM »
haha croatch is on fire in this thread

croatch on



  • Getbig V
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2015, 11:34:10 AM »
looks like the guy gave one last try to fight it off by attempting to roll over while his skin was sticking to the ground  :-[

was a tough bastard i'll bet.

And look at those shoes, will ya?

Not so much as a scratch from the whole ordeal.


  • Getbig V
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #33 on: February 24, 2015, 01:46:53 PM »
Tom Platz, Lee Priest and Primemuscle trying to shock the muscle

uhm I wouldn't want to disagree on training methods with the guy that has the most legendary legs in bb

but I'm sure a random noob on getbig knows better  ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #34 on: February 24, 2015, 06:24:47 PM »
And look at those shoes, will ya?

Not so much as a scratch from the whole ordeal.

I hope he knows that if this happened to him anywhere near the downtown core of any african american ghetto his shoes would be long gone... He should consider himself lucky.


  • Getbig V
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2015, 06:31:21 PM »
I hope he knows that if this happened to him anywhere near the downtown core of any african american ghetto his shoes would be long gone... He should consider himself lucky.

Haha fucking ruthless.  :D


  • Getbig V
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #36 on: February 24, 2015, 06:33:32 PM »
Haha fucking ruthless.  :D

lol we are going to hell


  • Getbig V
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #37 on: February 24, 2015, 06:34:57 PM »
So what do you consider 'shocking the muscle' ?  ???

I have a Tens. Does this count as far a shocking my muscles?


  • Getbig V
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #38 on: February 24, 2015, 06:49:30 PM »
I have a Tens. Does this count as far a shocking my muscles?

In your current decrepit state, nothing, not even shocking, will be able to surprise your muscles.

Dave D

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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #39 on: February 24, 2015, 07:19:29 PM »
I'll often compliment and praise my muscles. Nothing to weird, just normal stuff like you're looking huge/are you getting bigger/you're so strong/you're the best muscles I've ever seen. The muscle eats these compliments up.

Later in the day I'll tell some dudes at the gym, when the muscle isnt paying attention, how  bad my muscles suck, they aren't big/strong/lean, so little, etc...

When the muscle finds out what I've said behind their back shocked doesn't  even begin to describe how they feel.
They are so enraged they can't wait to prove me wrong.
 The next couple of workouts are amazing, it's all pr's and gains.

You might not actually shock them but if you can offend them that's when the magic happens.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #40 on: February 24, 2015, 08:09:32 PM »
Dumbest shit ever.  I was blown away when I heard an interview with Arnold and he was getting behind this.

Of course, if you're used to doing 8-12 reps, then do 40'll have more lactic acid build up and feel more of a shit.  This doesn't mean you're benefiting more from it though, but targeting slower twitch fibers.

Conspiracies uncovered right here.  More bro science with zero research.

Same goes for juicers who are "high rep volume" guys...aka guys who want to prolong their career and realize they can build a ton of muscle on the right drugs with baby weight.

Muscle confusion....that's the ticket...haaha ::)

Let's absolutely require high volume / high reps.. They respond so much better this was


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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #41 on: February 24, 2015, 08:18:13 PM »
Wow, he's even more retarded than I gave him credit for.
That's not J. Cash.


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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #42 on: February 24, 2015, 08:36:55 PM »
Telling it that it looks fat in a dress?



  • Getbig III
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #43 on: February 25, 2015, 01:27:39 AM »
How about shocking the muscle by adding a bit more weight or waving the reps over the course of a few weeks, not sure why so many bodybuilders seem to train so randomly. I suppose it being more of a drug upped pageant than a sport could be why there usually isn't more complex training methodologies being used.

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2015, 02:50:22 PM »
uhm I wouldn't want to disagree on training methods with the guy that has the most legendary legs in bb

but I'm sure a random noob on getbig knows better  ::)

lol. Platz had the lower body genetic make up of a midget God. And the upper body genetic make up of a catfish...Whatever he did for lower body didn't work for his upper body on the elite level...


  • Getbig V
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2015, 09:00:12 PM »
lol. Platz had the lower body genetic make up of a midget God. And the upper body genetic make up of a catfish...Whatever he did for lower body didn't work for his upper body on the elite level...
Now take away the drugs...above average legs, 170lbs tops...epic.

Oh, I hit back yesterday.
Started off with dead lifts, but right in the middle of my set, I did 100 calve raises, then hopped back on dead lifts...after doing another 30 of those, I took a crossfit tire and pushed it across the parking lot.  It was insane!  Unfortunately, I was in dress shoes and a keep the body guessing and twisted my ankle.  I'll be out for a month!  I think the shock and awe I put my body though, is a pump that should stimulate new growth. 
Remember confuse and will bewilder your muscle fibers to grow at alarming rates. ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #46 on: March 02, 2015, 09:02:06 PM »
Now take away the drugs...above average legs, 170lbs tops...epic.

Oh, I hit back yesterday.
Started off with dead lifts, but right in the middle of my set, I did 100 calve raises, then hopped back on dead lifts...after doing another 30 of those, I took a crossfit tire and pushed it across the parking lot.  It was insane!  Unfortunately, I was in dress shoes and a keep the body guessing and twisted my ankle.  I'll be out for a month!  I think the shock and awe I put my body though, is a pump that should stimulate new growth. 
Remember confuse and will bewilder your muscle fibers to grow at alarming rates. ;)

Hahahahaha pure gold


  • Getbig V
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #47 on: March 03, 2015, 01:20:30 AM »
Now take away the drugs...above average legs, 170lbs tops...epic.

Oh, I hit back yesterday.
Started off with dead lifts, but right in the middle of my set, I did 100 calve raises, then hopped back on dead lifts...after doing another 30 of those, I took a crossfit tire and pushed it across the parking lot.  It was insane!  Unfortunately, I was in dress shoes and a keep the body guessing and twisted my ankle.  I'll be out for a month!  I think the shock and awe I put my body though, is a pump that should stimulate new growth. 
Remember confuse and will bewilder your muscle fibers to grow at alarming rates. ;)

the key to truly shocking the muscles is to thriw a few high kicks as you pass the heavy bag as you giant set every machine in the gym, without this key excercise your destined to fail.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #48 on: March 03, 2015, 01:21:32 AM »
You ever look at old iron warriors and just want to say...give the fuck up already.
Like the 60 year old putting on his mantees to win that trophy for his grandson.  Flexing like he's 14, skin is hanging like he's 80, nuts haven't worked since high school, oiled up like he's going to turn a trick in the Gold's bathroom in Venice for uncle Joe W.

Ropo: This was a current interview with Arnold.  Plus, he didn't win x amount of Olympias due to superior knowledge.  And why would I ever do a contest?  Never had an interest in it, just getting my arms to 14".  I figure in another 4 years...I'll get that goal.

You are incorrect on muscle growth though.  You don't need to vary your workout as much as you'd think, especially if drugs were involved.  It's genetics, drugs, diet.  You could do the same routine for a few years, increase the poundage, increase diet regiment, and you would grow.  Superset here, drop set there...doesn't do much.
Same with starting out with leg press vs extensions...makes no difference...literally none.  My best gains were made doing the exact same routine for years.  Minimal came out of "switching it up".  I switch thing just to do something different, but know it doesn't benefit me.

You don't have to prove your ignorance about the sport to me, it is so obvious already. It is just stupid to use your own gains to prove anything, because it is non existing. In fact there is likely so wide range inconsistency in your training, that you simply can't tell what causes what, so buzz of, moron. If just about all competing bodybuilders use that technique as a part of their training, it is little bit hard to me to believe that you are right and they all are wrong. Why? Because they are on stage, and you are at the front of your keyboard 24/7  ;D

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: You HAVE to SHOCK the muscle!!!
« Reply #49 on: March 29, 2015, 11:30:37 AM »
Now take away the drugs...above average legs, 170lbs tops...epic.

Oh, I hit back yesterday.
Started off with dead lifts, but right in the middle of my set, I did 100 calve raises, then hopped back on dead lifts...after doing another 30 of those, I took a crossfit tire and pushed it across the parking lot.  It was insane!  Unfortunately, I was in dress shoes and a keep the body guessing and twisted my ankle.  I'll be out for a month!  I think the shock and awe I put my body though, is a pump that should stimulate new growth. 
Remember confuse and will bewilder your muscle fibers to grow at alarming rates. ;)

Yup...I'm willing to bet you won't find a person who worked out harder, more intense than Tom Platz...The guy was all about the so called "shocking" the muscle. Yet he probably barely had 18 inch arms. And an upperbody that wouldn't win a good State level show today. It's also rumored he was one of those "higher dose" guys...Lmao at Shocking the muscle...