Author Topic: Blacksmith settles debate  (Read 13144 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #125 on: December 22, 2015, 03:35:19 PM »
Elvis / Niburu to name but a few of many.

What about you? Any CT you believe in? Or are there no conspiracies in the world in your mind?

Conspiracy theories are for feeble minds. Scared people who need to feel special, that they see something that others can't.

Except for real hebrews/Nibiru. That shit is all true.


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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #126 on: December 22, 2015, 03:38:29 PM »
This entire conversation is speculation. When you have people on both sides providing evidence for and against, anything that we say is speculation.
Do yourself a favor and look at the research on 911. Many are providing evidence which you are happy to overlook and then you make speculative claims without backing it up with evidence.


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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #127 on: December 22, 2015, 03:39:51 PM »
Conspiracy theories are for feeble minds. Scared people who need to feel special, that they see something that others can't.

Except for real hebrews/Nibiru. That shit is all true.
What about the Gulf of Tonkin?

You are really very naive and stupid if you think humans do not conspire ever. Are you really that fucking moronic?


  • Getbig III
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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #128 on: December 22, 2015, 03:45:32 PM »
What about the Gulf of Tonkin?

You are really very naive and stupid if you think humans do not conspire ever. Are you really that fucking moronic?

Some conspiracies are true, but usually they are on a much smaller scale and they get exposed in a credible way, like Watergate for example. 100% of the CT like 9/11 was an inside job, we never landed on the moon, Area 51 and so on are bullshit.

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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #129 on: December 22, 2015, 07:57:30 PM »
Some conspiracies are true, but usually they are on a much smaller scale and they get exposed in a credible way, like Watergate for example. 100% of the CT like 9/11 was an inside job, we never landed on the moon, Area 51 and so on are bullshit.

Which actual conspiracy theories still remain un-exposed?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #130 on: December 22, 2015, 10:46:54 PM »
Bullshit. This building had much worse fires than WTC7 and yet it was fine after the fires died out.

And btw, the WTC buildings are the only steel skyscrapers in the history of the world that have ever totally collapsed due to fire.

Beijing - did not collapse:

The First Interstate Bank Building - did not collapse:

Windsor Building - did not collapse:

WTC7 - collapsed - lol!

So you are denying that WTC 1 fall partly on to WTC 7, even there is loads of photos proving that fact?  And all what foil hats have is one piece of crap video, which has been cut from the original, so it shows only a couple of seconds about the collapse which take more than 15 seconds, after the building were on fire tad less than 8 hours? Well, ass wipe, that is your problem, because you can't prove that there were any other reason for the collapse than the WTC1 and fire.

Furthermore, this has nothing to do with anything, because it is complete moronic to claim, that there were separate conspiracy to demolish the WTC7. Let look at the facts: There was nothing which even nearly would resemble explosions at the WTC 1 & 2, so they collapse because of the fire and damages from the plane crashes. This has to be a fact, because no one has been able to prove any explosions at the site, so how come  collapse of the WTC 7 could be conspiracy? They see the planes coming, and they start to install explosives to the WTC 7, doing months worth of work in few minutes? How fucking stupid you has to be to believe that crap? Seriously? You don't have even a single evidence to prove your stupid claims, but only your blind faith that those lies are true? That is pitiful, and proves that you are an idiot..  


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #131 on: December 22, 2015, 11:07:51 PM »
You know a car is steel and a plane is aluminium, right?
A car is made to resist small crashes and collapse in big ones and a plane is made to be as light as possible because it has to fly. I'm not sure what you have to gain by arguing to support the official story when even the 911 commission, by their own admission feel the investigation was a joke.

Thank you, because that has to be most stupid comment about this matter ever. Instead of the foil hat crap, how about studying the laws of physics, which would prove you that speed + mass = catastrophic forces in the collision against any object, not mention the skyscraper. While these laws are absolute truth in this universe, it has to mean they were ruling the circumstances of the collisions at the 9/11, and this is a fact. Forces of the collision has been calculated, and it were equal to tons of TNT, and this doesn't include fire started by the fuel. So what do you think? If we put a 5 tons of TNT in the middle of the building, which floors are filled by open plan offices, would there be some serious damage? 99.99999% of the people in this world would say yes, but the remaining part, the foil hat morons deny it, because they doesn't believe the laws of physics. And in the next video you see what 5 tons of TNT look like:


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #132 on: December 22, 2015, 11:17:54 PM »
Do yourself a favor and look at the research on 911. Many are providing evidence which you are happy to overlook and then you make speculative claims without backing it up with evidence.

Exactly who is providing the evidence for foil hat theories? Never seen even one, because there isn't any, only bunch of claims. For years I have asked if there would be anyone brave enough to prove the controlled demolition of any of the WTC buildings by showing the explosions from the video. How many has even try to do that? No one. Zero (0) people, so where is the evidence? You silly fuckers cannot prove even the most vital point of your stupid theory, so who cares about that other crap? And your resource is What The Fuck- magazine, which is uphold by Nazis and foil hats? Gee, I bet that this is the place where we find the truth  ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #133 on: December 22, 2015, 11:32:15 PM »
What about the Gulf of Tonkin?

You are really very naive and stupid if you think humans do not conspire ever. Are you really that fucking moronic?

How about you providing the evidence even one single explosion at the 9/11 attack, from any of the videos filmed that day? How I can be so sure that this will never happen?? Can you answer this simple question?

Amount of the stupidity in your claims is ridiculous, and what you really are proving, is that the study about the foil hats is not just accurate, but 100% right about it's facts. You morons are running a circles by this matter and you present same claims year after year, no matter how many times they have been proved wrong. In the mean while you haven't been able to prove even a single thing at any of your theories, no matter if they concern 9/11, JFK, Sandy Hook, Moon landing, chemtrails or holohoax. All and every one of the foil hat claims has been proved to be crap in any of these theories, but here you are, still trying. Can you understand how fucking stupid that is?

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  • Getbig III
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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #134 on: December 23, 2015, 12:33:29 PM »
Thank you, because that has to be most stupid comment about this matter ever. Instead of the foil hat crap, how about studying the laws of physics, which would prove you that speed + mass = catastrophic forces in the collision against any object, not mention the skyscraper. While these laws are absolute truth in this universe, it has to mean they were ruling the circumstances of the collisions at the 9/11, and this is a fact. Forces of the collision has been calculated, and it were equal to tons of TNT, and this doesn't include fire started by the fuel. So what do you think? If we put a 5 tons of TNT in the middle of the building, which floors are filled by open plan offices, would there be some serious damage? 99.99999% of the people in this world would say yes, but the remaining part, the foil hat morons deny it, because they doesn't believe the laws of physics. And in the next video you see what 5 tons of TNT look like:

If your claims were correct the building would have immediately fallen but it didn't.
Qualifying you for the most stupid remarks ever. Why are you defending the official story?
What do you have to gain?
Are you a shill or to afraid to think for yourself? You really believe the government gives two shits about you?
I'm quite sure they don't...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #135 on: December 23, 2015, 12:46:19 PM »
Not a conspiracy guy but there's no way the boacksmith's demonstration can account for the additional strength that would come from multiple steel beams and other building materials.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #136 on: December 23, 2015, 08:31:50 PM »
Can we at least all agree that the plane over Pennsylvania headed for a building in DC was shot down and not brought down by heroic passengers?

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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #137 on: December 23, 2015, 08:40:37 PM »
Can we at least all agree that the plane over Pennsylvania headed for a building in DC was shot down and not brought down by heroic passengers?

Possibly shot so it couldn't be brought down (safely) by heroic passengers, even.

Sucks when we can't place trust in what we're told.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Blacksmith settles debate
« Reply #138 on: December 24, 2015, 12:10:11 AM »
If your claims were correct the building would have immediately fallen but it didn't.
Qualifying you for the most stupid remarks ever. Why are you defending the official story?
What do you have to gain?
Are you a shill or to afraid to think for yourself? You really believe the government gives two shits about you?
I'm quite sure they don't...

How exactly you know that they would have fallen immediately? This is the problem with your kind of idiots, you look at the attack bit by bit, not understanding that it was first of it's kind in history of this universe. That's why you can't know what should have happen, and that's why you can't compare it to anything else. I have said plenty of times that I don't defend official story, I just like to kick sand on all these stupid twats, whose life is ruled by the beliefs and rumors rather than facts. Twats like you, who believe that following the fairytales of the foil hat morons means that you are "thinking for yourself", while it is as far from it as it can be.

Fact is that in past years no one have been able to point out even one explosions from the videos of the 9/11 attack, so it has to mean that there wasn't one. I know it as a fact, that there isn't any foil hat who would be happy to thrust that video down my throat, but it will never happen. Why? Because there wasn't any explosions, that's why, and that could mean only one thing: Towers collapse because they were hit by the planes and because of the fire, and that is simple as that. That is what has been proved, and only thing what you kind of idiots really have is disbelief, and that doesn't prove anything.

So why don't you look it another way around?

1. Foil hats haven't been able to prove even a single thing about this matter, and the easiest way would have been prove those explosions of the controlled demolition. No can do, because there isn't any kind of signs of explosions, not even the broken windows.
2. There is the laws of physics, which rules how things happen in this world, and the foil hat version of the story break those laws in every part there is.
3. There is tons of evidence for the "official theory", and simply none for the foil hat theory
4. 2 & 3 are true, even if you change whole conspiracy theory to another one. These silly fucks hasn't been able to prove anything about any foil hat theory, and only thing what they have been able to prove anywhere, is that they don't know those laws of physics.

You don't believe it? Why don't we look closer how these idiots think, shall we? How about proving Holohoax to be a fucking lie? As you has to know, there is holocaust revisionists who tell you that holocaust never happen, and they "prove" trying make you believe, that Zyclon B wasn't poisonous at tall, that you can't kill Jews by diesel exhaust, that you can't cremate corpses as fast as they did, but they doesn't offer any real evidence about it. They offer you only some opinions and claims, and disbelief.

So why don't we look at this as adults, and with slightly different point of view? If you need to lose few million Jews, where you must start? Well, you can't just go and stand by the yard and say that here were x millions of Jews standing around here, but they disappear in the thin air like a puff of smoke, because no one would believe you. You have to be able to prove there was x millions of Jews, and how do you do it? For every citizen there is loads of evidence of his existence, starting from the birth, all the documents, all the papers, all the photos, the home, the neighbors, the library cards etc. crap, and just about any family of any of us could be proved like that to centuries back in time. Some of the Americans have their genealogy beyond the first ships which came to America, and average European could find his ancestors easily to the year 1600 or even further. So, if Jews want to pull this scam, they need to create x million virtual Jews, starting hundreds of years before WW2 and birth of the Hitler, so that leads to one simple question: How did they know? To prove that you have lose x million jews you has to fabricate as many counterfeit human life's with all the details there is, so how they know when to start, hundreds of years before Hitler?

1. Among all another super human abilities, Jews can foretell with 100% accuracy
2. Holocaust happen as it is written in the history

Take your pick..  ;D