Author Topic: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.  (Read 56727 times)

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #75 on: March 25, 2016, 06:18:35 PM »
I think he can recover and win the nomination.  But I do think there's something to it.  Sue and polygraph- attacking the messenger, blaming trump, that's very weak.

Cruz was a national debate champ.  He can explain this much better. 


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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #76 on: March 25, 2016, 06:36:32 PM »
I think he can recover and win the nomination.  But I do think there's something to it.  Sue and polygraph- attacking the messenger, blaming trump, that's very weak.

Cruz was a national debate champ.  He can explain this much better. 


You're running on empty here.

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #77 on: March 25, 2016, 08:57:14 PM »
Rubio tried to push the story for months.


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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #78 on: March 25, 2016, 09:40:50 PM »

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #79 on: March 25, 2016, 10:34:06 PM »
I was not going to comment on this because I didn't want to amplify unsubstantiated rumors. But now that it's the top trending topic on social media, it's been discussed on cable news, I've been personally asked about it dozens of times, and Cruz himself has addressed it, I think there's nothing I can say that would amplify it anymore than it's already been amplified. So let me do my best to lend a little bit of sanity to the proceedings.

Yes, a National Enquirer report accuses Ted Cruz of being a serial adulterer who has carried on affairs with at least 5 women. The report does not name the women but it does describe them and provide blurred out pictures of their faces. "Detectives" on the internet spent all of last night matching the descriptions and the blurry photos with women that have worked for or with Cruz. Now at least 3 of the women implicated by the gossip rag are known, allegedly, and at least two of them have publicly denied it. Cruz has also publicly denied it. And that's where we are right now. I don't think the story is going away any time soon, mostly because a lot of people -- especially Trump supporters -- desperately want it to be true.

Now, here's what I'll say about all of this:
Nailed It!!

First point. In fairness, the Enquirer has been right in the past when they've uncovered the sexual escapades of public figures. John Edwards and Tiger Woods come to mind. The Enquirer had those stories first and it turned out they were 100 percent accurate. Moreover, if they made this story up, they just willfully put themselves in a position to be sued out of existence by a politician who, by the way, also happens to be a brilliant lawyer.

I will not, then, sit here and say the story CAN'T be true. I'm not going to be one of those political groupies who screams "Oh no, my Teddy would NEVER do that!" I don't know the guy from Adam. Just because a man says things you agree with doesn't mean he isn't guilty of terrible sins. He could put Bill Clinton to shame with the number of women he's bedded, for all I know. And for all YOU know, I could be a serial arsonist and puppy murderer. And for all I know, you could be a satanic cannibal. You don't know me, I don't know you, you only know what I say. And I could say a lot of true things and still be a scumbag. That's just the reality. Likewise, Cruz could say a lot of great conservative-sounding things and still be a philandering dead beat.

It's important to state that for the record, because you need to know that the rest of what I have to say doesn't come from a place of emotional attachment to, or blind trust in, a politician. I have been very consistent in my criticism of people who are mindlessly loyal to political candidates. I have no such loyalty, and if any politician I support is proven guilty of these kinds of things, I will drop them in a heartbeat. No hesitation.

OK, that's established.

Second point. Here's why I don't believe the reports right now. The National Enquirer has been right in the past, but they've been wrong MANY more times than they've been right. Just in the last few months this same publication has claimed Hillary Clinton is dying of brain cancer, Hillary Clinton has lesbian lovers, and Barack Obama has a harem of a dozen mistresses. They've implicated practically every famous politician in an affair at some point or another, and I'm sure some of them have had affairs, but the National Enquirer obviously has a long history of printing totally absurd and baseless rumors just to sell papers. 

Importantly, the owner of the Enquirer is a very close, longtime friend of Donald Trump. They ran a hit piece on Carson right when Carson reached the top of the polls. Allegedly, Trump fed the story to them (so, again, great job endorsing this guy, Carson!). The only person quoted in the Enquirer piece is Roger Stone, a scummy political operative for Trump. The story was brought up on CNN this morning by a Trump surrogate. Trump's spokeswoman was implicated as one of Cruz's mistresses but when she denied it she still cast aspersions on the other women, saying, rather conspicuously, "I can only speak for myself. Carry on..."

In other words, this thing has Trump's dirty, stubby fingerprints all over it. No evidence. No proof. No named sources other than a Trump minion. This has the look, sound, and feel of a total hit job against Ted Cruz with Trump pulling the strings.

Third point. Trump's supporters don't care if this is true or not. They have spread these rumors as absolute fact, and even slandered innocent women in the process, with no concern as to the actual accuracy of any of it. I have said for a long time that Trump's supporters suffer from a severe character deficiency, and every day they only further confirm my thesis.

It is DESPICABLE to take an unsubstantiated rumor reported only in a gossip rag and spread it AS FACT in order to slander, defame, and destroy your political opponents. ANYONE who participates in this sort of thing is detestable beyond words. Even if it turned out to be true -- which I doubt it ever will be -- that still would not excuse or vindicate those who ran with slanderous gossip all because they wanted it to be true.

As it stands right now, at this juncture, not a single person on this planet aside from the principle people involved can make definitive statements about what is or isn't true with this story. But anyone with common sense would be leaning very strongly towards it not being true. If you have definitively decided it is true, and have proceeded to repeat it as definitive truth, you are behaving in a way that is, quite simply, evil. Again, that is STILL the case even if, by some crazy twist of fate, this ends up being a 1 in 90,000,000 story that the Enquirer gets right.

Fourth point. This story reminds us that people are bored, petty, and vindictive. The absolute glee with which many liberals and Trump fans (but I repeat myself) have reacted to this story should send chills right down to your soul. They're accepting an unsubstantiated smear as gospel because it plays to their prejudices, but they're also celebrating something that, if it were true, would mean the utter devastation of not only Cruz's family but the families of his alleged mistresses. So even if you believe it, to be happy about it is subhuman.

Fifth point. It's appropriate that this happens on Good Friday. Jesus died for our sins, and today we are shown again just how ugly our sins really are.

Sixth point. For the record, I am not actually an arsonist or a puppy murderer.

- Matt Walsh

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #80 on: March 26, 2016, 01:02:20 AM »
I was not going to comment on this because I didn't want to amplify unsubstantiated rumors.

Ok good.

Allegedly, Trump fed the story to them

Author, you are officially amplifying unsubstantiated rumors.

Also the author Matt Walsh has called trump a "godless man" and said he's the death of conservatism and shit all over his supporters... so it makes sense that he defends Cruz. 
google "matt walsh trump"

And yes, here is where he tells repubs over and over that Cruz is the best choice:
google "Matt walsh endorse cruz"   It's all over the blaze.

Matt Walsh is a Trump hater and he's a Cruz fanboy, so it's no surprise he is defending Cruz here.  That's cool.

It's important to state that for the record, because you need to know that the rest of what I have to say doesn't come from a place of emotional attachment to, or blind trust in, a politician.

Really?  Then why did you write all those anti-Trump, and pro-Cruz pieces for The Blaze?   you can magically separate the hate that led you to publicly call Trump a 'godless man'?  Interesting...

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #81 on: March 26, 2016, 01:44:57 AM »
These are precisely the kind of dirty tricks that keep good people out of politics. 

Look up #theThing on twitter, going back to march 12-14th.

A whole bunch of Rubio operatives and Rick Wilson discussing a video called 'the thing' which would destroy cruz and trump's spokeswoman katrina.   

Now, trump may be a piece of crap, I call him a dem plant.  But in this case, these Rubio supporters are all on twitter, begging for the release of this video they all know about.

PROOF=> Ted Cruz Cheating Scandal Not Linked to Trump Campaign – Was Started by GOP Elites

Gateway Pundit

The National Enquirer published a story this week accusing Texas Senator Ted Cruz of multiple extramarital affairs.


It was discovered that weeks ago a large number of Marco Rubio operatives and supporters were trying to bring the sex scandal story to the MSM attention.

Under the open guise of #TheThing they were communicating via various twitter feeds and following along to see if the story had been picked up. Most of the activity was centered around March 10th – March 15th.

Yesterday the hashtag CruzSexScandal went viral. Today, many of those DC operatives, participants, supporters, consultants, Super-PAC’s and campaign advisors have spent a great deal of time deleting their (The Thing) participation. The peak of their scrubbing coincided with Senator Ted Cruz accusing Donald Trump of planting the story.


Virtually everyone in the blog-o-sphere who supported Marco Rubio was active, tweeting, re-tweeting, or following the events related to #TheThing. Now they’re running for cover and trying to hide their fingerprints.

Anti-Trump Republican operative Rick Wilson tweeted this out weeks ago. (He has since deleted it.)

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #82 on: March 26, 2016, 04:56:50 AM »

RALEIGH, NC—In what many political observers are calling a new low in an election season that has already seen its share of negative campaigning, a scathing anti–Ted Cruz attack ad airing this week reportedly shows nothing more than a still photograph of the Texas senator’s face for 30 seconds, unaccompanied by any text, voiceover, or music.

The pointed TV spot—which continues on in complete silence and does not pan across or zoom in on the candidate’s face, but merely holds steady on the image for half a minute before fading to black—is said to be running in several states with upcoming primaries and is paid for by a super PAC opposed to Cruz’s presidential bid.

“This is an extremely vicious jab at Ted Cruz, and one that succeeds in painting the candidate in a most unfavorable light,” said Douglas Reisenthaler, a senior analyst with Public Policy Polling, who described the ad as by far the most unrelenting and hostile attack to air since the 2016 election cycle began. “Inevitably, some voters will be turned off by the maliciousness of showing an unretouched headshot of Ted Cruz on television screens across America, but it has nonetheless proved very effective in turning public opinion against his candidacy.”

He added, “Everywhere this ad has aired, Cruz’s numbers have gone into complete free-fall.”

The Cruz campaign has been vocal in its criticism of what it describes as an underhanded smear tactic, with spokeswoman Alice Stewart saying the televised photo not only crosses the line, but is also difficult to watch. While admitting some amount of mudslinging is to be expected in a competitive race at the national level, she called airing a static image of Cruz’s bare countenance without interruption for the full duration of an ad “sick” and “truly repulsive.”

A representative from the organization responsible for the commercial, Believe in Liberty PAC, defended its actions, noting that while attack ads often digitally alter photographs to make a candidate appear more unflattering or even menacing, the picture it used of the 45-year-old presidential hopeful was completely undoctored and thus did not misrepresent or mislead in any way. Regardless, many viewers told reporters they found the anti-Cruz commercial inexcusable.

“It’s absolutely revolting, and I can’t believe they would run something like that on television,” said Dorothy Chalmers, a Dillsboro, NC mother who saw the ad with her three small children. “I immediately turned it off, of course, but I had to talk with my kids about what we had just seen. It was so nasty and unpleasant, my youngest one started to cry. Is this the kind of low-blow campaigning we can expect to endure through November?”

“After watching the ad, though, I definitely won’t be voting for Ted Cruz,” she continued. “How could you after seeing that?”


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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #85 on: March 26, 2016, 07:57:15 AM »
I love rush, but he's going waaaay too easy on trump these days.   If trump has this relationship with pecker, why won't rush shit on trump like he does the rest of the drive by liberal media?

Also it's odd he didn't defend Cruz and say the story is ludacris.  He just said we don't know the details yet. 

Rush knows 2/3 of his listeners really love trump.  He doesn't want to lose them.  I get it.  But it's time to fall trump what he is- a democrat.  And it's time to tell Cruz to attck the fck out of national enquirer of he is innocent.  #thething video - Rubio people been talking about it since early March- what is that?


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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #86 on: March 26, 2016, 08:03:59 AM »
This seems more like a snake in the grass political Hillary type move rather than a Trump move.

I'm not saying that Trump wasn't involved but I sort of doubt it.

He is more of "gloves are off, lets duke it out in the town square before the entire town" type.

To think of him behind the scenes making sneaky phone calls? I don't know about that.

He prefers a good old fashioned fist fight.

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #87 on: March 26, 2016, 09:41:47 AM »
Yes trumps friend published it in the national enquirer. 

But yes, team Rubio was shopping the info and threatening a video for a few weeks before this.  I hate trump more than Rubio, but I blame his team much more.  Trump likely knew it was coming and talked wife shit to make it a headline, but team Rubio and other republicans talked about Katrina and Cruz long before that. 

Cruz blaming trump doesn't seem accurate.

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #88 on: March 26, 2016, 09:49:57 AM »
Twitter for #thething shows this as well.  Team Rubio & Rick Wilson talked shit about cruz and katrina for the last few weeks on twitter, bragging about the tape, asking when it comes out.

National Enquirer Parent Company Refutes Cruz – Trump Had Nothing to Do With Our Story

Ted Cruz told reporters in Wisconsin the story was “all lies.” Cruz then went on to blame the article on Donald Trump and his “henchmen.” Cruz argued Roger Stone has been forwarding the article today on the internet. He thinks Trump campaign is behind this story. Cruz also said the publisher of the National Enquirer is a friend of Donald Trump’s.

But these rumors did not start with Donald Trump.

The rumors were started by the Rubio Campaign and anti-Trump GOP elites.

On Friday the parent company for National Enquirer refuted Ted Cruz.

“No one influences the reporting that the National Enquirer does other than our own reporters and editors,” according to the statement. “We stand by the integrity of our coverage and remain committed to our aggressive reporting on such an important topic. The National Enquirer, more than any other publication, has been unflinching in its reporting on the 2016 presidential candidates.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #89 on: March 26, 2016, 09:53:28 AM »
All I hear when all of the career politicians rail against Trump is "he's not one of us and he doesn't need our money and therefore cannot be controlled."

Has their ever been a candidate disparaged this vehemently by all career politician sides before?

I'm not for ànyone, I'm an observer. It seems obvious that both sides see him as a threat to the standard they're used to, business as usual, pretend to fight and disagree on policy, but ultimately do whatever it takes to preserve their standard of living and government meal ticket.

Am I missing something?

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #90 on: March 26, 2016, 11:09:06 AM »
democratic underground still deleting everything to do with the cruz allegations as fast as possible.

drudge won't touch it.

free republic forums = there are hundreds of posts on it.

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #91 on: March 26, 2016, 11:39:30 AM »
All I hear when all of the career politicians rail against Trump is "he's not one of us and he doesn't need our money and therefore cannot be controlled."

Has their ever been a candidate disparaged this vehemently by all career politician sides before?

I'm not for ànyone, I'm an observer. It seems obvious that both sides see him as a threat to the standard they're used to, business as usual, pretend to fight and disagree on policy, but ultimately do whatever it takes to preserve their standard of living and government meal ticket.

Am I missing something?

It's not because he's not a "career politician" it's because he's an lying, arrogant, narcissistic asshole that if he wins the nomination is going to get eaten alive by another pathological liar, traitor and murderer (accessory).


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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #92 on: March 26, 2016, 12:08:33 PM »
democratic underground still deleting everything to do with the cruz allegations as fast as possible.

drudge won't touch it.

free republic forums = there are hundreds of posts on it.

Now why do you think that is?

A.) They are trying to protect Ted Cruz....

B.) The "story" has a good chance of burning a lot of people in a legal firestorm and such.


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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #93 on: March 26, 2016, 01:43:41 PM »
It's not because he's not a "career politician" it's because he's an lying, arrogant, narcissistic asshole that if he wins the nomination is going to get eaten alive by another pathological liar, traitor and murderer (accessory).

You're insane if you think he wouldn't destroy Hillz with all her baggage that the rest of them are too inept or afraid to pound and pound at.


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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #94 on: March 26, 2016, 02:05:13 PM »
C'mon Bro, it's Alex Jones...

For you I will but damn I don't want to  >:(

That's my point polychronopolous, the fact that Roger Stone is even going on the alex jones show making up lie after lie in trashing Cruz and supporting Trump,  that just 5 minutes into that laughable video anyone can see 2 things, 1) that Roger stone is a sleazy liar, and 2) that he is still working for Trump. (even though he says otherwise)


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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #95 on: March 26, 2016, 02:10:15 PM »
240 supports Cruz for President ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #96 on: March 26, 2016, 02:58:12 PM »
You're insane if you think he wouldn't destroy Hillz with all her baggage that the rest of them are too inept or afraid to pound and pound at.

I would like to think you're right but if you go by the polls, he loses to Killary, Cruz on the other hand beats her. Liberals couldn't careless what kind of baggage she has, who she's had killed or the fact that she was a total failure as a politician. As a matter of fact they can't even say why they would vote for her.


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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #97 on: March 26, 2016, 03:14:22 PM »
I would like to think you're right but if you go by the polls, he loses to Killary, Cruz on the other hand beats her. Liberals couldn't careless what kind of baggage she has, who she's had killed or the fact that she was a total failure as a politician. As a matter of fact they can't even say why they would vote for her.

Polls before the candidates even win the nomination and before the independents vote aren't that reliable...

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #98 on: March 26, 2016, 03:31:58 PM »
Polls before the candidates even win the nomination and before the independents vote aren't that reliable...

Again, I hope you're right.

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Re: NE: Multiple Ted Cruz affairs with pics, names, evidence. This is bad.
« Reply #99 on: March 26, 2016, 03:39:12 PM »
Cruz needs to be more convincing.  That half ass denial and unwillingness to promise to sue them makes him look guilty.  One quick trashing of tabloids then go silent just won't do