Author Topic: Oldtimer1  (Read 485191 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1850 on: August 24, 2021, 02:37:09 PM »
Leg day.
Leg press 2x12 four plates a side( very deep with a full knee bend)
Squat machine 2x10 with two plates a side. Squatted till I couldn't go lower
Dumbbell Squat 1x 12 80lbs. (Upright back and butt all the way down)
Stiff dead 2x6 205 (on block for a stretch)
Leg extension 2x20
Standing leg curl 2x 12 (used monkey feet and a block)

Single dumbbell side bend 1x15 100lbs
Hanging leg raise 1x25 (almost straight legs)
Hip ups 1x 30

Standing calf 2x15 185lbs
Seated calf 2x 15 90 lbs.

Four way neck machine 2x25 all sides

At work feeling like a zombie after training two days back to back.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1851 on: August 27, 2021, 10:08:21 AM »
Delt and arms:

Military Press 2 x 8 115lbs Cleaned the weight and went all the way down to the upper chest region on the negative. I was using 135lbs but felt stress in my partially torn rotator cuff so I make a light weight heavy by going slow on the reps and all the way down.
Dumbbell delt lateral raises 2 x 10 28lbs. (yes I can make a 28 pound dumbbell with spin locks)
Dumbbell rear delt laterals 2 x 11 35lbs
Face pulls 2 x 12 85lbs
Barbell shrugs 2 x 10 250lbs.  I see guys using 405 barely moving their shoulders and they are surely crunching their vertebra that could lead to nerve damage for some)

Weighted dips 2 x 8 25lbs ( dug deep going low)
Tricep push downs 2 x 10 (I don't mention weight because all pulleys are different)
Two hands tricep single dumbbell  while seated 2 x 12 65lbs ( I go as low as I can. The whole dumbbell goes behind my head)
Single dumbbell single arm extension behind the head 1 x 16 ( Just a pump out with a light weight)

Alternate dumbbell curl 2 x 8 45lbs
Seated pulley curls with straight bar 3 x 12 ( I saw this exercise on two different videos. I wanted to try it. You keep your upper arm somewhat parallel to the ground)
Concentration curls seated 2 x 12

wrist curls 2 x 25 95lbs
wrist extensions 2 x 15

Going to float in the pool now. Maybe have a nice cold one. Those who are don't drink alcohol and look down at my twice to three time a week enjoyment of adult beverages can kiss my ass. 



  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1852 on: August 28, 2021, 04:43:42 AM »
Had a couple shots of this over ice yesterday.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1853 on: August 28, 2021, 06:36:30 AM »
Had a couple shots of this over ice yesterday.

I was in my pool yesterday with a German beer in the sun after working out.  Black clouds came then thunder and lightening.  Here I was sitting in my floating chair in a down pour.  I refused to leave. Had two more in the rain floating in the pool. I must have been quite a sight for my neighbors.  Music blasting and rain coming down hard with me floating away. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1854 on: August 28, 2021, 03:19:56 PM »
I was in my pool yesterday with a German beer in the sun after working out.  Black clouds came then thunder and lightening.  Here I was sitting in my floating chair in a down pour.  I refused to leave. Had two more in the rain floating in the pool. I must have been quite a sight for my neighbors.  Music blasting and rain coming down hard with me floating away.

Yes, that would be quite a sight for the neighbors. They probably questioned how many beers you had prior to the downpour.

When I was a kid and lived back east, I remember everyone would rush out of the water when a storm was about to hit. Something about lightning and water don't mix too well....which I believe is a bit of a myth.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1855 on: August 29, 2021, 02:23:28 PM »
Yes, that would be quite a sight for the neighbors. They probably questioned how many beers you had prior to the downpour.

When I was a kid and lived back east, I remember everyone would rush out of the water when a storm was about to hit. Something about lightning and water don't mix too well....which I believe is a bit of a myth.

I can't win the lottery but my wife thinks I will win the lottery of being struck by lightening. I was in South Carolina in the ocean when I saw a crowd gather on the beach. Living in NJ that means a bunch of dolphins are going by. Rarely a whale but it happens. Then I thought maybe a kid is missing and I have to help if he's in the water. As I was making my way to the shore three big sharks swam by me so close I could have grabbed one.  They were looking at sharks. When I hit the shore I was spooked for about 30 minutes and my wife was begging me not to go back in. I went back in and had a fantastic time ridding the waves body surfing.  If I can't win the lottery of being eaten by sharks I think I'm good with lightening. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1856 on: August 30, 2021, 01:06:29 PM »
Woke up early before work and trained back and chest.  Felt strong.  Might have to do with taking a week off cardio. Some rambling thoughts here. 

I wonder how healthy and safe it is to train to failure at my age?  I remember Bill Pearl said he gave up heavy weights at 55.  In your 60’s you’re always one rep away from doing damage.  Some say use high reps. Other say use non failure sets and volume. Maybe the last set of a four to six sets per exercise should end in failure.  I know four guys under 60 that have died training. Three running and one lifting. 

Another factor is training too failure all the time healthy for the mind.  I did 12 exercises for two sets each all to failure.   That’s 24 sets of failure.  How is that success? 

Imagine if runners trained with failure protocol.  Any one with a little knowledge in training runners would say what I’m going to type insane.  Let’s say you are training a miler.  Using what’s applied to HIT it would go something like this.  Since the mile is the goal he will only run a mile for specificity of training.  Every training day six days a week. He will run those miles to failure.  The novice runner will quickly progress but will soon dread training.  Then after a month or so he will actually get slower. What would a high intensity lifting coach say to do with this runner? You guessed it, less training days. He goes from six to four taking days. He starts to progress again. Soon he hits another plateau. The coach says go down to three days then even two. When no more progress can be found they declare he reached his genetic limit. Insane? Of course but this is the same approach many Hit people apply to lifting. 

Anyway the proper approach to a maximum mile is plenty of distance off season.  Usually varying between 5 to 15 miles. As the season gets close the distance goes down and the intensity up. Getting close to the season they throw in a lot of interval work like 8x800 meters or 10x 400 meters.  They rarely run a mile in training. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1857 on: August 30, 2021, 01:37:01 PM »
My motto is don't over-exercise, stop and a point where it leaves you thinking you could have done a little more. That way, you are more apt to look forward to the next session. If a person enjoys feeling depleted at the conclusion of a training session, they should ignore what I said.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1858 on: August 31, 2021, 05:58:10 PM »
I really want to get my hands around combining running with lifting. Iron nat made a good suggestion. Combine whole body routines with days of running. Split routines leads to too many days of lifting. At least with training the whole body in one shot you can actually take several days off of lifting. I could use them for having running days.

 I think I'm too old to be doing two a days like I did when I was younger. In my forties I would run around lunch time then lift when I got home from work. The system worked great but now with work, age and other obligations it's too much. I hate whole body routines. It's exhausting to do a relatively comprehensive routine and I like to do a variety of exercises per body part. I might get around that by just changing the work out every two weeks or so.

 Might work or I might dump it for stuff that is tried and true for me.  Ran today and hit the heavy bag.  My protocol will be to do a whole body routine then take three days off. On those three days off I will run two to three of those days.  Might look like this.  Monday-whole body routine. Tuesday run, Wednesday run, Thursday off, Friday lift, Saturday run and Sunday run.  Running works best like most cardio when it's repeated frequently.

I know when I recovered from an arm operation I did exactly what I described above. I lifted twice a week and ran the rest. I was in amazing shape.  Again, I'm not a bodybuilder. Another protocol is to use a power lifting type increase in poundage. Meaning for six whole body workouts I will have a mandatory increase in weight each workout. Sound nuts but the weight starts relatively light.  To clarify say I'm doing 2 sets of 10 reps in barbell curls. I know from past experience I top out at around 100lbs.  Doing two workouts a week my goal will be six workouts so a three week peak. First 2 sets of curls will be 75lbs on Monday.  Second whole body routine on Friday I will use 80lbs. Even though I could I won't increase the reps. On Tuesday the next week following three days off I will use 85lbs.  Getting harder but not brutal. The increases will go on till on the third and final week I will use 100lbs on the last workout. It's a good way of having not to failure training but working on a peak.  The last two workouts of the six with be close to failure or to failure.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1859 on: September 01, 2021, 03:51:58 AM »
Looks like you are on the right track.

When doing whole body routines reduce the volume.  Don't take a split routine and put it all together.

Reduce the volume per workout but do the workout more often.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1860 on: September 07, 2021, 02:55:42 PM »
Got out and cooked amazing T bones from the butcher.  Super market steaks are garbage. It's a shame  that the butcher charges so much but you  have to treat yourself sometimes.

Very true.

I get beef from the local butcher.

It's cheaper if i buy it 100 pounds at a time.

He even puts it in freezer pouches for me.

Cuts it any way i want it, but he will not sell less than 50 pounds and sells in 50 pound increments.

Doing the math, it's like 10% cheaper if i buy 100 pounds.

Good thing i have a deep freeze just for beef and venison.

His fresh non-frozen cuts are very expensive.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1861 on: September 07, 2021, 03:04:15 PM »
Woke up early before work and trained back and chest.  Felt strong.  Might have to do with taking a week off cardio. Some rambling thoughts here. 

I wonder how healthy and safe it is to train to failure at my age?  I remember Bill Pearl said he gave up heavy weights at 55.  In your 60’s you’re always one rep away from doing damage.  Some say use high reps. Other say use non failure sets and volume. Maybe the last set of a four to six sets per exercise should end in failure.  I know four guys under 60 that have died training. Three running and one lifting. 

Another factor is training too failure all the time healthy for the mind.  I did 12 exercises for two sets each all to failure.   That’s 24 sets of failure.  How is that success? 

Imagine if runners trained with failure protocol.  Any one with a little knowledge in training runners would say what I’m going to type insane.  Let’s say you are training a miler.  Using what’s applied to HIT it would go something like this.  Since the mile is the goal he will only run a mile for specificity of training.  Every training day six days a week. He will run those miles to failure.  The novice runner will quickly progress but will soon dread training.  Then after a month or so he will actually get slower. What would a high intensity lifting coach say to do with this runner? You guessed it, less training days. He goes from six to four taking days. He starts to progress again. Soon he hits another plateau. The coach says go down to three days then even two. When no more progress can be found they declare he reached his genetic limit. Insane? Of course but this is the same approach many Hit people apply to lifting. 

Anyway the proper approach to a maximum mile is plenty of distance off season.  Usually varying between 5 to 15 miles. As the season gets close the distance goes down and the intensity up. Getting close to the season they throw in a lot of interval work like 8x800 meters or 10x 400 meters.  They rarely run a mile in training.

I think training to absolute failure is a bad idea as you get older. In fact i don't think it's that great for younger people either. When i was into Oly lifting and power lifting, we never trained to failure, unless it was a Max Effort day and we failed a lift, which is different.

Even in my mid 40's i don't do it anymore. I'll push until i get to what we call positive failure, meaning in order to get another rep you will need to sacrifice your form or have someone touch the weight. Since i train alone, this is the only way i can train anyway, but going to complete failure has never given me results, just injuries.

Do enough to stimulate hypertrophy and call it a day.

Focus on health and fitness.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1862 on: September 07, 2021, 03:49:33 PM »
I think training to absolute failure is a bad idea as you get older. In fact i don't think it's that great for younger people either. When i was into Oly lifting and power lifting, we never trained to failure, unless it was a Max Effort day and we failed a lift, which is different.

Even in my mid 40's i don't do it anymore. I'll push until i get to what we call positive failure, meaning in order to get another rep you will need to sacrifice your form or have someone touch the weight. Since i train alone, this is the only way i can train anyway, but going to complete failure has never given me results, just injuries.

Do enough to stimulate hypertrophy and call it a day.

Focus on health and fitness.

Bhanky are you reading this? You should.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1863 on: September 08, 2021, 09:42:22 AM »
Bhanky are you reading this? You should.

Bhanky knows all.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1864 on: September 08, 2021, 10:00:59 AM »
Bhanky knows all.

One might call him the extreme.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1865 on: September 10, 2021, 03:49:38 PM »
I think training to absolute failure is a bad idea as you get older. In fact i don't think it's that great for younger people either. When i was into Oly lifting and power lifting, we never trained to failure, unless it was a Max Effort day and we failed a lift, which is different.

Even in my mid 40's i don't do it anymore. I'll push until i get to what we call positive failure, meaning in order to get another rep you will need to sacrifice your form or have someone touch the weight. Since i train alone, this is the only way i can train anyway, but going to complete failure has never given me results, just injuries.

Do enough to stimulate hypertrophy and call it a day.

Focus on health and fitness.

Good advices. Yes, Olympic lifters and Power lifters don't train to failure on a set so I know what you mean. I competed in powerlifting  briefly back in 1978 or so.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1866 on: September 10, 2021, 04:18:15 PM »
This is what was going on with me last week. Felt terrible. Four members of my family were sick with coughing, sore throats and fevers. I never got the fever.

Here's my conversation with a doctor's office. "I have a sore throat without a fever."  Office, " Do you have your covid shots?"  "Yes"  Office, " That means nothing you could still have it."  "Can I see the doctor for my sore throat?" "No, he doesn't see sick people in this covid time. He would call in a prescription but you haven't been here since 2019."  "I haven't been sick."  Office, "Go to an urgent care."  Me, "but you're my doctor."

I go to an Urgent care.  "What's the problem?"  " I have a bad sore throat and feel run down."  Urgent care, "You might have covid."  Now I'm in line for an outdoor covid test.  Doctor looks in my throat.  Doc, "That's some red throat  you got. Guys your age usually don't get strep. Gargle with salt water."
Sitting home with a razor blade throat.  Medical care stinks. They did do a covid test that will take 1 to 3 days for results. Urgent care said they would call if positive but they won't call if negative. No call after three days so I assumed it's negative. I could go online and print out the lab results they told me. I go to print out the negative test and the lab has nothing either positive or negative. I call Urgent care and they said something went wrong with the test. They said, Come back in and we will do it again. Nope, I didn't go back.

My Daughter in the medical profession contacted her job and set me up with a fellow doctor.  They ran multiple tests. Covid, Strep, and multi virus panel.  Turns out I got a virus that affects little kids that is called RSV.  They got me on three prescriptions and soon I was feeling great. 

Trained Chest and bicep one set to failure Yates style. Surprisingly I felt strong.

Dumbbell incline press 1 x 10 70lbs (I make a light weight heavy by going slow in both directions and doing a full range of motion. I feel it's safer and more effective than grabbing 100lbs dumbbells and doing half reps in a rapid cadence like the majority of trainers do today)
Decline dumbbell press 1 x 10 65lbs
Flat flies 1 x 12 50lbs (I try to do these wide like hugging a tree with a good stretch).
Push ups 1 x 23 ( I tried to do these immediately after flies like a pre exhaust. My chest goes very close to the floor on the down stroke)

EZ curl 1 x 13 90lbs (I don't swing with my back to assist. Not super strict but strict enough)
Dumbbell alternate 1 x 10 each arm 45lbs
Drag curls 1 x 15 70lbs (Pull elbows back and keep them there. Drag the bar up the front of your body)
concentration curls 1 x 13

Wrist curls 1 x 25 95lbs
Wrist extensions 1 x 25 (Used a DART bar)

ab wheel 1 x 26 (these can aggravate shoulders)
Pulley crunch 1 x 40

Felt my shoulders were tight so I did pullovers with just an olympic bar. I wasn't doing this for an exercise for development but for the stretch.   I went to the full stretch and held it there for around 6 reps. I held it for a four count.  I might have over done it because my one shoulder was throbbing.

After lifting I went to the treadmill.  I wanted to do an easy cardio session because of sitting around the house for 8 days. Being sick made me a vegetable. I did the following. These are not intervals but continuous walking.

0% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
1% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
2% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
3% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8 MPH
4% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
5% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
6% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
7% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
0% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8 MPH

I could have done a lot more cardio but I didn't want to push my body too hard after being sick. I then went to the boardwalk and it was packed.  We ate at a Mexican restaurant called Spicy's.  We call September local summer at the beach. The water is warm and the Northern tourists are gone. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1867 on: September 11, 2021, 04:24:01 AM »
That's a crazy experience with your doctor.

A doctor who won't see you if you're sick.

He must be a "well-patient doctor".  ::)

From what is says here RSV is usually not serious.

"Most RSV infections go away on their own in a week or two.

There is no specific treatment for RSV infection, though researchers are working to develop vaccines and antivirals (medicines that fight viruses).

RSV infections can be dangerous for certain adults. Each year, it is estimated that more than 177,000 older adults are hospitalized and 14,000 of them die in the United States due to RSV infection. Adults at highest risk for severe RSV infection include

    Older adults, especially those 65 years and older
    Adults with chronic heart or lung disease
    Adults with weakened immune systems

Severe RSV Infection

When an adult gets RSV infection, they typically have mild cold-like symptoms. But RSV can sometimes lead to serious conditions such as

    Pneumonia (infection of the lungs)
    More severe symptoms for people with asthma
    More severe symptoms for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (a chronic disease of the lungs that makes it hard to breathe)
    Congestive heart failure (when the heart can’t pump blood and oxygen to the body’s tissues)

Older adults who get very sick from RSV may need to be hospitalized. Some may even die. Older adults are at greater risk than young adults for serious complications from RSV because our immune systems weaken when we are older.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1868 on: September 11, 2021, 05:05:40 AM »
That's a crazy experience with your doctor.

A doctor who won't see you if you're sick.

He must be a "well-patient doctor".  ::)

From what is says here RSV is usually not serious.

"Most RSV infections go away on their own in a week or two.

There is no specific treatment for RSV infection, though researchers are working to develop vaccines and antivirals (medicines that fight viruses).

RSV infections can be dangerous for certain adults. Each year, it is estimated that more than 177,000 older adults are hospitalized and 14,000 of them die in the United States due to RSV infection. Adults at highest risk for severe RSV infection include

    Older adults, especially those 65 years and older
    Adults with chronic heart or lung disease
    Adults with weakened immune systems

Severe RSV Infection

When an adult gets RSV infection, they typically have mild cold-like symptoms. But RSV can sometimes lead to serious conditions such as

    Pneumonia (infection of the lungs)
    More severe symptoms for people with asthma
    More severe symptoms for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (a chronic disease of the lungs that makes it hard to breathe)
    Congestive heart failure (when the heart can’t pump blood and oxygen to the body’s tissues)

Older adults who get very sick from RSV may need to be hospitalized. Some may even die. Older adults are at greater risk than young adults for serious complications from RSV because our immune systems weaken when we are older.

You are a google maniac.  Yes, RSV is a bad cold like sickness caused by this specific virus. It's dangerous for kids under 2 and old people. My granddaughter who I probably got it from was in a day care that was shut down for two weeks because it spread like wild fire through the day care. I felt like crap but yes it was only a cold. My throat was on fire and I felt run down. My other relatives had it worst. They had a  fever and a bad cough. Kept me from working out for around 8 days. Many doctors from what I was told won't see you in their office if they suspect you have COVID from a phone interview. It was proven to me contacting two different health providers. Tell your doctor you have a cough, fever or sore throat and see the response.  Odds are they will not want you in their office. It's outrageous. The urgent care had a doctor come out in the parking lot to see me briefly. He did a covid test, listened to my heart and looked in my throat. That's the covid test that had no outcome from the lab. I still wonder what went wrong? As I wrote the second one was negative.

My third attempt at medical care I  was given a Z pac for ancillary bacterial infections that might arise due my history of being hospitalized for pneumonia in the past. Treatment also involves scrips for such things as antihistamines, cortisone spray and anti viral pills if caught soon enough. In the end my body just beat the cold. One day I woke up and felt better.

Anyway I wrote my saga of my cold interfering with training for entertainment value reading my training journal instead of my usual squat 2 sets of 8, leg extensions 2 sets of 20 reps. Nobody got time to read that over and over again.  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1869 on: September 11, 2021, 07:42:51 AM »
I'm doing my Prime imitation with Googling.  ;)

Glad you got better. 

What good are these vaccines if the doctors (assuming they are vaxxed) are afraid to see you because they might catch Covid?

It's nuts.

And yes, we all know they are only said to reduce the effects of Covid, like the annual flu vax does with the flu.

Does a doctor not see you because you might have the flu?

What does this tell us about the doctor's confidence in the Covid vax?


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1870 on: September 11, 2021, 09:23:22 AM »
I'm doing my Prime imitation with Googling.  ;)

Glad you got better. 

What good are these vaccines if the doctors (assuming they are vaxxed) are afraid to see you because they might catch Covid?

It's nuts.

And yes, we all know they are only said to reduce the effects of Covid, like the annual flu vax does with the flu.

Does a doctor not see you because you might have the flu?

What does this tell us about the doctor's confidence in the Covid vax?

I have a concert coming up in Atlantic city.  They said no entrance without a CDC covid vaccine card. Then you have to watch the concert with a mask on? Wait, everyone is vaccinated but we have to wear a mask? This whole dangerous thing being pushed by Democrats is to push massive mail in voting. See, voting in person is dangerous. It's the only way they can win in the mid terms. Newsom is going to win because of massive mail in ballots and 60 days of voting. If he is losing the race a massive amount of ballots for him will be found. Truth be told no matter what Democrats say these ballots are not being signature checked and there is no proof the person's name on the ballot is the one voting. They are just entered into the computer of their choice. I don't know if this part is true but someone said they can tell if it's a Republican ballot or Democrat by a code on the outside of the ballot.


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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1871 on: September 11, 2021, 09:55:19 AM »
Leg day:  Again I make a light weight heavy by using good form, full range of motion and a moderate rep cadence. Getting really tired of training to failure. Going to make a change soon. 

Leg press 1 x 15 (Noticed leg press machines are all different in the angles used. Mind is quad dominate and most are hip dominate in design. I completely fold my legs. If in doubt using a leg press machine lower that  back board for a greater range of motion.

Machine squats 1 x 12 (When I bought this machine I used it for a couple of years then it collected dust in my gym.  Then squats were bothering my lower back and shoulders. I went back to it and it's a fantastic movement.  As you age you have to change and adapt.) 

Dumbbell squats 1 x 12 (Only been doing these for maybe 5 years or less. Wish I knew what a fantastic movement it was earlier on.  Zane called them dumbbell hack squats. When I was younger using 315 with barbell squats in some sets I thought I couldn't find heavy enough dumbbells. Nope, it doesn't take a lot of weight to kick your ass with these.  Again, use wrist straps. Hold the dumbbell at your sides. Heels on the floor. Try to keep your back upright. Concentrate on sinking your ass to the ground. If you are deadlifting the weight bending over with a high ass you are doing the movement wrong.)

Stiff deads 1 x 8 ( I stand on a block of wood to get a good stretch using 45lbs plates on the barbell. When I was in a commercial gym I couldn't find a good block so I used a bunch of 25lbs plates. Luck for me they had a deadlift loading leverage bar that made it easy to load)

leg extensions 1 x 25
Standing leg curl 1 x 11 ( In my home gym I can do standing leg curls and seated. I switch from one to the other but I think I feel the standing the most in the contracted position. Seated is great too though.)

Single dumbbell side bend 1 x 15 ( I know the majority of bodybuilders won't do these. I'm not a bodybuilder.)
Hanging semi straight leg raise 1 x 25
Hip ups off the floor 1 x 31

Standing calf 1 x 20 (I have the smallest calves ever on a human. I don't know why I train them? Running keeps them functional)
Seated calf 1 x 20
tibialis work 1 x 20

four way neck machine 1 x 25 each side. ( Love this machine I bought. I  used to us a weight helmet that was featured in the old ironman magazine. It worked but felt dangerous doing neck curls with my head hanging off a bench. A safer substitute is to lie on a bench. Get a folded towel and hang your head off the bench. Put something like a 25lbs plate on your forehead to do neck curls. Your hand will be used just to balance the plate and they shouldn't assist. The neck pumps up better than any other body part.  Maybe because of the blood supply? Maybe because of the high reps I use?   Nothing looks worst than a muscular body with a pencil neck or a flabby neck and chin area.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1872 on: September 11, 2021, 02:15:06 PM »
This is what was going on with me last week. Felt terrible. Four members of my family were sick with coughing, sore throats and fevers. I never got the fever.

Here's my conversation with a doctor's office. "I have a sore throat without a fever."  Office, " Do you have your covid shots?"  "Yes"  Office, " That means nothing you could still have it."  "Can I see the doctor for my sore throat?" "No, he doesn't see sick people in this covid time. He would call in a prescription but you haven't been here since 2019."  "I haven't been sick."  Office, "Go to an urgent care."  Me, "but you're my doctor."

I go to an Urgent care.  "What's the problem?"  " I have a bad sore throat and feel run down."  Urgent care, "You might have covid."  Now I'm in line for an outdoor covid test.  Doctor looks in my throat.  Doc, "That's some red throat  you got. Guys your age usually don't get strep. Gargle with salt water."
Sitting home with a razor blade throat.  Medical care stinks. They did do a covid test that will take 1 to 3 days for results. Urgent care said they would call if positive but they won't call if negative. No call after three days so I assumed it's negative. I could go online and print out the lab results they told me. I go to print out the negative test and the lab has nothing either positive or negative. I call Urgent care and they said something went wrong with the test. They said, Come back in and we will do it again. Nope, I didn't go back.

My Daughter in the medical profession contacted her job and set me up with a fellow doctor.  They ran multiple tests. Covid, Strep, and multi virus panel.  Turns out I got a virus that affects little kids that is called RSV.  They got me on three prescriptions and soon I was feeling great. 

Trained Chest and bicep one set to failure Yates style. Surprisingly I felt strong.

Dumbbell incline press 1 x 10 70lbs (I make a light weight heavy by going slow in both directions and doing a full range of motion. I feel it's safer and more effective than grabbing 100lbs dumbbells and doing half reps in a rapid cadence like the majority of trainers do today)
Decline dumbbell press 1 x 10 65lbs
Flat flies 1 x 12 50lbs (I try to do these wide like hugging a tree with a good stretch).
Push ups 1 x 23 ( I tried to do these immediately after flies like a pre exhaust. My chest goes very close to the floor on the down stroke)

EZ curl 1 x 13 90lbs (I don't swing with my back to assist. Not super strict but strict enough)
Dumbbell alternate 1 x 10 each arm 45lbs
Drag curls 1 x 15 70lbs (Pull elbows back and keep them there. Drag the bar up the front of your body)
concentration curls 1 x 13

Wrist curls 1 x 25 95lbs
Wrist extensions 1 x 25 (Used a DART bar)

ab wheel 1 x 26 (these can aggravate shoulders)
Pulley crunch 1 x 40

Felt my shoulders were tight so I did pullovers with just an olympic bar. I wasn't doing this for an exercise for development but for the stretch.   I went to the full stretch and held it there for around 6 reps. I held it for a four count.  I might have over done it because my one shoulder was throbbing.

After lifting I went to the treadmill.  I wanted to do an easy cardio session because of sitting around the house for 8 days. Being sick made me a vegetable. I did the following. These are not intervals but continuous walking.

0% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
1% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
2% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
3% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8 MPH
4% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
5% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
6% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
7% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8MPH
0% incline for a quarter mile at 3.8 MPH

I could have done a lot more cardio but I didn't want to push my body too hard after being sick. I then went to the boardwalk and it was packed.  We ate at a Mexican restaurant called Spicy's.  We call September local summer at the beach. The water is warm and the Northern tourists are gone.

It was a long rough road getting there, but at least now you know you didn't have COVID which should be a relief. Respiratory Syncytial Virus can lead to pneumonia or bronchitis which can be serious. Don't overdo your workouts until you feel better for a few days at least. RSV is spread from person to person pretty much the same way COVID is.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1873 on: September 13, 2021, 05:34:05 PM »
Back day: No warm ups listed. Used as needed and some exercises got no warm ups.

Pulldown with supinate M.A.G. bar. 1 x 12
Seated lat cable row with V handle 1 x 13 180lbs ( all the way out and all the way back)
Dumbbell one arm row with knee on bench 1 x 12 85lbs
Reverse grip pulldown 1 x 11
deadlift 1 x 5 reps 315lbs (Damn expected to get 6 reps. Just got gassed at 5 reps. Pissed about this.)
Weighted hyper extension 1 x 20 25lbs plate behind my head

Ab wheel roll out 1 x 26 (think these are bugging my shoulders)
Ab pulley crunch 1  x 40

When I do early morning workouts I can't use my stereo system and I use an Ipod.  It's old and it occasionally gets gremlins in it so I turned it off.  Towards the end of the workout I did it in silence. Wow, I hate that. I like to listen to music as I lift.  Tomorrow is the easiest day of this split. It's delts and triceps. That Ipod better work. 


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Re: Oldtimer1
« Reply #1874 on: September 14, 2021, 06:04:43 AM »
Delt and triceps: Always make a weight heaver than it is instead of trying to make a heavy weight lighter by a short range of motion.

Military press 1 x 9 115lbs (cleaned the weight and touched the bar on my upper chest area.  Made the light weight heavy by a full range of motion and a moderate cadence speed of the reps.

Dumbbell lateral raises 1 x 12 28lbs.
Rear delt dumbbell laterals 1 x 15 35lbs
Face pulls 1 x 15 85lbs
Barbell shrugs 1 x 14 250lbs

Weighted dips 1 x 9 25lbs (This is a lift like the leg press where guys short stroke the rep to handle heavy weights. Dig deep. You won't be able to add 50lbs to your waist butt but the  results will be better)

Rope tricep 1 x 20

EZ tricep extentions seated 1 x 8 (My right elbow was screaming. I have to make some changes in tricep work)

Reverse grip D ring on arm push downs 1 x 12

Weighted crunches 1 x 60 10lbs
Pulley crunches 1 x 50

Doing tricep work my elbow doesn't hurt doing dips, close grips and two hand dumbbell tricep behind the head.  I have to be careful and do stuff that doesn't hurt.