Did my first whole body workout in awhile. Using splits for a long time. I used really embarrassing weights for my first workout. Tried to make up for the lack of poundage by using a slow mo cadence and full range of motion. As usual my delicate shoulder wouldn't allow me to jerk the weight after a power clean so I just did power cleans. I think my six workout cycle is a good plan. The workouts will be relatively easy until I hit workout four. The big exercises are getting ten pound increases from workout to workout and the smaller exercises 5lbs increases.
Tomorrow is cardio day, heavy bag and body weight conditioning. Curious to see how my body reacts to these workouts. If I over do the cardio I'm sure to lose muscle and look flat. We will see. I hope I get the full three weeks in so I can see the results of or lack of. Trying to do a whole body routine with the weights twice a week with some body weight stuff on the days off.
In a perfect week it might look like this.
Monday: Whole body routine with the weights
Tuesday: Distance run, heavy bag and body weight exercises
Wednesday: Intensity interval runs, heavy bag and body weight exercises
Thursday: Easy run
Friday: Whole body routine with the weights
Saturday: Off. Drink beer to replace carbohydrates.
Sunday: Distance run, heavy bag and body weight exercises
Hope I can gut out this routine for the planned three weeks. It's a different path from what I have been doing. If all goes well I will continue. If not I will go back to my split routine.