Author Topic: q for ESfitness  (Read 5346 times)

Simple Simon

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Re: q for ESfitness
« Reply #25 on: June 29, 2017, 10:05:54 PM »
I dunno.. The counselors in rehab brought that up and said I was probably a sex addict and a relationship addict. Whatever that meant... When I was going through girls it was more like an ego thing.. See how many girls I could get and get the number as high as I could. Gets old after a while, especially when you realize the girls just want you because of how you look. I was always nice to them and respectful and charming and shit, but realized I could be a dick and it wouldn't matter. They just wanted muscles,abs, handsome face, pretty eyes, & a big dick to show their friends.... Most in a day was 4. Did that once just to see if I could. Did 3 a few times... Again, pretty much just an ego thing. Its fucken stress full rushing one out while another is on her way. Sometimes I had to use an excuse that I had to go somewhere else so so me and the girl will leave at the same time and I go to the end of the block turn around drive back home Rush inside and use baby wipes to wipe down if I didn't have time to shower before the next one guy here.... Would usually only I'm a couple times. The others of fake it lol and tell them I'd rubbed one out earlier before the got here. Usually would take cialis in the morning and Viagra before each one came over if I had time. Like 100mg the first and another 200mg after.having 2-4g cup in my bloodstream helped too.