Author Topic: Who Had Go To Lakehead University In Canada???  (Read 6816 times)


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Re: Who Has Went To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2017, 12:28:38 PM »
Same to you, Vince.  But I wanted that writing gig at MD.  Failing that, I wanted you or another Getbigger to get the job!  Now thanks to you making Ron Harris scared of Getbig controversy - none of us here at Getbig may be fired!

Bitcoin went up $1,850 CAD since LAST FRIDAY!!

People need to stop thinking the Bitcoin gains are over and just invest a thousand bucks!  It will likely go up $250 within a month - if they think that's a problem or they start to get worried, they can cash out, and just keep the $250 in gains.

As I said, ONE COIN increased $1,850 in SEVEN DAYS.  I think that is around $1,500 USD per coin.  Now I am lending out like $50,000 to friends combined with sponsorship money for the local strongman contests, because it just seems surreal to have made all this money - also, on some level, I am worried about a Bitcoin crash.  I may as well cash out some of the coins now.  But every time I do that and they go up AGAIN, I feel guilty for spending the money.

Regarding the money/savings I have, my investment adviser informed me that my children's educations may cost $80,000 CAD per year.  So if one of them decides to get a Ph.D in a university out of town - a less shitty university than Lakehead - it may cost me over $500,000 to educate one child.  Consider that I intend to have 6+ children, and I already have three children, all under the age of 10.  If I get the mother of my 4-month-old baby pregnant again, I will have four children all under the age of 10.  That is a goal of mine to do, to be honest.  But even if that doesn't happen, I still have the current three children, who will likely cost $1 million each to pay for until the age of 25.  Consider that my son has inherited my autism, so I want to buy my neighbour's house and give it to my son at age 18.  So that will likely cost $200,000.  All of this stuff costs money.  I feel very wealthy, but without a doubt - I have places that I need to spend this money on.

Only now do I sort of realize that the people I thought were rich, are not as rich as I thought.  For example, two parent households earning $100,000 each.  Pfft...after taxes, that is a household income of maybe $140,000 max in Ontario.  That is $400 a day.  A reasonable salary to be sure, but with kids, you spend the money fast.  I have $3,000 a month in combined child support and RESPs!  I have bills out the ass!  I need around $5,000 a month just to be poor.  And I am a heavy sponsor for the local strength community.

Also, yes - I should probably let go of the issue with Muscular Development, but Lakehead University did not just - ILLEGALLY - fire me, they also trespassed me from the university.

So that's why I'm particularly bitter with them.  If it wasn't for the trespassing order in place, preventing me from taking Advanced Calculus, I would not be so angry.

Interesting enough, the last course I took at Lakehead was Theory of Cryptology, under Dr. Gregory Lee.

Lakehead is a crap social justice school all around though - but I still enjoy taking upper level mathematics courses there from time to time.  Just to keep my mathematical thinking fresh.  Trespassing me was not appropriate, given that THEY broke the law while firing me!!

Can you buy just a part of a bitcoin, Matt?



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Re: Who Has Went To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2017, 12:33:02 PM »
Oops, I forgot to press "Post", and this was waiting for several hours.  ;D :-X

I went there to Lakehead, along with Mr. Arnold Park (BA, Grad Dip Bus, MBA), the former president and CEO of McCain Foods Canada.

Lakehead is a bunch of shit.  "Bakehead", "Last Chance Lakehead", etc.  Thank you for posting this thread, Vince.  Getbig posts tend to be very highly ranked in Google, and I am glad you are raising awareness about institution of the left.

I got 98% in my Computational Linear Algebra II course, which was not only the top mark in the ENTIRE DEPARTMENT that semester, but I was also the second highest performing student that Dr. Liping Liu had in her 15 year tenure at the university at the time.  Second only to Dr. Dylan Mahler who is currently a physicist at the University of Bristol, who received 99% in one of her less demanding courses [Numerical Methods].

On top of that, I was likely the fastest marker in the entire university, completing my marking of Calculus I assignments in 70% of the allotted time.

And I got fired illegally over my Facebook posts.  ::)  The university explicitly withheld the information from me, since they didn't want to give me a chance to stop posting the material - they just don't want *any* right-wingers in their employ.  It's like they understand that you need to be a genetic retard to agree with leftist rhetoric and they don't want to be anywhere near anyone with the intelligence and balls to understand rightist concepts - be they economic concepts such as minimum wage being garbage policy, or more racially charged material such as the differences in average IQ scores between the races.

As I said, they loathe the idea that there are even people in existence who think critically on these matters.  They want nothing more than leftist drones, and know that I'm too intelligent to buy into their dumb shit of "Structural racism, blah, blah, blah."

It's one thing to have not hired me over my Facebook posts, but they weren't tipped off about them until midway through my contract.  They did not let me know about any of the complaints against me because, again, they didn't even like the idea of a rightist being employed at the university - even though ALL of my behaviour was 100% in line with their code of conduct.

This is why universities have become so ridiculously leftist, and why Jordan Peterson of the University of Toronto is basically a hero.  Naturally people who speak out against universities and the disgusting things that they do.

If you haven't checked out the Jordan Peterson videos online, do so now:

You know Jordan Peterson would probably distance himself from you, if not have a very harsh critique on you. And this is one of the reasons.
that you need to be a genetic retard 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Who Has Went To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2017, 12:40:04 PM »
Did Mr. Basile attend LU while training for Mr. Canada?

 ;D ;D
 ;D ;D


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Re: Who Has Went To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2017, 12:41:04 PM »

This has nothing to do with you.  Get lost you old turtle.

 :D :D
 :D :D

Simple Simon

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Re: Who Had Go To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #29 on: November 03, 2017, 12:43:48 PM »

try and write a fucking post without using the word "I"


  • Getbig V
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Re: Who Has Went To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2017, 06:53:52 PM »
Can you buy just a part of a bitcoin, Matt?


Yes, absolutely.  Keep in mind Bitcoin went up nearly two thousand dollars in a week - and by that I mean THIS PAST WEEK.  I think the Winklevoss Twins are right when they predicted $20,000 a coin.  Although I've been wrong in the past - I predicted a max value of $5,000 a coin.  Bitcoin has already torn that valuation to shreds.  :o


try and write a fucking post without using the word "I"


Yes, but my posts are bodybuilding-related because I went to numerous bodybuilding contests/expos and I competed in different local strength contests, and I even judged a local bodybuilding contest once.


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Re: Who Has Went To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2017, 06:56:38 PM »
You know Jordan Peterson would probably distance himself from you, if not have a very harsh critique on you. And this is one of the reasons.

Exactly. Jordan Peterson would despise Matt's outright racism, yet, Matt posts his videos like he has some strong connection to him haha lol


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Re: Who Has Went To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2017, 11:08:05 PM »
Exactly. Jordan Peterson would despise Matt's outright racism, yet, Matt posts his videos like he has some strong connection to him haha lol

How so?  I agree with Peterson's message that political correctness is completely out of hand.

Also, with the non-stop identity politics of Black people, gay people, trans people, and any and every other identity group being completely out of hand, with even moderate voices against the left being shouted down and destroyed, it is just a matter of time before a massive White identity sweeps over Western civilization, quite whether you - or Jordan Peterson - likes it or not.

Peterson strays away from that topic - and the topic of the MASSIVE Jewish involvement in communist mass murder - despite knowing full well that it is a fact.  He wants to ignore this topic so that he isn't called "racist", yet he gets called racist anyway, hahahahaha.

So whether Peterson likes it or not, we have to start being "racist" to realistically address these things.  Peterson knows damn well that IQ is largely genetic and has said so himself on video.  He is also WELL AWARE of the research showing that Blacks having far lower IQs than Whites on average - hence why our societies are vastly superior to Black societies, and why White people have invented about 80% of that which puts us in 21st century comfort today.  It is irrelevant if Peterson doesn't want to be called racist - he is called racist anyway!  And he knows full well that what I'm saying is accurate.

He is similar to Sam Harris in the way that Sam wants to constantly trash Islam, and mass Muslim immigration, then whine and call other people racist.  Nope, doesn't work like that - you don't get to pick and choose how the term racist gets used.  Sam Harris wants to not have the term hurled at him, and be able to himself hurl it at others, all the while speaking in just as "racist" a fashion about Muslims as I do about Blacks.

Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson are just too afraid to ignore the calls of racist.  It's like they want the term to have legitimacy for some reason, and constantly defend themselves, and state that they are "not racist."

I couldn't give two fucking shits if anyone thinks I'm "racist" - my academic track record speaks for itself.  And if being correct makes me "racist", then so be it.  I would rather be correct and be called "racist", then be incorrect and thought to not be racist.

Uh oh, I'm being called a racist.  I'm so scared!!!  ::)

Newsflash: I make money off my money at this point in my life and don't give two fucking shits what anyone calls me.  Go get me fired from the job I don't have, hahaha.


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Re: Who Has Went To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #33 on: November 04, 2017, 12:29:22 AM »
How so?  I agree with Peterson's message that political correctness is completely out of hand.

Also, with the non-stop identity politics of Black people, gay people, trans people, and any and every other identity group being completely out of hand, with even moderate voices against the left being shouted down and destroyed, it is just a matter of time before a massive White identity sweeps over Western civilization, quite whether you - or Jordan Peterson - likes it or not.

Peterson strays away from that topic - and the topic of the MASSIVE Jewish involvement in communist mass murder - despite knowing full well that it is a fact.  He wants to ignore this topic so that he isn't called "racist", yet he gets called racist anyway, hahahahaha.

So whether Peterson likes it or not, we have to start being "racist" to realistically address these things.  Peterson knows damn well that IQ is largely genetic and has said so himself on video.  He is also WELL AWARE of the research showing that Blacks having far lower IQs than Whites on average - hence why our societies are vastly superior to Black societies, and why White people have invented about 80% of that which puts us in 21st century comfort today.  It is irrelevant if Peterson doesn't want to be called racist - he is called racist anyway!  And he knows full well that what I'm saying is accurate.

He is similar to Sam Harris in the way that Sam wants to constantly trash Islam, and mass Muslim immigration, then whine and call other people racist.  Nope, doesn't work like that - you don't get to pick and choose how the term racist gets used.  Sam Harris wants to not have the term hurled at him, and be able to himself hurl it at others, all the while speaking in just as "racist" a fashion about Muslims as I do about Blacks.

Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson are just too afraid to ignore the calls of racist.  It's like they want the term to have legitimacy for some reason, and constantly defend themselves, and state that they are "not racist."

I couldn't give two fucking shits if anyone thinks I'm "racist" - my academic track record speaks for itself.  And if being correct makes me "racist", then so be it.  I would rather be correct and be called "racist", then be incorrect and thought to not be racist.

Uh oh, I'm being called a racist.  I'm so scared!!!  ::)

Newsflash: I make money off my money at this point in my life and don't give two fucking shits what anyone calls me.  Go get me fired from the job I don't have, hahaha.

Yet, you bitched and moaned that Goodrum stopped you from writing at MD. Haha lol

Also, you seem very angry. Epic meltdown.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Who Had Go To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2017, 12:31:24 AM »

try and write a fucking post without using the word "I"

He can't help it! His life is just that interesting! We all want to know about it!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Who Had Go To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #35 on: November 04, 2017, 10:33:02 PM »
He can't help it! His life is just that interesting! We all want to know about it!



  • Getbig V
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Re: Who Has Went To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #36 on: November 05, 2017, 01:01:18 AM »

Yet, you bitched and moaned that Goodrum stopped you from writing at MD. Haha lol

Also, you seem very angry. Epic meltdown.

Here, I'll make this post easier for everyone to read:

[move along past 500 words of me speaking about my mediocre standing in amateur strongman contests]

Ok, done now.

Anyway, don't you think it would cool for at least one Getbigger to be writing for MD?  Obviously I wanted the opportunity, but there are literally dozens of extremely knowledgeable posters here.  I would love to see that, but I suspect Vince would stop them from getting the opportunity also.

MD could use a Getbigger on staff.  Ron Harris is no doubt overworked.  He is allegedly owed some major bank my MD, as well.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Who Has Went To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #37 on: November 05, 2017, 01:31:39 PM »
Here, I'll make this post easier for everyone to read:

[move along past 500 words of me speaking about my mediocre standing in amateur strongman contests]

Ok, done now.

Anyway, don't you think it would cool for at least one Getbigger to be writing for MD?  Obviously I wanted the opportunity, but there are literally dozens of extremely knowledgeable posters here.  I would love to see that, but I suspect Vince would stop them from getting the opportunity also.

MD could use a Getbigger on staff.  Ron Harris is no doubt overworked.  He is allegedly owed some major bank my MD, as well.

Why do I care if a getbigger writes for MD? It has zero influence on my life.

You didn't get the job because of your outright racism. Then, you blamed Goodrum.

Take responsibility for your actions.


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Re: Who Had Go To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #38 on: November 05, 2017, 01:34:00 PM »


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Re: Who Has Went To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #39 on: November 05, 2017, 01:57:27 PM »
Why do I care if a getbigger writes for MD? It has zero influence on my life.

You didn't get the job because of your outright racism. Then, you blamed Goodrum.

Take responsibility for your actions.

reality as well is that Matt uses the words "I" and "me" way too much when he writes anything which comes across as amateurish for a writer

maybe Fortress could chime in about Matt's writing capabilities considering he was with Musclemag and other publications for years, as well as being a journalism student back at college if I am correct.


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Re: Who Had Go To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #40 on: May 19, 2021, 10:33:48 AM »

What are you thoughts o Ethereum? Still wise to invest in it for long-haul?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Who Had Go To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #41 on: May 19, 2021, 12:23:00 PM »

What are you thoughts o Ethereum? Still wise to invest in it for long-haul?

Investing in DogeCoin here


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Re: Who Had Go To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #42 on: May 19, 2021, 03:59:33 PM »
Investing in DogeCoin here

I want to do this too - but haven't the first clue how! LOL



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Re: Who Had Go To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #43 on: May 19, 2021, 05:03:58 PM »
Just curios which Jewish or Black men had their way with Matt to fill him with such hate..

My guess is he doesn`t know either a Jew or Black in have to really be a hate monger to put Hitler on a pedestal upstanding world citizen that he was.


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Re: Who Had Go To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #44 on: May 19, 2021, 05:25:42 PM »
Just curios which Jewish or Black men had their way with Matt to fill him with such hate..

My guess is he doesn`t know either a Jew or Black in have to really be a hate monger to put Hitler on a pedestal upstanding world citizen that he was.

I think this guy once made a joke about 6.45" peckers



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Re: Who Had Go To Lakehead University In Canada???
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2021, 02:04:34 AM »