Is that the cast of the new predator film? If so it can go get fucked never watching that shit
Just following the popular trend...You had native americans' offspring in terminator so the predator just went with the real deal.
Prey has good feedback so far, its set way in the past and it targets a tribe.
Arnold looked good up until 2003 (mid 50's). He's since aged about 100 years and lost 3-4" in height. Mary Sue SquawIndians hunting Hawks and Eagles for sport, FOH! Every Indian in this movie could pass a college-level English Communications class. What happened to native tongue? FOH! Y'all make of this movie what y'all like!
I watched this with low expectations but it's a better movie than predator 1 (though without the iconic scenes/lines)
. Just watched it.. Its actually a pretty good movie. Recommended it... .
It was okay but I’m tired of these princess warrior movies.
Weinberger approves