Author Topic: Pain in left shoulder  (Read 12059 times)


  • Getbig III
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Pain in left shoulder
« on: April 17, 2018, 03:04:46 AM »
So the other night I was doing front raises and I started getting this pain in my left shoulder, I thought it was just tender and maybe a little tight so I stretched it and did some rotator cuff exercises but that seemed to make it worse. It persisted through the night and then two days later during chest it started feeling worse and now I'm getting a weakness in it. So I've taken the last few days off to see if maybe a week or so of rest and stretching would help but came here to get some input on it. Any thoughts guys? I plan on seeing my doctor about this but I can't get in for a little bit. Thanks in advance


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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2018, 06:32:34 PM »
Rest, Ice, Aspirin
Where is the pain in your shoulder? Front/side/rear?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2018, 07:56:03 PM »
I had my delts bullet proof form many decades. First time I injured a shoulder was doing half benches in a power rack in my early 20's. Heard it was a trick for getting a big bench. It sure worked at first but it made my pecs so tight something tore. My delt/pec tie in hurt for months. After that I had decades of healthy shoulders until I hit 54 or so. I hurt my shoulder doing pullups of all things. It was so painful I couldn't move my arm. Doctor said it was a bad sprain just like you can sprain your ankle you can sprain your shoulder. He also said I had a torn labrum but it was in the best possible area to have one if that makes any sense. He said the first approach for my case was letting the sprain heal then consider surgery as the last option.

I found doing the various rotator cuff movements with cables, bands and light dumbbells helped. Realize if you have a torn rotator cuff doing rotator cuff exercises can cause more damage. What made a big difference for me was stretching the shoulder with various movements. Yes, stretching can makes things worse if you have tear. I'm convinced bench pressing with a bar destroys flexibility in the shoulder region then that sets you up for a tear.

I manage my shoulder by not doing certain movements. Heavy benches with a bar are out. I use dumbbells instead. Doing the jerk from the clean and jerk are now out. It just jams up the shoulder hard. Press behind the neck was a staple for me for decades. I even believed it contributed to shoulder health because you need shoulder flexibility to do the movement but now I avoid it. Pec flies machines always made my shoulder area pec tie in throb with pain for days.

The morale of the story is don't do anything that aggravates your shoulder. There are no must do movements. Anything at hurts your shoulder eliminate.  

See an orthopedic surgeon that specializes in only shoulders. Don't see one that says he can do anything from knees, hips to shoulders. These do everything guys are the worst. If you have a shoulder problem then see a guy that only deals in shoulders. He will do x rays and MRI's. He might order anti inflammatory and order rest to see if that will heal it. On the other hand he might see something in the MRI to fix. Just keep in the back of your mind that surgeons love to operate because that's how they make payments on their million dollar homes.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2018, 01:50:52 PM »
Yeah my bad, I forgot..... The pain is mostly coming from the front delt it seems. A orthopedic friend of mine says he believes its Tendonitis and I should just need to rest it for awhile and maybe do some extremely light isolation movements for the front delt only.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2018, 04:03:39 PM »
Yeah my bad, I forgot..... The pain is mostly coming from the front delt it seems. A orthopedic friend of mine says he believes its Tendonitis and I should just need to rest it for awhile and maybe do some extremely light isolation movements for the front delt only.

Like it was said before by Chaos. Rest, ice and anti inflammatory drugs for tendinitis.  A doctor can prescribe a prescription Nsaid that won't be to hard on the stomach.  Take a week off or two and when you come back do movement with a slow cadence through a full range of motion. Make a light weight heavy.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2018, 05:50:53 PM »
Alright, Thx guys for the input. It sucks taking time off but it has to be done :(


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2018, 02:54:02 AM »
Yep you have to work around it. DO NOT do anything that hurts it.
Make sure you diet isnt too inflamatory with lots of saturated fats and sugar. Use good quality fish oil.
Try to stay away from NSAID, they will mask the pain but not actually heal anything, inflamation is a natural process of healing. You want natural anti inflamatories taken away from your workout.
Dont be retarded and pop NSAID and advil preworkout you will pay a big price doing that... ask Tom Prince


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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2018, 06:33:42 PM »
Like it was said before by Chaos. Rest, ice and anti inflammatory drugs for tendinitis.  A doctor can prescribe a prescription Nsaid that won't be to hard on the stomach.  Take a week off or two and when you come back do movement with a slow cadence through a full range of motion. Make a light weight heavy.
Slow reps and higher reps helped me. 4 or 5 15 rep sets


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2018, 08:09:30 AM »
Rest it bro for months if needed, work around the injury the best you can. Have someone jam there thumbs strait down into the muscle to pull blood and release tension in areas.   Happens to me every so often, don't try to plow through it or the pain will never go away if its what I think it is.  Also use ibuprophen minimally a few days a week,  blast hot water in shower on it and ice now and then when you board ..

this should speed it up or just buck up and find a real deal message place and have them do your neck and shoulder the whole time


  • Getbig III
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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2018, 05:11:38 PM »
Rest it bro for months if needed, work around the injury the best you can. Have someone jam there thumbs strait down into the muscle to pull blood and release tension in areas.   Happens to me every so often, don't try to plow through it or the pain will never go away if its what I think it is.  Also use ibuprophen minimally a few days a week,  blast hot water in shower on it and ice now and then when you board ..

this should speed it up or just buck up and find a real deal message place and have them do your neck and shoulder the whole time

What do you think it is.......?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2018, 07:14:36 AM »
Front delt pain can sometimes indicate bicipital tendonitis, which trainers often mistake for shoulder pain.

Of course, I don't know if that's what you have for sure, but it's worth considering since it may dictate which biomechanical corrective measures are necessary for recovery.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2018, 11:49:01 PM »
Front delt pain can sometimes indicate bicipital tendonitis, which trainers often mistake for shoulder pain.

Of course, I don't know if that's what you have for sure, but it's worth considering since it may dictate which biomechanical corrective measures are necessary for recovery.

Ahh I looked this up and it makes a lot more sense than any type actually delt pain. The symptoms describe my issue perfectly, Thank you Montauge.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2018, 04:17:20 PM »
Ahh I looked this up and it makes a lot more sense than any type actually delt pain. The symptoms describe my issue perfectly, Thank you Montauge.

You're welcome!

I do nothing, but I try hard...


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2018, 09:05:00 AM »
Is the pain sharp, dull, throbbing.....? Still present during a normal off training day? If no acute pain, discoloring or swelling in the anterior delt/pec tie in, than might suggest heat. Actual heat and cold, alternating one to the other also works well, but heat may be the first choice.

A muscle growing weaker, along with pain, may also suggest a inflamed nerve within a region.  Which could be helped by a simple muscle massage from the neck down to the biceps. Or a deeper sports style massage. Though acupuncture or acupressure has worked well for many.

Some of the jocks (serious or weekend)  I come in contact with rely on  Excedrin  for overall muscle pain.  But's that's their choice, not all stomachs handle it equally well and it can be habit forming.

By all means check that problem out with a dctor, if that injury lingers.

Good Luck.



  • Getbig III
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Re: Pain in left shoulder
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2018, 12:49:03 PM »
So.... After researching it a lot more i found that it is indeed, without a doubt Biceps tendinitis and after A LOT of long, hard (PAINFUL) stretching and light band work its almost in perfect working order again. thank you again for all of the input here, It defenitely led me in the correct direction. Ive been working on my rotator cuff mainly and that has done the trick!! Im so happy to be almost pain free once again.