Author Topic: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women  (Read 23670 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #50 on: February 09, 2021, 03:41:36 AM »
I’m visiting New Orleans for the first time and we find ourselves at some dive bar surrounded by black folks. We’re shooting billiards and some humongous black chick starts flirting with me. I mean HUGE. She’s at least 350lbs no joke. Now I’m no prize but I usually date 5s and 6s. This beast was a solid zero. So I’m drinking and flirting back just for fun and before you know it I’m sitting on her lap and she’s now buying the drinks. I jokingly tell my buddy I’m pretty sure this chick is gonna kill me if I don’t fuck her. He says if you do and bring me proof I’ll pay for the flight back to Cleveland.

That’s like $120. But aside from the money a part of me starts wondering ‘When was the last time this orca whale got laid?’ I mean she was absolutely horrendous monstrously obese and horribly sweaty and  all. And she was being soooo nice to me that I started thinking about it in a charitable kind of way. So I when she asks me to come back to her place I accepted and immediately regretted my decision when we pulled up to what looked like an abandoned home and we had to go around the back and go into the basement where a filthy mattress sat on the floor next to a milk crate. I immediately panicked and thought I was about to be mugged. Then I realized she might be a prostitute and this was her flop house.

I tried to get out of it by telling her I didn’t have any condoms and I didn’t want to get her pregnant but this bitch was two steps ahead of me. ‘I’m already pregnant,’ she laughed as she led me by the hand down onto the filthy floor. Did I mention it smelled like raw sewage. I remember it smelled so bad that when I put my face close to her sweaty nasty armpits it was actually a relief.

I thought at least she might go down on me and I could bust one and make a run for it but again I was drunk and she was thinking nine moves ahead like Kasparov. So she just casually takes off her sweat soaked purple leggings and black thong and spreads her legs and yells ‘EAT ME, SUGAR!’

I was so stunned I couldn’t decide whether to vomit or die laughing. But somehow, I obeyed and began lapping up her puddles of her Denny’s combo of fecal, sweat and vag juice. She came and immediately got up on all fours and shouted ‘NOW FUCK DAT PUSSY’. At this point I believe I was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and just did what I was told. I’m in her sweaty smelly twat and thinking that since I didn’t serve in Vietnam like my dad, this will be the best war story I’ll ever be able to tell my nephews when they grow up.

I’m on autopilot at this point and I figure I may as well fuck her in the ass and cap off the night in heroic fashion so I look down and use every bit of my powerlifting lockout to spread her gigantic ass cheeks to find her asshole entrance. But to my shock and horror she didn’t have an anus...


...I reach down below the hood with my fingers feeling around and using my Braille powers find a loose wet dripping pair of wizard sleeves. It hits me like a freight train...


I finish in her ass and collapse on top of her like a baby seal taking a nap on a Sperm whale. When I wake up the sun is up and I ready to make my getaway. But I still need proof for my friend so he doesn’t pull an Epic is Back and stiff me. So I get dressed, grab her thong and stuff it into my jeans and tiptoe towards the door hoping her snoring will cover up the sound of me opening all three locks on the door.

Again, I didn’t realize I had fucked Magnus Carlsen. I flip one dead bolt and the snoring immediately stops. I FREEZE.

“I know you ain’t stealing my damn thong!”

I tell her I was on my way to get coffee and forgot about them and pulled them out and tossed them to her.

“if you goin to Dunkin’ Donuts can you gemme three jelly donuts?”

Sure I say. I walk out of that dungeon up the stairs and I swear Andy DuFresne had absolutely nothing on me. I jumped for joy and then immediately tried to figure out where the nearest place to charge my flip phone could possibly be. New Orleans is a shithole and I had to be in the shittiest part of the dirtiest city.

I finally had to borrow someone’s phone on the street and call my friend to come get me. He picks me up and I tell him the flight home is on him. He of course asks for proof and I tell him to smell my fingers. Not good enough, he tells me.

So in the end I paid my own way home but a few months later he finally paid up.

AFTER I showed him my positive herpes test results.

Solid dude kept his word!
My grandfather stormed the beaches of Normandy and lived to tell but he never had any war stories like that.Fist time I ever stood to salute and barf at the same time.Heroic deed young man.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #51 on: February 09, 2021, 04:47:08 AM »
Does Mr. Brosnan make an appearance?

LOL no - OK then... *sigh*  It's very lame compared to Mothballs effort  :-\, but here you go...

Way back when I was young and single in the '90s, there was an annual doorman's holiday up north, where we all decamped to the seaside for a few days.  There's an unwritten rule that other doormen let groups in for free, as they know we'll behave and never get into trouble (and if you believe that then I am a ripped 280 with a 14" penis)  So we roamed this place full of testosterone and various other chemicals on the prowl for ladies with low standards...

Anyway, we'd get half way through the night when people started disappearing to take care of business and on this particular occasion I'd managed to pull twins - they were clearly a bit mental, but apparently went to aerobics classes so were pretty fit - ugly as f**k, looked a bit like prison guards maybe, but hard bodies...

So we exit the place with my arms around one either side, and I'm feeling pretty cool even though they are rough and I actually look like a double idiot, and we go for an inebriated stroll stagger on the beach.  At this point it becomes clear that a 3-some is not on, and one of them fades away into the night.  Suddenly, without a word of explanation, the remaining one drops to a squat position directly in front of me.  I realise what I think is going on, and pop the old fella straight  into her mouth.  She's trying to say something as I do so but is blocked by the mouthful, and besides, what the fvck do I care about conversation at that point...  Anyway a few seconds later I hear a hissing noise and smell something, and suddenly realised she's actually squatted to take a p1ss/break wind, and I've basically shoved myself into her face without so much as a by your leave

She didn't mind - which was a plus - and her ability to multi-task was impressive - and I didn't even really mind the the p1ssing if I'm honest, but somehow the farting took the edge off our romantic encounter and we parted company at that point...

Never thought I'd recount that again...  :-[


El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #52 on: February 09, 2021, 05:39:46 AM »
I was going to night school to take extra credit in high school in my senior year.  Always found it easier to take tough classes like calculus and physics in night school than during the day.  I was about 18. There was this older sexy lady, about 40 in the class.  She was working on getting her degree after being divorced.  I would always flirt with her and then eventually started fucking.  She was super sexy and fucked like a machine.  She would always say she wants to date me but I was just too young and she told me she wanted to introduce me to her niece but I always told her I don't want her niece and I wanted her.

So during this time I was always going to the clubs and met this smoking chick named Ashley.  Just a rocket of a body.  Started fucking her on the side.  She went to a different high school than me.  So one day the older chick I was fucking started telling me how much her feelings have grown for me and she really thinks we should stop fucking because of the age difference and that she really wants me to meet her niece.  So I give in and ask her to tell me about her.  She tells me her name is Ashley and she goes to so and so high school and I was like WTF!!  I interrupt her and describe the Ashley I was fucking and she said, yeah that's her.  How do I know her.  I was just grinning like a fat boy that had a whole cake.  What are the odds that I was fucking both at the same time and neither knew about it.  I never told the older lady about it but I did bring it up to Ashley.  She got a great laugh about it because she then told me her Aunt was always badgering her about meeting this guy in her class and never realized it was me.  I didn't tell her I was fucking her Aunt but that I just knew her from school.  I really wonder to this day if they ever spoke about it and realized I was banging both of them at the same time.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #53 on: February 09, 2021, 06:51:35 AM »
impressive piss and blowjob combo  :D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #54 on: February 09, 2021, 07:25:24 AM »
Getbig Gold right there! No way any guy, even drunk, can have sex with a "Zero". Not buying the part that you went down on her. Funny story nevertheless.

I know how you feel about blue stars, but have you ever power poked a brown star?

Vince B

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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #55 on: February 09, 2021, 07:29:37 AM »
I know how you feel about blue stars, but have you ever power poked a brown star?

Posting in this thread requires anonymity. People I know read this forum. Pity I can't post some stories from the archives!  :D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #56 on: February 09, 2021, 07:30:52 AM »
Posting in this thread requires anonymity. People I know read this forum. Pity I can't post some stories from the archives!  :D

Send a PM to evacnam. He can provide you with a few gimmick accounts for all the dirty stories etc...  ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #57 on: February 09, 2021, 07:33:09 AM »
the last woman I fucked in the ass was a bit wild (she was). It was after a party and she actually asked me to do it. The memories of that moment are kind of lost in a heavily drunken haze  :-\


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #58 on: February 09, 2021, 07:40:24 AM »
I recall blowing my load in that broad's mouth and falling asleep instantly, my sweet sleep interrupted with her drama, she was weeping, saying "she felt so cheap, that I didn't show courtesy to hug  and kiss her"
Like a perfect beta, I hugged her and apoligized, licked her wet pussy like a dog, and fucked her raw for the rest of the week, that German dame had the wettest pussy I had privilige to bang, her juices were flowing down her inner thighs before I touch her.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #59 on: February 09, 2021, 09:27:46 AM »
Penthouse Forum has nothing on Getbig.


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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #60 on: February 09, 2021, 10:08:59 AM »
I’m visiting New Orleans for the first time and we find ourselves at some dive bar surrounded by black folks. We’re shooting billiards and some humongous black chick starts flirting with me. I mean HUGE. She’s at least 350lbs no joke. Now I’m no prize but I usually date 5s and 6s. This beast was a solid zero. So I’m drinking and flirting back just for fun and before you know it I’m sitting on her lap and she’s now buying the drinks. I jokingly tell my buddy I’m pretty sure this chick is gonna kill me if I don’t fuck her. He says if you do and bring me proof I’ll pay for the flight back to Cleveland.

That’s like $120. But aside from the money a part of me starts wondering ‘When was the last time this orca whale got laid?’ I mean she was absolutely horrendous monstrously obese and horribly sweaty and  all. And she was being soooo nice to me that I started thinking about it in a charitable kind of way. So I when she asks me to come back to her place I accepted and immediately regretted my decision when we pulled up to what looked like an abandoned home and we had to go around the back and go into the basement where a filthy mattress sat on the floor next to a milk crate. I immediately panicked and thought I was about to be mugged. Then I realized she might be a prostitute and this was her flop house.

I tried to get out of it by telling her I didn’t have any condoms and I didn’t want to get her pregnant but this bitch was two steps ahead of me. ‘I’m already pregnant,’ she laughed as she led me by the hand down onto the filthy floor. Did I mention it smelled like raw sewage. I remember it smelled so bad that when I put my face close to her sweaty nasty armpits it was actually a relief.

I thought at least she might go down on me and I could bust one and make a run for it but again I was drunk and she was thinking nine moves ahead like Kasparov. So she just casually takes off her sweat soaked purple leggings and black thong and spreads her legs and yells ‘EAT ME, SUGAR!’

I was so stunned I couldn’t decide whether to vomit or die laughing. But somehow, I obeyed and began lapping up her puddles of her Denny’s combo of fecal, sweat and vag juice. She came and immediately got up on all fours and shouted ‘NOW FUCK DAT PUSSY’. At this point I believe I was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and just did what I was told. I’m in her sweaty smelly twat and thinking that since I didn’t serve in Vietnam like my dad, this will be the best war story I’ll ever be able to tell my nephews when they grow up.

I’m on autopilot at this point and I figure I may as well fuck her in the ass and cap off the night in heroic fashion so I look down and use every bit of my powerlifting lockout to spread her gigantic ass cheeks to find her asshole entrance. But to my shock and horror she didn’t have an anus...


...I reach down below the hood with my fingers feeling around and using my Braille powers find a loose wet dripping pair of wizard sleeves. It hits me like a freight train...


I finish in her ass and collapse on top of her like a baby seal taking a nap on a Sperm whale. When I wake up the sun is up and I ready to make my getaway. But I still need proof for my friend so he doesn’t pull an Epic is Back and stiff me. So I get dressed, grab her thong and stuff it into my jeans and tiptoe towards the door hoping her snoring will cover up the sound of me opening all three locks on the door.

Again, I didn’t realize I had fucked Magnus Carlsen. I flip one dead bolt and the snoring immediately stops. I FREEZE.

“I know you ain’t stealing my damn thong!”

I tell her I was on my way to get coffee and forgot about them and pulled them out and tossed them to her.

“if you goin to Dunkin’ Donuts can you gemme three jelly donuts?”

Sure I say. I walk out of that dungeon up the stairs and I swear Andy DuFresne had absolutely nothing on me. I jumped for joy and then immediately tried to figure out where the nearest place to charge my flip phone could possibly be. New Orleans is a shithole and I had to be in the shittiest part of the dirtiest city.

I finally had to borrow someone’s phone on the street and call my friend to come get me. He picks me up and I tell him the flight home is on him. He of course asks for proof and I tell him to smell my fingers. Not good enough, he tells me.

So in the end I paid my own way home but a few months later he finally paid up.

AFTER I showed him my positive herpes test results.

Solid dude kept his word!

Yea but u did take a bullet for someone


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #61 on: February 09, 2021, 10:13:03 AM »

I finish in her ass and collapse on top of her like a baby seal taking a nap on a Sperm whale. When I wake up the sun is up and I ready to make my getaway. But I still need proof for my friend so he doesn’t pull an Epic is Back and stiff me. So I get dressed, grab her thong and stuff it into my jeans and tiptoe towards the door hoping her snoring will cover up the sound of me opening all three locks on the door.

Solid dude kept his word!

Just skim-reading this masterpiece again and noticed this gem this time round  ;D ;D



  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #62 on: February 09, 2021, 11:49:42 AM »
LOL no - OK then... *sigh*  It's very lame compared to Mothballs effort  :-\, but here you go...

Way back when I was young and single in the '90s, there was an annual doorman's holiday up north, where we all decamped to the seaside for a few days.  There's an unwritten rule that other doormen let groups in for free, as they know we'll behave and never get into trouble (and if you believe that then I am a ripped 280 with a 14" penis)  So we roamed this place full of testosterone and various other chemicals on the prowl for ladies with low standards...

Anyway, we'd get half way through the night when people started disappearing to take care of business and on this particular occasion I'd managed to pull twins - they were clearly a bit mental, but apparently went to aerobics classes so were pretty fit - ugly as f**k, looked a bit like prison guards maybe, but hard bodies...

So we exit the place with my arms around one either side, and I'm feeling pretty cool even though they are rough and I actually look like a double idiot, and we go for an inebriated stroll stagger on the beach.  At this point it becomes clear that a 3-some is not on, and one of them fades away into the night.  Suddenly, without a word of explanation, the remaining one drops to a squat position directly in front of me.  I realise what I think is going on, and pop the old fella straight  into her mouth.  She's trying to say something as I do so but is blocked by the mouthful, and besides, what the fvck do I care about conversation at that point...  Anyway a few seconds later I hear a hissing noise and smell something, and suddenly realised she's actually squatted to take a p1ss/break wind, and I've basically shoved myself into her face without so much as a by your leave

She didn't mind - which was a plus - and her ability to multi-task was impressive - and I didn't even really mind the the p1ssing if I'm honest, but somehow the farting took the edge off our romantic encounter and we parted company at that point...

Never thought I'd recount that again...  :-[

Haha that would have done it for me also mate, wasn’t Whitley bay by any chance? Absolutely Amazing place in its time stag and hen dues would come from miles away


  • Getbig II
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #63 on: February 09, 2021, 12:01:29 PM »
this one time, prime was enjoying the bbc at the glory hole  (oh you said with women, sorry).

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #64 on: February 09, 2021, 12:27:51 PM »
this one time, prime was enjoying the bbc at the glory hole  (oh you said with women, sorry).

If he said with men, this thread would be 15 pages long by npw.  Trannies? Shit, Ron would have to buy a new server.


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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #65 on: February 09, 2021, 12:29:07 PM »
If he said with men, this thread would be 15 pages long by npw.  Trannies? Shit, Ron would have to buy a new server.

 :D :D :D

Soul Crusher

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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #66 on: February 09, 2021, 12:38:01 PM »
GetBig legendary post for the ages.   :D  ;D :)

I’m visiting New Orleans for the first time and we find ourselves at some dive bar surrounded by black folks. We’re shooting billiards and some humongous black chick starts flirting with me. I mean HUGE. She’s at least 350lbs no joke. Now I’m no prize but I usually date 5s and 6s. This beast was a solid zero. So I’m drinking and flirting back just for fun and before you know it I’m sitting on her lap and she’s now buying the drinks. I jokingly tell my buddy I’m pretty sure this chick is gonna kill me if I don’t fuck her. He says if you do and bring me proof I’ll pay for the flight back to Cleveland.

That’s like $120. But aside from the money a part of me starts wondering ‘When was the last time this orca whale got laid?’ I mean she was absolutely horrendous monstrously obese and horribly sweaty and  all. And she was being soooo nice to me that I started thinking about it in a charitable kind of way. So I when she asks me to come back to her place I accepted and immediately regretted my decision when we pulled up to what looked like an abandoned home and we had to go around the back and go into the basement where a filthy mattress sat on the floor next to a milk crate. I immediately panicked and thought I was about to be mugged. Then I realized she might be a prostitute and this was her flop house.

I tried to get out of it by telling her I didn’t have any condoms and I didn’t want to get her pregnant but this bitch was two steps ahead of me. ‘I’m already pregnant,’ she laughed as she led me by the hand down onto the filthy floor. Did I mention it smelled like raw sewage. I remember it smelled so bad that when I put my face close to her sweaty nasty armpits it was actually a relief.

I thought at least she might go down on me and I could bust one and make a run for it but again I was drunk and she was thinking nine moves ahead like Kasparov. So she just casually takes off her sweat soaked purple leggings and black thong and spreads her legs and yells ‘EAT ME, SUGAR!’

I was so stunned I couldn’t decide whether to vomit or die laughing. But somehow, I obeyed and began lapping up her puddles of her Denny’s combo of fecal, sweat and vag juice. She came and immediately got up on all fours and shouted ‘NOW FUCK DAT PUSSY’. At this point I believe I was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and just did what I was told. I’m in her sweaty smelly twat and thinking that since I didn’t serve in Vietnam like my dad, this will be the best war story I’ll ever be able to tell my nephews when they grow up.

I’m on autopilot at this point and I figure I may as well fuck her in the ass and cap off the night in heroic fashion so I look down and use every bit of my powerlifting lockout to spread her gigantic ass cheeks to find her asshole entrance. But to my shock and horror she didn’t have an anus...


...I reach down below the hood with my fingers feeling around and using my Braille powers find a loose wet dripping pair of wizard sleeves. It hits me like a freight train...


I finish in her ass and collapse on top of her like a baby seal taking a nap on a Sperm whale. When I wake up the sun is up and I ready to make my getaway. But I still need proof for my friend so he doesn’t pull an Epic is Back and stiff me. So I get dressed, grab her thong and stuff it into my jeans and tiptoe towards the door hoping her snoring will cover up the sound of me opening all three locks on the door.

Again, I didn’t realize I had fucked Magnus Carlsen. I flip one dead bolt and the snoring immediately stops. I FREEZE.

“I know you ain’t stealing my damn thong!”

I tell her I was on my way to get coffee and forgot about them and pulled them out and tossed them to her.

“if you goin to Dunkin’ Donuts can you gemme three jelly donuts?”

Sure I say. I walk out of that dungeon up the stairs and I swear Andy DuFresne had absolutely nothing on me. I jumped for joy and then immediately tried to figure out where the nearest place to charge my flip phone could possibly be. New Orleans is a shithole and I had to be in the shittiest part of the dirtiest city.

I finally had to borrow someone’s phone on the street and call my friend to come get me. He picks me up and I tell him the flight home is on him. He of course asks for proof and I tell him to smell my fingers. Not good enough, he tells me.

So in the end I paid my own way home but a few months later he finally paid up.

AFTER I showed him my positive herpes test results.

Solid dude kept his word!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #67 on: February 09, 2021, 12:55:57 PM »
If he said with men, this thread would be 15 pages long by npw.  Trannies? Shit, Ron would have to buy a new server.

Someone mention trannies..?



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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #68 on: February 09, 2021, 01:55:06 PM »
These are some wonderful stories. ;D

Since we are talking about some bad experiences, i'll add mine.

I was in my early 20's and my aunt/uncle owned a bar in North Padre, Texas. South Padre is know as a huge party spot for younger people and gets insane during spring break. I used to go down there all the time with my cousin and a few mutual friends. There was a two bedroom apartment behind the bar that we stayed in. This bar wasn't a party spot, it was more of a locals place with an older crowd, but it was about 15-20 minutes away from the party.

We go down there and do lots of drugs, drink a lot and get wreckless. Had some crazy experiences out there, my friend stole some dudes truck that was being an asshole and trenched through about a dozen yards at 2am. Cops ended up arresting the guy because when they found him the next morning he had a bunch of coke on him and didn't believe someone stole his truck. ;D

So one weekend i'm down there with my cousin, his wife and some of her friends from college. There are like 20+ people at the place so i was not remembering names, but i ended up chilling with this hot young broad for a while, she was super cool. Nothing exciting this trip, i just remember her name started with a V and she was there with her sister.

Fast forward a month or so, my cousin calls me and tells me about one of his wife's friends that likes me. She's basically down to just bang because she doesn't want a boyfriend while in college. He tells me i met her sister at the last party and her name is Vanessa (i should have caught this by now, but i was too busy thinking about her sweet ass). So we setup to go down there just 4-5 of us and take some X just to party for the weekend. I'm super pumped.

We get there and i don't see my sexy little lolita, but as we walk upstairs into the apartment this "thing" is sitting there drinking a Zima. Oh man, she was hideous, looked like a 21 year old version of Anne Ramsey. I was terrified and confused.

Apparently i did talk to this troll's sister the last trip out and the troll found me attractive. Somehow i got confused by which group of sister's i was hitting on. My sexy latina bombshell was nowhere to be found.

So the first night we are there, the drinks start flowing and we all take a tab. Shit gets pretty wild and i'm starting to see things. I start feeling all really spaced out and at that point knew i was on more than just X. My asshole cousin had placed a drop of liquid LSD on each of the tabs before we took them. So we were "candy flipping", which i had done before, but in a way different environment.

After about 6 hours of seeing wild shit and tripping my balls off, the troll starts cuddling up with me on the porch. We head down to the beach and lay on a blanket to watch the sunrise. I start playing with her boobs and she tries to give me head but mr happy is off the reservation, he's not having any of it. So we smoke a joint and go back to the apartment. I spend the next hour trying to get hard, she's dripping wet and fingering herself like crazy. She was ugly but had nice tits. The drugs had left mr happy dead as a doornail.

I manage to get it up about halfway and slide it in her for about 2 minutes; it just dies. My happy just wants to sleep. She thought i came and starts to cuddle with me, she's all sweaty and smells like salty BO.

The next two days were terrifying, she was treating me like her boyfriend. Trying to hold my hand and kiss me all the time. It was gross. My cousin's wife got mad at me for it, but i told her i'm not dating her. Even the next two nights we slept together, i clapped her cheeks anyway because why not? She was repulsive, but it's all pink on the inside. :D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #69 on: February 09, 2021, 01:56:56 PM »
I’m visiting New Orleans for the first time and we find ourselves at some dive bar surrounded by black folks. We’re shooting billiards and some humongous black chick starts flirting with me. I mean HUGE. She’s at least 350lbs no joke. Now I’m no prize but I usually date 5s and 6s. This beast was a solid zero. So I’m drinking and flirting back just for fun and before you know it I’m sitting on her lap and she’s now buying the drinks. I jokingly tell my buddy I’m pretty sure this chick is gonna kill me if I don’t fuck her. He says if you do and bring me proof I’ll pay for the flight back to Cleveland.

That’s like $120. But aside from the money a part of me starts wondering ‘When was the last time this orca whale got laid?’ I mean she was absolutely horrendous monstrously obese and horribly sweaty and  all. And she was being soooo nice to me that I started thinking about it in a charitable kind of way. So I when she asks me to come back to her place I accepted and immediately regretted my decision when we pulled up to what looked like an abandoned home and we had to go around the back and go into the basement where a filthy mattress sat on the floor next to a milk crate. I immediately panicked and thought I was about to be mugged. Then I realized she might be a prostitute and this was her flop house.

I tried to get out of it by telling her I didn’t have any condoms and I didn’t want to get her pregnant but this bitch was two steps ahead of me. ‘I’m already pregnant,’ she laughed as she led me by the hand down onto the filthy floor. Did I mention it smelled like raw sewage. I remember it smelled so bad that when I put my face close to her sweaty nasty armpits it was actually a relief.

I thought at least she might go down on me and I could bust one and make a run for it but again I was drunk and she was thinking nine moves ahead like Kasparov. So she just casually takes off her sweat soaked purple leggings and black thong and spreads her legs and yells ‘EAT ME, SUGAR!’

I was so stunned I couldn’t decide whether to vomit or die laughing. But somehow, I obeyed and began lapping up her puddles of her Denny’s combo of fecal, sweat and vag juice. She came and immediately got up on all fours and shouted ‘NOW FUCK DAT PUSSY’. At this point I believe I was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and just did what I was told. I’m in her sweaty smelly twat and thinking that since I didn’t serve in Vietnam like my dad, this will be the best war story I’ll ever be able to tell my nephews when they grow up.

I’m on autopilot at this point and I figure I may as well fuck her in the ass and cap off the night in heroic fashion so I look down and use every bit of my powerlifting lockout to spread her gigantic ass cheeks to find her asshole entrance. But to my shock and horror she didn’t have an anus...


...I reach down below the hood with my fingers feeling around and using my Braille powers find a loose wet dripping pair of wizard sleeves. It hits me like a freight train...


I finish in her ass and collapse on top of her like a baby seal taking a nap on a Sperm whale. When I wake up the sun is up and I ready to make my getaway. But I still need proof for my friend so he doesn’t pull an Epic is Back and stiff me. So I get dressed, grab her thong and stuff it into my jeans and tiptoe towards the door hoping her snoring will cover up the sound of me opening all three locks on the door.

Again, I didn’t realize I had fucked Magnus Carlsen. I flip one dead bolt and the snoring immediately stops. I FREEZE.

“I know you ain’t stealing my damn thong!”

I tell her I was on my way to get coffee and forgot about them and pulled them out and tossed them to her.

“if you goin to Dunkin’ Donuts can you gemme three jelly donuts?”

Sure I say. I walk out of that dungeon up the stairs and I swear Andy DuFresne had absolutely nothing on me. I jumped for joy and then immediately tried to figure out where the nearest place to charge my flip phone could possibly be. New Orleans is a shithole and I had to be in the shittiest part of the dirtiest city.

I finally had to borrow someone’s phone on the street and call my friend to come get me. He picks me up and I tell him the flight home is on him. He of course asks for proof and I tell him to smell my fingers. Not good enough, he tells me.

So in the end I paid my own way home but a few months later he finally paid up.

AFTER I showed him my positive herpes test results.

Solid dude kept his word!

She sounds like about half the black women in New Orleans.

They all a little "big" and ratchet as all hell.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #70 on: February 09, 2021, 02:10:33 PM »
I’m married


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #71 on: February 09, 2021, 02:38:50 PM »
If he said with men, this thread would be 15 pages long by npw.  Trannies? Shit, Ron would have to buy a new server.

Yeah, thread title unclear. He wants our sex stories or hear experiences with women?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #72 on: February 09, 2021, 02:58:02 PM »
Epic thread!...Love them stories! ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #73 on: February 09, 2021, 03:40:18 PM »
lol @ MothBalls story


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell us about your experiences with sex and women
« Reply #74 on: February 09, 2021, 03:50:46 PM »
Yeah, thread title unclear. He wants our sex stories or hear experiences with women?

"sex and women" those two in combination.