Author Topic: “Stimulus” checks  (Read 6103 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: “Stimulus” checks
« Reply #125 on: March 15, 2021, 01:33:40 PM »
Huge Biden tax increase plan released today. Anything to destroy the middle class savers and producers.



  • Getbig III
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Re: “Stimulus” checks
« Reply #126 on: March 15, 2021, 02:51:35 PM »
Do I understand you correctly? It seems you are saying that the day after President Biden was sworn in, 1 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine were administered. Right on.  :)

According to the CDC, over 92 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through March 8, 2021. This a little over 1 million doses a day (1.2 million per day to be exact.

That started before Trump, not bcuz of Biden.  And our rulers.....I mean elected representatives were deemed more important than most of the U.S., and got it first.  Including your hero Biden, who got it in December while Trump was still in office.  By the way, gas is now up a full $1/gallon in under two months of him becoming President, and I'll just let the immigration facts speak for themselves
  listen to the quality of people coming in, and the part about the fact that 90,000 apprehensions all last year vs. 108,000 so far this year in the Rio Grande Sector alone.  Oddly we are releasing them to WV, FL, and TX.  No ulterior motive there, right?  All of these fuckers should be released to the blue states that cry over this illegal immigration bullshit, and your states, not the Federal Government since you are the dumbfucks that voted for it.  You had the audacity to call Trump a dictator because of executive orders that helped America and were pro-legal citizens.  Biden has signed more E.O.'s than Trump did in 4 years in less than 2 months.

Here is your "honest and non-racist" administration head as a young senator...but you don't believe he is/was for sale/on the take ::)

You disgust me more than any member that's ever been on here.   Even Straw, and that bunny suit wearing dipshit.  Straw is an agitator, while you are actually dumb enough to believe all of this Dems are for the people b.s.  There is going to be more wealth inequality created in the next year alone under this lying asshole than during any administration.  Gas prices up, rent up, home prices up, price of wood is skyrocketing leading to the avg. new home going up $24K vs. last year, and builders that will go bankrupt because they are abandoning already started projects that were locked in at a certain price, and now they will lose their asses if they finish them.  Go on YT, and search lumber cost increase if you don't believe me.

You're an old, self-righteous, ignorant, and selfish fuck.  You care nothing about legal American citizens, and that includes your kids and grandkids who will be suffering like crazy as these policies you voted for take deeper hold and inflation skyrockets.  Wait, I didn't vote for policies you voted "I can't wait to get rid of the Orange Man"

Dummy! >:(


  • Getbig III
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Re: “Stimulus” checks
« Reply #127 on: March 15, 2021, 03:20:05 PM »
They could have given a 13K direct deposit to every tax payer and it wouldn't cost a trillion.  This is a money hand out for kick back scheme.  Smile and be happy with your $1400 while they stuff millions in their wallets.

Don't know if anyone posted this yet, but you're line of thinking was like mine. 

How much better off would we have been if they left out all the fat, and foreign aid (especially for the 3 walls for other countries, even though "walls don't work"....seems to be working at the Capitol though) in the first bill,  and only gave $2,000 to each legal, non-incarcerated or former felon American citizen and still the $500 per child?  And the rest for PPP, and health care?

Then on this latest one just gave every American citizen alive at the time of signing...I day old until death?  Meaning $1.9 divided by 330M people roughly.  That equals out to $5757.58 for everyone alive.  Anyone under 18 gets it deposited into an account for college/tech school/whatever they want tax free upon maturity when they reach 18.  We wouldn't need to talk about school debt for the young ones, and 18-22 group that doesn't use it for school now has a down payment for their first home upon H.S. graduation. 

You know, like 2 actual true Covid relief bills that help people in the now, and allow the wealth inequality gap to close by being able to own an asset (a home) much sooner in life?  What would that have done to help us get out of this mess, and improve the future?  When Dems talk about being the party of the people, they don't necessarily mean American citizens.  They mean repaying their donors desires with favors, and supporting foreign countries that should be taking care of themselves.  Crazy thinking on my part.  Sorry for bringing it all up ;) 

No offense to any of the non-US members, but tell your governments to start cleaning up their own shit instead of relying on our money.  We've got our own shit to clean up.   Literal in LA, SF, Chicago, NY, Seattle, Portland, etc on the sidewalks and in alleys. :'(