Author Topic: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists  (Read 19877 times)

Johnny Apollo

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2006, 09:29:03 AM »
I think you're the one that's not comprehending, bro.  No one seems to agree with you. You have not proved your arguments against God's existence.

No one agrees with me but 99% of scientists... ::)

Then you get upset and pout, "no one can prove that God exists or doesn't exist, but I've refuted....yadayadayada and on and on you go."  Yet you continuously claim that God doesn't exist or that Christianity is a hoax.  Christianity is not about religion.  Christianity=Relationship.  So, for all the scientific verbage you spew, you've not once touched the issues of the above equation (Christian=Relationship).  You have not answered my challenge in proving this to be untrue.  Nor can you.

I've been through this with you pea brain and i've proven you wrong over and over. I've proven christianity IS a myth and IS a religion. You addressed nothing I stated and only evaded it.

Lastly, if you've refuted everything there is to argue, why are you still here?  Why do you continue to be so agitated in these debates?  It's my belief (and I think I can speak for quite a few others) that you are frustrated in your efforts.  

Why did Einstein continue work in physics after he had proven his ideas? Many disagreed but he still continued working did he not?

Not that I'd expect you to understand anything about critical thinking... You're some 17 year old who posts fake pictures of himself and pretends to be a bodybuilder...

Johnny Apollo

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2006, 09:31:59 AM »
I'm going to post the questions one last time and I won't respond to ANYTHING unless it relates directly to the topic of this thread and the questions. I won't address ignorant copouts or evasions..They'll be ignored like they deserve to be.

Those who deny evolution....Answer these questions in your OWN WORDS.

Here are a few questions I expect all of you who deny evolution to answer.(When I refer to "Evolution" I mean Macro-Evolution. Evolution on or above the species level.)

1.How do you explain fossilized species such as the "Archaeopteryx" which is obviously a transitional fossil between ancient reptiles and modern birds?

2.The timeline of the bible puts the earth at about 6,000 years old. If this is true then this would mean Dinosaurs and Humans lived alongside eachother. Why don't we find fossils of dinosaurs with humans bones in their stomachs?

3.If the earth is indeed only about 6,000 years old, How do you explain radiometric dating? Where the decay rate of the sample is used to determine the age of the earth. If these things decayed as fast as they already have in just 6,000 years...The earth would of melted by now do to radioactivity.

4.Why is it that we don't usually find mammals on oceanic islands? Darwin reasoned that the only way life could get to islands such as the Galapagos was to get there by sea or by air.(The Galapagos are actually volcanic islands that never had a link to south america). This means that mammals could not of traveled there. Why is it that for instance on the islands we see different species of the south American mocking bird? This could only imply thousands of years ago the south american mocking bird traveled to the islands and then evolved into different species through diversification. How does a creationist explain that?

5.Why is the Biota(Flora,Fauna) of south America so very different than that of Africa? Why is the Biota of Australia so different from that of all of the other continents? Darwin explained this perfectly. The fact that these species vary is due to evolution. For instance in North America in the past 10,000 years there was a land bridge connecting it to Asia and Europe. Not so for Australia. The longer a population is seperated from the rest..The more it becomes different via evolution. This fits perfectly with evolution. How does a Creationist Explain it?

6.How do creationists explain Vestigial Structures? These are organs that are no longer in use by the species who has them. For instance the Flightless Cormorants of the Galapagos Islands. This bird has wings which it evolved into uselessness. It no longer had use for the wings so those individuals who's wings didn't work in the population weren't selected out. So in time the entire population's wings stopped working and became vestigial structures. This goes perfectly with Evolution. How does a creationist explain this? Not to mention the numerous other vestigial organs of other species including humans and their appendix and tail bones.

7.How do creationists explain DNA? Humans and Chimps are 98% similar on the genetic level. Why is this so? If a "God" made all life why did he make humans and chimps so similar genetically? This goes perfectly with evolution considering humans and chimps are related. How does a Creationist explin this?

8.How does a creationist explain Endogenous retroviruses? Endogenous retroviruses(ERV's) are genetic leftovers of past viral infections of an individual. The virus inserted some of it's genetics into the genome of the host and the host passed it down to it's offspring. Why do Humans and Chimps have the same ERV's? The ONLY explanation is they evolved from a common ancestor who had the same ERV in their genome. How does a creationist explain this?

9.How does a creationist explain Redundant pseudogenes? These are non-coding genes. Why is it that Humans and Chimps or Humans and other non primate mammals share the same pseudogenes? Why would a Bear and a Dog share the same Pseudogenes? Why would a human and a bear share the same pseudogenes? Pseudogenes are inhereted. The ONLY explanation of this is common descent. All life evolved from the same ancestors. How would a creationist explain this?

10.How do creationists explain observed events of speciation(Macro-evolution)? Since the 70's for instance we have in the lab speciated numerous new species of Drosophila(Fruit flies). We have observed mosquito speciation in london subway systems from the mosquito species above ground. How would a creationist explain this?

11.Mutation,Natural selection and Sex are all things that occur in everyday life among life. If these things can occur why can't evolution? These are all that are required for evolution. A population exists...A mutation occurs. This mutation is a benefit thus is selected in by natural selection. This happens over and over for millions of years. Bang, new species! How does a creationist explain the fact that these forces exist yet they deny what they result in? In short..What's stopping evolution from occuring when all of the required things for it to occur exist? Mutations,Natural selection,Sex.

12.How do creationists explain the fact that LIFE as a whole was completly different in the distant past? In the fossil record we have layers called "strata" each strata is a timeline of the past. Why is it that 100 million years ago no humans existed but 50,000 years ago they did? Where did humans come from? Where do ANY new species that appear in the fossil record come from? If dinosaurs and the rest of those extinct species existed 100 million years ago and none of the species that exist to day lived back then...Where did the modern species come from? How did they get here? Evolution explains this perfectly. They EVOLVED. How does a creationist explain the sudden dissappearing of species and the sudden reappearing of new species in the fossil record throughout the earths past?


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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #27 on: April 24, 2006, 11:19:01 AM »
Looking massive and ripped in that shot Colossus! :D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #28 on: April 24, 2006, 11:38:30 AM »
Quote from: Johnny Apollo
No one agrees with me but 99% of scientists... ::)

I've been through this with you pea brain and i've proven you wrong over and over. I've proven christianity IS a myth and IS a religion. You addressed nothing I stated and only evaded it.

Why did Einstein continue work in physics after he had proven his ideas? Many disagreed but he still continued working did he not?

Not that I'd expect you to understand anything about critical thinking... You're some 17 year old who posts fake pictures of himself and pretends to be a bodybuilder...

I notice that whenever I call your bluff you start to attack me personally.  I'll take all the attacks you can dish out if  it means you'll come to know God the way He wants to have a relationship with you.  God's love means that much to me.   ;)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #29 on: April 24, 2006, 11:39:38 AM »
Looking massive and ripped in that shot Colossus! :D

Thanks, Stella.    :);)

Johnny Apollo

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2006, 01:10:06 PM »
So now we're back to the personal attacks, huh?   ::)  I really don't have anything to prove to you as far as who I am, but sometimes it just plain ol' feels good to put someone in there place.  Here's my pic without the blur on my shirt or my face. 

Not Flex, not Dexter, yadayadayada.... Just plain old Colossus.

No...Just some Random bodybuilder from the 80's.(Not you)

Notice how on your Avatar you edited out the word "freak" on the T-Shirt. Why in the hell would you do this? This makes no sense and doesn't identify who you are. There's obviously some significance to that. Most likely "Freak" is the nickname of this bodybuilder you stole the picture of.

Johnny Apollo

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #31 on: April 24, 2006, 01:11:07 PM »
I notice that whenever I call your bluff you start to attack me personally.  I'll take all the attacks you can dish out if  it means you'll come to know God the way He wants to have a relationship with you.  God's love means that much to me.   ;)

"Bluff"? What the hell are you talking about? You aren't making sense.

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #32 on: April 24, 2006, 01:15:02 PM »
No one agrees with me but 99% of scientists... ::)

99% huh? What scientists?? LOL

Johnny Apollo

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2006, 01:28:54 PM »
99% huh? What scientists?? LOL

Good grief you're slow...

I've gone over this several times with you already.

Out of all scientists 95% support evolution. Out of Biologists and Geologists 99% support evolution.

Something even funnier. Creationists like to make up lists of scientists who disagree with evolution.

Well here's a list of those who agree with evolution..BUT who's first names are steve.

(Over 700 on the list,Too big to post here. Larger than any creationist list of scientists who oppose evolution by any name)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2006, 01:31:00 PM »

No...Just some Random bodybuilder from the 80's.(Not you)

Notice how on your Avatar you edited out the word "freak" on the T-Shirt. Why in the hell would you do this? This makes no sense and doesn't identify who you are. There's obviously some significance to that. Most likely "Freak" is the nickname of this bodybuilder you stole the picture of.

Just as Jesus performed miracles before their very eyes, they still didn't believe. 

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2006, 01:48:07 PM »

Good grief you're slow...

I've gone over this several times with you already.

Out of all scientists 95% support evolution. Out of Biologists and Geologists 99% support evolution.

Something even funnier. Creationists like to make up lists of scientists who disagree with evolution.

Well here's a list of those who agree with evolution..BUT who's first names are steve.

(Over 700 on the list,Too big to post here. Larger than any creationist list of scientists who oppose evolution by any name)

Here are just a few..

Johnny Apollo

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #36 on: April 24, 2006, 01:59:17 PM »
Just as Jesus performed miracles before their very eyes, they still didn't believe. 

Posting a picture of some bodybuilder doesn't prove it's you!

Nor is it a "miracle".

I've asked you several times already to post a picture of yourself holding a sign and you've refused so I'm done responding to you until you answer the questions.

Johnny Apollo

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2006, 02:00:51 PM »
Here are just a few..

Seen it.

My "Steve list" is several times longer than that one.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #38 on: April 24, 2006, 02:31:24 PM »
Here's some sites relating to our discussion:

There are more but they start leaning a little too much towards a creationist point of view.

I probably won't find or devote the time to understanding everything regarding the biological aspects of why evolution is refuted buy these scientists or researchers so don't jump up on your high horse Johnny and start talking about cut and paste BS and i'm sure you'll have something to say about them too.  lol  So i'll leave the research to you!

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #39 on: April 24, 2006, 03:26:26 PM »

Seen it.

My "Steve list" is several times longer than that one.

Your list tells me that most went to Liberal colleges and like most Liberal schools (Jr. High-College) they are indoctrinated with Liberal beliefs like the theories of evolution!

Oldschool Flip

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #40 on: April 24, 2006, 08:17:36 PM »
Here's some sites relating to our discussion:

There are more but they start leaning a little too much towards a creationist point of view.

I probably won't find or devote the time to understanding everything regarding the biological aspects of why evolution is refuted buy these scientists or researchers so don't jump up on your high horse Johnny and start talking about cut and paste BS and i'm sure you'll have something to say about them too.  lol  So i'll leave the research to you!
You should just change your name to ORGAZMO!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2006, 05:41:16 AM »

Posting a picture of some bodybuilder doesn't prove it's you!

Nor is it a "miracle".

I've asked you several times already to post a picture of yourself holding a sign and you've refused so I'm done responding to you until you answer the questions.

nice try, JA.  ;)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2006, 05:42:39 AM »

Seen it.

My "Steve list" is several times longer than that one.



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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2006, 06:10:18 AM »

It's his list of clients.  He should call it his John list. ::)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2006, 06:46:18 AM »
It's his list of clients.  He should call it his John list. ::)

Johnny Apollo

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #45 on: April 25, 2006, 05:39:22 PM »
Here's some sites relating to our discussion:

There are more but they start leaning a little too much towards a creationist point of view.

I probably won't find or devote the time to understanding everything regarding the biological aspects of why evolution is refuted buy these scientists or researchers so don't jump up on your high horse Johnny and start talking about cut and paste BS and i'm sure you'll have something to say about them too.  lol  So i'll leave the research to you!

Been there..Done that.

I've already mentioned I won't waste time refuting arguments from websites i've already refuted and which won't get responded to.

I stated clearly that if you claim evolution can be "refuted" then provide a well thoughtout argument in your OWN WORDS. Posting links as an argument only makes you look ignorant.

Don't make obviously false and ignorant claims about evolution being "refuted" if you don't know shit about the science behind evolution.

Johnny Apollo

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #46 on: April 25, 2006, 05:43:41 PM »
Your list tells me that most went to Liberal colleges and like most Liberal schools (Jr. High-College) they are indoctrinated with Liberal beliefs like the theories of evolution!

Harvard,Stanford,Berkeley,Princeton,Cornell,Yale..Basically the top colleges in our country...All "liberal colleges"?  Is that a joke? A statement that stupid MUST be a joke!

The ONLY colleges that teach "creationism" as a fact are private christian colleges. Over 99% of American colleges teach evolution as the fact it is.

Evolution is a SCIENCE and being a SCIENCE is completly unrelated to political stance.

Saying Evolution is a liberal idea is like saying Gravity is a republican idea and the earths rotation is a democratic idea...Do you realize how stupid that sounds?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #47 on: April 25, 2006, 08:02:18 PM »
Been there..Done that.

I've already mentioned I won't waste time refuting arguments from websites i've already refuted and which won't get responded to.

Then refute it your own words right here!  no cutting and pasting either.

Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #48 on: April 25, 2006, 09:33:03 PM »

Harvard,Stanford,Berkeley,Princeton,Cornell,Yale..Basically the top colleges in our country...All "liberal colleges"?  Is that a joke? A statement that stupid MUST be a joke!

The ONLY colleges that teach "creationism" as a fact are private Christian colleges. Over 99% of American colleges teach evolution as the fact it is.

Evolution is a SCIENCE and being a SCIENCE is completely unrelated to political stance.

Wrong again Johnny boy, at least in California it is well known that Stanford and Berkeley are very well known for being extremely Liberal and as much as I hate to say it, the theories of evolution is directly associated with Liberal teachings. If you haven't been keeping up, in the public school system it is not allowed to teach creationism but evolution is allowed and in some schools if a student draws his/her own conclusions against evolution during a class discussion for example, that student runs the risk of being marked down just for his/her opinion.
Just the fact you said that 99% (you really like those obscure persentages don't you :-\) of American colleges teach evolution tells me that they are very Liberal in their teachings, and as I've pointed out time and time again......Liberals cannot be Christians!!


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Re: Hard Questions for Anti-Evolutionists
« Reply #49 on: April 26, 2006, 04:31:36 AM »
......Liberals cannot be Christians!!

That's not true, I-one, nor is it fair.

I know several liberals who believe in God.