Author Topic: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc  (Read 14894 times)


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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #275 on: December 12, 2021, 09:26:26 PM »
Colleen Huber, NMD, February 21, 2021, updated March 23, 2021

Most of the links below are from medical journals, the FDA, CDC, and other entities that generally support vaccination, yet the information in this article shows how EXTREMELY RISKY the COVID-19 vaccines are.

Is the COVID vaccine experimental? Pfizer and Moderna make the COVID-19 vaccines in the US. The FDA granted “emergency use authorization” for these vaccines (herein “COVID injections,” because they are unlike conventional vaccines). Emergency use authorization is required by law to be made only if there are no effective treatments for COVID-19. 

But are there effective COVID-19 treatments? 100s of studies done around the world have established, and repeatedly confirmed, fast, effective, well-tolerated treatments for COVID-19 that are in widespread use. I briefly summarize them here.

General risk vs benefit An emergency experimental vaccine cannot be assumed to be safer than a virus with a very high survival rate, such as COVID-19.  The average survival rate for NO COVID treatment at all is 99.74%, and we have very successful treatments available, which should easily achieve universal survivability from COVID, if widely available. Where does 99.74% survival come from?  Dr. John Ioannidis is the most widely cited scientist in the world.  His estimate in June 2020 of a 0.26% infection fatality rate is now confirmed around the world. 100% - 0.26% = 99.74% average survival rate.

Does the COVID injection work? The COVID injection is not even known to stop the spread of COVID.  Dr. Larry Corey, who oversees National Institutes of Health COVID-19 vaccine trials said on 11/20/20: “The studies aren’t designed to assess transmission.  They don’t ask that question, and there’s really no information on this at this point in time.”

The FDA confirms that the 1st vaccine dose correlates with increased COVID-19 infections.  "Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine group vs 287 in the placebo group."  This data comes from Pfizer itself.  See p 42 of

​What happened to the animals in the studies?  This technology has been tried on animals, and in the animal studies done, all the animals died, not immediately from the injection, but months later, from other immune disorders, sepsis and/or cardiac failure.There has never been a long-term successful animal study using this technology. No experimental coronavirus vaccine has succeeded in animal studies. In this study, coronavirus vaccine caused liver inflammation in test animals.

Specific risks of COVID injections, in roughly chronological order of side-effect manifestation:

Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is one of the ingredients.  This has been correlated with anaphylactic shock.   So the CDC is now recommending intubation kits at vaccination sites.

​Cationic lipid coating of mRNA is known for many years to be toxic, because these (+) charged fats interact with the (–) charges on our amino acids, our cell membranes and the phosphates of our DNA.  Cationic lipids are attracted to and are destructive toward:

Lungs ,
red blood cells,
white blood cells,
Immune and nervous systems function (This is the likely cause of the Bell’s Palsy and tremors that are seen in vaccine victims.)

mRNA:  Unlike a traditional vaccine, of injected, inactivated virus intended to stimulate antibody response, the COVID injection on the other hand is completely different in this respect.  It uses messenger RNA (mRNA), which is a blueprint for your cells to create COVID-like (spike) proteins.  Then your cells begin to make these COVID-like proteins.  However, those proteins, in turn, stimulate your body to make antibodies against them.  So now your body has been turned into a munitions factory for both sides of a war:  The bad guys (COVID-like spike proteins) and the good guys (the antibodies fighting against them).  However, before you pledge allegiance to the good guys, as you will see below, the good guys can be more lethal to the vaccinated person.

History of mRNA injections: This technology had disastrous results in dengue fever vaccines in the past.  Dengue vaccine is a mRNA vaccine.  When this was used in children in the Philippines, many vaccinated children had far worse outcomes than unvaccinated children when they were later exposed to dengue, and many died.  Prosecution for homicide resulted.  However, this had previously been known to happen with ferrets and with cats. In all cases, the vaccinated animal or human became more vulnerable to worse disease when confronted with it. It is expected that the relatively mild COVID-19 illness, with a survival rate of 99.74%, may reduce to a much lower survival rate and become a truly lethal disease in vaccinated people when they later become infected with it.  There are no peer-reviewed published human trials of mRNA vaccines at all, and no mRNA vaccine has ever been FDA approved. That’s how new the technology is.

mRNA can affect DNA.  One of the most worrisome risks with a mRNA vaccine is what can happen with reverse transcriptase.  This is an enzyme in every cell, and it can theoretically lead to the mRNA creating changes in the cells’ DNA, a process known as viral retro-integration. Although this possibility had been thought unlikely, MIT and Harvard scientists found it happened here. If some of the 30 trillion or so cells in your body become permanent COVID factories, what is the long-term impact on your health, and would you want that outcome?

Antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) problem:   Prior attempts to create a coronavirus vaccine killed all the test animals, after they were later infected with wild virus.  Here’s what happened:  mRNA instructed the mammals’ cells to produce the spike proteins of the coronavirus.  Then, later, when the animals confronted the wild virus, the intense build-up of antibodies had been stockpiled, and their sudden and overwhelming release killed the test animal.  These risks have been documented in Nature, Science and Journal of Infectious Diseases.  Here’s a study from Nature on that.

ADE mechanism:  ADE is a form of pathogenic priming, meaning the vaccine can result in a more severe disease, which has been seen in prior attempts at making coronavirus vaccines.  The antibodies made can be neutralizing (which inactivate a virus, and that’s good), but antibodies are a problem when they are non-neutralizing, because then these antibodies carry active viruses directly to macrophages, which then become infected.  This is how ADE happens.

This antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) leads to:

increased viral replication (more viruses to make you sick); and more severe disease

ADE result: These macrophages tend to go to the lungs and fill the lungs, causing overwhelming inflammation and airway obstruction (as found later on autopsy).    However, the augmented antibodies also attack similar-looking proteins on internal organs, resulting in cytokine storm and death or auto-immune disease and organ failure.  “Cats that showed high titers following vaccination succumbed at later timepoints to fatal disease.”

What about miscarriages, and why have men been advised to freeze their sperm prior to getting the injection?  Both men and women are at risk for possibly permanent infertility, because the spike protein of a coronavirus “looks” to the immune system similar to Syncytin-1, an essential protein in the placenta.  This stimulates antibodies to fight the placenta, and possibly sperm.  Mid-term miscarriages, which are normally very rare, have occurred in women who have been vaccinated for COVID.  SARS-CoV-2 viral particles have been found to linger in the testicles of men after recovery from infection.

Why are COVID vaccinees MORE likely to spread COVID than the unvaccinated?  Virologist Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, who worked for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, recently warned the World Health Organization (WHO) that "We are currently turning vaccinees into carriers shedding infectious variants."

Why is it more dangerous to vaccinate against COVID-19 than other viruses?  Because COVID-19 virus uses the ACE-2 receptor to get into your endothelial cells, including those lining the blood vessels.  This creates an inflammatory reaction that the great majority (99.74%) have survived even without treatment, and even more who used known, effective treatments. (See page 1)   So if you have been exposed to the virus, and then get vaccinated, it is almost certain that the vaccine will cause new inflammation and damage to endothelial cells lining your blood vessels, and we have seen short-term abnormal blood clotting in people who have gotten the vaccine.  But the more likely problem is launching new disease in the blood vessels.  Dr. H Noorchashm MD, PhD says, “. . . the vaccine is almost certain to do damage to the vascular endothelium.” He explains here.

Israel is at this writing the most heavily COVID-vaccinated country in the world.  The findings of infectious disease experts are reported here, in which they determined, from the Israeli data, that the COVID injection causes:

" . . .mortality hundreds of times greater in young people compared to mortality from coronavirus without the vaccine, and dozens of times more in the elderly . . .”

Well found Ziltoch

more good stuff

this is the rona (a single strand of 'designer' covid19 RNA):

those four short (incomplete) sequences of hiv 1 genetic code (black boxes) (verified) inserted within the total RNA genomic sequence of covid19... are a problem.

hiv is a retrovirus... with the ability to enter into the nucleus and change the host cell DNA.

covid is the delivery system by which the hiv snippets gain access into the cell, once inside the cytoplasm (both covid and hiv), the hiv genetic material becomes the way (thru nuclear pore complex) by which the entire genomic sequence of covid is transferred into the nucleus... binding to and permanently changing the host DNA.

thats why hiv was crispred into the rona – gain of function.

its the sequence of covid, assisted into the nucleus by hiv.. that then 'goes viral'.. exporting new DNA.. expressed as a single strand of RNA - from cell to cell – until every last cell in the body is transformed.

making designer rona... in effect a retrovirus – which increases transmissibility (increasing morbidity (not mortality))

also... this 'new DNA'... is in effect artificially procured 'complementary DNA' (cDNA)... which is - patentable

vaccine manufacturers will effectively own any human who becomes modified by their gene therapy – qualifying them as a genetically modified organism – captured, and protected under patent.

^ that is the rona... that is the 'vaccine'

Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19

Potential for Permanent Incorporation of Spike Protein Gene into human DNA

'It has been claimed that mRNA-based vaccines are safer than DNA-vectored vaccines that work by incorporating the genetic code for the target antigenic protein into a DNA virus, because the RNA cannot become inadvertently incorporated into the human genome. However, it is not at all clear that this is true. The classic model of DNA → RNA → protein is now known to be false. It is now indisputable that there is a large class of viruses called retroviruses that carry genes that reverse transcribe RNA back into complementary DNA (cDNA).'

'In 1975, Howard Temin, Renato Dulbecco, and David Baltimore shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1975 for their discovery of reverse transcriptase and its synthesis by retroviruses (such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)) to derive DNA from RNA (Temin and Mizutani, 1970, Baltimore, 1970).'

'the mRNA in the new SARS-CoV-2 vaccines could also get passed on from generation to generation, with the help of LINEs expressed in sperm, vianon-integrated cDNA encapsulated in plasmids. The implications of this predictable phenomenon are unclear, but potentially far-reaching.'

mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are really ‘gene therapy’ and not vaccines

former professor at the University of Virginia’s school of medicine Dr. David Martin, Ph.D

“The problem is that in the case of Moderna and Pfizer, this is not a vaccine. This is gene therapy,” he continued. The Moderna and Pfizer creations send “a strand of synthetic RNA into the human being and is invoking within the human being the creation of the S1 spike protein, which is a pathogen.”

“This is not only not keeping you from getting sick, it’s making your body produce the thing that makes you sick,” Martin added.

The interviewer admitted that this description – that the injection makes one's body produce an effect that makes one sick – sounds somewhat similar to the effect of vaccines.

But Martin countered that it is “not at all” like a vaccine, since “a vaccine is supposed to trigger immunity. It’s not supposed to trigger you to make a toxin.”

“It’s not somewhat different. It’s not the same at all,” Martin explained. “It’s a means by which your body is conscripted to make the toxin that then allegedly your body somehow gets used to dealing with, but unlike a vaccine, which is to trigger the immune response, this is to trigger the creation of the toxin.”

Targeting the pharmaceutical companies behind the supposed vaccinations, Martin alleged that they have manipulated clinical trial methodology to push their “vaccines” through development and production.

“They (pharmaceutical companies) said they could not test for the existence or absence of the virus and they could not test for the transmissivity because they said it would be impractical. (lol) The companies themselves have admitted to every single thing I’m saying, but they are using the public manipulation of the word vaccine to co-opt the public into believing they’re getting a thing which they are not getting.”

Instead, Martin warns that an mRNA injection “is not going to stop you from getting coronavirus. It’s not going to stop you from getting sick. In fact, on the contrary, it will make you sick far more often than the virus itself.”

Martin presented data confirming his claim, noting that after receiving their second shot of the jab, “80 percent of people had one or more clinical presentations of COVID-19,” whereas “80 percent of people who have an infection according to RT-PCR have no symptoms at all.”

Explaining what the figures mean, he said that people “will get COVID-19 symptoms from getting the gene therapy passed off as a vaccine. You will get COVID symptoms from that 80 percent of the time. If you’re exposed to SARS-CoV-2 according to RT-PCR (positive PCR test), 80 percent of the time you will have no symptoms at all.”

Looking more closely at the claims emanating from the clinical trials, Martin questioned the integrity of companies developing mRNA “gene therapy technology.”

“A human being is going to be potentially exposed to unclassified, both short-term and long-term, risks of altering their RNA and DNA from exposure to this gene therapy,” Martin warned. Of the 40,000 participants in Moderna’s clinical trial, Martin noted that only a “few hundred people had a few days less severe symptoms with the gene therapy when compared to the other control group.”

Even this, he said, is unreliable information, as the pharmaceutical firms “separate out adverse events from actual COVID symptoms.” This allowed the companies to reclassify “a lot of what would have been considered to be COVID symptoms by calling them adverse events,” giving rise to “this ridiculous 90 percent plus effectiveness.”

“As a result of that, we have both a methodology problem, which by the way, has been criticized by a number of clinical scientists. The bigger problem is that they’re still not measuring viral susceptibility and viral transmission. Those are the two legs of the stool that is (sic) required for anyone to say that they are vaccinating a population for public health reasons.”

Martin advised that “this (gene therapy) is not a prophylactic, this is not helping us, we are being told to take a treatment for a disease we don’t have and most likely will not have.”


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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #276 on: December 12, 2021, 09:29:46 PM »
Could mRNA vaccines permanently alter DNA? Recent science suggests they might

Research on SARS-CoV-2 RNA by scientists at Harvard and MIT has implications for how mRNA vaccines could permanently alter genomic DNA, according to Doug Corrigan, Ph.D., a biochemist-molecular biologist who says more research is needed.

April 9, 2021 Over the past year, it would be all but impossible for Americans not to notice the media’s decision to make vaccines the dominant COVID narrative, rushing to do so even before any coronavirus-attributed deaths occurred.

The media’s slanted coverage has provided a particularly fruitful public relations boost for messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines — decades in the making but never approved for human use — helping to usher the experimental technology closer to the regulatory finish line.

Under ordinary circumstances, the body makes (“transcribes”) mRNA from the DNA in a cell’s nucleus. The mRNA then travels out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm, where it provides instructions about which proteins to make.

By comparison, mRNA vaccines send their chemically synthesized mRNA payload (bundled with spike protein-manufacturing instructions) directly into the cytoplasm.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and most mRNA vaccine scientists, the buck then stops there — mRNA vaccines “do not affect or interact with our DNA in any way,” the CDC says. The CDC asserts first, that the mRNA cannot enter the cell’s nucleus (where DNA resides), and second, that the cell — Mission-Impossible-style (lmfao) — “gets rid of the mRNA soon after it is finished using the instructions.”

A December preprint about SARS-CoV-2, by scientists at Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), produced findings about wild coronavirus that raise questions about how viral RNA operates.

The scientists conducted the analysis because they were “puzzled by the fact that there is a respectable number of people who are testing positive for COVID-19 by PCR long after the infection was gone.”

Their key findings were as follows: SARS-CoV-2 RNAs “can be reverse transcribed in human cells,” “these DNA sequences can be integrated into the cell genome and subsequently be transcribed” (a phenomenon called “retro-integration”) — and there are viable cellular pathways to explain how this happens.

According to Ph.D. biochemist and molecular biologist Dr. Doug Corrigan, these important findings (which run contrary to “current biological dogma”) belong to the category of “Things We Were Absolutely and Unequivocally Certain Couldn’t Happen Which Actually Happened.”

The findings of the Harvard and MIT researchers also put the CDC’s assumptions about mRNA vaccines on shakier ground, according to Corrigan. In fact, a month before the Harvard-MIT preprint appeared, Corrigan had already written a blog outlining possible mechanisms and pathways whereby mRNA vaccines could produce the identical phenomenon.

In a second blog post, written after the preprint came out, Corrigan emphasized that the Harvard-MIT findings about coronavirus RNA have major implications for mRNA vaccines — a fact he describes as “the big elephant in the room.” While not claiming that vaccine RNA will necessarily behave in the same way as coronavirus RNA — that is, permanently altering genomic DNA — Corrigan believes that the possibility exists and deserves close scrutiny.

In Corrigan’s view, the preprint’s contribution is that it “validates that this is at least plausible, and most likely probable.”

Reverse transcription

As the phrase “reverse transcription” implies, the DNA-to-mRNA pathway is not always a one-way street. Enzymes called reverse transcriptases can also convert RNA into DNA, allowing the latter to be integrated into the DNA in the cell nucleus.

Nor is reverse transcription uncommon. Geneticists report that “Over 40% of mammalian genomes comprise the products of reverse transcription.”

The preliminary evidence cited by the Harvard-MIT researchers indicates that endogenous reverse transcriptase enzymes may facilitate reverse transcription of coronavirus RNAs and trigger their integration into the human genome.

The authors suggest that while the clinical consequences require further study, detrimental effects are a distinct possibility and — depending on the integrated viral fragments’ “insertion sites in the human genome” and an individual’s underlying health status — could include “a more severe immune response … such as a ‘cytokine storm’ or auto-immune reactions.”

In 2012, a study suggested that viral genome integration could “lead to drastic consequences for the host cell, including gene disruption, insertional mutagenesis and cell death.”

Corrigan makes a point of saying that the pathways hypothesized to facilitate retro-integration of viral — or vaccine — RNA into DNA “are not unknown to people who understand molecular biology at a deeper level.”

Even so, the preprint’s discussion of reverse transcription and genome integration elicited a maelstrom of negative comments from readers unwilling to rethink biological dogma, some of whom even advocated for retraction (though preprints are, by definition, unpublished) on the grounds that “conspiracy theorists … will take this paper to ‘proof’ that mRNA vaccines can in fact alter your genetic code.”

More thoughtful readers agreed with Corrigan that the paper raises important questions. For example, one reader stated that confirmatory evidence is lacking “to show that the spike protein only is expressed for a short amount of time (say 1-3 days) after vaccination,” adding, “We think that this is the case, but there is no evidence for that.”

In fact, just how long the vaccines’ synthetic mRNA — and thus the instructions for cells to keep manufacturing spike protein — persist inside the cells is an open question.

Ordinarily, RNA is a “notoriously fragile” and unstable molecule. According to scientists, “this fragility is true of the mRNA of any living thing, whether it belongs to a plant, bacteria, virus or human.”

But the synthetic mRNA in the COVID vaccines is a different story. In fact, the step that ultimately allowed scientists and vaccine manufacturers to resolve their decades-long mRNA vaccine impasse was when they figured out how to chemically modify mRNA to increase its stability and longevity — in other words, produce RNA “that hangs around in the cell much longer than viral RNA, or even RNA that our cell normally produces for normal protein production.”

It is anyone’s guess what the synthetic mRNA is doing while it is “hanging around,” but Corrigan speculates that its enhanced longevity raises the probability of it “being converted over into DNA.”

Moreover, because the vaccine mRNA is also engineered to be more efficient at being translated into protein, “negative effects could be more frequent and more pronounced with the vaccine when compared to the natural virus.”

Dollar signs

Corrigan acknowledges that some people may dismiss his warnings, saying “If the virus is able to accomplish this, then why should I care if the vaccine does the same thing?”

He has a ready and compelling response:

    “[T]here’s a big difference between the scenario where people randomly, and unwittingly, have their genetics monkeyed with because they were exposed to the coronavirus, and the scenario where we willfully vaccinate billions of people while telling them this isn’t happening.”

Unfortunately, the prevailing attitude seems to be that the “race to get the public vaccinated” justifies taking these extra risks.

In mid-November, after the Jerusalem Post told readers that “when the world begins inoculating itself with these completely new and revolutionary vaccines, it will know virtually nothing about their long-term effects,” an Israeli hospital director argued that it’s not worth waiting two more years to ferret out mRNA vaccines’ “unique and unknown risks” or potential long-term effects.

In the U.S., enthusiasm for mRNA technology is similarly unfettered. Just a few days after the CDC released updated data showing that more than 2,200 deaths of individuals who had received either the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines had been reported as of Mar. 26 , The Atlantic praised the technology, suggesting that the “ingenious” synthetic mRNA technology behind Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID vaccines represented a “breakthrough” that could “change the world.”

Rather than dismiss the prospect of retro-integration of foreign DNA as a “conspiracy theory,” scientists should be conducting studies with the mRNA-vaccinated to assess actual risks.

In old Disney cartoons, viewers often witnessed Donald Duck’s rich uncle, Scrooge McDuck’s, “bulging eyes [turn] into oversized Vegas slot machine dollar signs” when contemplating opportunities to increase his already immense wealth.

Judging by pharmaceutical company executives’ willingness to overlook mRNA vaccines’ long-term — and possibly multigenerational — risks, they must be similarly entranced by dollar-sign visions of a never-ending pipeline of “plug and play” mRNA products.

COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease

J. Bart Classen, MD

'The current RNA based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing. In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients.'

The RNA sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein target interaction were analyzed for the potential to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic prion conformations. The results indicate that the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations.'

'The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases. The enclosed finding as well as additional potential risks leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit'

'There are many other potential adverse events that can be induced by the novel RNA based vaccines against COVID-19. The vaccine places a novel molecule, spike protein, in/on the surface of host cells. This spike protein is a potential receptor for another possibly novel infectious agent. If those who argue that the COVID-19 is actually a bioweapon are correct, then a second potentially more dangerous virus may be released that binds spike protein found on the host cells of vaccine recipients.'

'Genetic diversity protects species from mass casualties caused by infectious agents. One individual may be killed by a virus while another may have no ill effects from the same virus. By placing the identical receptor, the spike protein, on cells of everyone in a population, the genetic diversity for at least one potential receptor disappears. Everyone in the population now becomes potentially susceptible to binding with the same infectious agent.'

'Approving a vaccine, utilizing novel RNA technology without extensive testing is extremely dangerous. The vaccine could be a bioweapon and even more dangerous than the original infection.'


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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #277 on: December 12, 2021, 09:32:21 PM »
Corona Unmasked

select excerpts taken from prelim pre pub chapter of forthcoming, yet to b finalized book – 'Corona Unmasked' – authored by world renowned German-Thai-American microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (and some whore)

The vaccines are here, and they are being given en masse – yet we don’t know if they work, how well they work, or what they do. That is why these vaccines have not been given regular approval by the EU, but only a “conditional approval” for emergency use (1). In the next 2 years, it will be re-viewed whether their benefits outweigh the risks. Every person who gets vaccinated now is part of this huge experiment. But, of course, without any liability!

Because with vaccinations under emergency rules, the manufacturers make no guarantees whatsoever – in case of serious reactions, or even in case of death, they are free from any liability.

Especially for completely novel, gene-based vaccines such as the mRNA vaccines against CoroSARS-CoV-2, a careful study of the possible risks would be particularly important, because according to the current state of scientific knowledge, a variety of severe side effects are conceivable.

It is thus all the more astonishing that meaningful studies on the efficacy and safety of these novel vaccines do not exist at all - Nor were such studies feasible within the short time available. Three pharmaceutical companies were at the fore-front of the mad race for the highly lucrative emergency approval: AstraZeneca with its DNA vector vaccine based on an adenovirus, and Biontech/Pfizer as well as Moderna with their mRNA vaccines. On December 21, 2020, the EU Commission approved the Biontech/Pfi-zer vaccine, followed shortly thereafter on January 6 by approval of the Moderna vaccine; and on January 29, AstraZeneca received EU approval, too. While careful clinical testing of a new vaccine was previously known to take at least 7–10 years, the whole process has now been shortened to mere months. Could reliable data be on the table in such a short time, so that the public could weigh risk versus benefit? Of course not. Nevertheless, everything was accepted and bought sight unseen by the authorities in Europe.

Do current vaccines protect against severe SARS-CoV-2 infection?

As a matter of fact, a protective effect against severe and possibly life-threatening COVID-19 disease could not be shown in monkey models with any of the vaccines (3–5).

What do the human trials say?

Mainstream media jubilantly spread the press releases of the companies without ever asking any critical questions. Thus, from the media we learn that the protection afforded by the vaccines is simply great – with Biontech/Pfizer the level of protection is even 95 percent! That sounds great – bring on the vaccination! But how do these numbers come about, knowing that healthy people very rarely get life-threatening COVID -19?

In fact, among the 40,000+ test subjects of the Biontech/Pfizer study (7), just 170 COVID-19 “cases” occurred (about 0.4%). Of these, 8 occurred among the vaccinated (1x severe), whereas 162 in the unvaccinated control group. The 8 cases in the first group equal 5% of the 162 in the second – therefore, 95% protection!?

Considering this small number of cases overall, the evidence must be described as plainly ridiculous from a scientific point of view. Moreover: how did this study define a “COVID-19 case” in the first place? Aha: symptoms like cough, cold, hoarseness and a positive RT-PCR test, which is extremely unreliable, as everyone knows by now. So, what we have here is a vaccination that might possibly prevent cough, cold, hoarseness in 0.7% of the vaccinated. For this breathtaking achievement, hundreds of vaccinated people had to accept severe side effects, some of which led to hospitalization.

The situation is no better for the other vaccine manufacturers. Accordingly, Professor Peter Doshi, writing in the prestigious British Journal of Medicine, complains: “None of the studies currently underway are designed to detect a reduction in severe outcomes in terms of hospitalization, admission to intensive care units, or death.«

How great is the benefit of vaccination, especially for the group most at risk from the infection? No one knows. Thereby, the justification for the conditional approval is the demonstrated prevention of serious or even deadly events. The conditional approvals for all gene-based vaccines were thus made without any basis whatsoever.

The human trial continues, and everyone who is now enthusiastic about being vaccinated is taking part.

Does the vaccine prevent infection and thus the spread of the viruses?

A widely proclaimed goal of vaccination is not only to prevent COVID-19 disease in the vaccinated persons, but also to prevent the spread of the virus in the population. Already in kindergartens and elementary schools, children are taught that they could unknowingly kill their grandparents because they carry the viruses without being sick themselves. To prevent this, everyone should be vaccinated, including the children. Does this make sense – can a vaccination prevent an infection at all?

Let us start with the first question: does it make sense to try to prevent the spread of viruses that are of little danger to most people in order to supposedly protect a risk group?

When we do develop symptoms, this is a sign that the viruses have found a chance to become active, and also that our immune system has entered the battle. If there is no cough, cold, hoarseness, etc., it means that our body is keeping the viruses at bay from the start. The viral load that a person can release into the out-side world without symptoms is too small to endanger other people in public. Therefore, the plan to vaccinate the entire population is a delusional and insane undertaking.

Let us turn to question 2: could the vaccines prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 viruses at all? The RKI states that this question is completely unresolved so far (13). To find out, one would have to examine whether 1) vaccinated people can still get an infection and whether 2) in this case, the amount of virus present is sufficient to infect others.

AstraZeneca alone made headlines with the news that vaccinated people were significantly less contagious. However, on closer inspection, it is blindingly obvious that once more no data exist to draw this conclusion. The study in question only looked at part 1 of the question: how many more people get an infection after being vaccinated. How was this checked?

The only criterion was positive RT-PCR tests (14). Now even the WHO says that the PCR test alone is not enough to diagnose an infection (15). So what is the the unsubstantiated claim worth that the spread of infection was massively reduced by the AstraZeneca vaccine? NOTHING.

Anyone who has the slightest idea about infections and immune defense also knows that the mechanistic concept for the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination which is presented to the public is amateurish and naive from the start. The antibodies induced by the vaccination will circulate for the most part in the bloodstream. For an analogy, readers may imagine that they themselves are such antibodies, sitting together in the living room – which represents a blood vessel of the lungs. Now the virus comes to the house – not bothering to ring the bell, it just grabs the door handle and steps into the hallway: the lung cell. How could you possibly stop it from doing so, while sitting in the living room? You can’t.

Antibodies can basically only help prevent the further spread of an intruder through the bloodstream. But that is not the primary protection against an attack from the air against the lungs. And that is precisely why there is no truly effective vaccine protection against respiratory infections, including influenza.

If the benefits of vaccinations are more than questionable, what about the risks?

We read in the mainstream media: mRNA vaccines are not new after all. That is true, but they have NEVER been used on humans to fight a viral infection. And humans have never been inoculated with recombinant viral genes, in the form of either DNA or mRNA.

Accordingly, the vaccinations were under a dark cloud from the outset. With all three gene-based vaccines, disturbing immediate side effects were noted – but carefully hidden from general awareness: severe swelling and pain at the injection site, high fever and chills, severe headache, limb and muscle pain throughout the body, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Many vaccinated people were so sick that they were unable to work. In the AstraZeneca study, the side effects were so bad that the study protocol had to be changed halfway through: in the later stages, study participants received high doses of the pain- and fever-relieving drug aceta-minophen in order to make the vaccination reasonably tolerable (16). Such changes of protocol in the middle of a study are actually not permitted at all. Why was an exception made here?

But that is not all. The AstraZeneca study was interrupted in July and September 2020 because of the occurrence in vaccinees of an extremely rare autoimmune disease, which affects the spinal cord (17). “Transverse myelitis” is associated with paralysis and normally occurs at the very low frequency of approximately 3 per 1 million population, every year. It is surprising,
then, that 2 such cases occurred among a relatively small number of vaccinated individuals.
AstraZeneca announced days later: calm down people, the first test person had incipient multiple sclerosis, the second case was purely an unfortunate coincidence. The show will go on! And so it did – AstraZeneca continued to forge ahead. But not only AstraZeneca – so did everyone else.

Comparable events occurred with competitors Mo-derna and Biontech/Pfizer. With both vaccines, volunteers suffered similarly severe general side effects. This sentence might be moved up to the discussion of general febrile reactions to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Such a variety of immediate side effects has never been observed with any other vaccination. In America, when comparing the number of reported side effects of different vaccines over the 2 last years, the COVID-19 vaccine already comes out on top, although it was approved only in December 2020 (19).

Is the mRNA vaccine dangerous?

«No« is the answer that is spread everywhere. This is because 1) the vaccine introduces into our body only the information for a small part of the virus, for the so-called spike protein, which means that there is no intact virus that could propagate, and 2) the vaccine only imitates what Nature, too, would do. Intact viruses also release their genetic material into our cells when they attack, turning our cells into virus factories. So, no problem there at all, right?

Far from it. A natural respiratory infection typically affects only the respiratory tract itself. If, at worst, cell death occurs, the damage is local and can be repaired relatively easily.

With a vaccine, however, the viral genetic information is injected into the muscle. Many believe that the packaged viral genes remain at the site of injection – that is, within in the muscle. The genes would be taken up by cells at the site, which is where most “virus factories” would be created. Side effects such as swelling, redness and pain at the injection site would be expected because of this, but they would remain relatively harm-less and go away after a few days.

What a fatal mistake!

The virus genes in the Moderna and Biontech/Pfi-zer vaccines are packaged in so-called nanoparticles – which can be thought of as tiny packages, not made of paper, but of fat-like substances. This protects the contents and makes it easier for them to be absorbed by the cells of our body. The packaging itself causes a risk of severe allergic reactions that is many times higher than with conventional vaccines (20). It is thus not without reason that people with allergies are now being warned not to get vaccinated – life-threatening reactions (anaphylactic shock) could be triggered. In fact, such dangerous side effects did occur in some vaccination volunteers, who required emergency treatment. In addition, nanoparticles can have numerous other harmful effects because they can interfere with the function of our blood cells and clotting system (21).

But it gets infinitely worse. It is part of basic medical knowledge that all soluble substances injected into muscle tissue enter the bloodstream and are distributed throughout the body within a very short time. This is precisely why substances that are supposed to act immediately are injected into the muscles.

It is known that the injected gene packets also enter the bloodstream (22). Which cell types will take them up, process them, and then produce the virus protein?

The answer to this is not known with certainty.

We are now witnessing large-scale experiments on humans. This is absolutely irresponsible, especially since there was reason for caution from the beginning. The potential dangers from the “packaging” were already known. More significantly, however, alarming antibody-dependent enhancement – in this case, the antibodies do not prevent uptake of the virus into cells, but rather enhance it – has been observed in animal studies on SARS and other coronaviruses (23, 24). In the decades-long, yet futile effort to develop vaccines against SARS or MERS, this enhancement effect was repeatedly observed, as one among problem among many others (25). With this in mind, should not animal studies have been conducted to clearly rule out this effect for SARS-CoV-2? Physicians who do not alert those willing to be vaccinated to the risk that vaccination could make the disease worse, not better, are in violation of their duty to inform (26).

And more seriously, could the inoculation of viral genes trigger other novel immune-related enhancement effects? Shouldn’t such very elementary things have been considered and tested beforehand?

As a reminder, lymphocytes have a long-term memory – they remember what the «molecular garbage« looks like that is produced in Coronavirus infections. And corona garbage looks pretty much the same no matter which member of the virus family it is derived from. All humans have had training rounds with coronaviruses, and thus they have lymphocytes that will recognize SARS-CoV-2 garbage. People without in-depth knowledge might counter that these cross-reactive killer lymphocytes were detected in only 40–70% of old blood samples, and they reacted only weakly against SARS-CoV-2 (27, 28). However, it is known that only a small proportion of all lymphocytes are in the blood at any given time. The others are just taking a break and resting in the lymphoid organs (including the lymph nodes).

Here, we note an exciting finding: In April 2020, Swedish researchers reported that they had discovered something truly remarkable. Activated and combat-ready T lymphocytes were found in the blood of all people (100%) infected with SARS-CoV-2, regardless of the severity of the disease (29).

This finding is a clear, unmistakable warning.

For context: during an initial confrontation of the immune system with a virus, the lymphocyte response will be sluggish. Rapid, strong reactions such as that documented by the Swedish team reveal that forewarned troops are already at the ready and can be mobilized on short notice. They will swarm out of the lymphoid organs to fight the enemy. Their main task: extermination of the virus factories – death to the body’s own cells that produce the virus particles.

And now back to the new reality: the large-scale experiment on humans. The injected gene packets are taken up locally in muscle cells, but a large part reaches first the local lymph nodes and, after passing through these, the bloodstream. The lymph nodes are where the immune cell team resides. When the viral gene is taken up by any cell there, production of the spike protein gets underway. The corona killer lymphocyte next door wakes up and springs into action – the brotherly battle begins! Lymph node swelling. Pain. The lymphocytes psyche each other up and then emerge from the lymph nodes to seek out more enemies.

Yes – over there – the muscle cells! There they are!!! Attack!!! At the injection site redness, swelling, bad pain.

But now the nightmare.

This is because the substances with small molecules – for example, blood sugar – can easily seep out of the blood into the tissue, whereas large molecules such as proteins cannot. For them, the vessel walls are tight thanks to the lining with a cell layer – the endothelial cells.

What are the gene packages like – large or small?

Right – compared to blood sugar, they certainly are large. Therefore, once they enter the bloodstream, they will remain in the closed network of vascular tubes just like the blood cells. A small part of them is taken up by white blood cells. Presumably, however, most of the virus factories will be established in the endothelial cells, that is, in the innermost cell layer of the blood vessels themselves. This would happen mainly where the blood flows slowly – within the smallest and smallest vessels – because the gene packages can be taken up particularly efficiently by the cells there (30).

The endothelial cells then produce the viral spike protein and place the waste at the door – on the side that faces the bloodstream, where killer lymphocytes are on patrol. This time, the fight is one-sided. The endothelial cells have no defense.

What happens then can only be guessed at. Injury to the vascular lining usually leads to the formation of blood clots. This would likely happen in countless vessels in countless places in the body. If it happens in the placenta, severe damage to the child in the womb could result.


Is there evidence that something like this is taking place? Yes, there is talk of rare blood disorders in which a possible link to vaccination would have to be investigated (31). Strikingly, there are reports of patients in whom a sharp drop in blood platelets (thrombocytes) was observed. This would fit the hypothesis put for-ward here, because platelets are activated and used up at the sites of blood clot formation.

What is more, it seems that particularly the vaccinated are dying. Is this perhaps the immune-related exacerbation of diseases we have reason to fear? Not caused by antibodies, but by activated killer lymphocytes? And couldn’t this happen at any time to anyone vaccinated – tomorrow, the next day, next week, next fall? Because lymphocytes have an elephant’s memory. And they recognize something that looks similar in all coronaviruses: the molecular garbage that is produced by the virus-infected cells. That is, the lymphocyte induced exacerbation of disease progression could arguably occur with any infection with a related virus. In any “successfully” vaccinated person – young or old – and at any time in the near or distant future.


Gene-based vaccines received emergency approval at lightning speed to combat a virus that is no more dangerous than influenza (34). There is now clear evidence that people can become severely ill and die from these vaccinations. No real-world benefit of vaccination has ever been shown. Until reliable and convincing data are available, this high-risk human experiment must not be allowed to continue.


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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #278 on: December 12, 2021, 09:37:38 PM »
the fact that this lab created mRNA virus, and thus the synthetic, modified gene therapies based on said lab created virus – gains entry into the nucleus, incorporating into the host cell genome via gain of function provided by HIV gp120 and gag sequences - thereby producing new - altered - chimeric DNA – and a bunch of other horrible shit – is the smoking gun.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #279 on: December 13, 2021, 10:23:56 AM »
u mock the death of children, celebrate tyranny... and endorse the damnation of mankind.

the majority of this forum wants u to die by way of grease fire.

u r a lame gimmick and worse troll.

u will burn in hell.

hope this helps.

Only Shizzo posts on Getbig at the annoyance level of OAK.   ::)


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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #280 on: December 13, 2021, 01:56:26 PM »
u mock the death of children, celebrate tyranny... and endorse the damnation of mankind.

the majority of this forum wants u to die by way of grease fire.

u r a lame gimmick and worse troll.

u will burn in hell.

hope this helps.

I'm the "gimmick"

How ironic.



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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #281 on: December 13, 2021, 02:35:57 PM »
I'm the "gimmick"

How ironic.




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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #282 on: December 13, 2021, 02:42:36 PM »

Hey. Remember last week when you invited me over to your house so I could “see how big your muscles were”?  That was weird.

I’ll pass by the way.



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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #283 on: December 13, 2021, 03:13:44 PM »
Hey. Remember last week when you invited me over to your house so I could “see how big your muscles were”?  That was weird.

I’ll pass by the way.

Latent homosexuality- yep- Howard, hahaha


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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #284 on: December 13, 2021, 03:30:17 PM »
Latent homosexuality- yep- Howard, hahaha

It was even CREEPIER when you asked me for my address. 😬

GetBig SURE has changed over the years.



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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #285 on: December 13, 2021, 05:31:52 PM »
Hey. Remember last week when you invited me over to your house so I could “see how big your muscles were”?  That was weird.

I’ll pass by the way.


Why do keep bringing this up. Are you trying to show us your true nature?

You are bizarre.


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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #286 on: December 13, 2021, 06:16:02 PM »
Why do keep bringing this up. Are you trying to show us your true nature?

You are bizarre.


I just thought it was weird when illuminati invited me over to his house to "show me how in shape he was".

Obviously for antivaxxers like yourself this is normal.


The Scott

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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #287 on: December 13, 2021, 06:20:56 PM »

I just thought it was weird when illuminati invited me over to his house to "show me how in shape he was".

Obviously for antivaxxers like yourself this is normal.


It may well be that I speak for all adults here when I say I envy those who have never read your drivel, let alone met you in the real world.  You and your dust are shaken.   You deserve that which you have woven about you here.


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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #288 on: December 13, 2021, 06:25:36 PM »
It may well be that I speak for all adults here when I say I envy those who have never read your drivel, let alone met you in the real world.  You and your dust are shaken.   You deserve that which you have woven about you here.

Yes. But why did illuminati invite me over to his house?

Is the "new normal" now for Getbig?



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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #289 on: December 13, 2021, 06:28:26 PM »
"More restrictions are being introduced for those who are unvaccinated, requiring such individuals to provide proof of a negative antigen test within 24 hours or a negative PCR test within 48 hours of attending gatherings with more than 1,000 in attendancem such as concerts or sporting events. The previous window for a negative test was 72 hours."



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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #290 on: December 13, 2021, 06:40:00 PM »
It was even CREEPIER when you asked me for my address. 😬

GetBig SURE has changed over the years.


So you are Howard?


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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #291 on: December 13, 2021, 06:56:54 PM »
Yes. But why did illuminati invite me over to his house?

Is the "new normal" now for Getbig?




  • Getbig II
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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #292 on: December 13, 2021, 07:00:30 PM »

I just thought it was weird when illuminati invited me over to his house to "show me how in shape he was".

Obviously for antivaxxers like yourself this is normal.


I think that gets you off. Probably playing with your tiny noodle as we speak just thinking about his big oily chest.


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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #293 on: December 13, 2021, 08:04:17 PM »
Only Shizzo posts on Getbig at the annoyance level of OAK.   ::)

So you are Howard?

oak is Howard.

if not.. someone has taken the time (who would bother?) to intelligently mimic Howard's intellectual fingerprint.

'oak' is not smart enough to do that... just as Howard is not smart enough to conceal himself.

therefore oak is Howard the coward, imo

The Scott

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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #294 on: December 13, 2021, 08:29:52 PM »

Superb, my brother!  S U P E R B !  ;D


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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #295 on: December 13, 2021, 08:52:58 PM »
Superb, my brother!  S U P E R B !  ;D

Ha ha Thanks,

Something clearly very wrong about him = Mentally Disturbed


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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #296 on: December 13, 2021, 09:52:03 PM »

Dave D

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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #297 on: December 14, 2021, 02:19:43 PM »
Hey. Remember last week when you invited me over to your house so I could see how muscular you were?

That was weird.

Oak I've warned you about soliciting members on here for sex.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #298 on: December 14, 2021, 02:23:40 PM »
Oak I've warned you about soliciting members on here for sex.

Are you willing to call a truce?

I’m in if you are.



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Re: Just Say No - No Masks, No Tests, No Injections, etc
« Reply #299 on: December 14, 2021, 07:08:14 PM »

Who provided those percentages, the vaxxx companies? Why would you need a booster every 3-6 months if they were so effective?

It's a cult if you can't put 2 and 2 together. Those numbers are nowhere near reality.

I am done conversing on this topic. You and others of your ilk will find reason to support your foregone beliefs. Clearly, there is nothing I can do to even make the smallest dent in them. So have at it. If I am around in years to come, we can revise this discussion to see just who was making the most accurate predictions.

I'll give you this answer to your question about boosters, only a couple of years ago there was no COVID, why do you believe two years later we should have answers.

Maybe the stats I posted are nowhere near accurate. How about you post some which are?