Author Topic: +1 to the Jan 6 count  (Read 92430 times)


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #775 on: January 04, 2023, 02:38:54 PM »
As evident by their leader, they are clearly not the "sharpest lightbulb in the crayon box".

The most ridiculous ways accused Capitol rioters got caught, from bad Bumble matches to an Uber ride.

In the two years since the Capitol riot, the US government has arrested nearly 1,000 people and handed out hundreds of jail sentences and fines.

2 accused rioters made big Bumble blunders

These accused rioters' reach for romance landed them in trouble with the law. 

In an apparent attempt to impress a Bumble match, Andrew Quentin Taake boasted about his apparent role in the siege, telling an anonymous woman on the dating app that he was among the insurrectionists from "the very beginning," prosecutors said.

After the pair's online conversation fizzled, the unnamed woman contacted the FBI on January 9, 2021, sharing screenshots of Taake's own admissions via messages between the two, according to a July 2021 criminal complaint. In one exchange, the Texas man told his potential paramour about being pepper-sprayed outside the Capitol: "I was the very first person to be sprayed that day, all while just standing there," he claimed. 

But federal prosecutors ultimately accused him of doing much more than "just standing there," arresting him in July 2021 on several charges related to the attack, including assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers, and obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder. Taake pleaded not guilty to all charges in late 2021 and is awaiting trial, according to court records. 

In a strikingly similar story, Robert Chapman, of New York, found himself charged with four counts related to the Capitol riot after a Bumble user tipped off the FBI, sharing a screenshot of an incriminating exchange between the two non-love-birds.

The anonymous woman contacted the FBI on January 13, 2021, with photos of her conversation with Chapman in which he blatantly admitted: "I did storm the Capitol" and "I made it all the way to Statuary Hall," referencing a room inside the Capitol. Chapman went on to tell his match that he had already spoken with reporters at both The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal.

"We are not a match," the woman responded.

"I suppose not," Chapman said.

A judge sentenced Chapman to three months of home detention earlier this year after he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor picketing charge. 


Familial fumings have led to weighty consequences  

Several accused rioters at the Capitol on January 6 were brought down by members of their own families. 

There was Guy Reffitt, the notorious militia man who was sentenced to seven years in prison on five felony charges earlier this year after his teenage son turned him in to the FBI, in defiance of his dad's own direct threats to keep his mouth shut.

Or take the case of Zachary Alam, a Pennsylvania man who prosecutors say was filmed shattering a window in the Speaker's Lobby and subsequently arrested after an unnamed relative sent a tip to the FBI. Officials charged Alam with several counts last year and he pleaded guilty to all charges in December 2021, according to the Justice Department. 

But there is perhaps no case more baffling than that of Thomas Fee, a retired New York City firefighter who texted his girlfriend's brother — who also happened to be a federal agent with the US Diplomatic Security Service — a selfie showing him inside the Capitol rotunda during the riot. 

According to charging documents, Fee also sent his girlfriend's brother a video of himself inside the building where other rioters could be heard screaming "Pelosi" and "tyranny." The unnamed special agent initially deleted the messages but was later able to retrieve them, after which he sent them to DSS. The agency then sent the evidence to the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

Fee turned himself in soon after and was sentenced to 24 months of probation earlier this year.


This rioter's ex-girlfriend got payback for his put-down

Richard Michetti learned the hard way the inevitable consequences of scorning an ex-lover.

A judge sentenced the Pennsylvania man to nine months in prison earlier this year after his ex-girlfriend turned him in to the FBI, according to court documents. The unnamed woman blew Michetti's cover after he called her a "moron" for not supporting former President Donald Trump, prosecutors said.

"If you can't see the election was stolen, you're a moron," Michetti texted his ex-girlfriend, according to the criminal complaint. "This is our country do you think we live like kings because no one sacrificed anything?"

After Michetti's insults, his ex-girlfriend provided the FBI with text messages and videos a day after the siege. She even identified him in other images that appeared to show him inside the building, prosecutors said. 

This accused rioter faced religious repercussions thanks to a fellow worshipper

The FBI arrested Glenn Allen Brooks in August 2021 on two January 6-related charges after a member of his church prayer group turned him in, according to court documents. Prosecutors said Brooks "boasted of his active participation" in the attack and "sent photos of his attendance" to a text chat group full of other prayer group members. 

Brooks sent the digital evidence to his fellow worshippers on the day of the riot, according to prosecutors, but the unnamed prayer group member who tipped off investigators did so weeks after the insurrection. 

The California man pleaded not guilty to the charges against him in August 2021, according to court records.
An unbelievable Uber ride was this accused rioter's downfall

Alleged defendant Jerry Daniel Braun was turned in by his get-away car driver, according to court documents.

Authorities arrested the California man in April 2022 after the Uber driver who took Braun away from the January 6 attack tipped off the FBI, according to court documents.

Braun faces three charges related to his alleged role in the insurrection after a Washington, DC-area Uber driver contacted the FBI in January 2021 to share information about an apparent rioter. The driver told investigators that one of his passengers acknowledged tearing down a barricade at the US Capitol immediately following the siege. Braun has yet to enter a plea in the case, according to court records. 

A portion of Braun's ride was captured on video by a dash cam in the Uber, according to court documents, during which the driver engaged Braun in conversation about the siege. 

"So, has it been violent all day?" the driver asked, according to prosecutors.

"Well, it started around right when I got there," Braun responded, per prosecutors. "I tore down the barricades."

"You did?" the driver asked. "Why?"

"Well, because, so we could get to the Capitol," Braun replied.

"Well, how'd that work out for ya?" the driver responded.

"Well, it looks like, uh, Biden's gonna be our president," Braun said.


Self-promoters helped investigators by identifying themselves

Some industrious rioters couldn't help but use an unprecedented American insurrection as an opportunity to drum up business.

Texas real estate agent Jenna Ryan, who has continually made headlines for her post-riot behavior and commentary, seemed to be in hustle mode on January 6, posting a since-deleted video from the Capitol in which she promoted herself.

"We're gonna…go in there, life of death! It doesn't matter!" she said in the video, according to The Washington Post. "Y'all know who to hire for your realtor: Jenna Ryan."

In another video from inside the building, Ryan continued to sell herself: "You guys, can you believe this? I'm not messing around. When I come to sell your house, this is what I'll do."

Ryan completed a 60-day prison sentence earlier this year after pleading guilty to a single federal misdemeanor charge of parading. 

Among the entrepreneurial insurrectionists that day was also Troy Faulkner, who was sentenced to five months in prison earlier this year after pleading guilty. According to an FBI affidavit, Faulkner stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, while wearing a jacket advertising his Ohio painting company. 

The promotional outerwear helped FBI agents identify him, according to investigators. On the back of his jacket, Faulkner advertised his namesake painting business and the telephone number for the company.

the most famous of them all
Adorned with a headdress, horns, and red, white, and blue face paint, Jacob Chansley — alternatively known as the QAnon Shaman — dressed his way into becoming the unofficial mascot for the January 6 insurrection. 

Chansley is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable faces of the Capitol riot. Thanks to his larger-than-life get-up, he was photographed several times throughout the day walking with his bullhorn and flagpole. Authorities arrested him just three days later in his hometown of Phoenix, Arizona, where he was charged with two felonies and four misdemeanors. 

"He made himself the image of the riot, didn't he?" Judge Royce Lamberth said in November 2021 before sentencing Chansley to 41 months in prison following his guilty plea to obstruction.

Several other bizarrely-dressed rioters have since been arrested and sentenced, including Aaron Mostofsky, who donned fur pelts while inside the Capitol; Kevin Seefried, who carried a giant Confederate Flag throughout the Capitol's hall; and Robert Keith Packer, who was photographed wearing a "Camp Auschwitz" sweatshirt.

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #776 on: January 04, 2023, 02:54:31 PM »
Luker keeps posting this stuff like it has any relevance since the J6 “hearings” have been proven fake like I’ve said since day 1.


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #777 on: January 04, 2023, 03:16:15 PM »


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #778 on: January 04, 2023, 04:10:44 PM »
Luker keeps posting this stuff like it has any relevance since the J6 “hearings” have been proven fake like I’ve said since day 1.

I find it especially odd that you are now arguing this point with Lurker since it was you who previously seemed confused about that committee's responsibilities and authority. Do you remember this?

You are right these folks found guilty were charged by the Department of Justice and tried in a court of law for their criminal activities on January 6, 2020. This is not a result of the United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol which doesn't have the ability to charge anyone. Their responsibility was to investigate and report what they found and that is what they did. All future actions relating to January 6th is now the responsibility of the Justice Department.

Like I assume you did, I read lurker's recent post. I found nothing that mentions the January 6th House Committee.

Of course, you can call either the House Committee's work or the Department of Justice's charges fake if you choose. This has absolutely zero effect on them. Essentially, you are ‘shouting into the wind’ and nobody is listening.

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #779 on: January 04, 2023, 04:19:12 PM »
Luker keeps posting this stuff like it has any relevance since the J6 “hearings” have been proven fake like I’ve said since day 1.

SniffyForBoys is a loser in life, wrong on everything - his IQ is that of a 10 year old child which he ......


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #780 on: January 04, 2023, 04:44:15 PM »
Luker keeps posting this stuff like it has any relevance since the J6 “hearings” have been proven fake like I’ve said since day 1.

You have been wrong since Day 1 so there is no surprise there.  Pretty sure these are real criminals, real charges and real sentences.

Of course, being the retard you are, you will think otherwise.   :D


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #781 on: January 04, 2023, 04:48:57 PM »
I find it especially odd that you are now arguing this point with Lurker since it was you who previously seemed confused about that committee's responsibilities and authority. Don't you remember this?

You are right these folks found guilty were charged by the Department of Justice and tried in a court of law for their criminal activities on January 6, 2020. This is not a result of the United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol which doesn't have the ability to charge anyone. Their responsibility was to investigate and report what they found and that is what they did. All future actions relating to January 6th is now the responsibility of the Justice Department.

Like I assume you did, I read lurker's recent post. I found nothing that mentions the January 6th House Committee.

Of course, you can call either the House Committee's work or the Department of Justice's charges fake if you choose. This has absolutely zero effect on them. Essentially, you are ‘shouting into the wind’ and nobody is listening.

Qoach does not understand simple facts.  It's a waste of time to discuss the differences between the J6C and the DOJ.  The differences between an investigation, a hearing and a trial.  He is lost in his little rabbit hole and reality does not exist for him.

Anything Qoach doesn't agree with is automatically "fake" because he has no other option or argument to make, but has to post something, even a weak ass excuse like that.  For when the "lol... oh boy" or calling you a gimmick doesn't cut it.

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #782 on: January 04, 2023, 07:32:38 PM »
I find it especially odd that you are now arguing this point with Lurker since it was you who previously seemed confused about that committee's responsibilities and authority. Do you remember this?

1. Since the entire hearing was 100% unconstitutional, the committee technically has no authority to do shit. You seem to be confused about this when it not. 

You are right these folks found guilty were charged by the Department of Justice and tried in a court of law for their criminal activities on January 6, 2020. This is not a result of the United States House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol which doesn't have the ability to charge anyone. Their responsibility was to investigate and report what they found and that is what they did. All future actions relating to January 6th is now the responsibility of the Justice Department.

Don’t be naive. Garland works in Lockstep with Pelosi and Co. Whatever they recommend, he does. They were arresting people that were not even in DC. You should have listened to the interview I posted but regardless, this was known loong ago

Like I assume you did, I read lurker's recent post. I found nothing that mentions the January 6th House Committee.

Of course, you can call either the House Committee's work or the Department of Justice's charges fake if you choose. This has absolutely zero effect on them. Essentially, you are ‘shouting into the wind’ and nobody is listening.

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #783 on: January 04, 2023, 07:33:57 PM »
You have been wrong since Day 1 so there is no surprise there.  Pretty sure these are real criminals, real charges and real sentences.

Of course, being the retard you are, you will think otherwise.   :D

You’re a troll and coward. I bury you


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #784 on: January 04, 2023, 07:47:31 PM »
You’re a troll and coward. I bury you

You are a liar and a retard.  Reality shits on you.


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #785 on: January 04, 2023, 08:14:17 PM »
Tom still obsessed with everything Trump just like the media tells him to be, good lapdog!

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #786 on: January 04, 2023, 08:25:12 PM »
You are a liar and a retard.  Reality shits on you.

Then let’s give you the chance to prove in front of this entire site, live


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #787 on: January 04, 2023, 08:47:27 PM »
Tom still obsessed with everything Trump just like the media tells him to be, good lapdog!

Fetterbro with his usual TDfS deflection, distraction and off topic replies.  Good lapdog!


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #788 on: January 04, 2023, 08:48:40 PM »
Then let’s give you the chance to prove in front of this entire site, live

Do you really think anyone is going out of their way and wasting time on a liar and retard?  Seriously.  You can't do anything when facts are presented except lie.  You can't even debate your own thread postings.

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #789 on: January 04, 2023, 09:02:53 PM »
Do you really think anyone is going out of their way and wasting time on a liar and retard?  Seriously.  You can't do anything when facts are presented except lie.  You can't even debate your own thread postings.

Keep skating Lurker. You have a big mouth that you can’t back up. If you’re all of the things you say I am, I’m willing to put myself out there for you to prove. You’re skating.

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #790 on: January 04, 2023, 09:04:30 PM »
Do you really think anyone is going out of their way and wasting time on a liar and retard?  Seriously.  You can't do anything when facts are presented except lie.  You can't even debate your own thread postings.

Facts? You can’t even show links to your “facts”


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #791 on: January 04, 2023, 09:06:01 PM »
Facts? You can’t even show links to your “facts”

You are still too stupid to Google the facts contain the post.   :D


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #792 on: January 04, 2023, 09:08:30 PM »
Keep skating Lurker. You have a big mouth that you can’t back up. If you’re all of the things you say I am, I’m willing to put myself out there for you to prove. You’re skating.

You put yourself out here everyday and prove everyday that you are a retard.  You got a J6 thread on the Gossip that blew up in your face (as usual) because you didn't read the article you copied and pasted or if you did - you didn't understand it. 

Skating is all I have to do with retards.  Because reality does the rest. 

BTW - that doesn't even make any sense, which is really no surprise coming from you.  But yes, YOU are all the things I say YOU are.

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #793 on: January 04, 2023, 09:14:12 PM »
You put yourself out here everyday and prove everyday that you are a retard.  You got a J6 thread on the Gossip that blew up in your face (as usual) because you didn't read the article you copied and pasted or if you did - you didn't understand it. 

Skating is all I have to do with retards.  Because reality does the rest. 

BTW - that doesn't even make any sense, which is really no surprise coming from you.  But yes, YOU are all the things I say YOU are.

By now just about everyone on here knows I’ve called you out to for you show what a liar and “retard” I am and every time I call you out and you make excuses. Dude, I’m giving you the opportunity (on at least 50 occasions) to prove to everyone that I’m everything you say I am. And yes, everyone does see our exchanges and there are only a few that make excuses for you as opposed to the rest of the board.

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #794 on: January 04, 2023, 09:14:56 PM »
Is this a lie? A meme?


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #795 on: January 04, 2023, 09:19:23 PM »
By now just about everyone on here knows I’ve called you out to for you show what a liar and “retard” I am and every time I call you out and you make excuses. Dude, I’m giving you the opportunity (on at least 50 occasions) to prove to everyone that I’m everything you say I am. And yes, everyone does see our exchanges and there are only a few that make excuses for you as opposed to the rest of the board.

I don't need the opportunity.  We see what a liar and retard you are right here.

Do you not get it?  You really are stupid enough to think anyone is going to waste time on your dumb ass?  HAHAHAHAH


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #796 on: January 04, 2023, 09:21:00 PM »
Is this a lie? A meme?

No, the lie is when you claimed over and over they never interviewed him.

Or did you forget that little part?  hahahaa.

Perfect example of why you have no connection with reality.  You can't even debate yourself and your own postings.

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #797 on: January 04, 2023, 09:26:42 PM »
No, the lie is when you claimed over and over they never interviewed him.

Or did you forget that little part?  hahahaa.

Perfect example of why you have no connection with reality.  You can't even debate yourself and your own postings.

You skate, you make more excuses then troll. Bring it live in front of the entire board.

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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #798 on: January 04, 2023, 09:28:02 PM »
No, the lie is when you claimed over and over they never interviewed him.

Or did you forget that little part?  hahahaa.

Perfect example of why you have no connection with reality.  You can't even debate yourself and your own postings.

Show us the thread where I said they never interviewed him. That’s not who I was talking about. I’ll wait

Show us where I said they never interviewed Ray Epps


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Re: +1 to the Jan 6 count
« Reply #799 on: January 04, 2023, 09:35:05 PM »
Show us the thread where I said they never interviewed him. That’s not who I was talking about. I’ll wait

Show us where I said they never interviewed Ray Epps


Not only was Ray Epps not questioned, he got off scot free and dropped from the most wanted list around the same time. Michael Byrd went through no internal interview process, gave no statements, no investigation as to why he pulled, shot and killed Ashli Babbitt.

No questions as to why Nancy Pelosi there was a security failure, why did she turn down Trumps request for up to 20k NG 3-4 days prior and ton of other questions that need to answered