Author Topic: Zuckerberg admits that FBI directly interferes with 2020 election!!!!!!  (Read 2015 times)

Marvin Martian

  • Getbig IV
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Well, we can either be scared or fight back. I personally think we’re closer to fighting back more than people think with the exception of those who question it. After every legal and political avenues are exhausted people a lot will just say “fuck it” and let’s go. LOT’S of chatter of this happening. Just have to remember that’s there’s more of us than there is of them

Don’t get me wrong brother. The Marine Corps taught me how to fight, but I also studied strategy and tactics and I just don’t know if there is proper organization among us that care about humanity.

Marvin Martian

  • Getbig IV
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As I suspected - not ONE single post (other than the pedo making zero sense) by the “Biden Boys”. The only argument that they would have is “but Trump”.
The ONLY away I see this really coming into the light is if Democrats can’t stop Biden from attempting to run again. They know it will be a Trump blowout of epic proportions so I could see them using this to help tuck the senile old fck into his retirement so they can attempt to find a worthy opponent.

It’s just pathetic that there are actually men (if you want to call them men) who actually think Joe Biden has EVER done a decent thing for the USA. Has everyone forgotten the BLATANT lies Biden told the FIRST time he ran in the late 80’s that even the Democrats were disgusted by? There wasn’t a decent man in the USA who thought otherwise in 1988 (obviously pedo-Prime has always loved ole Joe - he probably envied Joe getting rid of wife #1 so early on)


  • Getbig V
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Conservatives are experiencing a crisis of faith because the institutions which they traditionally supported have been captured by the left.

They need to stop arguing for more government control in favor of what they want. That's not liberty. Embrace mistrust in state power. Shrink or disappear systems of control. You get to do things other people don't like and believe things they don't believe. That's liberty. And they're going to say and do things you don't like, and you're not going to have a system to make them stop. That's the cost of the ticket.

It won't happen because people are willing to exchange freedom for rewards and point to their luxuries as proof of cleverness. There will always be a system which will reward supporters and punish opponents, and before you go bitching about it tell me all about how your actions are guided by your beliefs rather than your appetites. Tell me all about how you refused to engage in distasteful crap, left the path, told them to take comfort and shove it, and you went it alone the hard way. Tell me all about how you don't like what everyone else likes, want what everyone else wants, do what everyone else does. Normies. As far as the eye can see.

Boo hoo muh trusted systems. Oh well. Sorry your deal with the devil isn't panning out for you, but hey at least you have nice things, right? Be honest. That's all you ever really wanted, and you'd support things you don't believe in again in order to acquire or keep what you have. That's the ticket you bought and you're going to buy it again. And everything will be ok.

Marvin Martian

  • Getbig IV
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Labeling yourself as either side is weak as hell! Have an independent thought. It’s ok to say I have no right to not give a fck about gay marriage and ALSO say “come to take my rifles and I’ll shot you in your fckn face until you are dead”.
Big government is not the answer - it is the problem.


  • Getbig V
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"Yes! We're all independent, free thinkers!"


  • Getbig V
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If you’re going to call me out, call me out DIRECTLY and don’t bury it in a post. Did I just read that you called me a “white supremisist”?? Come back to this thread when you know what the fuck you’re talking about. Your entire comment tells me you have absolutely ZERO idea of what you’re talking about….fuck, I’d be willing to bet you can’t even define “white supremisist” because in general, leftists can’t . Just like they can’t define “racist” even though that’s their go to

He was doing the opposite of calling you out, he was actually giving you props and basically saying you're a Patriot.

And no he didn't call you a “white supremacist”, but I'm calling you a fucking moron.


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Don’t get me wrong brother. The Marine Corps taught me how to fight, but I also studied strategy and tactics and I just don’t know if there is proper organization among us that care about humanity.

I believe there is Many out there that do Care & care very Strongly -
The Problem as I see it is getting them all unified & organized
as all social media is clearly monitored & very likely emails -
Rallying Everyone to Stand together & Destroying MSM has to be No.1


  • Getbig V
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organizing both sides to common ground with a plan is the 1st step...

I don't see that ever happening... people are too divided and thats just the way the powers that be want it and for good reason


  • Getbig V
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Labeling yourself as either side is weak as hell! Have an independent thought. It’s ok to say I have no right to not give a fck about gay marriage and ALSO say “come to take my rifles and I’ll shot you in your fckn face until you are dead”.
Big government is not the answer - it is the problem.

You say this while hiding behind a screen name.

If even you - who claims to feel that way - won't do any of that in real life, what chance does anyone else stand?

Dave D

  • Getbig V
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You say this while hiding behind a screen name.

If even you - who claims to feel that way - won't do any of that in real life, what chance does anyone else stand?

Matt what does posting about American politics from Canada while using your real name change? 

Coach is Back!

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There is no fighting back, as in any civil war type scenario. And I'm not saying this as a tough guy who would fight back.
Which group would fight which group? There is no organised front agaiinst the government. The government says white supremacists are the foremost danger. That's ridiculous. And if some tiny white supremacist group did start some shit guys like coach, the gun advocates, the military, the LE... these would turn the guns on the white supremacists first. None of the LE turned against the BLM/ Marxist terrorists, they knelt instead. If cops confiscares guns the LE will assist no questions asked. So tell me, who would fight who and overwhich issue specifically and which groups would be allowed into the "resistance"? Fuckin Trump would turn on his own supporters just like he did in 6/11.

It would be cool if someone laid out a probable scenario. I just don't see it

Van, my apologies. I read though your post too fast and totally misinterpreted the part about me. So again, my apologies

Marvin Martian

  • Getbig IV
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You say this while hiding behind a screen name.

If even you - who claims to feel that way - won't do any of that in real life, what chance does anyone else stand?

Lol - I don’t “hide” I just don’t give enough of a fck to share my information online. I value my privacy far too much. I’m not worried about myself. As a US Marine who has hunted and fished all of my life and very comfortable living in the swamp - me and mine will be fine. We can head to some of our land and live very well off of the grid. Can you say the same?


  • Getbig V
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Not much of a swamp dweller myself. It's the sogginess I don't care for.

If it's a post-civ hideaway without mosquito borne diseases you're in the market for, I've got some lovely high plains properties but they're getting snapped up fast. Don't wait for cannibalism to happen and pay a premium. Secure your post apocalyptic homestead now!


  • Getbig V
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Does anyone else feel as if we are living through one of the worst timelines in US history?

Nothing feels normal anymore. Out politicians are turning on each other and the public's approval and trust for our government is at an all time low. Our economy is only getting worse (highest inflation in 40yrs, recession, Jerome Powell predicting pain etc.). Social media and mainstream media have been exposed for their sinister ways. The morale throughout the USA just seems the lowest its ever been.


Not just in US but in Swe too