studies have shown that olympic atheletes recover 2x faster when taking 1500-200mg of VC on training days.
Aside from that i do it because i just notice i recover drasticly faster. The next best thing I've found is using hot and cold water jets on the muscles beeing worked. I alternate between hot and cold on and of for 5-10min 3-5 times, this works well too. The reason VC works is if u do wildcrafting ie:(eat plants and foods right out in nature) a lot of the food sorcses are more bitter and take getting use to at times, because of the high VC content. I think the amouts recomended by athoriteys are based purely on not getting scervie, but not necessary the amount u truly need. You'll also find that when ur sick or have other injuries your healing rate increases. However if ur not injered sick or training I'd take no more than 1000mg, I personaly get cramps if i take more than 100mg on non training days, if I'm not injured or sick.