Author Topic: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?  (Read 28005 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #50 on: September 12, 2006, 07:40:50 AM »

     Every article I ever wrote for for Muscletech, and now MuscleMag have always been my words, thoughts, ideas..etc. I enjoy writing...


Thats great dude, good to hear you are setting the bar high for others to follow and hopefully that will become the standard.

The True Adonis

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #51 on: September 12, 2006, 07:42:02 AM »
Thats great dude, good to hear you are setting the bar high for others to follow and hopefully that will become the standard.

Ok now thats Bullshit.

They may be your words Matt, but they damn sure were full of lies, regarding Muscletech.

The True Adonis

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #52 on: September 12, 2006, 07:44:23 AM »
Flex,  May, 2002 
Are you man enough to accept the challenge of building shoulders so wide they could support the weight of the world? Then venture into the world of freak show Mat Duvall, your personal tour guide for delt destruction. No matter which angle you view this monster from, Mat Duvall's delts are in a league of their own.

Mat Duvall of Eatontown, New Jersey, is a top American amateur bodybuilder and is just one win away from realizing his dream of becoming a professional bodybuilder. At 28 years of age, he tips the scales at a mind-boggling 305 pounds in the off-season. He has competed in the NPC Nationals, only to miss his pro card by one measly spot, placing second in the superheavyweight class at 265 rock-hard pounds! To put it bluntly, when Mat turns professional he's going to do some serious damage. Some of you pros should be looking over your shoulders.

Mat believes in balls-to-the-wall training and extreme supplementation for undeniable growth. With that said it's time to put the women and children to bed, because these exclusive tips are not for the faint of heart. This is true hardcore advice that will help you pack on freakish mass. You'll never again have to wear three sweaters and a puffy jacket to look wide. Just follow these tips and your new delt size will speak for itself.



The first law of mass: To get big you've got to eat big! Diet is crucial for recovery after destructive training sessions. "Diet is one aspect of my program that I just cannot ignore," says Mat. "My success depends on it." He usually consumes 5500 to 6500 calories a day, much of it consisting of protein. Carbs are kept moderate at 200 to 300 grams a day, and fat only comes from the protein foods he eats like whole eggs and red meat. As you can imagine, a lot of Mat's protein intake comes in the form of shakes. He doesn't mess around with inferior protein, choosing instead to rely on supplements that are supported by science and produce noticeable results. That's why NITRO-Tech, by MuscleTech Research and Development, is such an important part of Mat's supplement program. MuscleTech's outstanding research team performed countless hours of clinical testing before they released the world-renowned NITRO-Tech protein powder to the market.

NITRO-Tech has 17 studies supporting its formula and ingredients. In one study, it was clinically shown to help build up to 24 times more mass than regular whey protein. You want to have every edge possible in your quest for ultra-wide delts, so make sure your main protein source is NITRO-Tech. "After I finish annihilating my delts, NITRO-Tech helps me to start building muscle," says Mat. "I don't know about you, but I'd rather build muscle than watch it waste away."

Mat drinks six NITRO-Tech shakes each day. He also takes CELL-Tech religiously, and believes true hardcore body-builders should be using CELL-Tech all year round. CELL-Tech is clinically proven to be up to 19 times better than creatine for gains in ripped mass and has over 30 studies supporting its formula and ingredients. In fact, some CELL-Tech users report gaining up to 10 pounds in as little as 7 days! In Mat's case, he even reloads on CELL-Tech every few months to make sure his tanks are fully fuelled and primed for explosive gains in mass and strength. If you want to watch your shoulders swell to the size of watermelons, take Mat's advice: eat and train like a beast and get on CELL-Tech!


Ever seen a grown man cry? Well, if you try this routine you may be shedding tears like a baby! Mat Duvall has always had good shoulder development but he says that in the last year they've grown to unbelievable proportions. He tortures his delts with three exercises (only 1 set per exercise) and does shrugs for his traps. Mat starts with dumbell side laterals--lining up the 75s, 45s, 25s, and the 15s. He pumps his delts with each pair until he's reached absolute failure and then proceeds to do even more damage by having his training partner spot him for 2 or 3 forced reps. When he hits the 15s his training partner pushes down on the dumbell to add resistance and Mat pauses at the peak of contraction, holding it at the top for a few painful seconds that must seem like an eternity. At this point Mat's delts are screaming for mercy but he continues to pound them with dumbell shoulder presses.

He proceeds to pick up heavy dumbells--as much as 150 pounds in each hand--and perform another 4 drop sets plus forced reps. He also does extra negatives on the final drop set to increase the torture on his delts and try to force them into growth. Next, Mat moves on to rear delts, which he assaults using either the rear-delt machine or standing rear laterals. For laterals he hits a triple-drop set without forced reps. He then finishes off with a triple-drop set of heavy shrugs. As you can see, this routine is really intense, and only for those with the courage and willpower to go deep into the pain zone, where only the biggest and strongest men venture.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #53 on: September 12, 2006, 07:45:24 AM »

So now you know the importance of diet and training for devastating delts. Mat also stacks his two favorite supplements, CELL-Tech and NITRO-Tech, to reap the muscular rewards of his program. As Mat says, "I've never been this ripped and hard at such a high bodyweight. Since I began using CELL-Tech and NITRO-Tech, I've added pounds of new muscle, gained strength, and even lost fat!"

Mat easily gets a ton of musclebuilding protein from NITRO-Tech without the boredom of always eating the same high-protein standby sources. All he does to get the most effective protein after he trains is serve up a delicious NITRO-Tech shake, gulp it down, and grow--it's just that easy! NITRO-Tech is vital to help you recover and grow when you follow as devastating a training program as Mat Duvall's. In one clinical study, NITRO-Tech subjects gained an average of nearly nine pounds of pure mass and added 35 pounds to their max bench in just six weeks! In fact, one test subject actually gained 15 pounds of mass and added an extraordinary 60 pounds to his best bench! He used to be just a regular guy who benched a mere 255, but now he lifts an amazing 315.

Mat considers CELL-Tech to be the perfect complement to NITRO-Tech. He uses both supplements year-round and feels that if you're not using an advanced creatine supplement all the time you're sacrificing some serious gains. He uses CELL-Tech for one reason--it works! "I feel so much stronger since I started using CELL-Tech, and my pumps are simply ridiculous!" says Mat. With the kind of incredible results described above, it's easy to see how combining CELL-Tech and NITRO-Tech creates an unbelievable mass stack for quick gains that will help you to stand out in a crowd!



So there you have it, a chapter from the training diary of one of the world's top bodybuilders. You just got the inside scoop on how Mat Duvall trains, eats, and supplements with CELL-Tech and NITRO-Tech for his total powerhouse package--complete with size and symmetry. If you follow a hardcore shoulder routine, and follow Mat's diet advice, and most important, his supplement advice, you too can shock your delts into galactic growth!

If you want an edge in fast mass and strength gains to help destroy your competition, you owe it to yourself to try CELL-Tech and NITRO-Tech. CELL-Tech and NITRO-Tech are available at GNC and other fine health-food stores. You can also order them directly from Muscle Tech by calling their 24-hour toll-free customer service hotline at 1-877-443-3998. You can also visit MuscleTech on the Web at


* Increase mass

* Increase strength

* Decrease fat

* Increase cell volumization

* Decrease lactic acid

* Increase energy


  • Getbig V
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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #54 on: September 12, 2006, 07:45:34 AM »
Flex,  May, 2002 
Are you man enough to accept the challenge of building shoulders so wide they could support the weight of the world? Then venture into the world of freak show Mat Duvall, your personal tour guide for delt destruction. No matter which angle you view this monster from, Mat Duvall's delts are in a league of their own.

Mat Duvall of Eatontown, New Jersey, is a top American amateur bodybuilder and is just one win away from realizing his dream of becoming a professional bodybuilder. At 28 years of age, he tips the scales at a mind-boggling 305 pounds in the off-season. He has competed in the NPC Nationals, only to miss his pro card by one measly spot, placing second in the superheavyweight class at 265 rock-hard pounds! To put it bluntly, when Mat turns professional he's going to do some serious damage. Some of you pros should be looking over your shoulders.

Mat believes in balls-to-the-wall training and extreme supplementation for undeniable growth. With that said it's time to put the women and children to bed, because these exclusive tips are not for the faint of heart. This is true hardcore advice that will help you pack on freakish mass. You'll never again have to wear three sweaters and a puffy jacket to look wide. Just follow these tips and your new delt size will speak for itself.



The first law of mass: To get big you've got to eat big! Diet is crucial for recovery after destructive training sessions. "Diet is one aspect of my program that I just cannot ignore," says Mat. "My success depends on it." He usually consumes 5500 to 6500 calories a day, much of it consisting of protein. Carbs are kept moderate at 200 to 300 grams a day, and fat only comes from the protein foods he eats like whole eggs and red meat. As you can imagine, a lot of Mat's protein intake comes in the form of shakes. He doesn't mess around with inferior protein, choosing instead to rely on supplements that are supported by science and produce noticeable results. That's why NITRO-Tech, by MuscleTech Research and Development, is such an important part of Mat's supplement program. MuscleTech's outstanding research team performed countless hours of clinical testing before they released the world-renowned NITRO-Tech protein powder to the market.

NITRO-Tech has 17 studies supporting its formula and ingredients. In one study, it was clinically shown to help build up to 24 times more mass than regular whey protein. You want to have every edge possible in your quest for ultra-wide delts, so make sure your main protein source is NITRO-Tech. "After I finish annihilating my delts, NITRO-Tech helps me to start building muscle," says Mat. "I don't know about you, but I'd rather build muscle than watch it waste away."

Mat drinks six NITRO-Tech shakes each day. He also takes CELL-Tech religiously, and believes true hardcore body-builders should be using CELL-Tech all year round. CELL-Tech is clinically proven to be up to 19 times better than creatine for gains in ripped mass and has over 30 studies supporting its formula and ingredients. In fact, some CELL-Tech users report gaining up to 10 pounds in as little as 7 days! In Mat's case, he even reloads on CELL-Tech every few months to make sure his tanks are fully fuelled and primed for explosive gains in mass and strength. If you want to watch your shoulders swell to the size of watermelons, take Mat's advice: eat and train like a beast and get on CELL-Tech!


Ever seen a grown man cry? Well, if you try this routine you may be shedding tears like a baby! Mat Duvall has always had good shoulder development but he says that in the last year they've grown to unbelievable proportions. He tortures his delts with three exercises (only 1 set per exercise) and does shrugs for his traps. Mat starts with dumbell side laterals--lining up the 75s, 45s, 25s, and the 15s. He pumps his delts with each pair until he's reached absolute failure and then proceeds to do even more damage by having his training partner spot him for 2 or 3 forced reps. When he hits the 15s his training partner pushes down on the dumbell to add resistance and Mat pauses at the peak of contraction, holding it at the top for a few painful seconds that must seem like an eternity. At this point Mat's delts are screaming for mercy but he continues to pound them with dumbell shoulder presses.

He proceeds to pick up heavy dumbells--as much as 150 pounds in each hand--and perform another 4 drop sets plus forced reps. He also does extra negatives on the final drop set to increase the torture on his delts and try to force them into growth. Next, Mat moves on to rear delts, which he assaults using either the rear-delt machine or standing rear laterals. For laterals he hits a triple-drop set without forced reps. He then finishes off with a triple-drop set of heavy shrugs. As you can see, this routine is really intense, and only for those with the courage and willpower to go deep into the pain zone, where only the biggest and strongest men venture.

hahahaha, what a bunch of bullshit, all drugs.
Jaejonna rows 125!!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #55 on: September 12, 2006, 07:46:07 AM »
Flex,  May, 2002 
Are you man enough to accept the challenge of building shoulders so wide they could support the weight of the world? Then venture into the world of freak show Mat Duvall, your personal tour guide for delt destruction. No matter which angle you view this monster from, Mat Duvall's delts are in a league of their own.

Mat Duvall of Eatontown, New Jersey, is a top American amateur bodybuilder and is just one win away from realizing his dream of becoming a professional bodybuilder. At 28 years of age, he tips the scales at a mind-boggling 305 pounds in the off-season. He has competed in the NPC Nationals, only to miss his pro card by one measly spot, placing second in the superheavyweight class at 265 rock-hard pounds! To put it bluntly, when Mat turns professional he's going to do some serious damage. Some of you pros should be looking over your shoulders.

Mat believes in balls-to-the-wall training and extreme supplementation for undeniable growth. With that said it's time to put the women and children to bed, because these exclusive tips are not for the faint of heart. This is true hardcore advice that will help you pack on freakish mass. You'll never again have to wear three sweaters and a puffy jacket to look wide. Just follow these tips and your new delt size will speak for itself.



The first law of mass: To get big you've got to eat big! Diet is crucial for recovery after destructive training sessions. "Diet is one aspect of my program that I just cannot ignore," says Mat. "My success depends on it." He usually consumes 5500 to 6500 calories a day, much of it consisting of protein. Carbs are kept moderate at 200 to 300 grams a day, and fat only comes from the protein foods he eats like whole eggs and red meat. As you can imagine, a lot of Mat's protein intake comes in the form of shakes. He doesn't mess around with inferior protein, choosing instead to rely on supplements that are supported by science and produce noticeable results. That's why NITRO-Tech, by MuscleTech Research and Development, is such an important part of Mat's supplement program. MuscleTech's outstanding research team performed countless hours of clinical testing before they released the world-renowned NITRO-Tech protein powder to the market.

NITRO-Tech has 17 studies supporting its formula and ingredients. In one study, it was clinically shown to help build up to 24 times more mass than regular whey protein. You want to have every edge possible in your quest for ultra-wide delts, so make sure your main protein source is NITRO-Tech. "After I finish annihilating my delts, NITRO-Tech helps me to start building muscle," says Mat. "I don't know about you, but I'd rather build muscle than watch it waste away."

Mat drinks six NITRO-Tech shakes each day. He also takes CELL-Tech religiously, and believes true hardcore body-builders should be using CELL-Tech all year round. CELL-Tech is clinically proven to be up to 19 times better than creatine for gains in ripped mass and has over 30 studies supporting its formula and ingredients. In fact, some CELL-Tech users report gaining up to 10 pounds in as little as 7 days! In Mat's case, he even reloads on CELL-Tech every few months to make sure his tanks are fully fuelled and primed for explosive gains in mass and strength. If you want to watch your shoulders swell to the size of watermelons, take Mat's advice: eat and train like a beast and get on CELL-Tech!


Ever seen a grown man cry? Well, if you try this routine you may be shedding tears like a baby! Mat Duvall has always had good shoulder development but he says that in the last year they've grown to unbelievable proportions. He tortures his delts with three exercises (only 1 set per exercise) and does shrugs for his traps. Mat starts with dumbell side laterals--lining up the 75s, 45s, 25s, and the 15s. He pumps his delts with each pair until he's reached absolute failure and then proceeds to do even more damage by having his training partner spot him for 2 or 3 forced reps. When he hits the 15s his training partner pushes down on the dumbell to add resistance and Mat pauses at the peak of contraction, holding it at the top for a few painful seconds that must seem like an eternity. At this point Mat's delts are screaming for mercy but he continues to pound them with dumbell shoulder presses.

He proceeds to pick up heavy dumbells--as much as 150 pounds in each hand--and perform another 4 drop sets plus forced reps. He also does extra negatives on the final drop set to increase the torture on his delts and try to force them into growth. Next, Mat moves on to rear delts, which he assaults using either the rear-delt machine or standing rear laterals. For laterals he hits a triple-drop set without forced reps. He then finishes off with a triple-drop set of heavy shrugs. As you can see, this routine is really intense, and only for those with the courage and willpower to go deep into the pain zone, where only the biggest and strongest men venture.


The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #56 on: September 12, 2006, 07:48:00 AM »

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #57 on: September 12, 2006, 07:49:15 AM »
Why don`t you tell us what was REALLY responsible for your muscle gains there Matt?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #58 on: September 12, 2006, 07:49:20 AM »

hahahahahahahahaha he tried it

The True Adonis

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #59 on: September 12, 2006, 07:50:30 AM »

hahahahahahahahaha he tried it


I remember Matt once had an article where you were supposed to train your arms for like 20 hours.......You set your alarm clock,wake up and train your arms and have a shake. hahhah


  • Getbig V
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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #60 on: September 12, 2006, 07:51:10 AM »
Yeah, like an inch an hour or something. Then Vince Goodlips stole that. Put it with a bbq recipe and said he figured it out.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #61 on: September 12, 2006, 07:56:24 AM »
Blast your guns into a whole other: measurement!
Muscle & Fitness,  April, 2005  "The craziest arm workout I've ever done was when I was 18. I did a 12-
hour arm routine. Can you believe I was in the gym for 12 hours
straight?! At that time, I read a lot of bodybuilding magazines for tips
on training. I found the 12-hour arm routine in one of them. It was a
way to put one full inch onto each bicep in 12 hours. But it did work!
Every half hour, I switched a body part and did supersets, drop sets,
and forced reps. So, every half hour, I would train biceps or triceps.
Every hour, I drank a protein shake to keep myself fueled and to get
protein into the muscle. It was way intense, but it worked."
--Mat Duvall, IFBB pro
It's painful. It's downright nasty. It's the infamous one-day arm-workout blitz. Here's how you can add up to a whole inch to your arms after just a single workout. "Bodybuilding's Strongest Arms" Mat Duvall did it. Are you man enough to follow in his footsteps? If so, get ready for your hardest arm workout ever!

There probably isn't a bodybuilder on the planet, who hasn't looked at a guy with arms bigger than his own, and thought, "I want pipes like that. And I'll get them. It's just a matter of time."

Time indeed. Unless you're genetically blessed, it takes months--usually a few years--to make your biceps and triceps huge. You just don't grow overnight ... or do you?

It seems that short but brutally intense specialized workouts can definitely improve a lagging body part in a remarkably short time. In fact, big Mat Duvall tried such a program at the relatively young age of 18, and his testimonial from the previous page says it all. The one-day arm workout does indeed work! Now you can know the secret of the kind of super-intense program that built "Bodybuilding's Strongest Arms." The following pages outline a step-by-step program similar to the one Mat used. It's designed for one purpose only--to add up to one inch onto your pipes! Be warned: This routine is not for the weak. But if you want to put your arm development months (or even years) ahead of schedule, here's how to do it.

Preparing for the Armed Assault

Before you attempt a program this difficult, there are several things you need to do if you're going to have the arm workout of your life:

* Take four days off prior to this workout. That's right. No physical activity that's any more strenuous than video-gaming or channel-surfing. You'll need the energy!

* Consume a high-calorie diet four days in advance. You should eat six to eight meals a day. In particular, your protein consumption should be no less than 1.5 grams per pound of your bodyweight per day. Make sure you're eating lots of egg whites, chicken breasts, extra-lean beef, and a high-quality whey protein supplement such as NITRO-TECH[TM]. You're also going to need high amounts of carbohydrates to fuel your muscles. Focus on whole wheat pasta, brown rice, potatoes, fruit, and specific supplements for this glycogen-loading phase. And now for the workout! (Refer to the chart on the following page).

The Recovery Phase

Congratulations are in order if you've survived this workout! You are now a member of an elite few who can brag about it! And now it's time to wait for the results to start happening. Measure your arms 24 hours after your last rep. Impressed? It can get better. The real test is now one of patience. You have to stay out of the gym for another four days. That means no cardio, no weight training, and no extracurricular activity. For these four days, you should resume the same type of diet and supplement program as the four days prior to the blitz. This will ensure that you get enough of the major nutrients needed for serious arm mass.

After it's all said and done, get the tape measure out again and prepare for the shock of your life. You might have added up to a full, fresh inch onto your arms!

If you would like to try the same supplements that IFBB pro Mat "Bodybuilding's Strongest Arms" Duvall and other pro bodybuilders use. pick up CELL-TECH[TM] at GNC or your other local fine retailers. For more information, visit[TM]. All trademarks are owned by their trademark owners. [c] 2005 Iovate Copyright Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


Finally, game day is here! The battle plan for the day's workout is very simple, yet it's difficult to stick to. It consists of 4 exercises broken into 2 supersets every half hour as follows:

Workout ONE (Superset)

1A: Barbell Curls 3 X 8 (10-rep max.)

* Load a straight bar with a weight that you can do for 10 good reps. Curl for 8 reps only, using strict form.

1B: Triceps Pushdowns 3 X 8 (10-rep max.)

* Pick a weight on pushdowns that you can do for 10 good reps, but only do 8, all with strict form. (This constitutes 1 superset. Perform 3 supersets, resting for only 30 seconds between each.)

Workout TWO (Superset)

2A: Seated Dumbell Curls 3 X 10 (12-rep max.)

* Grab a set of dumbells you can curl for 12 good reps, but only do 10, using strict form.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #62 on: September 12, 2006, 07:57:09 AM »
2B: French Press (EZ-curl bar optional) 3 X 10 (12-rep max.)

* Now do the same for triceps by loading up the bar with a weight you can lift for 12 reps, and push out 10. (This constitutes 1 superset. Perform 3 supersets, resting only 30 seconds between each.)


6 a.m. Drink a serving of CELL-TECH[TM] with 20 oz. of water.

6:30 a.m. Drink a full serving of NITRO-TECH[R] with water.

7 a.m. Eat 2 whole eggs and 6 additional egg whites, plus 4 slices of whole wheat toast and jam.

7:30 a.m. Take pre-workout measurements, stretch out, and do two warm-up sets each of standing dumbell curls and triceps pushdowns.

8 a.m. Workout #1 (Barbell Curls/Triceps Pushdowns)

This should take approximately 5 minutes, after which you should rest until 8:30 a.m.).


8:30 a.m. Workout #2 (Seated Dumbell Curls/French Press)

This should take approximately 5 minutes, after which you should rest until 9 a.m.).

8:45 a.m. Drink a full serving of NITRO-TECH in water with a banana blended in.

9 a.m. Repeat workout #1.

9:30 a.m. Repeat workout #2.

10 a.m. Repeat workout #1.

10:30 a.m. Repeat workout #2.

11 a.m. Repeat workout #1.

11:30 a.m. Repeat workout #2.

Noon Repeat workout #1.

12:30 p.m. Repeat workout #2.

12:45 p.m. Eat a large meal of either chicken or beef, with rice or potatoes, and vegetables.

1 p.m. Repeat workout #1.

1:30 p.m. Repeat workout #2.

2 p.m. Repeat workout #1.

2:30 p.m. Repeat workout #2.

3 p.m. Repeat workout #1.

3:30 p.m. Repeat workout #2.

3:45 p.m. Drink a full serving of NITRO-TECH in water with a banana blended in.

4 p.m. Repeat workout #1.

4:30 p.m. Repeat workout #2.

4:45 p.m. Drink a serving of CELL-TECH with 20 oz. of water.

5:45 p.m. Drink a full serving of NITRO-TECH in water with a banana blended in.

6:30 p.m. Eat a large meal of either chicken or beef, with rice or potatoes, and vegetables.

7:45 p.m. Drink a full serving of NITRO-TECH in water with a banana blended in.

Before Bed: Drink a full serving of NITRO-TECH[R] in water with a banana blended in and start building muscle. (Refer back to "The Recovery Phase" on previous page.)

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #63 on: September 12, 2006, 07:58:37 AM »
Did you REALLY do that routine Matt?

OR are you just full of shit?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #64 on: September 12, 2006, 07:59:49 AM »
2B: French Press (EZ-curl bar optional) 3 X 10 (12-rep max.)

* Now do the same for triceps by loading up the bar with a weight you can lift for 12 reps, and push out 10. (This constitutes 1 superset. Perform 3 supersets, resting only 30 seconds between each.)


6 a.m. Drink a serving of CELL-TECH[TM] with 20 oz. of water.

6:30 a.m. Drink a full serving of NITRO-TECH[R] with water.

7 a.m. Eat 2 whole eggs and 6 additional egg whites, plus 4 slices of whole wheat toast and jam.

7:30 a.m. Take pre-workout measurements, stretch out, and do two warm-up sets each of standing dumbell curls and triceps pushdowns.

8 a.m. Workout #1 (Barbell Curls/Triceps Pushdowns)

This should take approximately 5 minutes, after which you should rest until 8:30 a.m.).


8:30 a.m. Workout #2 (Seated Dumbell Curls/French Press)

This should take approximately 5 minutes, after which you should rest until 9 a.m.).

8:45 a.m. Drink a full serving of NITRO-TECH in water with a banana blended in.

9 a.m. Repeat workout #1.

9:30 a.m. Repeat workout #2.

10 a.m. Repeat workout #1.

10:30 a.m. Repeat workout #2.

11 a.m. Repeat workout #1.

11:30 a.m. Repeat workout #2.

Noon Repeat workout #1.

12:30 p.m. Repeat workout #2.

12:45 p.m. Eat a large meal of either chicken or beef, with rice or potatoes, and vegetables.

1 p.m. Repeat workout #1.

1:30 p.m. Repeat workout #2.

2 p.m. Repeat workout #1.

2:30 p.m. Repeat workout #2.

3 p.m. Repeat workout #1.

3:30 p.m. Repeat workout #2.

3:45 p.m. Drink a full serving of NITRO-TECH in water with a banana blended in.

4 p.m. Repeat workout #1.

4:30 p.m. Repeat workout #2.

4:45 p.m. Drink a serving of CELL-TECH with 20 oz. of water.

5:45 p.m. Drink a full serving of NITRO-TECH in water with a banana blended in.

6:30 p.m. Eat a large meal of either chicken or beef, with rice or potatoes, and vegetables.

7:45 p.m. Drink a full serving of NITRO-TECH in water with a banana blended in.

Before Bed: Drink a full serving of NITRO-TECH[R] in water with a banana blended in and start building muscle. (Refer back to "The Recovery Phase" on previous page.)

also before bed insert IV with Cell-Tech and Nito-Tech in the IV bag so you don't get "catabolic" overnight, hahahaha.
Jaejonna rows 125!!

The True Adonis

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #65 on: September 12, 2006, 08:05:36 AM »
hahhahahahhahah.  I remember a dude at the gym discussing doing this workout.


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #66 on: September 12, 2006, 08:06:39 AM »
hahhahahahhahah.  I remember a dude at the gym discussing doing this workout.

I bet he was on the otherside of the gym. With EARS like yours you can hear me laughing right now in NY hahahahahahahahahaha


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #67 on: September 12, 2006, 08:07:27 AM »
I bet he was on the otherside of the gym. With EARS like yours you can hear me laughing right now in NY hahahahahahahahahaha

How does one get a gut at 110 pounds?


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #68 on: September 12, 2006, 08:08:52 AM »
How does one get a gut at 110 pounds?
it's his incredible Filipino/Mexican genetics, hahahahaha, what a combo. ::)
Jaejonna rows 125!!

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #69 on: September 12, 2006, 08:08:59 AM »
Where the hell do you guys get off telling a pro that he is lying about his routine? What’s a waste of time and what not...Dude post your pic next to Duvall's. Fucking peanut gallery always has something to say. What did Martin say about critics? "Critics criticize people on some shit they can’t do. You want something to criticize... Criticize deez nuts.

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #70 on: September 12, 2006, 08:09:45 AM »
I hate to agree with Sarcasm and his faghags but you're full of shit Matt. 405 behind the neck presses when you were 18? Presumeably this was pre gear making you a genuine super human.

You don't need to lie about your lifts. You're a great bodybuilder. Just be honest.

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #71 on: September 12, 2006, 08:16:21 AM »
the 405 behind the neck is pretty damn strong for an 18 year old but how can you say someone is just lying like that. Thats a tough accusation.

p.s. When I was in the 10th grade I was 150 and I squatted 405 and I thought that was pretty strong...Fucked my back off for the whole weekend though.


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #72 on: September 12, 2006, 08:20:05 AM »
the 405 behind the neck is pretty damn strong for an 18 year old but how can you say someone is just lying like that. Thats a tough accusation.

p.s. When I was in the 10th grade I was 150 and I squatted 405 and I thought that was pretty strong...Fucked my back off for the whole weekend though.

Going to call bullshit on that one, too.

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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #73 on: September 12, 2006, 08:28:30 AM »
na straight up. I have always had pretty strong legs. and Like i said my back couldnt take it. But it was like max's for football and I got up 4 plates on squats once.

But about the powerbuilding lift heavy as shit approach to bodybuilding. I thought it would be damn near impossible to recover and sustain that for an extended period of time. Like I did that shit for like 2 months and yeah i got strong amd big as hell but damn near every joint was constantly in pain. Especially my shoulders. My body couldnt take that kind of training. I went back to the blood volume training, the gains arent as fast but Im pain and injury free.


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Re: Poll about Matt Duvall: Does anyone believe this?
« Reply #74 on: September 12, 2006, 08:29:32 AM »
I would love to see a 6 plate shoulder press, the 5 plate hammer stenght shoudler press isnt anything to write home about for a juicer, ive done 4 plates for a few, and dont consider myself to be particurlarly strong.

Another lying bodybuilder.