Author Topic: Integrity  (Read 40639 times)

Dos Equis

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #100 on: November 06, 2013, 01:44:01 PM »
I would have been more inclined to accept "Fuck.. I didn't see this coming" than "What we said was, IF..." One is ignorance, the other is lying

This is consistent with one of the reasons I didn't vote for him in 2008.  He was asked during an interview about the Iraq surge, which he opposed and claimed would increase violence.  The surge was successful.  When asked if he was wrong and would change his position based on what we now know, he refused to admit he was wrong about the surge. 

That may sound like something small, but to me it demonstrated a poor leadership trait:  the inability to admit mistakes.  We're seeing it time and again with this guy. 

Also, one of the talking heads made a good point.  If a business operator made false statements to Congress to try and get legislation passed, they would face criminal charges.  But when the president lies to the public, no consequences, other than an election that might be years away. 

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #101 on: November 06, 2013, 01:46:22 PM »
This is consistent with one of the reasons I didn't vote for him in 2008.  He was asked during an interview about the Iraq surge, which he opposed and claimed would increase violence.  The surge was successful.  When asked if he was wrong and would change his position based on what we now know, he refused to admit he was wrong about the surge. 

That may sound like something small, but to me it demonstrated a poor leadership trait:  the inability to admit mistakes.  We're seeing it time and again with this guy. 

Also, one of the talking heads made a good point.  If a business operator made false statements to Congress to try and get legislation passed, they would face criminal charges.  But when the president lies to the public, no consequences, other than an election that might be years away. 

Muslims believe that lying to advance the cause of islam is completely acceptable.  That is why Obama feels zero remorse or hesitation in lying to advance his radical agenda


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Re: Integrity
« Reply #102 on: November 07, 2013, 08:09:09 AM »
Muslims believe that lying to advance the cause of islam is completely acceptable.  That is why Obama feels zero remorse or hesitation in lying to advance his radical agenda

except that he isn't muslim...

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #103 on: November 07, 2013, 09:13:53 AM »
At least he is telling the truth now, as opposed to lying about his views on traditional marriage. 

What? Obama “Overjoyed” Gay Marriage Legal in Illinois?

Really? Overjoyed?

If you want another example of President Obama’s disingenuousness – you know, a side dish to go along with your meal of Obamacare lies – look no further than his statement last night celebrating the legalization of gay marriage in Illinois. Is it really possible, given the line we were fed, that he is overjoyed?

Obama, as you remember, opposed gay marriage during the 2008 presidential election, as did Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. All were running for president during the Democratic primaries, and it was unclear that backing gay marriage would get you through the general election.

I’m sorry, I mean they were all opposed to gay marriage out of a devotion to principle.

After winning the presidency, we were told, Obama became engaged in a tortured internal crisis of faith and morality during which his position was “evolving” on the issue.

Well, everyone knew exactly where that position was going to evolve to, assuming the polling data supported it. He, like, clearly wasn’t evolving toward a stronger stance in support of traditional marriage.

Once Biden blurted out his own support for legalization in May 2012, Obama was looking lower on the evolutionary scale than his vice president. And so Obama decided, enough evolving already, and he hastily dialed up Robin Roberts, ABC’s resident Obama booster, so he could confess to her that his aching moral dilemma had been resolved.

In March of this year Hillary belatedly joined them. And what do you know? Within a single year three grown people who’d dealt with gay issues all their political lives “changed” their position on gay marriage . . .

But it turned out Obama WAS NOT DONE EVOLVING!

Now it was time to really be down with the LGBT community and become the BSGME – The Biggest Supporter of Gay Marriage Ever.

Let’s psychoanalyze the president’s statement from last night. Please lie down on the couch, sir.

Tonight, I applaud the men and women of the Illinois General Assembly, a body in which I was proud to serve, for voting to legalize marriage equality in my home state.

As President, I have always believed that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly and equally under the law.  Over time, I also came to believe that same-sex couples should be able to get married like anyone else.

No, turn the other way. You’re not supposed to be facing me. No, I didn’t say “I cannot even stand to look at you,” it’s just a technique.

You feel very guilty, Mr. President. You know that you opposed gay marriage out of political expediency, and now you’re trying to tell gays and lesbians that you always liked them and always supported them.

This is a very difficult thing for you, because you think you’re something very special, an enlightened reformer swimming in a fetid little puddle of preening political hacks. You had the audacity to hope, but selling out doesn’t take any audacity at all! You had to be a political hack yourself to get elected. And that really hurts.

So tonight, Michelle and I are overjoyed for all the committed couples in Illinois whose love will now be as legal as ours – and for their friends and family who have long wanted nothing more than to see their loved ones treated fairly and equally under the law.

As I said in my Inaugural Address last January, our journey as a nation is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law, for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.  And tonight, I’m so proud that the men and women elected to serve the people of the great state of Illinois have chosen to take us one step further on that journey to perfect our union.

The only aspect of your thoughts on gay marriage you truly wrestled with was timing: When to end the charade. Because no one who spends years struggling with a position on a profound moral issue suddenly adopts a viewpoint without reservation, unless God Himself communicates the marching orders to you. If God is present in the Blue Room, please let us know.

It would be very hard for you to be “overjoyed” that gay marriage is legal in Illinois if you were so reluctant for so long to support it. If your faith was so sorely tested by the notion, you’d agree somewhat reluctantly, your spirit perhaps finally at peace – but not soaring in ecstasy over the prospect of massive numbers new gay unions.

But then, nobody thought you were serious in the first place.

That’ll be $350 for the half hour. And I don’t use any of the insurers on the DC exchange.

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #104 on: November 07, 2013, 12:56:30 PM »

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #105 on: November 12, 2013, 09:09:49 AM »
How far have you fallen when Bill Clinton is lecturing you about truth telling? 

Clinton to Obama: Keep ObamaCare promise, let Americans 'keep what they got'
Published November 12, 2013

Former President Bill Clinton delivers a speech at Richmond Community High School in Richmond, Va. on Sunday, Oct. 27, 2013.(AP)
Bill Clinton, in an unusually blunt critique of the sitting president, said President Obama should live up to his promise to Americans that if they like their health plans, they can keep them.

The former president weighed in on the roiling controversy about health plan cancellations during an interview with the site The current president recently apologized to the public for the millions of cancellation notices that are going out -- despite him assuring Americans that, under ObamaCare, they could keep their coverage if they want.

For Clinton, the apology doesn't cut it.

"So I personally believe, even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got," Clinton said.

Clinton defended the health care law as a whole, but explained how the broken promise on health coverage can hurt young people. He relayed the story of a young man who said his individual market plan was canceled and replaced with one whose premiums were twice as high. Though his deductibles and co-pays were lower, that savings is only realized if he gets sick, Clinton explained.

Clinton's comments could cause problems for Obama, who has resisted any major changes to the law. Obama, in explaining the cancellation notices, has clarified that under ObamaCare, policies could be canceled if they had been altered in any way since the passage of the law.

That nuance was not included in the president's initial explanations.

House Republicans, as well as some Senate Democrats, are now planning legislation that would indeed allow people losing their current coverage to keep their plans. The House is planning to vote on its measure on Friday.

The administration argues that while some are losing their current coverage, those plans will be replaced by better-quality insurance. The flip side is that they could be more expensive.

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #106 on: November 12, 2013, 11:51:14 AM »
Obama mislead the american people.

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #107 on: November 13, 2013, 08:55:17 AM »
"For the first time in the Quinnipiac survey, 52 percent of voters said they thought Obama was not honest and trustworthy. That compared with 44 percent who said he was."

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #108 on: November 13, 2013, 09:22:52 AM »
And this poll was taken after he "apologized." 

"Also for the first time in Quinnipiac polling, more voters say the President is not trustworthy. The new survey was conducted last week and over the weekend, mostly after Obama offered an apology on Thursday to people who are losing their insurance because of changes from the federal health care law."


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Re: Integrity
« Reply #109 on: November 13, 2013, 09:24:58 AM »
too bad this all this couldn't have went down in 2012

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #110 on: November 13, 2013, 09:35:14 AM »
too bad this all this couldn't have went down in 2012

Tell me about.  He's the luckiest politician of my lifetime. 

Soul Crusher

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #111 on: November 13, 2013, 10:10:50 AM »
Tell me about.  He's the luckiest politician of my lifetime. 

He is only lucky due to how stupid so many citizens are.   He is a disaster

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #112 on: November 13, 2013, 10:34:13 AM »
Obama’s Big Lie is destroying his credibility
By Michael Goodwin
November 13, 2013

When I first saw the headline saying Bill Clinton was advising President Obama to “honor his commitment,” I had to laugh. The idea of Monica Lewinsky’s boyfriend as moral referee always cracks me up.

Then I got to wondering. Which commitment was Clinton talking about?

Is it the one Obama made to the Israeli people, that he had their backs and would never let Iran get a nuclear weapon? Or was it his promise to enforce a “red line” in Syria?

Or maybe it was Obama’s promise to “never rest” until we caught the terrorists who killed our ambassador and three other Americans in Libya?

Or was Clinton talking about the many times the president said he would “never rest” until every American who wanted a job had one?

Or maybe he was talking about the pledge to change the tone in Washington? Or to go through the budget “line by line” and cross out the waste driving up the deficit?

You get the picture — any of those whoppers would qualify. But, of course, Clinton was talking about the broken promise of the moment, the one where Obama vowed that “if you like your health insurance, you can keep it.”

It ranks as one of the biggest presidential lies of modern times, all the more so because Obama repeated it 30 times. The fallout of millions being forced from their policies, an experience exacerbated by the hapless Web site, has created a crisis of confidence so vast, it threatens to swallow the second term.

So Clinton, who falsely swore he never had sex with that woman, spoke from experience when he told an interviewer, “The president should honor his commitment to those people and let them keep what they got.”

He knows the Big Lie is shredding Obama’s ace in the hole — his personal credibility. The key to Obama’s political success is that his job-approval ratings generally have been higher than the public’s view of his policies.

From the economy to health care to foreign policy, voters were mostly negative on the policies. But when it came to Obama himself, more Americans, often a majority, said they liked him, trusted him and believed he had their interests at heart.

ObamaCare is breaking that bond — and creating a domino effect. The public is turning ever harder against his policies, with only 31 percent now supporting him on the economy and 32 percent on immigration in the latest Pew poll.

Most important, they are also giving a thumbs-down on his overall performance. Pew finds that only 41 percent approve of his handling of the presidency, down 14 points since December, while 53 percent disapprove. And Quinnipiac late Tuesday found he’s hit a new low with 39 percent approval, while a majority said he’s not honest.

No president can lead from such a deep, discredited hole. And his ratings are likely to keep sinking because, once the Web site is fixed, millions more “shoppers” will get sticker shocks from the new policies ObamaCare requires. And next year comes the employer mandate, which will shake up the policies and prices of millions of others.

So Clinton’s advice that Obama “let them keep what they got,” is, in a vacuum, a perfectly logical escape route.

But even if it were possible, the reversal would be a dagger in the heart of ObamaCare. The whole Rube Goldberg scheme depends on using insurance policies to distribute wealth from healthy young Americans to older, sicker ones. Letting people keep the policies they have effectively repeals the president’s signature achievement.

Clinton’s advice, then, won’t fly. But if he, or anybody else, has another idea about how Obama can wriggle out of the mess he created, they should speak up very quickly. Otherwise, it will be too late to make a difference.

. . . .


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Re: Integrity
« Reply #113 on: November 13, 2013, 10:52:48 AM »
But even if it were possible, the reversal would be a dagger in the heart of ObamaCare. The whole Rube Goldberg scheme depends on using insurance policies to distribute wealth from healthy young Americans to older, sicker ones. Letting people keep the policies they have effectively repeals the president’s signature achievement.

I can only hope. Which is why the GOP should withdraw that bill that will allow americans to keep their policies. The White House doesn't even accept it. Don't help this reform. Let it die a miserable death and let the idiots who voted for the incompetent one realize that Republicans and the Tea Party were right all along.

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #114 on: November 13, 2013, 03:23:15 PM »
Fox News Poll: Half think Obama 'knowingly lied' to pass health care law
Dana Blanton
By Dana Blanton
Published November 13, 2013

Half of voters believe President Obama “knowingly lied” when he repeatedly told Americans they could keep their plans under his signature health care law.

In addition, record-high numbers now disapprove of Obama’s job performance -- both overall and on health care, according to the latest Fox News poll.

Obama repeatedly vowed that under the Affordable Care Act, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.  Period.”  Fifty percent of voters believe the president knew he was lying.  Four in 10 think Obama didn’t know the law would cause people to lose their insurance (40 percent).

Click here for the poll results.

Seventy-nine percent of Republicans, 51 percent of independents and 22 percent of Democrats believe Obama knowingly lied to get the law passed.

Furthermore, a 59-percent majority believes the administration knew ahead of time that people would be kicked off their insurance because of the law, and 55 percent think the White House has “tried to deceive” people about it.  Some 38 percent say the administration has “been honest.”

The lack of trust extends to Obama’s recent apology to Americans losing their insurance because of Obamacare.  While 38 percent of voters believe the apology was sincere, many more -- 58 percent -- feel it was “mostly for political reasons.”

The president’s job rating on health care needs emergency care:  a record-low 36 percent of voters approve.  That’s down from 45 percent approving last month when the health exchanges had just opened (October 1-2, 2013).

At the same time a record-high 61 percent disapprove of Obama’s performance on health care.  That’s up 10 percentage points in just over a month.

The president only performs worse on one issue -- the federal deficit.  An all-time low 29 percent of voters approve, while a record-high 66 percent disapprove.

Overall, Obama’s job rating has never been more negative:  40 percent approve and an all-time high 55 percent disapprove.  He also receives a record 63 percent disapproval rating among independents.

Obama’s approval has hit a low of 40 percent twice before (September 2013 and December 2010).

A year ago, 48 percent approved of Obama and 46 percent disapproved (December 2012).

For comparison, at the same point in George W. Bush’s presidency and in the middle of the Iraq war, 36 percent approved of the job he was doing and 53 percent disapproved (November 2005).

. . . .

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #115 on: November 18, 2013, 08:59:38 AM »

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #117 on: November 21, 2013, 11:13:10 AM »
Candidate Obama, who "taught constitutional law for ten years," claimed he would not use presidential power to override statutes.

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #118 on: November 22, 2013, 03:59:44 PM »
You lie? 

Does ObamaCare subsidize abortions?
Published November 22, 2013

President Obama promised that taxpayer dollars would not fund abortions through the Affordable Care Act.

But now, a new study by a pro-life group suggests that may not be true, in part because federal dollars will be given to those states that are expanding Medicaid -- which, in many states, includes abortion coverage. Also, federal dollars will be given to individuals who qualify, to help them purchase health insurance plans which may, too, include abortion coverage.

"ObamaCare's annual net increase in insured abortions that are either fully publicly funded through Medicaid or heavily subsidized through the exchanges could be as high as 71,000 to 111,500," according to The Charlotte Lozier Institute.

Critics say this would go against the president's promise, and the so-called Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal money from paying for abortions.

"We were assured that this plan would maintain the spirit of the Hyde Amendment. It doesn't do that," said Charles Donovan, president of the institute. "It will extend abortion funding and even make morally and religiously opposed people pay for those plans."

But pro-choice advocates say that is not what is happening here.

They say it's always the case, and is here, that the federal dollars will be separated, and will not be directly used to pay for abortion.

They say the president is keeping his promise.

"The president has been very clear that ObamaCare -- the Affordable Care Act -- would comply with the Hyde Amendment and there's nothing that I have seen including in this study, which basically is a theory at this point, thus far that shows otherwise," liberal radio host Leslie Marshall said.

"I do feel the Affordable Care Act complies with the Hyde Amendment."

Pro-life advocates contend there is no way to separate out the federal dollars.

Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., has introduced legislation that requires the ObamaCare exchanges to state upfront whether a health insurance plan covers abortion -- so people have all the facts before they purchase a plan.

"There's nothing transparent about this," he said. "The president has broken his word. ... This is a massive violation of the Hyde Amendment."

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #119 on: November 22, 2013, 04:03:00 PM »
Why it is easy for President Obama to lie to the American people
By Dr. Keith Ablow
Published November 18, 2013

Recently, America has witnessed something we have not seen since Watergate:  The president of the United States openly admitting that he lied to the American people. 

There are at least these two differences this time: First, the admission of the lie does not come at a moment when this president is facing impeachment (which would almost certainly have been true for President Nixon had he not resigned). 

Second, this president still shows, in my opinion, even after his most recent mea culpa, far less remorse than President Nixon showed in the speech he made upon announcing he would leave office and in his choice to leave office.

I do not believe the president sees most Americans as competent. I believe he sees them as children.
In this case, the president lied to Americans about the Affordable Care Act, promising that passing the legislation meant they could keep their health plans and doctors, when the truth is that tens of millions of people will likely lose their health care plans and be forced to switch doctors. 

That’s a really big lie, however you measure it -- whether in the tens of millions of people affected, or the hundreds of thousands of doctors, or the dozens of insurance companies, or the thousands and thousands of employers or the rerouting of billions of dollars. 

Yet, the president only said he was “sorry that people are finding themselves in this situation based on reassurances they got from me.”

He didn’t say that he had profoundly violated the trust of the American people.

He didn’t say that he would search his soul for the reason he could have been so intent on passing his legislation that he promised very important things he knew he could not deliver. 

He didn’t say that the rage people feel toward him is justified.

Why does it seem so easy for the president to tell such a gargantuan lie? 

Here’s why: 

- In order to feel guilty about deceiving someone, an individual must have respect for that person.

- He must consider the other man or woman his equal. 

- He must believe that depriving the other man or woman of the truth would be a sin because it deprives that person of free will. Because without the facts, competent people can’t make informed decisions.

But I do not believe the president sees most Americans as competent.  I believe he sees them as children, who cannot think for themselves, nor support themselves, nor defend themselves.

And because he believes this is a nation of children who are powerless to truly decide anything knowledgably, withholding certain facts from them “for their own good,” is no different than telling the kids a few harmless lies to keep them safe and settle them down and calm their anxieties. 

“This doesn’t taste bad,” a father might say to his daughter before giving her medicine, even when he knows it will.  The lie is forgivable. It’s meant to keep his little girl from being too anxious and refusing what she needs.

But tell a competent adult something tastes good when it will make him gag, and you’ll be, rightfully, seen as having deprived the person of information he deserved.

This president was lied to by his father who abandoned him, by his mother who abandoned him and by the grandmother who hugged him, but also revealed that she distrusted men of color.

Now, he wants to be the only adult in town. He needs that much power to feel safe, because he was that disempowered and unsafe in the past. So, to him, we’re incompetents. 

To him, we’re just kids who need to take our medicine. And lying is the easy and justifiable way to get the job done.

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #120 on: November 22, 2013, 09:34:37 PM »
too bad this all this couldn't have went down in 2012


he still woudl have won.  romney was the shittiest candidate since mondale lol...


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Re: Integrity
« Reply #121 on: November 22, 2013, 11:18:22 PM »
Does the president have it?

You certainly don't , you coward.

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Re: Integrity
« Reply #124 on: November 25, 2013, 07:22:58 PM »