Author Topic: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies  (Read 506374 times)


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #50 on: August 17, 2011, 11:55:43 PM »

Nicolas Winding Refn Gets Wonder Woman if Logan's Run is a Success
The Christina Hendrick's version of Wonder Woman is only a hit movie away! According to the director of the new movie Drive, he was told by a studio exec that if Logan's Run is a moneymaker, he'll gets his prized project.

Courtesy of Indie Wire

1. Refn’s has been told by studio executives that his dream adaptation of “Wonder Woman” depends on the success of his first blockbuster, “Logan’s Run”

“I would love to make ‘Wonder Woman.’ And I also think that Christina Hendricks would be the perfect Wonder Woman, but Warner Bros haven’t called yet. But I’m getting closer with ‘Logan’s Run.’ I think someone said to me in a meeting that if I get ‘Logan’s Run’ right, then I’ll get ‘Wonder Woman.’”

I like this guy. He has such a desire to make Wonder Woman when other directors would take it only for the paycheck. So what does he have planned for Logan's Run?

Here is excerpt from an interview with I09

How do you update a film like [Logan's Run]? Do you keep Box?

I have done this, I've gone back, and I've seen the movie, I've seen the TV show and I've started to read the novels. I've read the first one. And I'm beginning to get an angle on it that I think could be interesting. I think the challenge with Logan's Run is that the premise is so brilliant, that the payoff will almost always be disappointing. Except, if you come up with something really, really, really, really brilliant.

Do you have that? You're planning on altering something?

I think it needs to be altered, because everything in Logan's Run became true, and more in our society nowadays. So it's thinking "What would Logan's Run feel like if it was written today, about 2,000 years into the future."

A little too vague to determine if his version of Logan's Run will be a hit or not. Ryan Gosling will be starring in the movie, he is expected to play Logan 5 which was played by Michael York in the 1976 film. The role is like a police officer in the future, called a Sandman. These Sandmen are responsible for tracking down people who don't conform to the society rules and become "runners." In the movie people had to submit at age 30, but in the novel, which Refn is using as the source, the age is 21.

I enjoyed the original Logan's Run and I don't think it is perfect at all. This is one of the few movies that I really don't mind getting updated.

And if you aren't familiar with Refn's desire to make Wonder Woman you may not be aware of his gushing of the Mad Men actress, Christina Hendricks as the next Amazonian princess. He calls her the perfect choice and I'm too busy staring at her to disagree.

Simple enough, everyone go see Logan's run and we finally get a Wonder Woman movie. I'm in! Are you?


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #51 on: August 18, 2011, 08:28:51 PM »

Hugh Jackman Returning to Vancouver for Wolverine 2!
Hugh Jackman gives an update on Wolverine 2!
In the new issue of Entertainment Weekly Hugh Jackman gives a quick update on the status of The Wolverine.

"It starts shooting in mid-October. You know James Mangold is directing it. You know it's set in Japan. We have not really cast it yet, so there's not a lot to tell you. Any other elements of the script I tell you, I'd have to kill ya."

Some of the filming will take place on Nov. 11 to March 1, 2012 at Canadian Motion Picture Park in Burnaby, which is famous for some of the scene for Twilight, Supernatural and Fantastic Four were shot.


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #52 on: August 21, 2011, 12:35:36 AM »

Is Kelly Hu in The Wolverine?
The actress that played Lady Deathstrike in X-Men 2 responds to the speculation that she is in Hugh Jackman's The Wolverine. See what she has to say in this video interview.
If you've read any of the stories lately about The Wolverine you'll see reporter after reporter stating that Kelly Hu is in the movie and will be reprising her role as Lady Deathstrike. I'm a curious soul, so I decided to do some digging and I came across this video of the sultry actress responding to the rumors of her casting in the film. Skip to the 20 second mark to see and hear her responses to the rumor.

 I for one would love to see Kelly comeback and play Lady Deathstrike once again. Heck, I'd love to see more of Kelly in anything. Last I saw of her she was on Hawaii Five-O, and then they killed her off. How do you kill off one of the most beautiful women in the world? The balls on these writers. Do they think angels just grow on trees?


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #53 on: August 21, 2011, 12:38:44 AM »

UPDATE: Michael Shannon As Zod In Mo-Cap Suit On The "Kent Farm" Set Of Man Of Steel!
The latest photo from the Man of Steel "Kent Farm" set featuring Michael Shannon in a mo-cap suit as the villainous Zod, while Diane Lane's Martha Kent has been seen as well! Russell Crowe's Jor-El also spotted?
The Superman: Man of Steel (2013) Facebook Page have yet another awesome scoop, this time in the form of what appears to be Michael Shannon as Zod on the "Kent Farm" set of the Zack Snyder helmed movie. It seems that they'll be giving him a very different suit with the use motion-capture in comparison to that of Henry Cavill who was spotted wearing a fully practical costume yesterday.


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #54 on: August 21, 2011, 12:56:56 AM »

Closeup Images Of Thor And Captain America In Combat On The Avengers Set
While we've seen the two heroes in action, make the jump and check out closeup images of Chris Hemsworth & Chris Evans as Thor & Captain America, from The Avengers' Set!

Courtesy of the great celeb stalkers over at Splash News Online, check out our first up-close look at Chris Hemsworth in his new 'Thor' garb, as well another look at Chris Evans as 'Captain America,' as the two duke it out from The Avengers' set. Evidently, battling against mystery aliens, check them out below! And to see them in action, check Here!



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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #55 on: August 21, 2011, 01:00:36 AM »

Tom Hiddleston Speaks Revealingly On Loki's Return & Villainy In The Avengers!
Possibly hinting at his "alien" army, Tom Hiddleston discusses Loki's return from Thor to The Avengers, as well his villainy in yet another video interview from D23!

Now chatting with The Hollywood Reporter in a somewhat revealing video interview, 'Loki' actor Tom Hiddleston dishes on the the character's mischief & his return from Thor to The Avengers. Possibly hinting at his "alien" army, watch the interview below!

“What happens in the space between the end of Thor and the beginning of The Avengers is Loki’s made some very shady deals with the gangsters on the streets of the Nine Realms,” Hiddleston tells The Hollywood Reporter at Saturday’s D23 Expo. “At the beginning of Avengers, he comes to earth to subjugate it,” he continues. “And his idea is to rule the human race as their king. And like all the delusional autocrats of human history, he thinks this is a great idea because if everyone is busy worshipping him, there will be no wars.” And when we asked him who he based his portrayal of the villain on, he answered, “I guess there’s a lot of people in the world who feel they don’t belong anywhere and what happens after that is you have to manage that feeling.”


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #56 on: August 25, 2011, 07:37:37 PM »

Sarai Givaty Vying for the Role of a Sexy Huntress in Hugh Jackman's THE WOLVERINE
Israelian entertainment blog, Abbanibi, is reporting that Sarai Givaty, well known model and actress in Israel is up for a part.
Courtesy of Abbanibi

ISRAELI HOTTIE SARAI GIVATY IS reportedly doing really well in the auditions for ‘The Wolverine,’ the next installment in the X-Men movie franchise.

Apparently Givaty has already passed two auditions for the role of one of Wolverine’s sexy hunters, and now she’s set for an audition with the movie’s director, James Mangold

Sarai Givaty has already claimed her fame when she guest- starred in the #1 TV show ‘NCIS’ as Ziva’s nemesis, and she recently finish filming ‘Black Velvet’ opposite Ray Wise (‘Twin Peaks,’ ’24′). She’s currently finishing recording her debut album in Israel, from which the first single has already been released, called ‘Paris’.

I saw her guest appearance in NCIS, and she was terrific at playing a strong devious character that was Ziva's adversary. If the huntress role is from the comic books, I can't think of one that would fit the Frank Miller japanese sage.

Pictures are from


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #57 on: August 26, 2011, 05:22:28 PM »

Henry Cavill As Clark Kent Filming Scenes At A Firehouse For Man Of Steel
A glassesless Henry Cavill was spotted at the firehouse in Plano, IL shooting scenes for his upcoming role as Clark Kent/Superman for Man Of Steel.


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #58 on: August 29, 2011, 04:12:05 PM »
Law & Order: Los Angeles' Corey Stoll Conveys Interest in Playing Dr. Strange
The actor is generating Oscar buzz for his portrayal of Ernest Hemingway in Woody Allen's new movie, Midnight in Paris.

Corey Stoll played LAPD Detective Tomas "TJ" Jaruszalski on NBC's Law & Order: LA. The show also starred Alfred Molina, but was officially canceled on May 13, 2011. Since then Corey Stoll has blown away audiences and critics with his brilliant depiction of the great American writer, Ernest Hemingway.

Corey sat down with the website I Am Rogue for an exclusive interview and they asked him about his desire to be in a superhero movie. After giving his geeky credentials, the writer of the article suggests a superhero for him to play, and Corey excitedly jumps at the proposition.

What follows is an excerpt from the interview

I read in an interview that though you're interesting in continuing to make movies aimed at adults, you'd also be interested in appearing in a superhero movie. So often there's a reluctance to engage with genre material, and I was curious where that impulse comes from for you and if there's any specific superhero for you?

Stoll: [Laughs] Well, I sort of feel like all the superheroes have been taken at this point. They're going down the list now, to the C-list and D-list superheroes. But you know, when I was a kid, I was super-into comic books. In fact, my little sort of scrapbook-wall when I was a kid, there was Spider-Man right next to Woody Allen and Martin Scorsese. So I was both sort of a film nerd and a comic book geek and, you know, like everybody in my generation, really into Star Wars. I sort of started reading comic books after Frank Miller and Alan Moore had sort of broken open that superhero thing where it wasn't just about primary colors and guys slugging it out. There was some real psychological depth and I think, in some ways, the types of stories and the types of characters were opened up in a way in comic books that they weren't in most popular films, actually. And I think there was a complexity and a darkness to a lot of those things that I really related to, that you could only really find in, like, Scorsese movies. So I still really feel connected to that stuff, even though I don't read comic books as much as a used to. It was a combination of incredibly fun stories, but also with the possibility of having some psychological depth and I think the better superhero movies have that. Certainly like Michael Fassbender in the latest X-Men, that's a performance that could be in any movie and would hold up, not just a superhero movie.

Dr. Stange. I think Doctor Strange could be your guy.

Stoll: Oh, yeah, yeah. I would love that. I'm not as familiar with him, but I've read a few.


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #59 on: September 02, 2011, 02:26:13 PM »
UPDATE: Principal Cast Of The Avengers Spotted Together On The NYC Set In Central Park!
Although only Chris Hemsworth & Tom Hiddleston are costumed, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Robert Downey Jr. & Mark Ruffalo have all been spotted.


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #60 on: September 05, 2011, 08:38:51 PM »

Set Footage From Days Prior Sees The Avengers Filming Scenes Up-Close!


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #61 on: September 11, 2011, 04:16:26 PM »
Christopher Judge Injured On The Set Of The Dark Knight Rises!
Thankfully, it's nothing too serious, but after reports last night that a "Chris" had been injured during filming in Los Angeles, his wife took to Twitter to reveal exactly what happened. Details after the jump...
While we still have no idea who he'll be playing in The Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Judge must be involved in some pretty action packed scenes after receiving a "black n' bloodied" eye while filming a stunt last night! After onlookers near the set heard radio calls of "Chris" being injured, many assumed it was Batman himself, Christian Bale. However, Judge's wife took to her Twitter account (link below) and cleared things up for concerned fans.


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #62 on: October 03, 2011, 09:44:10 PM »

Josh Dallas (Fandral) Talks THOR 2 And Patty Jenkins As Director!
Talking to IGN Movies, THOR star Josh Dallas confirms that he'll be back as Fandral in the sequel and shares his thoughts on Patty Jenkins coming aboard to direct and much more...
While we already knew that Fandral and the rest of the Warriors Three would be back for THOR 2, Josh Dallas has commented on returning to Asgard as well as his excitement to work with director Patty Jenkins in a recent interview with IGN Movies. Here are a few excerpts from the Q&A, but you can read it in full by clicking on the link below.

On Whether Or Not He'll Be Back As Fandral For THOR 2:

We are! We are planning a return to Asgard, next year. Thor 2 is happening. A great director called Patty Jenkins is directing the sequel. Ken [Branagh] is not directing, which is obviously a huge shame, because he came in and created that world and created the language and the look of the whole thing. But he's kind of set it all up for us and I think he's staying on as a producer. But yeah, there's going to be some more adventures in the Nine Realms.

On Whether Or Not He's Spoken To Patty About The Movie Yet:

I haven't yet, no. But apparently Marvel are in love with her and I'm sure she is going to be a really exciting and interesting choice. She's done some great work before. Marvel always have a really good idea for those directors that are going to come in and they may seem out of left field, but they always have a plan and they're always really smart. And that's what's so great about working for Marvel, because not only are they movie producers and they make these great movies, but they're comic book guys and they love it and they love the characters and they love the stories.

On His Excitement For THOR 2 And Living Up To Fan Expectations:

They've read these comic books since they were children, so they're very attached. They're very attached to these characters and they're very protective of them. So as an actor coming in, you feel that and you know that. And that's what's also exciting about being a part of projects like that, that people are so excited about seeing it before it even comes out, before it's even done. That's really unique and special as an actor, to be part of projects like that. You're like, "I'm playing these characters… I hope I get it right! I hope someone doesn't go, 'You destroyed my childhood!' or whatever." But the great thing about Marvel is that because they're comic book guys and they love it as much as everybody else does, you feel totally supported coming into that, so it's exciting.


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #63 on: October 06, 2011, 04:38:58 PM »
Man of Steel Set Photos of Henry Cavill as a Bearded Clark Kent
Superman in these Vancouver set photos is sporting a beard at the Alaskan fishing village.
Amy Adams On The Man Of Steel Vancouver Set


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #64 on: October 08, 2011, 08:22:52 PM »

Hugh Jackman Says The Wolverine Will Be Filled With Rage; Will Have Less Focus On Other Characters
The Real Steel actor talks more about what to expect from his next outing as The Wolverine, saying that it'll be simpler than X-Men Origins and it'll go more into the character...
Speaking with The Guardian newspaper while promoting Real Steel, Hugh Jackman - perhaps best known for his role as Wolverine in the X-Men films - says The Wolverine will be much simpler than 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine, saying that it won't have as many characters (he believes that the main flaw was that it had too many characters). He also reveals that the film goes more into the character, and that they have the chance to 'nail the character', which Jackman believes hasn't been done yet.


"I think we've got the chance to nail the character this time, to do the hole-in-one. We haven't managed that yet. On the last movie, we complicated it with too many other characters. And there'll be more women this time, which is good. The last one was so masculine!

"The new film will go more into the character. I don't think we've ever seen his rage expressed properly. We're letting go with this one of the whole, 'Who am I? Where did I come from? Oh no, I've lost my memory,' thing. I feel like that's sent us all to sleep. 'Yeah, whatever pal. We're bored! Fine, you were a sushi chef, whatever it was, can we just get on with the story now?'"

Starring Hugh Jackman, James Mangold's The Wolverine is set to begin production next spring, possibly for a 2013 release.


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #65 on: October 09, 2011, 06:49:26 PM »

Hugh Jackman Says The Wolverine Will Be Filled With Rage; Will Have Less Focus On Other Characters
The Real Steel actor talks more about what to expect from his next outing as The Wolverine, saying that it'll be simpler than X-Men Origins and it'll go more into the character...
Speaking with The Guardian newspaper while promoting Real Steel, Hugh Jackman - perhaps best known for his role as Wolverine in the X-Men films - says The Wolverine will be much simpler than 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine, saying that it won't have as many characters (he believes that the main flaw was that it had too many characters). He also reveals that the film goes more into the character, and that they have the chance to 'nail the character', which Jackman believes hasn't been done yet.


"I think we've got the chance to nail the character this time, to do the hole-in-one. We haven't managed that yet. On the last movie, we complicated it with too many other characters. And there'll be more women this time, which is good. The last one was so masculine!

"The new film will go more into the character. I don't think we've ever seen his rage expressed properly. We're letting go with this one of the whole, 'Who am I? Where did I come from? Oh no, I've lost my memory,' thing. I feel like that's sent us all to sleep. 'Yeah, whatever pal. We're bored! Fine, you were a sushi chef, whatever it was, can we just get on with the story now?'"

Starring Hugh Jackman, James Mangold's The Wolverine is set to begin production next spring, possibly for a 2013 release.

"much simpler than Wolverine: Origins" ??

It's not that Wolverine: Origins was "The Shawshank Redemption", or am i mistaken?

Going to watch it anyways, but that statement sounds just stupid.


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #66 on: October 13, 2011, 06:10:01 PM »

The Dark Knight Rises Marion Cotillard Topless
The French actress will be playing Miranda Tate in the new Batman movie. She was seen in the south of France shooting a topless scene for her new movie, Rust and Bone.

The 36-year old was seen filming a scene for the French film about a marine park orca trainer who loses her legs. She was seen wearing knee high green socks so that visual effects artists could make her beautiful legs look like they've been through an amputation.

Looks like Anne Hathaway won't be the sexiest gal in The Dark Knight Rises.


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #67 on: October 14, 2011, 10:43:28 PM »
Check out this padding!

Latest Photos From Man Of Steel Set Sees A Jacked-Up 'Clark Kent' Henry Cavill!
The latest batch of photos from Warner Bros.' Man Of Steel set features the leading 'Superman' star, Henry Cavill, roughed-up and jacked. Make the jump and check them out!

CraveOnline have scored new photos from the set of Zack Snyder's much-anticipated Man Of Steel flick, in British Columbia. Featuring the leading man, Henry Cavill, roughed-up as 'Clark Kent' showcasing his 300 diet, check out the photos below.



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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #68 on: October 18, 2011, 02:40:41 PM »

Superman Henry Cavill was Nicknamed Fat Cavill
The Man of Steel actor tells Men's Health that he was teased as a child for being overweight. He also talks again about missing out on James Bond.

Weight issues aren't just for mortal men and women. Henry tells Men's Health that he considered himself "round" for much of his life. He didn't start to feel better about his body until he start to train for his new movie Immortals. It was during that training process that Henry found the joys of working out with his fellow cast members. It's that group mentality of having everyone supporting each other as they lifted weights and ate tasteless meals all in the name of their craft.

In this day and age when muscles can be sculpted with airbrushes and computer generated, Henry accomplished his eight-pack abs with hard work and determination. "It's very stressful, Cavill says "waking up Monday morning and saying, 'Can I still see that vein in my abs?'"

Cavill Wasn't Always Super

The superhero began life a chubby little boy. As a child in England, Henry Cavill was known as "Fat Cavill." "It's definitely a shitty nickname," Cavill says, seated in a Chicago sidewalk cafe. "But kids are kids. Kids are cruel. Whatever. I was fat."

Cavill & Zack Snyder on Henry Missing out on Superman

Technically, Man of Steel isn't Cavill's first time wearing Superman's cape. About 7 years ago he was cast as Clark Kent (and alter ego) in the last update of the franchise, Superman Returns. But when the original director, McG, abruptly quit, Cavill was gone with him. As it turned out, that flaccid sequel to the Christopher Reeve series proved to be kryptonite for the career of its replacement star, Brandon Routh.

"He's definitely more Superman now than he was 7 years ago, I think," says Man of Steel director Zack Snyder. "He has been the rock that we can build this movie around." That rock didn't spend the past few years sitting around. "I want to be chosen, not wish I was part of something," Cavill says. "I didn't pine over the fact that I didn't get the last one. It was 'move on, carry on,' whatever!"

Cavill on James Bond

His other high-profile letdown: losing the role of James Bond to Daniel Craig just a year after losing Superman Returns. "I obviously wasn't right for Bond," Cavill admits now, secure that he gave it his all. "I did, and I wasn't right. That's all."


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #69 on: October 25, 2011, 08:58:45 PM »

Man of Steel Photos of Henry Cavill and the Coast Guard Coming to the Rescue
A shirtless Henry Cavill was seen shooting an action scene as Clark Kent, in front of an enormous green screen erected in the outdoors of Vancouver, Canada.


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #70 on: October 25, 2011, 09:18:32 PM »

James McAvoy Talks Sequel to X-Men: First Class
James spoke with Total Film about how the X-Men movies are now setup in such way that they will resemble Bryan Singers X-Men films, with Magneto as the bad guy.

X-Men: First Class is a great example of how you can make a good movie, and it makes you forget about all the timeline issues. Well, maybe it doesn't make you forget about them all, but it does give you a brief case of amnesia so that you can enjoy the film.

Have you tried watching a Bryan Singer X-Men movie since you've seen First Class? It's much tougher then you think it would be. Even watching X-Men Origins: Wolverine which was already hard to watch, just got more difficult when we see Emma Frost as an early twenty year old.

When we asked him if he’d be up for a follow up to Matthew Vaughn’s mutant prequel, McAvoy told us, “I’d be up for it. But the truth is I’m contractually obliged to be up for it because they made us all sign multiple picture deals!”

But does he have any idea where the story will go, following on from the ending of First Class?

“I’ve spoken to Matthew [Vaughn] about ideas, but I can’t tell you what they are because they may or may not be the story. One thing I liked about our one was that it was different from the other three films where the X-Men are the good guys, Wolverine’s figuring out who he is and Magneto is the bad guy.

“This was a completely different thing. Magneto wasn’t a bad guy, we were friends. We’re now set up to go back to the way the other movies are, so we’ve got to try to be cleverer than that.”


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #71 on: October 26, 2011, 05:15:33 PM »

New Man of Steel Details & More Pictures with Henry Cavill in Rescue Mode


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #72 on: October 27, 2011, 02:11:00 PM »


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #73 on: October 28, 2011, 12:30:14 AM »
The Dark Knight Rises Shooting At City Hall In Newark, NJ
Christopher Nolan's conclusion to his Batman saga, The Dark Knight Rises, will be shooting at Newark's City Hall early in the month of November and will be paying quite a sum of money for the two day shoot as well.
According to, Via, Christopher Nolan is taking his production for The Dark Knight Rises to Newark, NJ. Nolan plans to shoot at City Hall in Newark, with no details regarding what it is they will be shooting. The shoot will last two day on November 3rd and 4th and will cost the production $43,500 to rent out the building.


“The Dark Knight Rises,” the third film in the popular Batman remake, will film on Nov. 3 and Nov. 4 including one day in City Hall, according to a city official.

The official said the city was incurring no cost and Warner Brothers would be paying Newark $43,500 for the use of City Hall as well as additional costs for police and fire personnel that will be required on site.


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Re: Upcoming Marvel and DC movies
« Reply #74 on: October 28, 2011, 03:08:15 PM »