Author Topic: Former GH15 Mod  (Read 232373 times)


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #200 on: September 21, 2012, 01:30:47 PM »
i see what you did there

is there any chance you could have the baby pics removed from your site

if anyone still wants to harm me i will meet them at a location in the uk near me of your choice to discuss  :)
Not going to happen. It's all baseless talk with no ass behind it. Bunch of paper assholes chasing each other around the internet looking for trouble. His site is selling gear to anyone who will buy and yet he wants to dime out the entire industry.



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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #201 on: September 21, 2012, 01:31:11 PM »
Shut the piehole son.

Do you even workout? do you have ANY muscles or do you come here like most now for some gay bodybuilding porn and few sluts here and there?

WHAT can you possibly learn from this site? If you can you are a NOOB beyond redemption.

Get your ass to the gym and leave the talking to real men.

you have no idea who you are talking to, moron.


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #202 on: September 21, 2012, 01:49:05 PM »
you have no idea who you are talking to, moron.

I have an idea! :D


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #203 on: September 21, 2012, 02:00:41 PM »
here are some pics from my high-rise condo.

haha wasn't really following this thread, just skimming bits but please tell me why did you post two random pictures from your window and one of a cute weiner dog in a small portion of a messy shitty looking bachelor pad if this was trying to show some type of wealth you failed miserably is this what a typical "high rise condo" looks like lol


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #204 on: September 21, 2012, 02:43:24 PM »
skimming through this tread I cant help thinking why the fuck dont you guys just stay on the drugs sub-forums??

the average IQ in this thread is about 80, the same is true in the gh15 forum with the childish jedis , elfs, ...oh oh i am going to get free shit if i toe the line... Fucking addicts discussing sources, blank balling, whose shit is legit, Blue kingtropin is good ,  yellow is bad , for gods sakes keep that sad world to yourselves, scam one another, whatever but please just get the fuck out G&O


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #205 on: September 21, 2012, 02:50:01 PM »
you have no idea who you are talking to, moron.

Why doesn't the cowardly gimmick tell? How many time have you had to change your name and how many times have I've owned your previous handles?


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #206 on: September 21, 2012, 02:52:30 PM »
I have moles all over GH15's forum. they tell me everything going down. I make sure it is worth their time. from what I know GH15 was getting kickbacks from Kami that is why he ga ve him all those chnaces to redeem himself! GH15 laughs his ass off to the bank! He pretends to be peopes friends but lies and just wants their cash! Pellius has his nose up GH15 butt.

Pelliuse got ripped off because he jumped on the GH15 bandwagon. he got jacked mad kits.

GH15 has made a fortune pimping fake HGH and low quality gear. He wont promote anybody who wont give him alot of free shit and money. Gh15 is a major crook. One of his sources is OK but he gets taken advantage of by GH15!

BBoy does the same thing! big scammer. the companys might give him ok shit but scams everybody else. biggest crook ever is GH15 and the DEA will get him. not right away but they will wait till he gets a little more cash and Boom! The doors will come flying down.GH15 is no pro! At east B-Boy is a real bodybuilder. all GH15 has talked about for a year is kigtropin and certai UGL's. And know none of the pros he has mentioned has tried any of the gear he says they use.

You still have yet to prove that gh15 had a financial interest in kami and Prosource. I have showed where -b- did with both.

You wonder why people don't respect you here.


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #207 on: September 21, 2012, 02:54:07 PM »

"Trenbalone is useless, for cattle, not for muscle gain, far better compounds" 2006.

Trenbolona is elixir of the gods, no tren no bodybuilding" 2011.

"Equipoise? It's for Horses are you a Horse? Worthless" 2006

"Equipoise is a very important drug, all pros abuse it". 2011.

"I was a former top five at the Olympia".

"I was a former top three at the Olympia."

"I am a current pro." September 2012.

"I have seen the nuclear attack plans."

"I have Luna level security clearance."

Making yourselves laughing stocks. Mod positions on a tiny little internet board and you people lose all sight of any type of decency or ethics, man up for fucks sake.

quote from: b-boy on March 19, 2012, 05:49:52 PM
this bible index truly hit home for me and saved me a lot of knee pain. I rarely squat ever! and my legs are bigger now than they ever have been, i hit them with high reps, high volume and pump them so full of blood it feels like my quads are going to tear away from my knees, but i have zero joint pain when i do this, my knee only kills me when i go retarded heavy on an excersise. thanks gh15 for saving my knees and allowing to me to do this cult sport for a few more years to come.

Quote from: b-boy on March 16, 2012, 10:55:40 AM
thread fail!!!

but for your entertainment and for the gh15 haters... here is a pic of gh15 top pupil b-boy

team gh15!!!

Quote from: b-boy on March 15, 2012, 08:14:07 PM
Good to see you back posting at getbig gh15!

Long live the GOD of hormones!

Quote from: b-boy on March 14, 2012, 11:07:24 PM
Great thread swlabr!

I owe gh15 a lot for helping me truely understand this cult known as bodybuilding

Quote from: b-boy on March 12, 2012, 11:45:08 AM
you ever notice that all the "higher level bodybuilders" all believe in what gh15 says? gh15 knows the sport of bodybuilding, no fucking doubt about it, its hard for me to argue against anything he says bodybuilding related, and i have def. learned a thing or two from the man.

gh15 pupil

Quote from: b-boy on March 11, 2012, 09:45:46 PM
The gh15 movement is truly larger than i imagined.

Like i said before.......glad im on the winning team

team gh15
B-boy approved!!!!!!!!



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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #208 on: September 21, 2012, 02:56:52 PM »
Why doesn't the cowardly gimmick tell? How many time have you had to change your name and how many times have I've owned your previous handles?

LOL....when have you owned anyone, ever. Someone has a high opinion of themselves


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #209 on: September 21, 2012, 02:59:15 PM »
You still have yet to prove that gh15 had a financial interest in kami and Prosource. I have showed where -b- did with both.

You wonder why people don't respect you here.

speak for yourself idiot.

Whitewidow gets pharma GH from a burn victim. you get your money taken for sugar water...i would shut up and listen when he talks, stupid


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #210 on: September 21, 2012, 03:08:06 PM »
When a mod has been dismissed?  You fucking idiot!

I can't wait for this shit to happen to you. I fucking told you all to drop dead. I then told ghmoron to fucking pay back the two kits he stoll from me. You have one of two things going on. They took down the post in the mod room and are telling you this pure shit. Or you are part of it and supporting this bullshit.
I willn't address a vial question like that. If you have an once of brain you will see this for the pure shit it is.

BTW: I'm not going to play this stupid fucking chess game with the posts. YOU WIN, OK? Now go away guy of gh15 dick.Don't you really know this is as against the law as selling drugs to kids? Why in the world would you lower yourself to support such an acusation like this? Are you really trash?


Well, you seem incapable of answering any sincere direct questions without resorting to yelling and name calling. Just like with bboy and -b- and I wanted to hear it from you directly. I can see that will not be possible. Your erratic and hostile behavior does little to dispel the narcotics charge. You come to a board that you continually bashed until only a few days ago even wanting to conduct some kind of internet operation to seek out the "spies" here yet you have the audacity to come to the very board you targeted seeking support and solace.

You will not last long here.

My work is done on this thread. Back to put on the finishing touches on the far more dangerous, damaging and contemptible, -b- aka Brandon Chaffin.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #211 on: September 21, 2012, 03:09:27 PM »
speak for yourself idiot.

Whitewidow gets pharma GH from a burn victim. you get your money taken for sugar water...i would shut up and listen when he talks, stupid

I can see I really did a job on you.

It's just the internet, girlfriend.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #212 on: September 21, 2012, 03:10:03 PM »
will you people just fucking disappear.. please

go and answer some letters recently received from nigeria or something


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #213 on: September 21, 2012, 03:10:47 PM »

quote from: b-boy on March 19, 2012, 05:49:52 PM
this bible index truly hit home for me and saved me a lot of knee pain. I rarely squat ever! and my legs are bigger now than they ever have been, i hit them with high reps, high volume and pump them so full of blood it feels like my quads are going to tear away from my knees, but i have zero joint pain when i do this, my knee only kills me when i go retarded heavy on an excersise. thanks gh15 for saving my knees and allowing to me to do this cult sport for a few more years to come.

Quote from: b-boy on March 16, 2012, 10:55:40 AM
thread fail!!!

but for your entertainment and for the gh15 haters... here is a pic of gh15 top pupil b-boy

team gh15!!!

Quote from: b-boy on March 15, 2012, 08:14:07 PM
Good to see you back posting at getbig gh15!

Long live the GOD of hormones!

Quote from: b-boy on March 14, 2012, 11:07:24 PM
Great thread swlabr!

I owe gh15 a lot for helping me truely understand this cult known as bodybuilding

Quote from: b-boy on March 12, 2012, 11:45:08 AM
you ever notice that all the "higher level bodybuilders" all believe in what gh15 says? gh15 knows the sport of bodybuilding, no fucking doubt about it, its hard for me to argue against anything he says bodybuilding related, and i have def. learned a thing or two from the man.

gh15 pupil

Quote from: b-boy on March 11, 2012, 09:45:46 PM
The gh15 movement is truly larger than i imagined.

Like i said before.......glad im on the winning team

team gh15
B-boy approved!!!!!!!!


That gh15 is long gone. When he left getbig somebody else (obviously an individual with financial interests in kigtropin) took over - he literally posts ONLY about how great kigtropin is, yet nobody can get their hands on a legit kit. What's up with that?

kigtropin is BEST ! gh to EVER come into americana ,,, that is why i keep it to mysel fand give you fellas bunk balonie ,, im looking at you elf palius lol lol


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #214 on: September 21, 2012, 03:12:58 PM »
will you people just fucking disappear.. please

go and answer some letters recently received from nigeria or something

Ah, another one I've been owning behind the scenes. Thanks for coming out.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #215 on: September 21, 2012, 03:14:56 PM »
That gh15 is long gone. When he left getbig somebody else (obviously an individual with financial interests in kigtropin) took over - he literally posts ONLY about how great kigtropin is, yet nobody can get their hands on a legit kit. What's up with that?

kigtropin is BEST ! gh to EVER come into americana ,,, that is why i keep it to mysel fand give you fellas bunk balonie ,, im looking at you elf palius lol lol

Look at the date of those quotes. That was earlier this year. The kig saga was already under way.


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #216 on: September 21, 2012, 03:16:09 PM »
Look at the date of those quotes. That was earlier this year. The kig saga was already under way.
his forum opened up in april


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #217 on: September 21, 2012, 03:26:52 PM »
Ah, another one I've been owning behind the scenes. Thanks for coming out.

pellius, have gone fucking insane with this gh15 shit??
owning me? shit you dont even know of me

you need kits get a local source, keep it to yourself, don't bring all this junior high drama to G&O

if an anonymous voice comes out of a burning bush, just piss on it. It would have saved moses a lot of trouble and you are no fking moses


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #218 on: September 21, 2012, 03:32:28 PM »
I can see I really did a job on you.

It's just the internet, girlfriend.

Really ?

I thought it was "real life"  :D

you aren't very bright...are you?


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #219 on: September 21, 2012, 03:39:09 PM »
Sounds like Needledick 6 loves the cock.


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #220 on: September 21, 2012, 03:43:15 PM »
Sounds like Needledick 6 loves the cock.

sounds like you need a punch in the fucking mouth, twink


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #221 on: September 21, 2012, 03:46:50 PM »

sounds like you need a punch in the fucking mouth, twink

Sounds like someone ripped your bottom apart last night.


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #222 on: September 21, 2012, 03:52:51 PM »
Lets see your city view?Portland is one of the nicest citys in the USA. I dont live in a studio. this is over a half a million dollar condo.Don't hate me because I am right. Gh15 said after all the reseands he was going to give Kami a second chance. face it he can't get my info and I posted where I live! what a Liar! he is a joke!

What is your beef anyway? you just mad because I am right? didn't I help you out once when you couldn't figure out to work a certain sources website? when was I ever rude to you? I gave you the help a remedial man needed.

haha just came across this gem this is supposed to be over a half million dollar condo dog is cute ill give you that only


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #223 on: September 21, 2012, 04:18:01 PM »
this is all too funny.. pellius you sound like an absolute moron. heres some facts:

I helped find prosource (
I was bartering with them almost daily to send gh15 FREE kigs
funds were sent to china, not sure how me and bboy made any money?

you need to stop pellius, you know this is wrong. you even posted a message from me that specifically told gh15 I wasnt going to openly push kigs. but he sure as hell did - daily.

and as for that "lie" weve already established I was mistaken, you know what they say about when you assume.

also im not sure why youd put my "name" out there, or is it an alias? like gh15's elf miss bambino in florida, maybe we should post that info up.. I havent because believe it or not, im not a bad guy.

cant you see you are being played pellius? open your eyes, everyone sees the truth besides you. now I dont need to argue about this nonsence anymore. you have to see how moronic this whole situation is.

you claimed I pushed kigs, but then posted a message from me stating I was not going to push them openly.
you claim gh15 is not getting money/product? I still have the tracking for about 10 kits that prosource sent him in a month period.
you claim I made money? because all products and wu was to china. so how did I make money? I cant wait to hear this one
you claim gh15 has peoples best intrest in mind, when in reality he is making gullible members pay $500 for a kit that normally would cost $80..

oh and CG also sent him kits, and was never reimbursed. your GOD sure is wealthy, has to beg for kits.
and a last point, I dont condone illegal activity. the products I use are ones I have a prescription for. end of story. do im sorry to break it to you but LE is not interested with a law abiding citizen.


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Re: Former GH15 Mod
« Reply #224 on: September 21, 2012, 04:41:05 PM »
OK so b lied to you, doesn't bother me, gh15 lies everyday (I can see my nails grow daily.. ha ha ha). You can't turn me against b. So he lied to a bunch of clowns on a joke of a board, big shit.

One of my reasons I came to the kigtropins thread is to give a difference perspective on the whole sordid affair. To provide evidence that it was -b- who was the one that cheated and stole from us and did it by an elaborate web of lies. I've already provided some compelling evidence that -b- is simply a congenital liar. Lying has become so ingrained in his nature that it is not just something he does, i.e., lies; it is something he is, i.e., a liar.

Having one of his best friends and business partner finally state so openly is the final nail in the coffin.

The fact that bboy openly and freely admits that he has aligned himself with a proven liar and as he says, "doesn't bother me" is a separate and just as disturbing an issue altogether.