Author Topic: Serge Nubret is here  (Read 740962 times)


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Re: a 3 a.m. philosophy
« Reply #1500 on: February 09, 2008, 04:02:49 AM »
Well...thank you. lol. Make sure you read my religion philosophy first before you get a might change your mind after I put all religions in the same category...not that there's anything wrong with religion (because they are good when they promote helping people)...but there's nothing right with them (when the leaders take money from the people using fear and guilt in order to do if filling an offering plate buys someone a ticket to heaven--it's going to the pastor's hookers at the Hawaiian Christ Convention...and that's a true story that was on the news).

well I don't believe in organized religion.  faker than Pam Andersons tits.


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1501 on: February 09, 2008, 05:00:36 AM »
Shakespeare wrote The King James Version of the Bible at the age of 46. One of the many evidences: Shake is the 46th word of the 46th Psalm, Spear is the 46th word from the end in the 46th Psalm. There are several examples of this throughout the bible. The guy was a creative genious...that is for certain...
LOL. Shakespeare was brilliant, and the King James Bible is one of the most beautifully eloquent books ever produced, but the two had nothing to do with each other. Trying to link the two through some odd numerology just makes you look like some conspiracy crank. We have enough of those around here, anyway.  :)


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1502 on: February 09, 2008, 05:06:15 AM »
Beast, I believe Serge when he told me he trains naturally. I attributed his Olympic physique to eating 8-10 lbs. of horse meat and 6-7 hours training a day. Someone said how I would I know since I have no knowledge or experience with steroids...
When I was in college, my roomate was devout vegetarian and I stopped eating meat for about a year because she cooked a lot and we ate together and I didn't want to offend her and I sort of did it as an experiment too...just to see if I felt different. I dropped about 10 lbs. of muscle and felt weaker overall. When I started eating meat again, I put the weight back on and felt stronger. That's why I thought Serge's 8-10 lbs. of meat a day was his secret. That's 10X more than the amount of meat I eat a day. I figured, the more meat...the more muscle. If someone tries it and it doesn't work, than I don't mind someone telling me...that's fine.

Serge doesn't like to argue with people. He doesn't want me to on this board either. I defended him because it bothered me the way people were talking to him. I realize now I made a mistake to try to speak for him a year ago about this subject because each person should tell their own experience and/or opinion and position regarding steroids themselves. I respect whatever he feels comfortable with sharing...for whatever reason.

What you said about devout christians is sometimes true. But a person's personality is a characteristic that is unique to that individual and would be there regardless of their choice of religion. There are athiests who are as full of it as christians or any other 7th day Adventist with a buddhist twist who's a part-time jew while auditioning in Hollyweird. The only religion that matters is the Golden Rule: Treat others the way they treat you. I learned that from Steve. Then they know how you feel and it lets people know that what they dish out will be served back to them. It's a learning tool.
Unless you were a Vegan abosolute bullshit not eating meat has not stopped me in the past,Dairy products,eggs,soy products. ???
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BEAST 8692

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1503 on: February 09, 2008, 09:32:55 AM »
Shakespeare wrote The King James Version of the Bible at the age of 46. One of the many evidences: Shake is the 46th word of the 46th Psalm, Spear is the 46th word from the end in the 46th Psalm. There are several examples of this throughout the bible. The guy was a creative genious...that is for certain...

Many historians during the time of Christ wrote about the charismatic philanthropist Jesus mentioning his speeches and work along with other historical events of the day...yet never mentioned one of the "miracles" he did. The New Testament however, mentions him bringing back people from the dead and feeding a crowd of 2,000 with a basket of fish...that should have been more noteworthy than the topic of his speeches and his philanthropy mentioned by historians who covered political and social events.

Many of the bible stories in the bible, the koran, aesop's fables, etc....are the same in every religion...the names and a few details are changed...but the morals are the same. Every religion has some value...but that's what sells it so that people will buy it...and can be controlled by it.'s version of Jesus Christ should Serge feel he must emulate in order to please anonymous posters who are afraid to show him their name and face? lol. I'm more inclined to believe Steve Reeves is Hercules than to believe that GOD created a son who was expected not to act human, expects everyone to be exactly like him and then loved him so much that he saved everyone else but allowed him to be killed and that his death is somehow supposed to translate into sinners getting off scott free with no responsibility for their actions. That's not fair and does not make a bit of sense. Destroy the good and reward the bad? LOL...that sounds more like hell. The creator of the universe has no religion. Religion is created by man.

i'll give you this Made in Montana, your posts are always interesting and contain more information on Reeves and Nubret than i've ever seen.

you are extremely biased in your defence of these men and seem to forget that this is a message board. it is designed to be anonymous.

i have never questioned Nubret's credentials or once compared my physique to his. contrary, i have given huge praise and kudos to the man. yet you always jump to his defence on every front (as you do Reeves) any time ANYONE questions any aspect of the man. this undermines your credibility.

you know very little about building muscle if you actually think the more red meat you eat, the more muscle you build. that is beyond ludicrous and displays a complete lack of nutritional knowledge, to say nothing of the endocrine system.

i'm sorry but daily intakes of 8lbs of horse meat and 5000000 situps do not account for Serge's physique at his best.

btw, i absolutely agree almost entirely with your interpretation of the bible but, again, you presume to speak for Serge. to my understanding, Serge is a devout christian, which means he does believe in the bible and the sacrifices and miracles of jesus christ.

BEAST 8692

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1504 on: February 10, 2008, 03:59:24 AM »
In his book Je Suis: Moi et Dieu, Serge writes:
"Je suis né athée et Dieu comme le sont tous les nouveaux-nés avant d’être enfermés dans un univers limité par cinq sens et trois dimensions. C’est seulement parvenu à l’âge de raison que j’ai fait mon choix. Encore que l’on ne puisse parler de choix tant l’influence de la famille, celle de l’environnement, du milieu dans lequel nous grandissons et de la région du globe qui nous a vu naître sont déterminantes. J’aurais pu être juif, musulman ou bouddhiste. Ou demeurer athée. Mais, né aux Antilles françaises où 90% de la population est catholique, je n’avais guère le choix à cette époque de ma vie."

"I was born atheist et God as all newborns are before being confined in a universe limited by five directions and three dimensions. Only when I reached the reason age could I make my choice. When one cannot talk about choices so influences it family, the one of the environment, environment in which we grow and region of the globe that see us been born are determined.  I could have been more jewish, muslim or more buddhist. Or remain atheist.  But, having been born in the French West Indies where 90% of the population is Catholic, I hardly had a choice in this era of my life."

Serge's book details his spiritual beliefs and gives his interpretation of the trinity foundation of his Raison d'Être (Reason for Being, justification for existence): BODY, MIND and SPIRIT. He incorporates metaphors, myticism and his interpretation of world events.  Je Suis means I AM which is another name for GOD. In other words, he believes that GOD is not something you search for out there somewhere, GOD is within and lives in your intuitive instincts. This is the most powerful aspect of your life...and of your bodybuilding training and comes before what you eat and what you do in the gym. When you listen to Serge talk about this on his dvd, you start to understand what he is talking about in terms of connection....without connecting your mind and spirit first, your training will not have as great of results. You have to start with your mind and love what you are doing...spirit...then the rest will follow...

Sevestase didn't ask questions of any aspect of the man--he made false statements of slander with zero proof. Yet you say nothing in response to him like, "How did you determine he was all those rotten things?" You ignore if someone writes something very bad about Steve with no proof. You only question if someone writes something good. I've written about Steve's life and put pictures. That does not undermine my credibility. Enough people write me emails saying thank you because they will never see the pictures I post anywhere...especially for free, so if I write something that bothers a few others who only have a problem with the good comments and not the bad ones, who cares?
Re: What you said about what I know about building muscle...Serge thinks my training and nutrition advice is sound and I've emailed it to some of it to his clients that he trains. I don't know what your goals are for building muscle, but if you try the red meat idea and it doesn't work, then come tell me about it. You can't say something doesn't work if you've never tried it.
Beast, I do want to thank you for the words you say that show appreciation or understanding... sometimes we disagree, but I do agree with you at times. 

again, great insightful reading, but i have to correct you.

i don't attack good or bad. i examine. you have typed much information and i have supported yours and serge's position many times more than i have 'attacked' (just take a look back in the thread for evidence of this).

what sevastase says about reeves, i can not disprove or prove. i just don't know enough about reeves and to tell you the truth, i am not convinced one way or the other on the question of his steroid use.

what i do know is that steroids have been available since about 1937 and i see no reason at all why a world class athlete would take advantage of these drugs from that time, seeing as they were considered a health tonic back then. you say reeves didn't, as you say serge didn't but, unless you were joined at the hip to these people, i'll take it as an individual's biased (you are, at the very least, a huge fan of both men) opinion.

logically, i can see no reason why he wouldn't take advantage of these drugs (remember, health tonic). you don't accidently become a world champion athlete and film star. he had to have taken advantage of every performance enhancement available, as his competitors did, to rise above. this starry eyed revisionist view of reeves as some incarnation of jesus christ just doesn't fly with me.


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1505 on: February 10, 2008, 04:30:31 AM »
That's what I said too...So this guy gives me a 10 page document on this with about 20 examples and some history to support it. My reaction was...well...that's interesting. Still, if you said to me, no no no...Brother John...or Father Raphael...or whoever else...wrote it...and supported the claim well. You may be right. I do know some man wrote did not fly down from heaven out of a cloud. It has good stories and value if it makes a positive difference in your life. I agree with Serge who said it doesn't matter who wrote it, make use of what inspires you in it.
Uh no. There are many many versions/productions of the Bible. However, the King James' is one of the most well understood because of the very public nature under which it was produced. Your subsequent coda on moral relativism is thus a bit embarrassing.


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1506 on: February 10, 2008, 04:39:20 AM »
Serge Juiced. Who cares? They all did.

God....let's start worshipping Odin!

I hate the State.


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1507 on: February 10, 2008, 05:54:01 AM »
Serge Juiced. Who cares? They all did.

God....let's start worshipping Odin!

Thought that was Wotan? 


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1508 on: February 10, 2008, 06:00:27 AM »
Thought that was Wotan? 

They are one and the same.

Old High German Wotan, Old English Woden, Old Norse Óðinn

Depending on the tribe and the region, all different names for the Almighty Allfather!
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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1509 on: February 10, 2008, 06:05:10 AM »
They are one and the same.

Old High German Wotan, Old English Woden, Old Norse Óðinn

Depending on the tribe and the region, all different names for the Almighty Allfather!
Got it. I just thought, being German, you would refer to him as Wotan. I was just making a Wagner connection/reference. Mighty Odin it is.  :)


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1510 on: February 10, 2008, 06:06:14 AM »
Got it. I just thought, being German, you would refer to him as Wotan. I was just making a Wagner connection/reference. Mighty Odin it is.  :)

Who said I was German...? ;D
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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1511 on: February 10, 2008, 02:12:11 PM »
The King James Bible is not "most well understood" because it's not even worth consideration by millions of muslims, hindus, jews, atheists, agnostics and countless other religions that completely disregard it. Many christians know what the bible looks like, but don't know the difference between what miracles Moses did and what Jesus did...let alone the history of it's publishers. To assume most people know it's history is false. I'm not embarrassed to say what I've heard. You're obviously christian and that's fine, but there's a lot of people who aren't and don't care who wrote what. If you would like to tell us your opinion of who wrote it and when...maybe there's a few christians who might find it interesting. I think it's true origins came from thousands of centuries long the last several hundred centuries, various groups controlled their version of it and stamped a brand name on it.
Oh brother. Let me try to explain it for you. Look, you've established quite a role here on Getbig as the 'protector' of Steve Reeves and his legacy. So far so good. And you also adamantly deny any drug usage by Mr. Reeves despite many people who want to believe he did, declaring to all and sundry that such claims cannot be 'substantiated,' etc. Also, so far so good. So when you go off message and spout off about the King James Bible being authored by Shakespeare, which you damn well cannot 'substantiate' in any way, I call you on it. You then  make all sorts of replys filled with elastic moralism such as "it doesn't matter who wrote it, make use of what inspires you in it." Ugh. My point is: you can't have it both ways. More to the point, if you want to assume that Shakespeare somehow authored the KJ Bible (and/or then fudge some subsequent answer, or to retroactively change your premise as you have done) you lose all moral right to deny people's beliefs that Reeves used steroids, be they true or not, or should I say substantiated or unsubstantiated. Do you see the problem you've gotten yourself into, now? The 'truth' is not something to be used at whim to suit your purposes or entertainment. Once you start using it in an offhand manner your are lost and your 'authority' is diminished.

/'what is truth?' someone once asked...


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1512 on: February 11, 2008, 04:53:52 AM »
You are being hypocritical--angry that I haven't explained everything I read about the bible...yet offering no proof for your own claims and theories. You said the King James Bible is a beautifully written work that everyone values and understands the history behind. That is only your opinion--others think it's fictional nonsense that does a disservice for mankind teaching people wrong values. I welcome you sharing any theory you may have with supporting evidence. Your response is to flip out hurling insults trying to discredit me for writing about Steve's life on another thread that you didn't bother to read thoroughly.

I won't apologize for saying what Steve said himself and showing pictures to illustrate it. He had his statements published and people can check for accuracy what I've stated about it. If someone says, "I think Steve was ___ for ___ reason..." that makes more sense than ripping him down for no reason, offering no proof and having a hissy fit if his family steps in to tell a story about what happened to him way back when. There are a few old timers here who know what I'm talking about. They were there.

Steve should not be compared to Serge because Steve started in the late 1930's with scrap metals he put together in his garage, retired from the sport in 1950 and was 1/2 the size of the guys in the 1970's. Serge's training and eating was 5X+ the amount of Steve's...because he had different goals and competed in a different era. I won't say Serge's experience/view on steroids now; he can do that if he wants to or not. I wrote previously that I made the mistake for saying my opinion about Serge because he is here and people want him to tell it himself, but I won't apologize for trying to defend him as a friend by asking people to be polite.

The only thing that matters is what Steve and Serge say about their own experience/opinion. They aren't the same man. They had different methods, experiences and bodybuilding careers that spanned different times and eras. I will not apologize for stating my opinion in the past when others have said foul things about Steve with zero proof out of jealousy and no one says anything questioning that. Anyone who rips me down while simultaneously ignoring everything foul stated (the unneccessary name calling with no pictures, information or historical proof to back it) is being unfair and inconsistent.

I know more now about everything and everyone in the sport than I did a year ago...if I could start over posting here, I would only post pictures and only report what someone else said if I thought it was useful.
Uh, you're losing it here. Re-read my message. As to your above post, I'll hit a few notes. The KJ Bible is widely regarded (popularly and critically) as a beautifully written book. I happen to agree. This is all a matter of record. You can easily find references to this effect. I'm not a fan, but try Wiki to start. You inferred in an earlier post I was Christian. I am nothing of the sort and am not religious in any way. Heck, I think religion causes more trouble than it is worth. I 'hurled' no insults at you , just addressed points you made, particulary in regards to your 'elastic' moral logic. The fact that you didn't address that latter point, in return, is very telling. And I said nothing to discredit Mr. Reeves. To say I did is just a lie. Finally, you seem to use a lot of double-speak, make incorrect references or inferences about me or what I have said, or just plain evade the point(s) I have been making. You hold Mr. Reeves in high regard. Do you think he would answered my questions in the same manner you have you done? 

/i am done here. to continue seems pointless. i think you need to do some real thinking


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1513 on: February 11, 2008, 05:07:30 AM »
Uh, you're losing it here. Re-read my message. As to your above post, I'll hit a few notes. The KJ Bible is widely regarded (popularly and critically) as a beautifully written book. I happen to agree. This is all a matter of record. You can easily find references to this effect. I'm not a fan, but try Wiki to start. You inferred in an earlier post I was Christian. I am nothing of the sort and am not religious in any way. Heck, I think religion causes more trouble than it is worth. I 'hurled' no insults at you , just addressed points you made, particulary in regards to your 'elastic' moral logic. The fact that you didn't address that latter point, in return, is very telling. And I said nothing to discredit Mr. Reeves. To say I did is just a lie. Finally, you seem to use a lot of double-speak, make incorrect references or inferences about me or what I have said, or just plain evade the point(s) I have been making. You hold Mr. Reeves in high regard. Do you think he would answered my questions in the same manner you have you done? 

/i am done here. to continue seems pointless. i think you need to do some real thinking

This is a fascinating polemic going on here....where's the popcorn? ;D
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serge nubret

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1514 on: February 21, 2008, 07:49:24 PM »
This is a fascinating polemic going on here....where's the popcorn? ;D

I just came along and to sell them.

Serge Nubret

EL Mariachi

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1515 on: February 21, 2008, 07:52:43 PM »


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1516 on: February 21, 2008, 08:21:32 PM »
All Horse Meat...
I hate the State.

Sarcastic Deity

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1517 on: February 21, 2008, 10:19:26 PM »
'made in montana' is outrageously fine, and to think she's a superior debater to some of getbig's finest, too...oh yeah

serge: how much for the popcorn

chimps: chill out man, it's the internet bruh.  not that serious.

serge nubret

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1518 on: February 22, 2008, 07:08:43 AM »

''yeah, keep looking''


good to have you here mister france!

I never won the Mr France contest, because I never competed in France.

Serge Nubret

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Hurricane Beef !

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1520 on: February 22, 2008, 08:45:53 AM »
Serge, I's like to see you post photos of the WABBA shows where you and Sergio went head to head. Very few photos are on the web and the Mags did a poor job covering those contests.

Do you have footage of those two shows which can be purchased ?

The Beef

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1521 on: February 22, 2008, 09:53:42 PM »
Serge, I's like to see you post photos of the WABBA shows where you and Sergio went head to head. Very few photos are on the web and the Mags did a poor job covering those contests.

Do you have footage of those two shows which can be purchased ?

The Beef

Sorry i don't have any of this contest, I did compete again Sergio twice, once in New-York in a Dan Lurie show and once in Germany, but no photo at all.

Serge Nubret


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1522 on: February 28, 2008, 09:36:10 AM »
Hi Serge - Im finally back on-line after computer nightmares and LOOOOONG work hours. Hope all is going well? My training has taken a back seat over the last few weeks, but Im back on it now and my body reacted well to the rest.
Keep up the great work.

Hurricane Beef !

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1523 on: February 28, 2008, 09:38:02 AM »
Sorry i don't have any of this contest, I did compete again Sergio twice, once in New-York in a Dan Lurie show and once in Germany, but no photo at all.

Serge Nubret

Did you not go head to head in Long Beach as well?

The Beef

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #1524 on: February 28, 2008, 09:37:41 PM »
Hi Serge - Im finally back on-line after computer nightmares and LOOOOONG work hours. Hope all is going well? My training has taken a back seat over the last few weeks, but Im back on it now and my body reacted well to the rest.
Keep up the great work.

Yes TREV some time a good and constructive rest help to progress too.

Serge Nubret