Author Topic: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid  (Read 100824 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #550 on: October 09, 2011, 02:26:05 PM »
the idea of liberal you have is nothing of what it was originally meant to be...same with conservative...

hope this helps, doubt it will...
 ::) enlighten me

TA your wrong on this count, you might be too young to know anything about protests or every was involved in one yourself. After all your generation is the most sold out generation ever, sipping starbucks, using Iphones and wearing Nike shoes.

All great movements started by the grass roots movement, by people not corporations. They are started by a group of intellectuals who put forth ideas about societal concerns. If those ideas strike a chord and have a ring of truth they will catch like wildfire with the everday population. Yes the essential ideas may get water down or misconstrued by some ignorant participants. but for the most part the movement will continue to thrive and prosper including all classes of people.  There is a truth to the Occupy Wallstreet movement if you cant see it now you will soon.

In all the great movements, environmental movement (Love Canal), civil rights movements, Anti Vietnam movement, Gay rights ( Act Up) and Animal rights (PETA), there are always some odd balls, hippies or misguided people, but they are very useful to the movement as they provide the numbers and are efffective in street theatre. But believe me there are much stronger minded intelligent people that will bolster the rest and give the movement meaning and power and eventually realize the goals, at least some of them.

Dont be ignorant TA, the media always shows the worst of a group of people, they do it all the time to try to discredit the protest, after all the media is a corporate machine. They dont like dissent or anarchy. It is not in their financial interest.

Please look deeper into the Wallstreet movement because the truth is there and you will feel foolish when you realize you almost missed it.
nice post

There is a truth, but it seems to be a mis-guided one. Sure, Wall Streeters are scum, who made obscene profits/bonuses, year after year, until their profligacy almost brought down the economy. Then, they asked for, and received public funds to bail out their private losses. And, when the economy righted itself just enough, they went right back to making their obscene profits, again. Anger here, is justified. But, these protesters all seem to be justifying their own private losses/greeds for similar calls to the public purse. Problem is, they chose poorly, and in too small a scale. Lose small, it's your problem; lose large, it's the bank's.  ;)


the protestors want reform of the economic, education, and healthcare system. they arent asking for handouts.

Why won't my degree in Philosophy and Modern Dance get me a Fortune 500 job  :'(
i studied "business" in college so i deserve 200 million a year to sit in an office all day !!the majority of the employees at my company ??  the ones who do all the real work???   they dont deserve shit !! minimum wage for the uneducatedfucks !!!  


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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #551 on: October 09, 2011, 02:31:47 PM »
Well said, Lord of All Simians!
Ach. If you ever lose it one day, Deicide, and your name suggests you will, make sure to kill not one, but 00's. You'll get to write your own ticket.    :-\      ;D

Marty Champions

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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #552 on: October 09, 2011, 02:32:29 PM »
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?  I cannot stand these people.  I really wish Obama would send a Predator Drone and wipe them all out.

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

look at the sharp looking black fellow in white, only there to scope out for fine white hoes  ::)

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #553 on: October 09, 2011, 02:34:51 PM »
TA your wrong on this count, you might be too young to know anything about protests or every was involved in one yourself. After all your generation is the most sold out generation ever, sipping starbucks, using Iphones and wearing Nike shoes.

All great movements started by the grass roots movement, by people not corporations. They are started by a group of intellectuals who put forth ideas about societal concerns. If those ideas strike a chord and have a ring of truth they will catch like wildfire with the everday population. Yes the essential ideas may get water down or misconstrued by some ignorant participants. but for the most part the movement will continue to thrive and prosper including all classes of people.  There is a truth to the Occupy Wallstreet movement if you cant see it now you will soon.

In all the great movements, environmental movement (Love Canal), civil rights movements, Anti Vietnam movement, Gay rights ( Act Up) and Animal rights (PETA), there are always some odd balls, hippies or misguided people, but they are very useful to the movement as they provide the numbers and are efffective in street theatre. But believe me there are much stronger minded intelligent people that will bolster the rest and give the movement meaning and power and eventually realize the goals, at least some of them.

Dont be ignorant TA, the media always shows the worst of a group of people, they do it all the time to try to discredit the protest, after all the media is a corporate machine. They dont like dissent or anarchy. It is not in their financial interest.

Please look deeper into the Wallstreet movement because the truth is there and you will feel foolish when you realize you almost missed it.

Good stuff.  Thank you.


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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #554 on: October 09, 2011, 02:37:20 PM »
There is a truth, but it seems to be a mis-guided one. Sure, Wall Streeters are scum, who made obscene profits/bonuses, year after year, until their profligacy almost brought down the economy. Then, they asked for, and received public funds to bail out their private losses. And, when the economy righted itself just enough, they went right back to making their obscene profits, again. Anger here, is justified. But, these protesters all seem to be justifying their own private losses/greeds for similar calls to the public purse. Problem is, they chose poorly, and in too small a scale. Lose small, it's your problem; lose large, it's the bank's.  ;)

 I really would not just go by what a few protesters interviewed on the news have said about there personaly plight. Corporations are not creating jobs, in fact they are outsourcing jobs physically and now preparing to outsource jobs virtually, like IBM does for their IT division. How this works is: any job that doesn require you to actually physically be in a desk will go to someone outside of the country at a lower cost. All they need is a high speed connection and attend daily meetings through WebEx. Corporations are moving to working on a skeletal staff, they are not planning on hiring more people, that is over. THe middle class is screwed. All the jobs will go out of America and the top eschelon execs will take all the profits paying foreigners pennies.

These people in the streets are important no matter how uneducated they are. This country was founded on the philosophy (due to Jesus and Issaac Newton) that all people are equal, rich or poor, and all people have a right to protest, to use reason and knowledge, to the best of their ability to come to their own conclusions about how they want their society to function. Then they vote on it. That is a democracy. And we are still the greatest country in the world.

All the great movements started out with the hippies and crazies at first but eventually the middle class followed suit. I was called a crazy when I protested for animal rights 20 years ago. Today hardly anyone disagrees that animals deserve humane treatment and science has progessed as they move away from the animal model. As I said before the leaders of the movement are probably some very smart people, who have not come forward yet. Wait to hear their point of view before you judge the movement.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #555 on: October 09, 2011, 02:42:19 PM »
I really would not just go by what a few protesters interviewed on the news have said about there personaly plight. Corporations are not creating jobs, in fact they are outsourcing jobs physically and now preparing to outsource jobs virtually, like IBM does for their IT division. How this works is: any job that doesn require you to actually physically be in a desk will go to someone outside of the country at a lower cost. All they need is a high speed connection and attend daily meetings through WebEx. Corporations are moving to working on a skeletal staff, they are not planning on hiring more people, that is over. THe middle class is screwed. All the jobs will go out of America and the top eschelon execs will take all the profits paying foreigners pennies.

These people in the streets are important no matter how uneducated they are. This country was founded on the philosophy (due to Jesus and Issaac Newton) that all people are equal, rich or poor, and all people have a right to protest, to use reason and knowledge, to the best of their ability to come to their own conclusions about how they want their society to function. Then they vote on it. That is a democracy. And we are still the greatest country in the world.

All the great movements started out with the hippies and crazies at first but eventually the middle class followed suit. I was called a crazy when I protested for animal rights 20 years ago. Today hardly anyone disagrees that animals deserve humane treatment and science has progessed as they move away from the animal model. As I said before the leaders of the movement are probably some very smart people, who have not come forward yet. Wait to hear their point of view before you judge the movement.

without some radical changes america will be forced to eliminate environmental regulations,minimum wage, 40 hour work week, and reduce corporate tax rates which will cause big reductions in education, healthcare, and social welfare programs... or accept massive unemployment for decades to come. 

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #556 on: October 09, 2011, 02:45:49 PM »
There is a truth, but it seems to be a mis-guided one. Sure, Wall Streeters are scum, who made obscene profits/bonuses, year after year, until their profligacy almost brought down the economy. Then, they asked for, and received public funds to bail out their private losses. And, when the economy righted itself just enough, they went right back to making their obscene profits, again. Anger here, is justified. But, these protesters all seem to be justifying their own private losses/greeds for similar calls to the public purse. Problem is, they chose poorly, and in too small a scale. Lose small, it's your problem; lose large, it's the bank's.  ;)

Really?  I looked at every single one of these stories and found almost the opposite to be true.

Other than that, I totally agree with you.

Marty Champions

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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #557 on: October 09, 2011, 02:53:23 PM »
I really would not just go by what a few protesters interviewed on the news have said about there personaly plight. Corporations are not creating jobs, in fact they are outsourcing jobs physically and now preparing to outsource jobs virtually, like IBM does for their IT division. How this works is: any job that doesn require you to actually physically be in a desk will go to someone outside of the country at a lower cost. All they need is a high speed connection and attend daily meetings through WebEx. Corporations are moving to working on a skeletal staff, they are not planning on hiring more people, that is over. THe middle class is screwed. All the jobs will go out of America and the top eschelon execs will take all the profits paying foreigners pennies.

These people in the streets are important no matter how uneducated they are. This country was founded on the philosophy (due to Jesus and Issaac Newton) that all people are equal, rich or poor, and all people have a right to protest, to use reason and knowledge, to the best of their ability to come to their own conclusions about how they want their society to function. Then they vote on it. That is a democracy. And we are still the greatest country in the world.

All the great movements started out with the hippies and crazies at first but eventually the middle class followed suit. I was called a crazy when I protested for animal rights 20 years ago. Today hardly anyone disagrees that animals deserve humane treatment and science has progessed as they move away from the animal model. As I said before the leaders of the movement are probably some very smart people, who have not come forward yet. Wait to hear their point of view before you judge the movement.

they should be allowed to outsource and make a profit all they want

if there are not "well paying jobs" you take a "low paying job" and live within means. move in with friends and save money. In Many cases this means people would have to ditch there cars and ride a bike to and from there work. with all the social media outlets networking and friendmaking shouldnt be that hard to find roomates

also i would be GLAD to hire people BELOW minimum wage (SO I CAN MAKE A PROFIT)or at minimum wage if they had good work ethic i would pick them up and bring them home in MY vehicle .

the "big man" or leader of small buisness must be allowed to make a profit no matter how rich he becomes

however the uber rich making over a million a year should be taxed heavily


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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #558 on: October 09, 2011, 02:55:25 PM »

they should be allowed to outsource



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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #559 on: October 09, 2011, 02:56:09 PM »
well that will most likely be what American will be like, all rich and very poor.

So my advice to anyone is to find a job that cannot be outsourced physicaly or virtually, one that requires you to actually be present, plumber, doctor, nurse, electrician, teacher, cop, etc, etc... or get an advanced degree masters or doctorates in Project Management. Most corporate jobs will be advanced degreed people managing projects from a desktop dashboard with little physical interaction with actual emplyees. As I said, IBM ITdivision is all virtual. ITs a good job, you get to work from home..:)

Marty Champions

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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #560 on: October 09, 2011, 02:57:06 PM »

its because the employer thinks there work ethic sucks and dont make much if any money off of them

id gladly take a habitually late worker or a worker that rarely comes in AS LONG AS HE MAKES THE COMPANY MONEY WHEN HE DOES SHOW UP TO WORK. As long as a workers tardynes doesnt effect others job performance than thats fine by me

its all about making a profit


Marty Champions

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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #561 on: October 09, 2011, 02:59:19 PM »

you tax harder the uber rich but you dont stifle the companies profits THATS BAD THATS LESS INCOME IN TAXES FOR ALL OF US. companies profits= more money for the economy in

dont be such a fool


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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #562 on: October 09, 2011, 03:08:29 PM »
you tax harder the uber rich but you dont stifle the companies profits THATS BAD THATS LESS INCOME IN TAXES FOR ALL OF US. companies profits= more money for the economy in

dont be such a fool
outsourcing jobs destabalizes not only the domestic but the global economy.  doing so creates a consumer base that eventually loses buying power and thus production halts because there are no customers


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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #563 on: October 09, 2011, 04:01:29 PM »
outsourcing jobs destabalizes not only the domestic but the global economy.  doing so creates a consumer base that eventually loses buying power and thus production halts because there are no customers
youre assuming that they only sell they products in one country...most corporations that have the ability to outsource dont...


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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #564 on: October 09, 2011, 04:02:14 PM »
alright i've got the cure

steal rich peoples money then burn it.  that way the value of a dollar goes up so my money is worth more.

damn i'm fuckin smart.


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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #565 on: October 09, 2011, 04:05:56 PM »
outsourcing jobs destabalizes not only the domestic but the global economy.  doing so creates a consumer base that eventually loses buying power and thus production halts because there are no customers

Yet you keep advocating for policies that will only continue to lead to outsourced jobs. I know, I know, you took an economics class at that community college you attend so you know it all. My bad.  ::)

By the way, if you want to sound intelligent you could at least spell check your posts and punctuate.


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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #566 on: October 09, 2011, 04:06:58 PM »
Have you even looked at the site for more than a page or two?  Because I have.

thats wornderful well, how many signs do you see that have finance, accounting or economic degrees plastered on them?

start posting up pics jack!!!!

it should be very easy...


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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #567 on: October 09, 2011, 04:12:03 PM »
so americaos,,,should listen to people at getbig who log on here 24 hours//day and post 50 times,,,day,,,

1. none of you are rich not by any means,,,,NOTHING LIKE ME AT LEAST,,ron avidan is maybe rich dont know his finances,,i know him,,,but not finances

2. you guys are morons who look up yahoo,,,or GOOGLE IT,,,to get informations,,then go off that and post it on here,,,NO REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE,,,,THUS YOU ARE PART OF GENERATION NOTHINGNESS,,,GH15 and I discuss this all the time,,,you fellas dont listen

3. its not abou tworking had,,,anymore its about working smarter,,,,,thats why slackers,,,still have jobs,,they know to slack for a company,,,and tell compnay to MOTIVATE ME so they keep fella around,,,,HARDER YOU WORK THE GREATER CHANCES,,,YOU WILL GET LET GO ONLY IN THIS ECONOMY




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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #568 on: October 09, 2011, 04:12:23 PM »
Really?  I looked at every single one of these stories and found almost the opposite to be true.

Other than that, I totally agree with you.
start posting up pics bro, should be real easy...


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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #569 on: October 09, 2011, 04:14:32 PM »
  ::) enlighten me

 i studied "business" in college so i deserve 200 million a year to sit in an office all day !!the majority of the employees at my company ??  the ones who do all the real work???   they dont deserve shit !! minimum wage for the uneducatedfucks !!! 
enlighten yourself you moron, I see why you connect so well with these protestors always wanting someone else to do your work...

Nobody is saying they dont deserve shit they deserve what their skills are worth in the market.


Roger Bacon

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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #570 on: October 09, 2011, 04:17:56 PM »
enlighten yourself you moron, I see why you connect so well with these protestors always wanting someone else to do your work...

Nobody is saying they dont deserve shit they deserve what their skills are worth in the market.


Roger Bacon

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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #571 on: October 09, 2011, 04:19:55 PM »
Like they're arguing that no matter how worthless they are, they actually deserve to be treated as if they're valued just, just because?

I feel sorry for the poor bastard that has to pay tbombz minimum wage.  Not because tbombz is worth seven dollars an hour, but because IT'S THE LAW!

The True Adonis

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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #572 on: October 09, 2011, 04:24:24 PM »
I really would not just go by what a few protesters interviewed on the news have said about there personaly plight. Corporations are not creating jobs, in fact they are outsourcing jobs physically and now preparing to outsource jobs virtually, like IBM does for their IT division. How this works is: any job that doesn require you to actually physically be in a desk will go to someone outside of the country at a lower cost. All they need is a high speed connection and attend daily meetings through WebEx. Corporations are moving to working on a skeletal staff, they are not planning on hiring more people, that is over. THe middle class is screwed. All the jobs will go out of America and the top eschelon execs will take all the profits paying foreigners pennies.

These people in the streets are important no matter how uneducated they are. This country was founded on the philosophy (due to Jesus and Issaac Newton) that all people are equal, rich or poor, and all people have a right to protest, to use reason and knowledge, to the best of their ability to come to their own conclusions about how they want their society to function. Then they vote on it. That is a democracy. And we are still the greatest country in the world.

All the great movements started out with the hippies and crazies at first but eventually the middle class followed suit. I was called a crazy when I protested for animal rights 20 years ago. Today hardly anyone disagrees that animals deserve humane treatment and science has progessed as they move away from the animal model. As I said before the leaders of the movement are probably some very smart people, who have not come forward yet. Wait to hear their point of view before you judge the movement.
All people ARE NOT equal.  This is a Scientific FACT.  All People do have the same rights however.

The True Adonis

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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #573 on: October 09, 2011, 04:39:35 PM »
The Ignorance here is just frightening!  She was RAISED to EXPECT MORE from her Country.  She already is milking Section 8 it seems while piling up debt in Graduate School.  Why are these people so horrible with finances? 

John F. Kennedy once said, "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country".  I guess thats all but forgotten.  :-\

I was raised to want more from my country. What are we supposed to do when voting is not enough? I am not a millionaire, I am a grad student living in low-income housing. Who is going to listen to me? I am the 99 percent.


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Re: Some of These "99 Percenters" are complete MORONS-Incredibly Stupid
« Reply #574 on: October 09, 2011, 04:44:02 PM »
still waiting for jack to post pics of all these ppl with business degrees that are part of the 99%