Author Topic: Brown University: Queer minority worshops to overcome attraction to white gays.  (Read 10322 times)

Roger Bacon

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How you keep your cool like ou do = respect.

Yeah, and my question/comment was pretty fucked up.


  • Getbig V
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Perhaps, it's due to a few centuries of white people, being held as the standard of all things beautiful?

Black people have undergone that for centuries. That's why black women get perms for their hair. Even dudes, back in day, got their hair "fired, dyed, and laid to the side". Heck, Al Sharpton sports that hairdo to this day.

If you've seen the movie "School Daze", you've seen the conflict between dark-skinned and light-skinned black women. I witnessed some of that first hand in college, having attended a historically-black college/university (HBCU) myself.

The reason Black women first started permanently straightening their hair, was NOT due to some subconscious desire to appear caucasian. It was because there were LAWS in place that made it ILLEGAL for Black women to show their natural hair in public. The practice continued because it was far easier to manage with the curl permanently relaxed. As a Black woman with a whole helluva lotta hair, I can assure you, if I didn't relax it, I would never be able to control it, unless I went for the crew cut, which will NOT be happening anytime soon, this lifetime or the next!  ;D

I also think that on certain subjects the all-encompassing "Black" moniker should be altered to 'African-Americans or even Black Americans, because alot of the baggage we see often uniquely affects American Blacks. We don't see much of any of it in Black communities outside of the USA.

Soul Crusher

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The reason Black women first started permanently straightening their hair, was NOT due to some subconscious desire to appear caucasian. It was because there were LAWS in place that made it ILLEGAL for Black women to show their natural hair in public. The practice continued because it was far easier to manage with the curl permanently relaxed. As a Black woman with a whole helluva lotta hair, I can assure you, if I didn't relax it, I would never be able to control it, unless I went for the crew cut, which will NOT be happening anytime soon, this lifetime or the next!  ;D

I also think that on certain subjects the all-encompassing "Black" moniker should be altered to 'African-Americans or even Black Americans, because alot of the baggage we see often uniquely affects American Blacks. We don't see much of any of it in Black communities outside of the USA.

When are you posting nudes?   ;D.


  • Getbig V
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Forgive me, but why are minorities so attracted to whites?  Why does this generally seem to be a one way street?

It's not ALWAYS a one-way street. I can assure you it does work both ways. ie: Robert Deniro / Kim Kardashian


  • Getbig V
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When are you posting nudes?   ;D.

Take a nude picture of yourself. I'll post it.  ;D

Soul Crusher

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Take a nude picture of yourself. I'll post it.  ;D

I already posted my pics - your turn.


  • Getbig V
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I already posted my pics - your turn.

You posted nude pics? ...and I already posted nudes in the other thread.


  • Getbig V
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Forgive me, but why are minorities so attracted to whites?  Why does this generally seem to be a one way street?
Ban minorities.


  • Getbig V
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Ban minorities.

I swear sometimes i just wanna put you over my knee, and spank your little bottom!  >:(


  • Getbig V
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I swear sometimes i just wanna put you over my knee, and spank your little bottom!  >:(
Ban punishments.

Soul Crusher

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You posted nude pics? ...and I already posted nudes in the other thread.

I posted pics from shows i did.    your turn. 


  • Getbig V
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I posted pics from shows i did.    your turn. 

Those pics you posted weren't nudes. 

I already posted 3 shades of nude lipstick for you to apply, ...then kiss my ass with.  >:(

Soul Crusher

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  • Getbig V
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The reason Black women first started permanently straightening their hair, was NOT due to some subconscious desire to appear caucasian. It was because there were LAWS in place that made it ILLEGAL for Black women to show their natural hair in public. The practice continued because it was far easier to manage with the curl permanently relaxed. As a Black woman with a whole helluva lotta hair, I can assure you, if I didn't relax it, I would never be able to control it, unless I went for the crew cut, which will NOT be happening anytime soon, this lifetime or the next!  ;D

I also think that on certain subjects the all-encompassing "Black" moniker should be altered to 'African-Americans or even Black Americans, because alot of the baggage we see often uniquely affects American Blacks. We don't see much of any of it in Black communities outside of the USA.

I must have missed some of those laws. And, apparently they didn't apply to black men.

As for this issue being almost exclusive to black people in America, I beg to differ on that one. In Jamaica and in certain countries in Africa, this issue is alive and well.

The influence of white standards of beauty was and is a factor as to black women's hair style. We could argue about the degree of influence. But, there's no question that such impacts the sisters and how they fix their hair.


  • Getbig V
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Forgive me, but why are minorities so attracted to whites?  Why does this generally seem to be a one way street?

Because they are self racists.


  • Getbig V
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I must have missed some of those laws. And, apparently they didn't apply to black men.

Clearly you did.

As for this issue being almost exclusive to black people in America, I beg to differ on that one. In Jamaica and in certain countries in Africa, this issue is alive and well.

The influence of white standards of beauty was and is a factor as to black women's hair style. We could argue about the degree of influence. But, there's no question that such impacts the sisters and how they fix their hair.

I wouldn't say this particular issue is exclusive to Black people in America, certainly it exists elsewhere with, as you said, different degrees of influence. I wasn't referring to this specific issue, but I have noticed over the years a certain generalization, that quite frankly annoys the heck out of me, that assumes all Black people are homogenous in their experience, attitudes, culture, and influences... When in reality, people are taking a uniquely "African American" experience or reality, ...or whatever you want to call it, ...and superimposing it on all Black people. It's bloody annoying.

As a Black man who is most often assumed to be a Democratic supporter, simply because he is Black, I'm sure you can understand where I'm coming from on this. It's ridiculous.

You're Black, so people in America assume you come from an impoverished, underprivileged background. Meanwhile, the Europeans assume you're rich, because the only Black people they've ever encountered are the wealthy ones who send their children to prestigious European Universities. It's crazy.


  • Getbig V
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Ban white fags

x 3
Ban greasy dago wops, and ban guilt ridden white men who feel that they are personally responsible for the enslavement of every black american throughout history.


  • Getbig V
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Clearly you did.

I wouldn't say this particular issue is exclusive to Black people in America, certainly it exists elsewhere with, as you said, different degrees of influence. I wasn't referring to this specific issue, but I have noticed over the years a certain generalization, that quite frankly annoys the heck out of me, that assumes all Black people are homogenous in their experience, attitudes, culture, and influences... When in reality, people are taking a uniquely "African American" experience or reality, ...or whatever you want to call it, ...and superimposing it on all Black people. It's bloody annoying.

As a Black man who is most often assumed to be a Democratic supporter, simply because he is Black, I'm sure you can understand where I'm coming from on this. It's ridiculous.


You're Black, so people in America assume you come from an impoverished, underprivileged background. Meanwhile, the Europeans assume you're rich, because the only Black people they've ever encountered are the wealthy ones who send their children to prestigious European Universities. It's crazy.

I see your point. I wouldn't say my background was impoverished. Sure, we had our times when were po'.

But, that wasn't a perpetual thing. My mother sacrificed a lot to keep me in private school for most of my childhood and teenage years.

It wasn't a fancy or ritzy private school, but a small Christian school with 40-50 students and 2-3 teachers (counting the principal, at times). At one point, we had one teacher, covering 1st-4th grade, a second doing 5th-8th grade, and the principal (who for a few years did 9th grade).


  • Getbig V
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Clearly you did.

I wouldn't say this particular issue is exclusive to Black people in America, certainly it exists elsewhere with, as you said, different degrees of influence. I wasn't referring to this specific issue, but I have noticed over the years a certain generalization, that quite frankly annoys the heck out of me, that assumes all Black people are homogenous in their experience, attitudes, culture, and influences... When in reality, people are taking a uniquely "African American" experience or reality, ...or whatever you want to call it, ...and superimposing it on all Black people. It's bloody annoying.

As a Black man who is most often assumed to be a Democratic supporter, simply because he is Black, I'm sure you can understand where I'm coming from on this. It's ridiculous.

You're Black, so people in America assume you come from an impoverished, underprivileged background. Meanwhile, the Europeans assume you're rich, because the only Black people they've ever encountered are the wealthy ones who send their children to prestigious European Universities. It's crazy.

AS further clarification, the insanity cuts all ways...

It's like people assuming Prince Charles who is white and comes from a very privileged background in London, has had the exact very same common experiences, attitudes, upbringing and desires as Charlie who grew up in the coal mines of Appalachia, ...just because they are both white.

Standards of beauty & desire differ from people to people, but those caught in the grip of western mind control media will often be attracted to what the prevalent memes put forth as a standard of beauty & desireability.

ie: I was chatting with a friend the other night who is building a home in the Philippines. He's a painter by trade who grew up in the Canadian arctic. He's traveled the world, and chose The Phillipines as his desired spot, so he somehow managed to get around a few laws, and bought a farm, and is building his dream house there. He works here for about 2 months of the year, which is enough to allow him to live the remaining 10 months in the philippines.  Anyway, the other night he was telling me that over there, when guys look at women they may find desireable, they look at the hands. If she paints her fingernails... they don't want her. Any woman over there with painted nails, is a woman who is automatically deemed to be LAZY in their eyes. A flawless manicure is the sign of a woman who doesn't work, and as such she's undesireable. The women over there don't even bother with manicures because they'll only chip after 5 mins, they paint their toe nails instead, but the hands are left bare. After spending so much time over there and getting so used to the customs, ...he still finds it hard to let go of those ideas when he comes back home to Canada. Wierd huh? He had this one Victoria's Secret model chasing after him for months on end, before he finally wised up and caught her, because he couldn't get past the fact that she was perfectly manicured. lol. 


  • Getbig V
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Interesting how it's always the libs, ramming gay mess throughout the media and academia, trying to normalize this stuff, only to whine when "fundies" call them on it.

I wonder why that is.

why does "gayness" occur in over a 100 species in the wild? Seems fairly ubiquitous to me, also, it is obvious anyone can suppress an urge or feeling.

Also, who are you to say what is normal? who cares if some people like men and some like woman you overvalue your importance perhaps because of your childhood indoctrination.


  • Getbig V
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why does "gayness" occur in over a 100 species in the wild? Seems fairly ubiquitous to me, also, it is obvious anyone can suppress an urge or feeling.

Also, who are you to say what is normal? who cares if some people like men and some like woman you overvalue your importance perhaps because of your childhood indoctrination.
ahhh the "it happens in nature" argument...

simply b/c something happens in nature as an abnormality does not make the behavior normal. Its normal that a very small % develop this ABNORMAL behavior.

We shouldnt be seeking to normalize this abnormal behavior as normal, Im not saying we should persecute this individuals but to hold it up as the same or equal to heterosexual relationships is what we should be doing.


  • Getbig V
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God apparently makes mistakes.  In his children and in nature.


  • Getbig V
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LOL so instead of calling this apex of liberalism and stupidity what it is you continue to deflect in approval.

Got it!!!


  • Getbig V
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why does "gayness" occur in over a 100 species in the wild? Seems fairly ubiquitous to me, also, it is obvious anyone can suppress an urge or feeling.

In nature, certain species eat their own excrement or kill their mates after sex. Should we mimick that behavior, too?

BTW, that's 100 species out of how many, 10,000? That's 1%.

100,000? That's 0.1%

1,000,000? That's 0.01%

Any way you slice it, that's abnormal at best and immoral at worst.

Also, who are you to say what is normal? who cares if some people like men and some like woman you overvalue your importance perhaps because of your childhood indoctrination.

Look who's talking. You and your ilk want to say that two dudes cornholing each other is "normal", simply because they "love" each other.

You overvalue YOUR importance, because of your adult indoctrination.


  • Getbig V
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LOL so instead of calling this apex of liberalism and stupidity what it is you continue to deflect in approval.

Got it!!!

EXACTLY!! None of our residence libs here have actually come to defend this foolishness at Brown University. They've ducked, dodged, and deflected from the central argument that I put forth, when I put up this thread.