Author Topic: bothersome left shoulder, body tilted to one side while doing pull-ups  (Read 18065 times)


  • Getbig I
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The injury started a month ago when I failed my last rep on inclined bench press.  I had to make my arm go over my head so that the barbell would hit my forehead.  I immediately knew I pulled/sprained the muscles on my left side:shoulder, biceps, triceps, rotator cuffs because there was no sharp pain (hence no muscle/tendon torn). 

Since then, I have been icing and massaging my shoulder and triceps regularly.  I do the rotator cuff exercises using rubber tubes every day.  I also took off 1 week from training. Now I am up to 70-80% my previous level in terms of bench press, bent-over row. 

But my left shoulder is still bothersome, especially after sitting still for long periods of time.  I feel fine once I start moving.  However, I cannot do pull-ups correctly unassisted.  If I try to do pull-ups, my body does not go straight up and down but instead tilts towards my right side.  I struggle to make my left arm/shoulder work to balance.  It seems my left biceps are not having any strength.     

I wonder if you can tell me what other muscle issues I am having and what I can do to rehab.  Thanks.


  • Getbig II
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Re: bothersome left shoulder, body tilted to one side while doing pull-ups
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2013, 08:27:33 AM »
I would assume nerve issue. Explains loss of strength, and now the imbalance in body mechanics. Also, is the pain in the trapezius area? Any winging of the scapula?


  • Getbig I
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Re: bothersome left shoulder, body tilted to one side while doing pull-ups
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2013, 08:10:47 AM »
Thanks for your input.  I don't have any pain in my traps.  I asked a friend to see if I have scapula winging but no.  So I wonder what is going on.  I can do assisted pull-ups, as long as my feet touching the bar assisting, I can do it without any weights to assist me.  I tried using cable machine for lat pulldowns one side at a time.  My left side (injured) cannot pull as much as my right side.  It is just frustrating that I cannot do regular pull ups.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: bothersome left shoulder, body tilted to one side while doing pull-ups
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2013, 09:30:22 AM »
Agree with HappyGorilla about the possible nerve damage. Which is probably due to a blockage of the nerve paths; weaker and less balanced on one side is usually the result. Doesn't always have to be in the trap area, though most often is. Can be the base of the skull/neck or the shoulder joint it's self. Even an out of inlined spine. If having a small knot/bump, anywhere along the shoulder/trap area, that may suggest a nerve blockage. To the extreme it could also be the start of  slight rupture.

What your doing for recovery is good and is a proven method for most people. If a lingering problem, that might suggest a deep tissue massage, by a professional. Sports massage or Rolfing come to mind. Acupuncture (or even acupressure to a lesser degree) has worked for many athletes, for many years. Or even a spinal/shoulder adjustment. Good Luck.


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Re: bothersome left shoulder, body tilted to one side while doing pull-ups
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2013, 02:17:49 AM »
Agree with HappyGorilla about the possible nerve damage. Which is probably due to a blockage of the nerve paths; weaker and less balanced on one side is usually the result. Doesn't always have to be in the trap area, though most often is. Can be the base of the skull/neck or the shoulder joint it's self. Even an out of inlined spine. If having a small knot/bump, anywhere along the shoulder/trap area, that may suggest a nerve blockage. To the extreme it could also be the start of  slight rupture.

What your doing for recovery is good and is a proven method for most people. If a lingering problem, that might suggest a deep tissue massage, by a professional. Sports massage or Rolfing come to mind. Acupuncture (or even acupressure to a lesser degree) has worked for many athletes, for many years. Or even a spinal/shoulder adjustment. Good Luck.
all this advice Dude and you look like shit :-\


  • Getbig IV
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Re: bothersome left shoulder, body tilted to one side while doing pull-ups
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2013, 09:26:13 AM »
Of course sexpert is Donald Smith  (donny) a major troll on GB to me and many others.

If ever seeing his picture  (all around now) he reminds one of a the little fat elf. Pity this foolish man, he desires attention but really needs mental help.


  • Getbig I
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  • Posts: 3
Re: bothersome left shoulder, body tilted to one side while doing pull-ups
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2013, 09:43:42 AM »
Thanks, jpm101 and HappyGorilla.  Actually I am getting better.  I could even do 10 reps of unassisted pullups yesterday.  My strength for bench presses is completely recovered.  I can do dumb bell/ bar bell bent over rows just like before.  However, I can still feel some lingering weakness and tingling on my left forearm.

Here is a photo of myself (attached).  I am very curious to know how this 'sexpert' looks like.


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Re: bothersome left shoulder, body tilted to one side while doing pull-ups
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2013, 11:45:09 AM »
Of course sexpert is Donald Smith  (donny) a major troll on GB to me and many others.

If ever seeing his picture  (all around now) he reminds one of a the little fat elf. Pity this foolish man, he desires attention but really needs mental help.
jpm101 dude this is you. you posted this on