Author Topic: White HOUSE: "Youre going to want to watch this speech" MAJOR POLICY ADDRESS WED  (Read 2630 times)

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For the first time since 2004 (when he decided he was going to run for POTUS and gave his big keynote speech).

Well, today, on, there is a hype video for a speech the President will give on Wednesday at 1pm.  Trying ot get people fired up.   LInk to watch the speech.  Link on twitter too.

WTF is so important that, for the first time in 9 years, they want EVERYONE to watch this speech?  He has a policy speech scheduled.  Something is causing them to hype this spcceh.

"Where we need to go from here, how we need to put the phony debates behind us, get back to basics".


So, will this be more stupid shit about his normal stuff?  Will it be the stand-your-ground trayvon justice bill that I've been ranting about?  The new push for obamacare popularity?  More race bullshit?  

Even NBC news has no clue what it'll be.  FOX has no clue, not at all.  

So what's the big f'ing deal?   Get your prediction in now :)


  • Getbig IV
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Obamacare will now cover tampon earrings.  


  • Getbig V
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Isn't he doing a string of economic speeches this week?

Or maybe he's firing the first volley in the looming debt ceiling battle?

Maybe he realizes that the Dems will lose the Senate in 2014 so he will begin signaling his willingness to work with the Republicans on entitlements?


  • Getbig V
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Shit, who am I kidding? Those things listed above would actually be substantive and require actual competence and leadership....

It the speech is going to be on guns, race or something similar. He has to start riling up the base, stirring the racial pot and further distract voters from the IRS, NSA, and the shitty economy.

Soul Crusher

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Speculation is that Obama is going to pick larry summers for new Fed Chairman

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Speculation is that Obama is going to pick larry summers for new Fed Chairman

well that's boring.  I was hoping it'd be something exciting like the aforementioned tampon earrings :)  that was awesome


  • Getbig V
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Speculation is that Obama is going to pick larry summers for new Fed Chairman

Great, another inside guy that works for the banks.

If you look closely you will see his fingerprints all over this economic calamity.


  • Getbig V
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Whoopdeefuckingdoo, he's "pivoting back" to the economy for the umpteenth time. Probably has a good idea just how ATROCIOUS Q2's GDP number is shaping up to be so he's trying to damage control early.

Economic recovery LOLOLOLOLOL!

Soul Crusher

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Whoopdeefuckingdoo, he's "pivoting back" to the economy for the umpteenth time. Probably has a good idea just how ATROCIOUS Q2's GDP number is shaping up to be so he's trying to damage control early.

Economic recovery LOLOLOLOLOL!

ObamaCare single handidly destroyed and will continue to destroy any possibility of recovery. 


  • Getbig V
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ObamaCare single handidly destroyed and will continue to destroy any possibility of recovery. 

That's a good guess, Fury. U.E. is still close to 8% and the economy is still in the crapper unless you're rich....but his economic record is dismal, why would he want to draw more attention to the poor state of the economy? If he does pivot back and fire up the laser for jobs I think he will cook up another stimulus giveaway to buy more votes for 2014.

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  • Getbig V
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i'm watching espn.   yall let me know if I miss anything good.


  • Getbig V
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i'm watching espn.   yall let me know if I miss anything good.

You missed Obama pretending that our shit economy has nothing to do with him....again. 

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  • Getbig V
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You missed Obama pretending that our shit economy has nothing to do with him....again. 

the rising DOW has nothing to do with him.


  • Getbig V
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the rising DOW has nothing to do with him.

Should I be surprised that you're implying that good stock market performance = good economy?

Fucking retard. Comical that you have an MBA.

Soul Crusher

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Should I be surprised that you're implying that good stock market performance = good economy?

Fucking retard. Comical that you have an MBA.

Obama has to be the biggest joke ever. 

After trashing people in public for 5 years straight - he wonder why people wont work with him?  worst leadership qualities I have ever seen, EVER


  • Getbig V
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the rising DOW has nothing to do with him.

The rising DOW is a direct result of the Fed continuing to artificially pump money into the system.  Of course that can not be sustained.  As soon as that "free money" runs out it's going to tank.  Please don't pretend that this stock bubble is an indication of a strong economy.


  • Getbig V
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The rising DOW is a direct result of the Fed continuing to artificially pump money into the system.  Of course that can not be sustained.  As soon as that "free money" runs out it's going to tank.  Please don't pretend that this stock bubble is an indication of a strong economy.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said exactly that.


  • Getbig V
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Obama has to be the biggest joke ever. 

After trashing people in public for 5 years straight - he wonder why people wont work with him?  worst leadership qualities I have ever seen, EVER

EVER is a bit too much. Although he's near the top.

Soul Crusher

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EVER is a bit too much. Although he's near the top.

To me - I try to boil this down to real life. 

If I need a few of my friends or office suite mates to help me w something - usually you lay the groundwork for awhile of mutual trust and respect.  You do a few favors for them and build up some good will.  You don't trash them and shit on them and ask for said favor and then complain when they turn a cold shoulder to you.

This is so basic and elementary its almost comical how after 6 years Obama has not figured this out. 


  • Getbig V
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A few years ago everybody sort of agreed that Obama was at the very least a great politician and could give great speeches. Yeah well he sucks as a politician. He's an over his head community organizer who can't do a friggen thing. He knows full well that he has to get republican buy in to get anything done now and that he risks loosing the senate. Yet he just can't bring himself to try and find common ground. He doesn't realize that compromise involves giving your enemy something, maybe as much as 50% of what they want, to get the things you want. So he paints the Repubs as shit barry they don't agree with you on anything and you badmouth them as well. I just wish Issa and the rest would just plainly call him out. The time for civility has long past.  The leftist drivel from Salon and the Daily beast has gotten more frantic as the scandals mount and the economy continues its rollorcoaster. When we raise its the false monetary pumping of the fed and when we fall...its the reality of where we are.

The True Adonis

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A few years ago everybody sort of agreed that Obama was at the very least a great politician and could give great speeches. Yeah well he sucks as a politician. He's an over his head community organizer who can't do a friggen thing. He knows full well that he has to get republican buy in to get anything done now and that he risks loosing the senate. Yet he just can't bring himself to try and find common ground. He doesn't realize that compromise involves giving your enemy something, maybe as much as 50% of what they want, to get the things you want. So he paints the Repubs as shit barry they don't agree with you on anything and you badmouth them as well. I just wish Issa and the rest would just plainly call him out. The time for civility has long past.  The leftist drivel from Salon and the Daily beast has gotten more frantic as the scandals mount and the economy continues its rollorcoaster. When we raise its the false monetary pumping of the fed and when we fall...its the reality of where we are.
Obama has been the great compromiser since day one and that has been his number one problem. 

Straw Man

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Obama has been the great compromiser since day one and that has been his number one problem. 

yet when you talk to Repubs they say he never compromises on anything and some of them even think he is a dictator

Soul Crusher

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yet when you talk to Repubs they say he never compromises on anything and some of them even think he is a dictator

What has he compromised on?  Name one thing whatsoever.  He goes out and trashed the GOP day after day and then complains that they hate him.  How utterly ridiculous is that?  Piss poor leadership. 

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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What has he compromised on?  Name one thing whatsoever.  He goes out and trashed the GOP day after day and then complains that they hate him.  How utterly ridiculous is that?  Piss poor leadership. 
Healthcare.  Obamacare is a Republican plan, championed by Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich once upon a time, enacted by Mitt Romney on a state level and puts Private Companies in the drivers seat for decades to come unless its repealed or replaced.  Its really a Republican`s wet dream, but somehow they have seem to forgotten that along the way.  ;)