Author Topic: Mike Wolfe Q and A  (Read 17019 times)


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2009, 04:51:18 PM »
The Elite guys are all good guys. I only know Dave via the internet switching diet stuff back and forth. And Jim I have met on a few occasions at meets we did once discuss some diet stuff but for the most part it was just hey have a good one see ya type stuff.

There programs are great and there seminars are VERy informative, well worth the money spent to go. I have not ever trained at Elite but was spose to go over there a couple months back for an underground bench meet with some Westside guys but ended up not being able to make it that day.


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2009, 04:54:31 PM »
The Elite guys are all good guys. I only know Dave via the internet switching diet stuff back and forth. And Jim I have met on a few occasions at meets we did once discuss some diet stuff but for the most part it was just hey have a good one see ya type stuff.

There programs are great and there seminars are VERy informative, well worth the money spent to go. I have not ever trained at Elite but was spose to go over there a couple months back for an underground bench meet with some Westside guys but ended up not being able to make it that day.
yeah from watching those clips they seem to have a lot of fun and not take themselves too seriously, they throw around some SERIOUS iron around there though.


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2009, 07:41:50 PM »
Hey Mike, this is a great idea for a thread!

As regards raw benching what do you recommend?

Also, as an aside, can you recommend anything for improving overhead pressing?

Bump for an answer please?  :)


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2009, 07:43:07 PM »
Have you had any major injuries that made you think... that you may need to switch hobbies? Having torn 2 biceps deadlifting im thinking of taking up benching now. I have 2 buddies (dave and kyle gulledge) giving me advice, what would you recommend for someone just getting into competitive benching?


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2009, 10:06:37 PM »
Whats a typical work out week look like for you?

I am doing my first show here soon, just to get my feet wet essentially. any suggestions/tips on a work out plan for powerlifting. the next show i plan on doing isn't till december so I will have 9 months to train for all 3 lifts. I am a beginner in powerlifting but i have been in lifting for a couple years.

any tips about raw benching you might have would also be welcomed. the trick is i do not have a work out partner, and the gym i go to 225 on the bench is pretty close to god like, so i don't trust random spotting.



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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2009, 05:11:27 PM »
Bump for an answer please?  :)

Sorry I totally missed this one!!!

Raw workouts I'm gonna layout EXACTLY what i'm doing getting ready for this next contest raw. The big thing with Raw is that you have to rememeber that you need to be strong on the lowend as well as on the high end. As to where when using a Shirt
 you get a good solid pop of the bottom so being lowend strong is important but the shirt helps tremendously out of the hole. Raw there is no pop out of the hole from a tight shirt.

So here is my 3 week conjugate layout getting ready for this contest.

Week 1 ~

ME Day ~

Full Range Triples ~ work up til you miss 3
Floor Presses ~  3-4 sets of heavy singles
Heavy Tricep movement ~ varies on how I feel

DE Day ~
Illegally Wide Bench Press ~ 6 sets of 6 to 8 reps
Incline DB's ~ 3-4 sets
Heavy Tricep movement ~ varies

Week 2 ~

ME Day ~
Barbell Inclines ~ Work upto Heavy Single
Flat DB's ~ 3-4 sets
Heavy Tricep movement

DE Day ~ The Same

Week 3 ~

ME Day ~
Cambered Bar Press off 2 or 3 board ~ Work to Heavy Single
(we use 3 board takes us 1 1/4 inch below parallell so it depends on camber of bar)
3 or 4 Board Close Grip Barbell Press ~ 4 sets
Heavy Tricep movement

DE Day ~ Same

Week 4 ~ start back at week 1

I'm running for a short 12 weeks cycle will prolly each movement 3 times then spend the last few weeks working with my commands and all singles.

What kind of overhead work are you doing?


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2009, 05:19:16 PM »
Have you had any major injuries that made you think... that you may need to switch hobbies? Having torn 2 biceps deadlifting im thinking of taking up benching now. I have 2 buddies (dave and kyle gulledge) giving me advice, what would you recommend for someone just getting into competitive benching?

Knock on Wood I have never had any Major injuries so far in the 17 yrs I've been training. I have had some small stuff and plenty of sore joints and aches and pains. But never anything needing to be surgically repaired and what not. So to answer that "Nope" even if I would prolly still stay with what I loved.

As for getting into competitve benching I would first find a good solid set of training partners which it sounds like you have. And then just start seeking as much knowledge about the sport as possible. As for training it will always be hit or miss with the different styles and methods. What works for me may not work for someone else. If it dont work toss it BUT make sure you give it adaquete enuf time to see if it is gonna work or not. But sometimes you can just tell if it is not gonna work.

Are you going Raw or Shirted? That will also make a diference in your training. Shirted training and Raw training are two totally different ways of training. You hve to focus alot on everything with Raw as to with Shirted that shirt heps out alot coming out of the hole. And with the shirt you will need to learn the technique of the shirt also.

So there are plenty of things to take a look at I can help set you up on a training regimin if you wish?



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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #32 on: January 29, 2009, 05:23:32 PM »
Whats a typical work out week look like for you?

I am doing my first show here soon, just to get my feet wet essentially. any suggestions/tips on a work out plan for powerlifting. the next show i plan on doing isn't till december so I will have 9 months to train for all 3 lifts. I am a beginner in powerlifting but i have been in lifting for a couple years.

any tips about raw benching you might have would also be welcomed. the trick is i do not have a work out partner, and the gym i go to 225 on the bench is pretty close to god like, so i don't trust random spotting.


Take a look at the Raw layout i just did for the guy above and see if it is something that might wirk fo you. With you doing all 3 lifts you might have to add some Back and Shoulder work to the mix on these days also. I'm not a Squatter or a Deadlifter so I cannot even try and attempt to give you any real good advice on those other then to seek out a good solid program for them. My best advice there would be to go to and take a look at some of Lou's articles and training regimins there.

As for the spotting, you need to find a crew that you trust. Friends? Anyone else in the area train for PL/Bench? I would do a search for powerlifting gyms in your area. You can go to m and they have a whole slew of them broke down by states on there.



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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #33 on: January 29, 2009, 06:19:13 PM »
Knock on Wood I have never had any Major injuries so far in the 17 yrs I've been training. I have had some small stuff and plenty of sore joints and aches and pains. But never anything needing to be surgically repaired and what not. So to answer that "Nope" even if I would prolly still stay with what I loved.

As for getting into competitve benching I would first find a good solid set of training partners which it sounds like you have. And then just start seeking as much knowledge about the sport as possible. As for training it will always be hit or miss with the different styles and methods. What works for me may not work for someone else. If it dont work toss it BUT make sure you give it adaquete enuf time to see if it is gonna work or not. But sometimes you can just tell if it is not gonna work.

Are you going Raw or Shirted? That will also make a diference in your training. Shirted training and Raw training are two totally different ways of training. You hve to focus alot on everything with Raw as to with Shirted that shirt heps out alot coming out of the hole. And with the shirt you will need to learn the technique of the shirt also.

So there are plenty of things to take a look at I can help set you up on a training regimin if you wish?


hey thanks a lot for the reply. I think ill like to go with the shirt, ive heard there is a smaller chance of getting hurt.


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #34 on: January 30, 2009, 09:34:05 PM »
Knock on Wood I have never had any Major injuries so far in the 17 yrs I've been training. I have had some small stuff and plenty of sore joints and aches and pains. But never anything needing to be surgically repaired and what not. So to answer that "Nope" even if I would prolly still stay with what I loved.

As for getting into competitve benching I would first find a good solid set of training partners which it sounds like you have. And then just start seeking as much knowledge about the sport as possible. As for training it will always be hit or miss with the different styles and methods. What works for me may not work for someone else. If it dont work toss it BUT make sure you give it adaquete enuf time to see if it is gonna work or not. But sometimes you can just tell if it is not gonna work.

Are you going Raw or Shirted? That will also make a diference in your training. Shirted training and Raw training are two totally different ways of training. You hve to focus alot on everything with Raw as to with Shirted that shirt heps out alot coming out of the hole. And with the shirt you will need to learn the technique of the shirt also.

So there are plenty of things to take a look at I can help set you up on a training regimin if you wish?


Hi Mike
Do you have any suggestions for healing sore elbows? I feel they're holding me back in benching and overhead presses  :-\
Any replies will be appreciated  :)


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2009, 03:23:51 AM »
Hi Mike
Do you have any suggestions for healing sore elbows? I feel they're holding me back in benching and overhead presses  :-\
Any replies will be appreciated  :)

How sore are we talking? If it is just a minor pain that inflames enuf to nag at ya I suggest Ice and Ibuprofen. If it is a consistent but mild pain that just occasionally makes you uncomfortable I would look into some kind of over the counter Joint Complex of some type. GLC2000 is pretty good stuff or just about any kind of name brand Glucosamine/Chondrotin product might help. If it is sever pain Go to the Doctor!!!

Now if you are looking for a good temporary relief product to help get you through your heavy workouts I HIGHLY recommend "Absorbine Veterinary Liniment Gel" this stuff is BADASS we use tons of it at Westside and I carry a bottle in my gym bag at all times. The stuff smells like Spearmint so you dont smell like a walking medicine cabinet either.

You can purchase the stuff at your local "Tractor Supply Company(TSC)" or at "Farm and Fleet" if neither of them have it you can get it online at it is the one with the Brown horse on it. Yes it is for horses but yes you can use it. Dr Gott who writes a medical column for newspapares highly recommends it. The guy at TSC told me whenever Dr gott writes an article on it they get tons of old fuckers out there with arthritis and they buy up his whole stock of it.

I swear by this stuff and I rub a petty good amount into my shoulders and elbows every time before I bench. Give it about 5 minutes to warmup and any small aches and pains you are having will be gone for a bit.

Hope this helps!!!


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2009, 05:40:57 AM »
Hey Mike,

I have the following problem: I'm stronger in close grip benches(elbows in) than in wide grip benches(elbows out). Isn't it true that your wide grip bench is supposed to be stronger?
And what can I do to fix this? My close grip benches give me the idea that I have the potential to gain a lot on my regular bench if I "fix" what I'm doing wrong.

I hope you can understand my crappy english.

Thanks, MT.


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2009, 08:06:16 AM »
Hey Mike,

I have the following problem: I'm stronger in close grip benches(elbows in) than in wide grip benches(elbows out). Isn't it true that your wide grip bench is supposed to be stronger?
And what can I do to fix this? My close grip benches give me the idea that I have the potential to gain a lot on my regular bench if I "fix" what I'm doing wrong.

I hope you can understand my crappy english.

Thanks, MT.

Just a quick idea to try would be to try and not flare your elbows out so much with a wider grip. You said elbows in on close and elbows out on wide. Try and tuck a little more on the wides. I would shoot for the arms at more of a 45 degree angle to the body and hit the bar just above the sternum. This is my raw groove and I seem toget the most out of it.

I would also hit more direct pec work/lowend type work. I would incorporate barbell inclines and flat DB presses to the mix. As well as illegally wide benches(hands past rings) These will be harder so go lighter and then work upto sets of 6 reps. I do these on my DE day and they are helping.



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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2009, 08:38:33 AM »
Sorry I totally missed this one!!!

Raw workouts I'm gonna layout EXACTLY what i'm doing getting ready for this next contest raw. The big thing with Raw is that you have to rememeber that you need to be strong on the lowend as well as on the high end. As to where when using a Shirt
 you get a good solid pop of the bottom so being lowend strong is important but the shirt helps tremendously out of the hole. Raw there is no pop out of the hole from a tight shirt.

So here is my 3 week conjugate layout getting ready for this contest.

Week 1 ~

ME Day ~

Full Range Triples ~ work up til you miss 3
Floor Presses ~  3-4 sets of heavy singles
Heavy Tricep movement ~ varies on how I feel

DE Day ~
Illegally Wide Bench Press ~ 6 sets of 6 to 8 reps
Incline DB's ~ 3-4 sets
Heavy Tricep movement ~ varies

Week 2 ~

ME Day ~
Barbell Inclines ~ Work upto Heavy Single
Flat DB's ~ 3-4 sets
Heavy Tricep movement

DE Day ~ The Same

Week 3 ~

ME Day ~
Cambered Bar Press off 2 or 3 board ~ Work to Heavy Single
(we use 3 board takes us 1 1/4 inch below parallell so it depends on camber of bar)
3 or 4 Board Close Grip Barbell Press ~ 4 sets
Heavy Tricep movement

DE Day ~ Same

Week 4 ~ start back at week 1

I'm running for a short 12 weeks cycle will prolly each movement 3 times then spend the last few weeks working with my commands and all singles.

What kind of overhead work are you doing?

Nice, thanks!

I'm just doing some power jerks and standing db military press. Prior to this it was really just standing overhead barbell pressing.


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2009, 01:44:01 AM »
Just a quick idea to try would be to try and not flare your elbows out so much with a wider grip. You said elbows in on close and elbows out on wide. Try and tuck a little more on the wides. I would shoot for the arms at more of a 45 degree angle to the body and hit the bar just above the sternum. This is my raw groove and I seem toget the most out of it.

I would also hit more direct pec work/lowend type work. I would incorporate barbell inclines and flat DB presses to the mix. As well as illegally wide benches(hands past rings) These will be harder so go lighter and then work upto sets of 6 reps. I do these on my DE day and they are helping.


Thank you very much!


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2009, 10:00:17 PM »
Take a look at the Raw layout i just did for the guy above and see if it is something that might wirk fo you. With you doing all 3 lifts you might have to add some Back and Shoulder work to the mix on these days also. I'm not a Squatter or a Deadlifter so I cannot even try and attempt to give you any real good advice on those other then to seek out a good solid program for them. My best advice there would be to go to and take a look at some of Lou's articles and training regimins there.

As for the spotting, you need to find a crew that you trust. Friends? Anyone else in the area train for PL/Bench? I would do a search for powerlifting gyms in your area. You can go to m and they have a whole slew of them broke down by states on there.


i am looking through the articles, all of it is super usefull, i just have to work it into my training.

no friends that are into the weights, at least not anymore. i will be working out in a new gym starting june when i move so hopefully i will find a crew there.


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2009, 04:36:22 AM »



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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2009, 08:09:19 PM »

Thanks Dear!!!

I hit 284 today 9 more pounds to go and I'll be a 275er :)


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2009, 11:01:52 PM »
Thanks Dear!!!

I hit 284 today 9 more pounds to go and I'll be a 275er :)

WOW!!! It seems like only yesterday you were 400+lbs. Great work! Its always impressive to see someone take off that much weight and retain so much strength.

What would be some tips you have for people who want to lose a significant amount of weight and retain strength? Significant meaning over 35lbs. Need to drop about 30 myself. :-\


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #44 on: February 07, 2009, 06:38:35 PM »

Damn straight you are!   :-*

Mike, what kind of changes in your strength have you seen as you have lost weight?

Similar to Lift's question above, I am bumping my last question too.  :)



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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2009, 03:42:04 PM »

Similar to Lift's question above, I am bumping my last question too.  :)

Since I'm a gentleman I'll go ladies first :)

I am def not as strong as I was at 420 BUT the big thing I have to remember is that 1 I am pushing the bar a considerable amount further and 2 everything I do at this weight is a personal record for me.

As far as changes everything has changed I am still very very strong on the top end but it is my lowend coming out of the hole where I'm struggling. If I can get it about 3 inches off my chest it is going up. All my leverages have changed I do no have the Heaving power I did at 420.

At 420 I could rely alot on my overall size and being a brute and just muscling it through. Well now that my leverages have changed and the distance I push has increased I have had to re-evaluate my training style. Hell even going from 340-350's to now has totally changed everything.

I am more apt now to do lowend rep work to strengthen me in the hole and I even go as far as going below chest level with work on the bow bar and the cambered bars. The good thing to it is that my pecs and even front delts are getting HUGE from all the direct pec work now.

It is a whole new ballgame for me now with being Raw and considerable lighter then the last time I competed. if I come into this meet at 271 or less that will be 100 pounds I lost in less then a years time (11months) When I did this meet back in April of 08 I was 371. I went from 320 in Feb to 371 in the end of April. You all wanna talk about a bloat Hahahahaha :) 


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #46 on: February 08, 2009, 03:46:48 PM »
WOW!!! It seems like only yesterday you were 400+lbs. Great work! Its always impressive to see someone take off that much weight and retain so much strength.

What would be some tips you have for people who want to lose a significant amount of weight and retain strength? Significant meaning over 35lbs. Need to drop about 30 myself. :-\

The biggest thing is to make sure you consume PLENTY of good foods!!! You have to eat and get plenty of good high quality protein in you. Dont get me wrong I have lost alot but what I have kept is doing me real well at this weight class.

As far as training goes keep doing what works for you. When it quits working find something else that works. A big thing with dropping is you are gonna be looking at different leverage points. As I stated above my training has totally changed, like I said what I was doing worked, but it quit working so I had to start all over and find what works now.

I think I have found what is working but only time will tell. So to straight up answer your question EAT clean to lose the weight but EAT enuf to still gain/retain muscle. And with training it is all gonna be on how it feels. What worked at 420 will not work for me now.


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #47 on: February 08, 2009, 04:04:55 PM »
Good advice. Its hard to eat that much protein (even with shakes) and thats what Im going to have to work on. An eating schedule is what worked best for me in the past. I had it set to where I ate every 2.5 hours and it was all protein mostly. Its just hard choking it down sometimes.

Thanks Mike!


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #48 on: February 16, 2009, 01:15:02 AM »
Mike how do my max effort exercises look: week 1 close grip incline(index on smooth), week 2 floor press(thumb from smooth),week 3 close grip bench (index on smooth) and week 4 bench(index on rings) and repeat cycle over? I don't have access to chains or bands. After ME work I plan to do 40 or more total reps for tris with a BB and about the same with DBS. I also plan to hit some form of shoulder press on this day also. On DE I plan to do either 55 or 60% or my max for speed or ultra wide bench outside the power rings for max 5 or 6 reps. I will also do rear delts and side delts along with triceps again. Maybe you can answer this thanks in advance.


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Re: Mike Wolfe Q and A
« Reply #49 on: May 04, 2009, 12:37:49 PM »
Hey Mike, just back on the boards after a layoff due to sport commitments (rugby)....great thread, everyone can learn alot form you, and gotta say im impressed you answer so many!!

Im just getting back on the bulk train bro, and wanna get back into the powerlifting stuff i was doing before rugby took over (and i had to go to more sports specific training)....problem is iv damaged a disc in my lower back, and even thogh it was few weeks ago im still getting some pain!! I cant go heavy on deads or squats for a while, and gonna find out from physio if i can start back on front squats in week or 2.
Do you personally think that i can still hit a good powerlifting routine with max/de days on both upper and lower body without heavy back squats and deadlifting?

And do you think that normal Max/DE days for upper and lower body is a good way to set up a good powerlifting bulking routine?
If you dont think it can happen, il have to jump back on DC like i used once before.

Awesome weight loss you'l be running triathalons heehee.

It isn't the mountains ah