Author Topic: Silence of the lambs...  (Read 53059 times)


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2011, 10:31:31 PM »
Just finished watching this movie again and there is a whole hell of a lot I forgot about this movie and a whole hell of a lot I learned.

Here are the answers to two of the questions asked to get this started. The twirling wind vane with the butterflies represents the MONARCH PROJECT Note also that there are butterflies named Monarch of which the program/project was named after . Once again the butterfly indicates what is really at work in this scene of the movie.

The butterfly is the Monarch Project's "mascot/identifier". The fact that there are two butterflies on one side: one yellow and one white means they are dealing with the two levels of consciousness. White being the conscious mind that a person has control over and yellow the subconscious mind which is the greater mind that a person does not have control over. On the other side is one big yellow butterfly. As the vane twirls it informs the viewer that Monarch Project's goal is, just like a hypnotist using a twirling watch on a string to subdue a person's conscious mind, to allow access to their subconscious mind where they can manipulate it and transform the person into someone who they are not. Once transformed (remember this word) the new person/subconscious mind is represented by the bigger yellow butterfly.


First off Silence Of The Lambs is NOT a movie about a random serial killer, but rather Hannibal is a mind control experiment created and used by the government to be the prototype of how to make an IDEAL soldier/assassin/mercinary who will not only kill without any emotional attachment, but will also be highly intelligent in manipulating his "enemy" in a subversive and intellectual manner.

At the beginning of the film Clarrise is seen running around FBI headquarters in Langley Virginia. Notice on a tree she passes it says PAIN, HURT, AGONY...LOVE IT. Essentially this part is telling you the FBIs method of operation particularly of getting information out of people (renditioning, kidnapping, torture etc) involves a sadomasochistic mindset and they love this methodology. Underneath the PAIN, AGONY, HURT signs is another washed out sign that says PRIDE. Being washed out means there may have been a time when the FBI operated honestly and had dignity now it is debased and therefore this washed out sign represents that change .

As the movie moves on you then see Clarrise on her way to meet Crawford and she encounters a female on a staircase and they exchange a particular handshake similar to but not quite a high five (remember that). Clarrise is then seen running past a room full of people wearing Blue Shirts...these people represent ex-army members who are devoted to to defend conservative interests and to halt what they perceived as an emerging threat coming from their political opponents (read about it HERE .You then get to the scene where Clarrise enters an elevator with a bunch of men all wearing RED SHIRTS. RED SHIRT was the name of a paramilitary group in the US that operated as the strong arm for the democrats by disrupting political rallies(provocateurs), by assassinating leaders and suppressing voting at the polls of republicans (read about it Here.  Notice that the blue shirts are all handling guns and military firearms...the RED SHIRTS had no weapons.

Clarrise then exists the elevator and the camera pans to a sign on the wall that says BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES SERVICES... informing the viewer that this is a place where people are mentally trained/indoctrinated/programmed/researched.... can you say MKULTRA, MONARCH, MONTAUK, DARPA, PHOENIX PROJECT etc etc. Also notice as she walks down the hall a man and a woman standing in front of a copy machine make a unusual hand sign that is the same as the one Clarrise made with the other woman on the stairs...again similar to a high five except their hands are clenched like Illuminati/secret society reference for sure.

As Clarisse turns corners she meets a Black man who asks if she is looking for Crawford? On the blackboard in his office is a message saying BLUE EYED BOY NOW. There is/was a real person named Jane Elliot who ran a program called BLUE EYED and its purpose was to train people on how to psychologically destroy individual people, races, religions and whole nations by capitalizing on minute issues like hair color, eye color, religious differences, cultural differences, regions, anything personal that can show even the slightest differences are used to set nations/people at war with themselves. Clarrise receives a warning from Crawford about NOT letting Hannibal get into her mind by revealing anything personal about herself to him.... essentially warning Clarrise that Hannibal can destroy her with mental games as the Blue Eyed program does.

Clarrise then makes her way to Crawford's office where she sees practically an entire wall covered with pictures of the victims of Hannibal's handiwork (killed skinned victims). This in not something displayed for the sake of investigators to see, but rather displayed so the FBI top brass can see how their "experiment": Hannibal, is performing in regards to being that trained heartless/emotionless/intelligent assassin. Crawford begins telling Clarisse of how he remembered her from his lectures at the University of Virginia (a obvious play on Virginia Tech where MKULTRA operates out of) in his class about Herbert Hoover. Hoover was the US president who created the FBI which whole intent was to spy on american citizens and groups the US government deemed SUBVERSIVE: Civil Rights groups and leaders, feminist groups, jewish groups, racial groups, church/religious groups etc etc and break then up through subversive moves, "plants", provocateurs and false flag scenarios and blame.

Crawford then goes on to question Clarrise about dealing with the "serial killers" they have in "custody" or should he have said 'assassins in training'. It is at this time he speaks of Hannibal and mentions he is a psychiatrist. Essentially he is saying he now needs someone to TEST this prototype to see if Hannibal performs on the intellectual level as well as they would like, now that he has been "trained".

Clarrise goes on to meet Dr Chilton who informs Clarrise that Hannibal is too smart for all the other investigators (remember Clarrise graduated Magna) and as he informs her of this, the two of them make their way down windowless corridors: (secret project), and finally to a gated room bathed in red light (red light meaning Clarrise is about to discover something ALARMING/DANGEROUS). Clarrise and Chilton remain in this glow of this red light for a while as Dr Chilton explains the capabilities of Hannibal and how he destroyed a nurse short of killing her. Clarrise then after meeting the head guard enters into and through a long windowless corridor: secret government program/no outside knowledge of, in what looks like a dungeon to reach Hannibal. As she passes each inmate or "trainee" each says or does something about/to her: One says "Hi" another says nothing but "Observes" her, another says "I can smell your 1cunt1" informing the viewer that each has been trained intensely in a specific area or field. Hannibal training is diverse and involves all the trainings of the others but he is intellectual where the others are not. Also notice how Hannibal "cell" is? It is not a jail cell with bars as the others are, he is behind a viewing window, showing once again he is a "experiment" being created and monitored like a lab rat and not a prisoner. Also note his stance...very butler-esque showing him to be refined and cultivated/cultured. Again Hannibal is to be seen as a highly intelligent assassin/mercinary/killer.

I will continue this tomorrow...this should be interesting and good by the time it is all over... STAY TUNED

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2011, 10:58:51 PM »
glad someone is having fun with this.  I'll just be honest and say that interpetation is 180 degrees from mine.  will be fun to see where you go lol...

Hannibal is a mind control experiment created and used by the government to be the prototype of how to make an IDEAL soldier/assassin

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2011, 11:22:45 PM »
Alright, another stab..... would the whole innocence thing be because Christ was often mentioned as a "lamb?"  And with butterflies being a "soul" it would represent an "innocent soul" of the "lambs" who were killed or "silenced?"  IE"  Silence of the lambs would be death of the innocents?

About the best i can do......need more booze..... ;D Such a good movie, I remember hearing there were tons of symbols as to the id/location of the killer, but it was way, way above my head....
you're going in the right direction for sure.  sorry I missed this post.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2011, 11:44:19 AM »

Samson, you're rushing through this and quickly interpreting things to be what you want them to be.  

Slow down a bit, you're missing very important things.

As one example, you noted 4 signs at the start of the movie.  There are actually 5 signs.  Every detail is important and this is important.  Notice the first 4 signs are: Hurt, Agony, Pain, Love-it which are actually at Quantico and the fifth is (PR I DE) PRIDE. The FIFTH sign spaced the THIRD letter from the others.  Notice that the FIFTH sign is DARK, SPECIFICALLY NOT CARED FOR!!! While the other 4 signs have been kept up and are readable.  Like they intentionally left the FIFTH uncared for or DIDN'T CARE ABOUT.  This is all important and will make sense with other elements of the movie.

You can't rush through this movie and spit out the answer tailored to what you want it to be.  There is an exact reason to everything in this movie and I will show that as I go along with this thread or rather hope that people start seeing what is here as I go along and point out things.  This movie has a puzzle in it; puzzles are fun to solve and sometimes puzzles take time...

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2011, 02:22:10 PM »
OK, part II to Jame Gumb's lair and this is a very important part.  

First a quick recap of Part I to Gumb's lair:
You clearly could see that he was surrounded with the red white and blue: in forms of color, in forms of American maps and in forms of American flags........... We also covered the fact that the filmmakers chose to put tattoos on Jame Gumb representing Christ, that being the star of Bethlehem on the hand and another tattoo representing the spear wound of Christ on his chest.  They followed with a final Christ on the crucifix pose by Gump.

Part II of Gumb's Lair
I've attached two pictures below.  The first picture is of Gumb's bed cover.  Take a look at that picture and I ask you, what does it symbolize in relation to the rest of what we've learned of Gumb's lair and Gumb‘s image?  Hint: "is in bed with..."

The second picture is a picture taken from the door leading into the room where Gumb nurtures his Death Head Moths.  The last picture is the actual WWII era poster.

Remember earlier in the movie, he places the moth "IN THE MOUTH OF HIS VICTIMS" --This is very symbolic of something!
At approx. 1:37:57 Gumb talks to the moths he IS PLACING IN THE MOUTHS OF HIS VICTIMS saying “So powerful, so beautiful”

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2011, 02:43:13 PM »
In case you're skeptical, I promise you, the set designers did not accidentally place these items.  You have the flag and GI Joe on the window sill, the flag above his desk, the map of America on his door, the WWII propaganda poster scolding America on the other door, the swastika blanket on his bed and the repetition of red white and blue throughout...  Trust me, it's intentional.... 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2011, 07:56:20 PM »
OK Here is the continuing explanation of THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS meaning. I made a few updates to the first post as I missed a couple of key images/points that are important. I posted them in red yesterday to separate them from what I have posted earlier. I will turn them black after I feel any and everyone has had a chance to read the updates.

OK here we go

Clarrise walks down the windowless dungeon of a corridor, again representing a secret government facility/laboratory, where she finds Hannibal standing very Butler-esque style, again representing refinement/intelligence. Hannibal then requests Clarrises credentials. Right away he is establishing her intelligence level and any potential intellectual difficulty he may have in dealing with her and getting into her mind just as a mercinary/spy/soldier would have to do in war or to obtain secrets. Hannibal then asks Clarrise what Migs (the name of the person in cell near his) said to her as she walked by, of which she replied "he said I can smell your 1cunt1". MIGS in the US military means Multi-source Intelligence Ground System...a reference to soldiers/mercinaries/assassins/"equipment" sent out to gather information on a subject/place/country etc...In this movie it refers to the other "trainees" in the "cells" that have gathered intel about Clarrise as she passed by. Hannibal then sniffs the air through the viewing pane informing Clarise that he knows she wears L'air Du Temps a French term meaning SIGN OF THE TIMES he then says to Clarrise that she uses Evian skin cream, but that she is not wearing it today..note that Evian is NAIVE spelled backwards and the fact he says not today, means CClarrise is now being made aware of the reality of the US government (remember this). Seems Hannibal is informing Clarrise she is naive about the sign of the times or naive about what is going on in her environment (Remember this also).

Hannibal has picked up on her amateurishness as he questions and stares at her intensely about who and why she was sent. After seeing her ID he notices Clarrises ID expires in a ID is more like permit which allows her/public to question or make demands of government which will be taken into consideration... if time permits. Remember the sign on the wall right before she entered the long dungeon like corridor to meet with said you must APPLY FOR A VISITORS PASS (and notice how the camera focused on that sign intently before panning away)...a visitors pass...same as you would need going into a government office to meet a politician.  Hannibal says she is not really an official FBI agent, but rather is still in training, meaning Clarrise represents the public/investigators who are questioning government activities.

Remember the BRAVE persona Clarrise presented to Crawford and Chilton when she first met each one of them saying she graduated from UVA and not a charm school...essentially saying she was ready to handle stressful/tough situations/government (so she thought) and here she was being intimidated by Hannibal after just a stare and a few questions...sort of like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz (she too was brave before meeting the wizard, but scared to death in his presence). This is symbolic of movements and groups who wish to confront government officials and after achieving that end realize how powerless they are against it...just like those Tea Party groups and their gun toting comrades were destroyed without having to engage military intervention.

Clarrise then asks about the drawings, to which Hannibal asks do you know about Duomo and the scene from Belvedere. There was the first clue that Hannibal knows about Buffalo Bill... representing governments knowledge of all serial killers/terrorist and  their tactics and locations and the killings (Remember this as the Columbine kids, Dahmer, Fort Hood, John Malvo, Muhammed etc etc will come into play in this explanation). Belvedere Ohio is where Bill and the woman he killed and weighed down, were from. Clarrise then ask "you drew all that detail from memory" and Hannibal says Memory is all I have instead of a view. Here Hannibal reveals he is a mind controlled experiment and he operates on the orders he has been given (MEMORY/PROGRAMMING) and has no view meaning he has no opinion, doesn't question what he is told and doesn't resist his orders..think Manchurian Candidate. It is at this point Clarrise asks for his OPINION on the Buffalo Bill case to which Hannibal refuses right off (showing his controlled mind and inability/resistance to questions or to offer opinions). Realizing the charm/tactic Clarrise was attempting to use was only to get him to help in revealing information on another mind controlled candidate: Buffalo Bill, while at the same time get him to reveal aspects of himself. Hannibal in turn reveals just how much he knows about her when he opens the flood gates of knowledge he has gathered on her from her childhood to her adult life. An interesting comment is made about serial killers keeping trophies of their victims to which Hannibal say he didn't keep trophies and Clarrise says you ate yours...meaning these mind controlled assassins/Manchurian Candidates do not leave evidence to be found in the present or future/cover their activities well.

Clarrise hands Hannibal a document with the title VICAP on its cover. VICAP is a program of the FBI where serial killers information is collected and analyzed and a profile of the person developed. Keep in mind Hannibal is a experiment that is being tested by Clarrise for intellectual alacrity and prowness. This VICAP document is a good representation of evidence gathering and profile creation a government will do on any one who begins to dig into its secrets....That person will be seen as a terrorist/threat to government and will be subject to VICAP... Patriot Act anyone?

I will continue this only gets better and more clear as I go


The Showstoppa

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #32 on: January 28, 2011, 01:54:28 PM »
Alright, I'll jump back in....

all the US and Nazi symbols being meshed together is the belief that during WWII certain factions in the US and Nazi's were "in bed with" each other.

The moth in the mouth is the relates to the Bible verse...."Indeed, the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart."  Also, a greek playwright coined the "The tongue is mightier than the blade" phrase in 400 BC.    This all relates to the military propoganda idea.

All for now, will check back later...


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #33 on: January 28, 2011, 06:51:02 PM »
OK Folks the show is about to begin. Always have your bucket of popcorn and a cup of soda ready before reading and only gets better and juicier as I go. Also I put links throughout the posts that I have made...please make sure you click on these links to read up on further information... IT IS VERY IMPORTANT IN UNDERSTANDING THE CHARACTERS, NAMES, PLACES etc in this story...

As Clarrise hands Hannibal the VICAP documents they begin discussing another "serial killer" by the name of Buffalo Bill. Looking into the real life Buffalo Bill one finds that he was AN AMERICAN SOLDIER. Once again the purpose in this character being given the name Buffalo Bill is to let the viewer know that this person is another mind controlled experiment under the control of the US military/programs of MKUltra, DARPA, Montauk Project, Monarch Project etc etc. It is at this point that Hannibal gives a commentary on Clarrise about her appearance. Hannibal's remark about her "cheap shoes", "good bag" and having "good nutrition which has given her some bone length" is reference to the fact that americans are beginning to become more than slaves, more than idiots who just go along with government they are becoming educated (hence the bag as in book bag/education) to their rights, laws, what government should be about. The cheap shoes references sneakers or comfortable foot wear needed to march on washington/government to make demands. The "good nutrition and bone length" comment is a play on stature and how government sees its citizens... just as one eats food you can also consume knowledge and/or become knowledgeable about the workings of the world/government and be perceived differently. The bone length remark is a suggestion that she/public can now stand taller and confront government as opposed to the normal stature government sees the masses as being crouched down/over or seen as diminutive/lesser. Hannibal's comment on her West Virginia accent is again a reference to being less intelligent, mindless, short sightedness as southern accents/drawls often conjure up. In short Hannibal is saying to Clarrise that she has become a little too educated, to forward and is becoming too big for her britches in her questioning of government. Clarrise returns commentary by saying to Hannibal he should look at his own over blown image of himself to see that he is no better than she. In short she is saying that government should see itself on par with the people it represents and not as something above the masses. In response Hannibal puts the VICAP documents in the slider tray and gives it back to her, meaning this VICAP program can just as quickly be used on you (Clarrise/public) if needs be. Hannibal then tells of his killing and eating of a census workers liver with a Chianti wine. Again a warning to Clarrise/public NOT TO EVER CHALLENGE GOVERNMENT LEST YOU DIE AND DISAPPEAR!!!... Dead and missing 911 witnesses anyone? Pat Tillman? 911 Truthers? etc

Hannibal then turns and says to Clarrise "you fly back to school" meaning she, representing the masses/public, has a lot more learning to do if she is going to challenge the government or its military.

At this point Clarrise picks up her bag and begins walking down the dungeon of a corridor to leave. In the cell next to Hannibal is a man masturbating: Migs... a clear reference to the mind controlled military soldiers/experiments/cops getting off on their perceived power their government has given them. Just as clarrise passes Migs (notice the fear on her face showing her/public fear of the new power of these mindbots) he throws his semen into her face... meaning this "perceived power" these mind controlled bots have is going to be exercised on the masses as a display of power, with the masses/public not being able to do anything about it (think of the police/military and how they treat demonstrators at gatherings where they vocalize their demands on government or such things as G8 or G20 meeting). Cops and military instantly become drunk/overwhelmed/infatuated with their "power" so much so that they abuse and terrorize the demonstrators in particular the innocent ones of a society.

At this point as Clarrise begins wiping the semen from her face, meaning coming to grips with the reality of the new brutal police state and its abuses... all of the other "inmates/experiments" begin going wild... meaning going wild and/or out of control over their government given "power"... once again I can reference the G20 and G8 meetings where the police attacked and even killed without provocation.

One inmate/experiment begins screaming HANNIBAL THE CANNIBAL, HANNIBAL THE CANNIBAL as Clarrise neared him, meaning Hannibal will be the prototype by which all other mindbots will be modeled. They will not be wild and aggressive in appearance as the other are, but will appear refined and articulate, but will kill and abuse on command when needed... think about the soldiers who killed Patrick Tillman...his fellow soldiers who lied and covered the killing up without remorse, yet outwardly they appeared as refined gentlemen and the best of soldiers.

As Clarrise tries to adjust to the out of control "inmates" Hannibal begins calling her back and says "I would never have had that happen, this discourteousness is unspeakably ugly to me" (referencing the semen thrown into her face) again Hannibal is showing his refinements and his method of operation would not be to openly attack/disrespect/kill etc but rather he would do it secretly leaving no evidence behind. This comment from Hannibal comes after Migs (remember what that means?) hurled the semen into the face of Clarrise. As Migs did that the "inmate " in the cell next to his called him a "stupid fuck". This line means don't abuse your government given power against the people/masses else you draw attention to them, with the 'THEM' meaning these government controlled/mindbots whose purpose is to spy on the masses and gather Intel on the masses (can you say NSA, FBI, CIA, Blackwater, XE, MIB, even MI5, MI6, ISI, MOSSAD etc etc), and reveal who they really are as well as this secret program of mind control.

As Clarisse stands listening to Hannibal, he offers Clarrise a proposition saying he knows what she wants most which is advancement (essentially telling that all americans are looking to get ahead by one means or another). Hannibal then tells her to look up an old patient of his named Miss MOFET. MOFET is in reference to a program taught in Israel that teaches teachers around the world on how to teach students/children. This means trying to get children/students around the world under mind control by way of these "teachers". And what better way of gaining the minds of children/students and essentially the world and the future than to have a smiling faced teacher who has been taught by a reprobate group with sinister ideals about society/societies they wished to conquer/control, to come into classrooms around the world and teach the same agenda to everyone all at once. Notice this training center is in ISRAEL...Notice how many of your teachers in america have been jewish even though they account for barely 1 percent of americas population. Notice all of the prominent position they hold in america from banking to real estate to politics, to media, to telvision, to newspapers to EDUCATION etc. It should be clear what Hannibal meant and that is, to move ahead in society she: Clarrise/Public has to get with the program...or should I say THEIR programming. (Truly It pays to get aboard their 'TRAINING PROGRAM' for the sake of 'ADVANCEMENT'...ask any politician). Notice also how the same sex/homosexual agenda has come into place around the world all at the same time?, notice the same sex marriage being pushed everywhere in the world all at the same time?, notice the religious based discrimination being pushed around the world all at the same time?

After this revelation by Hannibal you see Clarrise hurry down the 'dungeon' hall. It may seem to suggest that she is trying to avoid another encounter with Migs, but that is not the case...she is actually excited to become a part of this MOFET training in order to advance herself in government for both power and money. You soon see Clarrise exiting the building and standing in a very contemplative yet upset state right outside the building. It is at this point she is giving deep thought to whether or not she wants to get involved in this MOFET program as she knows it is an ill/wrong thing to engage in this deception/mind control of adults and children, yet the money and advancement is too tempting to her. Notice as she stands there two officers are bringing what may seem to be a new prisoner to the 'facility"...what you are actually looking at is a new mind control candidate. Despite knowing this reality Clarrise turns her back on the new candidate meaning she doesn't care about the wrong involved in participating in this program.... the ADVANCEMENT IS WORTH IT.... or so she thinks. As Clarrise gets closer to her car the camera follows her practically all the way and all the while that contemplative expression stays on her face...soon she is meditating/recalling her childhood...this is symbolic of the difficulties she is having in her decision making. The childhood flash back with her dad shows that she is remembering the simpler times in life when things were so INNOCENT (remember this). A time of no worries or cares or dangers or crime, where daddy seemed bigger than life and being loved and hugged was  like sunshine. Soon Clarisse is breaking down in tears at the thought of having to sacrifice all of this for the sake of ADVANCEMENT..POWER ..AND THE GREATEST EVIL: MONEY!!!.

Stay tuned...same Bat channel same Bat place for more explanations


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2011, 11:35:13 PM »
Hope you all are reading these interpretations adn enjoying them. So here we go with Silence Of The Lamb (Chops)

At this point we find Clarrise on the shooting range firing continuously at a target before her. She is then seen entering into a room with another man in a training run (drill, which is often used as a cover for a planned event/attack) where there are people being held hostage. This scene represents the staged events/terrorist acts/hostage taking scenarios that the government uses for justification of action. Notice the flashing red light? as I said before the red light symbolizes DANGER and this scene was one of danger where her one slip up in procedure was spotted by the supervisor who informed her that she would be DEAD if this training run was real…meaning the staged event must run perfectly... one mistake made and the government could be revealed as the entity faking the event(false Flag)... (can you say 911?, Oklahoma City?, War on Iraq? Etc etc)

 Clarrise is then seen jogging with a fellow partner where she is going through protocol for handling dangerous situations. Clarrise is then immediately seen sitting before a microfiche system looking at cases about Hannibal...notice she is wearing a BLUE SHIRT now, showing she is now a part of the BLUE SHIRTS (Go back to my first post and  click on the link about the BLUE SHIRTS if you have forgotten who they are and represent). Also note that Clarrise being a part of the Blue Shirts requires Violence to achieve their end hence the gun training (firing range). Another thing to notice is Clarrise has a pen in her mouth which is very reminiscent of the cocoon(s) that is removed from the mouths of victims of Buffalo Bill…what Clarrise is informing everyone is the FBI is the one behind the killings and the “evidence” left behind.. And as a final thing to notice in the back of the room Clarrise is in you see some of the RED SHIRTS (click on link in my first post to be reminded of who they are and what they are about) showing a tandemness in their operations.

As Clarrise continues researching on the microfiche another person in a blue shirt informs her that Crawford is on the phone and wishes to speak with her. Notice also the person wears a blue shirt and refers to Crawford as a GURU, which is a title associated with someone often seen as a person who gives advice/orders as well as deals with a person's mind/mental issues. Crawford informs Clarrise that MIGS is dead. MIGS is not just a person but represents a program for gathering information on people deemed "of interest" by the government. Notice also how clarrsie becomes so concerned when informed that MIGS is dead…Migs was the person that threw the semen in her face, so if anything she should not be concerned at all about him. Her reason for being concerned is that she is being informed by Crawfore that a program named MIGS is being terminated. Crawford says Hannibal spoke to Migs just before he was found dead from swallowing his own tongue. Eerie as this swallowing of the tongue may sound, it only means the MIGS (Program of information gathering) has been ended and replaced by the more advanced "Hannibal" Program where the agents will not operate as violent unrefined brutes, but will be as Hannibal and come across as refined, intelligent and yet be heartless and deadly.

Crawford asks Clarrise if she found anything on MOFET which Hannibal spoke of after Migs death. Remember MOFET is a program of training teachers to mind control children/students that operates out of Israel. Clarrise informs Crawford that Hannibal destroyed all of his patient’s records…again a reference to how the Hannibal program works by making sure there is no evidence left behind. Clarrise informs Crawford that she found a YOURSELF storage facility Hannibal once used and was going to check it out. This segment of the film informs the viewer that the program MOFET has kept a track record of the teachers and students for at least ten years to see how it has progressed/worked and that record keeping involves you (the viewer/American populace) as well.

The man who owns the storage facility looks like the pictures of UNCLE SAM…referencing this is a program funded/controlled and kept secret by America. The owner speaks of the storage facility being prepaid for ten years and that privacy of his customers is of the utmost…meaning America will protect the Israeli run MOFET program. Clarrise at this point attempts to get into the storage facility, but is unable to get the garage like door open. Meaning this is a program only a few selected individuals in the US government are aware of and no on e else is to know about it. She retrieves a car jack and forces the door open…essentially revealing that she is beginning to use the subversive techniques learned in the FBI program to gain entry to this information on what this program is about and who is not only running it, but who the “students and teachers” are, that is stored in this place. She then gives the owner of the storage facility (UNCLE SAM/FBI) a card/phone number and tells him that if anything happens to her they will know what to do… essentially telling the Behavioral Science branch of the FBI in which she works that she is going to Israel to break into this facility and find out who has been trained and where they are.

As Clarrise investigates the storage area she finds an old car drapped in an American flag (the RED, WHITE and BLUE references are starting to come into play). In the car she finds a well dressed headless mannequin as well as the head of a person covered with a red cloth. This red cloth references DANGER, and the beheaded person references that someone tried finding information about this program before and was killed over it. The headless mannequin references that the program is funded by wealthy UNKNOWN investors.

Clarrise then is seen returning to the FBI behavioral Science facility where Hannibal is. She immediately begins questioning Hannibal about HESTER MOFET which she says is an ANAGRAM meaning THE REST OF ME…eluding to the fact that Hannibal, the program created by the FBI to be this serial killer/assassin/perfect soldier/mercenary, is operating out of different locations (Israel being one of the places) and involves many people to accomplish the goal of the creation of a mind controlled society and world. Some examples of this program have been the Columbine kids, Kazinsky, Dahmer, Fort Hood Shooter, John Mohammed, Malvo, Suicide bombers in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan even Egypt where there were none before America went into these nations. Many of the serial killers in america were all seen by the same psychiatrist right before their violent episodes. Such was the case with the Columbine kids, Dahmer, Fort Hood shooter, Bundy etc etc were all seen by the same psychiatrist.

Clarrise is then seen before the viewing window of Hannibal’s cell saying that he/Hannibal rented the garage…meaning he/US runs and pays for this program known as MOFET. Hannibal immediately informs Clarrise that the bleeding on her leg has stopped. Clarrise is shocked that he even knew of the cut she received entering into the garage, but this was an example of just how sophisticated his intelligence gathering is…he knew of/observed something she thought he didn’t even know about.

Also note that while Hannibal is talking to Clarrise there is a television playing showing a televangelist. This has two purposes one is to show how a person can mass control many people at one time into believing whatever he wants them to believe as these television preachers do. The second purpose is to get the viewer to learn of TRANSFORMATION. Transformation is a word evangelist use all the time…telling the congregation that in order to be a better or more righteous person they must transform into a new person/creature…the government believes the same thing, hence the Behavioral Sciences Program also known as MIND CONTROL. In Hannibals case he informs Clarrise that when she leaves the guards will turn the television up very loud, meaning the transformation process for him into this idyllic government experiment will be intensified.

EXAMPLE of the MOFET PROGRAm in brainwashing/mind controlling children


The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #35 on: February 13, 2011, 05:15:27 PM »
Hope you all are reading these interpretations adn enjoying them. So here we go with Silence Of The Lamb (Chops)

At this point we find Clarrise on the shooting range firing continuously at a target before her. She is then seen entering into a room with another man in a training run (drill, which is often used as a cover for a planned event/attack) where there are people being held hostage. This scene represents the staged events/terrorist acts/hostage taking scenarios that the government uses for justification of action. Notice the flashing red light? as I said before the red light symbolizes DANGER and this scene was one of danger where her one slip up in procedure was spotted by the supervisor who informed her that she would be DEAD if this training run was real…meaning the staged event must run perfectly... one mistake made and the government could be revealed as the entity faking the event(false Flag)... (can you say 911?, Oklahoma City?, War on Iraq? Etc etc)

 Clarrise is then seen jogging with a fellow partner where she is going through protocol for handling dangerous situations. Clarrise is then immediately seen sitting before a microfiche system looking at cases about Hannibal...notice she is wearing a BLUE SHIRT now, showing she is now a part of the BLUE SHIRTS (Go back to my first post and  click on the link about the BLUE SHIRTS if you have forgotten who they are and represent). Also note that Clarrise being a part of the Blue Shirts requires Violence to achieve their end hence the gun training (firing range). Another thing to notice is Clarrise has a pen in her mouth which is very reminiscent of the cocoon(s) that is removed from the mouths of victims of Buffalo Bill…what Clarrise is informing everyone is the FBI is the one behind the killings and the “evidence” left behind.. And as a final thing to notice in the back of the room Clarrise is in you see some of the RED SHIRTS (click on link in my first post to be reminded of who they are and what they are about) showing a tandemness in their operations.

As Clarrise continues researching on the microfiche another person in a blue shirt informs her that Crawford is on the phone and wishes to speak with her. Notice also the person wears a blue shirt and refers to Crawford as a GURU, which is a title associated with someone often seen as a person who gives advice/orders as well as deals with a person's mind/mental issues. Crawford informs Clarrise that MIGS is dead. MIGS is not just a person but represents a program for gathering information on people deemed "of interest" by the government. Notice also how clarrsie becomes so concerned when informed that MIGS is dead…Migs was the person that threw the semen in her face, so if anything she should not be concerned at all about him. Her reason for being concerned is that she is being informed by Crawfore that a program named MIGS is being terminated. Crawford says Hannibal spoke to Migs just before he was found dead from swallowing his own tongue. Eerie as this swallowing of the tongue may sound, it only means the MIGS (Program of information gathering) has been ended and replaced by the more advanced "Hannibal" Program where the agents will not operate as violent unrefined brutes, but will be as Hannibal and come across as refined, intelligent and yet be heartless and deadly.

Crawford asks Clarrise if she found anything on MOFET which Hannibal spoke of after Migs death. Remember MOFET is a program of training teachers to mind control children/students that operates out of Israel. Clarrise informs Crawford that Hannibal destroyed all of his patient’s records…again a reference to how the Hannibal program works by making sure there is no evidence left behind. Clarrise informs Crawford that she found a YOURSELF storage facility Hannibal once used and was going to check it out. This segment of the film informs the viewer that the program MOFET has kept a track record of the teachers and students for at least ten years to see how it has progressed/worked and that record keeping involves you (the viewer/American populace) as well.

The man who owns the storage facility looks like the pictures of UNCLE SAM…referencing this is a program funded/controlled and kept secret by America. The owner speaks of the storage facility being prepaid for ten years and that privacy of his customers is of the utmost…meaning America will protect the Israeli run MOFET program. Clarrise at this point attempts to get into the storage facility, but is unable to get the garage like door open. Meaning this is a program only a few selected individuals in the US government are aware of and no on e else is to know about it. She retrieves a car jack and forces the door open…essentially revealing that she is beginning to use the subversive techniques learned in the FBI program to gain entry to this information on what this program is about and who is not only running it, but who the “students and teachers” are, that is stored in this place. She then gives the owner of the storage facility (UNCLE SAM/FBI) a card/phone number and tells him that if anything happens to her they will know what to do… essentially telling the Behavioral Science branch of the FBI in which she works that she is going to Israel to break into this facility and find out who has been trained and where they are.

As Clarrise investigates the storage area she finds an old car drapped in an American flag (the RED, WHITE and BLUE references are starting to come into play). In the car she finds a well dressed headless mannequin as well as the head of a person covered with a red cloth. This red cloth references DANGER, and the beheaded person references that someone tried finding information about this program before and was killed over it. The headless mannequin references that the program is funded by wealthy UNKNOWN investors.

Clarrise then is seen returning to the FBI behavioral Science facility where Hannibal is. She immediately begins questioning Hannibal about HESTER MOFET which she says is an ANAGRAM meaning THE REST OF ME…eluding to the fact that Hannibal, the program created by the FBI to be this serial killer/assassin/perfect soldier/mercenary, is operating out of different locations (Israel being one of the places) and involves many people to accomplish the goal of the creation of a mind controlled society and world. Some examples of this program have been the Columbine kids, Kazinsky, Dahmer, Fort Hood Shooter, John Mohammed, Malvo, Suicide bombers in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan even Egypt where there were none before America went into these nations. Many of the serial killers in america were all seen by the same psychiatrist right before their violent episodes. Such was the case with the Columbine kids, Dahmer, Fort Hood shooter, Bundy etc etc were all seen by the same psychiatrist.

Clarrise is then seen before the viewing window of Hannibal’s cell saying that he/Hannibal rented the garage…meaning he/US runs and pays for this program known as MOFET. Hannibal immediately informs Clarrise that the bleeding on her leg has stopped. Clarrise is shocked that he even knew of the cut she received entering into the garage, but this was an example of just how sophisticated his intelligence gathering is…he knew of/observed something she thought he didn’t even know about.

Also note that while Hannibal is talking to Clarrise there is a television playing showing a televangelist. This has two purposes one is to show how a person can mass control many people at one time into believing whatever he wants them to believe as these television preachers do. The second purpose is to get the viewer to learn of TRANSFORMATION. Transformation is a word evangelist use all the time…telling the congregation that in order to be a better or more righteous person they must transform into a new person/creature…the government believes the same thing, hence the Behavioral Sciences Program also known as MIND CONTROL. In Hannibals case he informs Clarrise that when she leaves the guards will turn the television up very loud, meaning the transformation process for him into this idyllic government experiment will be intensified.

EXAMPLE of the MOFET PROGRAm in brainwashing/mind controlling children

Excellent work. Keep it coming.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2011, 06:19:02 PM »
Here we go with the next segment of The Silence Of The Lambs.

As Hannibal speaks he tells Clarrise about his desire to leave the compound (Behavioral Science Center) after being there eight years, but says he will never be allowed to leave alive. Hannibal knows he, as a prototype for the new ideal assassin/terrorist/soldier/mercenary, he will never be made known to the public as he is a secret government mind control experiment/process. Hannibal, in his bargaining with Clarrise, says he wants a view, a window, he wants to see water, a tree, to be away from Chilton. In movies and pictures a window means a future. What Hannibal actually desires is to have some use/purpose/life other than being a decipherer of behaviors of individuals the government deems of interest as well as a desire for this torturous life he has courtesy of Dr. Chilton, to come to an end.

Clarrise then asks Hannibal about a fledgling killer ( a reference to Buffalo Bill) which Hannibal responds that he is offering her a psychological profile of Buffalo Bill based upon the case evidence. Here we see that Hannibal’s main government use is to analyze suspects/persons of interest. Hannibal then informs Clarrise that he will help her catch him, which brings her from a seated to a standing position. Keep in mind Clarrise is desperate to climb the FBI ranks and in her mind catching Buffalo Bill is her ticket up. Clarrise then asks Hannibal if he knows Buffalo Bill? She then asks Hannibal who decapitated his patient (remember Hannibals patient is MOFET, an acronym for a mind control program operating out of Israel. The term decapitation means - who ended the MOFET program)? Hannibal responds that good things come to those who wait… referencing that her advancement in the FBI from solving this case will come in time. Hannibal then says Buffalo Bill is searching out his next victim.

At this time the scene changes to a white blonde female driving a car in Memphis Tennessee down a dark lonely street, while blasting a song called American Girl. A song telling of the great benefits of being an American, even though it is a life filled with dissatisfaction and even death despite the promise of happiness.  

We then are shown Buffalo Bill wearing night vision goggles(darkness represents hidden knowledge/ignorance/unknowing) as he watches this blonde white female pull into the dark parking lot of the building she lives in. This dark scene informs the viewer that Bill is learned/trained/can see into something that everyone else is ignorant to/unknowing of. As she gets out of her car, Bill is seen trying to put a large chair into the back of a van, which he is incapable of as one of his hands is in a cast. This white woman (representing an ideal American) seeing his dilemma, offers assistance. This scene attempts to shows the gullibleness, naivety and generosity of Americans.... even though it can be the crux of trouble. She approaches this stranger (Bill) and asks if he needed help? He says yes and asks if she could help him lift the chair into the van (dangerous generosity), which she does. Once in the van with the woman, Bill punches her multiple times in the face with the cast knocking her out cold (Iron hand in a velvet glove). This scene informs the viewer of what naivety/ignorance/gulliableness gets you… finding out the reality can be brutally painful and mind altering.

You then see Bill slitting her dress open revealing her back and then growing excited over revealing her skin. He then removes her shirt and tosses it out the back of the van (leaving evidence/a trail as serial killers do sometimes inorder to distract people/investigators) and then driving off with his victim still unconscious.... meaning she as the representation of americans is unknowing or unaware of reality.

We next see Clarrise back at the FBI building engaged in sparing/boxing with her fellow agents. This scene informs the viewer that Clarrise is being “toughened up” for what she will soon have to deal with. As she is trying to adjust to the brutality of sparring she is called from training to meet with Crawford. As Clarrise follows the gentleman that called her from the sparring session, they are seen walking past another training exercise enacting a man being arrested by the FBI as he tried fleeing from them in a car… suggesting that Buffalos Capture is imminent/he won’t get away for long, since the government knows where and when to reign in its 'experiments' Clarrise is being informed at this time that the body of the white blonde female Bill abducted was found in Clay county West Virginia and it appears to be a Buffalo Bill handiwork. Meaning it bears the tell tale signs of an FBI trained serial killer Buffalo Bill.

Clarrise is seen on a small plane with Crawford traveling to West Virginia where the body of the blonde woman was found. On the way Crawford informs Clarisse of the manner in which the body was found and how Bill keeps his victims for three days (this may reference the crucifixion of Christ as well as reveal the manner of mind control used to train Bill, just as that televangelist on the TV was being used to "train" Hannibal), he then shoots them, skins them and then dumps the bodies in different rivers. Buffalo Bill engages in a ritualistic terror, torture and killing of his victims in the same manner as those who are followers of the Occult and/or have been sexually/psychologically/physically tortured/abused (keep this in mind). Buffalo Bill being another creation of the mind control programs, which are Masonic in origin, is carrying out their protocol for sacrificing persons and leaving those/communities who find them terrorized.

Once off the plane Crawford and Clarrise are driven to the funeral home where the body of the white female is. Along the way Crawford has given Clarrise a FBI report on the killing and asks Clarrise who she thinks has done this. Crawford is checking up on the skills of Clarrise at this point to see if she is capable of identifying the handiwork of the FBI in creating Buffalo Bill whom she has never seen. Clarrise being as much a FBI mind controlled created product as Buffalo Bill, but with different intentions, proceeds to give an eerily accurate description of Bill. While Clarrise described Buffalo Bill’s character(istics) Crawford never looks at Clarrise until she's finished. He then mumbles WOW and then faces her and says “not bad Starling”. He is acknowledging that her skill to decipher based on little tangible evidence is astonishing; Crawford is also checking the accuracy of the 'training' the FBI has imparted on to Clarrise. She is becoming like Hannibal to a degree, which makes her desirable FBI material.

Clarrise immediately jumps on the opportunity at this time to find out her standing for advancement within the FBI by asking Crawford why he has not commented on the report she submitted in regards to Hannibal and discovering who Buffalo Bill is. Crawford responded by saying had he sent her in with a real agenda of finding information on Buffalo Bill, Hannibal would have picked up on it and played mind games with her, destroying the whole outcome. What Crawford was saying to Clarrise is she may think she is ready for advancement, but she still has a long way to go and much to learn. As Hannibal is a mind controlled prototype too advanced to challenge… something she will learn later.

Roger Bacon

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2011, 04:27:11 PM »
Here we go with the next segment of The Silence Of The Lambs.

As Hannibal speaks he tells Clarrise about his desire to leave the compound (Behavioral Science Center) after being there eight years, but says he will never be allowed to leave alive. Hannibal knows he, as a prototype for the new ideal assassin/terrorist/soldier/mercenary, he will never be made known to the public as he is a secret government mind control experiment/process. Hannibal, in his bargaining with Clarrise, says he wants a view, a window, he wants to see water, a tree, to be away from Chilton. In movies and pictures a window means a future. What Hannibal actually desires is to have some use/purpose/life other than being a decipherer of behaviors of individuals the government deems of interest as well as a desire for this torturous life he has courtesy of Dr. Chilton, to come to an end.

Clarrise then asks Hannibal about a fledgling killer ( a reference to Buffalo Bill) which Hannibal responds that he is offering her a psychological profile of Buffalo Bill based upon the case evidence. Here we see that Hannibal’s main government use is to analyze suspects/persons of interest. Hannibal then informs Clarrise that he will help her catch him, which brings her from a seated to a standing position. Keep in mind Clarrise is desperate to climb the FBI ranks and in her mind catching Buffalo Bill is her ticket up. Clarrise then asks Hannibal if he knows Buffalo Bill? She then asks Hannibal who decapitated his patient (remember Hannibals patient is MOFET, an acronym for a mind control program operating out of Israel. The term decapitation means - who ended the MOFET program)? Hannibal responds that good things come to those who wait… referencing that her advancement in the FBI from solving this case will come in time. Hannibal then says Buffalo Bill is searching out his next victim.

At this time the scene changes to a white blonde female driving a car in Memphis Tennessee down a dark lonely street, while blasting a song called American Girl. A song telling of the great benefits of being an American, even though it is a life filled with dissatisfaction and even death despite the promise of happiness.  

We then are shown Buffalo Bill wearing night vision goggles(darkness represents hidden knowledge/ignorance/unknowing) as he watches this blonde white female pull into the dark parking lot of the building she lives in. This dark scene informs the viewer that Bill is learned/trained/can see into something that everyone else is ignorant to/unknowing of. As she gets out of her car, Bill is seen trying to put a large chair into the back of a van, which he is incapable of as one of his hands is in a cast. This white woman (representing an ideal American) seeing his dilemma, offers assistance. This scene attempts to shows the gullibleness, naivety and generosity of Americans.... even though it can be the crux of trouble. She approaches this stranger (Bill) and asks if he needed help? He says yes and asks if she could help him lift the chair into the van (dangerous generosity), which she does. Once in the van with the woman, Bill punches her multiple times in the face with the cast knocking her out cold (Iron hand in a velvet glove). This scene informs the viewer of what naivety/ignorance/gulliableness gets you… finding out the reality can be brutally painful and mind altering.

You then see Bill slitting her dress open revealing her back and then growing excited over revealing her skin. He then removes her shirt and tosses it out the back of the van (leaving evidence/a trail as serial killers do sometimes inorder to distract people/investigators) and then driving off with his victim still unconscious.... meaning she as the representation of americans is unknowing or unaware of reality.

We next see Clarrise back at the FBI building engaged in sparing/boxing with her fellow agents. This scene informs the viewer that Clarrise is being “toughened up” for what she will soon have to deal with. As she is trying to adjust to the brutality of sparring she is called from training to meet with Crawford. As Clarrise follows the gentleman that called her from the sparring session, they are seen walking past another training exercise enacting a man being arrested by the FBI as he tried fleeing from them in a car… suggesting that Buffalos Capture is imminent/he won’t get away for long, since the government knows where and when to reign in its 'experiments' Clarrise is being informed at this time that the body of the white blonde female Bill abducted was found in Clay county West Virginia and it appears to be a Buffalo Bill handiwork. Meaning it bears the tell tale signs of an FBI trained serial killer Buffalo Bill.

Clarrise is seen on a small plane with Crawford traveling to West Virginia where the body of the blonde woman was found. On the way Crawford informs Clarisse of the manner in which the body was found and how Bill keeps his victims for three days (this may reference the crucifixion of Christ as well as reveal the manner of mind control used to train Bill, just as that televangelist on the TV was being used to "train" Hannibal), he then shoots them, skins them and then dumps the bodies in different rivers. Buffalo Bill engages in a ritualistic terror, torture and killing of his victims in the same manner as those who are followers of the Occult and/or have been sexually/psychologically/physically tortured/abused (keep this in mind). Buffalo Bill being another creation of the mind control programs, which are Masonic in origin, is carrying out their protocol for sacrificing persons and leaving those/communities who find them terrorized.

Once off the plane Crawford and Clarrise are driven to the funeral home where the body of the white female is. Along the way Crawford has given Clarrise a FBI report on the killing and asks Clarrise who she thinks has done this. Crawford is checking up on the skills of Clarrise at this point to see if she is capable of identifying the handiwork of the FBI in creating Buffalo Bill whom she has never seen. Clarrise being as much a FBI mind controlled created product as Buffalo Bill, but with different intentions, proceeds to give an eerily accurate description of Bill. While Clarrise described Buffalo Bill’s character(istics) Crawford never looks at Clarrise until she's finished. He then mumbles WOW and then faces her and says “not bad Starling”. He is acknowledging that her skill to decipher based on little tangible evidence is astonishing; Crawford is also checking the accuracy of the 'training' the FBI has imparted on to Clarrise. She is becoming like Hannibal to a degree, which makes her desirable FBI material.

Clarrise immediately jumps on the opportunity at this time to find out her standing for advancement within the FBI by asking Crawford why he has not commented on the report she submitted in regards to Hannibal and discovering who Buffalo Bill is. Crawford responded by saying had he sent her in with a real agenda of finding information on Buffalo Bill, Hannibal would have picked up on it and played mind games with her, destroying the whole outcome. What Crawford was saying to Clarrise is she may think she is ready for advancement, but she still has a long way to go and much to learn. As Hannibal is a mind controlled prototype too advanced to challenge… something she will learn later.

I wish you would shut the fuck up, and the original poster would come back and tell us more.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2011, 04:53:05 PM »
I wish you would shut the fuck up, and the original poster would come back and tell us more.

Such a glowing example of intelligence completely arrested since


The Showstoppa

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2011, 09:11:41 AM »
Samson, I don't mind reading these, but there is no way on earth you came up with f'n way..... and I thought the thread was supposed to be what "we" picked-up? 


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #40 on: February 21, 2011, 10:14:41 AM »
Samson, I don't mind reading these, but there is no way on earth you came up with f'n way..... and I thought the thread was supposed to be what "we" picked-up? 

Everyone is entitled to offer their opinion on this film...AND NO ONE DID. So I am carrying the torch.

Thank you for the compliment...that means the evaluation/interpretation of the film has impressed you. Be ready to be more impressed as the better parts and interpretations are to come. Going frame by frame can be time consuming, but i think it gives a complete understanding of what the REAL message of the film is. Maybe I will do the WIZARD OF OZ too is not at all what you think it is.

The Showstoppa

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #41 on: February 21, 2011, 11:02:47 AM »
Everyone is entitled to offer their opinion on this film...AND NO ONE DID. So I am carrying the torch.

Thank you for the compliment...that means the evaluation/interpretation of the film has impressed you. Be ready to be more impressed as the better parts and interpretations are to come. Going frame by frame can be time consuming, but i think it gives a complete understanding of what the REAL message of the film is. Maybe I will do the WIZARD OF OZ too is not at all what you think it is.

Oh, I find it entertaining, but just wondering what website you pulled it from...  ;D

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #42 on: February 22, 2011, 02:18:54 PM »
Samson, come clean, where did you dig up this lol stuff from?  I gotta admit, it's a funny read, did you really come up with it?  If so, lol....


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #43 on: February 24, 2011, 03:37:57 PM »
should i be reading samson's posts in this thread?

The Showstoppa

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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #44 on: February 25, 2011, 07:09:56 AM »
should i be reading samson's posts in this thread?

They are actually kinda interesting, but just a bit overwhelming that a casual viewer would come up with all of that on their own.....


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #45 on: February 27, 2011, 12:12:28 PM »
Maybe I will do the WIZARD OF OZ too is not at all what you think it is.

Do the Wizard now........I wanna see what you got!! :D


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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #46 on: February 28, 2011, 08:27:27 AM »
Do the Wizard now........I wanna see what you got!! :D

Not until I finish Silence of the Lambs. You think you have the real interpretation of the movie? Some have tried equating it with the financial system...that is not it at all. In this case, the Wizard of Oz is about Politics, Human Rights, the Elite and Societal Development and Destruction.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #47 on: February 28, 2011, 09:21:55 AM »
Here we go into the next installment of the interpretation of Silence of the Lambs

We find Clarrise and Crawford coming up the drive way of the funeral home where the body of the woman found in the river in West Virginia is being examined. As they enter the funeral home, notice the GREEN that seems to be everywhere: carpeting, wall paper, curtains, paint, examination room etc etc. This green represents MONEY and with the FBI and State troopers and state attorney’s office involved in this case there will be lots of money involved and needed in investigating this crime. These terrorist/sniper/abduction etc cases are ways these departments continue getting their funding, just as local police make claims of crime to justify expenditure, new hires, new weapons and no terminations due to state budget. Crawford enters the room first with Clarrise close behind… a subtle reference to him keeping a close eye/watch on his/FBI’s prime new trainee. The camera then does a number of close ups on Clarrise for no real reason, but it does show her blue eyes, her red/pink lipstick and her white skin. This color combination is a lot like the american flag, but it is different in that the colors are washed out as opposed to the rich red, white and blue of the flag (remember this). Crawford in an attempt to discuss the case of this dead woman in the funeral home speaks with the sheriff and asks for some privacy away from the room they are in which is filled with cops, who the FBI sees as low intelligence thugs of little capability. Also the FBI do not want the police discovering that Buffalo Bill and this crime he committed are a part of a FBIs mind control program.  Crawford and the sheriff leave the room leaving Clarisse in the room with the many cops all looking at her like she is their next meal… a bit of a power play here as this scene depicts the real life power the FBI and other letter agencies have over state’s troopers, police, attorney’s office, Sheriffs etc. Clarrise is visibly shaken (she is still a FBI rookie) by this onslaught of eyes staring down on her and this once again shows she is not necessarily ready for the job at hand. You’ll notice that Crawford was unphased by the presence of the sheriff or the cops…as he knows his authority over them.

Turning her attention away from the staring eyes, Clarrise looks through a folding partition wall/door into a parlor room in the funeral home where many people are milling about…some sort of memorial service for the slain woman is taking place. As she does this she immediately begins having a flash back of her own father’s funeral and in her mind actually sees herself as a 10 year old again walking through the funeral home toward his body which lay in a casket. This scene of her as a 10 year old references INNOCENCE  and her father laying in that casket as the reality of life that is NOT so innocent that she had to deal with. As she continues in the flashback she plants a kiss on the cheek of her father and at the very instant she does, the door to the room that the sheriff and Crawford entered into to discuss the case, abruptly opens, which shatters that innocence of childhood as well as breaks her flashback. Crawford announces “Clarrise we are back here”. In this scene Crawford shatters Clarrises short stint at returning to an innocent time and making her realize here and now is the plane of reality that you will deal with and focus on and this reality is filled with death, pain, hurt and violence (this should remind you of the signs on that tree Clarisse passed early in the movie that said the same…(it is the reality of being in the FBI).

We next see Crawford on a telephone with someone asking for the help/things he needs for solving the case. Clarrise at this point begins to show some authority as she asks the police, who fill the examination room the dead woman’s body is in, to leave. At first she asks with trepidation for the cops to leave the room, and when they fail to respond she asks again with more authority…such as the FBI would have and would exert toward anyone/agency getting in their way . Each cop at first looks her up and down as though to say ‘who are you telling to leave’. It is at this point Clarrise exerts her authority more commenting that there is nothing more that they can do and that all they have done so far would be well looked well upon by the dead woman’s family. Again this is a reference to the FBI not wanting the cops to discover anything in this case that equates the FBI with this murder; it also shows the FBIs opinion that cops are intellectually lacking. Grudgingly the cops leave the examination room. Notice again that even the examination room is this kind of sick green color..referencing a sick amount of MONEY will be made and needed in this case

Now that the cops are out of the room the examination starts. Before revealing the dead woman’s body which is in a body bag, Crawford puts a special cream under his nose to help deal with the odor of the decomposing body. Crawford passes the jar of cream around to all of the persons in the room and when the cream is passed to Clarrise you’ll notice she grabs it very delicately like it is a jar of  face cream… again indicating not ready for this difficulty and that she is new to this. She then turns around so no one can see as she puts dabs of the cream under her nose…once again revealing she is not really ready for the gory/tough aspects the job requires. (remeber) Like I said in the earlier post, the sparring represented she was being toughened up…this is one of those “tough times” she now has to deal with.

The coroner then unzips the bodybag and as soon as he does the decomposing odor fills the room…so much so that even the “hardened” agents back up and are repelled. Showing that despite much exposure to extreme cases, there are some that the FBI find extreme to handle. Crawford then calls Clarrise over to do an examination of the body (again testing her abilities). At that moment Clarrise’s back is to the dead body and her face shows the discomfort of the smell of the body, but she turns to face the body and nervously and with a great deal of shock, begins recording the aspect of the mutilated dead woman. After getting over her initial shock, Clarrises expertise and confidence begins to show (toughening up working) and grow as she goes further into the examining… this scene speaks of her “hardening/growing used to” the demands of the jobs requirements. As Clarrise is doing this examination a photographer takes pictures of the body and in one picture of the victim’s mouth, Clarrise notices something in her throat. It is at this time the cocoon pod is discovered and removed and it is revealed someone has placed the cocoon in her throat. This cocoon has multiple meaning…first it is representative of the formation of a butterfly and you all know from my earlier post that the butterfly is the symbol for the MONARCH PROJECT. Secondly the cocoon represents transformation which is what a caterpillar goes through before becoming a butterfly… sort of a ugly duckling turning into a beautiful swan (keep this in mind) and lastly the cocoon in the victims throat represents SILENCING the person by gagging their ability to make sounds/speak. While the body is being investigated Clarrise puts the cocoon into a small jar and fills it with ether to preserve it. Remember Clarrise making the statement to Hannibal earlier on about serial killers saving/keeping “trophies” of their victims… well here is the FBI saving/keeping a trophy of its own handiwork. Remember the FBI created Buffalo Bill and this woman is a victim of his/FBIs handiwork and those earlier scenes of Crawford, Chilton and Clarrise putting pens in their mouths speak of the same insertion of these cocoons down the throat of the victims…essentially the FBI revealed this as a method of their operation.

As the examination continues the dead victim is flipped over to her stomach so her back can be scene and shocking mutilations are found and as Clarrise begins recoding the details of the mutilation and the photographer begins taking pictures the coroner backs up to the corner of the room and very slyly makes the TIGER PAW/DEVIL’S CLAW hand sign (very similar to the hand in the jacket in pictures of Napoleon…he too was a Mason). This is to show Masonic/government involvement in this murder.

We then see Crawford and Clarrise in a car and as they go, Crawford turns around in the front seat to face Clarrise who is in the back and says "I hope you weren’t burned that he told the sheriff that he did not want to talk in front of a woman about the case of the dead woman". Clarrise responds that it is “just matters”. Crawford is once again letting Clarrise know that she is not ready to handle all that will come her way in being a part of the FBI. The fact she is a woman will prove an obstacle in that she will never be looked at as a man would be in the FBI..hence her problems with the male cops in the funeral home who looked down on her and had a dismissive attitude toward her when she asked that they leave. Crawford was also at the same time is attempting to pacify any resentment she may have had toward being left out of the “male only” discussion of the case. Clarrise attempts to show she is not bothered about it by saying over and over it is “just matters”, but makes a point of saying to Crawford that the male cops look up to him to see how to act… another reference to the double standard women have to accept in their attempt at advancement. Crawford then remarks “point well taken”…meaning, he hope she understands this "MALE" aspect of being in the FBI and at the same time he is glad she understands this IS an aspect of the FBI. Clarrise then goes on to continue her dictation in a recording device about the condition of the dead woman and all the aspects/evidence she discovered during the examination….



  • Getbig V
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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #48 on: February 28, 2011, 09:33:51 AM »
should i be reading samson's posts in this thread?

Obviously you already are


  • Getbig V
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Re: Silence of the lambs...
« Reply #49 on: February 28, 2011, 09:37:21 AM »
They are actually kinda interesting, but just a bit overwhelming that a casual viewer would come up with all of that on their own.....

Again thanks for the compliments.... I don't view movies or music CASUALLY as they all have messages behind the meaning/entertainment presented to you. Silence of the Lambs like the Matrix and many other films deceives the casual viewer easily with special effects, symbology and popular actors...many of whom often don't know or see the message in the very film they portrayed a character in.

Just keep reading the installments.