Author Topic: What will happen in America over the next five years?  (Read 29536 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #50 on: October 28, 2011, 04:10:12 PM »

Movie theaters will close down because high performance devices will enable each one of us to receive that same theater experience in the comfort of our own homes. So it may pay to invest in Apple or Sony or any other electronics firm that will soon be offering 108 inch, 3D flat wall screens with vibration recliners that move in accordance with what you see on the screen.

You'll feel the pain when watching football.

Or if you are too damn poor to purchase Apple or Sony stock, check out the microwave popcorn company stocks.

If you want to invest into something - invest into biotechnoligies. By my calculations (ok - by the trends) it's about 10 years away from a "big bang" kind of an economical explosion. It will be MUCH MUCH bigger then all the internet/cell phones/computers put together. DNA corrections, genome updates, epigenetic tweaking, organ growing farms, stem cell therapies, the begining of a "Turn back the clock" era (first may be in particular organs, later - whole body), etc, etc... And all that is closer then many are aware at the moment (sometimes I honestly feel like I'm one of B.Gates/S.Jobbs/L.Torwalds/etc.. circle, while in the early 80's. Most of the public were completely unaware at that time of what's comming up.. I have a good feeling it's a very similar situation right now. World may be very very different 10-15 years down the road, due to these technologies.).


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2011, 04:21:40 PM »
Atheism is in itself a religion, made of humanism, socialo communism, capitalism, hedonism, feminism, addiction to drugs, virtual worlds. Its strenght lies in the fact those who believe in atheism arent aware they re believing in a religion. It s a religion without a name, the most dangerous one. Europe will fall, becaue europeans have abandonned God. They converted to atheism, and now their lands are in the hands of muslims while they re slowly killing themselves by not reproducing. North america will take notice and will not reproduce their mistake.

North america will fight the sino-muslim-russian alliance for the last ressources on earth and will win, at the expense of the surface of earth being destroyed. Survivors will have to live underground and after thousands of year of evolution will become the greys, will look like the roswell alien. Then they ll move into space.

It's all written in the Bible. You just have to connect the dots.
STFU you bible thumping moron Atheism CAN NOT be a religinion, it has NO object to believe in (it's POSITIVE, if you know what that means). Atheism is a STATE of mind that has been EDUCATED (by the sciences of nature, usualy). When you find out your parents put these gifts inder the x-mass tree - you STOP believing in a nonsense about Santa, does that newly acquired knowledge (that's adequate to the actual REALITY) make you a member of some kind of a new religion? Really?

 Religious people who hadn't abadoned god has had PLENTY of time, PLENTY (talk - a few thousands of years) to prove the effectiveness of religion as a tool to create a "better world". Oh wait... it turned out that every time a religion was involved in a socioeconimical or cultural issue - everything turned to a big piece of a stinking SHIT. Let's legalise abortions to minimise abadoned children? NOPE, God does want to see starving and unloved kids... Well you know - he loves them, anyway... Let's speed up the progress of medicine with stuff like stem cell research? NOPE - God is better with people getting sick and dieing then using some abadoned embryos to better a whole humankind. I could go on and on...


  • Getbig V
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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #52 on: October 28, 2011, 04:25:54 PM »
If you want to invest into something - invest into biotechnoligies. By my calculations (ok - by the trends) it's about 10 years away from a "big bang" kind of an economical explosion. It will be MUCH MUCH bigger then all the internet/cell phones/computers put together. DNA corrections, genome updates, epigenetic tweaking, organ growing farms, stem cell therapies, the begining of a "Turn back the clock" era (first may be in particular organs, later - whole body), etc, etc... And all that is closer then many are aware at the moment (sometimes I honestly feel like I'm one of B.Gates/S.Jobbs/L.Torwalds/etc.. circle, while in the early 80's. Most of the public were completely unaware at that time of what's comming up.. I have a good feeling it's a very similar situation right now. World may be very very different 10-15 years down the road, due to these technologies.).


  • Getbig V
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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #53 on: October 28, 2011, 04:46:13 PM »

yeah yeah... all these apocalyptic "animal-human" kind of bablings are of the same validity as once a damn steam-train (or how the hell it's called) was invented and unaware people thought it's a "machine of the hell". Or when industrial revolution began - a lot of fears most people will lose their jobs, etc...
 It's the same with religious (esp. religious) people who like to paint a dark paiting of the future, of an apocalyptic extinsion of a human species, self destroying, etc... I have yet to find out the real motivation behing all that nonsense, but the cold facts and statistics show that: medicine is getting better, life expectancy is getting higher, numbers of starving people are going down, the money spent on education is increasing in a whole world, and overall - we live in a very very calm period of all the human history, mosty probably - the calmest one. That alone tells enough. The fact that we are bombarded by information after some fuckwit detonates himself in Bali or other shithole does mean just that even small events are blown out of proportion so public gets a view that A LOT OF BAD STUFF is happening. Yes, it is, but a lot less then it was just 50-100years ago (WWII - anyone?)..
 I predict the overall economical model, health insurance, taxes, etc.. will transform into something new, as humans are known to adapt when a problem arises, and we had way worse problems in the past and managed to solve it somehow (sometimes it meant - world war, I'm pretty sceptical of it happening anytime soon again.. World became too small. It's like pissing in a fukkin bath you sit in. You may take a piss at the farthest corner of it, but very soon it will float to your side...).

And if any of you are really worried about your survival, or survival of your children, let me tell you - econimical crysis come and go, even wars - come and go, disasters come and go, BUT there's a thing that will GET US ALL - it's fukkin AGING. It will end each of us, one by one (except these who'll die young), it will make a carricature of these who once were great and smart and beautiful, and talented.. slowly it will suck the last breath out of you. THAT"S a real fukkin threat, that's a problem a human kind should concentrate on, the elite especially if they want to use their ill gotten wealth for a longer time then pathetic 20-50years, and half of these - already in a less than optimal health. Everything else is trivial, just a statistics of a passing moment of the history, the moment we happened to live in.  If people would know they have a chance at staying on this earth for quite some time longer - they'd have a second thought before throwing a simple empty can of coke on the ground, not to talk about something more serious, just to "have an edge" over a fellow human, because there's so little  time (and it's getting tighter, with so much stuff to do/accomplish in a current society). Until then - the animalistic nature will rule, the violence and cynical rivalry will perish, and.. well - "Après moi le déluge"...
 Cheers ;)


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #54 on: October 28, 2011, 04:51:45 PM »

Jack T. Cross

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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #55 on: October 28, 2011, 04:55:46 PM »
Actually it was when the government started welfare programs and aid for family to with children is when the trouble started. No need for the sperm donor to support the kids when the gov will and you get more aid for each additional kid you have. There actually use to be a time when a man felt responsible for the children he brought into this world or have a shotgun put to his head (shotgun marriages) and families thought long and hard before they brought a kid into this world and if they could support them. If they had trouble it was incumbent on the extended family to take up the slack and not the government, i.e., the tax payers.

Though it started with good intentions we essentially started to subsidized broken families and subsidized they families to have children. And the general rule in economics is that the more you subsidize something the more you will get of it. And, conversely, the more you tax something the less you will get of that activity.

Families, all families, were fairly intact before the Johnson's Great Society giveaway programs.

Since we can't write laws to "make people moral", and we can't stand to have hungry children running around, what do we do?


  • Getbig V
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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #56 on: October 28, 2011, 05:06:31 PM »
yeah yeah... all these apocalyptic "animal-human" kind of bablings are of the same validity as once a damn steam-train (or how the hell it's called) was invented and unaware people thought it's a "machine of the hell". Or when industrial revolution began - a lot of fears most people will lose their jobs, etc...
 It's the same with religious (esp. religious) people who like to paint a dark paiting of the future, of an apocalyptic extinsion of a human species, self destroying, etc... I have yet to find out the real motivation behing all that nonsense, but the cold facts and statistics show that: medicine is getting better, life expectancy is getting higher, numbers of starving people are going down, the money spent on education is increasing in a whole world, and overall - we live in a very very calm period of all the human history, mosty probably - the calmest one. That alone tells enough. The fact that we are bombarded by information after some fuckwit detonates himself in Bali or other shithole does mean just that even small events are blown out of proportion so public gets a view that A LOT OF BAD STUFF is happening. Yes, it is, but a lot less then it was just 50-100years ago (WWII - anyone?)..
 I predict the overall economical model, health insurance, taxes, etc.. will transform into something new, as humans are known to adapt when a problem arises, and we had way worse problems in the past and managed to solve it somehow (sometimes it meant - world war, I'm pretty sceptical of it happening anytime soon again.. World became too small. It's like pissing in a fukkin bath you sit in. You may take a piss at the farthest corner of it, but very soon it will float to your side...).

And if any of you are really worried about your survival, or survival of your children, let me tell you - econimical crysis come and go, even wars - come and go, disasters come and go, BUT there's a thing that will GET US ALL - it's fukkin aging. It will end each of us, one by one (except these who'll die young), it will make a carricature of these who once were great and smart and beautiful, and talented.. slowly it will suck the last breath out of you. THAT"S a real fukkin threat, that's a problem a human kind should concentrate on, the elite especially if they want to use their ill gotten wealth for a longer time then pathetic 20-50years, and half of these - already in a less than optimal health. Everything else is trivial, just a statistics of a passing moment of the history, the moment we happened to live in.  
 Cheers ;)

Hmmm...common sense. We don't want none of the 'round these parts' pardner. The tinfoil hatster's will rebel.



  • Getbig V
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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #57 on: October 28, 2011, 05:09:23 PM »
Hmmm...common sense. We don't want none of the 'round these parts' pardner. The tinfoil hatster's will rebel.

Sorry, it's very rare I can't really understand a full meaning of something written in English, but it's exactly like that in this case. What do you mean by "We don't want none of the 'round these parts' pardner."?


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #58 on: October 28, 2011, 05:15:32 PM »
Sorry, it's very rare I can't really understand a full meaning of something written in English, but it's exactly like that in this case. What do you mean by "We don't want none of the 'round these parts' pardner."?

Haha....many around here don't appreciate common sense. They're always looking for an angle, or alternative. Conspiracy theorists run rampant here. Typing on my phone so I can't type long posts.


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #59 on: October 28, 2011, 05:16:54 PM »
Haha....many around here don't appreciate common sense. They're always looking for an angle, or alternative. Conspiracy theorists run rampant here.

Oohh.. got it now! Conspiracy theories usualy arise when there's a lack of understanding or as you reffer - a simple common sense.

Natural Man

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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #60 on: October 28, 2011, 05:53:12 PM »
STFU you bible thumping moron Atheism CAN NOT be a religinion, it has NO object to believe in (it's POSITIVE, if you know what that means). Atheism is a STATE of mind that has been EDUCATED (by the sciences of nature, usualy). When you find out your parents put these gifts inder the x-mass tree - you STOP believing in a nonsense about Santa, does that newly acquired knowledge (that's adequate to the actual REALITY) make you a member of some kind of a new religion? Really?

 Religious people who hadn't abadoned god has had PLENTY of time, PLENTY (talk - a few thousands of years) to prove the effectiveness of religion as a tool to create a "better world". Oh wait... it turned out that every time a religion was involved in a socioeconimical or cultural issue - everything turned to a big piece of a stinking SHIT. Let's legalise abortions to minimise abadoned children? NOPE, God does want to see starving and unloved kids... Well you know - he loves them, anyway... Let's speed up the progress of medicine with stuff like stem cell research? NOPE - God is better with people getting sick and dieing then using some abadoned embryos to better a whole humankind. I could go on and on...

the subject to believe in in the atheist religion is yourself, you think you are god himself, just like others atheists. You re the only moron i see in this thread, another mental midget who has no clue what he s talking about.

Your culture is only made of video games and reality tv obviously.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #61 on: October 28, 2011, 05:54:32 PM »
Religion aside, the trend towards Balkanization will become more and more apparent.  The US WILL bust up in regards to race, religion, geography, and military might.


  • Getbig V
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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #62 on: October 28, 2011, 06:18:36 PM »
the subject to believe in in the atheist religion is yourself, you think you are god himself, just like others atheists. You re the only moron i see in this thread, another mental midget who has no clue what he s talking about.

Your culture is only made of video games and reality tv obviously.

Let me ask you: What's wrong in thinking you are "god" yourself (when the actual word "god" - means basically...well technically - nothing.. zero..thin air..).
And once again: you are trying to pull the reality to your skewed beliefs. I repaet - atheism is as much of a religion as an awareness that there's no Santa claus. (so..basically.. children, above the "age of reason" think they are Santas themselves, just because they doesn't believe in Santa anymore..? Only religious nuts come up with something like that...)..

 If here's a midget trying to catch a good angle under the sun (so the shadow will be bigger) it's you mister. If I'd have a time machine (well, to be honest I have one: you put a dollar in it and it tells you what time is it..) - I'd put you in it and send back to the middle ages, to have a really good taste of how it is when people follow the "letter" of a "Holly book" to the "t" (and noone stops them from acting upon it, when the chance arrises).
 People who believe in a fairy tale are people who lack critical thinking and common sense to begin with. Thus they are irrational to some extent, and when the critical moments come - their irrationality takes over. Well what happens next - history is full of examples.. 


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #63 on: October 28, 2011, 06:26:55 PM »
It couldn't be that hard to get laid where you are man
In most places its hard to not get laid, and I am by no means very handsome or very rich

Seriously- Albany is RIDICULOUS
You have to be in a relationship to get laid here
It is the most ridiculous scene here and  to broke to move


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #64 on: October 28, 2011, 06:36:10 PM »
We will continue to run shit.


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #65 on: October 28, 2011, 06:45:19 PM »
Move to Australia.


  • Getbig III
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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #66 on: October 28, 2011, 07:07:56 PM »
Whether you like it or not America and the rest of the west is in decline. No civilisation can continue in a upward trajectory for ever no matter how great it is or has been. Sheer weight of numbers from emerging world players will see to that particularly as the babyboomer generation downsize.
I'm somewhat optimistic about things in general though - the way the world was and what my parental generation faced is somewhat different to the difficulties faced by this generation. Humans, if anything, are highly adaptive and generally resourceful so while the next few generations, may to our way of thinking be rather inept, they will, I presume, muddle through. I guess it's kind of like comparing apples and oranges when crossing generations - each has it's 'own time' or place in history. There will be plenty of successes and failures but overall we will keep on repeating the same dumb mistakes, our hubris and improvidence will see to that. But despite all our failings we should do alright but I doubt, as a species, we will outlast the dinosaurs.
America over the next five years will be interesting I'm sure but as I don't live there I'm more and more interested in the day to day ramblings of you guys rather than the BS fed to the global audience through the mainstream media. If I believed even half the bollocks that is routinely paraded as need to know information or groundbreaking analysis you would have to forgive me for thinking that the sky is about to fall.
Anyways...back to the mind numbing report that I am currently writing - which if anything is even more vague that the tripe I just served up here


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #67 on: October 28, 2011, 07:10:48 PM »
Oh, I forgot to say - next five years - lots more X Factor and plenty more really really really shit reality TV shows.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #68 on: October 28, 2011, 08:03:05 PM »
If you want to invest into something - invest into biotechnoligies. By my calculations (ok - by the trends) it's about 10 years away from a "big bang" kind of an economical explosion. It will be MUCH MUCH bigger then all the internet/cell phones/computers put together. DNA corrections, genome updates, epigenetic tweaking, organ growing farms, stem cell therapies, the begining of a "Turn back the clock" era (first may be in particular organs, later - whole body), etc, etc... And all that is closer then many are aware at the moment (sometimes I honestly feel like I'm one of B.Gates/S.Jobbs/L.Torwalds/etc.. circle, while in the early 80's. Most of the public were completely unaware at that time of what's comming up.. I have a good feeling it's a very similar situation right now. World may be very very different 10-15 years down the road, due to these technologies.).

Oh yea that sounds awesome. Can't wait till the millionaires of seniors discover this shit and vote in Public figures that will be ready to shell out billions more so some 80 year old can live another 40 years mooching of the government money.

Nah, whats the point of living till 150 if your brain finishes maturing by 25, roughly speaking? By the time you are 100 years, even if you still have a fully functional body, you are going to be a kindergarden retard compared to 25 year old youngsters.
all drugs - TPPIIP

Natural Man

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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #69 on: October 28, 2011, 08:15:42 PM »
But despite all our failings we should do alright but I doubt, as a species, we will outlast the dinosaurs.

you mean we as an animal specie will live longer than 167 millions years ?


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #70 on: October 28, 2011, 08:21:14 PM »
We won't - at least I very much doubt it.


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #71 on: October 28, 2011, 08:58:19 PM »
Ignorance, greed, gluttony, cannibalism.  You know.  More of the same.


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #72 on: October 28, 2011, 11:07:21 PM »
Let me ask you: What's wrong in thinking you are "god" yourself (when the actual word "god" - means basically...well technically - nothing.. zero..thin air..).
And once again: you are trying to pull the reality to your skewed beliefs. I repaet - atheism is as much of a religion as an awareness that there's no Santa claus. (so..basically.. children, above the "age of reason" think they are Santas themselves, just because they doesn't believe in Santa anymore..? Only religious nuts come up with something like that...)..

 If here's a midget trying to catch a good angle under the sun (so the shadow will be bigger) it's you mister. If I'd have a time machine (well, to be honest I have one: you put a dollar in it and it tells you what time is it..) - I'd put you in it and send back to the middle ages, to have a really good taste of how it is when people follow the "letter" of a "Holly book" to the "t" (and noone stops them from acting upon it, when the chance arrises).
 People who believe in a fairy tale are people who lack critical thinking and common sense to begin with. Thus they are irrational to some extent, and when the critical moments come - their irrationality takes over. Well what happens next - history is full of examples.. 

Uberman getting owned into a fatal personal implosion. Uberman you are just one of those fucking religious automatons who do not think for themselves.  :-*


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #73 on: October 28, 2011, 11:09:34 PM »
America and the rest of the western "civilized" world is seriously in decline. Just accept that as truth.

If not:


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Re: What will happen in America over the next five years?
« Reply #74 on: October 28, 2011, 11:19:22 PM »
uberman is really annoying after his religious mumbo jumbo started